' M o n d a y N i g h t C h a o s '

| Date : 02-07-11 | Recovery Status : Original Summary | Theme: "Prelude 12-21" By AFI |
Venue : Taco Bell Arena - Boise, Idaho | Main Event - The Hurricane Vs. Jack Sparrow | Turnout : 17 RolePlays


Triple Threat Match
JC Kane Vs. Brandon Hardy & Hornswoggle
After the bell rings JC quickly hits Hornswoggle with the Kane Strike. JC then hits Brandon with the Flash of Red, scoring the pinfall.
JUDGES: 4 out of 4

"Prelude 12/21" by AFI continues to play over the PA system as the opening fireworks blast off on the stage. As the camera's pan around to see the fans we hear Steele & Justice as usual.

JONATHAN STEELE: "Fresh off the heals of Sole Survivor, welcome to the sold out Taco Bell Arena in Boise Idaho for Monday Night Chaos! Jonathan Steele and Jimmy Justice at ringside as usual and what a show we got planned tonight partner."

JIMMY JUSTICE: "Don't call me partner, I'm not gay like you."

JONATHAN STEELE: "Fresh off the heals of Sole Survivor, welcome to the sold out Taco Bell Arena in Boise Idaho for Monday Night Chaos! Jonathan Steele and Jimmy Justice at ringside as usual and what a show we got planned tonight partner."

JIMMY JUSTICE: "Don't call me partner, I'm not gay like you."

JONATHAN STEELE: "Well anyways our original main event was set to be White Tiger vs Snake...but it wound up getting moved down on the card a little bit."

JIMMY JUSTICE: "White Tiger is going to crush Snake regradless."

JONATHAN STEELE: "That's your opinion. Also tonight we got a good match when Abdul Q meets Mr. Man."

JIMMY JUSTICE: "Good match it shall be. I can't deny that. I got something in common with both them, even though I didn't use to have it in common with Mr. Man back when he was a mexican. By the way how the hell did he change race like that, his new name should be The Magic Man."

JONATHAN STEELE: "Well I have no clue what you are talking about, so I'm just gonna move onto our new Main Event...when The Hurricane meets Captain Jack Sparrow."

JIMMY JUSTICE: "That's all good and all, but the real big news is our new Undisputed Champion! We're all invited for The Extreme One's live celebration tonight, I'm hyped up for that!"

JONATHAN STEELE: "I'm sure you are...but it's time for our first match."

D-Dawg Vs. Randy Orton
D-Dawg stands in the ring as they await Orton's arrival, but it never happens. The ref finally shrugs and declares D-Dawg the winner by Forfeit.
JUDGES: 4 out of 4

D-Dawg celebrates for a minute then heads to the back. Right afterwards "Voices" by Rev Theory hits over the PA System. The ref looks confused as Orton comes to the ring. there's a debate between the two until the ref tells him that he's too late and he's not reversing the decision. Orton gets pissed at this and gives him an RKO before heading back to the back.

Pierre Von Roten Vs. Chris Middley Shadow the Hedgehog
Bell rings...Shadow hits the Super Shadow...one...two...three!
JUDGES: 4 out of 4

Mr. Jobber Vs. Ted Dibiase
Dibiase stands in the ring awaiting his opponent. Getting tired of waiting for Mr. Jobber to enter we try to track him down with camera's, thus on the titan tron we finally find him, passed out in his locker room surrounded by dozens of empty beer bottles. The ref shakes his head and awards Ted Dibiase the victory by forfeit.
WINNER @ 0:00: "The Million Dollar Man" TED DIBIASE
JUDGES: 4 out of 4

The cameras switch back to the parking lot where we see a limo pulling in. The door opens and out steps Johnny Chaos with the Undisputed title over his shoulder and a huge grin on his face. The crowd just boos in the background.

Johnny Starr Vs. Mike Shockly
The ring clears for the next match the bell sounds for the next match as Johnny Starr makes his way to the ring to the theme of: “Hesitate” by Stone Sour. He is in the ring warming up when “Living After Midnight” hits by Disturbed and Mike Shockly heads into the ring. They size each other up for a moment before the bell sounds and the two lock horns for the first time. The match is back and forth early on with nobody getting a real advantage and nobody really knowing who to cheer for because Johnny Starr is a bit new and Shockly is a tweener, so the crowd basically cheers for who has the advantage at the time and some big pops throughout the match. The match changes hands when finally Johnny Starr get's momentum and Starr works Shockly across the ring, to one side and then the other before hitting a HUGE spring-board cross body that causes a big pop from the fans. He hooks the leg but only gets a two count. He looks at the ref to argue but is right back on Shockly. He begins to work the knee of Shockly, using the ropes, using leg bars and stomping the knee and then he finally locks in a sharpshooter in the middle of the ring. It takes a while for Shockly to fight to the ropes and he almost taps several times before he finally makes it and then slowly makes a comeback. He mounts his comeback by hitting several high impact moves and the moment of the match comes when Starr tries for a springboard cross body but Shockly uses his impressive strength to catch him in mid air and set him up for “The Shockly Power” he nails it quickly and crawls over for the cover and nabs it for the victory.
JUDGES: 3 out of 4

We find Johnny backstage again now walking the halls gloating and telling everyone to make sure they tune into the live celebration later on tonight.

White Tiger Vs. Snake
Snake and Tiger make their way to the ring and the match gets under way. It's pretty back and forth for awhile until 2:14 when Snake locks in the single leg Boston Crab. WT quickly finds the ropes to break the hold. As WT gets to his feet Snake grabs him from behind and hits a German Suplex. He follows up with two more before going for a cover, only for a two count. At 3:21 Snake hits the Triple Suplexes then climbs up the turnbukle for The Drive By, WT gets his knees up at the last minute though. As Snake gets up holding his gut WT quickly hits a hard clothesline.

Tiger begins to control the match as he hits a Tiger Driver at 4:01. At 4:23 WT locks in the Tiger's Snare which Snake begins to fight for freedom. WT keeps it locked but Snake refuses to give in. Snake is finally able to find the ropes forcing WT to let go, which he doesn't do until a 4 and 1/2 count by the ref. At 5:31 Snake hits the Triple Suplexes again and calls for the Snake Bite. But WT quickly counters with the Payne Killer. WT climbs the turnbukle and smiles before nailing The Struck Down!
JUDGES: 4 out of 4

The Jobber Squad Vs. Ass Kickers Anonymous
The match goes back and forth for awhile, with AKA doing all the damage. Jay and Jon only get lucky with any offensive move they manage to hit. When AKA is ready to put The Jobbers away, The lights suddenly flicker off and on. AKA is very confused by this but they get out of the ring when they see a Blue Blur, as well as a Black Blur running around the ring and up the ramp. AKA looks baffled, but don't realize the ref is currently counting them out. When they finally realize it they turn around just in time for the ref to yell "10!".
JUDGES: 2 out of 3

AKA starts to get pissed off, suddenly the Blue and Black Blurs swarm around AKA and when they are gone, AKA is left unconcious. The Jobbers pay no mind to it as they just continue their fluke celebration.

Mr. Man Vs. Abdul Q
The bell rings and the match gets under way. The match is fairly back and fourth most the way through. At 2:12 Abdul hits The Jersey Shore, and scores a two count. At 3:31 Mr Man hits the Back to the Future and gets a two count himself. Abdul starts to get into the flow at 5:04 when he hits a Lou thez Press and begins punching away at Mr. Man. As soon as Man stumbles up Abdul then hits The Hells Traffic. Abdul stalks Mr. Man then as he gets up locks him in the Dreamcatcher. Man fights to stay awake until Abdul finally lets go of the hold.

At 6:35 Mr Man hits Triple Verticals and follows up with the Future Shock. Man covers but Abdul quickly kicks out. At 7:02 Mr Man locks in the Wave of The Future! Abdul screams and fights trying to find the ropes, but Man pulls him away from the ropes. On a 3rd attempt Abdul finally gets the bottom rope, forcing Mr. Man to break the hold.

Abdul fights back into the match and at 7:57 locks in the Blind Faith! Mr Man is in much pain as Abdul continues to tighten the hold. Just when all hope looks to be lost, Mr Man grabs the bottom rope with his foot to break the hold. Abdul gets back to his feet and Stalks Mr. Man. Abdul picks Man up for the Bedtime, but Man quickly rolls off and hits a modified Back to the Future! Man climbs up the turnbukle and the crowd cheers before he leaps off to connect The Future Splash!
WINNER @ 9:25: MR. MAN
JUDGES: 2 out of 3

After the match, we see Mr. Man sitting in the turnbuckle corner, sitting and pouting like an emo kid. Grabbing a microphone, he kept his head down.

MR. MAN: "She keeps doing this to me! She ruined my chances of headlining WrestleMania, and ruined my happy ending. How am I going to end Act III on a good note instead of tragic?"

The EWE Nation was shocked, not knowing what Mr. Man was talking about, so it was pretty silent.

MR. MAN: "I know what I have to do! I have to make the challenge."

Getting up, a sly grin came to Mr. Man's face as he looked at the entrance.

MR. MAN: "You eliminated me at Sole Survivor, and you've ruined my life. I know you're here Eighteen! I'm challenging you to a match at WrestleMania!"

The Taco Bell Arena exploded when they heard Mr. Man saying that. It was the most coherent thing he's said all night. As they were cheering there was no music playing, and no real answer.

MR. MAN: "Eighteen come on! Face me at WrestleMania! Get out here and accept! Please, Eighteen, I need this…"

Instead of Eighteen's music playing, they heard "Welcome to the Jungle" playing, causing a rather mixed reaction, to say it nicely. White Tiger comes from the back and into the ring and stood away from Mr. Man.

WHITE TIGER: "Whoa Manny, calm down there..."

MR. MAN: "I called out Eighteen, not you!"

WHITE TIGER: "I know you called out Eighteen, but she's not responding. I'm responding!"

A face to face between the two happens as neither man backs down. The crowd goes into a frenzy from it.

MR. MAN: "What do you want Jeff? Because I don't have time for you spouting off your mouth tonight."

WHITE TIGER: "As Eighteen's trainer and her being my favorite student, I don't think you should face Eighteen at WrestleMania, especially after you lost four times. She has nothing to prove to you!"

MR. MAN: "And since when did you become Eighteen's secretary? I'm not asking you to face her, I'm asking her to face me at WrestleMania."

WHITE TIGER: "You wanna face her? That's fine, but the only way she is going to accept your challenge at WrestleMania, is if you earn it."

The two looked at each other, Mr. Man not quite sure what White Tiger's saying.

MR. MAN: "What are you talking about?"

WHITE TIGER: "Are you stupid? You wanna face Eighteen at WrestleMania? Well then you have to go through me. Think about it Mr. Man, if you can beat Eighteen's trainer then she'll have no choice but to face you at WrestleMania. What do you say?"

MR. MAN: "Alright, I'll fight you White Tiger. But we're not gonna do this on any random Chaos; let's do this at No Love Lost! That way when I win, I can have my happy ending at WrestleMania."

WHITE TIGER: "Alright, No Love Lost it is. But to make it official, let's shake on it Mr. Man."

White Tiger put his hand out, but Mr. Man looked at it hesitantly, knowing not to trust the so-called Legend.

WHITE TIGER: "Don't you trust me? I don't need to do anything tonight; I'll beat you down at No Love Lost. So come on, shake my hand!"

Keeping his hand out, Mr. Man slowly shakes it, and pulls White Tiger close for a stare down. Backing away, White Tiger grabbed his hand, and pulled him right into a microphone shot! The fans booing as Mr. Man went down holding his head, White Tiger would just laugh and leave the ring as "Welcome to the Jungle" played again.

The Hurricane Vs. Captain Jack Sparrow
The two make their way to the ring getting good ovations from the crowd. Hurricane takes the early lead in this match, obviously with more actual in ring experience. Hurricane hits a Tilt-a-whirl backbreaker at 2:42. Hurricane continues to control the match with a Snap Supplex at 3:14. Sparrow finally gets lucky when he randomly tackles Hurricane at 4:02.

Sparrow hits a few punches then gets back to his feet, looking around for his rum. He notices Hurriane trying to get back up so he quickly kicks him in the gut. At 5:03 Sparrow sends Hurricane into the ropes where Hurricane comes back with a jumping clothesline. Hurricane climbs the turnbukle and hits a High Cross body as Sparrow was getting back up. Hurricane covers with that, only getting a two count though.

As the two get back to their feet Hurricane does a pose. Jack throws his hands up and flails out of the ring. Hurricane quickly runs after and leaps over the top ropes to crash on Sparrow with a suicide dive. The pair fight on the outside for a little while with Hurricane breaking the count twice, for Sparrow doesn't know about that rule. At 8:26 Hurricane rolls Sparrow back into the ring and slides back in himself.

As Hurricane is getting up Sparrow quickly comes from behind and locks in The Black Pearl! Hurricane tries to get out of it, while Sparrow keeps rocking to create more pressure. At 9:15 Hurricane fights his way out of the hold. The two get to their feet and trade right hands for a moment, until Hurricane quickly blocks one from Sparrow and quickly grabs Sparrow by the throat. Hurricane raises a thumb with his other hand before connecting The Hurri-Chokeslam! The crowd cheers as Hurricane goes for the cover and gains the three count!
JUDGES: 2 out of 3


As the camera's return from a commercial we see the ring has ben decorated with a ton of balloons and what not. In the center of the ring stands Drama with a mic.

DRAMA: "Ladies and Gentelmen it is now the time you have been waiting for. Get on your feet and get ready. It is my distinct pleasure to introduce you to an EWE Hall of Famer and Grand Slam Champion. A 5x EWE Heavyweight Champion and your NEW EWE Undisputed Champion. Ladies and Gentlemen...The one TRUE EXTREME ONE!.....JOHNNY CHAOS!!!"

"Goin Down" by Three Days Grace hits over the PA system getting nothing but boos from the crowd. Of course though, Johnny is going to continue and take this way overboard as a huge pyro display goes off on the stage, followed by a raining shower of kenfeti. Johnny seperates the curtains and smoke from the pyro raising the Undisputed Championship high in the air.

JONATHAN STEELE: "This is ridiculous."

JIMMY JUSTICE: "Don't be jealous Steele, he's the man to beat now, get used to it."

Johnny continues his way down the ramp with a huge grin on his face. Johnny walks up the steps and enters the ring. Johnny takes the mic from Drama as his music begins to fade away.

JOHNNY CHAOS: "Now that's an intro."

The crowd boos as Johnny shakes his head.

JOHNNY CHAOS: "Don't deny it, that's an intro a champion such as myself is deserving. You all should be happy for you FINALLY have a champion to be proud of."

The crowd boos disagreeing.

JOHNNY CHAOS: "Don't even act like you don't know I'm the greatest Wrestler alive today. It's not a statement, but a genuine fact. It can't be disputed...And here's the proof..."

Johnny points to the Undisputed Title.

JOHNNY CHAOS: "It's Undisputed."

The crowd boos while Johnny smiles.

JIMMY JUSTICE: "He makes a good point."

JONATHAN STEELE: "Give me a break."

JOHNNY CHAOS: "You want to really deny it? I mean who can argue with it? The only ones who would consider disagreeing is Style & Pride...and they aren't even here."

The crowd boos again.

JOHNNY CHAOS: "No seriously...With the exception of Abdul Q, who doesn't even matter after I've whooped that ass what 3 times? Other than him, not one member of Style & Pride is here tonight. The reason for that, is because they KNOW I'm better than each of them, that is why they didn't want to show up tonight. They didn't want to face that fact."

The crowd boos, disagreeing.

JOHNNY CHAOS: "Look at Dutch, he gets a few cracked ribs and all of a sudden he's gonna run away crying. You call THAT a champion? I think not..."

The crowd boos once again.

JOHNNY CHAOS: "As for his butt buddy Derek...Where do I even begin?"

Johnny Chaos smirks around at the crowd after that last comment, he turns his back to the entrance as the crowd boos, people standing and making rude gestures but of course Johnny is just reveling in the spotlight. Suddenly "Headstrong" blasts over the PA systems.

JONATHAN STEELE: "OH MY! Things are about to heat up now! Here comes EWE Hall of Famer “Dynamic” Derek Daniels!"

Johnny whips around with an unreadable look. He tosses his Undisputed title over his shoulder and smirks as Derek Daniels slowly walks out on stage wearing a button down shirt and a pair of black pants with dress shoes. He isn't dressed to wrestle. He has a mic under his arm and he claps his hands with a big smile on his face as he walks out. He walks half way down the ramp and motions for his music to be cut.

"DYNAMIC" DEREK DANIELS: "Johnny Chaos…Johnny, Johnny, Johnny…"

The crowd cheers as Derek looks around. Johnny stands in the middle of the ring.

"DYNAMIC" DEREK DANIELS: "You're wrong about a lot of things Johnny. About how you are a good wrestler, how you think you are the bad man in the EWE. How you are a straight, heterosexual male."

The crowd pops as Derek looks around with a smile.

"DYNAMIC" DEREK DANIELS: "One thing you are right about…Style and Pride isn't in the building…But Derek Daniels is HERE."

The crowd pops once more, Derek is eating it up.

"DYNAMIC" DEREK DANIELS: "You see Johnny, I'll admit that you got the best of Style and Pride at the pay-per-view. You stole one, just like you are good at doing and you pinned me fair and square. I'll give you that, but you see Dutch won the Sole Survivor so he isn't worried about a rematch with you just yet…"

Johnny smiles and nods and claps a bit looking around at the crowd saying "that's right" and slapping his title with his hand. Derek just keeps the grin on his face.

"DYNAMIC" DEREK DANIELS: "You see, I let Dutch down by losing the title to a piece of trash like you, so since Dutch went out and got his ribs bruised, he couldn’t be here tonight…So I decided I would step up to the plate Johnny."

Derek keeps walking down the ramp and stops a few feet away from where he was standing, Johnny is now listening carefully.

"DYNAMIC" DEREK DANIELS: "Johnny…Johnny…Johnny…You may be riding high from that win and thinking you’re going to breeze your way to Wrestlemania, but the fact of the matter is…I have NOTHING to do for the next month and since Dutch is out…And since I owe you an ass kicking from last year’s Wrestlemania…"

Derek shrugs and looks around at the crowd, they are now standing as if they know what is coming next.

"DYNAMIC" DEREK DANIELS: "It’s time for some payback….STARTING NOW!"


Derek drops the mic and Johnny tosses his title to the side as Derek slides into the ring but he is met by boots from Johnny Chaos and a rain of boos from the crowd. Johnny stomps Derek down but suddenly Derek starts getting back up and catches one of Johnny’s boots and then tackles him down to the ground and begins slamming him with punches. He then stands up and rips off his shirt and picks Johnny up by the hair but Johnny tackles Derek and begins punching him.

JONATHAN STEELE: "Someone has got to get out here and stop this! They are tearing one another apart! Someone get out here!"

JIMMY JUSTICE: "Let them go! I’ve been wanting to see this since Wrestlemania last year!"

They roll around throwing punches until referees and security come running down the ramp and begin to separate them. About four men hold Derek back and a three or four hold Johnny back as the two try and get at one another before Johnny breaks loose and jumps over the security at Derek and begins punching him again. Finally more security hits the ring and holds both men back as the crowd is in a frenzy…Suddenly LAW appears on the stage with a mic.

LAW: "Hold it...if you two want to kill eachother, that's fine with me, but at least do it the right way. So at No Love Lost Johnny Chaos defends the Undisputed Championship against Derek Daniels.."

The Crowd cheers as LAW puts his finger up as if to say "I'm not done yet".

LAW: "In a Buried Alive Match!"

The Crowd EXPLODES as Derek smiles and Johnny isn't as pleased.

JONATHAN STEELE: "Oh My God! A Buried Alive Match!"

JIMMY JUSTICE: "That's gonna be nuts! I don't even know when the last time was we even had one!"

JONATHAN STEELE: "No Love Lost 2005! The Rock & The Undertaker.. "

JIMMY JUSTICE: "Damn You Jay and your EWE Encyclopedia.."


JIMMY JUSTICE: "I meant Steele."

The cameras begin to fade away as we see the copyright information.

JONATHAN STEELE: "Right...well folks I cannot wait until No Love Lost...but until then, we'll see you next week!"



Manny: Mr. Man/WT Segment

Jon North: Co-Wrote closing segment (Derek's bit of course)

JAY: Everything else, including the rest of the closing segment.

Copyright Extreme Wrestling Entertainment 2011