' M o n d a y N i g h t C h a o s '

| Date : 03-21-11 | Recovery Status : Original Results | Theme: "Prelude 12-21" By AFI |
Venue : HP Pavilion - San Jose, California | Main Event - Abdul Q Vs. White Tiger | Turnout : 14 RolePlays


RP or F*ck Off
Alberto Del Rio Vs. Christian Vs. The Rock

WINNER @ 0:00: Noone, Match Canceled, All terminated

Fatal 4 Way Match
Stan Nolan Vs. Chad Toth Vs. Danny X Vs. Mystery Man
Masked figure easily makes quick work of the other three
JUDGES: 4 out of 4

Singles Match
Jay Jobber Vs. Brandon Hardy
A Quick back and forth match, that ends with Jay hitting the Hail The Super Splash!
JUDGES: 3 out of 3

"Prelude 12/21" by AFI continues to play over the PA system as the opening fireworks blast off on the stage. As the camera's pan around to see the fans we hear Steele & Justice as usual.

JONATHAN STEELE: "The Road to WrestleMania rolls on through San Jose California...welcome everyone, I'm Jonathan Steele and as always joined by Jimmy Justice as we get set for another action packed Monday Night Chaos!"

JIMMY JUSTICE: "That's right Steele and it's looking to be a big card tonight...We got two Money in the Bank Qualifiers that I can't wait to see."

JONATHAN STEELE: "That's right Jimmy...we will also see The Million Dollar Man try and see if Mr Man has a price."

JIMMY JUSTICE: "He may not have a price, but Ted should pay for his hospital bill at the looney bin."

JONATHAN STEELE: "Weather that be the case, we also have our huge Main Event when the newly crowned first ever three Time International Champion goes one on one with none other than White Tiger!"

Suddenly "Welcome to the Jungle" hits the PA Speakers.

JIMMY JUSTICE: "Speak of the devil."

The fans stand and boo when Welcome to the Jungle blares overhead. WT walks out of the back, already in his ring attire, ready for his match later in the night. He mocks the fans by going to slap hands with them and pulling back at the last minute. He slides under the bottom rope and picks up the microphone that was left for him. His music dies as he lifts the microphone.

WHITE TIGER: "You know it's not often that I give Leticia props for saying something that makes any sense. But at No Love Lost, you opened my eyes to a cruel fact. All I have planned for Wrestlemania is a simple tag team match. The great White Tiger, a man who has main evented four of the six Wrestlemanias is in a tag match. A man who was in four championship matches and won Money in the Bank, reduced to thrashing two common thugs to win the tag titles. And I thought: Not a chance."

The fans are currently telling WT what they think of him. WT stops talking and waits for them to lose their strength. When they finally do, he decides to carry on.

WHITE TIGER: "So the next question came to mind. Who could I face? Maybe I could drag Emperor Ben out of retirement."

Surprisingly, the fans cheer.

WHITE TIGER: "Been there, beat that. Maybe it's time to take out a certain Slug."

The cheers are louder. WT shakes his head.

WHITE TIGER: "He is way too washed up to be in the ring with me anymore. I could put him out of his misery on any show. So then I thought, who deserves to be in the same ring with me? Who thinks they can stand toe to toe with THE eWe Legend on the biggest stage of them all?"

The fans wait, WT smirks.

WHITE TIGER: "NO ONE! Not a single person on the eWe roster deserves to be in the ring with me. I could take out anyone who stepped into the ring against me. So, just to humor all the losers backstage, I'll invite ANYONE from the back to accept my open challenge for Wrestlemania."

WT waits. The fans turn to the stage, figuring someone would take him up on the offer. After a second WT smirks.

WHITE TIGER: "That's what I thought. Nothing but spineless, gutless.........."


WT's smile fades to a look of shock as "The Game" suddenly plays overhead. The fans erupt as Triple H walks through the curtain. He walks down the ramp as WT backs up to the far rope. Triple H climbs in the ring and pulls a microophone out of his pocket. WT looks around at the fans as Triple H smiles.

TRIPLE H: "Whats the matter Tiger, expecting someone else?"

The crowd erupts. WT is now sneering as he looks into the face of his old friend. Triple H's smile fades as well as the fans get excited.

TRIPLE H: "So let me get this straight. You issued a challenge to anyone to face you at Wrestlemania. You want someone who can stand toe to toe with you at Wrestlemania. Well from what I remember, I did pretty good at standing toe to toe with you last year. "

The fans erupt as Triple H smirks. WT rolls his eyes.

TRIPLE H: "So last year, I took you out. You followed that up by taking me out. So it looks to me like we have a score to settle. And what better stage then Wrestlemania. So I'm calling you out Tiger. I'll accept your open challenge for Wrestlemania. "

The fans erupt. WT's sneer suddenly becomes a cocky smirk. Triple H is smirking too.

WHITE TIGER: "See normally this would be the part where I'd backtrack and try to find a way out of facing you. But truth be told, we do have some business to finish. And I'd love nothing more then to beat you at Wrestlemania and destroy your current winning streak. So Triple H...YOU'RE ON!"

The fans erupt. WT extends his hand to Triple H. Triple H hesitates a moment before taking it. After a quick shake, they pull each other in to a nose to nose stare down. After a tense few seconds, WT release the handshake and turns away from Triple H. He raises his microphone.

WHITE TIGER: "One more thing Hunter..."

WT turns and swings with the microphone. Triple H, who was ready, ducks the attempt. As WT turns back toward him, Triple H kicks him in the gut and sets him up for the pedigree, getting a loud pop from the crowd. WT wiggles loose and rolls out of the ring. The fans boo as Triple H waves WT back in. WT just taps his forehead as he backs up the ramp. "The Game" plays overhead again as Triple H poses for the fans. WT sneers from the stage as Triple H jumps on the middle turnbuckle and points from the Wrestlemania sign to WT. They continue the stare down from across the arena as the scene fades away.

Jeff Hardy Vs. Mike Shockly
In his final match, Jeff Hardy goes out with a bang, making easy work of Mike Shockly, connecting the Swanton at 2:01.
JUDGES: 4 out of 4

Chris Warren marches backstage into Jensen's office. Michael Jensen, who was previously looking out his window with a glass of Scotch, simply turns around to see the disgruntled blackie.

MICHAEL JENSEN: "I see knocking on doors these days is out of date."

CHRIS WARREN: "Very funny. What's the deal with you cutting my promo?"

MICHAEL JENSEN: "What do you mean?"

CHRIS WARREN: "Don't play dumb with me. You cut my promo from being aired."

MICHAEL JENSEN: "I'm sorry. I don't approve of garbage being shown on my show."

CHRIS WARREN: "That's horsesh*t."

MICHAEL JENSEN: "See, you can't control that mouth of yours."

Jensen turns back to the window.

MICHAEL JENSEN: "Guess I should've expected as much from a monkey."

CHRIS WARREN: "What'd you say?"

Jensen simply looks over his shoulder to Chris.

MICHAEL JENSEN: "I didn't stutter."

CHRIS WARREN: "You mother..."

Chris starts toward Jensen, but is quickly hit over the back of the head by a baseball bat. He grabs his head in pain as he rolls over on his back. Standing above him is Miles with a wooden slugger in his hand. Nick steps up, looking down at Chris, shaking his head.

NICK: "Tsk tsk tsk. You disappoint me, Chris."

CHRIS WARREN: "What the hell are you talking about?"

NICK: "I told you I wanted my money, nigga."

CHRIS WARREN: "I heard Jensen paid you off."


Michael Jensen walks over to them.

CHRIS WARREN: "Then what's this got to do with me?"

MICHAEL JENSEN: "Let's just say Nick and I have an understanding."

NICK: "This is the part where you die."

Miles lifts the bat and swings down as the scene fades away.

AKA Vs. Cryme Tyme[c]
Cryme Tyme makes quick work of AKA, nailing Slade Craven with the G9! JTG makes the cover while Shad clotheslines Assassin over the top rope.
JUDGES: 4 out of 4

Chris Warren Vs. Sonic the Hedgehog
Sonic stands there while Big Show and Khali drag Chris Warren down to the ring. They plop him down on the mat and tell the ref to signal for the bell. After the ref rings the bell they tell Sonic to make the cover, he's reluctant to win it this way, but with Big Show and Khali standing there, he doesn't want to deal with them.
JUDGES: 4 out of 4


Dean Winchester Vs. D-Dawg
Dean dominates, simple as that. Insult to injury Dean locks in The Mean, where D-Dawg has no choice but to tap out.
JUDGES: 4 out of 4

Dean is celebrating when suddenly the ligths begin to flicker. Dean looks over confused, when suddenly a lightening bolt hits the stage. Dean looks on surprised. from under the ring then comes JOHNNY CHAOS! Johnny slides in the ring and spins Dean around hitting an Extreme MakeOver! Johnny starts beating Dean with hard rights before locking in the Chaos Effect. Johnny keeps it held until several refs come and break him off.


Ciaran Michaels vs Randy Orton vs ETMac vs Kurtis Porter vs Christy Chaos vs Adam Webb

The second the bell sounds all 6 men.. well 5 men and a chick make moves for eachother, they all collide in the middle and a melee begins. It's unclear who is fighting who at this point but the arms are certainly flying. Suddenly Webb crashes to the floor outside the melee which continues.

[ Jonathan Steele ] The money in the bank match is one of the most important matches of the night, the winner of this match gets the contract that everyone wants, a shot at the champion whenever and wherever he wants.

[ Jimmy Justice ] Cena has already shown how important that breifcase can be when you use it well.

Orton and ETMac seem to have gone off to have their own battle which by all accounts is going in Orton's favour at the moment, he drops ETMac with a european uppercut before diving down and leathering him with right hands to the forehead. Back in the ruckus Christy hits a shot to the gut of the X-Kid and then grabs his head, she jumps into the air spinning for a standing DDT but Porter catches her legs, Ciaran and Porter both ross her up into the air, they seem stunned when she doesn't fall but the fans roar - she's grabbed the wires!

[ Jonathan Steele ] Christy is there!

[ Jimmy Justice ] This would be a sell-out if she wins this quick.

Christy scrambles toweards the belt her legs hooked onto the wire too so she can't be pulled down, in a panic the pair who tosses her their begin to formulate a plan, standing side by side, perfect for Webb who runs in, springing from their backs and grabbing the wire to pull himself up near the breifcase, both of them grab the case but when they realise they ain't alone they both panic and start to throw hands.

[ Jonathan Steele ] This is a dangerous place to have a fight!

[ Jimmy Justice ] You gotta do it if you want that case though!

Webb swings his legs around and hooks them around Christy who manages to do the same, they strain to over power one another but the position means neither can muster any strength, suddenly Christy nails a kick with the flat of her foot right into the jaw of Webb, whipping his head back quickly and causing him to drop from the elevated wires and crash, headfirst, to the floor!

[ Jimmy Justice ] Oh my god!

Silence falls in the arena as Webb bounces over to the side of the ring, the superstars in the match can't afford to stop but the referee quickly signals for help for Webb.

[ Jonathan Steele ] Adam Webb is out cold and he took a huge hit to the head when he fell.

[ Jimmy Justice ] He could be seriously hurt, this isn't a joke.

The reality in the tone of Jimmy shows this wasn't planned, Webb is tended at the side of the ring. The match continues as ETMac grabs orton and slams his head into the ring corner, he grbs him and tosses him over the ring charging in but Kurtis Porter reads it and takes Orton down with a clothesline, ETMac charges Porter but the veteran plants him with a powerslam. During the ruckus The X-Kid has get the legs of Christy, she kicks trying to break free but he tugs her off, but she lands on his shoulders, he turns and quickly plants her with a sitdown powerbomb!

[ Jimmy Justice ] BAM!

[ Jonathan Steele ] What a shot to Christy!

[ Jimmy Justice ] That's what you get for hurting someone on purpose!

[ Jonathan Steele ] It didn't look intentional to me, they were both up there, Webb fell.

Michaels gets up and quickly runs towards the corner starting the climb up but Kurtis hits him in the back, Porter grabs Cairan and lifts him into the air spinning him and planting him to the canvas, he climbs up and looks around, everyone is down, ETMac is slowly climbing to his feet as Porter climbs up the corner and starts up the side of the steel frame which holds the wires up, he just gets a hand on the wire as ETMac gets to the corner and grabs his shorts.

[ Jimmy Justice ] This is not where you want to get caught, the only grace for Kurtis is that it's not Christy..

[ Jonathan Steele ] She's not Johnny, she wouldn't hurt Webb on purpose.

[ Jimmy Justice ] Suuuuure.

Porter kicks ETMac away but he quickly comes back, Porter hits another kick and then drops down onto the turnbuckle diving off and taking ETMac out with a flying axe handle! Porter spins around right into a thumb to the eye from Orton, he grabs the head and slams Porter into the turnbuckle before singling his arm and launching him over the ring, Orton runs in and nails a splash in the corner before stepping back, Porter staggers from the corner and gets dropped with the unique back breaker Orton is infamous for!

[ Jonathan Steele ] Big moves by Orton!

Orton climbs to his feet and turns around, Christy runs in and spears him back to the corner she stands up and hits him with rights to the head stunning the viper who eventually shoves the only woman in the match back, Christy steps in to follow up but Orton nails a wicked clothesline to flatten her. The fans boo as he looks back to her, his eyes glazing over in the way we've seen so often, the X-Kid quickly hits him with a right hand, Orton staggers but them literally out of nowhere leaps into the air and plants the X-Kid with an RKO!

[ Jimmy Justice ] BOOOOOOOM!

Orton peps to his feet, ETMac is in the wrong place to as Orton peps right up and slams him down with an RKO too!

[ Jonathan Steele ] and there's one for ETMac too!

Orton climbs to his feet and turns looking up to the breifcase hanging, he grins slightly as he checks that everyone is down, which they all are he moves to the corner and turns his back pushing himself up to sit on the top turnbuckle, he carefully climbs up leaning back on the steel gurdering he reaches up and then jumps grabbing the wire, he anxiously shuffles towards the breifcase.

[ Jonathan Steele ] Here goes Orton, for the case, for the shot at the eWe championship...

Christy climbs to her feet slowly and runs over jumping she grabs the legs of Orton, Orton tries to hold on but the weight and force of Christy means he flips, the momentum meaning he falls the full 10 or so feet landing face first onto the mat! The fans roar as Orton clutches his head.

[ Jimmy Justice ] Oh look, deliberately injuring someone else!

Christy turns around as she climbs up she goes to the corner and starts to climb but Porter grabs her and pulls her down tossing her aside, he starts to climb but Christy runs back in and grabs him pulling him down, he turns around and looks at her shaking his head he laughs, she slaps him right in the face, he looks around the fans scream out in awe from the echo the slap makes. Kurtis laughs slightly and shoves Christy back again he turns and starts to climb, Christy rolls backwards and gets up again, she runs in and grabs Kurtis' leg but she's kicked off, in desperaion she quickly places his forearm between Porterts legs and brings it up with a low-blow that causes the wigger to crash to the canvas.

[ Jonathan Steele ] It's all legal here.

[ Jimmy Justice ] Sickening.

Christy climbs up the jumps onto the wire she shuffles across to the breifcase again trying to free it, she doesn't see Michaels climbing back into the ring with a chair, the fans screams alert her but only when it's too late as Ciaran slams a chair across her side, she drops the floor hard, Cairan turns and decks Orton with a the chair aswell - which the fans seem to enjoy, Orton lays flat out blood trickling from his head, Cairan swings for ETMac but he ducks and kicks the chair back into the face of the X-Kid sending him down.

[ Jonathan Steele ] ETMac is on his own!

He's the only one up, unsurprisingly he goes to the corner and climbs up, the corner and jumps onto the wire swinging his way to the middle he grabs the case and starts to pull it, but he can't get it off, he looks around making sure he has time but he doesn't, Orton is getting up with the chair in his hand, ETMac lets himself drop to the floor ducking Orton's chair swing as he does, he turns and kicks Orton in the gut going for a DDT but Orton pulls his head away, the pair come together and exchange blows until Kurtis grabs them both and slams their heads together, he drops Orton and then drops ETMac with a right hand each.

[ Jimmy Justice ] Here comes the wigger!

[ Jonathan Steele ] PORTER with the rights!

Porter grabs ETMac and ejects him from the ring by tossing him over the ropes, he turns around as Christy chargers she does a handstand infront of him wrapping her legs around his neck before rolling up into a powerbomb positon, Porter staggers back slightly as as he tries to steady himself Christy whips back flipping him over with a hurricanrana! The fans roar as she climbs to her feet, turning she charges Cairan down and jumps up going for a headscissors takedown but Ciaran spins her round and nails a huge backbreaker! The fans yell as Christy bounces from the knee of the X-Kid and flops to the mat.

[ Jimmy Justice ] What a shot!

Cairan gets to his feet and pulls Christy up, he throws her to the ropes and catches her with a spinebuster before hopping to his feet, Porter staggers in and swings wildly which Cairan ducks lifting him into the air on his shoulders, the fans cheer and boo.

[ Jonathan Steele ] It could be time for the X-effect!

No it isn't as ETMac slides in and kicks Cairan in the stomach, he doubles over and Christy just manages to slide away, ETMac grabs Ciaran and lifts him onto his shoulders spining him around he slams him to the canvas with the MAC-spin! The fans cheer as Cairan rolls over holding his head.

[ Jimmy Justice ] X marks the spot! The x is on his head though ahaha!

[ Jonathan Steele ] Big shift!

ETMac climbs to his feet only to he caught and dropped with Da Meat Hook! The fans roar as Kurtis gets to his feet slowly Orton flies in with the RKO but Kurtis counters and shoves him backwards away into Christy who hits a kick to the gut and grabs Orton's head connecting with some Charasmatic Crush!

[ Jimmy Justice ] I think Orton has a crush

Orton bounces from the mat and spins around into Da Meat Hook! Kurtis climbs to his feet expecting an attack but Christy is already up the ropes and jumping onto the wire, Porter spins and climbs the opposite side both swinging towards the case they both grab the case with one hand trying to undo it, struggling the case comes free both of them still holding it.

[ Jonathan Steele ] They got it!

Kurtis pulls hard causing Christy to lose her grip... on the wire, she clutches the case with both arms as she falls down her weight meaning Kurtis falls from the wire, the pair hit the floor but neither really care as they both get up pulling on the case.

[ Jimmy Justice ] It's a test of strength, i fancy kurtis for this...

Kurtis pulls hard flinging Christy around but she holds on, getting to her feet she goes for the kick to the groin but Porter jumps up just avoiding the contact with a huge tug he drags her in and lifts her, an the case onto his shoulders, she squirms both are still holding the case, she is now back to back with him upside down..

[ Jonathan Steele ] This is bad for Christy!

It is, Porter realises the positioning and quickly connects the Detroit Windbreaker! Christy still holds on but she's in pain, how either of them held on is a mystery, Prton rolls over and pulls the case from the grip of Christy, the fans cheer as he raises it into the air.

[ Jonathan Steele ] He did it!

[ Jimmy Justice ] Porter has the contract..

[ Jonathan Steele ] After years in this company the man who has seen it all, the man who has been here, and grown here has the ultimate opportunity to win the title, the ball is in the hands of Kurtis 'K~Dawg' Porter!

[ Jennifer Sparks ] Ladies and gentlemen the money in the bank winner for 2010, KURTIS PORTER!

"Til I collapse" is heard, the fans cheer as the ref raises Kurtis' arm in the air.

[ Jonathan Steele ] How apt is it, through the career of Porter he's battled so hard and one more time he will battle but the song says it all, Kurtis Porter will continue until he collapses.

Porter continues to celebrate raising up the briefcase.


As the camera's return to ringside we see Jennifer Sparks standing in the ring as the bell sounds.

JENNIFER SPARKS: "The Following contest is scheduled for one fall and it is a Qualifying match for the 2011 Money in the Bank!"

"Paradise Lost" by Hollywood Undead hits over the PA System. The crowd begins to boo as Desario & Nero seperate the curtains.

JENNIFER SPARKS: "Introducing first...accompanied by Nero Phoenix...from The City of Angels...weighing in at 230 pounds....DAN DESARIO!"

JONATHAN STEELE: "He didn't fair so well in his debut at No Love Lost, now he has a second chance to qualify here tonight."

JIMMY JUSTICE: "And he very well could Steele, this guy has talent...or else why would someone as great as Nero waste his time on him, ya know?"

Desario and Nero continue down the ramp as Desario slides into the ring. Nero stands on the outside as his music begins to fade out. "Something Kinda Oooooh" by Girls Aloud kicks over the PA System and the crowd cheers when Christy comes out on the stage, Women's Title locked around her waist.

JENNIFER SPARKS: "His opponent...from Kansas City Missouri, she is the EWE Women's Champion...CHRISTY CHAOS!"

JONATHAN STEELE: "Christy came very close at No Love Lost, but has a second chance right here as well."

JIMMY JUSTICE: "Yeah, she took her eyes off her opponent, that was her own fault. Hopefully Desario teaches her a lesson here tonight."

JONATHAN STEELE: "What lesson?"

JIMMY JUSTICE: "That chicks don't belong in Money in the Bank."

JONATHAN STEELE: "She was in it last year and almost won it."

JIMMY JUSTICE: "Key word being Almost..."

Christy slides into the ring and takes her title off to raise it up as the crowd cheers. Christy hands her title over to the ref who hands it over to the time keeper before calling for the bell.

Christy Chaos Vs. Dan Desario
Yay, a match that can be properly summed. The match starts off pretty back and forth, but before long Desario hits a vicious clothesline and uses that to start taking control. at 1:23 Desario hits a snap powebomb and covers for only a two count. At 2:32 Desario hits a quick spear and looks for another cover, but Christy kicks out again. Desario continues to control the match hitting a bulldog that he follows up with a DDT at 3:43.

JONATHAN STEELE: "Christy needs to mount an offense, it's not looking good right now."

JIMMY JUSTICE: "Like I said, he's teaching her a lesson."

Desario picks Christy up and attempts to go for the D2KO, but Christy quickly shoves him back to counter out of it. Christy then quickly hits a standing dropkick and that's all she needed to swing the momentum in her favor. At 5:01 Christy crashes on a standing Desario with a moonsault from the turnbukle. Christy covers, but Desario kicks out. At about 5:54 Christy hits a Tornado DDT and goes for the cover, but Desario kicks out again. Christy keeps the control for a little while hitting a Side-Effect at 7:23. Christy gets up and waits Desario to get up before connecting a Charismatic Crush! Christy covers, but Desario is able to barely kick out.

JONATHAN STEELE: "Near fall there, I can't believe he kicked out."

JIMMY JUSTICE: "Well you should, he's not going out like that."

Christy can't believe it herself as she waits Desario to get back up. As he gets up Christy grabs him and whips him to the ropes, but he hangs on and sends her instead, as Christy comes back Desario hits a Tilt-O-Whirl Backbreaker. Desario covers, but Christy kicks out. Desario picks Christy up and sends her to the corner, where she runs up and hits Whisper in the Wind! The crowd cheers as Christy climbs the turnbukle and leaps off with a Star Struck, but Desario barely rolls out of the way. As they get back up Desario hits Christy with a quick clothesline. Desario picks Christy back up and goes for the Third Degree, but Christy countered with a hurranicanna, getting a two count. Desario gets back up and Christy hits another Side-Effect. Christy stalks Desario before hitting another Charismatic Crush! Christy doesn't risk another kick out and instead climbs the turnbukle as he turns over on his back. Christy leaps and this time connects the STAR STRUCK! Christy hooks the leg as the ref counts the one...two...three!
JUDGES: 2 out of 3

JENNIFER SPARKS: "Here is your winner...CHRISTY CHAOS! "

"Something Kinda Ooooh" hits again as the ref hands Christy her title and raises her hand.

JONATHAN STEELE: "What a match."

JIMMY JUSTICE: "What a load you mean. "

JONATHAN STEELE: "Don't be bitter Jimmy...Christy Chaos is heading to WrestleMania."

JIMMY JUSTICE: "She already was to defend her title. "

JONATHAN STEELE: "Well now she's going twice, qualifying for Money in the Bank two years in a row."

Christy heads up the ramp and stops on the stage to raise up her title to her fans one more time as the camera fades to a comercial.

As the cameras return to ringside "It's All About the Money" by Jimmy Hart and J.J. Maguire hits over the PA Speakers, forcing the crowd into boos when Dibiase splits the curtains.

JENNIFER SPARKS: "The following contest is scheduled for one fall....introducing first, from Omoha Nebraska...weighing in at 260 pounds....The Million Dollar Man...TED DIBIASE!!"

Dibiase continues down the ramp and gets into the ring.

JONATHAN STEELE: "This should be an interesting match."

JIMMY JUSTICE: "Dibiase should just pay Mr Man off so it can be over early."

JONATHAN STEELE: "He already tried that...it didn't work."

Dibiase's music fades and there's a few moments of silence before "Enemy" by Godsmack echoes through the PA System. The crowd gives a mixed reaction when Mr Man comes through the curtains out onto the stage.

JENNIFER SPARKS: "His Opponent...from Miami Florida...weighing in at 235 pounds...The Gold Standard...MR MAN!!"

JIMMY JUSTICE: "Here comes a real nutcase."


JIMMY JUSTICE: "What? He is...he yelled at nothing, and it cost him the match and his hopes for WrestleMania."

JONATHAN STEELE: "That may be the case, but you don't gotta be a dick about it."

JIMMY JUSTICE: "I wouldn't be Jimmy Justice if I didn't...I'd be Jonathan Steele or Kenny Greenwood. "

Man slides into the ring and looks at Dibiase, with little emotion on his face. The ref gives a worried look at Mr. Man before calling for the bell.

Mr. Man Vs. Ted Dibiase
Man and Dibiase begin trading shots. After a few Man finally blocks one then kicks Dibiase in the gut to hit the Back to the Future. Man makes the cover, but of course Dibiase kicks out. As they get back to their feet Mr Man goes for a snap supplex, but Dibiase blocks it and hits one of his own. Dibiase grabs Man and locks in a sleeper hold as the ref begins to check on Man. Mr Man fights to stay awake, but finally gets out of it with a back supplex at 2:24. Man grabs Dibiase and sends him to the ropes before connecting with a quick spinebuster. Man makes the cover, but gets another two count.

JONATHAN STEELE: "Near fall there."

Mr Man starts to control the tempo of the match when he hits The Future Shock at 4:14. Man goes for the cover, but it's another two count. Man controls the match a little while longer before hitting a huranicanna at 5:25. At about 7:32 Man hits a Gordobuster and then locks in The Wave of the Future!

JONATHAN STEELE: "Dibiase is in trouble now!"

JIMMY JUSTICE: "He can handle this."

Mr Man keeps the hold locked for awhile but Dibiase does finally manage to get the bottom rope. Mr Man is forced to let go and begins to argue with the ref for a moment. When Man turns back around, Dibiase hits a low blow, that the ref somehow misses, and follows up with a quick DDT. Dibiase makes the cover, but Man still kicks out. Dibiase gets some control as he hits a backbreaker at 8:43. At 9:26 Dibiase hits a Scoop Powerslam and follows it up with a Delayed Fist Drop. Dibiase covers getting another near fall. Dibiase controls it a little while longer before hitting a Piledriver at 10:35.

JONATHAN STEELE: "Dibiase is looking good here."

JIMMY JUSTICE: "The Gold Standard looks like the Bronze standard right now."

Dibiase doesn't go for the cover, instead he climbs the turnbukle and hits a Diving back elbow drop. He hits it, but to the mat as Mr Man rolled out of the way. As Dibiase got back up Mr Man grabbed him and quickly hit the Triple Verticals. Some of the crowd begins to cheer as they know what's next. Mr Man climbs the turnbukle and leaps off with the Future Splash, but just at the last moment, Dibiase put his knees up. Mr Man gets up holding his gut, he stops when he thinks he sees the curtains move, but he doesn't. Meanwhile while Mr Man is watching the curtains to make sure Eighteen isn't coming through them, Dibiase gets back to his feet, and then locks in THE MILLION DOLLAR DREAM!

JONATHAN STEELE: "There it is, The Million Dollar Dream!"

JIMMY JUSTICE: "Manny is done for."

Mr Man fights for survival, but isn't close enough to the ropes, he is forced to tap out.
WINNER @ 13:25: "The Million Dollar Man" TED DIBIASE
JUDGES: 2 out of 3

JENNIFER SPARKS: "Here is your winner...The Million Dollar Man...TED DIBIASE!!"

Mr. Man rolled out of the ring, and took the microphone from Jennifer Sparks.

MR. MAN: "Eighteen, I know you're watching. I want you to come to Chaos next week, because I have a proposition that you won't wanna pass up!"

Mr. Man hands back the microphone to Jennifer and we go to commerical.

As the scene comes back from a commercial break we see the ring empty and Jennifer Sparks is in the ring.

JENNIFER SPARKS: "And now welcome to the ring...The EWE Undisputed Champion...DYNAMIC...DEREK...DANIELS!"

"Headstrong" hits over the PA systems and everyone either cheers or gives a mixed ‘ughh' reaction. We wait for a few minutes but nobody comes through the curtains and the music stops and then Derek's voice comes across the PA system: "It's All...About...ME!" And then "Champion" by Grinspoon breaks over the PA systems, but still nobody comes out. All of a sudden on the EWE-Tron above the entrance we see a gigantic video of Derek Daniels standing in street clothes his the title over his shoulder. The music breaks and Derek is still smirking.

"DYNAMIC" DEREK DANIELS: "What? Surprised? Surprised that I didn't show up to that piece of shit arena tonight to grace you pathetic fans with my presence?"

The crowd begins to boo, some shocked. We pan around on some of their faces, once a top fan favorite in the company, now trashing the fans.

"DYNAMIC" DEREK DANIELS: "Yeah. You know what? GO AHEAD AND BOO ME. I told ALL of you ALL week what I would do to Johnny Chaos. I told you I would bury his sorry ass under tons of dirt. I did. All of you guys are worried about Dutch Clark...Where is Dutch Clark now? In a HOSPITAL bed...Because let's face it...He better be glad he's in there because of his made up cancer, instead of what I would have did to him at Wrestlemania."

He smirks as the crowd still boos.

"DYNAMIC" DEREK DANIELS: "I told you this title didn't mean anything, and quite frankly...It doesn't...But damn it feels good to be on top again...By myself...Without any help...To HELL with you fans. You people never got me anywhere. It's been YEARS since I won a major title in this trash federation and I dump all that weight off my shoulders...I dump the worst announcer in the EWE...Jonathan Steele."

The camera pans in on Jonathan who shakes his head.

"DYNAMIC" DEREK DANIELS: "I dumped a second rate, cheap wrestling school that has produced ONE successful wrestler since its opening and THAT'S ME. And I dumped a stable that is NOTHING without me...Quite frankly...IT'S ALL ABOUT ME..."

Derek smirks and crosses his arms.

"DYNAMIC" DEREK DANIELS: "Now with that being said, I will be on Chaos next week to grace you guys with my presence... But as for this week....The champ is taking a week off...."

The scene fades with Derek walking away from the screen.

The camera cuts to Jennifer Sparks in the ring as the bell sounds.

JENNIFER SPARKS: "The following contest is tonight's featured main event is a non-title match set for one fall!"

"Live Your Life" by T.I. feat Rihanna hits over the PA system, the crowd begins to cheer as Abdul walks out on the stage, raising the International Title over his head.

JENNIFER SPARKS: "The following contest is tonight's featured main event is a non-title match set for one fall!"

JONATHAN STEELE: "And here comes a man who at No Love Lost became the first ever three time EWE International Champion."

JIMMY JUSTICE: "Big deal, he beat Dean to do it."

JONATHAN STEELE: "What's wrong with that? Dean Winchester is a hell of a competitor."

JIMMY JUSTICE: "To you maybe, him and Abdul both suck to me."

JONATHAN STEELE: "You're just bias to people who the fans don't like."


Abdul continues down the ramp and steps into the ring. Abdul raises up the title one more time before handing it off to the time keeper. As his music fades away there's silence for a moment.


"Welcome to the Jungle" by Guns N Roses cues over the PA speakers shifting the crowd from cheers to boos when White Tiger steps through the curtains.

JENNIFER SPARKS: "His opponent...from Rawlins Wyoming...weighing in at 229 pounds...WHITE TIGER!!"

JIMMY JUSTICE: "Now here comes a true EWE Legend...He's gonna smoke that Abdul chump."

JONATHAN STEELE: "Well that remains to be seen Jimmy, I guess we'll find out."

JIMMY JUSTICE: "Trust me Steele, trust me."

JONATHAN STEELE: "What we do know, is what we found out earlier tonight, White Tiger will play the Game at WrestelMania in hopes of ending Triple H's 5 Match Winning Streak at WrestleMania."

JIMMY JUSTICE: "And he's going to do it too."

JONATHAN STEELE: "You say that because the fans like HHH."

JIMMY JUSTICE: "You know me well."

WT continues down the ramp and walks up the steps to enter the ring. He looks at Abdul a moment before his music fades and the ref calls for the bell.

Abdul Q[c] Vs. White Tiger
Abdul & WT circle the ring for a moment before locking up. Abdul tries to go for a supplex, but the veteran WT blocks it. WT then goes for one himself, but Abdul blocks it too. WT then whips Abdul, but keeps hold to deliever a short arm clothesline. As Abdul starts getting back up, WT charges and delievers another solid clothesline. WT picks Abdul up and goes for a stalling Supplex, but Abdul turns it into a DDT. Abdul goes for a cover but WT quickly kicks out.

JIMMY JUSTICE: "It's gonna take alot more than that Abdul the Fool."

As WT gets up Abdul charges at him and hits a Lou Thez Press where he starts hitting rights and lefts. The match continues to go back and forth for awhile, both hitting big moves and getting near falls. At about 3:15 WT hits a float over supplex. He goes for the cover but it's another two count. At 5:03 Abdul hits the Hells Traffic, he also goes for a cover, but it also gets a two count. WT hits a bombarment of clotheslines and supplexes to swing the control in his favor.

JONATHAN STEELE: "White Tiger seems to be taking control of this match."

JIMMY JUSTICE: "He's a legend, thats what he does."

At about 6:45 WT hits a Tilt-A-Whirl Bodyslam and makes the cover, only getting a two count. WT continues to control the temp of the match hitting a Tiger Driver at 7:34. WT covers but it's another two count. At 8:36 WT hits Abdul with a Tilt-A-Whirl backbreaker and follows it up by locking in the Tiger's Snare! The crowd gets amped and cheers Abdul on while WT continues to apply the pressure. Abdul struggles to get free from the hold, WT keeps it locked and tightens it more and more by the moment. Abdul finally manages to reach the bottom rope. The ref yells at WT to let go and has to start counting before he finally does at a count of 4 and 1/2.

JONATHAN STEELE: "White Tiger almost got himself disqualified there."

JIMMY JUSTICE: "He's too smart for that Steele, you should know that."

WT argues with the ref a moment while Abdul pulls himself back up. When WT turns back around, Abdul nails him with another Hells Traffic. Abdul starts to swing momentum in his favor after hitting the Jersey Shore at 10:21. At about 11:03 Abdul locks in the Dreamcatcher. WT fights free though, but only for Abdul to quickly hit a hard clothesline. At about 11:43 Abdul locks in the Blind Faith, which gets the crowd riled up. WT fights for freedom, but Abdul keeps the hold locked. WT tries to roll out of it, but Abdul stays locked on. WT tries two more times to roll out of it, only for the same result. WT then turns it so Abdul is on his shoulders and the ref counts a two count before Abdul is forced to let go and kick out.

JONATHAN STEELE: "Clever move there."

JIMMY JUSTICE: "It's been done."

JONATHAN STEELE: "Well it's the best counter, it forces him to let go or be pinned."

They trade shots back and forth until Abdul suddenly ducks and picks WT up to nail the BEDTIME! The crowd cheers as Abdul covers WT hooking the leg for the one...two...thre...KICK OUT!...Abdul sits up in dis-belief. Abdul shows 3 fingers to the ref, but he assures Abdul it was only a two count. Abdul picks WT back up, only to be hit with the Payne Killer instead. WT then quickly climbs the turnbukle and the crowd begins to boo. As Abdul staggers up, WT jumps off connecting the STRUCK DOWN! WT covers Abdul and the ref counts one...two...thre...KICK OUT!

JONATHAN STEELE: "Jesus...another near fall after a finisher."

JIMMY JUSTICE: "This is shaping up into a great match."

WT argues with the ref but just like Abdul, the ref assures him it was only a two count. WT starts to climb the turnbukle when he notices HHH on the stage with a chair in his hand. HHH just smirks assuring him he's just watching. HHH unfolds the chair and takes a seat as WT gives him a suspicious look. WT goes back to Abdul and once again locks in the Tiger's Snare. Abdul fights to stay alive again, and once again gets the rope.

JONATHAN STEELE: "He almost got him."

JIMMY JUSTICE: "Yeah yeah, but why is HHH out here? This match don't concern him."

JONATHAN STEELE: "Just scouting his opponent for WrestleMania, relax."

JIMMY JUSTICE: "What's there to scout? They faced like 3 billion times."

WT gets frustrated that Abdul got out of the snare again but picks Abdul back up for another Payne Killer. He looks up at HHH and mouths "watch this". As WT says that, Abdul lifts WT up and hits a 2nd BEDTIME! Abdul quickly covers while the ref counts the one...two...three!

JUDGES: 2 out of 3

"Live Your Life" hits again as Abdul gets up and the ref raises his hand.

JENNIFER SPARKS: "Here is your winner...ABDUL Q! "

JONATHAN STEELE: "Abdul comes out victorious in a truely outstanding match."

JIMMY JUSTICE: "It had it's ups and downs...and the biggest down, White Tiger losing to Abdul Q!"

JONATHAN STEELE: "Get over it Jimmy, cause Abdul just won! "

The ref hands Abdul his International Title and he raises it up while WT rolls out of the ring seeming frustrated. He gets up and looks at HHH who is smiling and giving him a mocking golf clap. WT just shakes his head. Abdul continues to celebrate as the camera's fade off to a comercial.

We return from a commercial break to show the arena is still packed from the White Tiger and Abdul Q match... the lights suddenly dim down and there is a huge pyro show from the entrance ramp area... the jumbo tron lights up to show a yellow Camero with a black stripe driving threw the streets... the crowd cheers as it makes its way into the arena... suddenly the yellow car makes its way from behind the curtain... there is another HUGE explosion as "Smart Went Crazy" by Atmosphere starts up... both doors open... Lady Gaga gets out of the passenger side... and Sean Lewis steps out of the drivers side...


JIMMY JUSTICE: "He said he was going to be here, and this is quite the entrance..."

Sean steps out and starts to make his way down to the ring... Lady Gaga follows... Gaga is sporting an all black cocktail dress and a crazy hat... Sean has on a Joe Mauer Minnesota Twins jersey and some cut off brown jeans... Sean slides into the ring and tosses his arms up in the air... Gaga grabs a mic from a ringside helper... the music starts to die down but the LEWIS chant doesn't... Sean takes a moment to absorb the applause...

SLUG: "Thank you... seriously... Thank you!"

The crowd erupts again... Sean climbs one of the corners and pumps them up some more for a moment before getting down...

SLUG: "I know I'm not the only one... can anyone else feel it? Can anyone else smell it? Gaga... do you smell it?"

Lady Gaga nods her head in agreement...

SLUG: "It smells like WRESTLEMANIA in the air!"

The crowd erupts again...

JONATHAN STEELE: "Sean looks to be in fantastic shape!"


SLUG: "This is the time of year where everyone feels unstoppable... and I have to be honest... I feel that way right now... a couple of weeks ago I started hinting at a return to this federation... the place I call home... and here I am!"

Sean pauses for a moment...

SLUG: "I'm not going to give everyone a history lesson... but Wrestlemania has always brought out the best in me... from beating my friend Chris Burgess at Wrestlemania 5... to beating Shawn Ashlocke for the World Heavyweight championship at Wrestlemania 4... to living my boyhood dream by capturing the Undisputed Championship against White Tiger and Randy Orton at the age of 19 at Wrestlemania 3 in what some people call the greatest match in EWE history... tonight I stand in front of you to let all of my loyal fans know, that I will be part of this year's Wrestlemania... the way I see it... THIS IS GONNA..."

Suddenly "Paradise Lost" by Hollywood Undead kicks onto the PA system... the crowd starts to boo as Dan Desario and Nero Phoenix walk out onto the entrance ramp...

JIMMY JUSTICE: "What the hell?"

JONATHAN STEELE: "Looks like Slug's twitter trash talking is going to catch up to him right now..."

Sean looks up the ramp at Nero and Dan as they stand on both side of Sean's car... Nero pulls a mic out from behind his back...

NERO PHOENIX: "What an entrance Sean... truly a specaticle... personally, I find it pathetic everytime you come running back to the EWE to make a quick dollar... you make the people think that you really give a damn about them... you make them think that you aren't really a sell out... you give them hope that their pathetic little lives will gain some excitement from the return of Sean Lewis... "

The crowd boos... Sean lets out a sarcastic frown...

NERO PHOENIX: "You come out here, after the main event, and try to steal the show... I'm not going to let that happen... no one wants to see your next stupid movie... no one wants to look at your transvestite manager... and no one wants to see you in a Wrestlemania match..."

Nero and Dan gets next to the ring but stay on the floor... Sean walks over to the ropes and looks at Nero...

SLUG: "Don't get me wrong... I will never say that all my movies are great, but I give my damn best everytime I take on a role... and Gaga is 100% woman... and Nero, I'm confused about the last part... when did I say anything about a match at Wrestlemania?"

The crowd starts to get rowdy again...

SLUG: "In my opinion... that almost sounds like a challenge..."

The crowd erupts as Nero looks at Dan, they both look a little struck...

SLUG: "To be honest Nero, it wasn't my intention to get involved in a match for Wrestlemania... I am a very busy man... but give me one second..."

Sean pulls out his cell phone... he keys something in... the jumbo tron lights up to show this...

SeanSlugLewis – someone tell my agent I cant do the movie where megan fox stalks me, pretty sure I will be busy with the EWE for a few weeks, maybe longer.

The crowd erupts... Nero mouths some words to Sean...

SLUG: "So Nero... since you're being a little too bashful and coy... do you want to try and take down the EWE's most talked about Wrestlemania streak?"

NERO PHOENIX: "It would be my pleasure! In fact... how about next week on Chaos you face Dan Desario in a match to prove to me that your worthy of a match with me at the grandest stage of them all!"

The crowd starts to cheer as Sean looks around for advise...

SLUG: "You're on... Jensen, write me up a contract... I'm going to Wrestlemania!"

Sean drops the mic... Nero and Dan slide into the ring... Sean quickly hits Dan with a hard punch sending him to the ground, Nero grabs Sean from behind... Dan gets up and goes to hit Sean... Lady Gaga kicks Dan in the groin from behind... Dan drops to the ground... Sean reverses the hold that Nero had him in into an S-Works!

JONATHAN STEELE: "Hell has broken loose in the ring between these former World Champions!"

JIMMY JUSTICE: "Sean could break Nero's arm!"

Sean lets go of the hold and stands up... "Smart Went Crazy" kicks on again and Sean and Gaga slide out of the ring... they load back into the Camero as Nero and Dan start to get up off the mat... the show come to an end as the doors on the Camero shut and Nero is shown kicking the bottom rope in disgust...


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