' M o n d a y N i g h t C h a o s '

| Date : 02-21-11 | Recovery Status : Original Summary | Theme: "Prelude 12-21" By AFI |
Venue : Oracle Arena - Oakland, California | Main Event - Derek Daniels & Mr. Man Vs. The Extreme Legends | Turnout : 16 RolePlays


RP or F*ck Off Battle Royal
Chris Jericho Vs. Chase Owens Vs. CM Punk Vs. Damon Cross Vs. BoneZ Vs. Pierre Von Roten Vs. Hornswoggle Vs. Jeff Hardy Vs. Brandon Hardy Vs. Randy Orton


"Prelude 12/21" by AFI continues to play over the PA system as the opening fireworks blast off on the stage. As the camera's pan around to see the fans we hear Steele & Justice as usual.

JONATHAN STEELE: "No Love Lost is live this Sunday, and tonight we are rocking in Oakland California for another edition of Monday Night Chaos!...As Always I'm Jonathan Steele and I'm joined by Jimmy Justice at ringside. What a show we got here tonight!"

JIMMY JUSTICE: "Alot of No Love Lost previews...like The Tag Match that features members of both the International Title match and the steel cage match when Dean and Shockly meet Style & Pride's Abdul Q & Christy Chaos."

JONATHAN STEELE: "That match is going to be good, not all is No Love Lost Preview though. We got a somewhat rubber match here tonight when The Hurricane meets Ted Dibiase...This can somewhat be classified as a rubber match because Dibiase defeated Hurricane and several others to win a battle royal that gave him his slot at Sole Survivor....Then last week Hurricane, as well as Snake, won a 5 Way F*ckers match for a shot at the X-Division Title this sunday at No Love Lost, a match that featured Dibiase. So tonight, will be the Rubber Match!"

JIMMY JUSTICE: "Interesting way of looking at it I guess...but what about tonight's Huge Main Event? That's going to be amazing!"

JONATHAN STEELE: "That's right two of the biggest matches At No Love Lost, thrown into another tag team match, when Derek Daniels & The Gold Standard, Mr Man meets The Extreme Legends. Another interesting part of this match that wasn't realized when it was booked, is that you have the former Dynamic Legends and Extreme Standard on opposite teams."

JIMMY JUSTICE: "The Battle of Former Tag Partners...but of course the EXTREME part of The Extreme Standard and LEGENDs part of the Dynamic Legends, will rise through with the victory of The Extreme Legends..."

JONATHAN STEELE: "That's your opinion, we will just have to wait and see...for now...let's get under way!"

JC Kane Vs. D-Dawg
D-Dawg is quickly able to steal this match with a quick roll up.
JUDGES: 4 out of 4

Snake Vs. Slade Craven
Craven doesn't seem that into it, he just keeps dragging the match along, until ultimately, he's bit with a SnakeBite.
JUDGES: 4 out of 4

Christian Vs. Chris Warren[c]
Christian tries to make a big return, but to no avail as Warren walks all over him and puts him away with The Tapper.
JUDGES: 4 out of 4


Jay Jobber Vs. Mohammad Asif
Somehow Jay takes the early lead in this match, mainly by distracting Mohammad with trickery then kicking him between the legs and following it with a DDT. Jay flukes his way into controlling the match for a little while, until about 3:12 when Asif hits a Yauza Kick.

Mohammad begins to dominate the match easily beating the piss out of Jay. at 4:23 Asif hits a hard powerbomb and goes for a pinfall, getting a two count. At 6:11 Mohammad hits a German Supplex that he bringes into a pin for another two count. At 6:46 Asif hits a Jacknife Powerbomb, scoring another two count.

Mohammad continues to dominate the match until 8:01 when he delievers a hard spinebuster. As Jay staggers up, Mohammad goes for The Snakebite, but Jay counters it into an STO. Jay gets up looking surprised about his fluke counter. Jay quickly runs over and climbs the turnbukle, but Mohammad is already getting up. Jay jumps anyway and hits a standing Mohammad with the Hail The Super Splash! Jay covers in the same momentum, and somehow....gets the 3!
JUDGES: 2 out of 3

Dean Winchester & Mike Shockly Vs. Style & Pride's Abdul Q & Christy Chaos
Both teams make their entrances and the match gets under way. Starts off pretty slow, but soon Christy starts to get isolated by Dean and Shocky. At 3:12 Dean hits her with a scoop slam and Tags Shockly back into the match. The isolation continues until about 4:14 when Christy hits Shockly with a tornado DDT and tags Abdul into the match. Abdul comes into the ring as Shockly is getting back up, Abdul quickly hits him with the Hells Traffic.

Shockly starts to get isolated now by Style & Pride V2. At 4:24 Abdul hits Shockly with a Lou Thez Press. At 5:02 Christy hits Shockly with a side-effect. At 5:46 Abdul hits The Jersey Shore going for a pin attempt, but Shockly kicks out. Shockly finally tags Dean back in at 6:43. The match goes back and forth for a little bit.

At 7:23 Dean hits Christy with the Exorcism, to which Abdul breaks up the pin in the nick of time. At 8:57 Abdul locks Shockly in the Blind Faith! After several failed attempts to get the ropes, Shockly seems about to tap, when Dean breaks it up.

Plenty of more back and forth action, until Abdul & Christy begin to isolate Shockly again. Dean finally throws his hands up and starts to leave, Christy leaps off the turnbukle to stop him though and as he turns around she hits a Star Struck on the standing Dean! Meanwhile in the ring it's bedtime for Shockly, as Abdul hits his version of the GTS at 10:01 and scores the three count.
JUDGES: 2 out of 2

The Hurricane Vs. Ted Dibiase
Both the hero and the "Villian" make their way down to the ring. Moments after the bell rings Hurricane hits The Billion Dollar Tycoon knocking off his mask, only to reveal as we all knew to be Ted Dibiase. Hurricane looks back and forth between Dibiase and the crowd a couple times, then gives Dibiase the "Wassupwiththat" kind of pose. Dibiase quickly kicks Hurricane between the legs, how the ref missed that is beyond me. Dibiase follows that up with a quick DDT, covering for a two count.

Dibiase starts to control the match as he hits a backbreaker at 2:13. At 3:45 Dibiase hits a scoop slam and goes for a cover, for another two count. At 4:15 Dibiase looks for a Delayed Fist Drop, but it's too delayed as Hurricane rolls out of the way. Dibiase climbs back to his feet and charges at Hurricane, only for Hurricane to counter into a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker.

Hurricane starts to control the match for awhile, hitting a snap supplex at 6:01. At 6:24 Hurricane hits the Overcast. As Dibiase starts to get up Hurricane does the Hurri-pose then hits a shinning wizard! Hurricane gets back up while the crowd cheers him on. Hurricane stalks Dibiase then grabs his throat for the Hurri-Chokeslam, but Dibiase counters out of it, spinning Hurricane around he locks in The Million Dollar Dream!

Dibiase keeps the hold locked while Hurricane fights to stay awake. Hurricane tries to reach for the ropes but is not close enough. At 8:42 The ref does the normal arm check, dropping Hurricane's arm twice. The third time Hurricane keeps it up, then hits Dibiase in the gut to break the hold. Hurricane turns around grabbing Dibiase by the throat he quickly hits a depseration Hurri-Chokeslam!

Was obviously desperation cause Hurricane fell down to the mat after, to catch his own breath. They both lay there for a little bit, both climbing back to their feet at 9:58. They start to trade shots for a moment, then suddenly Hurricane ducks and nails The Eye of The Hurricane! Hurricane quickly covers scoring the three count!
JUDGES: 3 out of 5


Derek Daniels & Mr. Man Vs. The Extreme Legends
Both the teams make their intros and we get set for our main event. In traditional Jay fashion, it's 1st to post gets first momentum and starts in tag matches...that being said, we start off with last week's Main Event with Derek Daniels & White Tiger. They trade shots for awhile, but you know who takes the first momentum based on the first thing I said a second ago, which is Derek.

Derek hits Tiger with a Standing Misstle Dropkick at 2:13. At 2:54 Derek hits a Brain Buster DDT, he covers, only getting a two count. At 3:22 Derek hits a Sky-High Powerbomb, covering for another two count. Derek continues to control it for awhile, hitting a pump handle slam at 4:06. Derek quickly climbs the turnbukle to hit the Dynamic Dive, at the last moment WT brings his knees up. Derek holds his gut as WT brings himself back to his feet. As Derek gets up WT quickly hits a hard clothesline.

WT begins to take the momentum hitting a Float Over Supplex at 4:43. At 5:13 Tiger hits a Tiger Driver and covers getting only a two count. Derek tries to fight back, but WT quickly shuts him down when Derek runs at him and counters into a tilt-a-whirl bodyslam at 5:54. At 6:56 Tiger nails a Payne Killer and makes the cover, only getting another two count. At 7:12 Tiger locks in the Tiger's Snare, causing the crowd to roar with boos. Derek fights to get out of it when Mr. Man finally breaks it up. Tiger and Derek trade shots for a moment then bounce off the rope, they duck and bounce again, colliding in the center of the ring with a double clothesline.

At 8:01 They crawl over and both make the tag to the former Extreme Standard as Johnny Chaos and Mr Man enter the match. As they come into the match they charge at eachother, only for Johnny to quickly hit a side-effect. Johnny begins to isolate Mr. Man hitting a Evenflow DDT at 8:23. Johnny covers but only gets a two count. At 9:00 Johnny hits a vicious Spear, rather than covering he climbs the turnbukle and nails The Extreme Splash! Johnny hooks the leg scoring a 1....2....Kick out! Johnny can't believe it as he quickly grabs Man's Legs and goes to lock in the Chaos Effect. Man quickly kicks his legs out of it before Johnny can lock it in though.

Man quickly kicks Johnny in the gut then gets back to his feet to connect the Back to the Future! It's now Manny's turn to start controlling the match as he hits a hurranicanna at 9:53. At 10:15 Man hits the Triple Verticals and climbs up top for the future splash. Johnny quickly rolls out of the way as Man eats the canvas. As they climb back to their feet Man quickly hits The Future Shock!...Rather then covering he locks in The Wave of The Future at 11:05. Johnny fights for survival, but refuses to tap out. Finally Johnny makes it to the bottom rope forcing Manny to let go of the hold. Man walks over and Tags back in Derek Daniels, as the crowd explodes, No Love Lost is coming early! Maybe not though, cause Johnny quickly tags WT back in, causing Derek to laugh and shake his head.

We fast forward to the winding moments of the match, the craziness that noone knows who's even legal anymore. Derek tries to go after Johnny, but he rolls out of the ring, and holds his calf saying it's "hurt". Derek shakes his head and turns back around into THE STRUCK DOWN!...Immediately though, before WT can even get up, the moment he hits the mat, Man comes off a different turnbukle and hits WT with The Future Splash! The crowd cheers, but the ref isn't counting. Man looks up to see Drama distracting him on the apron. Man gets up to say something, but just as he got up, he's cracked right between the eyes with a steel chair! The crowd boos as Johnny smirks and tosses the chair back out of the ring then covers Mr. Man. Drama hops down and the ref counts the one...two...three!
JUDGES: 2 out of 3

"Goin Down" hits as Johnny rolls out of the ring and joins Drama, the pair of them smirking.

JIMMY JUSTICE: "What a match!...The Extreme Legends win again!, see they are unstopable when they don't have a random partner to bring them down."

JONATHAN STEELE: "Johnny Chaos stole another victory...what a shocker."

JIMMY JUSTICE: "Jonathan Steele is a complete douche-bag....not a shocker at all."

WT soon joins Johnny and Drama as he hands Johnny his title. The trio head back up to the stage still looking back into the ring as Derek and Mr Man are getting up and staring at them. WT smiles at Manny and points up at the WrestleMania 7 Logo, shaking his head "no, not happening". Johnny just simply raises up the Undisputed Title as he looks at Derek. And that's how the show fades.

JONATHAN STEELE: "This is sick, hopefully that bastard gets Buried Alive....The Only way to find out is to order No Love Lost, live This Sunday!!"


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