' M o n d a y N i g h t C h a o s '

| Date : 01-10-11 | Recovery Status : Original Summary | Theme: "Prelude 12-21" By AFI |
Venue : Pepsi Center - Denver, Colorado | Main Event - Ten Man Tag Match | Turnout : 21 RolePlays


EWE X-Core Championship
Johnny Starr Vs. Ted Dibiase[c]
Dibiase wins this one in a matter of seconds, without even having to pay off the referee either
WINNER @ 0:23 & STILL Champion: "The Million Dollar Man" TED DIBIASE

Singles Match
CM Punk Vs. The Hurricane
As the bell rings, Punk is trash talking a fan in the front row that is drinking a beer, but he should be paying more attention, as he turns into a Hurri-CHOKE SLAM! Hurricane quickly gets the pinfall and poses.

Singles Match
Box Car Bob Vs. Hornswoggle
An interesting match to say the least. Bob spends most the match trying to catch Hornswoggle who just runs around. Hornswoggle gives him The Sweet Shin Music, which drops Box Car Bob to the mat holding his shin. Hornswoggle climbs on the turnbukle and leaps for the Tadpole Splash, but just as Hornswoggle jumped Bob got back to his feet, he catches Hornswoggle in mid air and plants the Sexy Slam! Scoring the one..two...three.

The show starts off with Jensen heading to the ring, accompanied by Big Show and The Great Khali of course. The crowd boos him, but changes their tune when they find out what he's out there for...and that's to make three big announcements regarding Sole Survivor....First of which, The Jobber Squad was going to defend the Titles in a Triple Threat Tornado Tag Match against The Boys in Blue...and Cryme Tyme!....The crowd liked that...the second one, he announced the return of the EWE X-Division Championship. At Sole Survivor we will witness the 2nd Russian Roulette Match to crown the new champion!....The Last announcement...a Tag Team Match....Style & Pride versus The Extreme Legends...The crowd cheered that before they even knew the stipulations...which was the winning team would face the Tag Team Champions at WrestleMania Seven...Ah but the catch...only the person who gains the pinfall or submission will be The Undisputed Champion!

Randy Orton Vs. Benjamin Ryan
Bell rings...RKO...1, 2, 3...Bell rings.

Brandon Hardy Vs. Eli Hogan
Eli just doesn't seem focused as he gets pwned in under a minute.

-International #1 Con. Tournament - Round Two-
Blue Panther Vs. JC Kane
JC Kane also makes very easy work of Blue Panther, who simply isn't on his game this week. Panther gets one shot at an offensive attack, which he goes for the Pantherizer, but JC counters rolling Panther up for a near fall. When Panther gets back to his feet he's hit with the Kane Strike! JC scores the pinfall.

Boys in Blue and Cryme Tyme meet backstage and heated words are exchanged. Finally they each, except Shad, vouch to out shine in their tournament match..

-International #1 Con. Tournament - Round Two-
Chris Warren Vs. Ricky Starr
The first back and forth match of the evening, well on Chaos anyway. Chris Warren starts off dominating the early part of this match.

At about 1:02 Warren locks in an Abdominal Stretch, which Ricky refuses to submit to. After a few more seconds Ricky is able to get to the ropes, as he runs at Warren though, he quickly hits Starr with a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. At 1:46 Warren gets behind Ricky attempting to lock in the Trigger, but before he can Ricky counters with a backslide but Warren kicks out.

After that Ricky is finally able to use that much needed counter and then begins to dominate the match himself for awhile. At 3:04 Starr sets Warren up for the Starr Press, but Warren quickly counters hitting a DDT off the top turnbukle. The match goes back and forth for awhile, but at 4:23 Warren hits The End Game and scores the pinfall.
WINNER @ 4:23: Chris Warren

-International #1 Con. Tournament - Round Two-
JTG Vs. Snake
Another good match, it goes back and forth for the better first half of this match, but at 1:30 Snake takes full momentum hitting a thunderous power bomb. Snake controls for awhile and at 2:24 hits the triple Suplexes.

At 3:23 Snake attempts the Drive By, but JTG rolls out of the way. JTG controls for a little bit hitting the Box Cutter at 4:02. At 5:15 Snake starts to take control again and soon sets up for the Snake Bite, but JTG quickly counters, nailing the G9!
WINNER @ 5:47: JTG

-International #1 Con. Tournament - Round Two-
Officer Ken Tyson Vs. "Dynamic" Derek Daniels
Derek and Tyson make their way to the ring, both getting their respect from the fans, Derek obviously more. The match begins to pick up, with the two trading shots. At around 0:32 Tyson hits Derek with a series of Supplexes that he follows up with near falls. 1:28 Derek counters the Spike Strip and hits a Standing Dropkick.

Derek continues to gain momentum by connecting a pumhandle slam. After a few near falls, at around 3:45 Tyson hits a hard clothesline nearly knocking Derek out of his boots. Tyson takes momentum for awhile getting some near falls of his own.

At 5:32 Tyson hits the Spike Strip that he follows up with a two count. Following the two count Tyson climbs the tunrbukle and looks to serve up some Police Brutality, but Derek quickly dodges out of the way, allowing Tyson to crash into the mat.

After some more back and forth action, at around 6:43 Derek hits a Sky-High Power Bomb, but doesn't cover. Instead Derek climbs the turnbukle and signals for the Dynamic Dive, but Tyson rolls out of the way. At 8:12 Derek looks to hit the Dynamic Drop, but Tyson counters hitting an STO. Tyson climbs the turnbukle and looks again for some Police Brutality, but Derek counters that into a quick cutter! Derek stalks Tyson as the crowd roars. Derek sets up for the Dynamic Driver, but Tyson quickly changes it into a Life Sentence! Tyson covers and scores the three count!


Dutch Clark & The Jobber Squad Vs. The Extreme Legends, Dean Winchester, Sean Lewis & Ronnie Styles
This match looks lopsided from the get go, but thats just how the show rolls sometimes. The match starts off with the isolation of Jon Jobber by The Extreme Legends. Literally The Extreme Legends as they refuse to tag any of their partners. It isn't until about 1:12 when Jon is finally able to make the tag to his father. Mr. Jobber gets isolated by The Legends too though.

At 3:02 Lewis tags himself in, making Johnny kind of angry. At the same time Dutch tags himself in and smiles at Lewis. The crowd cheers for the Night of Terror Rematch, but this one ends up way more lopsided as Lewis is unable to hit a single offensive move the entire time he's in the ring with Dutch. At 5:21 Lewis is finally able to Tag Dean in as him and Dutch begin to go at it in an excitting back and forth bout.

At about 10:17 The Extreme Legends storm the ring, which causes the other team to storm the ring, so the rest of Legends' team as well. Pretty much control is lost and everyone forgets who the legal men are, which are Mr. Jobber and Ronnie Styles, which Mr. Jobber is standing in the corner trying his best not to pass out, while Styles is having a two on one scuffle with Jay and Jon Jobber.

Dustin Jobber and Sean Lewis are randomly going at it on the outside, while Tiger and Dutch take their fight up the ramp. Meanwhile Dean tackles Johnny and the two of them go over the barricade. Everyone is surprised by this being they are teammates, but I guess Dean had enough. The two scrap their way through the audience, while Dutch and Tiger head through the curtains.

The ref is yelling at Dustin and Lewis to knock it off when Jon Jobber tosses Sugar into the eyes of Ronnie Styles. Jay Jobber then takes his boot off and knocks him over the side of the head with it. As Styles hits the mat, Mr. Jobber takes a step forward and passes out, right ontop of Styles. The ref turns around to see the pinfall so he begins to make the count, while Dustin Jobber hits Lewis with a hard low blow to stop him from breaking the fall.

Dustin joins his brothers in the ring, while Lewis hits the ground holding his manhood. The 3 Jobber Brothers get excited celebrating their victory, then try to wake their dad up to give him the news. Sadly it's this insane celebration that we fade out on.


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