Episode: #8
Date: January 15th, 2010
Venue: Alerus Center - Grand Forks North Dakota
Theme: "Paint it Black" by The Rolling Stones
RP Turnout: 13 RolePlays

The traditional Black Friday opening video plays and after that "Pain it Black" by The Rolling Stones continues as pyro shoots off on stage. The Camera's pan around the crowd as we hear the announcers.

//Jonathan Steele\\ The Road to Sole Survivor, and the Road to WrestleMania rolls on!...welcome to Grand Folks North Dakota, the Alerus Center is sold out for another great edition of Black Friday!...I'm Jonathan Steele, and as always.

//Jimmy Justice\\ You're joined by a REAL commentator, Jimmy Justice at your service.

//Jonathan Steele\\ Cocky much?

//Jimmy Justice\\ I can't help if I'm amazing...let's just get the show rolling.

Suddenly "Remember The Name" by Fort Minor hits as The Industry makes their way down the ramp, with Jensen of course leading the pack. As they get in the ring, Michael Jensen takes a mic and looks over to the crowd while the music fades.

//Michael Jensen\\ Sole Survivor is right around the corner. It is going to be an historic event, not only because of the first ever Sole Survivor match, which I'm sure will be won by a member of The Industry. Not only cause of that. But All the Championships will be within the Industry.

Jensen smiles as the crowd boos, seeming to disagree.

//Michael Jensen\\ How can I say such a thing?...Jericho here has already stated he doesn't want his rematch for the International Championship...and I respect that. However, I do know what he wants. That is to correct an in-justice. White Tiger doesn't desserve to call himself a Tag Team Champion.

The crowd boos again in disagreement

//Michael Jensen\\ The Tag Team Titles should be right here in the Industry, with Edge and Jericho...a REAL Tag Team...a Team I created myself.

Jensen smiles at his achievement.

//Michael Jensen\\ So at Sole Survivor, that wrong, will be righted...when White Tiger goes one on one with Chris Jericho....and yes his Tag Team Title is on the line. Not only that, but just to prove how weak that little Tiger's Snare is...how far more Superior The Walls of Jericho is...I'm making it a Subbmission Match.

Jericho smiles at Jensen, as the crowd just cheers the announcement.

//Michael Jensen\\ I'm not done yet though. Like I said, I want to bring all the titles to the Industry at Sole Survivor. That includes The International Championship that rightfully belongs to The Industry.

Jensen smiles and looks right at The Miz.

//Michael Jensen\\ That is why, Miz will bring it back for us. The Miz vs Mr Man...for The International Championship!

The crowd gives a mixed reaction as Miz and Jensen both smile.

//Jonathan Steele\\ That sounds kinda like bullshit

//Jimmy Justice\\ Don't question the Co-Chairman Steele.

The Industry is still gloating, til suddenly "Your Disease" by Saliva cues over the PA Speakers. The crowd cheers as LAW steps out on the stage with a mic of his own.

//Michael Jensen\\ What the hell do you want?!

LAW laughs and puts his hand up.

//LAW\\ Woah, easy there Michael...I just had to come out here and straighten something out...it is my job after all.

LAW smiles as Jensen and the Industry looks impatient.

//LAW\\ Let me see if I get this straight....you want to book Mid Eastern Champion, The Miz....against International Champion, Mr Man...and make it a International Championship match...that's it?

//Michael Jensen\\ That's exactly what I mean..

//LAW\\ I'm not sure if I quite agree with that idea..

//Michael Jensen\\ Well I don't care.

//LAW\\ Well as Co-Owner...it doesn't matter if you care...I have a say too..a Match Miz vs Man...I do kinda like that match in general...so I'll tell you what...I got an idea that everyone can agree with....you see Jensen, I get what you're doing...you're trying to get all the titles into your little clique, or whatever. I get that...But you cant have victory, without sacrafice...You can't achieve big...without taking risks...if you want to try and bring the International Championship to The Industry....you'll have to risk another.

//Michael Jensen\\ What the hell are you talking about?

//LAW\\ Well how bout this....At Sole Survivor...Mid Eastern Champion, The Miz....one on one with International Champion, Mr Man...TITLE FOR TITLE

The crowd cheers as LAW points to them.

//LAW\\ See, even they agree that's a better idea.

//Jimmy Justice\\ I don't...he's just trying to undermine The Industry!

//Jonathan Steele\\ Like you said Jimmy...don't question the Co-Chairman..

//Michael Jensen\\ Well I don't like it..

//LAW\\ That's too damn bad...as Co-Chairman...I have made that match official...You'll just have to deal with it.

LAW smiles as "Your Disease" hits again. Jensen is about to blow a gasket, while Miz is trying to calm him down, assuring him it'll be okay, obviously arrogant thinking he'll beat Mr Man anyway.

Coming back from commerical "It's Not My Time" by 3 Doors Down sounded over the P/A system, with a bell ringing and what not.

//Jennifer Sparks\\ "The following contest is scheduled for one fall! Introducing first, from Cameron, North Carolina, weighing at 225 lbs., JEFF HARDY!"

Jeff entered onto the stage, doing the little dancing at the stage, and would walk down it, spazzing his way.

//Jonathan Steele\\ "Can you believe it Jimmy? Jeff Hardy is in eWe!"

//Jimmy Justice\\ "Yawn. Wake me up when he actually shows."

Jeff Hardy was already a fan favorite, as emo girls and drug addicts alike join together to ceer the man making his debut in the eWe. Jeff eventually got into the ring, doing his little pose on all four sides of the rings, waiting his opponent.


There would be some huge cheers from the fans, green lights flashing all around before...


"Sexy Boy" played over the P/A system now, as "The Heartbreak Kid" Shawn Michaels makes his way out for his first, official, one-on-one contest in an eWe ring! Shawn would of course spin around, before getting on his knees, praying to the lord and opening his arms, pyro shooting up behind him.

//Jennifer Sparks\\ "And his opponent! From San Antonio, Texas, weighing in at 225 lbs., he is "The Heartbreak Kid" Shawn.... MICHAELS!"

Making his way to the ring, eventually the SHowstopper would get in, doing his little muscle bound pose. Michaels would then sit in his corner, staring at Jeff Hardy.

Shawn Michaels vs. Jeff Hardy

Looking over at Jeff Hardy suddenly, HBK did a DX crotch chop, causing a rather wide-eyed reaction from Jeff! Jeff would then run at Shawn with a clothesline, but, Michaels ducked! Turning back to face Shawn, Hardy would suddenly get hit with SWEET CHIN MUSIC! Shawn would make the cover of ONE! TWO THREE!

//Jennifer Sparks\\ "Here is your winner, "The Heartbreak Kid" SHAWN... MICHAELS!"

"Sexy Boy" played again, as Shawn would begin to roll out of the ring, and celebrate, doing his little pose, then crotch chopping Jeff Hardy. Making his way to the back, we go backstage.



Chris Steel[c] Vs CJ Xtreme

[ Jonathan Steele ]
And here we go, our first Title match of the evening, and it should be good.

[ Jimmy Justice ]
That it may, The King of Porn, and some Rookie.

[ Jonathan Steele ]
He's not just some rookie, he's been pretty impressive since his debut.

[ Jimmy Justice ]
Sure whatever you say, still a noob to me, undesserving of such a high profile match at the biggest show on earth.

CJ and Steel begin circling the ring as the crowd cheers. Finally they lock up as Steel tries for a supplex, but CJ blocks it. CJ tries for one, but Steel blocks it as well. Finally they just break back up and back up a little. Steel charges at CJ, but CJ ducks then hits a reverse neckbreaker. He covers but gets a short 1 and a half.

[ Jimmy Justice ]
And you call this kid impressive? Gotta do alot more damage then that, the hell he thinkin

CJ and Steel get back up as CJ whips Steel into the corner. He stands up on the sand rope and hits Steel a few times before getting down and setting Steel up on the top turnbukle. CJ tries to set up for a Supperplex, but Steel shoves him off, as CJ crashes face first on the mat. CJ gets up holding his head and stomache, when Steel leaps off the top nailing a misstle drop kick.

[ Jonathan Steele ]
Pretty impressive.

[ Jimmy Justice ]
Told you this kid ain't got a chance.

Steel grabs CJ and locks in the Second City Stretch, as CJ starts screaming and trying to escape. As he has it locked in, Steel yells over at Brianna. It's not sure what he said exactly, until she grabs a chair and slides it into the ring. After keepin it locked for a little while and CJ still won't give up, Steel finally lets go and smirks at the crowd. He looks back over at CJ and measures him up, as CJ gets up on one knee, Steel decks him with the Clean and Sober, as the crowd cheers.

[ Jimmy Justice ]
Not lookin good for your so called "Impressive rookie" Steele.

Steel covers CJ, but he kicks out at two. Steel then walks over and grabs the chair, as he stalks CJ. As CJ gets up, Steel comes at him with the chair, but CJ ducks and hits a Droptoe hold, causing Steel to fall flat on his face, into the chair. CJ gets back up as Steel start gettin up holdin his face, he picks the chair back up and turns back towards CJ. CJ springboards off the top Rope and Moonsaults ontop of Steel and the Chair!

[ Jonathan Steele ]
What a move there.

[ Jimmy Justice ]
A stupid move, he coulda hurt himself too.

CJ holds his stomache while the crowd cheers. He crawls over and covers Steel, only for a close two count. They both lay there for a few moments, then both get up. They charge at eachother and dodge out of the way, as they both bounce off the ropes and dodge eachother again. This time after bouncing, CJ goes for a front Drop Kick, but Steel didn't bounce but rolled out of the ring, causing CJ to crash into the mat.

[ Jonathan Steele ]
Wise decision there by Steel

[ Jimmy Justice ]
While CJ made the rookie mistake.

Steel looks underneath the ring, and pulls out a table, as the crowd cheers. Steel sets the Table up then climbs back up on the turnbukle. By this time, CJ is already back up, Steel tries to shoulder block CJ in the gut, but instead CJ leaps over and Power Bombs Steel off the apron, Through the Table!

[ Jonathan Steele ]
Holy Crap!

[ Jimmy Justice ]
ok, I'll give him that one.

Both men lay in the carnage while the crowd breaks into a "Holy Shit" chant. The Announcers then show a replay while they ain't moving.

[ Jonathan Steele ]
I didn't notice this til the replay, but look at Steel's knee as he came off the apron, that don't look natural.

[ Jimmy Justice ]
It definately twisted the wrong way, he could be hurt.

CJ crawls over and makes the cover, as Steel barely gets the shoulder up.

[ Jonathan Steele ]
yet, Steel stays in it.

CJ grabs Steel and rolls him into the ring as he slides in himself. CJ then Stomps on Steel's Left Knee. He does this a couple times, then locks in a half boston crab on the same leg.

[ Jonathan Steele ]
CJ horns in and targets that injured knee..That's an act of a Veteran.

[ Jimmy Justice ]
Are we sure he's a rookie?

CJ keeps it locked in as Steel starts screamin in pain. He keeps on fighting it as CJ applies more pressure. Steel seems he's close to tapping, when Brianna hops up on the apron. This causes CJ to release the hold. He walks over, but she hops down as he gets there. He argues with her for a few seconds, until Steel crawls over and rolls him up from behind...getting a VERY Near Fall!

[ Jonathan Steele ]
Steel almost snuck up and stole it anyways, pain and all.

[ Jimmy Justice ]
That's why he's the champ.

CJ can't believe he was almost beaten, while Steel still lays there fighting his pain. CJ picks Steel up, but Steel shoves him off, then Nails the Cum Shot!(Super Kick)

[ Jonathan Steele ]
The Cum Shot! and he used his bad leg!

[ Jimmy Justice ]
Well he had to Steele, think about it, if he used his good leg, he woulda been using his bad leg to support his weight, he woulda fell before he ever got a chance to get the move off.

[ Jonathan Steele ]
Good point..

The crowd is still excitted about the move while CJ lays out cold, and Steel lays there holding his knee. He crawls over and lays an arm over CJ as the ref counts the One....Two....Thre...NO!

[ Jonathan Steele ]
Another near fall, what a match!

As both men lay there re-cooperating, the crowd is really starting to get amped, and gets behind both men. As they are both slowly moving trying to get up, Brianna makes her way into the ring. But before she can do anything, She's tackled to the mat and both roll out of the ring.

[ Jonathan Steele ]
Christy Chaos?!...What's she doing here?!

[ Jimmy Justice ]
She has nothing to do with this match!

While the crowd cheers their hometown girl, CJ and Steel are still slowly getting up. They are slowly about to lock up as they get right above the chair. Then just like that, just like the Legend Killer, in the blink of an eye, CJ Cutter smack dab on the Chair! CJ quickly hooks the leg for the 3!

[ Jonathan Steele ]
And just like that, it's over!

[ Jimmy Justice ]

[ Jennifer Sparks ]
Ladies and Gentlemen, Your Winner...and NEW X-Division Champion...CJ XTREME!!!

"Acrossed the Nation" hits again while the ref hands CJ his new title. While CJ raises it up tired, the ref and Brianna then helps Steel out of the ring so EMTs can come and check on him. Christy then grabs the mic from Jennifer and brings it to CJ, as he signals for them to cut his music.

[ Jonathan Steele ]
Looks like CJ has something to say..

[ Jimmy Justice ]
Ya, the Rook won his first title, gotta have his emotional speech, oh joy..

[ CJ Xtreme ]
Thanks Si..

CJ stops and smiles.

[ CJ Xtreme ]
I mean thanks for havin my back....now first, Jennifer, you got the name wrong...but that's not your fault, that's what you thought my name was...but this name has been a lie...a cover up...I told you all I was no Rookie...I told you all, I would make History tonight, that I would do something that has only been done by One Man, and that man is White Tiger..

The crowd cheers the mention of White Tiger.

[ CJ Xtreme ]
And here I stand, your new X-Division Champion..Obviously I'm not the 2nd ever X-Division Champion, so that's not what I was talkin about...so let me make this a little more clear to you...You see, My True idenity...Your New X-Division Champion...AND 2ND EVER GRAND SLAM CHAMPION!

CJ leans his head down and pauses for a second. Then he removes his mask and looks up at the Kansas City crowd who now EXPLODES

[ Jonathan Steele ]

[ Jimmy Justice ]
Are you kidding me?!

[ ??? ]
That's right...none other then.....JOHNNY FUCKIN CHAOS!!!!!

"Boom" by POD hits the PA Speakers as Johnny and Christy hug, then Johnny hops up on the turnbukle raising both the CJ mask and his new X-Division Title.

[ Jonathan Steele ]
I can't believe this..

[ Jimmy Justice ]
You ain't the only one..

[ Jonathan Steele ]
Well he did not lie...Johnny Chaos is certainly no Rookie, he is the very 1st Contracted eWe Superstar...and he did indeed make history tonight like he promised, becoming the 2nd Ever Grand Slam Champion

[ Jimmy Justice ]
Ya, but at least Tiger was a man about it, he didn't hide behind a mask anf false idenity to get that last title....instead he just stomped that Arab fucker..

[ Jonathan Steele ]
Call it what you want...he did what he had to do, and got the job done..

[ Jimmy Justice ]
Well I guess it is a big way to end the 1st Title Match here at WrestleMania..

[ Jonathan Steele ]
No doubt about it..




Jaun and Lord G Nutt are already waiting in the ring as "Boom" by POD hits in the arena, the fans boo as it changes to "The enemy" by godsmack.

//Jonathan Steele\\ Well here comes the opponent, and one of them will have alot of answers to give, to his WIFE.

//Jimmy Justice\\ Why is that? Because of the Kandi thing? That hasn't happened yet, remember.

//Jonathan Steele\\ Of course because of the Kandi thing... and yes it has!

Mr. Man and Johnny make their way onto the stage together, Mr. Man holds the eWe International championship in his hand, it can be noted that Drama is nowhere to be seen. The pair move to eitherside of the stage and raise their arms, Mr. Man holding his title into the air as the theme switches match the Boom in a now typical mix between the two themes.

//Jennifer Sparks\\ and the opponents, at a combined weight of 467 pounds, they are the Extreme One, Johnny Chaos and the current eWe International champion, Mr. Man, THE EXTREME STANDARD!

Booing is heard as the pair meet back up in the middle of the ring before turning and heading down the ramp, back in the ring Juan and Lord G Nutt are discussing a gameplan, Johnny slides into the ring as Mr. Man walks up the steps and climbs into the ring, the pair look over at their opponents for a moment and then to one another.

//Jonathan Steele\\ Mr. Man of course is carrying the title he won at Hell Frozen over.

//Jimmy Justice\\ That sounds like filler to me!

//Jonathan Steele\\ I'm just informing those who didn't know.

Mr. Man gives his belt to the ref who gives it to the time keeper, both teams talk for a moment before Johnny and Juan climb from the ring, the ref calls for the bell as the theme fades.

Johnny Chaos & Mr. Man vs. Juan & Lord G Nutt

As the bell rings the pair circle around the ring and lock up, Mr. Man takes control and takes Nutt to the corner making an early tag before beating him down, Johnny gets into the ring and the pair lift Nutt into the air and hit him with a double suplex, Johnny climbs to his feet and cockily struts around the fallen man, waiting for him to get up before quickly connecting the Extreme makeover, he climbs to his feet and looks over to Juan with a huge grin, before giving him the finger, Juan climbs into the ring and runs at Johnny but the ref cuts him off, Johnny and Mr. Man quickly 2 on 1 Nutt beating him down even though he's already in bad shape, the pair hit a double clothesline and then pick him up and hit a double powerbomb.

//Jonathan Steele\\ The extreme connection dominating here.

//Jimmy Justice\\ We've seen alot of this recently, I think some people need to pick their game up.

Mr. Man picks Nutt up as Johnny climbs from the ring, and connects the Future shock with huge force, he jumps up and taunts Juan again, who as the dumb animal he is, climbs into the ring again, Manny turns and points to the corner before climbing out of the ring, Johnny quickly scales the outside of the ropes and leaps off landing square on with the Extreme splash! The fans boo as Manny leaps up the rope straight after and jumps off, Johnny just getting out of the way in time for Manny to land the Future splash!

//Jonathan Steele\\ the... extreme future splash?

//Jimmy Justice\\ I dunno? It was awesome though.

Manny grabs the legs as the ref Juan tries to get in but he's grabbed from ringside, by Kandi! The fans boo as the ref counts 1....2....3!

//Jennifer Sparks\\ The winners of this match, Johnny Chaos and Mr. Man, the extreme standard!

The pair raise their arms as "The enemy" is heard as Mr. Man got the pin, Johnny rolls back in and raises his hands in the air as the ref grabs the title for Manny, Juan climbs in and goes to look after Nutt, the ref gives Manny the title and he raises it into the air. Kandi is shown walking backwards up the ramp, grinning at her small hand in the match.

//Jonathan Steele\\ Impressive but Kandi has had a big hand in it, Juan would have broken that pin up!

//Jimmy Justice\\ Juan didn't get into the ring, legally.

Johnny looks to Juan who seems pretty concerned and laughs, Juan seems to lose it as he gets to his feet... er, back feet and looks at Johnny who bricks himself, Juan is about to charge his foe down when suddenly Manny flies in from the side and nearly takes his head off with the International title, the fans boo as Mr. Man looks around as if he didn't do anything, he grins and holds his title up as the scene cuts away.

"Breathe into me" by Red is heard as the camera pans back into the arena, the fans boo as Dave Wilson makes his way onto the stage slowly, looking around at the fans as he passes over the stage.

//Jennifer Sparks\\ Ladies and gentlemen the following is scheduled for one fall, introducing first hailing from Belfast, Northern Ireland and weighing in at 256 pounds, Dave Wilson!

//Jonathan Steele\\ Here comes Wilson, a man who made a fantastic debut against Eli Hogan.

//Jimmy Justice\\ Yeah, but Eli sucks, so let's see how he handles someone a little better..

//Jonathan Steele\\ Was that a compliment for Dean?

//Jimmy Justice\\ Even you could beat Eli... if Eli had 2 broken legs.... maybe.

Wilson walks down the ramp and hops straight onto the apron, in a flowing motion he climbs up and steps through the middle rope, lowering himself through the ropes he looks around at the fans who are jeering towards him, he chuckles slightly.

//Jonathan Steele\\ Well he may have dominated Eli, but like you just said, he's got a tougher task here.

//Jimmy Justice\\ You just pointed out that I just said it, why the hell are you just copying me?

//Jonathan Steele\\ Just making a point.

//Jimmy Justice\\ A point I just made.

//Jonathan Steele\\ Well, i'm sorry.

//Jimmy Justice\\ and YOU are the play-by-play commentator, YOU are the one on the big salary.

Dave raises his arms in the air which brings more booing from the fans, he holds the pose for a few moments before slowly lowering them, "Hey man, Nice shot" breaks up the music catching the attention of the man in the ring, the camera spins to the stage as Dean makes his way onto the stage wearing a 'DX' T-shirt, the fans instantly begin to cheer as he crazily throws his arms around, amping them up, Bobby Singer walks onto the stage behind him.

//Jonathan Steele\\ Listen to the fans for Dean here!

//Jennifer Sparks\\ and the opponent, from Lawrence, Kansas he weighs in at 250 pounds, being accompanied by Bobby Singer The Dean of Mean, Dean Winchester!

Dean slaps the hands of the fans as he starts down the ramp, he turns around a full 360 as he crosses the stage before slapping the fans hands on the otherside, he turns and grins as he looks at the man in the ring as he finishes down the ramp.

//Jimmy Justice\\ I still don't get why the fans love this moron so much.

//Jonathan Steele\\ He's a fun-lovin' guy!

//Jimmy Justice\\ He probably has more STI's than he's hot hot dinners..

Bobby stops down at ringside as Dean runs up the steps and hops between the ropes, the ref stops Dave from moving up to him, Dean looks to the man he is about to face and laughs giving him a sneaky crotch chop behind the back of the ref, the fans love it, Dave lunged again but the ref stops him, Dean climbs the corner and raises his arms in the 'X' over head before pulling his shirt off and throwing it into the fans, he then climbs down and looks at Dave again.

//Jimmy Justice\\ Can you see him winding his opponent up? I hope he gets crushed!

The ref, stuggling to hold Dave back from Dean signals the bell as Dean's music fades.

Dean Winchester vs. Dave Wilson

As the bell is heard the ref jumps out of the way, Dave charges past and swings at Dean but he ducks the flailing arm and turns around hitting a puncing combination to the stomach, Dave stumbles back holding his gut, Dean grabs his arm and sends him over the ropes, he runs in and jumps up trying for the splash but Dave catches him in the air and drives him down to the canvas with a huge spinebuster!

//Jimmy Justice\\ What a counter!

Dave goes for the early cover 1...2.. Dean rolls the shoulder up, Dave climbs to his feet and grabs the hair of Dean to pull him up, tossing him headfirst into the turnbuckle, Dave then knees him in the gut and sets his opponent up, lifting him into the air and driving him spine first down with a powerbomb! The fans boo as he screams out raising his arms again.

//Jonathan Steele\\ Powerbomb! Dave Wilson is really going for it, here.

Wilson grins as he jumps into the air and lands an elbow drop, he then lays there for the pin 1...2... Kick out by Dean. Dave grins slight as he gets to his feet, he pulls Dean up and lifts him into the air for a scoopslam, but Dean slides off his back and shoves him into the corner, Dave spins around but Dean runs in and hits a shoulder charge back into the corner hard into the corner, the fans cheer as Dean hits lefts and rights to the body and head in the corner before he quickly grabs his opponent and launches him across into the ropes, as Dave comes back The dean of mean charges in and hits a huge jumping lariat, sending Dave spralling to the floor.

//Jonathan Steele\\ What impact, Dean trying to get the momentum going here.

Dean climbs to his feet but before he can take advantage Dave catches him out of no where and plants him with a powerslam, hooking the leg he grins again to the fans 1...2... Dean rolls the shoulder up again.

//Jimmy Justice\\ Dave has had a few near falls, I guess winding him up wasn't so great for Dean.

Dave pummels Dean as he lays on the floor, he then grabs his opponent up to his feet and hits a shot to the gut, hookign an arm around his head and throwing Dean's arm back over his head, Wilson grins and peers around at the fans asif waiting on their reaction.

//Jonathan Steele\\ He could be going for The Aftershock Effect, here.

Suddenly dean rolls Wilson up in a small package! The ref falls and counts 1....2.. Dave just breaks out of it, he gets up quickly and plants a boot into the face of Dean hard sending him crashing back to the mat, the fans boo as Wilson stands over Dean and shouts abuse towards him.

//Jonathan Steele\\ Dean nearly stole it!

//Jimmy Justice\\ But look who stands tall once more.

The fans scream at Wilson, he looks up and grins before grabbing Dean up to his feet, Dean looks wobbly as he's left to stand up his own to feet, Wilson steps back and stalks his opponent once more before hitting a kick in the gut, he then grabs Dean and lifts him up into the air dropping him stomach first over the knee with a gut buster, Dean bounces up holding his gut, giving Wilson a great chance and grab the head and deliver a perfect DDT.

//Jimmy Justice\\ What a combination of moves, it's over!

Dave grabs the legs of Dean and pulls them up high 1....2... Dean manages to push his shoulder from the mat, just.

The camera cuts to a worried looking Bobby Singer at ringside, he leans on the apron yelling into Dean, Dave looks out to the fan and chuckles standing up and yelling something at him before pulling Dean up, he lifts him into the air and drops a scoop slam before bouncing off the ropes for a leg drop, but The dean of mean just rolls aside to avoid the contact, leaving Dean holding his ass as he sits on the mat!

//Jonathan Steele\\ Dean avoiding the contact there, now can he get into this match?

Dave rolls over slowly getting to his feet, he goes for another boot but Dean ducks it and quickly spins hitting a chock-block to take the man to the floor. Dean rolls over and climbs to his feet using the ropes, Dave gets up again, Dean steps in and hits a huge right to the head, Dave staggers back then returns fire, Dean steps back and then comes in with a left and a right to the head, Dave holds his face for a moment and then hits a shot to the head, Dean replies, then Dave hits another.

//Jonathan Steele\\ exchanging shots here.

//Jimmy Justice\\ Both men swinging, my money is on Dave.

//Jonathan Steele\\ Are you kidding, have you seen when Dean really swings?

Dean responds again, Dave does to, neither man is even trying to get outta the way it's just a fight, suddenly Dean comes in with a shot to the gut and then one to the head, he follows up with a left and then the big right sending Dave to the mat!

//Jonathan Steele\\ I rest my case.

Dave rolls over and gets up, he hits a shot right to the face of Dean flattening him down to the mat instantly.

//Jimmy Justice\\ You were saying?

Dean does the same as Dave, he gets up quickly only instead of throwing a punch he steps in and plants his head right into the kisser of the irishman, sending him straight to the mat with a huge headbutt!

//Jonathan Steele\\ What a headbutt!

Dave's mouth is busted open, Dean grins slightly giving Bobby a thumbs up, he then steps back and watches Dave get to his feet before hitting a kick to the gut and landing a suplex, he goes for the Pin but dave kicks out on the 2 count. Dean keeps his focus and climbs to his feet, he watches Dave up and runs in hitting a clothesline, Dave is up quickly but Dean thinks fast and hits a shot to the gut before hitting a standing tornado DDT!

//Jonathan Steele\\ Now, hear comes dean!

//Jimmy Justice\\ That was good, I admit.

Dean goes for the pin hooking the leg but Dave gets the shoulder up, Dean gets to his feet as booing is heard, he grabs Dave up and kicks him in the knee moving him fall to one knee, he then grins and crotch chops towards Dave before grabbing him by the hand, Just then he sees Big Show making his way down the ramp.

//Jonathan Steele\\ Woah, woah, woah, Big Show!

//Jimmy Justice\\ This just got interesting.

Bobby runs around the ring well away from Show who is looking right at Dean, Dean steps past Dave as Big Show climbs onto the apron a grin on his face, Dean looks to the man and grins to, Big Show gestures Dean to 'come on' but Dean doesn't move, he crotch chops big show and then says "watch this" pulling Dave to his feet.

//Jonathan Steele\\ Dean is going to try and send a message.

Big Show, angry his plan hasn't work tries to climb into the ring but Dean suddenly throws Wilson right into the Giant, knocking him off balance and sending him crashing to the floor, as Dave turns around Dean hits the knee kick again, grabs the hand and plants him with The Deal! He then rolls over and hooks the leg looking out at Big Show as he stuggles to his feet...1.....2.....3!

//Jonathan Steele\\ He got it!

//Jimmy Justice\\ What bull!

//Jonathan Steele\\ Dean said that he had a plan for Show, maybe that was it!

"Hey man, Nice shot" hits, Bobby gets into the ring quickly as Dean climbs to his feet, his arms being raises by his manager and the ref, Big Show looks at Dean as climbs to his feet, staring him down, Dean grins as Big Show wlaks ot the side of the ring and grabs the ropes climbing onto the Apron, the ref jumps aside.

//Jennifer Sparks\\ The winner of the match, Dean Winchester.

Big Show leans on the top rope looking at Dean, who doesn't move, Dean then signals Show to 'bring it' but obviously, the coward he is, Show bottles it and climbs back down, the fans boo wanting to see Show get it on with Dean face to face, but the huge man shakes his head and backs up the ramp.

//Jonathan Steele\\ Oh and look, when Dean doesn't have his back turned, Show doesn't want any of it.

The scene fades as Show looks down at Dean, who is celebrating his win with Bobby.

"Gold Metal" by Trademarc plays before being mixed into "Main Event Mafia" by Dale Oliver, as Kurt Angle comes out to a standing ovation. Karen Angle follows him to the ring, as he nods to the fans in the crowd in respect. He enters the ring and circles around getting himself prepped up for his match

//Jennifer Sparks\\ "Introducing first from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.. being accompannied to the ring by Karen Angle weighing in at 240 pounds.. he is Wrestlings ONLY Olympic Gold Medalist.. and the leader of The Main Event Mafia.. KURT ANGLE!!!"

//Jonathan Steele\\ "Kurt Angle looks up for tonight"

//Jimmy Justice\\ "Angle is always ready for a fight"

"Violence Fetish" by Disturbed droans around the arena, to a flurry of boos. Jason Phoenix walks out with Morgan Alvertez, locked on Angle the wholeway as he makes his way into the ring

//Jimmy Justice\\ "Why are they booing him, give the guy a chance, he just arrived"

//Jonathan Steele\\ "Jason Phoenix had some choice words to say about Angle, and the crowd clearly didn't like it"

//Jennifer Sparks\\ "His opponent, making his EWE Debut.. being accompanied to the ring by Morgan Alvertez.. weighing in at 242 pounds, from Miami, Florida.. The Living Legend.. Jason Phoenix!!"

Phoenix trash talks Angle, Angle tells him to shut up and get it on. So they do

Kurt Angle vs Jason Phoenix

Jason Phoenix tries to catch Angle off guard with a clothesline straightaway, but Angle dodged out of the way, and as Phoenix turned around, Angle wrapped his arms round Phoenix waist, and delivered a Belly to Belly Suplex. Phoenix quickly gets back up slightly annoyed that Angle schooled him. So he goes for a charging big boot, but Angle measures that move up and counters it brilliantly by catching Phoenix leg and flipping him down into the ANKLE LOCK!

//Jonathan Steele\\ "Danger! Phoenix is in trouble from the get go and this match has only started"

//Jimmy Justice\\ "Phoenix better get out off this quickly or he's going to be stuck in a pickle"

Phoenix manages to quickly escape, kicking Angle away with his free leg. Angle drags him back up, and continues his early rampage with hard punches to the stomach. Angle goes to bounce off the ropes in an attempt to tackle Phoenix off his feet with a knee takedown, but he misses, as Phoenix flings off the ropes countering with a thundering running spear

//Jonathan Steele\\ "It's like the Kurt Angle stream train just hit a brick wall"

//Jimmy Justice\\ "That move is called The Phoenix Fireball, and in an instance, Angles adrenaline rush is burnt out"

Any normal man would be down and out following that move, but Angle is a wrestling machine, so he robotically gets back up, punches Phoenix in the jaw, and follows up with perfectly executed Triple German Suplexes. Angle then jumps onto the top turnbuckle and flys high for a Moonsault. He pins Phoenix as the ref counts 1..2..Phoenix gets a foot on the ropes thanks to Morgan Alvertez putting it there out of sight of the referee. Karen saw it in clear daylight as she football tackles Morgan, and begins slapping the hell out of here

//Jonathan Steele\\ "Angle with a brilliant offense there, Phoenix not knowing what hit him, but he narrowly escaped defeat, thanks to his girl"

//Jimmy Justice\\ "Screw Angles brilliance, we got a catfight going on here, this is sweet. Get your camera phone out dude, this is going on YouTube"

Angle stomps his fists against the mat in frustration. He looks outside the ring and sees the melee involving Karen and Morgan. He sees Karen beating the crap out of her, so he leaves her to it. But when he turns around, hes hit straight with a Death Valley Driver turned into a Dragon Sleeper Hold

//Jimmy Justice\\ "The Fall From Grace!"

//Jonathan Steele\\ "I swear I've seen that move name before.. Is He Nero's brother?"

//Jimmy Justice\\ "No!"

Angle still locked in the hold, manages to reverse it by lifting Phoenix up and hitting an ANGLE SLAM! He goes to cover and gets a 1..2..3! But the ref isn't there for the count as hes trying to break up Karen and Morgan outside, with Morgan now in advantage. Angle continues to cover Phoenix as he gets up to atleast 7, but to no effect, the ref is a idiot

//Jonathan Steele\\ "Referee! Come on pay attention, Angle had this match won"

//Jimmy Justice\\ "Hey can you blame him, two hot chicks are fighting"

Angle gets up, and speaks to the ref. The ref is oblivious to what happens, a frustrated Angle then turns around straight into a kick to the gut by Phoenix. Phoenix then lifts Angle up and powerbombs him, he lifts him up again delivering another powerbomb, but Phoenix isn't finished as he delivers a third powerbomb for the Doomsday. Angle is dazed, and heavily winded, Phoenix covers, and gets the 1..2..3!

//Jennifer Sparks\\ "Your winner of the match.. JASON PHOENIX!"

//Jonathan Steele\\ "Jason Phoenix steals it"

//Jimmy Justice\\ "Kurt Angle got beat deal with it, Jason Phoenix will continue to impress"

Morgan slips in the ring as "Violence Fetish" by Disturbed plays again, Phoenix gets up extremely proud as the crowd boo heavily. He walks up to the turnbuckle and poses much to the dislike of the crowd.

Visual: After the following match has finished, A J-TV symbol appears on the screen above the entrance ramp. It fades backstage inside Michael Jensen’s office. Kandi Washington stands up from underneath his desk as his pants remain around his knees, but she blocks anything from showing. She leans down on him and rubs his face. Her eyes sparkle innocently.

//Kandi Washington\\ How was that?

Visual: He nods pleased.

//Michael Jensen\\ How can I argue with anything you do to me? You do it all so well. The best assistant I could have ever hired!

Visual: She sits on his bare thigh and slowly begins to jerk him off a bit. She leans her head on his shoulder.

//Kandi Washington\\ Well, I was wondering if I could get you to make a match for me next week.

Visual: She bats her eyes.

//Michael Jensen\\ What do you have in mind?

Visual: She kisses his cheek.

//Kandi Washington\\ I’d ideally love to humiliate Rikku and Christy Chaos next week in a Kandi’s special match. They both must compete in their bra and panties with a pink paddle hanging high in the corner on a pole. And ideally, I’d be the special guest referee.

//Michael Jensen\\ Well, I’m not sure about that next week.

Visual: She looks a little sad as she stands up in between his legs.

//Kandi Washington\\ Oh really?

Visual: She lifts up her dress as she lowers herself in his lap. She moves her thong to the side as she sits on top. She wraps his arm around her stomach and she begins to bounce on him. J-TV fades after exposing Jensen and Kandi’s relationship, so the answer of whether Rikku and Christy will happen next week or not is unknown.

As the camera's return from break, "Not Ready To Die" by Demon Hunter hits over the PA System. There's a mixed reaction as Assassin and Stacy steps through the curtains.

//Jennifer Sparks\\ " The following contest is scheduled for one fall...introducing first...accompanied by Stacy Craven...from Dallas Texas...weighing in at 265 pounds...ASSASSIN! "

Assassin and Stacy continue their way down the ramp where Assassin enters the ring. The music fades leaving the arena silent, but only for a moment.


"Welcome To The Jungle" by Guns N Roses continues to play as White Tiger steps out on stage, with his tag team title around his waist, and the crowd explodes.

//Jennifer Sparks\\ " And his opponent...from Rawlins Wyoming...weighing in at 226 pounds...he is one half of the EWE Tag Team Champions....WHITE TIGER! "

Tiger continues down the ramp and rolls into the ring. WT removes his Tag Title and lays it to the side. The ref gives the title to the time keeper then signals for the bell.

Assassin vs White Tiger
SUMMARRY: It's a back and forth match, Assassin almost has it a couple times, but one Struck Down was all it took for Tiger to take home the victory

Edge & Chris Jericho Vs. Triple H & Cameron Hayden
SUMMARRY: This match actually wasn't on here... well it just said "Edge & Jericho vs HHH and Hayden" as a placeholder... not sure what happened... but I'm going to assume Edge & Jericho won.


Copyright Extreme Wrestling Entertainment 2010