' M o n d a y N i g h t C h a o s '

| Date : 01-03-11 | Recovery Status : Original Results | Theme: "Prelude 12-21" By AFI |
Venue : EWE Studios | Main Event - Best of EWE 2010 Award Show | Turnout : n/a


The scene opens up inside the EWE Studios while "Prelude 12/21" by AFI echos over the PA speakers. The camera's look around the room, where we see an announce table off to the left side of the stage, behind it sits Justin White & Kelly.

Kelly: Hello fans and welcome to a very special edition of Monday Night Chaos live on ewe.com!

Justin White: That's right because they got me calling it tonight!

Kelly: Nooo, because tonight we present the 2010 Best of EWE Awards!

Justin White: Right, that too. Making it double great.

Kelly rolls her eyes and shakes her head.

Kelly: Anyways, lets get right into this shall we? Throughout the night, not only will we present each award, we will also have a countdown of the top Ten Matches of 2010, and here's Number Ten!

Justin and Kelly turn and look towards the big movie theatre sized screen in the middle of the room, which begins to air the following match..

#10 MATCH OF 2010

Ciaran Michaels vs Randy Orton vs ETMac vs Kurtis Porter vs Christy Chaos vs Adam Webb

The second the bell sounds all 6 men.. well 5 men and a chick make moves for eachother, they all collide in the middle and a melee begins. It's unclear who is fighting who at this point but the arms are certainly flying. Suddenly Webb crashes to the floor outside the melee which continues.

[ Jonathan Steele ] The money in the bank match is one of the most important matches of the night, the winner of this match gets the contract that everyone wants, a shot at the champion whenever and wherever he wants.

[ Jimmy Justice ] Cena has already shown how important that breifcase can be when you use it well.

Orton and ETMac seem to have gone off to have their own battle which by all accounts is going in Orton's favour at the moment, he drops ETMac with a european uppercut before diving down and leathering him with right hands to the forehead. Back in the ruckus Christy hits a shot to the gut of the X-Kid and then grabs his head, she jumps into the air spinning for a standing DDT but Porter catches her legs, Ciaran and Porter both ross her up into the air, they seem stunned when she doesn't fall but the fans roar - she's grabbed the wires!

[ Jonathan Steele ] Christy is there!

[ Jimmy Justice ] This would be a sell-out if she wins this quick.

Christy scrambles toweards the belt her legs hooked onto the wire too so she can't be pulled down, in a panic the pair who tosses her their begin to formulate a plan, standing side by side, perfect for Webb who runs in, springing from their backs and grabbing the wire to pull himself up near the breifcase, both of them grab the case but when they realise they ain't alone they both panic and start to throw hands.

[ Jonathan Steele ] This is a dangerous place to have a fight!

[ Jimmy Justice ] You gotta do it if you want that case though!

Webb swings his legs around and hooks them around Christy who manages to do the same, they strain to over power one another but the position means neither can muster any strength, suddenly Christy nails a kick with the flat of her foot right into the jaw of Webb, whipping his head back quickly and causing him to drop from the elevated wires and crash, headfirst, to the floor!

[ Jimmy Justice ] Oh my god!

Silence falls in the arena as Webb bounces over to the side of the ring, the superstars in the match can't afford to stop but the referee quickly signals for help for Webb.

[ Jonathan Steele ] Adam Webb is out cold and he took a huge hit to the head when he fell.

[ Jimmy Justice ] He could be seriously hurt, this isn't a joke.

The reality in the tone of Jimmy shows this wasn't planned, Webb is tended at the side of the ring. The match continues as ETMac grabs orton and slams his head into the ring corner, he grbs him and tosses him over the ring charging in but Kurtis Porter reads it and takes Orton down with a clothesline, ETMac charges Porter but the veteran plants him with a powerslam. During the ruckus The X-Kid has get the legs of Christy, she kicks trying to break free but he tugs her off, but she lands on his shoulders, he turns and quickly plants her with a sitdown powerbomb!

[ Jimmy Justice ] BAM!

[ Jonathan Steele ] What a shot to Christy!

[ Jimmy Justice ] That's what you get for hurting someone on purpose!

[ Jonathan Steele ] It didn't look intentional to me, they were both up there, Webb fell.

Michaels gets up and quickly runs towards the corner starting the climb up but Kurtis hits him in the back, Porter grabs Cairan and lifts him into the air spinning him and planting him to the canvas, he climbs up and looks around, everyone is down, ETMac is slowly climbing to his feet as Porter climbs up the corner and starts up the side of the steel frame which holds the wires up, he just gets a hand on the wire as ETMac gets to the corner and grabs his shorts.

[ Jimmy Justice ] This is not where you want to get caught, the only grace for Kurtis is that it's not Christy..

[ Jonathan Steele ] She's not Johnny, she wouldn't hurt Webb on purpose.

[ Jimmy Justice ] Suuuuure.

Porter kicks ETMac away but he quickly comes back, Porter hits another kick and then drops down onto the turnbuckle diving off and taking ETMac out with a flying axe handle! Porter spins around right into a thumb to the eye from Orton, he grabs the head and slams Porter into the turnbuckle before singling his arm and launching him over the ring, Orton runs in and nails a splash in the corner before stepping back, Porter staggers from the corner and gets dropped with the unique back breaker Orton is infamous for!

[ Jonathan Steele ] Big moves by Orton!

Orton climbs to his feet and turns around, Christy runs in and spears him back to the corner she stands up and hits him with rights to the head stunning the viper who eventually shoves the only woman in the match back, Christy steps in to follow up but Orton nails a wicked clothesline to flatten her. The fans boo as he looks back to her, his eyes glazing over in the way we've seen so often, the X-Kid quickly hits him with a right hand, Orton staggers but them literally out of nowhere leaps into the air and plants the X-Kid with an RKO!

[ Jimmy Justice ] BOOOOOOOM!

Orton peps to his feet, ETMac is in the wrong place to as Orton peps right up and slams him down with an RKO too!

[ Jonathan Steele ] and there's one for ETMac too!

Orton climbs to his feet and turns looking up to the breifcase hanging, he grins slightly as he checks that everyone is down, which they all are he moves to the corner and turns his back pushing himself up to sit on the top turnbuckle, he carefully climbs up leaning back on the steel gurdering he reaches up and then jumps grabbing the wire, he anxiously shuffles towards the breifcase.

[ Jonathan Steele ] Here goes Orton, for the case, for the shot at the eWe championship...

Christy climbs to her feet slowly and runs over jumping she grabs the legs of Orton, Orton tries to hold on but the weight and force of Christy means he flips, the momentum meaning he falls the full 10 or so feet landing face first onto the mat! The fans roar as Orton clutches his head.

[ Jimmy Justice ] Oh look, deliberately injuring someone else!

Christy turns around as she climbs up she goes to the corner and starts to climb but Porter grabs her and pulls her down tossing her aside, he starts to climb but Christy runs back in and grabs him pulling him down, he turns around and looks at her shaking his head he laughs, she slaps him right in the face, he looks around the fans scream out in awe from the echo the slap makes. Kurtis laughs slightly and shoves Christy back again he turns and starts to climb, Christy rolls backwards and gets up again, she runs in and grabs Kurtis' leg but she's kicked off, in desperaion she quickly places his forearm between Porterts legs and brings it up with a low-blow that causes the wigger to crash to the canvas.

[ Jonathan Steele ] It's all legal here.

[ Jimmy Justice ] Sickening.

Christy climbs up the jumps onto the wire she shuffles across to the breifcase again trying to free it, she doesn't see Michaels climbing back into the ring with a chair, the fans screams alert her but only when it's too late as Ciaran slams a chair across her side, she drops the floor hard, Cairan turns and decks Orton with a the chair aswell - which the fans seem to enjoy, Orton lays flat out blood trickling from his head, Cairan swings for ETMac but he ducks and kicks the chair back into the face of the X-Kid sending him down.

[ Jonathan Steele ] ETMac is on his own!

He's the only one up, unsurprisingly he goes to the corner and climbs up, the corner and jumps onto the wire swinging his way to the middle he grabs the case and starts to pull it, but he can't get it off, he looks around making sure he has time but he doesn't, Orton is getting up with the chair in his hand, ETMac lets himself drop to the floor ducking Orton's chair swing as he does, he turns and kicks Orton in the gut going for a DDT but Orton pulls his head away, the pair come together and exchange blows until Kurtis grabs them both and slams their heads together, he drops Orton and then drops ETMac with a right hand each.

[ Jimmy Justice ] Here comes the wigger!

[ Jonathan Steele ] PORTER with the rights!

Porter grabs ETMac and ejects him from the ring by tossing him over the ropes, he turns around as Christy chargers she does a handstand infront of him wrapping her legs around his neck before rolling up into a powerbomb positon, Porter staggers back slightly as as he tries to steady himself Christy whips back flipping him over with a hurricanrana! The fans roar as she climbs to her feet, turning she charges Cairan down and jumps up going for a headscissors takedown but Ciaran spins her round and nails a huge backbreaker! The fans yell as Christy bounces from the knee of the X-Kid and flops to the mat.

[ Jimmy Justice ] What a shot!

Cairan gets to his feet and pulls Christy up, he throws her to the ropes and catches her with a spinebuster before hopping to his feet, Porter staggers in and swings wildly which Cairan ducks lifting him into the air on his shoulders, the fans cheer and boo.

[ Jonathan Steele ] It could be time for the X-effect!

No it isn't as ETMac slides in and kicks Cairan in the stomach, he doubles over and Christy just manages to slide away, ETMac grabs Ciaran and lifts him onto his shoulders spining him around he slams him to the canvas with the MAC-spin! The fans cheer as Cairan rolls over holding his head.

[ Jimmy Justice ] X marks the spot! The x is on his head though ahaha!

[ Jonathan Steele ] Big shift!

ETMac climbs to his feet only to he caught and dropped with Da Meat Hook! The fans roar as Kurtis gets to his feet slowly Orton flies in with the RKO but Kurtis counters and shoves him backwards away into Christy who hits a kick to the gut and grabs Orton's head connecting with some Charasmatic Crush!

[ Jimmy Justice ] I think Orton has a crush

Orton bounces from the mat and spins around into Da Meat Hook! Kurtis climbs to his feet expecting an attack but Christy is already up the ropes and jumping onto the wire, Porter spins and climbs the opposite side both swinging towards the case they both grab the case with one hand trying to undo it, struggling the case comes free both of them still holding it.

[ Jonathan Steele ] They got it!

Kurtis pulls hard causing Christy to lose her grip... on the wire, she clutches the case with both arms as she falls down her weight meaning Kurtis falls from the wire, the pair hit the floor but neither really care as they both get up pulling on the case.

[ Jimmy Justice ] It's a test of strength, i fancy kurtis for this...

Kurtis pulls hard flinging Christy around but she holds on, getting to her feet she goes for the kick to the groin but Porter jumps up just avoiding the contact with a huge tug he drags her in and lifts her, an the case onto his shoulders, she squirms both are still holding the case, she is now back to back with him upside down..

[ Jonathan Steele ] This is bad for Christy!

It is, Porter realises the positioning and quickly connects the Detroit Windbreaker! Christy still holds on but she's in pain, how either of them held on is a mystery, Prton rolls over and pulls the case from the grip of Christy, the fans cheer as he raises it into the air.

[ Jonathan Steele ] He did it!

[ Jimmy Justice ] Porter has the contract..

[ Jonathan Steele ] After years in this company the man who has seen it all, the man who has been here, and grown here has the ultimate opportunity to win the title, the ball is in the hands of Kurtis 'K~Dawg' Porter!

[ Jennifer Sparks ] Ladies and gentlemen the money in the bank winner for 2010, KURTIS PORTER!

"Til I collapse" is heard, the fans cheer as the ref raises Kurtis' arm in the air.

The cameras come back to the announce table where Kelly smiles and gets on her mic.

Kelly: And now it is time for the Most Improved of 2010 Award...It is my pleasure to introduce the Most Improved of 2009...The Current EWE International Champion...DEAN WINCHESTER!

"The Catalyst" by Linkin Park hits over the PA syetem as Dean walks out and over to the podium on the right side of the stage. Dean smiles as he looks at the award before he grabs the mic on the podium.

Dean Winchester: Well looky here, it's time again for the Most Improved Award. I was pretty stoked to win it last year, even though I had only been around for two months at the time. Either way, here we go...The Most Improved of 2010...

Dean looks over to the big screen, which displays the winner.


1: Dean Winchester 13 Vote Points(15)
2: ETMac/Eli Hogan 10 Vote Points(15)
3: Blitz/Leo 8 Vote Points(15)

Dean smiles and picks up the award off the podium.

Dean Winchester: Well looks like I've won it twice in a row, I must be awesome or something. Here's to 2011!

Dean raises up the award as his music hits again and he walks backstage.

Kelly: Well congrats go out to Dean on winning Most Improved twice in a row.

Justin White: Ya ya, he still hasn't held a heavyweight title, so obviously he hasn't improved THAT much.

Kelly: I would disagree with that, but I'm gonna just avoid the argument, let's get back into the countdown.

#9 MATCH OF 2010

Entry #?: The Hardy Boyz (Matt & Jeff Hardy)
Entry #?: The Jobber Squad (Dustin & Jay Jobber)
Entry #?: Cryme Tyme (JTG & Shad Gaspard)
Entry #?: Edge & Christian
Entry #?: Sean Lewis & Blue Panther
Entry #?: Dutch Clark & Chris Warren
Entry #7: D-Generation X (Triple H & Shawn Michaels)(c)

[Jonathan Steele] Christian has apparently abandoned Edge and this match has officially started!!!

[ Jay and Dustin look at each other in the ring and quickly come up behind Edge while his back is still turned with the ref who are both staring at Christian. Dustin drops down and delivers a SICKENING two-handed sledge low blow to Edge which cringes just about every male in the audience. Edge drops to his knees in pain as Jay quickly boots him in the side of the head. ]

[Jonathan Steele] EDGE IS DOWN!!!

[Jimmy Justice] This is ridiculous Steele!!! The Jobber Squad just destroyed Edge's chances of ever having kids!!!

[ The ref turns back around as Dustin and Jay look at each other in shock that they actually have an advantage in the match. They quickly begin to put the boots to Edge who is still covering his groin protectively. The two back away as Edge crawls towards the center of the ring and attempts to pick himself up. Suddenly Dustin runs from the opposite corner and hits a stiff running clothesline of the point of Edge's chin otherwise known as "JOBBINATION!!!" The crowd is literally in a stunned shock as the former Heavyweight Champion slumps to the ground out cold. ]

[Jonathan Steele] I never thought I'd say this but Dustin Jobber has laid out the former Heavyweight Champion!!!

[ Dustin stares at his arm in disbelief then up at his brother apparently unsure of what to do next. Dustin suddenly snaps to and quickly points to the corner and Jay nods before climbing the ropes and perching himself on the top. As always Jay stumbles on the top attempting to do a splash. Through absolute freak chance he manages to catch his balance and leaps off connecting with the HAIL THE SUPER SPLASH PIN!!! The referee is quick to get down and counts the 1.....2.....3!!! ]

[Jonathan Steele] The Jobber Squad has just eliminated Edge and Christian!!!

[Jimmy Justice] I just realized... THIS IS ABSOLUTELY LUDICROUS!!!

[ The Jobber Squad both stand up and pump their fists as the crowd goes into a frenzy. Edge is ushered out by the refs . ]


[ Jay and Dustin look at each other upset at the interruption to their celebration as Cryme Tyme emerges from the back. ]

[Jonathan Steele] Cryme Tyme in the house!!!

[Jimmy Justice] My god you're white.

[ They dance around at the top of the stage about to hit the ring when suddenly a team not entered into the gauntlet comes from the back. The Boys in Blue come out and crush the spines in of Cryme Tyme with their nightsticks much to the dislike of the audience. ]

[Jonathan Steele] What is this??? Tyson and Starr aren't even in this match!

[Jimmy Justice] Cryme Tyme is being paid some hard time now!!!

[ From the ring the Jobber Squad just watches as the cops beat the ever living bejesus out of Cryme Tyme. After they finish both Gaspard Brothers lie motionless on the ramp and they both spit in the general vicinity. The referee has no choice but to begin making the count as the Boys in Blue walk back towards the dressing room. ]

[Jonathan Steele] This is grotesquely unfair for Cryme Tyme! They were blindsided!!!

[Jimmy Justice] Them's the breaks Steele. Wait... Is the referee counting?

[ Back in the ring the ref counts a ten count ELIMINATING Cryme Tyme from the gauntlet. ]

[Jonathan Steele] My god Jimmy!!! On paper that means the Jobber Squad has eliminated TWO teams from this gauntlet!

[Jimmy Justice] Un-freaking-believable...

[ Jay and Dustin look at each other again and begin to dance and celebrate like party boys to their newly acquired quasi-winning streak. The crowd is actually really behind them until the HARDY BOYZ music hit's the loudspeaker. The crowd pops as the Hardyz emerge from the back and play to the crowd. ].

[Jonathan Steele] Entrant number 4 appears to be the Hardyz and they look pumped!!!

[ The Hardyz rush the ramp slide in and begin to run towards The Jobbers who both slide out of the ring quickly. The Hardyz look at each other and then Suicide Plancha over the top and connect with the two Jobber Squad members to a huge pop. The begin to beat the two Jobbers down on the outside of the ring as the crowd goes crazy. ]

[Jonathan Steele] The Hardyz are here to go to town!!!

[Jimmy Justice] I hope they do it fast Steele... These Jobbers need to get the hell out of here. I can't believe they are even still in this match!

[ Matt and Jeff pick up the Jobbers and hit tandem dropkicks which launches Dustin over the announce table and Jay into the second row. Matt goes after Jay and tries to grab him but Jay grabs a Hotdog and slams it into Matt's face. He follows this up with a coke, a beer and a pretzel and tries to hit the finale with a giant bucket of popcorn. Matt counters the food onslaught with a elbow to Jay's head which sprawls him back over the guardrail and next to his brother. The Jobbers are slow to pull themselves up and when they do the Hardyz slam both their heads into the announce table. They bounce off and to the ground as the crowd still roars it's approval. ]

[Jimmy Justice] The Jobbers just spilled my soda damn it!!!

[ The Hardyz grab the Jobbers and pick them back up to toss them both back in the ring as the ref tries to restore order. He grabs Matt and Jay and points them to the outside as Jeff begins to throw punches at Dustin. Dustin tries to get away for a tag but Jeff brings him back and nails a quick back suplex. He goes for a pin. 1.....2.....Shoulder up.]

[Jonathan Steele] Long two count!

[Jimmy Justice] Did a Jobber actually manage to kick out of something??? Amazing.

[ Jeff picks Dustin back up and looks to tag his brother but Dustin sticks a thumb into Jeff's eye. Jeff grabs his face as Dustin attempts a kick to the groin but Jeff catches he. He launches Dustin's foot and, as he spins around, nails him with a vicious right hand. He backs Dustin into the corner and punches him down before going back to the opposite corner. He rushes Dustin who instinctively falls to the ground and Jeff slams hard into the turnbuckle. He bounces off and trips over Dustin and collapses to the mat. Dustin looks around and tries pulling himself up as Jeff gets back up and pulls Dustin up by the hair. Dustin shockingly ducks a punch and hooks him with the dreaded SMALL PACKAGE!!!1.....2.....3!!!]

[Jimmy Justice] Wait! What the hell just happened here Steele???

[Jonathan Steele] Dustin just hooked his finisher which, believe it or not, is a Small Package!

[Jimmy Justice] But... They... I... NO WAY.

[Jonathan Steele] Yes way! The Jobber Squad has advanced yet again!!!

[ Jeff gets up and looks around absolutely confused as he and Matt are arguing with the ref who points them to the back. Jay gets back into the ring to help his brother up and the two of them take a second to catch their breath as the crowd goes crazy with approval. A "Jobber Squad" chant breaks outs and Jay and Dustin look around physically hurt but appreciative. The angle changes to that of the back where Michael Jensen sits at a monitor watching the match on the screen. He doesn't look thrilled but he is flanked by Big Show and Khali and turns to the Show. He pulls him down and whispers into his ear to which Big Show looks confused but nods. Back in the ring the two Jobbers begin to dance again to the chant but they are interrupted by...]


[ The crowd cheers hard as the returning Blue Panther emerges from the back flanked by Sean Lewis. Pyro blows off as the Jobber Squad in the ring stop dancing and hang their heads in mutual despair. ]

[Jimmy Justice] I think it's safe to say that the Jobber Squad's luck has officially run out Steele.

[Jonathan Steele] Two Hall-of-Famers coming to the ring and the Jobbers are in trouble!

[ Sean Lewis continues to play to the crowd as Blue Panther begins to come to the ringside area with a very smug look on his face. He points into the ring where Jay and Dustin talk to each other, trying to figure out their next move. Panther feints jumping into the ring and both Dustin and Jay back off, obviously intimidated. Suddenly the music is cut and from the back emerges Big Show and Khali who grab the oblivious Sean Lewis and begin to hammer him into the steel ramp! ]

[Jonathan Steele] Khali and Big Show??? What are these two beasts doing out here?

[Jimmy Justice] Wow Steele... I actually think that Jensen is trying to help the Jobber Squad bring some gold back to the Industry!

[Jonathan Steele] Does he even consider them part of the Industry?

[Jimmy Justice] Apparently so!

[ Panther turns around just in time to see Khali and Big Show wrap their hands around Sean's throat and CHOKETOSS him off of the ramp and through a pile of electrical equipment down below. Sparks fly and the crowd is in shock as Khali and Big Show begin walking towards the ring. ]

[Jonathan Steele] OH MY GOD!!!

[Jimmy Justice] Well Sean always wanted to be electric eh Steele?

[Jonathan Steele] Lewis needs medical attention!

[ Panther looks up at these two giants and looks like he is about to rush up the ramp to fight when suddenly he is blindsided by Dustin and Jay Jobber. Dustin nails him with a knee to the groin and Jay manages to nail a quick jump kick to the side of his head which knocks Panther into the ring. Towards the middle of the ramp Khali and Big Show just watch as EMTs rush to Sean's aid. ]

[Jonathan Steele] It's two on one and the Jobber Squad is taking the advantage!

[Jimmy Justice] Sean Lewis... Electric... I'm priceless...

[Jonathan Steele] WILL YOU SHUT UP???

[ Back in the ring Panther is taking a two on one assault for about five seconds until he unleashes a ferocious right hook that absolutely drops Dustin. Jay throws a wild haymaker to which Panther ducks and he grabs Jay from behind. He looks like he is going to attempt a Neckbreaker but is stopped when Dustin sticks a thumb in his eye. Panther covers up and Dustin lowers a shoulder into Panther which drives him back into the ropes. Dustin looks like he is going to try and capitalize but the referee stops him and points him out of the ring. ]

[Jimmy Justice] What is the referee doing?

[Jonathan Steele] This is not a handicap match Jimmy... And what do you care? You just were saying you wanted the Jobbers out of there!

[Jimmy Justice] Hey if Jensen wants it... Then I want it. LETS GO JOBBER SQUAD!

[ Dustin argues as Jay is quick to come over and hit a forearm to the side of Panther's head. He goes for a second which is absorbed as is a third and a fourth. At this point the crowd is cheering for Panther as Jay begins to beg off towards the ropes. Panther rushes him and BLASTS him with a bomb like elbow to chest which knocks the air out of him and jettisons him into the corner. He bounces off and Panther does a go behind and delivers a DEVISTATING release German Suplex to Jay which folds him end-over-end and slides him out of the ring. ]

[Jonathan Steele] I think Jay Jobber's spine might be broken after that Suplex!

[ Jay twitches outside on the concrete floor as Panther appears to be considering a tope out of the ring. Before he can though Dustin Jobber gets back up to his feet and hit's a quick knee to Panther's spine which drives him into the corner. Dustin turns around and raises his arm signaling like his going to attempt another Jobbination clothesline but Panther simply explodes out of the corner and spears Dustin into the mat. Dustin gasps for air as Panther signals he's going to end it. He goes towards the ropes and begins to scale. ]

[Jonathan Steele] This miracle story of the Jobber Squad is about to come to an end if Panther can connect here!

[ As he climbs we see Khali and Big Show begin to once again walk towards the ringside area. Panther sees this and stops on the second rope trying to figure out what the two big men are doing. Panther shouts at them as Dustin slowly gets back up to his feet. He is woozy from lack of air and stumbles into the ropes. Panther loses his balance and tumbles OUT OF THE RING and collapses next to Jay Jobber on the arena floor. ]

[Jonathan Steele] Panther just made a huge error and now he's down!

[Jimmy Justice] What an idiot Steele... He was too focused on the big men and now he is in pain.

[Jonathan Steele] Big Show and Khali just destroyed his partner!

[Jimmy Justice] Not my problem.

[ The referee begins the ten count as Panther struggles to gain his bearings on the outside. Back in the ring Dustin has fallen to his knees and is gasping from breath as the referee's count continues. 1.....2.....3.....4.....5.... Panther begins to stir and actually gets up as Big Show and Khali just stay on the ramp. In the ring Dustin has gotten back up to his feet but falls back into the referee who struggles to hold him up and continue his count. 6.....7.....8..... Panther is back up and tries to slide back into the ring but Jay has a death grip around his ankles. The referee doesn't see this as he gets to 9..... Panther stomps Jay off and is just about on the apron when we hear 10!!! ]

[Jonathan Steele] Blue Panther has been counted out of this match!!!

[Jimmy Justice] What a brilliant move by Jay Jobber!!! GO JOBBER SQUAD!

[Jonathan Steele] You are such a sell-out.

[Jimmy Justice] Get bent Steele.

[ Panther jumps back into the ring and begins to rush Dustin who hides behind the referee. The referee stands his ground and points the back saying something about suspension if Panther doesn't leave the ring. Panther looks absolutely livid as Big Show and Khali are now at the ringside area. Blue Panther looks over at them as the two big men grab steel chairs and a small army of security emerge from the back. Panther shakes his fists in rage and spits at the two big men as he leaves the ring into the waiting hands of security. Security struggles to hold him back as Big Show and Khali just laugh. Back in the ring Dustin slumps into the corner just as Jay is pulling himself back up to the ring apron. ]

[Jonathan Steele] Panther is hot and I don't blame him!

[Jimmy Justice] Security is saving his life right now Steele. If he went after Khali and Big Show... He'd be leaving Minnesota in a body bag.

[ Dustin and Jay look much worse for the wear back in the ring when suddenly... ]


[ The crowd comes absolutely unglued as EWE Champion "The Irish Fury" Dutch Clark emerges from the back with Chris Warren. ]

[Jonathan Steele] Say good night Jobber Squad! HERE COMES DUTCH CLARK!!!

[Jimmy Justice] Our EWE Champion and the former Alpha Male... But look at what they have to go through first!

[ In the ring the Jobbers begin to sob to themselves in obvious fear as the two men begin to walk down the ramp but stop when they see Big Show and Khali standing with chairs and sadistic looks on their faces. ]

[Jimmy Justice] That's right... Let's see your buddy get through this one Steele!

[ Dutch unbuckles the EWE title around his waist and tosses to the side as he turns to Chris and the music dies. He whispers something to him and suddenly takes off in a dead sprint leaving Chris behind. The crowd goes insane as Dutch ducks a wild chair shot from Khali which hits Big Show. Big Show falls to his knees stunned and Dutch capitalizes by nailing Khali with a right hand. He kicks away both chairs and begins to fight both big men as Warren is quick to follow. ]

[Jonathan Steele] Dutch is taking it to them both and here comes his partner!!!

[ Chris nails a multitude of shots on the downed Big Show before using the opportunity to rush to the ring. Dutch looks at him confused but continues his assault on Khali on the outside. ]

[Jonathan Steele] What is Warren doing???

[Jimmy Justice] He has a match Steele... Dutch instigated this on his own you know.

[Jonathan Steele] But... He is leaving Dutch to fight alone!

[Jimmy Justice] Meh... He HAS a match to fight Steele.

[ In the ring Warren rushes the Jobber Squad and begins to lay in punches to the two men as Dutch is still trying to fight, now two-on-one, on the outside. Even the odds are too much for the EWE Champ as Khali and Big Show begin to pummel him on the outside. The crowd begins to chant for Warren who seemingly ignores it as he plants Dustin Jobber with a single-arm DDT and pulls up in an armbar as Jay struggles to pull him off. ]

[Jonathan Steele] Chris needs to help Dutch!

[Jimmy Justice] Dutch needs to help himself! They are partners to win tag gold and NOT to fight the Industry.

[ Back in the ring the referee is trying to restore order as Jay has pulled Chris off but received a short-clothesline for his trouble. On the outside Dutch is taking a horrific beating now as Khali holds him in a choke and Big Show is head butting him from behind. Suddenly someone has seen enough as DX flies from the back and rushes to Dutch's aid ]

[Jimmy Justice] DX??? They aren't in the match yet Steele!

[Jonathan Steele] No but someone has to help Dutch!!!

[ HBK and HHH slam into the two big men and begin to brawl with them at the ringside area as Dutch stumbles to regain himself. Back in the ring Warren PLANTS Jay Jobber with a Piledriver and goes for a pin. 1.....2..... Dustin kicks Chris in the ribs and that breaks the count. Chris gets back up as Dustin attempts a kick to the groin. Chris catches it, swings him around and locks arms with Dustin. He leans back and hooks in the TRIGGER near the corner ropes. The crowd chants like crazy as Dustin screams for mercy as Chris pulls harder and harder. ]

[Jimmy Justice] NO! Someone needs to help Dustin like right now!!!

[ The ref asks Dustin if he wants to quit. Dustin looks like he is about to but the nearly dead Jay Jobber manages to point to the ropes from the prone position to show that Dustin's foot is underneath the bottom rope. Dustin screams that he quits as the ref breaks Chris's grip on him. ]

[Jonathan Steele] Dustin Jobber just quit! The Jobber Squad has been eliminated from this match!

[Jimmy Justice] Wait a second... I think Dustin got to the ropes!

[ Warren raises his hands in victory as Jay and Dustin lay prone in the ring. Chris finally turns his attention back to the outside of the ring where Dutch has rejoined the fray as he and DX are bashing the Big Show and Khali. Back in the ring the referee is telling the timekeeper the match is continuing and begins a ten count on Chris on the outside. Chris runs down and grabs one of the discarded steel chairs and begins swinging it like a mad-man clocking Big Show and Khali... And then HBK and HHH!!! ]

[Jonathan Steele] What the hell did Warren do that for???

[Jimmy Justice] He is trying to get the advantage on their next opponent!

[ Dutch looks at Chris in shock and begins to yell at him on the outside as Chris just shrugs and makes a belt motion around his waist. He steps over the knocked-out HHH, picks up the now bleeding and semi-conscious HBK and rolls him into the ring as the referee's count reaches 10. ]

[Jonathan Steele] My god Jimmy... You were absolutely correct! Dustin made the ropes and now Warren and Clark have been eliminated by count-out!!!

[ Chris looks in shock at the referee and then back at Dutch who just shakes his head in absolutely and utter disgust at him partner. ]

[Jonathan Steele] Dutch Clark is not a happy man right now Jimmy!

[Jimmy Justice] Serves him right! He should have been fighting the match and not Big Show and Khali!

[Jonathan Steele] How could he when they were blocking the ring???

[Jimmy Justice] I've said it once and I will say it again... NOT MY PROBLEM.

[ Dutch turns around and returns up the ramp past the carnage obviously angry. Warren stares at the chair in his hands and tosses it away cursing aloud. He walks past the carnage of bodies and returns to the back as well as in the ring the bloody and bashed HBK slowly gets to his feet. He struggles to hold on to the rope as behind him the also damaged Jobber Squad has managed to get up to their feet. Dustin and Jay stumble to HBK and manage to grab him weakly. They position him in the middle of the ring and go to opposite corners. They come running off with the last of their energy and deliver a tandem finisher to HBK. Dustin connects with a Running Chopblock as Jay leaps and nails a Flying Shouldertackle which blasts HBK into a back flip. The crowd, the referee, the ring crew and everyone else at home is stunned into silence as Dustin and Jay look up and realize they actually connected with their tag-team finisher. ]

[Jonathan Steele] They hit it... They actually hit it.

[Jimmy Justice] What was it???

[Jonathan Steele] They call it... "We Win."

[ Dustin and Jay look at each other in shock as finally Dustin drops down and hooks a leg. 1.....2.....3!!! ]

[Jonathan Steele] I don't believe it...

[Jimmy Justice] The Jobber Squad are the new champions? Really?

[ Dustin weakly gets up with Jay's help and the two look around absolutely confused as the referee holds up their hands. ]

[Jennifer Sparks] Your winners... And NEW EWE Tag-Team Champions... Dustin and Jay Jobber... THE JOBBER SQUAD!!!

The duo are handed the belts as suddenly we see Michael Jensen appear at the top of the ramp. He begins to clap slowly as the rest of the audience begins to clap as well. Jay is the first to realize the truth of what has happened as he suddenly jumps up into his brother's arms as "Take a Chance on Me" begins to blare over the loudspeaker!!! The crowd begins to cheer louder and faster as the Jobber Squad celebrate in the ring.

[Jonathan Steele] Ladies and gentlemen... You are witnessing the two most unlikely champions in the HISTORY of EWE.

[Jimmy Justice] I am shocked Steele. The Jobber Squad are our new champions.

The crowd goes into a frenzy as the brothers pose with the belts. Another "Jobber Squad" chant breaks out and the two brothers dance, albeit slowly and in much, much pain.

[Jimmy Justice] Steele... I have to say something that is just shocking. These two guys have fans somehow and these two went the total distance here tonight. Edge and Christian... Cryme Tyme... The Hardy Boyz... Blue Panther and Sean Lewis... Dutch Clark and Chris Warren... DX... THEY BEAT THEM ALL! How is that even possible?

[Jonathan Steele] I don't know Jimmy but I think for now all we can is say congratulations to the JOBBER SQUAD!!!

The cameras come back to the studios.

Kelly: What a great match that was.

Justin White: It's stupid, how did them morons run the entire gauntlet?

Kelly: Luck mostly, but anyways, it's time for our next award...the 2010 Biggest Impact..

Justin White: I'll handle this one Kelly...ladies and gentlmen, here to present the award for Biggest Impact of 2010...The Biggest Impact Superstar of 2009....The Rated R Superstar, EDGE!

"Metalingius" by Alterbridge hits over the sound system. Edge walks out and to the podium, he gives a smug look at the award.

Edge: I don't know why they wanted me to do this, like I really give a crap who won this? You can only win this award once, so I know they are someone who lacks when it compares to me. Whatever the case, let's see this loser, the Biggest Impact of 2010.


1: Dutch Clark 15 Vote Points(15)
2: Spider 8 Vote Points(15)
3: Abdul Q 7 Vote Points(15)

"Modern Day Cowboy" by Tesla hits which causes the crowd to cheer a bit. Dutch walks out to the podium, with the Undisputed Title draped over his shoulder. Dutch smirks at Edge, who just scuffs. Edge gives him the award, but not without cheap shotting him with a hard right.

Kelly: Was that really necassary?

Justin White: Of course it was.

Edge laughs walking back to the back, while Dutch holds his cheek and laughs. He just smiles and taps his Undisputed Title as if to say "He's just jealous." Dutch heads back to the back.

Kelly: Let's just get back to the countdown...

#8 MATCH OF 2010

Johnny Chaos VS Mr Man

Johnny gets up and Man quickly hits him with another clothesline. As Johnny tries to stagger up again, Man grabs Johnny from behind and hits a German Supplex. Man bridges it, getting a quick two count. As the two get back up they lock up, Johnny tries for a supplex, but Man blocks it. Man tries for a supplex, but Johnny blocks it too. Man knees Johnny in the gut, then hits a quick snap ddt.

Jonathan Steele: Nice one there..

Man covers Johnny, but of course Johnny kicks out. The two get back up, where they start to exchange right hands. Man blocks one, by giving Johnny armdrag takedown, that he follows up by locking in an armbar. Johnny fights, but ultimately rolls his way out of it.

Jonathan Steele: For no holds barred, there's already more wrestling involved then I expected.

Dillian Coal: Give it a minute, so much hatrid between these two, once that first weapon gets involved, it'll be a straight up war to the end.

Man charges at Johnny, delivering a solid running DDT. As Man tries to pick Johnny back up, Johnny quickly hits a low blow! Johnny follows up with a snap ddt of his own. Johnny sits up and does his usual signal he does when he wants Drama to get him a chair, but there's one problem with that.

Jonathan Steele: What is he doing?

Dillian Coal: Obviously, he was telling his wife to get him a weapon. He just hasn't adjusted to the fact that she's been kidnapped.

Realizing he'd have to get one himself, Johnny rolls out of the ring and flips up the apron to take a look. Johnny pulls a chair out from under the ring, which gets a mixed reaction from the crowd. As Johnny stands back up, Man comes jumping over the top rope with a suicide dive, as he crashes onto the chair and Johnny!

Jonathan Steele: Did you see that?!

Dillian Coal: The moron took them both out.

They both lay there for a moment composing therselves. They both start to stagger back up, and beging another fist exchange. Man tries to irish whip Johnny, but Johnny counters and sends Man into the steel steps! Johnny runs after Man and just after Man bounced off the steps, Johnny spears him back into them!

Jonathan Steele: What impact!

Dillian Coal: Now that's what we came to see.

Johnny sits up, with a slight grin on his face. Johnny starts digging under the ring again, until he pulls out a table, the crowd roars, them and their wood. Johnny slides the table into the ring then starts looking again, this time he pulls out a ladder. Before Johnny does anything with the ladder, he sees Man starting to get up. Johnny quickly drops the ladder and grabs the chair. As Man leans on the stairs, Johnny swings the chair to crack his head against the stairs, but Man moves at the last moment. We can hear the echo of the chair hitting the steel steps.

Jonathan Steele: That was a close one.

Dillian Coal: Ya I know, what a shame.

Johnny drops the chair, as hitting the solid steel caused it to vibrate in his hands. Mr Man runs up the steps, jumps on Johnny wrapping his legs around his head, then delievers a Hurranicanna to the Ladder that was laying on the floor! The crowd cheers as Mr Man gets back up. Man digs around under the ring, pulling out a metal baseball bat. Johnny gets up and Man quickly delievers a hard shot to the gut, which makes the crowd go "ohh".

Dillian Coal: Batter up!

Johnny rolls into the ring, holding his gut. Man slides in with the bat still in hand. Man stalks Johnny and swings as he gets up, Johnny quickly ducks.

Dillian Coal: Strike One..

Man turns around and swings again, but Johnny ducks again.

Dillian Coal: Strike Two..

Man turns around and swings again, but Johnny ducks again. This time Johnny quickly grabs Man and hits an inverted DDT.

Dillian Coal: Strike Three, He's out of there!

Jonathan Steele: Wow..

Dillian Coal: Care to say something?

Jonathan Steele: ....

Dillian Coal: Thought so.

Johnny grabs the table and sets it up. He turns around seeing Man getting up, so Johnny runs and quickly hits a Side-Effect. Johnny doesn't cover, as he then rolls out of the ring. Johnny picks the ladder up and slides it into the ring. Johnny then grabs his chair and slides back into the ring. Johnny sees Man getting up, and quickly cracks him right between the eyes!

Jonathan Steele: What a shot!

Dillian Coal: I almost felt that one..

Johnny drops the chair, then leans the ladder into the corner. Johnny then grabs Mr Man by the legs, he smirks then turns him over, locking in the Chaos Effect!

Dillian Coal: Oh baby, it's over now.

Mr Man screams as Johnny continues to apply the pressure. Mr Man won't give in, but Johnny won't stop applying the pressure neither. Man crawls over and finally grabs the bottom rope. The ref tells Johnny to let go, but he refuses and keeps the hold locked in. The ref counts the five count, but still, Johnny won't let go.

Jonathan Steele: Oh come on, he's got the ropes!

Dillian Coal: No Disqualification, and Johnny knows that. He's fuckin briliant.

Man is in alot of agony by now, and Johnny simply doesn't care. Man keeps ahold of the rope then uses it to pull himself further. Man then grabs the ring apron and keeps pulling himself until he's hanging over the side. Johnny finds himself tangled in the ropes, and finally no choice but to let go. Man plops to the floor as Johnny turns around and looks at him. Johnny waits for him to get up, then springs himself over the top rope, and lands on Man with a cross-body. Chaos stays on Man and hits several hard rights. Johnny pulls Man up and whips him into the barricade, Johnny runs after him and goes for a spear, but Man leap frogs over, and Johnny crashes through the barricade!

Jonathan Steele: Did you see that?!

Dillian Coal: Of course I did you idoit.

Man runs after Johnny and the two continue to fight through the crowd. They fight all up and down the crowd until Man clotheslines Johnny back over the barricade right between the announce tables. Man climbs back over himself and the brawl continues. Man slams Johnny's head on the Chaos announce table, then goes to do it again, but Johnny blocks. Johnny then slams Man's head on the Xplosion announce table. Johnny also goes for a second, and Man also blocks. Man knees Johnny in the gut then whips him onto Xplosion's Table. Man gets on and the two start trading shots.

Jonathan Steele: They are now waring on Xplosion's Announce Table.

Dillian Coal: Yea, destroy them loser's table!

They continue to fight back and forth, until Man gets Johnny on his shoulders, and delievers the Future Shock, dismantiling Xplosion's Announce Table!

Dillian Coal: YES!

Jonathan Steele: This may be over!

Dillian Coal: Well he has to get Johnny back into the ring first. This is No Holds Barred, not Falls Count Anywhere.

Man does exactly that though, grabbing Johnny and draging him back to the ring. Man rolls Johnny into the ring and slides in himself. Man covers Johnny as the ref counts the one...two...Johnny barely kicks out. Man picks Johnny up and deliveries a Vertical supplex. Man rolls back to his feet keeping ahold of Johnny, to hit a second Vertical Supplex. Man rolls back to his feet again, and still keeps ahold of Johnny. Man moves and hits the 3rd Vertical Supplex, this one, right on the ladder in the corner!

Jonathan Steele: Very clever there.

Dillian Coal: Meh.

Man doesn't cover, instead he picks Johnny up and lays him on the table. Man then grabs the ladder and stands it up in the ring. Man climbs all the way up to the top and smiles back down to Johnny, as the crowd cheers. Man jumps off with the Future Splash, but at the very last moment, Johnny rolls off, and Man crashes through the table!

Dillian Coal: Crash and burn!

Both men lay there for a moment, as Johnny pulls himself up first. Man staggers back to his feet, only for Johnny to quickly hit The Extreme MakeOver, smack dab on the chair!

Dillian Coal: The Extreme MakeOver, on a chair!

Jonathan Steele: This one may be over with!

Johnny quickly covers Man, hooking the leg as the ref counts the one...two...three!

"Goin Down" hits as Johnny rolls out of the ring and the ref steps out to raise his hand.

Jennifer Sparks: Here is your winner, The Extreme One, JOHNNY CHAOS!

Jonathan Steele: I don't know why, but that random attack on Triple H, really helped his career. He has yet to lose to a single Hall of Famer in his quest ever since.

Dillian Coal: Not only that, but he only lost one match since then, that was the 1st round of the King of Xtreme that next week, where he was distracted. This match marks his 8th Consecutive victory. I don't care who you are, that's impressive.

Johnny heads back up the ramp, while Mr Man sits up trying to shake the cobwebs and figure out what just happened.

Kelly: A great match that was, it's no surprise them two are up for Best Feud later on..

Justin White: Johnny made Mr. Man his bitch, it was great..

Kelly: Moving on...It's now time for the Most Shocking Moment of 2010...with that said, let's take a look at the screen!


1: Jobber Squad runs the gauntlet 38 Vote Points(40)
2: Kurtis Porter cashes in Money in the Bank 27 Vote Points(40)
3: White Tiger turns on Kurtis Porter 24 Vote Points(40)
4: Hollywood Blondes defeat DX, Men of Valor, Style & Pride, And The Movement in the same match 22 Vote Points(40)
5: Abdul Q wins International Title in EWE & WrestleMania debut 21 Vote Points(40)
6: Johnny Chaos reveals to be the kidnapper to Snake's Sara 18 Vote Points(40)
7: White Knight defeats White Tiger in his debut match 15 Vote Points(40)
7: Shawn Ashlocke returns to win the Three Phase Challenge 15 Vote Points(40)

The entire Jobber family comes running out to the podium, well except for Mr. Jobber who just kinda stumbles to it with a bottle of Jim Beam in his hand. Jay and Dustin both grab their awards and high five eachother, then Jon gives them a double high five. Mr. Jobber just takes a drink of his Jim Beam.

Jay Jobber: I'd like to dedicate this...to THE WORLD!

Jon Jobber: Woah...The World? That's deep!

Jay Jobber: Totally..

Dustin Jobber: We gotta dedicate it to dad too.

Jay Jobber: For being too drunk to even know we had the match that night?

Dustin Jobber: For bringing us into this world!

Jay Jobber: Totally by accident..

Dustin Jobber: Not the point!

Jobber Squad: Thanks Dad!

To show his appreciation for their thanks, Mr Jobber passes out.

Jay Jobber: Not again!

Jon Jobber: Quick, get the sugar!

Dustin Jobber: You gotta lay off the booze Dad!

The Jobbers scramble to try and help their dad back up.

Kelly: Well....ok...while they get that settled, now's a good time to head to the next match.

#7 MATCH OF 2010

LUMBERJACKS: Chaos & Xplosion Rosters
Kurtis Porter[c] VS Dutch Clark

Both men begin to circle the ring, Dutch going to his right and Kurtis to his left, so that they go to the previously empty corners, but stay at the opposite sides of the ring and then, as if on some kind of unspoken cue they both charge to the middle and lock up in a collar & elbow grapple. After a moment of struggling back and forth, Dutch turns into a headlock on Porter. Porter tries hooking his arms around Dutch's nearest leg and tries to lift him, but can't get leverage. Dutch cranks it on a bit tighter, for extra grip and Porter's face starts getting red. Then, in a rare show of technical prowess, Dutch spins around, grabbing Porter's wrist and going behind him into a hammerlock. Porter seems to flash back to his days in wrestling camp and suddenly clues into a counter, twisting in the direction of the pressure and going behind into a hammerlock of his own, but as he sinches it in, Dutch raises his foot in a mule kick style and hits him right between the legs. As Porter grabs at himself and falls down to his knees, Dutch turns and slaps him in the head as a show of humiliation. Porter quickly regains his feet and back peddles into the corner.

Dillian Coal: See? THIS is the guy you're supporting? This rule breaking degenerate!?!?

Kenny Greenwood: First of all, I never said THAT. Secondly, I can't remember the last time I heard YOU complain about somebody breaking the rules. Funny how your opinion changes once somebody's wearing an orange shirt... figuratively speaking, of course.

Porter stands in the corner, resting his elbows on the ropes and looking across at Dutch, pondering his next move. The respective teams of lumberjacks pound on the apron, egging on their representatives as they begin to circle the ring again, feeling eachother out. They charge in and grapple again, but Dutch uses his slight size advantage to force Porter backward into the corner. They press into the corner, still locked up, until the referee tells Dutch to break it. Porter holds his arms up for a clean break, but as Dutch starts to back away, he backstabs him at the last second with a huge knee to the gut. While Porter's gazing down at the mat, Dutch grabs his arm and goes to whip him to the other corner, but through sheer force of will, Kurtis snaps out of it at the last second and counters the whip, sending Dutch to the corner instead. He follows it up with a charge, but Dutch gets an elbow up, and sends him staggering back toward the middle of the ring. As Dutch takes his turn to charge, he grabs Kurtis in a front facelock, about to attempt the Furious DDT... but Porter stands up, with Dutch's arm still around his kneck, takes a couple steps back, and allows himself to fall back first to the mat, just short of the ropes, dropping Dutch's neck across the top rope.

Dillian Coal: Oooooh! Did you see that? Just when you think KP's out of it, he finds a way to pull out in what is CLEARLY the biggest move of the match so far.

Kenny Greenwood: Yeah, you're right there. That was a huge... what would you call that? A modified stungun? Well whatever it is, Dutch is out cold.

Just as Dutch appears to be starting to come too, a big pair of hands reaches into the ring and grabs his leg. With a quick yank, the challenger is taken down to ringside, face to face with one of Michael Jensen's personal hitmen, The Great Khali.

Kenny Greenwood: Oh my god... really? It looks like Jensen's goons are intent on making sure Chaos takes home the title, even if they have to break the rules to do it.

Thinking fast, Dutch kicks him in the gut, then grabs his hair, turning and smashing his head into the corner post. As Khali coils back, the Chaos team begin to swarm Dutch. Dean Winchester comes in and takes a big right hand, then comes Mr. Man who eats a huge left.

Dillian Coal: What are you talking about, Greenwood? They're lumberjacks! They're just doing their job, and that drunken irish idiot decided to pick a fight!

Kenny Greenwood: Oh, like you didn't just see that! Does it make you feel dirty, Coal?

Dillian Coal: Does WHAT make me feel dirty?

Kenny Greenwood: What Jensen makes you do while you're under his desk every night. DC Oh ha... ha... can we get back to calling the match, please?

Just as Dutch knocks off a couple more would-be assailants, he turns to slide back into the ring, but Manny and Dean have recovered and grab him from either side, pinning his arms to the apron and start feeding him knees until their backup can arrive, and Chaos superstars just start unloading on him. Most painful looking, though is a huge crushing front kick right to the kidneys by Johnny Chaos. At this sight, Xplosion starts to mobilize. At one end of the ring, DX start taking down the Big Show, while at the other end Edge and Christian wind up in a brawl with Dresden and Jericho. In all the commotion though, nobody sees newly reaffirmed International champion Abdul Q slip by and clock Dean in the head with his title belt. Sensing one arm is free, Dutch turns and pulls away from Manny, stumbling back a few steps, before charging back at him and hitting him with a Furious DDT.

Kenny Greenwood: And here we go! If I know Dutch Clark, he's about to start giving Chaos the fight they came for! He may be going down, but god dammit, he's goin' down swinging!

Dillian Coal: What are you talking about, Greenwood? The Chaos guys were trying to push him into the ring, you saw it, then those Xplosion idiots got involved, and now all we have is a huge brawl on our hands!

Kenny Greenwood: You're delusional.

Taking the chance, Dutch starts to slide back into the ring, but the damage is done, leaving him clutching at his abdomen, which makes it hard for him to get up. Porter sees an opportunity and begins to charge... but out of nowhere, Dutch grabs his legs and counters into a huge spinebuster. He shoots his arms out to the sides and screams with primal anger as he looks to the corner post.

Kenny Greenwood: No Dutch! Don't do it! Your body can't take it!

But of course, even if Dutch could hear him he wouldn't listen. He starts climbing the corner, but naturally in his condition it takes some work. Just as he's pulling himself up and starting to signal for his patented knee drop, Porter springs to his feet with a sort of second wind and swings a wild punch, which catches Clark below the belt. Gripping his groin he sits back on the corner post, and Kurtis climbs up to meet him, locking in a front facelock.


Kenny Greenwood: Waaaait... not so fast...

Just as Porter tries to pull him back, Dutch's grip on the ropes tightens and he doesn't move. Porter relaxes the pressure a bit, then yanks back even harder, until his body is almost at a right angle with the corner, but he can't pry Dutch free. He relaxes again to try a third sudden jerk, but as he moves forward, Dutch fires his own body weight backwards, sending Porter to the outside with a sort of back body drop type maneuver. The Chaos stars scramble in, arms raised, to try and break his fall, but Snake catches a stray foot to the head, which sends him off, holding the side of his face. Just as the Chaos roster starts to steady Porter, they all look up to see Dutch, now standing upright on the corner and looking out at them, there's just enough pause for security to start pushing back the ground as he leaps...

Dillian Coal: OH MY GOD!

Kenny Greenwood: HUGE suicide plancha by Dutch Clark and the Chaos roster is DOWN!

Just as they say that, Chaos superstars start falling out from all side of the Porter/Clark mess. The worst victim though is Johnny Chaos, who hits and gets knocked clean over the barricade, into a mess of chairs where the evacuated crowd had just been sitting. They look on with combined expressions of awe on dumb relief as the rest of the masses start chanting "HOLY SHIT! HOLY SHIT!"

Dillian Coal: This is the guy you support, Greenwood? This man is a fucking maniac!!!

Dutch is the first one to make it back to his feet, still gripping his abdomen, but his spare arm shoots up in the air triumphantly. He marches back up the steps and into the ring as Xplosion leaps into action again to clean up the mess. Everybody seems to be taking a shot at everybody, but most obvious is the sight of "Dynamic" Derek Daniels holding Porter's arms behind his back as his and Clark's trainer, Jack Michaels, feeds him rights and lefts to the midsection, gaining revenge for their battered colleague.A few moments later, with Dutch still leaning against the ropes to regain his composure, Porter gets slid back into the ring.

Kenny Greenwood: This is just a mess. There are bodies everywhere, complete pandemonium!

Dillian Coal: Yeah, and your ‘buddy' Dutch caused the whole damn thing! Are you happy?

Kenny Greenwood: Oh just shut up, will you? Nobody cares what you have to say!

Meanwhile the camera cuts to ringside where a visably pissed off Johnny Chaos is standing up, holding his head and, had he been miced, probably incurring several FCC violations as he kicks at the scattered, knocked over, and in some cases now folded up chairs around him. In a rage, he grabs one of the chairs and jumps back over the barricade, swinging. With one huge crack, he takes down Abdul. Another knocks over HBK as he gets to the ring where slowly, both competitors are making it to their feet. Johnny jumps up to the apron near Clark, about to start some shit, but as he steps between the ropes, then stands back up he comes face to face with somebody he wasn't expecting.

Kenny Greenwood: IT'S TRIPLE H! The Game wants some of Johnny Chaos!

Johnny turns to run back the way he came, but sees Jack Michaels at ringside with a ‘ready to rumble' look on his face, urging him to bring it on. Panicking, Johnny turns to the opposite rope, away from both men and runs, abandoning the chair and sliding under the rope as they give chase. Both men erupt toward the center of the ring again, but this time Porter comes out on top, connecting with a huge clothesline. He turns, waiting for the somewhat inhibited Clark to get back to his feet... and sees the chair.

Dillian Coal: Oh here we go! Things are about to get messy! Kurtis walks over and picks up the chair, measuring up Dutch.

Kenny Greenwood: Oh I see how it is, breaking the rules is fine... so long as it's a guy from Chaos.

Dillian Coal: Turn about's fair play, Greenwood!

Dutch stands up, sees Kurtis with the chair, but just smiles and raises both hands, giving him the "bring it on" gesture. Both men move in again and CRACK! The chair bends over the Irish Fury's skull, as his knees seem to buckle beneath him and he collapses to the floor. This catches the attention of the mob at ringside and they begin to swarm inward, rising up onto the apron, to which the refree starts frantically scrambling from one rope to another, trying to head off several different men all at once. Meanwhile, Porter makes a pin, not realizing the referee is busy.

Dillian Coal: Oh come on! Gimme a break! 1... 2... 3... this should be over! Kurtis Porter has defended his title, but the god damned referee aint lookin'! He must be an Xplosion referee! This is a travesty!

Just as he says this, we see Derek Daniels slip in, also behind the referees back, and take possession of the chair. Just as Porter gets up to yell at the ref, Daniels runs at him, swings and chair and connects with the back of his skull with a deafening thud, sending him forward... and into the ref, who falls forward into the corner, hitting his head on the second turnbuckle.

Kenny Greenwood: Oh my god... did you see that!?!? The referee's neck just snapped back. I think he may need medical assistance!

Just then, we see Daniels drop the chair as well and drop out of the ring as his opponent from earlier, Sean Lewis, comes running at him. The two fall back out of the ring and erupt in another brawl as the camera goes back to the downed referee.

Dillian Coal: Oh, your poor Xplosion referee is hurt! Somebody...

Kenny Greenwood: Coal, just SHUT UP! This isn't about some brand feud, a man's hurt for gods sake! Would you get over yourself for five minutes and just...

He's cut off by the kick in of the P.A. system with a rousing drum pattern explodes from the speakers. The lights around the doorway go a bright gold color and a haunting keyboard melody comes in.

Kenny Greenwood: Wait... I know that music... is that...? No!

As the bridge of an instrumental version of Nightwish's "Seven Days To The Wolves" breaks out in it's full scale of epic symphonic-infused metal, a man familiar to many in the EWE emerges onto the entrance ramp. Dressed in a simple pair of jeans with no shirt, and his long black hair pulled back behind his ears, he stares down the ramp at the crowd gathered around the ring, mostly turned to stare at him in disbelief, and of course the three broken messes of men laying in the center of it all, two broken competitors and one incapacitated referee.

Kenny Greenwood: IT IS! IT'S SHAWN ASHLOCKE!!! What the hell is he doing here!?!?

As Ashlocke starts to slowly walk down the ramp, arms folded across his chest, clearly in no hurry to get anywhere, a big grin crosses his face as he watches the confusion of the mass around him. Naturally though, it's only a matter of time before somebody throws the first punch and the fight erupts again.

Dillian Coal: It's OBVIOUS what he's doing here, Kenny. Everybody knows Ashlocke HATES Kurtis Porter... LAW must have enlisted him to make sure Dutch came out with the victory. Just like you Xplosion types, he knew Chaos was a superior brand, and that he'd need help to get the job done!

Meanwhile in the ring, both men return to their feet, but it doesn't seem either of them was able to grasp what just happened while they were out, and at least for Dutch it's not clear if it would mean much if he had... but as Porter staggers to meet his opponent in the middle of the ring, it's quite clear he has absolutely no knowledge of the fact that one of his greatest enemies is mere feet away, looking on. The two men begin to exchange blows as the camera watches on from over Ashlockes shoulder. A right from Porter... a left from Clark... another right from Porter... Clark drives a knee into him. Clark tries for another huge overhand right... but Porter blocks it and hits him with one of his own. Another swing from Clark, and another block. Another big right from Porter, who irish whips Dutch into the ropes, and as he comes back, levels him with a huge Spinebuster of his own

Kenny Greenwood: HUGE spinebuster by Porter... that's the one he calls the K~Bite, isn't it?

Dillian Coal: Oh sure, NOW you just wanna call the match, and play all impartial. Well ya know what? FUCK YOU, Greenwood! GET HIM, KURTIS! PIN HIM! HE'S DONE!

Kenny Greenwood: Uh... there's still no referee.

Porter, breathing heavily and clearly worn out, looks toward the corner and points at the top turnbuckle.

Kenny Greenwood: What? Is he gonna go up top? This isn't like him... I hope he knows what he's doing, there's more than enough carnage up here for one match.

Dillian Coal: OF COURSE he knows what he's doing... he's the EWE Champion, isn't he? Shut up and learn, Greenwood! This is how we do it on the A-Brand!

Kurtis slowly climbs up the inside of the turnbuckles, but does see that Dutch slowly spins around out of his layed out position, having obviously exaggerated his worn down condition. Never suspecting that his opponent was playing possum, Kurtis takes a second to look around at the crowd, setting up for what appears to be some kind of moonsault... until he comes eye to eye with the grinning, waving, Shawn Ashlocke. At that moment, his eyes go wide, and we can just make out his lips forming the words "You mother..." then his back arches forward, driven up by a huge forearm from Dutch.

Kenny Greenwood: It aint over yet, Coal! Our boy's still in this!

Slowly, Porters body seems to slouch forward as the energy to continue is sapped from him. He lowers down to a seated position on the top rope, facing out into the stands as Dutch turns around, his back to the turnbuckle, and grabs Porter's neck.

Kenny Greenwood: HERE IT IS! HERE IT IS!!!

Dillian Coal: Oh no! Snap out of it, Kurtis! Fight It!

But it's too late. With a step forward, Dutch yanks him off the top rope and falls into a seated position, driving Porter from the top rope, right into the ground with a modified sit-out neckbreaker.

Kenny Greenwood: FURY BREAKER! FURY BREAKER! That's gotta be it, Coal! It's over! Dutch makes the pin and... wait... there's still no referee...

Dutch, barely able to roll so his back fell across Porter, has a look of heart-shattering agony and frustration when he doesn't hear the fall of a hand. He sits there for what seems like an eternity as a war of the brands wages on around them.

Kenny Greenwood: Oh come on! Can we get a damn ref out here?

Finally we cut to Ashlocke, who decides he's seen enough. He walks up the steps into the ring and walks toward the mess of bodies. Nobody knows what to expect until he reaches down and grabs... the referee?

Dillian Coal: What's he doing? You can't just put your hands on an official like that... no! wait! He can't do that!

Kenny Greenwood: Ashlocke's removing the referees shirt... and now he's... oh my god, he's putting it on! Shawn Ashlocke has dawned the black and white, folks!

Without so much as laying a finger on either competitor, Ashlocke falls to his knees, raises an arm, and begins to smack the mat.

Kenny Greenwood: One... TWO... THREEEE! It's all over, Coal! We've got a new champion!

Dillian Coal: But... he can't do that! He's not an EWE official! I don't think he's even under contract! What the hell is he even doing here?

"Hey Little World" by The Hives starts playing anyway, despite Coal's somewhat founded complaints and Shawn reaches out a hand. As Dutch weerily takes it, he's helped up to his feet. Daniels and Michaels slide back into the ring to come congratulate their friend, and Daniels has to help hold him up long enough for self-appointed referee Shawn Ashlocke to raise his arm in victory and hand him the EWE title. A few moments later, Dutch is hoisted onto the two men's shoulders and paraded around the ring as Ashlocke stands a few steps away, applauding, and orange confetti reigns down from the rafters to celebrate this momentous occasion.

Sydney Moore: Here is your winner... and the NEEEEEEEW EWE Champion... DUUUUTCH CLAAAAARK!

An exhausted Irish Fury raises the title in the air, still hoisted by his companions as the EWE trademark logo appears in the corner of the screen.

Dillian Coal: This is WRONG, Greenwood! Ashlocke had no right to make that count, and I can assure you Mr. Jensen is gonna have something to say about that!

Kenny Greenwood: Oh yeah, and knowing Shawn Ashlocke, I'm sure he'll be very apologetic and desperate to make it up to him.

He laughs sarcastically.

Kenny Greenwood: Folks, this is Kenny Greenwood, for the rest of the EWE Broadcast team, hoping you've enjoyed Dynamic Destruction 2010... a big congratulations to our new champion, Dutch Clark... and we'll see you all on Chaos and Xplosion very soon. Goodnight!

And with that, the scene fades to black on a huge XPlosion party breaking out in the ring.

The camera's return back to the studios again.

Kelly: Right back into it folks...the Best Feud slash Storyline of 2010..


1: Triple H & Edge 33 Vote Points(40)
2: Dean Winchester & Michael Jensen 32 Vote Points(40)
3: Abdul Q & Randy Orton 29 Vote Points(40)
4: Johnny Chaos & Mr. Man 20 Vote Points(40)
4: White Tiger & Kurtis Porter 20 Vote Points(40)
6: Spider & Dean Winchester 17 Vote Points(40)
7: Johnny Chaos & Snake 16 Vote Points(40)
8: Orton's Memory Loss 13 Vote Points(40)

"Metalingius" by Alterbridge hits as Edge makes his way back out to the podium. His music is quickly replaced with "The Game" by Motorhead.

Justin White: Oh this will be good..

HHH kinda limps out to the podium as him and Edge stare eachother off for a moment. Edge takes his award off the podium and blows HHH off walking backstage. HHH laughs and grabs his, raising it up to the camera before heading back himself.

Kelly: That was one great feud right there..

Justin White: I can't deny that, it was great..

Kelly: With that, we continue onward in our countdown...

#6 MATCH OF 2010

#5 MATCH OF 2010

(EWE Champion)Dutch Clark Vs. (W.H. Champion)Johnny Chaos Vs. (International Champion)Dean Winchester Vs. (All American Champion)Benjamin Ryan Vs. White Tiger Vs. Spider

[Jonathan Steele] Here we go!

[Jimmy Justice] This is going to be great!

[ Everyone looks at eachother, ready to roll, but unsure who to go after first. Suddenly without warning, Dean charges at Johnny Chaos. Dutch and WT begin trading shots, while Benjamin Ryan and Spider are left going at it. Everyone is trading rights until Dutch takes Tiger to the outside of the ring on the Chamber floor. Dean does the same with Johnny on a different side, while Spider and Benjamin are still in the ring. ]

[Jonathan Steele] Action is pouring out of the ring, which is even more dangerous out there on that steel.

[Jimmy Justice] Don't be a wuss.

[ Spider and Benjamin go back and forth with right hands, until Spider suddenly grabs Benjamin and hits a Switchblade. Spider covers, only scoring a two count. As they both get back up Benjamin quickly knees Spider in the gut, then hits a tornado DDT. Benjamin climbs up the turnbukle and sets up for a moonsault, but Spider quickly hits the ropes, knocking him down, but stays on the turnbukle. Spider quickly climbs up and hits a Spider Lock Supplex, that he follows up with The Black Widow! ]

[Jonathan Steele] Black Widow! Benjamin is about to get his first Elimination!

[Jimmy Justice] Which will make Spider the new International Champion..

[ Spider covers Benjamin as Derek counts the one...two...thr...Dean breaks it up! ]

[Jimmy Justice] Not too often you see Pinfalls broken up in an Elimination Chamber..

[Jonathan Steele] You will this first fall, with International Title only being decided on the first fall.

[ Spider tries getting back up, Dean Quickly hits a Backstabber. While Spider is holding his back, Dean quicly gets up and grabs his arms, locking in The Mean! ]

[Jonathan Steele] Here we go, The Mean!

[Jimmy Justice] So lame..

[ Dean continues to lock the pressure, while Derek checks to see if Spider is going to give up. Spider seems close, when Dean sees Johnny coming into the ring and charging at him. Dean lets go to get ready for Johnny, but is unable to avoid The Spear! ]

[Jonathan Steele] Oh no..

[Jimmy Justice] Two Time International Champ!

[ Johnny climbs the turnbukle and smiles, before nailing Dean with the Extreme Splash! Johnny covers while Derek reluctantly counts...one...two...Dutch breaks it up! ]

[Jonathan Steele] Another near fall!

[Jimmy Justice] This is nuts! First Elimination may take forever at this rate..

[Jonathan Steele] That's what LAW was going for I think..

[ Johnny stumbles up, only for Dutch to quickly nail The Furybreaker! ]

[Jonathan Steele] Furybreaker! Could Dutch complete the Silver Grand Slam right here?!

[ Dutch covers Johnny, while Derek counts the one...two...thre...Tiger breaks it up! ]

[Jimmy Justice] NO! Says The Tiger!

[ Tiger watches Dutch as he backs up and hops on the top turnbukle. Dutch climbs to his feet as Tiger jumps and connects The Struck Down! ]

[Jimmy Justice] Three Time Champ!

[ Tiger covers getting another two count, before Spider breaks it up this time. Tiger gets to his feet, only for Spider to quickly hit The Tangled Web! Spider can't cover though, as he's quickly hit With The Killer Instinct by Benjamin Ryan! Benjamin can't cover neither, as he's grabbed by Dean, spun around and lifted up, for the Exercisim! Dean quickly covers while he can. Derek makes the count, one...two...three! ]

[Jonathan Steele] We finally have our first elimination!

[Jimmy Justice] And it's double Elimination too Steele...but it's awful that Dean just retained his title..

[Jonathan Steele] I don't think it is..

[Jimmy Justice] Of course you don't..

[Jennifer Sparks] Ladies and Gentlemen...Benjamin Ryan has just been eliminated for the first time...therefore Dean Winchester is STILL the EWE International Champion!

[ Dean smiles, while Derek guides Benjamin to the first glass chamber. Dean gets up on his feet still smiling, until he's swung around by Johnny, and planted with The Extreme MakeOver! Johnny quickly covers, while Derek makes the 3 count. ]

[Jonathan Steele] Are you kidding me?

[Jennifer Sparks] Dean Winchester has just been eliminated for the first time.

[Jimmy Justice] That's hilarious..

[ Johnny gets up with a cocky grin, until he's rolled up from behind by Spider! Derek gets back down and counts the 1, 2, 3! ]

[Jonathan Steele] So is that!

[Jimmy Justice] No it's not!

[Jennifer Sparks] Johnny Chaos has just been eliminated for the first time.

[ Spider gets up, only to quickly take a Struck Down! WT covers and again Derek makes the count. ]

[Jennifer Sparks] Spider has just been eliminated for the first time.

[Jimmy Justice] Wow, just like that we're down to Dutch and White Tiger...

[Jonathan Steele] Well it's still double Elimination Jimmy..

[Jimmy Justice] I know that, but after the first elimination, the other 3 came very quick..

[Jonathan Steele] Noone was trying to break them other three up..

[Jimmy Justice] Touche..

[ Dutch and WT circle the ring staring eachother down, while Derek makes sure Dean, Johnny, & Spider are locked in the remaining glass chambers. Derek returns to the ring and watches as Dutch and WT still circle. Finally they lock up, and try for a test of strength, which their seems to be no decisive winner atm. WT then decides he'll win the test of strength, but kneeing Dutch in the gut then hitting a quick DDT. WT covers, as DDD counts a 2 count. ]

[Jimmy Justice] Did you see how slow that count was?

[Jonathan Steele] That seemed like a normal count to me.

[Jimmy Justice] you're pretending to be blind, looking the other way while Derek plays biased to his partner.

[Jonathan Steele] Are they even still a tag team?

[Jimmy Justice] I can see first hand that they are.

[Jonathan Steele] I think you're being paranoid.

[Jimmy Justice] Likely thing to say..

[ The two get back up and begin exchanging hard rights. Dutch finally blocks one and follows up with a quick running clothesline. As Tiger stumbles back up, Dutch goes for the Furybreaker, but WT somehow counters out of it. Tiger quickly gets behind Dutch and locks in the Tiger's Snare! ]

[Jimmy Justice] Tiger's Snare locked in!

[ Dutch tries to fight out of it, while WT continues to apply more pressure. Dutch tries to lift WT up, similar to what HHH did at WM6, but WT quickly kicks him in the back, and applies more pressure. Derek asks Dutch if he gives up, he just shakes screams no, though u can hear the great pain in his voice. ]

[Jimmy Justice] Just give up Dutch, it's only one elimination, better to get eliminated now and rest back up then to risk getting injured and quickly get ur second elimination too.

[Jonathan Steele] I actually agree with that logic, but we know Dutch won't do that.

[Jimmy Justice] Because he's an idiot.

[ Dutch tries again to lift WT up, but WT kicks him again. Dutch stays in the hold a little longer before he has no choice but to tap out. ]

[Jimmy Justice] there we go!

[Jennifer Sparks] Dutch Clark has just been eliminated for the first time.

[ While the 4 Chambers begin to unlock, WT keeps the hold locked on Dutch. ]

[Jonathan Steele] Is he going to let go?

[Jimmy Justice] Why? He can get his second elimination right now!

[ WT smiles as he keeps applying the pressure, but then he sees the other people coming back into the ring, this distracts him for a moment, long enough for Dutch to lift him up and delievers a slam to the mat. ]

[Jonathan Steele] Good strength..

[ Dutch gets up, only to be double clotheslined over the top rope by Benjamin Ryan and Spider. They smile as they turn back around, Johnny hits Benjamin with a Spear, and Dean hits Spider with another tackle, followed up with punches to the face. ]

[Jonathan Steele] Did Johnny and Dean just go on offense attack at the same time...kind of like a team?

[Jimmy Justice] that's too weird to even comprehend..

[ Dean gets up and locks Spider back in the Mean! While at the same time, Johnny grabs Benjamin's legs and locks in the Chaos Effect! ]

[Jonathan Steele] Check this out! a double submission!

[Jimmy Justice] I don't think they even realize how unison they look right now..

[ Spider and Benjamin both scream in agony, until ultimately, they both tap out! ]

[Jennifer Sparks] Spider and Benjamin Ryan have just been eliminated for their second times and are now out of this match!

[Jimmy Justice] That was nuts!

[Jonathan Steele] yes it was very interesting..

[ Johnny and Dean both get up smiling, until they notice eachother and the people laying beside them, that's when they realize what just happened, quickly Dean and Johnny begin exchanging rights. ]

[Jonathan Steele] That un-be-knownist to them alliance is short lived.

[ The exchange continues until Johnny kicks Dean between the legs. While Dean is bent over Dutch runs acrossed the ring and clotheslines Johnny over the top rope as they both go over and hit the chamber floor! ]

[Jimmy Justice] Damn you Dutch, Johnny was about to eliminate that idoit Dean.

[ Dean stands back up and sees Dutch and Johnny laid out on the floor in front of him. He shrugs and turns around, only to be clotheslined by White Tiger. Tiger smirks while the crowd boos him. Meanwhile on the outside, Dutch gets up and stalks Johnny. Dutch runs for the Furious DDT, but Johnny side steps and shoves Dutch to the glass chamber. Dutch stops himself with his hands and nods a sigh of relief, when Dutch turns around, Johnny runs at him and Spears him through the Glass! Causing the crowd to blow up into a "holy shit" chant. ]


[Jonathan Steele] Johnny and Dutch are not moving!

[ WT smirks at the carnage in the chamber while he picks Dean up and hits a stalling supplex. Tiger flips over into a cover, getting a two count. WT gets back to his feet, as Dean gets to one knee he quickly hits WT in the gut, Dean gets up and grabs WT lifting him up for the Exercisim, but WT flips back, and then locks in the Tiger's Snare! ]

[Jimmy Justice] Dean's in trouble now!

[ Dean screams and fights as WT tries to apply more pressure. Dean fights and screams, then tries to lift up WT like HHH & Dutch, but to no avail. Dean then flips back and ends up on WT's shoulders, like Edge did at WM. Dean tries to come down with a reverse DDT, but WT denies him. WT keeps Dean locked on his shoulders, until he suddenly plants him with the Payne Killer! ]

[Jimmy Justice] Payne Killer!

[Jonathan Steele] Counter to a counter..

[ WT covers Dean and scores the one...two....three! ]

[Jennifer Sparks] Dean Winchester has just been eliminated for the second time and is out of this match!

[Jonathan Steele] We're now down to our final three, and two of them are laying in broken glass!

[Jimmy Justice] I like Tiger's chances!

[ WT staggers up and relaxes against the ropes for a moment, while Derek helps the refs get Dean out of the Chamber. WT continues to rest until he sees Johnny Chaos stumbling into the ring. The two stare eachother off and begin mouthing eachother. ]

[Jonathan Steele] Alot of history here Jimmy..

[Jimmy Justice] And the fans love neither of these guys right now, but who cares what they think, the only two Gold Grand Slammers are about to go at it!

[ They continue to mouth eachother, until suddenly Johnny spins around and decks Dutch with a hard right as he was entering the ring. Dutch gets up and is then hit by WT. Chaos and WT continue to take turns taking shots at Dutch before they both whip him into the ropes and hit a double flapjack. ]

[Jonathan Steele] What the heck is going on here?

[Jimmy Justice] Dutch is getting schooled, that's what.

[ Dutch staggers back up to his feet, only to be double kicked in the gut, and planted with a double DDT. ]

[Jonathan Steele] It seems Johnny Chaos and White Tiger may of formed some kind of alliance here.

[Jimmy Justice] You're just jumping to conclusions.

[ Johnny goes for the cover, but before Derek can even think about counting, WT pulls him off. WT then goes for the cover, but Johnny does the same thing. They pull eachother off 2 or 3 times each before they get up and argue with eachother. ]

[Jonathan Steele] Okay, maybe you was right..

[Jimmy Justice] You should be used to it by now...me being right that is..

[ WT shoves Johnny. Johnny smirks then shoves him right back. Before we know it the two break into a scrap, which the crowd cheers, wanting to see them beat eachother to the point neither can continue. They continue to scrap until Johnny shoves WT back, then hits a beautiful standing drop kick, sending WT over the top rope. Johnny gets up smiling at what he done, until he turns around and Dutch kicks him in the gut. Dutch sets him up for what appears like a powerbomb or a piledriver, that situation. Dutch then throws his arms up to the side. ]

[Jonathan Steele] Is he about to steal Jack's move?

[ Before we realize what he's doing, Johnny flips up and then hits a DDT to the mat. Johnny gets up with a cocky grin. He looks down to Dutch and mocks him, you can clearly read his lips saying "You're not Jack". Dutch responds to this with a blatant Low blow! Johnny's eyes light up while he grabs his goods and falls to his knees. Dutch gets up and finishes what he starded, nailing the sitout Piledriver! ]

[Jonathan Steele] He still gives Johnny The Last Blast!

[Jimmy Justice] Compliments to his broken down piece of crap mentor..

[ Dutch covers Johnny as Derek counts the one...two...three! ]

[Jennifer Sparks] Johnny Chaos has just been eliminated for the second time and is out of this match.

[ Dutch gets up, just as WT gets back into the ring. The two stare eachother over and begin circling the ring just as they did at the end of the first round. Meanwhile Derek has the refs open the door and escort Johnny out of the Chamber, who is quickly greeted by his wife who comforts him. Back in the ring, WT and Dutch lock up WT locks in a side headlock. He holds it for a moment, then lifts Dutch up hitting a back supplex. WT covers, only getting a two count. ]

[Jimmy Justice] Come on Derek, do a better job!

[Jonathan Steele] He's been doing an excelent job.

[Jimmy Justice] Of course you'd say that.

[Jonathan Steele] I call it like I see it.

[Jimmy Justice] Then get your eyes checked, he's trying to screw White Tiger and help his buddy Dutch.

[Jonathan Steele] If he was biased to Dutch, why didn't he help him when he was getting ambushed by The Industry?

[Jimmy Justice] ....

[ Dutch gets back to his feet and the two begin exchanging rights again. Dutch blocks one then bounces off the ropes, WT is waiting though and hits a Tilt-A-Whirl Bodyslam. WT quickly covers, getting another two count. WT picks Dutch up and whips him into the corner. WT charges after him but Dutch kicks him in the face. WT backs up holding his face, as he turns backaround Dutch hits him with a Spear and follows it up with several hard rights to the face. Dutch climbs up on the turnbukle and jumps off connecting a flying kneedrop. ]

[Jonathan Steele] Dutch seems to be building momentum..

[Jimmy Justice] Shut up.

[ Dutch quickly picks WT up and hits a Gourdbuster. Dutch backs up and waits as WT stumbles back up to his feet, Dutch charges at him, but WT quickly hits a side hip toss. Dutch stumbles up and Tiger grabs him, he goes to irish whip him, but hangs on and brings him back for a short arm clothesline. WT covers, for another two count. ]

[Jimmy Justice] He's counting slow!

[Jonathan Steele] No he's not Jimmy.

[Jimmy Justice] Yes he is!

[ WT picks Dutch up and sets up for a Payne Killer, but Dutch quickly counters by rolling off and hitting a reverse DDT. As WT starts getting back up, Dutch quickly hits the Furybreaker! ]

[Jonathan Steele] Furybreaker!

[ Dutch covers as Derek counts the one...two...three! ]

[Jonathan Steele] Dutch Clark is the new Undisputed Champion!

[ Dutch gets up tired, but excitted as he waits for Derek to raise his hand. ]

[Jimmy Justice] Not exactly..

[ Dutch leaves the ring and to the wall, telling the time refs on the outside to get his title off the podium. ]

[Jonathan Steele] What do you mean not exactly?

[Jimmy Justice] That was only White Tiger's first elimination..

[Jonathan Steele] I forgot about that...I think Dutch did too.

[ Weather she was waiting for dramtic purposes, or just for the crowd to settle down, Jennifer finally grabs the mic. ]

[ Jennifer Sparks: White Tiger has just been eliminated....for the First Time.

[ Dutch's face shows his shock in forgetting White Tiger hadn't been eliminated yet. ]

[Jonathan Steele] Look out behind you!

[ Just then White Tiger grabs Dutch from behind, and locks in the Tiger's Snare! ]

[Jimmy Justice] Too late...the same move that eliminated Dutch the first time, it's over Steele!

[ Dutch screams in pain as WT smiles and begins to apply the pressure. Dutch suddenly lifts WT up, this time he flings WT and sends him through another Glass Chamber! ]

[Jimmy Justice] Holy Shit!

[ The crowd agrees as they break into another "Holy Shit" chant. Dutch re-cooperates for a moment as he stalks WT. WT begins to stumble up, to which Dutch charges and connects with the Furiuos DDT! ]

[Jonathan Steele] Fuirous DDT on the Steel and Broken Glass!

[Jimmy Justice] This isn't good!

[ Dutch lays WT over in the shattered mess before covering him. DDD gets outside and makes the count for the one...two......three!! ]

"Modern Day Cowboy" hits again as the crowd begins to cheer.

[Jennifer Sparks] White Tiger has been eliminated for the second time...therefore your winner...and NEW EWE UNDISPUTED CHAMPION......THE IRISH FURY, DUTCH CLARK!!!

One of the refs remove the velvet cloth and retrieve the Undisputed Championship, while the other refs open up the chamber doors.

[Jonathan Steele] He's done it Jimmy...Dutch Clark has climbed even higher as the EWE Undisputed champion!

[Jimmy Justice] Of course he did, look at the referee.

[Jonathan Steele] Derek played no factor in this match and you know it.

[Jimmy Justice] Yea yea, keep telling yourself that.

The title is finally brought in to Derek who hands it over to Dutch. Dutch raises up the title while Derek raises up his other hand.

[Jonathan Steele] Style and Pride joined back together in a big celebration. How poetic the first ever Undisputed Champion, which was won in an Elimination Chamber, passing the touch to the brand new Undisputed Champion of a new era.

[Jimmy Justice] Someone shoot me..

Johnny Chaos has not left ringside this whole time as he grabs a chair and gets back in the chamber while Derek and Dutch are turned the other way. Johnny quickly hits Derek in the back with the chair, followed by Dutch. Johnny decks Derek right between the eyes, then does the same to Dutch.

[Jonathan Steele] Oh come on, what a sore loser.

By this time the music has been cut and the crowd is booing. Johnny waits for one to move, which is Derek. Johnny raises the chair back up, only to be low blowed by Dutch. Johnny drops the chair and drops to his knees. Derek and Dutch both get up which the crowd cheers. S&P sets Johnny up for a double supplex, when suddenly they are both struck in the back with a chair again, this time by White Tiger.

[Jonathan Steele] Sore Loser Number two..

[Jimmy Justice] Revenge Jimmy...Revenge..

Just like Johnny, WT decks them both right between the eyes, and then drops the chair. Derek staggers up, to which Johnny hits an Exteme MakeOver. Dutch soon gets back up, and recieves one as well. WT then climbs up the turnbukle and awaits them to get up. Derek and Dutch finally use eachother to get back up, only for WT to hit a Double Struck Down!

[Jonathan Steele] This is just plain sick, what the hell is going on here?

Drama gets in the chamber and then ring where she grabs both an arm of Johnny's and an arm of White Tiger's and the three raise both arms in the air. The crowd just boos this of course, while "Welcome to the Jungle" hits over the PA speakers.

[Jonathan Steele] I have no idea what we have just witnessed.

[Jimmy Justice] Something amazing, I can bet on that..

The three keep their arms in the air, while refs check on Style and Pride and the scene comes to a close.

The camera's return back to the studios again.

Kelly: That was another great match..

Justin White: With a shitty winner...Tiger should have won that...or Johnny...they was robbed...they got some revenge though didn't they?

Kelly: It was cowardly to me..

Justin White: It was smart you mean..

Kelly: Well now it's time for the Best Tag Team award...since we didn't have one in 2009...allow me to introduce the Best Tag Team of 2008....Derrick Sanderson & Dan Taylor!

Taylor and Sanderson make their way out to the podium with smirks on their faces.

Derrick Sanderson: Can you believe this Dan? Neither one of us been in a EWE ring in forever, and here we are back at the award show..

Dan Taylor: Obviously whoever won this award doesn't deserve it cause noone is better than us, but let's get this crap over with..


1: D-Generation X(Triple H & Shawn Michaels) 47 Vote Points(50)
2: Style & Pride(Dutch Clark & Derek Daniels) 43 Vote Points(50)
3: Hollywood Blondes(Brooke McGuire & Christy Chaos) 39 Vote Points(50)
4: Edge & Christian/Trish Stratus 35 Vote Points(50)
5: Cryme Tyme (JTG & Shad Gaspard) 27 Vote Points(50)
6: Ignition(Kurtis Porter & Dean Winchester) 22 Vote Points(50)
7: Edge & Chris Jericho 20 Vote Points(50)
8: Who Dat?(Abdul Q & Sean Lewis) 15 Vote Points(50)
8: Men of Valor(Spider & Avalanche) 15 Vote Points(50)
10: The Hardy Boyz(Matt & Jeff Hardy) 12 Vote Points(50)

"Break It Down" by The DX Band cues over the pa speakers. Sanderson & Taylor shake their heads in disprovel as DX comes out to the podium. DX offers to shake their hands, but instead Taylor and Sanderson shake their heads and walk off. DX shrugs and grab their awards.

Triple H: Well here we go Shawn, we've done it again.

Shawn Michaels: The first ever 2x Tag Team of the year..

Triple H: That's right, 2007 and 2010...What do you say we hurry the hell up and come back to take 2011 as well?

Shawn Michaels: I say that sounds like a pretty good idea..and whoever isn't down with that..

Triple H: We only got two words for them..

They smile, and walk back to the back when their music hits.as we all know what them words are.

Kelly: Congrats to DX, The Best Tag Team of 2010 and the first ever 2x Tag Team of the Year.

Justin White: It's bullshit...

Kelly: How do you figure?

Justin White: It just is..

Kelly: That's what I figured....On that note...onward with the #4 Match of 2010..

#4 MATCH OF 2010

Click Here

Kelly: Another great match..

Justin White: Yea yea forget that...it's time for the Best Heel Award...I got this Kelly...The Best Heel of 2009...our great leader...MICHAEL JENSEN!

"Bitter Sweet Symphony"(Instrumental) by The Verve plays as Jensen casually walks to the podium.

Michael Jensen: Here I am, your EWE Chairman, the Best Heel of 2009, ready to win it again. Computer go ahead and tell us what we already know..


1: Johnny Chaos 40 Vote Points(40)
2: Michael Jensen 32 Vote Points(40)
3: White Tiger 27 Vote Points(40)
3: Edge 27 Vote Points(40)
5: Randy Orton 18 Vote Points(40)
6: Christian 17 Vote Points(40)
7: The Miz 13 Vote Points(40)
8: Dutch Clark 6 Vote Points(40)

Jensen looks somewhat surprised, while "Goin Down" by Three Days Grace hits over the sound system. Johnny and Drama walk up to the podium, while Johnny smirks at Jensen. Johnny grabs the award and looks at it for a moment.

Michael Jensen: How did you win this? There must be some kind of mistake.

Johnny Chaos: Not at all Jensen...people just love to hate me.

Johnny smirks raising up the award, while Jensen just walks backstage. Johnny laughs as him and Drama head backstage as well.

Kelly: Congrats to Johnny Chaos, The Biggest Prick of 2010..

Justin White: You mean Best Heel..

Kelly: What's the difference?

Justin White: I...umm...

Kelly: Precisely...That being said, let's move on to our next award, the counterpart to what we just seen...Ladies and Gentlemen, back out here to present the Best Face of 2010....the Best Face of 2009, The Game TRIPLE H!

"The Game" by Motorhead hits back over the PA system as HHH comes back out again to the podium.

Triple H: Well here I am again....and to think I'll be back out here presenting the Best Male too....that's later though, right now it's time for me to win Best Face back to back years.

HHH smiles and winks at the camera.

Triple H: That said, ladies and germs...The Best Face of 2010!

HHH points over at the screen as it displays the results.


1: Dutch Clark 48 Vote Points(55)
1: Triple H 48 Vote Points(55)
3: "Dynamic" Derek Daniels 37 Vote Points(55)
3: Christy Chaos 37 Vote Points(55)
5: Kurtis Porter 35 Vote Points(55)
6: Dean Winchester 32 Vote Points(55)
7: Shawn Michaels 24 Vote Points(55)
8: Sean Lewis 21 Vote Points(55)
9: Mr. Man 18 Vote Points(55)
10: Spider 17 Vote Points(55)
11: White Tiger 13 Vote Points(55)

HHH looks blanky at the screen while "Modern Day Cowboy" hits and Dutch heads back out to the podium after already winning Biggest Impact.

Triple H: How did this happen?

Dutch Clark: Beats me..

Triple H: No I mean....Tying for Best Male last year wasn't bad enough, now I tie again?

Dutch Clark: At least it's with someone you can respect, unlike Edge..

Triple H: That's true...so how will this work?

Dutch Clark: I keep it at my place for 11 months, you keep it at yours for one month.

Triple H: How is that fair?

Dutch Clark: It is...

Triple H: How bout Six Months each then?

Dutch Clark: If you insist..

The pair shake on the deal as they raise up the award together with their other hands. The two head backstage as we come back to the announce table.

Kelly: Big congrats to HHH and Dutch for the co-win.

Justin White: Who cares?

Kelly: What do you care about?

Justin White: Let's just keep the show going for crying out loud..

Kelly: Fine...Ladies and Gentlemen, we're now going to break into the Top 3 Matches of 2010...and here comes #3!

#3 MATCH OF 2010

History in the making Steele, the first ever Sole Survivor Match is under way!

This is sure to be a great match.

Just as soon as the bell rang, HBK gives Jason Phoenix a superkick sending him right on over the top, and to the floor!

ELIMINATED: Jason Phoenix (Via Shawn Michaels)

You gotta be kidding..

Jay doesn't take to walk outs, without even telling him, nicely...Angle, Kurtis & Lewis will prob be the 3 no shows who get treated the nicest in this match, as Jay knew they'd no show...other no shows, oh well...and people who walk out, without even telling Jay...really bugs him.

Isn't that what he did to ECW-R?...He just stopped showing up..

Well he lost internet Monday...

No, this was WAY before that..

Jimmy, we really have a match to call here.

While the other superstars begin scrapping, the random pictures begins on the titan tron again, this time leaving Brutality. "Unreasonable" by Diabolic ft. Rhyme Asylum hits as Brutality walks threw the curtains.

Now introducing Entry #11...From Greenwich Connecticutt...Weighing in at 355 pounds....BRUTALITY!

Possibly the biggest entry in this whole match..at nearly 8 feet.

There's no doubt about it Steele.....good luck getting him out.

Brutality continues down the ramp and joins the other competitors in the ring. With HBK vs Jericho, Dean vs Orton, Dave Wilson vs Snake and the two Adams going at it, that leaves Angle for Brutality to go after. The fighting rages on, until Adam Webb gives Adam Black a hurranicanna over the top rope, while Webb lands on the apron, Black lands on the floor.

ELIMINATED: Adam Black (Via Adam Webb)

Webb quickly climbs back into the ring before anyone can knock him off, while the titan tron is configuring the next entry. As the titan tron stops, "Till I Collapse" Eminem ft Nate Dogg hits over the PA speakers, and the crowd cheers as Kurtis Porter steps out on the stage.

Entry #12...From Detroit Michigan...Weighing in at 230 Pounds....KURTIS PORTER!

K~Dawg continues his way down the ramp and slides into the ring, immediately starts trading shots with Adam Webb. Jericho sends HBK to one corner, Orton sends Dean to another. As Brutality slams Angle down to the mat, Orton and Jericho double drop kick Brutality, sending him back against the ropes. Jericho grabs Angle as he was getting up and quickly hits him with a codebreaker! As Angle bounces up into the ropes, Orton quickly dashes and clotheslines him over the top, hitting the floor.

ELIMINATED: Kurt Angle (Via Jericho & Orton)

And another one bites the dust..bye bye Kurt, enjoy your vacation

What happened to every man for theirself?

What you all need to realize, The Industry is a well oiled machine...not even a Sole Survivor Match can break their allegiance..

Until they are the only ones left...then we watch the group fall apart.

While I do agree The Industry will be the last 3 left...you're dreaming to think it will tear them apart..

The random process begins again until it stops.


"Crank It Up" by Brand New Sin continues while everyone in the ring looks on in shock as pyro shoots off on stage and The Big Show walks through the curtains.

Entry #13...Representing The Industry...From Tamp Bay Florida...Weighing in at 485 Pounds....THE BIG SHOW!

I don't believe this..

Well it looks like there's another Industry member to join the mix...how sweet..

You gotta believe, Jensen set up this entry.

So what if he did..you and I both know there was a few vacant slots...Jensen didn't break any rules handing one to his body guard.

Big Show enters the ring, and is immediately double teamed by Dean & HBK, Show just quickly shoves them both off. Adam Webb tries his luck next, but is met with a hard right hand. Orton & Jericho stand by and laugh at their large friend demolishing the other opponents. Big Show now meets Brutality, maybe the one person in this business, bigger than him.

Look at this comparison.

Only in EWE can you see this!

Big Show and Brutality shove eachother back and forth a couple times, Big Show then balls up his right fist and hits Brutality with the hard right. Brutality staggers, but doesn't fall, Big Show seems shocked, but gives him a second shot, which this time knocks him down. Out of the corner of his eye he sees K~Dawg coming at him, who he quickly drops with a big boot. Jericho and Orton try to double team Brutality, both trying to shove him over. Big Show is about to give them a hand, when he's hit in the back by Snake. Big Show turns around and grabs Snake by the throat. Dave Wilson now shows up, Big Show grabs him with his other hand. Big Show smiles, then double chokeslams them both, over the top!

ELIMINATED: Snake & Dave Wilson (Via The Big Show)

My god the power, how can anyone stop that?!

Forget that, two eliminations at once?...What happens now...Two people come out instead?

I would presume..

Brutality kicks Jericho and Orton off of him, Brutality gets off the ropes and locks eyes back with Big Show. They stare at eachother for a moment, until the titan tron does it's thing, which cues familar annoying music. By familar I mean from WWE, as Big Show and Brutality, and anyone else concious looks confused up the ramp as "You Look So Good To Me(Remix)" cues and out walks Santino on the stage in his normal fashion, of over the top.

Entry #14...From Calabria Italy...Weighing in at 227 Pounds....SANTINO MARELLA?

What the heck is he doing here?

Don't act so surprised Jonathan...You know fully well about Fillers, you've seen many of em in EWE's long history. With the 2 vacant slots...and the Mystery Entry being a douche...there's 3 Fillers...Big Show was obviously one of them, this is the 2nd..

Well I done knew that ooc reason...I meant the In Character Reason, duh..

Jensen is a rich man, he paid a couple WWE Stars to take part in EWE for one night?

A couple...you know who the other Filler is don't you?

Maybe, but I ain't saying either way..

Santino continues down the ramp, posing the whole way. He stops at the end of the ramp and mocks everyone in the ring, until his music cuts and the random process begins again, Santino seems a little upset about it, then it stops. "Smart Went Crazy" by Atmosphere hits and the crowd explodes as Sean Lewis walks out on the stage with a smile.

Entry #15...From Minneapolis Minnesota...Weighing in at 209 pounds....SEAN LEWIS!

Half way through the pack, and who better than Mr Over-rated?

Your jealousy for Sean Lewis, amazes me..

Lets not forget White Tiger, DX & Dean Winchester...basically anyone who opposes The Industry...cause I'm like totally an un-official member..

If you say so..

It's true...in fact, I'm not supposed to say anything...but I'm The Industry's official spokesman...it's so briliant...nWo had a ref as a member...The Industry has a commentator...so at least they know one of the announcers ain't talking trash about them..

Santino still ain't happy about Sean Lewis interupting his intro, and in his mind, thinks he's better than Sean. Santino looks at Lewis and says "Watch how this is done". Santino rolls into the ring, and is immediately clotheslined right back over by Dean Winchester.

ELIMINATED: Santino Marella (Via Dean Winchester)

That was quick..

I guess he's not sick of embarrassing Santino..


Jay watched DK play Road to WrestleMania with Dean awhile back..


Santino gets up and starts throwing a tantrum. Lewis smiles and pats Santino on the back, before sliding into the ring, that just makes Santino flip out more. As Santino is forced up the ramp by security, the titan tron flips through the images again. "BOOM" by POD hits which causes boos from the crowd as Johnny Chaos walks through the curtains.

Entry #16...From Kansas City, Missouri...Weighing in at 232 pounds....The Extreme One...JOHNNY CHAOS!

Johnny continues down the ramp and slides into the ring, gunning straight for Dean Winchester. Johnny spears Dean to the mat, then mounts him and starts punching him repeatidly.

I take it, he found out.

Well he cheats on her, whats the difference?

You seem like the type that believes in two wrongs don't make a right.

Johnny continues his assault on Dean, while the rest of the competitors keep going at it as usual. Kurtis Porter whips Jericho over the top, but Jericho lands on the apron. Porter tries to shove Jericho off, but Orton comes from behind and dumps K~Dawg over the top, to the floor.

ELIMINATED: Kurtis Porter (Via Randy Orton)

Surprise surprise, The Industry works together again..

Just get over it Steele, it's a force that won't be broken.

Kurtis gets up, seeming dissappointed. Meanwhile Jericho steps back into the ring, while the pictures randomize once again. "Golddigger" by Kayne West hits the PA as Christian Taylor steps out on the stage.

Entry #17...From Orlando Florida...Weighing in at 215 Pounds...CHRISTIAN TAYLOR!

Christian continues down the ramp and enters the ring. Meanwhile Sean Lewis and Adam Webb are trading shots. Lewis whips Webb into the corner, Johnny sees Lewis by the ropes and gets up off Dean. Johnny races acrossed the ring and clotheslines Lewis, but Lewis brings him with him, causing them both to be eliminated.

ELIMINATED: Johnny Chaos & Sean Lewis (Via Eachother)

Johnny tried getting himself some revenge, from Lewis eliminating him in the last Royal Rumble.

But it backfired, as Lewis drug him with him, in effect, eliminating him again.

The slide show starts up on the titan tron again, but at the same time another elimination happens...as Dean is getting up, Christian charges at him, but Dean quickly side steps, then grabs Christian by the back of his head and dumps him over the top rope.

ELIMINATED: Christian Taylor (Via Dean Winchester)

The tron has now stopped as a huge explosion occurs on the stage, the flames stay as "Man on Fire" by Jim Johnson continues to play and Kane walks through the curtains, with a bunch of confused looks again.

Oh my god!

The last filler Steele..

Entry #18...From Hell Fire and Brimestone...Weighing in at 323 pounds...KANE!

Kane continues down the ramp and stops at the end, he raises up his arms and throws em back down, which causes the 4 turnbukles to explode, which makes all the people in the ring nearly shit theirself. Kane grabs the top rope and pulls himself to the apron, then steps over the top rope to enter the ring. The slideshow starts right back up, until it then stops. "My World" hits over the PA which causes the crowd to boo a little, while some cheer when Jeff Jarrett steps through the curtains. Jarrett steps center stage and raises up a guitar in the air, and the peace sign with his other hand.

Entry #19...From Nashville Tennessee...Weighing...JEFF JARRETT!

Jarrett smirks at Johnny as they walk past eachother on the ramp. Jarrett stops and sets his guitar by the stairs before entering the ring, as the slide show starts up one more time. The tron stops as "Open Your Eyes" by Guano Apes hits the pa system. Nero Phoenix walks out through the curtains, getting a mixed reaction.

Entry #20...From Chicago, Illinois and Weighing 215 pounds, NERO PHOENIX!

Nero Phoenix?...another filler?

Though he no showed, Nero is who Gaz had picked..

Funny how many no shows in a row we have here..

Ya well..The order was really drawn by Jay, but given the rules of the match, someone has to be eliminated before another can enter, Jay had to swap them around a little, otherwise rpers woulda been eliminated before no shows..like, Johnny was actually #23...and Santino was actually #28...just a couple examples..

Nero enters the ring as the brawling rages onward. There's a few close eliminations, like Orton nearly eliminating HBK, Jericho nearly eliminating Dean, and Brutality nearly eliminating Big Show, but the successful one comes when Adam Webb drop kicks Nero out of the ring.

ELIMINATED: Nero Phoenix (Via Adam Webb)

The Tron starts flashing again and comes to a stop, "Don't stop" hits and out comes Rick Cage.

Entry #21...From Detroit, Michigan Weighing in at 227 pounds, RICK CAGE!

Rick sprints down the ramp and slides into the ring, getting into the ring he goes straight for web, just then Big Show grabs Brutality and hits him with a massive show stopper, he then grabs the big man by the hair and lifts him up life a fall away slam before walking to the side of the ring to dump him out but Brutality hangs on, then from no where Kane grabs the legs of Big Show and lifts them sending him over the rope and to the floor, Brutality falling out too!

ELIMINATED: Big Show(Via Kane)

ELIMINATED: Brutality (Via Kane)

Did you see that?! Kane just flung a 500 pound man carrying a 355 pound man over the top rope, that's 855 pounds Steele!

Kane turns around right into a kick to the face from Shawn Michaels, he falls back into the ropes holding his face as the fans cheer, Shawn looks around and shrugs before stepping in and slamming a second Sweet Chin Music to the monster, this one sending him backwards over the ropes and crashing to the floor!

ELIMINATED: Kane (Via Shawn Michaels)

Kane's gone too! Two big kicks from Shawn!

Three quick eliminations!

"King Nothing" is heard after the timer, Cameron Hayden walks onto the stage to booing from the fans.

Entry #22... from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Weighing in at 209 pounds, CAMERON HAYDEN!

eWe Hall of Famer Cameron Hayden makes his entrance to this match at number 22.

I smell a winner here now, Hayden has potential and a good entry spot. He'll be fresh come the end of the match but he'll also be in the grove of the match.

There is plenty of top talent to come out yet though.

Hayden walks down the ramp slowly, in the ring Jeff Jarrett is beating the hell out of Webb, Shawn and Dean are going at it with Orton and Jericho in what is industry vs. their enemies, Rick Cage grabs Jarrett from behind and hits him with a suplex, he grabs Jeff up and tosses him over the ropes, but Jeff catches the ropes landing on his feet on the apron, suddenly Hayden grabs the legs of the veteran and hauls him from the apron to the floor, eliminating him!

ELIMINATED: Jeff Jarrett (Via Rick Cage)

Hayden pulls Jeff to the floor, Jeff is outta here!

Orton nails an RKO on Shawn and then tosses him out but he hangs on, Orton spins around and goes after Dean but Dean fights him off. Hayden gets into the ring and wastes no time dropping Dean and then Orton, then Jericho he grabs Rick and him to the ropes catching him with a sharp powerslam. Hayden gets up and stomps the hell outta Rick before Webb flies in from behind and take Cameron to the mat, Cage gets up and tries to thank Webb, who responds by superkicking him in the face and sending him flying over the ropes and out of the ring..

ELIMINATED: Rick Cage (via Adam Webb)

Hayden staggers to his feet in time to a take a kick to the gut from Webb, Webb lifts Hayden up and slams him down with a scoop slam as "Weclome to the Jungle" is heard, there is no intro though, the fans go nuts as Tiger walks out.

I told you there was alot of quality superstars yet to come out, and here is one of them, the grandslammer, the hall of famer, the legendary White Tiger!

Entry #23... hailing from Rawlins, Wyoming Weighing in at 229 pounds, WHITE TIGER!

Tiger is eager to get to the ring, he charges down and slides into the ring. He gets up catching Webb's foot and spinning him before hitting a clothesline, he turns and strikes Cammy in the face but Hayden returns quickly and the pair exchange blows furiously, Hayden shoves Tiger back and lunges with a clothesline but he catches him and lifts him up with the Payne Killer! The fans cheer as Tiger gets up turning around but walking right into the Codebreaker! Jericho climbs to his feet and looks down gesturing the title around his waist.

That's sending a message right there! Jericho still wants that Tag Team title from Tiger.

Chris had a chance earlier and after a monumental match White Tiger managed to retain his half of the title, Jericho might not like it but now Edge will be forced to defend his half of the titles against an opponent that Tiger picks.

I bet it's someone that Tiger loves, like Rikku or 18 or something, Rikku probably, we know about Luke's failings against Toni.


Back in the action Jericho and Orton are trying to get Tiger out, but they can't 'cause Dean saves the day by low blowing Orton, which is Legal, he then grabs Jericho and throws him into the corner hitting him with lefts and rights, suddenly"The world is dead" hits.

Entry #24 from Detroit and weighing 195 pounds, DANNY DANGER!

Danny walks down the ramp, Webb grabs Dean from behind going for his finishing move, but Dean slips back and hits a backdrop, Dean celebrates with glee but Jericho comes in and nails a bull dog from behind, Danger slides in and walks to Jericho but Chris kicks him in the gut... or lower... sending him down holding his ... gut... Jericho smirks turning around but he walks right into Shawn Michaels who hits a flying lariat. Shawn crotch chops much to the delight of the fans before locking up with Tiger, who takes him down into a headlock.

This really is a free-for-all.

Not much happens but a few people getting stomped on, by the time Danger has recovered from his little accident with Chris' boot "My fears turn to phobias" is heard in the arena. Alexander Frost is expected to come through the curtain, but opts to make his way through the fans and in through the backdoor as it were, Danger is readying himself for the entrance, so is surprised as Froest hits him from behind. Danger staggers and then spins and furiously grabs frost connecting a spine buster, he gets up and catches Shawn hitting him with a standing spien buster onto Alexander, he qwalks away before catch Webb who is charging in and adding to the pile with a third spinebuster. The fans cheer at the carnage.

Entry #25 from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada weighing around 200 pounds, ALEXANDER FROST!

Nice for your debut, get slammed down and then have two other guys land on you.

You probably love that kinda stuff, anyway.

Danger's walk 'n' smash ways nearly cost him as Tiger catches him and sends him over the ropes but he hangs on, and then flies back in to take the legend out. Orton and Jericho are seen in the corner of the ring watching on and forming a plan, which comes together as the pair of them flatten Dean with a double dropkick to the head, "Beverly Hills" is heard in the arena, the fans erupt!

Entry #26, from Hollywood, California, BROOKE MCGUIRE!

Brooke runs down the ramp and slides into the ring, she leap frogs over the back of Shawn Michaels who is struggling to his feet but flies right into a huge clothesline from Randy Orton! The fans boo as the viper looks down to the former women's champion.

BOOM! What a hit by Orton! What a hit!

Orton laughs slightly before pulling Brooke to her feet, he lifts her onto his shoulder and walks to the Edge of the ring trying to toss her out but she grabs on, he stuggles but Tiger breaks it up saving the day for Brooke. Tiger pummels Randy from behind and then tries to punish him by applying the Tiger Snare but Orton pushes him away and connects a thumb to the eye, he turns around just in time to be taken out by Brooke who springs off the ropes and hits a seated senton! The fans cheer for the women.

Orton isn't going to get Brooke out that easy!

Jericho, Adam Webb and Alex Frost are trying to get Dean out but Dean fights them all off, he drops Jericho, then Frost and then Webb, he then grabs Frost and flings him over the ring, running after him but Frost jumps aside letting Dean hit into the corner, Frost then grabs Dean by the head and tosses him over the ropes, but once again the man lands on his feet on the apron, Frost swings but Dean ducks and then shoves him back straight into Michaels who connects with a Sweet Chin!


Frost falls to the floor, Dean is just about to get into the ring when Brooke flies across and jumps into him with a cross body, he catches her in mid air, balancing on the apron, he turns around and walks across the apron to the steps, walking down them he simply places her to the floor, eliminating her. He then walks back up the steps and climbs into the ring like nothing happened, Brooke looks around confused.

What a gentleman Dean is!

What a gentleman?! He eliminated her still!

ELIMINATED: Brooke McGuire (Via Dean Winchester)

"The Enemy" by Godsmack is heard as Brooke slowly makes her way to the back, the fans boo as the former International Champion walks onto the stage, his face tells the whole story, man he's pissed.

Entry Number 27, From Miami Florida weighing in at 235 pounds, MR MAN!

Manny walks down the ramp calmly, in the ring Hayden is grabbed from behind by Dean, Hayden flings him back and swings but Dean ducks it, Dean pushes Hayden back into the ropes and out of no where Tiger runs in and dunks him over with a clothesline!

ELIMINATED Cameron Hayden (Via White Tiger)

Hayden has gone!

Didn't think he'd do well.

What?! You said that he'd win this!

I also said that you were gay, not everything I say is right... or is it?

Shawn Michaels is tuning up the band again for Jericho, he's about to drop him when all of sudden Webb comes in from behind trying to lock in TheSpiderWebb! Shawn stuggles but Webb sinks it in deep, he jumps up and hooks his legs on the hips of Michaels to lock it deep!

He's got him!

All of a sudden Mr. Man grabs Webb from behind having just got into the ring, he tosses the new guy over the ropes with ease, sending him to the floor, Michaels staggers forward holding his neck, Manny grabs him and spins him around, without a pause he lifts Shawn up and drops him with the Future shock, Shawn bounces from the mat back to his feet. Manny grabs him and tosses him out too!

ELIMINATED: Adam Webb (Via Mr. Man)

ELIMINATED: Shawn Michaels (Via Mr. Man)

Webb goes... and Michaels!

Ladies and gentlemen, we are down to 10, we are down to 10! From now on eliminations will only come by way of Pinfall, submission is disqualification. Thank you.

Danger was trying to push White Tiger from the ring but he gives up knowing it won't do anything, he turns around looking pretty tired, he staggers forward walking right into a codebreaker! He bounces from the knees and staggers back before Orton steps in and drops him with an RKO! He rolls Danger over and hooks the leg 1....2.....3!

ELIMINATED: Danny Danger (Via Randy Orton )

What teamwork that was... I have to admit.

Danger is outta here! This RULES!

"Sinner" hits in the arena to a mixed reaction. Back in the ring Mr. Man looks to the stage for a moment getting distracted, Frost rolls him up but only manages a two, Frost quickly moves on to another targer as he spears Jericho to the mat and goes for another pin hooking the legs 1...2... kick out. 18 makes her way onto the stage slowly, her eyes fixed on Manny.

Entry number 28, ANDROID #18!

We only have two more to come out here and look who we still have in the ring, Dean Winchester number two, Chris Jericho number 3, Orton Number 4, and we only just lost the first entrant, Shawn Michaels.

Webb was 5 aswell and he has only just gone, this match has been going for so long now those three must just all be tired mentally aswell as physically, how they are still battling I don't know.

The members of the industry are once again speaking, 18 climbs into the ring, Manny is the first to charge her down but she boots him in the head, she drops Frost with a right and then drops her buddy White Tiger for the hell of it, he wasn't even charging her, She kicks Jericho in the gut and then hits Orton with a clothesline before suplexing Jericho to the mat. She climbs to her feet and catches Dean's fist twisting it around and then pushing him across the ring.

18 is clearing house here.

She turns around, Manny hits her once, twice, three times but she hardly staggers, she catches his hand and then lifts flings his rm to the side before hitting him with a right of her own, sending him staggering, he comes back and she lifts him into the air hitting him with a huge spine buster, she climbs to her geet and turns around but Frost takes her legs from under her. He then grabs her and tosses her over the ropes to the floor, she's not eliminated but she's outta the way. Tiger catches frost with a belly to belly and then pins 1... Frost gets out with ease.

This is just so fast paced.

18 isn't out by the way, it's only pinfall and submission now.

Randy and Jericho take their chance and stop the hell outta Tiger as he tries to get up, he fights them off but they come back and a knee to the gut ensures they keep on top, they pummel the hell outta him for a few moments and then hit a double suplex. 18 gets back into the ring and breaks up the pin which Jericho is going for, she then lifts Chris into the air and throws him straight into Orton with awesome power, she turns around and is lifted into the air by Mann, going for anothe future shock but she connects a few shots the head with an elbow and slides off shoving him to Frost who kicks Manny in the gut and then lifts him up stepping over his arms and connecting his finisher, the permafrost!


No! That was the permafrost!

I know but on his app he said he didn't know what it was actually called, so I was just saying....

Frost lazily hooks the leg of Manny nodding his head with each count...1.....2.....3!

ELIMINATED: Mr. Man (Via Alexander Frost)

"X Gon' give it to ya" is heard to the delight of the fans, Cairan makes his way onto the stage slowly wearing green amd black, this catches the attention of the pair of indsutry members in the ring who of course, hate DX.

Entry 29, The X-Kid, Cairan Michaels!

Jericho is too busy staring right at Cairan to realise that Tiger is waiting behind him, Tiger spins him around and lifts him up dropping him with a Payne Killer, Orton isn't paying attention as he has his eyes on Cairan too, Tiger hooks Jericho's leg 1....2... Randy turns and sees, diving in but the ref counts 3!

ELIMINATED: Chris Jericho (Via White Tiger)

Chris Jericho is done!

Not a bad effort from Number 3, though..

Orton flips out as he gets to his feet, Tiger gets up too, Orton grabs him for the RKO and connects it perfectly, he spins Tiger over and hooks the legs 1....2... 18 pulls Orton off with one arm lifting him to his feet, Orton pushes her off and in a snap drops her with the RKO aswell, he looks furiously around and then grabs her legs and pins her 1....2....3!

ELIMINATED: Android 18 (Via Randy Orton)

Orton climbs to his feet slowly and looks to Tiger shaking his head, Cairan climbs into the ring and manages to cut Orton off as he zones in for a punt by hitting a clothesline. Cairan pulls Randy up and hits him with a sharp sit down powerbomb holding on for the pin 1....2... Orton kicks out!

Android 18 has gone with that RKO.

So has Orton!

Close, but no cigar, Randy is in it to win it, just.

That was close, very close for the legend killer.

Alexander takes advantage by pulling Cairan up and kicking him in the gut, he grabs his head and places it down between his legs for the permafrost, but Cairan stands up and flips him off, Frost lands hard on his back, he gets up and spins around kicking Cairan again he grabs the arm of the veteran and throws him to the ropes, Cairan hits the ropes and comes back Frost bends but Cairan jumps over with a sun set flip, rolling frost down quickly 1.......2......3!

ELIMINATED: Alexander Frost (Via Cairan Michaels )

That's the end of his debut, anyway.

"AWEEESOOOOOME" booms over the PA as Frost leaves the ring, "I came to play" starts as the 30th entrant makes his way onto the stage a grin on his face, he slowly walks down the ramp looking into the ring. Cairan gets up to watch him but Orton attacks him from Behind and starts to beat him down, Tiger comes in to help Cairan but Orton pushes him back, Dean runs in and hits a clothesline taking Orton to the mat.

Ladies and gentlemen, the 30th and final entrant from Cleveland Ohio, weighing 231 pounds, THE MIZ!

Miz jogs on the spot at the bottom of the ramp, moving his arms back and forward like he's stretching off. In the ring, Dean pulls Orton to his feet and connects the Deal, the fans cheer as Dean smirks before pinning Orton 1....2....3!

ELIMINATED: Randy Orton (Via Dean Winchester )

Dean, who's been biding his time well in this match eliminates the viper! The man who has done so much damage to Dean's friends.

Bitter sweet for Dean, bitter sweet.

Miz climbs onto the apron, Dean runs over and grabs him but Miz hangs him up on the ropes, he crawls in and rolls Dean up 1....2... Dean gets the shoulders off the mat. Miz gets to his feet and backs up, seeing Cairan coming at him he backs into the corner and then cleverly uses Cairans eagernes to spin him into the corner head first, Miz hits a few rights and then turns around right into Tiger who plants him with a belly to belly before pinning 1... Miz kicks out.

We have four left, The legendary White Tiger who came in at 23, The X-Kid, Cairan michaels who was in at number 29, The Miz who is fresh as a daisy having arrived at 30 and Dean Winchester, who's been in since number 2. Who are you picking Justice?

I think there is only one man you can pick, and that's the Miz, because he is AWESOME!

Dean staggers to his feet, Cairan comes in and hits in with a knee to the face taking him back down he goes for the pin but Dean just about gets out in the last millisecond. Cairan shakes his head and climbs to his feet, he turns around right into the Struck down from the top from Tiger! Tiger climbs up looking to Cairan when suddenly Miz runs in and shoves Tiger outta the way, covering the X-Kid! 1.....2......3!

ELIMINATED: Cairan Michaels (Via The Miz )

See, Miz is proving me right already, what a great elimination that was showing his full range of talents, and don't forget that he has already been through a hellacious two out of three falls match against Mr. Man tonight.

Tiger has been in a tough match too, and Dean has been here since number 2, Dean has been in that ring for well over an hour now, and it's starting to show, he looks exhausted.

Tiger is furious as he turns and levels Miz with a right, Miz gets up slowly and takes another and then another backing off to the corner, Tiger beats the living hell outta the Miz who is of course associated with the Industry whom Tiger has so many issues with. Tiger grabs the Miz and sends him over the ring following and splashing him in the corner, he then grasb him and nails a convincing powerslam to the canvas straight away, he grabs the leg 1....2.... Miz rolls the shoulder up.

That was nearly the end for your pick!

Tiger gets to his feet and pulls Miz up tossing him headfirst into the corner, but Miz blocks, elbows Tiger in the gut and bounces his head off of the corner once, twice, three times, he then pulls him back and rips the padding away exposing the metal.

See, This is what happens if you mess with the Miz... take not Steele.

No, come on Miz..

Miz bounces Tigers head off the exposed turnbuckle but Tiger just gets angry and breakes the Miz's grip before planting his head into the metal ring too. Miz staggers Back but tiger grabs him and does it again, the fans cheering, Dean runs in from no where Tiger just gets outta the way and Dean slams into the metal too before falling to the floor bleeding. Tiger them slams Miz off the Metal again before lifting him into the air overhead and gorilla slamming him to the floor, well, no onto Dean actually.. 1....2..... Tiger only realises when it's too late 3....!

ELIMINATED: Dean Winchester (Via The Miz)

Dean is gone in the most unfortunate circumstances..

Tiger has lost it, he needs to be put in a prison.

WT grabs Miz and pulls him into the air but Miz hits a shot to the gut, he climbs up and without a second thought knees Tiger right in the face before connecting with the reality check! Tiger lands hard on the mat next to Miz, neither man moving for a few moments.

You have to get the pin, Miz!

It's probably not the advice of Jimmy, but nevertheless Miz does struggle into a pin, grabbing the leg of the legend 1.....2.... Tiger kicks out as the fans roar!

NO! There is still life in the legend! He is still fighting!

It's just a matter of time, Steele.

Miz stuggles to his feet with the help of the ropes, it's clear he is also bleeding having had his face bashed off the metal ring like 4 times. He pulls Tiger to his feet and sets him up connecting a suplex with amazing speed, he then rolls back and pins again 1....2... Tiger once more has enough energy to get his shoulder from the mat.

The clock is chiming, Steele, can you hear it? The end is near for Tiger.

Miz is getting flustered as he grabs his hair tugging on it, he then gets up and grabs Tiger again pulling him to his feet before turning him away locking in a full nelson he lifts his leg up and tries for the Skull crushing finale but Tiger grabs the ropes, he elbows Miz in the gut and slips under him wrapping his arm over the face of the Miz, the fans erupt as he leans back sinking in the Tiger Snare!


No! Get out of it Miz!

Miz kicks and flails trying to get out but Tiger has it in deep, he pulls Miz back away from the ropes pulling back hard. The fans cheer on as Miz screams his arms flailing around everywhere as he tries to find the ropes, Tiger leans down and with all his might pulls back to crank up the pressure, The Miz screams but won't tap out his arms still going but alot slower.

Miz has no where to go, he's in the middle of the ring.

He can hang on, I know it!

Tiger holds in, it's clearly taking it out of him too, Miz' arms stop moving and fall prone down my his sides, the ref raises one arm and then lets go, it falls, he signals one. He grabs the arm and holds it up again, letting it full to the mat, two....

If that arm drops once more we are done here.

Shut up Steele!!!

The fans start to boo which is confusing as the ref raises his arm again, he lets go and the arm is about to fall but the booing becomes clear as Tiger is hit from behind with a chair, he falls to the floor as the camera pans to show Cameron Hayden is the man holding the chair. He looks down to the fallen Legend and then laughs holding the chair up above his head before beating the hell out Tiger with it, the ref calls the bell.

First Triple H and now White Tiger, what the hell is his problem?

Maybe he was unhappy with his elimination?

The ref speaks to jennifer and then tries to get Hayden away, he throws the chair down and grins before mockingly crotch chopping at Tiger, and then climbing from the ring heading up the ramp without so much as looking back.

Ladies and gentlemen, I've just been informed by the referee that regardless of the interference from Cameron Hayden, by disqualification or by way of knock out through submission, the winner of this match, the man who is going to Wrestlemania Six's main event, The eWe Legend, WHITE TIGER!

Kelly: That was EWE's first ever Sole Survivor Match, and how great was it?

Justin White: It was lame, cause I wasn't in it..

Kelly: You haven't wrestled a day of your life.

Justin White: How do you know if I did or not?

Kelly: Have you, profesionally?

Justin White: No, but don't go assuming shit..

Kelly: Whatever...Let's just check out the Best Pay Per View of 2010..


1: WrestleMania Six 36 Vote Points(40)
2: King of Xtreme 31 Vote Points(40)
2: Sole Survivor 31 Vote Points(40)
4: Extreme OverLoad 21 Vote Points(40)
5: Uprising 18 Vote Points(40)
5: Dynamic Destruction 18 Vote Points(40)
7: Retribution 13 Vote Points(40)
8: No Love Lost 12 Vote Points(40)

Kelly: There you have it, WrestleMania Six is the best Pay Per View of 2010..

Justin White: How is that even a surprise? Every WrestleMania, barring the crappy first one which was only the 2nd Pay Per View in EWE's history...all but that one has won Best Pay Per View each year.

Kelly: Well with the exception of 2009..

Justin White: Which was a year that didn't have a WrestleMania at all..

Kelly: True, but we still had alot of big Pay Per Views this year, it was still in question which would win, at least to me.

Justin White: Not to me...

Kelly: Everyone has their opinions..

Justin White: And yours always happens to suck....now get us to the next award already..

Kelly: Fine....It's now time for the Best Diva of 2010....since we didn't have one in 2009, here to present the award...The Best Diva of 2008....RIKKU!

"Real Emotion" fills the air as Rikku happily skips to the podium.

Rikku: Wow, EWE! It's so great to be here, even for just one night, it's awesome! I just want to say hi to all my fans who miss me..

Rikku smiles and waves.

Rikku: I love these awards shows too...so I'm gonna go ahead and present the award...without further A Due....The Best Diva of 2010!!

Rikku happily points towards the screen as it displays the result.


1: Christy Chaos 25 Vote Points(25)
2: Brooke McGuire 18 Vote Points(25)
3: Trish Stratus 15 Vote Points(25)
4: Alicia Q 12 Vote Points(25)
5: Britney West 5 Vote Points(25)

"So Hot" by Kid Rock hits as Christy walks out to the podium with the Women's Title still on her shoulder. Christy and Rikku easily shake hands before Rikku skips backstage.

Christy Chaos: Well, this is great...it's been a long time coming for me to finally win this award. I've been runner up twice, and 3rd another time...It's great to finally get the award for myself...Guys, find all the girls you can to get the Diva's Division rockin, so I can come back and take this again in 2011!

Christy raises up both her award and her title before heading back to the back.

Kelly: Congrats to Christy, she's finally won Best Diva.

Justin White: Yawn...Diva's are just eye candy, they don't need awards..

Kelly: Leave it to you to say that..

Justin White: What?

Kelly: I'm not even going to get into it...just take us to the next match..

#2 MATCH OF 2010

Triple H vs Edge[c] vs White Tiger

All three men look eachother over, seeing who will move first.

[ Jonathan Steele ] Here we go, our huge Main Event is under way..

[ Jimmy Justice ] Shut up Steele, we have a special guest here, much better then the one we had..

[ Trish Stratus ] Why thank you Jimmy..

[ Jonathan Steele ] Now do you say that because she's in The Industry, or because you want to sleep with her, both seem pretty accurate..

[ Jimmy Justice ] Don't listen to him..

[ Trish Stratus ] Didn't plan on it..

They look back and forth for a few more moments, then HHH suddenly decks Edge with a hard right. Tiger smiles and delievers a hard left to Edge as well. They trade off like this for a few moments, until they stop putting their hands up, then suddenly HHH hits the right and Tiger the left, at the same time, knocking Edge to the mat.

[ Trish Stratus ] You cowards, fight fair..

[ Jimmy Justice ] I couldn't agree more..

Edge gets up and charges as they both step to the side. Edge bounces off the ropes, as he returns they hit a double flapjack. HHH then knees WT in the gut and follows with a ddt and covers for a quick two count.

[ Jimmy Justice ] I knew that double team couldn't last too long..

[ Trish Stratus ] And we knew it'd be Triple H to break that bond, we all know how "trustworthy" of a guy he is...just ask...well anyone he's ever teamed with in WWE..

HHH gets up, to be caught with a dropkick by Edge. As Tiger gets up, Edge gives him a side-effect. Edge covers getting a two count. Edge gets back up and starts trading shots with HHH, HHH blocks then hits a hard that spins him around. Tiger is there and hits one of his own, this continues as they keep going back and fourth a good 6 or 7 times. HHH then kicks him in the gut and hooks both arms, before HHH can drop him, Tiger hits him with a clothesline.

[ Trish Stratus ] That was a close one..

[ Jimmy Justice ] Though if Tiger was smart, he woulda let HHH hit it, then throw HHH out and cover Edge..

[ Jonathan Steele ] That seems like something Edge would do..

[ Jimmy Justice ] It would work though, win the title, that's what matters..

Tiger picks Edge up and whips him into the corner. He then grabs HHH and whips him to the opposite corner. Tiger runs and clotheslines HHH in the corner. He then whips him at Edge, where HHH hits a hard clothesline knocking Edge down. HHH then turns around and ducks a clothesline by Tiger, which he follows up with a reverse neckbreaker. HHH covers for a two count.

[ Jonathan Steele ] Near fall for the Game..

HHH picks Tiger up and sets him up for a supplex, but Tiger blocks it, and hits one of his own. Tiger gets hits Edge with a hip toss as he was coming at him. Tiger grabs Edge and sets him up for a power bomb. As Tiger tries to lift up though, Edge blocks it. Edge then pulls Tiger's feet from under him, and locks in the Edgecator!

[ Jimmy Justice ] Yes! The Edgecator is locked in!

[ Trish Stratus ] Tap Tiger, Tap!

Tiger screams and fights to find the ropes, but he's in the middle. Tiger continues to fight the pain though, finally HHH runs and hits Edge with a face-to-knee smash causing him to release the hold.

[ Trish Stratus ] Damnit Hunter!

Edge gets up, HHH then gives him the high knee strike. HHH then gives Tiger one too as he was getting up. Edge runs at HHH and receives a Double A Spinebuster! HHH smiles then grabs Edge's leg, to which the crowd screams "Woooooo!" HHH nods and locks in the Figure-Four!

[ Jonathan Steele ] Compliments of the Nature Boy from the Evolution days..WOOOO!

[ Jimmy Justice ] You're an idoit..

[ Trish Stratus ] I agree, now get out of this baby!

Edge screams in pain and tries to turn over, but HHH outpowers him. Edge fights and fights, he ends up laying down for a one count, then tries to turn over again, which HHH denies him again. Finally when Edge seems he can take no more, he's saved, when White Tiger hits HHH with a legdrop.

[ Trish Stratus ] I've never been more grateful to that hack..

HHH gets up, as him and Tiger begin exchanging right hands. They trade back and fourth 4 or 5 times, before Tiger ducks. Now behind him, Tiger locks in the Tiger's Snare!

[ Jonathan Steele ] The Tiger's Snare! Is this it!

[ Jimmy Justice ] Hold on you loser, don't tap!

[ Jonathan Steele ] That doesn't make sense..

[ Trish Stratus ] He knows if HHH taps, my man will lose his title, duh..

[ Jimmy Justice ] Common sense Steele..

HHH fights through the pain, but is nowhere near the ropes as Tiger continues to apply the pressure. Just when HHH is about to fade away, Edge grabs White Tiger from behind and hits the Edge-O-Matic!

[ Trish Stratus ] That's what I'm talking about..

Edge covers Tiger but only gets a two count before he kicks out. Edge gets up, but is quickly kicked in the gut, and planted with a Pedigree!

[ Jonathan Steele ] The Pedigree! This could be over quick!

[ Jimmy Justice ] No way!

HHH covers Edge hooking the leg...getting the one...two...th...Tiger breaks it up!

[ Trish Stratus ] Wow, once again I'm grateful to that idoit..

HHH and Tiger get up where they exchange shots again, this time HHH kicks Tiger in the gut and hooks the arms, before he can hit it though, Tiger gives him a back body drop over the top rope and to the floor.

[ Jonathan Steele ] The Game sent to the outside, after another Pedigree attempt..

[ Jimmy Justice ] That's what happens when you try to end it this quick..

[ Trish Stratus ] Unless it's Edge, he knows exactly when to strike..

Tiger smiles at HHH then turns back to Edge. The two exchange rights, until Tiger hits a quick DDT. He covers but only gets a two count. They get back up and Tiger whips Edge into the ropes. Tiger bends over for a back body drop, but Edge kicks him in the face instead. As WT holds his chin Edge grabs him and whips him into the ropes. As Tiger returns Edge hits a flapjack. Edge and Tiger quickly get back up, where Edge whips Tiger into the ropes again, Tiger goes for a clothesline, but Edge ducks, as Tiger bounces again, Edge hits a big boot. Edge covers Tiger getting a two count.

[ Jonathan Steele ] Near fall there for the Champion..

[ Jimmy Justice ] Of course..

Both men get back up, where Edge hits Tiger with an Inverted DDT. He covers again, getting another two count. As they get back up and exchange shots again, Edge ducks then hits a Half-Nelson Bulldog. Edge once again covers, once again for a two count.

[ Jonathan Steele ] Edge seems to have everything working...

[ Trish Stratus ] Well duh, that's why he's the champ..

Tiger shoves Edge back though as they get up. Tiger blocks a punch by Edge, then goes to irish whip him, instead Tiger hangs on and hits a hard short arm clothesline. Tiger now covers, getting a two count himself. Meanwhile HHH is digging under the ring, and pulls out the Sledgehammer!

[ Jimmy Justice ] Hey, what the hell!

[ Jonathan Steele ] No Disqualification Jimmy..

[ Trish Stratus ] He's a coward!

Edge goes for the Edgecution, but while he's in the air, Tiger uses strength and picks him up, setting him on the apron. Tiger tries to punch Edge off, but Edge fights him off, Edge then kicks Tiger in the gut. As Tiger is bent over, Edge is about to go for a sunset flip, but his eyes light up when he sees HHH dashing acrossed the ring with the sledgehammer. Edge has no time to react as HHH cracks him right between the eyes, knocking him off the apron to the floor.

[ Trish Stratus ] Not his beautiful face!

HHH smiles down at the unconcious Edge, he then turns around and looks at Tiger. HHH smiles and tosses the sledgehammer back to the outside.

[ Trish Stratus ] Oh he won't use it on White Tiger, but he sure as hell used it on Edge..

[ Jonathan Steele ] These two are friends...though, if it came down to it, HHH would use it on Tiger if it meant becoming EWE Champion, I wouldn't put it passed White Tiger to do the same. But being friends, they will only do that if they absolutely have to..

[ Jimmy Justice ] But he sure used it on Edge..

[ Jonathan Steele ] Well HHH doesn't care for him...Edge and Jensen has made life hell for him since day one of coming back..

[ Trish Stratus ] Try the other way around.

HHH and Tiger circle for a moment, then begin exchanging rights. Tiger whips HHH into the ropes, Tiger goes for a clothesline as HHH returns, HHH ducks though, then hits a falling neckbreaker. HHH covers, getting a two count. HHH kicks Tiger in the gut as he gets up, and hooks the arms, but before he can deliever, Tiger counters out, and hits the Payne Killer!

[ Jonathan Steele ] The Game may be in trouble here..

Tiger covers, but HHH manages to get the shoulder up. As they get back up, Tiger gets behind HHH and locks in the Tiger's Snare!

[ Jonathan Steele ] For a second time, HHH is locked in the Tiger's Snare!

[ Jimmy Justice ] Not again! not another boring Tiger reign!

[ Trish Stratus ] Come on baby, wake up!

When you think HHH is about to fade away, he shows great strength as he picks Tiger up on his shoulders. HHH then delievers the slam, as he covers hooking the leg, only for a two count.

[ Jonathan Steele ] Great counter there..

[ Jimmy Justice ] I'll admit, that took great strength..

As they get back up, HHH charges at WT, where WT quickly hits a Tilt-A-Whirl slam. WT covers, getting yet another two count. WT picks HHH up and whips him into the ropes, Tiger then bends over for a back body drop, HHH quickly counters with a facebreaker knee smash. HHH bounces off the ropes as WT grogily turns back around, HHH hits a high knee strike.

[ Jonathan Steele ] The Game is starting to build momentum here..

WT gets up and runs at HHH, only to be planted with a Double A Spinebuster! The crowd cheers as HHH does his normal pre-pedigree pose. HHH turns around, but it's not Tiger he meets.

[ Jimmy Justice ] SPEAR! SPEAR! SPEAR!!

[ Trish Stratus ] That's it! Pin him!

Edge quickly covers HHH hooking the leg for the one...two...thre...TIGER BREAKS IT UP!

[ Jonathan Steele ] Tiger barely makes the save..

[ Jimmy Justice ] Damn him!

Edge gets up frustrated. He swings at Tiger, but Tiger ducks, then hits a Payne Killer! The crowd cheers as WT then climbs the turnbukle. Edge staggers up, only to be nailed with a Struck Down!

[ Jonathan Steele ] The Struck Down!

[ Jimmy Justice ] NOOOO!

[ Jonathan Steele ] One Two..New Champion...NO!

The count was barely broken up by HHH.

[ Trish Stratus ] I guess HHH is good for something every now and then..

Tiger and HHH get back up, only for HHH to finish what he started before Edge interupted him. Thus HHH kicks Tiger in the gut, hooks the arms, and deleivers The Pedigree!

[ Jonathan Steele ] And now the Pedigree!!

[ Jimmy Justice ] Oh come on!

[ Jonathan Steele ] ONE...TWO...Still new Cham...NO!

[ Trish Stratus ] There you go!

[ Jonathan Steele ] Edge just barely saves his title..

All three men are exhausted, expecially after they have each recieved a finisher in the span of a minute. Tiger and HHH get up and look at eachother, they then both slowly turn to see Edge getting up. They look back to eachother and smile before looking back to Edge. Edge's eyes light up as he turns to run away, but Tiger and HHH both grab a clob of his long hair, keeping him in place.

[ Trish Stratus ] The cowards are going to double team him again!

[ Jonathan Steele ] Maybe he shouldn't piss so many people off.

They turn Edge around and plant him with a double DDT. They smile and grab him again, hitting a double supplex. As Edge holds his back, the crowd cheers when HHH and WT both point to the outside. They grab Edge, and launch him over the top rope as he crashes on the floor.

[ Jonathan Steele ] Taking out the trash..

[ Trish Stratus ] Watch your mouth you worm..

[ Jimmy Justice ] Ya, tell him!

HHH and Tiger both dust off their hands while the crowd cheers. They then turn their attention back to eachother, as they begin to circle the ring. They lock hands and try a test of strength, which HHH wins and connects a fearce clothesline. As Tiger gets up HHH kicks him in the gut and hits a flowing DDT. HHH then backs up to the corner, he measures Tiger up with his hands, does a crotch chop, then runs hitting a jumping knee drop. HHH covers, but Tiger once again kicks out.

[ Jonathan Steele ] Another near fall, man what a match..

[ Jimmy Justice ] Our man is winning..

[ Trish Stratus ] My man doesn't swing that way Jimmy...besides, he's taken ;)

[ Jimmy Justice ] You know what I mean..

They get back to their feet, only for Tiger to fight back, then connecting a float over supplex. Tiger picks HHH back up and hits a Tiger Driver, which the crowd cheers. Tiger covers, getting another near fall. Tiger bounces HHH off the ropes and goes for a clothesline, but HHH ducks. HHH bounces then comes with a clothesline of his own, but Tiger ducks as well. They both bounce this time, then collide in the middle of the ring with a double clothesline!

[ Jonathan Steele ] What a collision!

[ Jimmy Justice ] Now get in there and cover, Edge!

[ Trish Stratus ] Yea!

Tiger and HHH lay there for a moment, then finally they slowly make it back to their feet. They once again begin exchanging right hands. HHH goes for a Supplex, but Tiger blocks. Tiger now goes for one, but HHH blocks as well. This goes back and forth 3 or 4 times before they give up and shove off. They both get a sneaky suspicion though, and they both turn...too late.

[ Jimmy Justice ] DOUBLE SPEAR!!!

[ Trish Stratus ] THAT'S THE WAY BABE!!

[ Jonathan Steele ] The Ultimate Opportunist may have just struck again!

[ Jimmy Justice ] There's no may about it, cover one of them!

Edge does just that as he crawls over and covers White Tiger and the ref counts the ONE...TWO...THRE...KICK OUT!

[ Jimmy Justice ] How the hell?!

[ Trish Stratus ] Forget it, cover Hunter!

Edge gets the same idea as his girlfriend, as he crawls over and covers HHH, once again hooking the leg....ONE...TWO...THRE...ANOTHER KICK OUT!

[ Jimmy Justice ] You have got to be kidding me!

[ Jonathan Steele ] I'm amazed myself..

[ Jimmy Justice ] What the hell does he have to do?

[ Trish Stratus ] Use Triple H's Sledgehammer, no disqualification..

Edge is frustrated by now, as he too wonders what he has to do. He looks over to see Trish pointing down to HHH's sledgehammer in front of the announce table. Edge smiles in agreement. Before Edge can step out of the ring though, he's grabbed from behind by White Tiger, as he locks in the Tiger's Snare!

[ Trish Stratus ] NO!

[ Jonathan Steele ] This could be it!

Before Tiger can lock it in all the way though, Edge quickly flips back, landing on Tiger's shoulders. Edge tries to come all the way down so he can hit the Downward spiral. But WT locks his hands keeping Edge on his shoulders. Tiger runs forward, then tosses Edge up over the top rope, and he crashes face first on the Announce Table, as the crowd yells "ohhh".

[ Trish Stratus ] Oh No! I gotta check on him..

Trish leaves her chair to check on her boyfriend, while WT smiles at what he done. He then looks over and sees HHH trying to stagger up. Tiger quickly climbs the turnbukle and awaits HHH to get up. As HHH gets up and turns towards Tiger, Tiger leaps off for The Struck Down!...But before he can hit, HHH kicks in the gut just before he lands, he hooks the arms and connects The Pedigree!!

[ Jonathan Steele ] What a counter, The 3rd Pedigree of the night connects!!

[ Jimmy Justice ] Wake Edge up Trish!

HHH tiredly turns WT over and just kinda lays on him as the ref counts the ONE...TWO....THREE!!!!

"The Game" by Motorhead hits the PA while HHH just rolls over and lays there, the crowd starts cheering though.

[ Jennifer Sparks ] Here is your winner...and NEW EWE HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION...TRIPLEEEE...H!!!!

The ref hands HHH the title and he's barely able to get up, but he does. Moments later Tiger is up, and they waste no time shaking hands, followed by a bro-hug. WT rolls out of the ring and leaves HHH to his celebration as he takes his Tag Title and walks his way up the ramp. Edge on the other hand, as Trish wakes him up he sees what is going on and isn't happy.

[ Jonathan Steele ] Well he can throw a fit all he wants...this is the result...all three men put in one hell of an effort...but it was Triple H winning 5 in a row here at WrestleMania...doping so he brings home his 4th EWE Championship..

[ Jimmy Justice ] Weather I like the guy or not, That was one hell of a match..

[ Jonathan Steele ] No doubt about that partner...We'll see you next time...The King of Kings has re-claimed his throne!

HHH climbs the turnbukle and raises up the title as pyro goes off above him. HHH continues to pose with the title as that's the image we fade out on.

The Cameras return to the studios for the final time.

Kelly: Another great match on the list as the Game climbed the mountain for a 4th time at the Grandest stage of them all.

Justin White: The Best Pay Per View of 2010 too..

Kelly: Yep...but now it comes down to this...our final Award...The Best Male Superstar of 2010....Here to present the Award....the Co-Holders for the Best Male of 2009.....The Game TRIPLE H!

Justin White: And The Rated R Superstar, EDGE!

HHH and Edge both walk out to the podium.

Triple H: I'm glad I'm out here for the last time...this is getting tiresome..

Edge: Save your cute little jokes...I just want to get this over with...Tying with you was so embarassing..

Triple H: How do you think I felt?

Edge: Privlaged..

Triple H: Yea...That was it..

Edge: Just do it already, cause this year I'm winning it by myself..

Triple H: Well let's find out then..


1: Dutch Clark 54 Vote Points(55)
2: Kurtis Porter 46 Vote Points(55)
3: Triple H 43 Vote Points(55)
4: White Tiger 39 Vote Points(55)
5: Dean Winchester 34 Vote Points(55)
6: Edge 25 Vote Points(55)
6: Johnny Chaos 25 Vote Points(55)
8: "Dynamic" Derek Daniels 21 Vote Points(55)
9: Randy Orton 18 Vote Points(55)
10: Abdul Q 16 Vote Points(55)
11: Michael Jensen 9 Vote Points(55)

"Modern Day Cowboy" hits again while Dutch walks out to the podium.

Edge: This is Bullshit!

Edge storms off backstage while HHH and Dutch laugh.

Triple H: Well I guess he didn't like the result too much..

They both snicker a little more.

Triple H: Anyway, Congrats..

Dutch Clark: Thanks..

HHH shakes his hand then walks backstage. Dutch then raises up the award for the camera before heading back himself.

Kelly: Congrats to Dutch Clark...the Best Male of 2010..

Justin White: Him and Triple H were both award hogs this year..

Kelly: They had a good year, it's not their fault the fans voted for them so much..

Justin White: Whatever...I'm just ready to go home..

Kelly: I agree...Ladies and Gentlemen, it's been fun...but it is time for us to go...So as we leave you with the Best Match of 2010...We'd like to wish you a Happy New Year!


"Dynamic" Derek Daniels vs Dutch Clark

Derek and Dutch circle each other in the ring and lock up. Dutch tries driving Derek back into the corner but Derek uses his size advantage and shoves Dutch back to the ground. Dutch is quick to get back up on his feet and locks up again only to get thrown down one more time. The crowd cheers as Derek flexes his muscles and a "Derek" chant breaks out. Dutch looks around in bewilderment.

JONATHAN STEELE: Listen to this crowd!!!

Dutch gets back up and quickly locks up again. This time he utilizes the speed advantage and executes a go-behind. He quickly sweeps out Derek's legs and backs away as Derek rolls over and looks at Dutch. The crowd cheers as Dutch motions for him to bring it on and a "Dutch" chant replaces the Derek one.

JIMMY JUSTICE: Amazing... These idiots can't decide who to rally behind.

Derek is quick to get back to his feet and he rushes forward. He grabs Dutch in a side headlock and brings Dutch to the mat. Dutch squares him off with a headscissors and Derek breaks the hold. The two get back up and Dutch hooks Derek in a hammerlock before Derek reverses it. He turns it into an armbar and steps on the back of his knee to bring him to the mat. The ref checks Dutch who says no and Dutch reaches up and gets the leverage to stand back up. He backs Derek into the corner causing the break and the two men circle back to the center of the ring.

JONATHAN STEELE: Both of these guys were trained by the great Jack Michaels... I am not surprised at the counter wrestling so far.

JIMMY JUSTICE: I am... Where's the blood? I WANT THE BLOOD!

Dutch and Derek locks up once again and this time Dutch is the one who gets the armbar. Derek drives Dutch back into the ropes and shoots him off to the opposite side. Dutch comes rushing back and attempts a clothesline. Derek ducks and as Dutch comes shooting off the opposite ropes he leaps and catches Dutch in the chops with a dropkick. Dutch drops hard and quickly rolls out of the ring holding his jaw. He slams a hand into the ring apron in frustration. Dutch rolls back into the ring and locks up with Derek once again. The two grapple in the center of the ring until Dutch catches him with a quick knee to the gut. This drives Derek into the corner and Dutch is quick to get on him. He irish whips him to the opposite corner and follows it in with a huge clothesline. Derek drops to the mat and rolls out of the ring holding his chest. He looks back at Dutch and kicks one of the ladders in frustration. He rolls back in the ring and he and Dutch begin to jaw at each other.

JONATHAN STEELE: Oh I don't think this is going to end well!

JIMMY JUSTICE: Its about time... These two have too much ego for one ring to contain!

Dutch and Derek continue to trash talk each other when Dutch shoves Derek. Derek comes back and shoves Dutch which causes his eyes to open wide. He comes back and the two begin to exchange right hands as the crowd goes crazy. Dutch gets the upper hand of the slugging contest and drives Derek back into the corner again. He goes up and begins to pound him with right hands. 1...2...3...4...5...6...7... Derek grabs Dutch and drives forward with an impact tackle to the mat. He quickly is on the mount and begins to pound Dutch with rights of his own. The two roll on the mat and eventually go under the rope to the outside. Derek picks up Dutch and body slams him on the outside with a sickening thud on the floor. Dutch grabs his back in pain as Derek wanders over to the first ladder. He picks it up and waits for Dutch to get to his feet before rushing forward. He drives the ladder straight into Dutch's chest and the momentum sends Dutch splattered back into the barricade at ringside. Derek hoists the ladder again and rushes forward to smack Dutch again but Dutch manages to roll to the left to avoid the shot. Derek drops the ladder and begins to stalk Dutch who is trying to pull himself up on the barricade. Derek grabs him by the hair but Dutch gets a thumb to Derek's eye. Derek grabs his eye as Dutch punches him in the gut and hooks him. He lifts him up and nails a snap suplex on the cold floor.

JONATHAN STEELE: Oh my... Derek's back might be broken after the suplex!

Dutch looks around and grabs a steel chair. He slides that into the ring followed by a table and a ladder. He turns his attention back to Derek and picks up a microphone cable. He wraps it around Derek's throat and pulls tight as Derek gasps for air. He flips Derek over with the cord in a modified snap mare and rushes forward and neckwhips Derek. Derek snaps back and holds his head as Dutch looks around for more toys.

JONATHAN STEELE: Dutch appears to be softening up that neck to try and hit a Furybreaker to move on.

JIMMY JUSTICE: Right now I think he may be more concerned about punishing Derek. Dutch has found a chair!

Sure enough Dutch has grabbed a chair and brings it over to where Derek lays. As Derek starts to get up Dutch winds up the chair. Derek manages to get a hold of Dutch's pants and pull him forward before he can drive the chair down which sends Dutch into the ring post at ringside. Dutch drops the chair and stumbles back as Derek gets back up. He hooks Dutch from behind and hoists him up. He staggers backwards and backdrops Dutch through the announce table!!!


JONATHAN STEELE: Fans... I think we *Static* Difficulties...

Derek and Dutch lay in a heap in the remains of the announce table as suddenly we get a split screen shot of the back. Michael Jensen is seen standing with Edge and Christian who seem to be watching the match with baited interest. They whisper amongst themselves before we return to full screen action. Derek is the first to start moving and begins to try and pick up the broken Dutch. He tries to throw him back into the ring but he aims low and Dutch goes sliding under the ring. Derek goes to pull him back out but falls back. A misty cool blast of fire solvent blasts out and covers Derek's face.

JONATHAN STEELE: I think we are back on now... Sorry folks...

JIMMY JUSTICE: Damn cheap wiring... Hey hey... Looks like Dutch is trying to cool off Derek!

Derek yells out in pain and falls back as Dutch staggers and gets back to his feet. Derek slides back into the ring and Dutch follows with the fire extinguisher. Derek turns around blindly and gets caught hard with a shot right to the gut with the large metal cylinder. He doubles over and Dutch tosses the extinguisher. He rushes forward and hits a FURIOUS DDT right in the center of the ring! The crowd pops as Dutch goes for the pin. 1...2... Kick out.

JONATHAN STEELE: Derek kicked out!!! I can't believe it!

Dutch looks at the ref and back down at Derek and is in shock. He curses verbally and gets back up to his feet. He looks around the ring and begins setting up the table he brought in earlier. He does so and then begins to set up the ladder. He looks down at Derek and then at the ladder and smiles wickedly. He begins to climb slowly towards the top. He looks down at Derek who is still prone in the ring. He leaps off and attempts a Double-Knee drop when Derek rolls to his right. Dutch crashes HARD into the mat jarring his spine. He rolls on the mat in pain as Derek tries to pull himself up on the ropes.

JONATHAN STEELE: And Dutch is down!

JIMMY JUSTICE: Very astute observation there Jonathan.


The two begin to pull themselves up slowly when again we get a split screen of the back with Jensen, Edge and Christian. They seem to be really enjoying the beating the two are giving each other.

JONATHAN STEELE: Edge and Christian watching intently on this match.

JIMMY JUSTICE: You can't blame them... They have to face Style & Pride later tonight and if they kill each other now that match is going to be easy pickings.

We cut back to the ring and Derek and Dutch are getting up roughly at the same time. Dutch is up first and throws a wild swing at Derek who ducks the blow. Dutch turns around and is booted in the gut for his trouble. He doubles over and Derek pitches him back through the ropes to the outside. He is quick to follow and grabs one of the chairs at ringside. Dutch gets back up and hits Derek from behind causing him to drop the chair. He grabs Derek and pitches him back into the ring. He gets up on the apron and is met by a Derek forearm blow. Dutch shoulderblocks him through the ropes and sunset flips from the outside. 1...2... Kick out.

JONATHAN STEELE: Great move by Dutch there but also a great kick out!

Dutch and Derek get back up and Dutch elbows him back into the corner. He goes for a blind charge and Derek moves. Dutch goes chest first, turns around gasping for air and take a kick to the gut for his trouble. Derek picks him up for a vicious SITOUT POWERBOMB. The crowd explodes as Derek goes for the pin. 1...2...Shoulder up. Derek looks at the ref in astonishment as the crowd continues to cheer.

JONATHAN STEELE: Both these guys have kicked out of horrific moves. What is it going to take to win this match???

Its now Derek's turn to look at the ladder and he begins to stand up. He starts to climb and make his way towards the top as Dutch begins to stir. Just as he makes the top Dutch gets to his feet and begins climbing the opposite side. Both men begin exchanging blows at the top of the ladder.

JIMMY JUSTICE: Thats a long way down now Jonathan... And the only thing in the ring is that table Dutch set up earlier...

The two continue to throw bombs at each other with Dutch eventually getting the upperhand. He goes to knock Derek off the ladder but Derek blocks and hooks Dutch in a Superplex attempt. He picks Dutch up but Dutch manages to grab hold of the top rung. He tries again and this time Dutch comes up. As they are falling back, Dutch reaches back blindly and hooks his hands around Derek's chin. As they fall Dutch turns the move into a super FURYBREAKER as Dutch's own body goes crashes through the table and Derek's head and neck land hard on Dutch's shoulder.


JIMMY JUSTICE: Dutch's back is broken... Derek's neck is broken... I LOVE IT!!!

The crowd is going insane as the ref tries making his way through the carnage. Both Derek and Dutch lie in the mess with their eyes shut but somehow it would appear Dutch has managed to land with an arm over Derek. The ref goes in for a pin. 1...2...3!!!

JIMMY JUSTICE: I don't believe it!!!

JONATHAN STEELE: What a counter and finish by Dutch Clark!!!

JIMMY JUSTICE: Yeah well he may be announced as the winner but I don't think either guy is feeling too good right now.

JENNIFER SPARKS: Ladies and gentlemen... Your winner and moving on to the finals of the King of Xtreme... "THE IRISH FURY" DUTCH CLARK!!!


Copyright Extreme Wrestling Entertainment 2010