' M o n d a y N i g h t C h a o s '

| Date : 12-24-07 | Recovery Status : Recovered with WayBack Machine | Theme: "Ladies & Gentlemen" By Saliva |
Venue : Hearnes Center - Columbia, Missouri | Main Event - Steel Cage Chaos GM - Austin Vs. Shane McMahon | Turnout : 8 RolePlays

2022 OOC Note: It was discovered sometime in 2015 when I was compiling a wordpad of every show and date randomly(which came in handy years later for this lol), three different episodes of Chaos had gotten overlooked along the way somehow... as in, despite this being the official 100th Episode... it's just a normal show... not even normal, kind of a crappy card with a short deadline lol, something I definately wouldn't have let happen if I had known. The actual 100th Episode Special was actually Episode 103, which, unfortunatlely that episode isn't recovered.

This also means the 150th Episode Special in 2012, is also false. Though at least in that case not only is the "150th" epsiode special(episode 153 in actuality) recovered, so is the legit 150th episode, and with what we did for that show *coughs* Chaos Rumble *coughs* it is still special, so that's cool.

Also, final note, this was discovered in 2015 like I said, but corrected then, so the 200th Episode Special, is the one that's actually accurate. None the less... on with the crappy show.

No HeatWave This Week

Last Sunday...

HBK looks furious as he argues with HHH to leave the arena, HHH just smiles and tells HBK to "Suck It" with a Cross Chop. This ignites HBK's anger more, as HBK is ready to burst out of the ring, but before he can, he's grabbed by the arm and spun around taken out with a Stone Cold Stunner! The crowd explodes as Austin covers for the 1...2...3!!! Glass Shatters" into the PA System again as Austin calls for a Couple beers. Vince leaves Furious while HHH laughs. Austin grabs a beer and points it towards HHH who's on his way up the ramp...Nitro goes kicks Kooper in the stomach and goes for the Snapshot. Kooper counters and lifts Nitro onto his shoulders and hits the BX with force. Kooper crawls over to Nitro and throws his shoulder over Nitro as the ref counts 1„1¤72„1¤73! The ref hands the belt to Kooper and he raises his hand while he is still on the mat....Candice does a little Go-Daddy Dance before dropping an elbow on Christy. She then picks her up and turns her around planting a CandiWrapper! Candice turns Christy over and covers hooking the leg as the ref counts 1...2...3! "Long Way 2 Go" kicks in again as the ref hands Candice her title....Save_Us.222

Did you crack the code?

The countdown begins:

Trish struts over the Santa plants a big kiss on his lips, but as she pulls away she pulls off the beard and hat to fully reveal the one and only Chris Jericho standing in the middle of the ring, causing the fans to erupt into cheers even louder once more.

Jericho picks up the microphone from off the mat.

Chris Jericho: Once again ladies and gentlemen, the E.W.E is Jericho!

Jericho drops the mic as Trish leaps into his arms.

Gino picks up Dawg who tries for a jaw breaker but Gino moves away as Dawg lands on his ass missing the jaw breaker. Gino pulls Dawg up to his feet throwing him into the corner as he picks up Dawg and connects with Hardknoxx on K Dawg following up with a cover 1..2..3!!

Ciaran slowly gets up, as Cena Spins him around and lifts him up, Nailing, The FU!

Jonathan Steele: Oh no, The FU!

Tazz: this Baby is over!

Cena stands up smiling the booing crowd, as Candice stands at ringside clapping. Cena does his 2 finger on each hand taunt to the crowd before he cockily covers Ciaran with one foot. The Ref slides down and counts the one...two...thre...NO! Ciaran BARELY gets the shoulder up..

Jonathan Steele: He kicked out!

Tazz: How in the hell?!

Jonathan Steele: The heart, the desire to be champion!

Cena is more then surprised, as well as pissed. He angrily flips Ciaran over, grabs his foot, crosses it with his foot, then grabs his head, locking in the STFU!

Tazz: Now it's done, he ain't getting out of this..

Ciaran screams as Cena continues to apply pressure, Ciaran keeps trying to reach for the bottom rope, but it's just out of range, just barely..he tries to position himself, but can only move a little bit...Cena continues to apply more pressure, Ciaran brings his hand up to tap, but makes one more reach for the bottom rope, and gets it!

Jonathan Steele: yes!

Tazz: damnit!

Cena is forced to release the hold as he picks Ciaran back up and back onto his shoulders for another FU, but Ciaran rolls off, and hits a German Suplex, he keeps it locked deleivering twins. Cena gets right back up, as Ciaran charges and deleivers a Side-Effect. He backs up and nails a Fame-Asser as Cena started to get up. He then taunts getting the crowd pumped.

Jonathan Steele: Now Ciaran's building momentum!

Tazz: it won't last, calm down..

Ciaran waits as Cena pulls himself up, he charges towards Ciaran, only to be planted with a hard Spinebuster! Ciaran then holds makes an X with his arms telling the fans what's coming next as the cheer. He continues stalking Cena, til he's tripped up by Candice on the outside. Ciaran turns around and yells out her to leave. She smiles and lays her title on the apron, before she gets up on the apron to argue back.

Jonathan Steele: She has no business even being out here..

Tazz: Of course she does..She's the Champet you twit..

The ref pulls Ciaran back and then yells at Candice to leave. All the while, Cena had crawled over and picked up her title, so when Ciaran turns around, he's cracked right between the eyes!

Jonathan Steele: Oh what the hell!

Cena slides the title out of the ring as he covers. Candice smiles and hops off the apron as the ref turns around.

Jonathan Steele: This is Bullshit..Pure Bullshit!

Tazz: Call it what you want..

The Ref slides down counting...one....two....three!!

Jennifer Sparks: Ladies and Gentlemen, Your Winner, and Still EWE Champion JOHN CENA!!!!!

"The Time is Now" hits the PA System while the ref hands the Title to Cena and he raises it up to a booing crowd.

Jonathan Steele: I can't believe what I just seen..

Tazz: I know, what a great match..

Candice grabs her title off the floor and joins Cena in the ring.

Jonathan Steele: ya of course it was....but I meant I can't believe he stole the damn thing..

Tazz: Oh come on Steele..

Jonathan Steele: Come on nothing....He couldn't beat him fairly...This was Ciaran's one shot....the biggest match of his life...and he was damn sure screwed!

Tazz: He shouldn't of let that happen..

Jonathan Steele: I can't believe you Tazz...

Tazz: What?

Jonathan Steele: Nothing, I just hope his Partner has better luck at the Rumble...

After that The Fireworks begin blasting as the crowd continues to cheer....before Steele or Tazz can even speak, "Im Comin" by Silk The Shocker starts over the PA System..

Jonathan Steele: Welcome Live to Columbia Missouri! Merry Christmas everyone from Monday Night Chaos, tonight Tazz, our time is short, we only got an hour slot tonight cause of a Christmas Special..

Tazz: but it's all good Steele, we don't need a 2 hour slot to put on a great show..

Jonathan Steele: I completely agree, so let's get to it..

With that "No Chance" by Dope echos over the PA System, causing the crowd to boo as Vince emurges through the curtains. He walks down the ramp in his normal robot fashion as he gets into the ring with a mic.

Mr. McMahon: evening fans, how you doing?

The Crowd boos as Vince smiles..

Mr. McMahon: that's great...Tonight, is Christmas Eve...

Jonathan Steele: He figured that out all by himself..

Tazz: you better watch it Steele..

Mr. McMahon: being that it's Christmas Eve, I have a treat for you fans...a Christmas Present if you will...I have authorized a very special return right here at this time..

the Crowd looks at eachother and looks on in intrest..

Mr. McMahon: So without further ado, come on down!

The Crowd waits as the PA stays silent for a few more moments, til..


The Crowd gives a mixed reaction as Shane comes dancing out onto Stage as Vince smiles..

Tazz: Oh my God Steele, it's Shane~O~Mac! He's back!

Jonathan Steele: oh joy..

Shane continues his dancing as he goes down the ramp then enters the ring.

Mr. McMahon: Welcome back Son, now, down to business...Last Sunday, Plans didn't exactly go right...I learned a valueble thing, that being that Shawn Michaels can't be trusted..

The Crowd cheers as Vince snarls..

Mr. McMahon: Shawn Michaels cannot be relied on, to get the job done...for...

Right on cue, "Glass Shatters" by Disturbed hits the PA System, which sends the entire arena to their feet roaring as Austin makes his way down the ramp and into the ring.

Mr. McMahon: Right on time..

Stone Cold: What?

Mr. McMahon: Don't start that crap..

Stone Cold: What?

Mr. McMahon: Anyways, you may of won last Sunday, but your not done yet Austin..

Stone Cold: What?

Mr. McMahon: I said your not done yet..

Stone Cold: What?

Mr. McMahon: The Board won't let me fire you...but they didn't say I can't treat your Job as General Manager, as if it was a Title..

Stone Cold: What?

Mr. McMahon: You know, make you deffend it..

Stone Cold: What?

Mr. McMahon: Like you had to do Last Sunday against Shawn Michaels..

Stone Cold: What?

Mr. McMahon: Like your going to do tonight..

Stone Cold: What?

Mr. McMahon: Will you cut that crap out!

Stone Cold: What?

Vince stands there mad, while Austin laughs..

Stone Cold: Okay, who am I facing this time then?

Mr. McMahon: Well your facing...

Stone Cold: What?


Stone Cold: I'm sorry, continue..

Mr. McMahon: Tonight your gonna be in a Steel Cage Match!

the Crowd cheers as Austin smirks a little bit..

Mr. McMahon: And your facing...well...MY SON SHANE!

Austin laughs a little as the smile on Shane's face dissappears, as he looks at Vince a little worried.

Mr. McMahon: I'm always one step ahead of you Austin, you end, TONIGHT!

"No chance" hits while the crowd boos the McMahons as they leave, Austin just stands there still smiling..

Snickers: Most Satusfying

Subway: Eat Fresh

eWe Chaos 3 - Come Get Some: Only on PlayStation 3 and PSP, own it today

K~Dawg Vs Red Thunder
A Nice back and forth match, that Thunder seemed to be taking off with. But of course, just like that, out of nowhere, Da Meat Hook is Delievered, giving K~Dawg the 3 Count!

Winner: K~Dawg

the camera's switch backstage where we see Trixy, with a smile..

Trixy: Ladies and Gentlemen, my guests at this time...Y2J, Chris Jericho! and eWe Hall of Famer, Trish Stratus!

The Crowd explodes as the camera's come out enough to see the Canadian duo standing next to Trixy..

Trixy: Guys, last Sunday, we seen the big Return for you two...my question is, what made you come back?

Trish Stratus: Well, Trixy, I was gonna come back to Save the Diva's Division, but that plan has changed..

Trixy: why?

Trish Stratus: Well, you'll see here in a little bit with what Vince has to say...but it doesn't mean I'm not back for nothing...I guess it's time some boys felt the Stratusfaction..

Chris Jericho: Let me put this real Simple...December, 2007...Chris Jericho and Trish Stratus is back!

The crowd cheers as Jericho continues..

Chris Jericho: And what that means...Monday Night Chaos....The EWE...Sports Entertainment...Entertainment Entertainment...The State of Missouri, The Country of the United States, The Western Hemisphere, The Planet Earth, The Heaven's Above, The Galaxies, the Crab Nebula, The Universe itself!

The crowd cheers as Jericho takes a breath..

Chris Jericho: Will Never...

The Crowd yells "Never!"

Chris Jericho: NEVER!

The crowd cheers and says it again...

Chris Jericho: E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-EVER!!!!

The Crowd continues cheering in the background..

Chris Jericho: Be the same, again!

The Crowd continues cheering as "Break Down The Walls" plays over the PA System as they walk off..

Xplosion re-cap
- Some stuff goes down, Make sure to catch Chill Factor last night -

The Camera's return from break as we see Vince on the titan Tron..

Mr. McMahon: Hello folks, I have a couple more announcements.....Next Week, here on Chaos, we will have a match, to re-crown

Vince pulls up the TV Championship and lays it on the desk..

Mr. McMahon: A New TV Champion...now why are we bringing back this title?...Well, to keep the balance, cause another title is being Retired...

The Crowd looks on in intrest as Vince continues.

Mr. McMahon: With only 3 Active Diva's, The Women's Division has gone to shit, and is rather pointless...in simple terms, The Women's Title is being retired, the Women's Division, is no more...

Tazz: NOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!

Jonathan Steele: Relax, you'll still see a couple of the diva's around Tazz...it is a sad thing it had to come to this though..

The Camera's then take a look at the entrance stage, to see the patant MVP Tent as "I'm Commin" by Silkk The Shocker starts over the PA System. MVP walks out to a chorus of boos as he does his pose throwing out his arms as pyro shoots off behind him.

Jennifer Sparks: The Following Contest, is a 6 Man Tag Team Match, scheduled for One Fall! on his way to the ring..From Miami, Florida...wighing in at 252 pounds...Montel Vontavious Porter, M! V!! P!!!

MVP continues down the ramp and enters the ring, where he bounces off the ropes and once again does his ballin pose. Til his music cuts off and is replaced with "#1" by Nelly. the crowd continues to boo as Damien steps out onto the stage.

Jennifer Sparks: His partner, From New York, New York, weighing in at 230 pounds...Damien Porter!!

Damien continues down the ramp and enters the ring, he looks over at MVP as his music cuts out. after a few moments of silence "The Time is Now" by John Cena & Tha Trademarc echos through the arena, sending every fan in the arena to their feet to boo as Cena steps out raising the title over his head.

Jennifer Sparks: And their partner, from West Newbury, Massachusetts, weighing in at 248 pounds! he is the EWE Champion, John Cena!!

Cena enters the ring and looks at his teammates shaking his head, he raises the title back up over his head before setting it to the side. As his music dies out it's quite again til "Step Up" by Drowning Pool fills the arena..The crowd cheers as Gino & Ciaran step through the curtains, both sporting Tag Team Gold around their waist.

Jennifer Sparks: The Opponents, first, at a combined weight of 530 pounds...They are the eWe Tag Team Champions! Gino Knoxx & Ciaran Michaels, Sports Entertainment Xtreme!!

Gino & Ciaran stop on the stage and smirk as their music cuts off. After a moment, "Girlfriend" by Avril Lavigne echos around the arena as the crowd explodes and Rikku skips out.

Jennifer Sparks: Their Partner, from Spira...Rikku!!

SEX continues their way down the ramp and into the ring as the match begins.

SEX Vs John Cena, Damien Porter & MVP
A Nice and good back and forth battle. With a good piece of momentum for everyone at some point, cept for Ciaran. towards the end, Ciaran and Cena are going at it outside the ring, while Rikku & Damien are also on the outside. Inside the Ring, it's MVP and Gino Knoxx. MVP is trying to put Knoxx away with the PlayMaker, but Knoxx counters spinning out of it, then planting MVP with The Hardknoxx just as Cena drops Ciaran with an FU through the Announce table! He races in to break it up, but is barely too late!

Winners: Sports Entertainment Xtreme

Gino rolls out of the ring as Cena sits there, not happy...Gino smiles as the ref gets out and raises his hand, while Rikku joins him, and EMT's check on Ciaran.











As the Camera's return, "Here Comes The Money" comes over the PA System and the crowd boos as Shane dances out on stage..

Jennifer Sparks: The Following Contest is a Steel Cage Match, and it will determine the General Manager of Monday Night Chaos!...introducing The Challenger...Shane McMahon!!

The crowd continues to boo Shane as he dances his way down the ramp and into the ring, then "Glass Shatters" by Disturbed quickly replaces his song, which gets the crowd to cheer as Austin steps out.

Jennifer Sparks: His opponent, from Victoria Texas...he is the Current General Manager of Monday Night Chaos...The Texas RattleSnake, Stone Cold Steve Austin!!

Austin continues his way down the ramp and into the ring, He poses on all 4 turnbukles before the cage hits the apron and the bell rings.

Stone Cold Steve Austin[c] Vs Shane McMahon

Austin immediately jumps on Shane with the Lou Thez Press hitting him with a bunch of shots. He drags him to the corner and starts stompin a Mudhole. After a little while of whoopin that ass, Austin grabs Shane and drops him with a Stone Cold Stunner. Austin then walks over to the cage door, where Vince had knocked out the ref and stood there smiling. Austin then starts climbing up the wall, meanwhile Vince grabs the key and unlocks the door, he races into the cage and picks Shane up, dragging him through the door. right as Shane and Vince get through the door and drop to the floor, Austin drops to the floor at the same time...

Winner: ???

Both think they won as Vince starts getting happy, and Austin starts raising up his middle fingers to the crowd, that is until they turn around and see the other one celebrating, they both stop.

Jonathan Steele: What's going on, who won?!

Tazz: I'm not sure Steele..

Jonathan Steele: Who's the General Manager?!

1: Gino Knoxx
2: John Cena
3: Rikku
4: Damien Porter
5: K~Dawg