' M o n d a y N i g h t C h a o s '

| Date : 10-25-10 | Recovery Status : Original Summary | Theme: "Prelude 12-21" By AFI |
Venue : Yanggakdo Stadium - Pyongyang, North Korea | Main Event - Christian Vs. Alpha Male | Turnout : 7/14 RolePlays


Jon North Vs. Jeff Hardy
In a matter of moments, Jeff Hardy hits the Twist of Fate and follows up with the Swanton Bomb, gaining two victories in a row.

Matt & Brandon Hardy try to rush the ring, only to be scooped up by security, and halled straight back out of the arena. Jeff isn't happy about this so he leaves.

Snake Vs. The Undertaker
The Dead Man, seemed well dead in the ring tonight. Snake quickly dominated, and finished it off with a Snake Bite.

Afterwards Snake is suddenly ambushed by his own manager, Jose. Jose takes his cigar and burns Snake's face, before security forces Jose backstage. EMTs rush the scene to check on Snake.

There's an interview with Christy Chaos, who is interupted by Alicia Q...The pair get into a little debate before going their seperate ways.

Jack Michaels & Will Westbrook Vs. Shawn Ashlocke[c] & Johnny Chaos
Johnny Chaos walks to the ring, the ref raises his hand, and he is declared victorious via forfeit.

Night of Terror Highlight Package, getting more in depth on Nightmare's Lair, The Jigsaw Challenge, and The Crystal Lake Street Fight.

Abdul Q[c] Vs. Spider[c]
Abdul and Spider was next, both men brought it...finally a match worth watching this week. They went back and forth with some momentum shifts, both getting very near falls. Towards the end Abdul is in control, as he's locked in the Sweet Dreams. Spider fights to get free, but Abdul continues to lock in the pressure. Spider is finally about to get a foot on the bottom rope, which the ref forces Abdul to break the hold. As they get back to their feet, Abdul quickly pounces on Spider with a Lou Thez Press following up with many punches. Abdul pulls Spider up and hits a Suplex Powerslam. He covers only getting a two count. Abdul gets up and taunts the fans, who cheer. Spider staggers up and Abdul quickly throws him up on his shoulders, as he looks for the Go To Sleep, but Spider quickly rolls off his shoulders, then grabs Abdul and quickly hits a The Tangled Web!...Spider covers, scoring the three count.

They both get back to their feet and look at eachother. They smirk and extend hands for a handshake. As they shake hands though, Spider is suddenly hit in the back with a steel chair, by DEAN WINCHESTER!. Dean hits Abdul in the gut with the chair, then drops the chair, giving Abdul an Excercism!...Dean gets up and quickly grabs Spider, giving him one too. Dean grabs a mic and looks at both of the fallen champions. He says "I have returned to cash in on my rematch clause, before I no longer can....Night of Terror is officially...a Triple Threat."

Christian Vs. Alpha Male
Who would have thought Christian and Alpha Male would be the main event, but here it is. The match is long and back and forth...Christian dominates the early part of the match, seeming very focused on proving his point. Christian makes one mistake, and it allows Alpha Male to take over the control. Alpha Male begins to run away with the match as he begins to dominate Christian. Skipping to the end, Alpha Male hits Christian with a back breaker. As Christian staggers up, Alpha Male locks in The Trapper! Christian screams and fights, but AM continues to lock it in. Christian seems ready to give up, but does finally get the ropes. AM refuses to let go at first, but is forced to as the ref reaches a 4 count. Alpha Male runs at Christian for the Finisher, but Christian counters, kicking Alpha Male in the face before he can jump. Christian runs and quickly hits Alpha Male with a Spear. Christian quickly climbs up the turnbukle and waits for Alpha Male to get up, as he does, Christian leaps hitting The Flashpoint. Christian doesn't cover, but instead climbs the turnbukle again. Christian goes for the Frog Splash, but at the last moment, AM gets his knees up. Christian rolls over holding his gut, while AM climbs back to his feet. As Christian staggers up, AM quickly grabs him and hits a snap suplex. AM covers, only for a two count. AM stalks Christian for the Finisher again, when Christian staggers up, AM jumps, but Christian moves, allowing AM to miss it, as AM gets up, Christian quickly grabs him and nails The Un-prettier!...Christian covers, and gets the 3!

Christian's music hits as he hops on the turnbukle celebrating. He smiles up the ramp when he sees Edge and Trish on the stage, giving a golf clap. Christian makes his way up the ramp to join them as the show fades away.


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