' M o n d a y N i g h t C h a o s '

| Date : 04-18-11 | Recovery Status : Original Results | Theme: "Prelude 12-21" By AFI |
Venue : American Airlines Center - Dallas Texas | Main Event - Triple H & White Tiger Vs. Android #18 & Mr. Man | Turnout : 21 RolePlays


"Prelude 12-21" continues over the PA System as fireworks begin to ignite.

Welcome to the sold out American Airlines Center in Dallas Texas! I'm Jonathan Steele of course joined by Jimmy Justice, and we welcome you to Monday Night Chaos!

I said give me top this time!

Sorry I forgot.

I bet you did.

Well I'm sorry, but can we move on?

Fuck you, you tell them about the matches yourself.

Well we got another great card on the last stop before WrestleMania...including The Million Dollar Championship between Ted Dibiase and Dustin Jobber....the Steel Cage between Johnny Chaos & Snake...and of course Derek Daniels taking on Dean Winchester in a non-title match. But what about our main event?


I said what about our Main Event?

And I said Fuck You.

Anyways it's an interesting match to say the least when opponents must team. White Tiger and Triple H taking on Mr. Man and Android #18. It'll be great, but let's get the show under way.

Paul London is already in the ring, bouncing in place to prepare for his match. Suddenly “Eye of the Tiger” is heard playing, but not over the speakers. Jon Jobber comes walking out of the back, carrying a boom box, which is playing the music. Jay and Dustin Jobber comes out, shouting words of encouragement. Mr. Jobber comes out, wearing a sweats. They are already drenched in sweat. He sways slightly, obviously already drunk.

The Jobber's are quite a unified family.

The Jobber's are the biggest jokes professional wrestling has ever seen. Someone needs to take these idiots out soon

His opponent, Mister Jobber!

Paul London Vs. Mr. Jobber

[ Mister Jobber makes it to the ring as Jon kills the music on the boom box. London points at Mister Jobber and laughs. The Jobber kids are smacking the mat, yelling words of encouragement to their dad. Mister Jobber starts looking dazed and starts swaying. London gets face to face with Jobber, He turns to yell something at the kids when Mister Jobber's eye roll up in his head and he falls forward into London. The two topple over. London awkwardly on his side, his arm at a bad angle. Jobber lands on him, pinning London's arm at that angle. London tries to struggle free, screaming in pain. He finally has no choice but to tap out. The ref calls for the bell as the Jobber kids swarm the ring. ]

WINNER at 1:28 Mister Jobber
Judges: 5 Out of 5

With a little help from the ref, the Jobber kids manage to get their father back on his feet. Jon restarts “Eye of the Tiger” as Jay and Dustin celebrate in the ring. Mister Jobber holds both hands up before falling over again. London leaves the ring and heads up the ramp holding his arm and shaking his head in shame

Coming back from commercial we see Alex Evers in the ring when "Heart of a Champion" by Nelly plays over the p/a system.

Here comes Chris Warren, ready for a big match tonight.

Please! Chris Warren is a common criminal who didn't even earn his way into the match.

The following contest is scheduled for one fall... introducing first, from Chicago, Illinois... weighing in at 185 lbs... he is the "Alpha Male" Chris Warren!

Chris Warren was now getting into the ring, when the camera shoots to Alex Evers and a graphic is shown right under him.

And his opponent, already in the ring, from Sterling Heights, Michigan... Alex Evers!

Alex Evers Vs. Chris Warren

[ In a match between two fellow Money in the Bank participants, it wasn't much as Chris Warren completely dominated Alex Evers. After a DDT, a Suplex and a Piledriver, Warren toys with Evers a little bit. Finally, Warren decides to end it when he hits a sick End Game for the one..two..three. ]

WINNER at 1:20: Chris Warren
Judges: 5 Out of 5

Louis Lucania is already in the ring, leaning back in the corner waiting. “Hero” by Skillet hit's the air as Chris Fame walks out of the back.

Here we go, set for another great match.

Please, I bet Fame smokes him without breaking a sweat.

His opponent from Detroit Michigan, Chris Fame!

Louis Lucania Vs. Chris Fame

[ Fame has made it to the ring and the bell has rang. The men circle each other a moment before Fame sticks his hand out, telling Louis that they should have a good match. Louis debates it for a moment before shaking Fame's hand. Fame pulls him in and nails his “Infamous” finisher. He rolls up Louis as the ref makes the three count. ]

Wait, that's it?

Told you he wouldn't even break a sweat. That's why I'm awesome.

WINNER at 0:35 Chris Fame
Judges: 5 Out of 5

Sonic comes out to "Reach for the Stars" and the crowd cheers, nothing too crazy, but cheers nonetheless.

Your first opponent, from Mobius, Sonic.....the HEDGEHOG!!!!

And there's the first opponent. I wonder what he thinks about Jensen turning this into a Money in the Bank qualifyer.

Who cares? I'd rather see Mark Cha0s tearing it up instead of some talking Gerbil.

As Sonic steps into the ring, "The Beginning of the End" by Spineshank hits the PA system. Sonic turns in the ring to see Mark Cha0s come out.

Now that's what I'm talking about.

I wouldn't count Sonic out just yet.

I would. He sucks.

And the other opponent, Mark CHA0S!!!

Sonic the Hedgehog Vs. Mark Cha0s

[ The entrances play, obviously not important enough to be mentioned during a landslide, and the two end up in the match. Sonic isn't allowed an ounce of mercy as Mark Cha0s quickly nails him with a clothesline and then finishes him off with a Cha0s Cutter. ]

WINNER at 0:38: Mark Cha0s
Judges: 5 Out of 5

"Rockstar" by Miley Cyrus comes over the PA as Jay Jobber steps out onto the stage, doing some goofy pose, then making his way to the ring.

Sometimes I wonder about that guy.

What's the wonder about? He's a 'tard.

Introducing first, the first half of the Jobber Squad, from Reno, Nevada, JAY....JOBBBBEEERRR!!!

Why waste an intro on this guy?

Suddenly before his music can even start, Jon comes out, pouring sugar on himself as he rubs it in good.

What the hell's he doing? His music hasn't even started yet?

Meet the mystery of Jon Jobber.

Jon quickly starts to head for the ring but slips on some of the sugar and rolls down to the ring. Jennifer just kinda looks around and realizes his music isn't starting yet, finally shrugging.

And the second half of the Jobber Squad, JON JOBBBBEEERRR!!!


Don't be a dick, Justice.

Don't touch little boys then, Jon-AY-boy.

I hate you.

Oh, now my feelings are hurt. Don't be gay.

"Stand Back" by Jim Johnson starts and the Hurricane appears at the top of the titantron.

Now what's he doing?

The Hurricane uses his hand to scan the audience before taking a dive. The audience almost gasps before they realize that he's on a pulley and begins sliding down the wire to the ring, detaching the harness a couple of feet above the ring, and popping up with his hands on his hips.

That was cool.

Eh, save it for Wrestlemania.

And the finally, EWE's own Superhero, The HURRICANNNNEE!!!

I kinda hope the Jobbers win.

You were just trash talking them.


Jobber Squad Vs. The Hurricane

[ The bell rings and The Hurricane is quickly ambushed by the Jobber Squad. They begin assaulting him with delicate womanly slaps until he finally breaks them off. He quickly gives Jay a Snap Suplex when he turns around to a cloud of sugar to his face. ]

[ The Hurricane wipes his face, trying to regain his vision, but is quickly Sandel to Jaw by Jay Jobber. The Hurricane grabs his face in pain, but isn't allowed much time to recover as the Jobber Squad deliver a syncronized Powerbomb to the Hurricane. (Yeah, don't ask me how.) The Hurricane lies on the mat as Jon sits on him, licking some of the sugar off of his hands and arms. The ref quickly counts the three. ]

WINNER at 0:42: The Jobber Squad
Judges: 4 Out of 4

The camera pans to an overhead shot of the American Airlines Center when we hear laughter followed by “Hardcore Country”. The crowd gives a mixed reaction when we see Trish and Mickie coming out from the back with their EWE Tag Team titles around their waist, and Mickie's X-Core Championship draped over her shoulder.

The following contest is scheduled for one fall! Introducing first, they are the EWE Tag Team Champions first from Toronto, Canada TRISH STRATUS! ….And from Richmond, Virginia, she is the X-Core Champion MICKIE JAMES!… they are HARDCORE STRATUSFACTION!

Here they come Jimmy, the current EWE Tag Team Champions, who have a huge non-title match tonight.

Yeah, that's right, non-title. That way, those losers Who Dat don't try and steal the tag team titles tonight!

I don't fully understand your problem with all the good guys here in the EWE.

They're all a bunch of douche bags!

Pot meet kettle.


As the Tag Team Champions enter the ring and their music fades, Lady GaGa comes out to the stage with a microphone and looked on. LG1 Come on everybody, do it with me: Who Dat! Who Dat! Who Dat!

Almost on command, the entire EWE Nation starts buzzing with chants of “WHO DAT!” with the chant rumbling louder and louder each round. Then, with the chant at monster conditions we hear “Who Dat” by J. Cole playing. With the song playing there's a loud scream from an obvious female member of the EWE Nation as Sean Lewis and the International Champion Abdul Q come out.

And their opponents… accompanied to the ring by Lady GaGa… weighing in at a combined weight of 469 lbs… the EWE International Champion Abdul Q, Sean “Sluuuuuuug” Lewis… WHO DAT!?

And here they come! The one-night reunion of one of the most exciting tag teams of 2010, Sean Lewis and Abdul Q…. Who Dat!?

Exciting? They bore me out of my mind every time I see them! Sean Lewis hasn't done anything of note since 2006 and Abdul Q's an absolute joke of an International Champion!

What is wrong with you!?

My mom didn't hug me as a child.

With the psychology session happening at the announcers table, Abdul Q and Sean Lewis enter the ring. After their music fades, both Who Dat? and Hardcore Stratusfaction get ready for combat as the bell sounds.

Who Dat? Vs. Hardcore Stratusfaction(c)

[ The match starts with Sean Lewis and Trish Stratus in the ring getting ready to tie up. However, before they can we hear “It's All About the Money” playing over the p/a system. That's when Ted DiBiase and Venom are shown on stage grabbing Lady GaGa, putting her in a position and taking her. ]

What the hell is Ted DiBiase doing!?

He's so smart! He's abducting Lady GaGa to get in Abdul's head for Money in the Bank!

[ That's exactly what he did, as him and Venom carried GaGa to the back with both Lewis and Abdul not sure what to do. That's when Slug takes Abdul to the side and whispers something to him and after a brief conversation, they nod to each other with Abdul jumping off of the apron and running up the ramp and through the curtains, out of sight and out of mind! ]

What the hell is Abdul think he's doing?

I think he's proving that chivalry isn't dead Jimmy.

Yeah, but he left his partner to fend by himself. I dunno why I'm complaining, I hate Sean Lewis!

[ With Abdul Q now gone from the match, Sean Lewis' attention was to the entrance area when all of a sudden Trish Stratus schoolgirls Sean Lewis from behind one…two…three! ]

WINNER at 2:32: Hardcore Stratusfaction
Judges: 4 Out of 4


I can't believe it! The distraction from Ted DiBiase cost Who Dat a huge match tonight!

Abdul Q running to save Lady GaGa ruined the match for them! What an idiot!

A pissed off Sean Lewis watched as the Tag Team Champions rolled out of the ring and celebrated with their tag team title belts on the ramp. Turning around, he was suddenly nailed with a huge clothesline!

What the hell is that!

It's Dan Desario, and there's his mentor Nero Phoenix!

Indeed it was Nero Phoenix and Dan Desario, who had just flooded Sean Lewis with a beautiful clothesline. Nero would then lift up Slug and would drop him with a Mighty Boosh! Looking down at the man, Dan Desario raised up Nero's arm as Nero Phoenix put one foot on Sean Lewis' chest.

It appeared Nero Phoenix left a mark on Sean Lewis as we head that much closer to their WrestleMania showdown!

Dustin is already chilling in the ring, trying to hit on Jennifer, but she touches his sunburn and he quickly backs off. "It's All About the Money" by Jimmy Hart and J.J. Maguire begins. Dustin looks to the ramp, but doesn't see anything.

Where's Ted?

Are you two on a first name basis now?

Well no, I was just wondering.

You can't rush a legend. Be patient.

As everyone continues to wait, no one sees Venom sneak into the ring and chokeslam Dustin. Venom quickly slides out and Ted Dibiase steps out of the audience and pulls off his "disguise" which is simply a baseball hat and dark sunglasses. Jennifer is quickly rushed out of the ring as the bell rings.

Ted Dibiase(c) Vs. Dustin Jobber

[ Ted Dibiase quickly tries to pin Dustin, but he comes to and pulls on Dibiase's beard, causing him to pull away. Dustin scrambles up off of the mat and backs up as Ted gives him evil eyes. Dustin just shrugs and Dibiase rushes him. Dustin steps out of the ring and Dibiase gets tangled up in the ropes. ]

This is bull.

Quit your whining.

Don't tell me what to do. He won't let him touch him.

He has a sunburn.

[ Dustin turns around and tries to climb one of the turnbuckles but has difficulty. This gives Dibiase just enough time to get out of the ropes and sneak up behind Dustin. Dustin is almost up, when Dibiase pushes him, causing him to slam into the turnbuckle and hit his sunburn. Dustin falls, screaming in agony as Dibiase smirks. ]

There we go.

That's cheating.

Then maybe he shouldn't have gone tanning for four hours. Idiot.

[ Dibiase picks up Dustin and slaps his sunburn again, causing Dustin to cry out, before delivering a nasty Piledriver. ]

That had to hurt.

[ Dibiase quickly covers again, but only get a two as Dustin pulls off the mat. Dibiase, now becoming annoyed, gets back up and grabs Dustin by the hair, pulling him back up. He mouths something to Dustin and Dustin shakes his head, showing everyone that it's not something good. Dibiase then pulls out a wad of cash and hands it to Dustin. ]

That's not legal.

Oh shut up.

Don't do it, Dustin.

[ Dustin looks at the cash then back at Dibiase. He grins and takes it. Dibiase grins and turns around, throwing his arms up, but what he fails to miss is Dustin stuffing it in his speedo and slowly stalking Dibiase like a tiger. ]

Watch out!

[ As if hearing Jimmy, Dibiase turns around, only to meet a nasty headbutt. Dibiase drops and Dustin staggers back a bit. After catching his bearings he wastes little time, pinning Dibiase, despite the painful sunburn. One...Two....THREE!! ]

WINNER at 1:11: Dustin Jobber (New Champion)
Judges: 4 Out of 5

As the camera's return to ringside we see the cage lowering down to the ring. As the cage stops on the aprons the bell rings and we see Jennifer Sparks standing by the time keeper's table.

The Following contest is a Steel Cage match! In this match you can win by way of pinfall, submission, or exiting the cage with both feet touching the floor.

"Goin Down" by Three Days Grace hits the PA system which makes the crowd boo as Johnny and Drama come through the curtains. That's not all though as Sara is also with them, with her hands chained together, Drama pulls her by a connected chain.

Introducing first, accompanied by his wife, Drama. From Kansas City, Missouri...weighing in at 232 pounds. The Extreme One, JOHNNY CHAOS!!

Here he comes Steele, The one true Extreme One. The man who will end Snake's career here tonight, and I can't wait.

Snake's career is on the line if Johnny wins. But so is that woman with Drama. If Snake wins he gets Sara back.

Johnny, Drama, and Sara continue their way down the ramp. Drama takes Sara off to the side as Johnny walks up the steps and enters the cage as his music begins to fade. There's a few moments of silence until "Big Dreams" by The Game hits over the PA system. The crowd cheers as Snake steps through the curtains.

And his opponent, from Mexico City, Mexico...weighing in at 265 pounds...The Baddest Man on the planet....SNAKE!!

Here he comes, for the last time.

You don't know that Jimmy.

Yes I do, Johnny's way better than Snake, watch and learn.

We're about to find out.

Snake continues down the ramp. He stops by the steps and looks at Sara by Drama. Snake enters the cage. One of the refs shuts the door, while the other on in the ring calls for the bell.

Johnny Chaos Vs. Snake

[ Snake and Johnny circle the ring for a moment before locking up. Snake hits a quick snap suplex, as Johnny gets back up Snake hits him with a quick running DDT. At about 1:24 Snake hits a German Suplex, he hangs on and hits a second before making the first attempt at climbiing the wall. Snake gets about half way up before Johnny grabs him and hits a back suplex back to the mat. At around 2:16 Johnny hits an evenflow DDT then makes his first attempt at climbing the wall. He gets a little ways up, but Snake climbs the turnbukle and hits him in the back then hits a power bomb back to the mat! ]

Nice stop there.

That'll give him a good opening, weather I like it or not.

[ Snake gets almost to the top when Johnny finally starts climbing. Snake makes it to the top, but Johnny stops him from going over. They exchange rights up on top, suddenly Johnny hits a Side-Effect off the top of the cage, all the way back down to the ring! The crowd explodes as the two lay there for a moment. Johnny finally gets up and starts climbing at aroun 4:11. He gets 3/4 of the way up before Snake sprints up the wall, then hits another German Suplex. At 5:01 Snake hits the Triple Verticals then climbs the turnbukle and connects The Drive By! ]

The Drive By!


[ The ref gets down to make the count, but instead Snake starts climbing again. Once again Snake makes it 3/4 up before Johnny starst to slowly climb back up. As Snake gets to the top he starts to go over the wall, when Johnny grabs him. Johnny positions himself then suddenly hits an Extreme MakeOver, off the top! ]



[ Johnny smirks at the stunned crowd before he just goes ahead and makes the cover on Snake, scoring the three count. ]

WINNER at 6:15: Johnny Chaos
Judges: 3 Out of 4

Here is your winner....JOHNNY CHAOS!

"Goin Down" by Three Days Grace hits back over the PA System and alot of fans begin to boo, especially after they realize the implications of what just happened.

What an ending, but just like I said, The Extreme One has prevailed.

Meaning the end of Snake's career sadly.

Good riddens.

Come on he's done alot of this company.

Thats what you think.

Johnny Drama and Sara head up the ramp while the cage raises back up. Snake sits up and looks to the crowd, almost with tears in his eyes. Snake gets up and waves to the fans and has a long drawn out farewell to the fans as he heads his way backstage.

As the camera's return to ringside "The Catalyst" by Linkin Park hits over the PA system. The crowd cheers as Dean comes through the curtains onto the stage.

The following contest is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first...from Lawrence, Kansas...weighing in at 250 pounds...The Dean of Mean, DEAN WINCHESTER!!

This should be a good match here.

No way, the Champ is going to dominate this loser.

I disagree, but we'll see.

Dean continues down the ramp and slides into the ring. As Dean gets ready his music fades away.


After Derek's voice "Champion" by Grinspoon then hits over the pa system. The crowd boos as Derek comes through the curtains, with the Undisputed Title dangling in his hand.

His opponent...from Reno Nevada...weighing in at 255 pounds...he is the EWE Undisputed Heavyweight Champion...DEREK DANIELS!!

Here he is Steele, our Undisputed Champ!

He has a big task tonight going against the impressive Dean Winchester.

I already told you, this will be a cake walk for the Champ.

Derek continues down the ramp, just ignoring the fans as he carries the Undisputed Title with him. Derek enters the ring and blows Dean off as he smugly raises the title up above his head. Derek hands the title to the ref, who hands it to the time keeper Derek and Dean stare eachother down as the ref calls for the bell.

Dean Winchester Vs. "Dynamic" Derek Daniels(c)

[ Dean and Derek begin to exchange shots as the bell rings. Derek blocks one before kicking Dean in the gut and hitting a quick DDT. Derek begins to get the momentum hitting a Brainbuster DDT at about 2:01. At around 2:47 Derek hits a Pump Handle Slam. Derek continues to keep the momentum before hitting the Dynamic Dive at 4:01. Derek covers but only gets a two count. ]

Near fall there.

Dean got lucky you mean.

[ Derek gets frustrated that Dean kicked out and begins to argue with the ref. Dean gets up and quickly tackles Derek and begins to hit several hard rights in a vicious assault. Dean pulls momentum his way nailing a snap suplex at 4:51. At about 5:11 Dean hits a Reverse Neckbreaker. Dean continues to control the match after he hits a Scoop Slam at 5:42. Dean makes the cover but only gets a two count. At around 6:15 Dean locks in a Sleeper. Derek fights to stay awake as Dean keeps it locked in. ]

Come on, don't let this chump beat you!

[ Derek finally gets out of the hold with a back suplex. The match begins to go back forth as Derek hits a standing misstle dropkick at 6:52. At about 7:14 Dean hits a Evenflow DDT. Dean makes the cover, but only gets a two count. At around 7:54 Derek hits a Sky-High Power Bomb. Dean once again barely kicks out, and Derek once again gets frustrated. At 8:25 Dean hits a Backstabber and gets another near fall of his own. They continue to go back and forth until about 9:01 when Derek tries to hit the Dynamic Drop, but Dean elbows him the back of the head, kicks him in the gut, then nails The Exercism! Dean covers scoring the three count. ]

WINNER at 9:09: Dean Winchester
Judges: 4 Out of 4

Here is your winner....DEAN WINCHESTER!!

"The Catalyst" hits again and the crowd cheers as the ref raises Dean's hand.

How bout that Jimmy?

Meh, even a blind squirel finds a nut sometimes, it was lucky.

I disagree, it was a great match.

Dean heads up the ramp where Jack Michaels is now standing on the stage. He smiles before shaking Dean's hand. Dean heads back through the curtains as Jack smiles at Derek.


Triple H vs Edge(c) vs White Tiger

All three men look eachother over, seeing who will move first.

[ Jonathan Steele ] Here we go, our huge Main Event is under way..

[ Jimmy Justice ] Shut up Steele, we have a special guest here, much better then the one we had..

[ Trish Stratus ] Why thank you Jimmy..

[ Jonathan Steele ] Now do you say that because she's in The Industry, or because you want to sleep with her, both seem pretty accurate..

[ Jimmy Justice ] Don't listen to him..

[ Trish Stratus ] Didn't plan on it..

They look back and forth for a few more moments, then HHH suddenly decks Edge with a hard right. Tiger smiles and delievers a hard left to Edge as well. They trade off like this for a few moments, until they stop putting their hands up, then suddenly HHH hits the right and Tiger the left, at the same time, knocking Edge to the mat.

[ Trish Stratus ] You cowards, fight fair..

[ Jimmy Justice ] I couldn't agree more..

Edge gets up and charges as they both step to the side. Edge bounces off the ropes, as he returns they hit a double flapjack. HHH then knees WT in the gut and follows with a ddt and covers for a quick two count.

[ Jimmy Justice ] I knew that double team couldn't last too long..

[ Trish Stratus ] And we knew it'd be Triple H to break that bond, we all know how "trustworthy" of a guy he is...just ask...well anyone he's ever teamed with in WWE..

HHH gets up, to be caught with a dropkick by Edge. As Tiger gets up, Edge gives him a side-effect. Edge covers getting a two count. Edge gets back up and starts trading shots with HHH, HHH blocks then hits a hard that spins him around. Tiger is there and hits one of his own, this continues as they keep going back and fourth a good 6 or 7 times. HHH then kicks him in the gut and hooks both arms, before HHH can drop him, Tiger hits him with a clothesline.

[ Trish Stratus ] That was a close one..

[ Jimmy Justice ] Though if Tiger was smart, he woulda let HHH hit it, then throw HHH out and cover Edge..

[ Jonathan Steele ] That seems like something Edge would do..

[ Jimmy Justice ] It would work though, win the title, that's what matters..

Tiger picks Edge up and whips him into the corner. He then grabs HHH and whips him to the opposite corner. Tiger runs and clotheslines HHH in the corner. He then whips him at Edge, where HHH hits a hard clothesline knocking Edge down. HHH then turns around and ducks a clothesline by Tiger, which he follows up with a reverse neckbreaker. HHH covers for a two count.

[ Jonathan Steele ] Near fall for the Game..

HHH picks Tiger up and sets him up for a supplex, but Tiger blocks it, and hits one of his own. Tiger gets hits Edge with a hip toss as he was coming at him. Tiger grabs Edge and sets him up for a power bomb. As Tiger tries to lift up though, Edge blocks it. Edge then pulls Tiger's feet from under him, and locks in the Edgecator!

[ Jimmy Justice ] Yes! The Edgecator is locked in!

[ Trish Stratus ] Tap Tiger, Tap!

Tiger screams and fights to find the ropes, but he's in the middle. Tiger continues to fight the pain though, finally HHH runs and hits Edge with a face-to-knee smash causing him to release the hold.

[ Trish Stratus ] Damnit Hunter!

Edge gets up, HHH then gives him the high knee strike. HHH then gives Tiger one too as he was getting up. Edge runs at HHH and receives a Double A Spinebuster! HHH smiles then grabs Edge's leg, to which the crowd screams "Woooooo!" HHH nods and locks in the Figure-Four!

[ Jonathan Steele ] Compliments of the Nature Boy from the Evolution days..WOOOO!

[ Jimmy Justice ] You're an idoit..

[ Trish Stratus ] I agree, now get out of this baby!

Edge screams in pain and tries to turn over, but HHH outpowers him. Edge fights and fights, he ends up laying down for a one count, then tries to turn over again, which HHH denies him again. Finally when Edge seems he can take no more, he's saved, when White Tiger hits HHH with a legdrop.

[ Trish Stratus ] I've never been more grateful to that hack..

HHH gets up, as him and Tiger begin exchanging right hands. They trade back and fourth 4 or 5 times, before Tiger ducks. Now behind him, Tiger locks in the Tiger's Snare!

[ Jonathan Steele ] The Tiger's Snare! Is this it!

[ Jimmy Justice ] Hold on you loser, don't tap!

[ Jonathan Steele ] That doesn't make sense..

[ Trish Stratus ] He knows if HHH taps, my man will lose his title, duh..

[ Jimmy Justice ] Common sense Steele..

HHH fights through the pain, but is nowhere near the ropes as Tiger continues to apply the pressure. Just when HHH is about to fade away, Edge grabs White Tiger from behind and hits the Edge-O-Matic!

[ Trish Stratus ] That's what I'm talking about..

Edge covers Tiger but only gets a two count before he kicks out. Edge gets up, but is quickly kicked in the gut, and planted with a Pedigree!

[ Jonathan Steele ] The Pedigree! This could be over quick!

[ Jimmy Justice ] No way!

HHH covers Edge hooking the leg...getting the one...two...th...Tiger breaks it up!

[ Trish Stratus ] Wow, once again I'm grateful to that idoit..

HHH and Tiger get up where they exchange shots again, this time HHH kicks Tiger in the gut and hooks the arms, before he can hit it though, Tiger gives him a back body drop over the top rope and to the floor.

[ Jonathan Steele ] The Game sent to the outside, after another Pedigree attempt..

[ Jimmy Justice ] That's what happens when you try to end it this quick..

[ Trish Stratus ] Unless it's Edge, he knows exactly when to strike..

Tiger smiles at HHH then turns back to Edge. The two exchange rights, until Tiger hits a quick DDT. He covers but only gets a two count. They get back up and Tiger whips Edge into the ropes. Tiger bends over for a back body drop, but Edge kicks him in the face instead. As WT holds his chin Edge grabs him and whips him into the ropes. As Tiger returns Edge hits a flapjack. Edge and Tiger quickly get back up, where Edge whips Tiger into the ropes again, Tiger goes for a clothesline, but Edge ducks, as Tiger bounces again, Edge hits a big boot. Edge covers Tiger getting a two count.

[ Jonathan Steele ] Near fall there for the Champion..

[ Jimmy Justice ] Of course..

Both men get back up, where Edge hits Tiger with an Inverted DDT. He covers again, getting another two count. As they get back up and exchange shots again, Edge ducks then hits a Half-Nelson Bulldog. Edge once again covers, once again for a two count.

[ Jonathan Steele ] Edge seems to have everything working...

[ Trish Stratus ] Well duh, that's why he's the champ..

Tiger shoves Edge back though as they get up. Tiger blocks a punch by Edge, then goes to irish whip him, instead Tiger hangs on and hits a hard short arm clothesline. Tiger now covers, getting a two count himself. Meanwhile HHH is digging under the ring, and pulls out the Sledgehammer!

[ Jimmy Justice ] Hey, what the hell!

[ Jonathan Steele ] No Disqualification Jimmy..

[ Trish Stratus ] He's a coward!

Edge goes for the Edgecution, but while he's in the air, Tiger uses strength and picks him up, setting him on the apron. Tiger tries to punch Edge off, but Edge fights him off, Edge then kicks Tiger in the gut. As Tiger is bent over, Edge is about to go for a sunset flip, but his eyes light up when he sees HHH dashing acrossed the ring with the sledgehammer. Edge has no time to react as HHH cracks him right between the eyes, knocking him off the apron to the floor.

[ Trish Stratus ] Not his beautiful face!

HHH smiles down at the unconcious Edge, he then turns around and looks at Tiger. HHH smiles and tosses the sledgehammer back to the outside.

[ Trish Stratus ] Oh he won't use it on White Tiger, but he sure as hell used it on Edge..

[ Jonathan Steele ] These two are friends...though, if it came down to it, HHH would use it on Tiger if it meant becoming EWE Champion, I wouldn't put it passed White Tiger to do the same. But being friends, they will only do that if they absolutely have to..

[ Jimmy Justice ] But he sure used it on Edge..

[ Jonathan Steele ] Well HHH doesn't care for him...Edge and Jensen has made life hell for him since day one of coming back..

[ Trish Stratus ] Try the other way around.

HHH and Tiger circle for a moment, then begin exchanging rights. Tiger whips HHH into the ropes, Tiger goes for a clothesline as HHH returns, HHH ducks though, then hits a falling neckbreaker. HHH covers, getting a two count. HHH kicks Tiger in the gut as he gets up, and hooks the arms, but before he can deliever, Tiger counters out, and hits the Payne Killer!

[ Jonathan Steele ] The Game may be in trouble here..

Tiger covers, but HHH manages to get the shoulder up. As they get back up, Tiger gets behind HHH and locks in the Tiger's Snare!

[ Jonathan Steele ] For a second time, HHH is locked in the Tiger's Snare!

[ Jimmy Justice ] Not again! not another boring Tiger reign!

[ Trish Stratus ] Come on baby, wake up!

When you think HHH is about to fade away, he shows great strength as he picks Tiger up on his shoulders. HHH then delievers the slam, as he covers hooking the leg, only for a two count.

[ Jonathan Steele ] Great counter there..

[ Jimmy Justice ] I'll admit, that took great strength..

As they get back up, HHH charges at WT, where WT quickly hits a Tilt-A-Whirl slam. WT covers, getting yet another two count. WT picks HHH up and whips him into the ropes, Tiger then bends over for a back body drop, HHH quickly counters with a facebreaker knee smash. HHH bounces off the ropes as WT grogily turns back around, HHH hits a high knee strike.

[ Jonathan Steele ] The Game is starting to build momentum here..

WT gets up and runs at HHH, only to be planted with a Double A Spinebuster! The crowd cheers as HHH does his normal pre-pedigree pose. HHH turns around, but it's not Tiger he meets.

[ Jimmy Justice ] SPEAR! SPEAR! SPEAR!!

[ Trish Stratus ] That's it! Pin him!

Edge quickly covers HHH hooking the leg for the one...two...thre...TIGER BREAKS IT UP!

[ Jonathan Steele ] Tiger barely makes the save..

[ Jimmy Justice ] Damn him!

Edge gets up frustrated. He swings at Tiger, but Tiger ducks, then hits a Payne Killer! The crowd cheers as WT then climbs the turnbukle. Edge staggers up, only to be nailed with a Struck Down!

[ Jonathan Steele ] The Struck Down!

[ Jimmy Justice ] NOOOO!

[ Jonathan Steele ] One Two..New Champion...NO!

The count was barely broken up by HHH.

[ Trish Stratus ] I guess HHH is good for something every now and then..

Tiger and HHH get back up, only for HHH to finish what he started before Edge interupted him. Thus HHH kicks Tiger in the gut, hooks the arms, and deleivers The Pedigree!

[ Jonathan Steele ] And now the Pedigree!!

[ Jimmy Justice ] Oh come on!

[ Jonathan Steele ] ONE...TWO...Still new Cham...NO!

[ Trish Stratus ] There you go!

[ Jonathan Steele ] Edge just barely saves his title..

All three men are exhausted, expecially after they have each recieved a finisher in the span of a minute. Tiger and HHH get up and look at eachother, they then both slowly turn to see Edge getting up. They look back to eachother and smile before looking back to Edge. Edge's eyes light up as he turns to run away, but Tiger and HHH both grab a clob of his long hair, keeping him in place.

[ Trish Stratus ] The cowards are going to double team him again!

[ Jonathan Steele ] Maybe he shouldn't piss so many people off.

They turn Edge around and plant him with a double DDT. They smile and grab him again, hitting a double supplex. As Edge holds his back, the crowd cheers when HHH and WT both point to the outside. They grab Edge, and launch him over the top rope as he crashes on the floor.

[ Jonathan Steele ] Taking out the trash..

[ Trish Stratus ] Watch your mouth you worm..

[ Jimmy Justice ] Ya, tell him!

HHH and Tiger both dust off their hands while the crowd cheers. They then turn their attention back to eachother, as they begin to circle the ring. They lock hands and try a test of strength, which HHH wins and connects a fearce clothesline. As Tiger gets up HHH kicks him in the gut and hits a flowing DDT. HHH then backs up to the corner, he measures Tiger up with his hands, does a crotch chop, then runs hitting a jumping knee drop. HHH covers, but Tiger once again kicks out.

[ Jonathan Steele ] Another near fall, man what a match..

[ Jimmy Justice ] Our man is winning..

[ Trish Stratus ] My man doesn't swing that way Jimmy...besides, he's taken ;)

[ Jimmy Justice ] You know what I mean..

They get back to their feet, only for Tiger to fight back, then connecting a float over supplex. Tiger picks HHH back up and hits a Tiger Driver, which the crowd cheers. Tiger covers, getting another near fall. Tiger bounces HHH off the ropes and goes for a clothesline, but HHH ducks. HHH bounces then comes with a clothesline of his own, but Tiger ducks as well. They both bounce this time, then collide in the middle of the ring with a double clothesline!

[ Jonathan Steele ] What a collision!

[ Jimmy Justice ] Now get in there and cover, Edge!

[ Trish Stratus ] Yea!

Tiger and HHH lay there for a moment, then finally they slowly make it back to their feet. They once again begin exchanging right hands. HHH goes for a Supplex, but Tiger blocks. Tiger now goes for one, but HHH blocks as well. This goes back and forth 3 or 4 times before they give up and shove off. They both get a sneaky suspicion though, and they both turn...too late.

[ Jimmy Justice ] DOUBLE SPEAR!!!

[ Trish Stratus ] THAT'S THE WAY BABE!!

[ Jonathan Steele ] The Ultimate Opportunist may have just struck again!

[ Jimmy Justice ] There's no may about it, cover one of them!

Edge does just that as he crawls over and covers White Tiger and the ref counts the ONE...TWO...THRE...KICK OUT!

[ Jimmy Justice ] How the hell?!

[ Trish Stratus ] Forget it, cover Hunter!

Edge gets the same idea as his girlfriend, as he crawls over and covers HHH, once again hooking the leg....ONE...TWO...THRE...ANOTHER KICK OUT!

[ Jimmy Justice ] You have got to be kidding me!

[ Jonathan Steele ] I'm amazed myself..

[ Jimmy Justice ] What the hell does he have to do?

[ Trish Stratus ] Use Triple H's Sledgehammer, no disqualification..

Edge is frustrated by now, as he too wonders what he has to do. He looks over to see Trish pointing down to HHH's sledgehammer in front of the announce table. Edge smiles in agreement. Before Edge can step out of the ring though, he's grabbed from behind by White Tiger, as he locks in the Tiger's Snare!

[ Trish Stratus ] NO!

[ Jonathan Steele ] This could be it!

Before Tiger can lock it in all the way though, Edge quickly flips back, landing on Tiger's shoulders. Edge tries to come all the way down so he can hit the Downward spiral. But WT locks his hands keeping Edge on his shoulders. Tiger runs forward, then tosses Edge up over the top rope, and he crashes face first on the Announce Table, as the crowd yells "ohhh".

[ Trish Stratus ] Oh No! I gotta check on him..

Trish leaves her chair to check on her boyfriend, while WT smiles at what he done. He then looks over and sees HHH trying to stagger up. Tiger quickly climbs the turnbukle and awaits HHH to get up. As HHH gets up and turns towards Tiger, Tiger leaps off for The Struck Down!...But before he can hit, HHH kicks in the gut just before he lands, he hooks the arms and connects The Pedigree!!

[ Jonathan Steele ] What a counter, The 3rd Pedigree of the night connects!!

[ Jimmy Justice ] Wake Edge up Trish!

HHH tiredly turns WT over and just kinda lays on him as the ref counts the ONE...TWO....THREE!!!!

"The Game" by Motorhead hits the PA while HHH just rolls over and lays there, the crowd starts cheering though.

[ Jennifer Sparks ] Here is your winner...and NEW EWE HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION...TRIPLEEEE...H!!!!

The ref hands HHH the title and he's barely able to get up, but he does. Moments later Tiger is up, and they waste no time shaking hands, followed by a bro-hug. WT rolls out of the ring and leaves HHH to his celebration as he takes his Tag Title and walks his way up the ramp. Edge on the other hand, as Trish wakes him up he sees what is going on and isn't happy.

[ Jonathan Steele ] Well he can throw a fit all he wants...this is the result...all three men put in one hell of an effort...but it was Triple H winning 5 in a row here at WrestleMania...doping so he brings home his 4th EWE Championship..

[ Jimmy Justice ] Weather I like the guy or not, That was one hell of a match..

[ Jonathan Steele ] No doubt about that partner...We'll see you next time...The King of Kings has re-claimed his throne!

HHH climbs the turnbukle and raises up the title as pyro goes off above him. HHH continues to pose with the title as that's the image we fade out on.



The scene is back at ringside where "Flashing Lights" by Kanye West suddenly takes the air. Manny walks out of the back, getting mixed reactions from the fans. He looks around at the fans before heading down the ramp.

This is your main event for the evening. It is a tag team match, set for one fall. On his way down the ramp from Miami Florida, Mister Man.

The fans continue their mixed reaction as Manny enters the ring. The music changes to “Faint” by Linkin Park. The fans begin cheering as Eighteen breaks the curtain and heads down the ramp.

Introducing his partner. From St. Cloud Minnesota….Android Eighteen!

Eighteen walks down the ramp and enters the ring. Her and Mister Man start a bit of a stare down before Eighteen turns away and looks up the ramp. The music has switched to “Welcome to the Jungle” by Guns N Roses. The boos are now deafening as WT walks cockily out of the back, wearing a tiger striped bandana over his head.

And their opponents. First from Rawlins, Wyoming…White Tiger!

Eighteen actually smiles as WT runs into the ring and slides under the bottom rope. He gets on the top turnbuckle and looks down the ramp as “he Game” by Motorhead is now playing. The fans are blowing the roof off as Triple H walks out of the curtain. He starts down the ring as WT glares at him.

And his partner, from Greenwich, Connecticut…..The Game, Triple H.

Triple H makes it to the apron where he spit's the water in the air. He gets in the ring and looks at his partner. The bell rings.

Triple H & White Tiger Vs. Android #18 & Mr. Man

[ Without a word, Eighteen walks to her corner and climbs out on the apron. Manny shrugs and prepares to fight. Triple H and WT are already fighting over who is going to start the match. Finally they play paper, rock, scissors. WT wins the third try and motions Triple H to get in his corner. On his way out, Triple H takes off WT's bandana, revealing his green hair. the fans laugh as WT curses Triple H. WT walks forward and shakes his hand at Manny. He points at Eighteen and dares her to get in the ring. Eighteen just smirks as she climbs in the ring. She glares at Manny who walks to the corner and climbs out. Eighteen and WT walk to the middle of the ring where they have a stare down. Suddenly WT slaps Eighteen, causing her to take a step to the side. WT quickly rushes to his corner and tags Triple H. He rolls out of the ring as Eighteen sneers at him, wiping a trace of blood from her lip. WT motions Triple H toward Eighteen as the fans boo. ]

Can you believe the nerve of WT, slapping his own friend.

It's great, WT is playing mind games with not only his opponents but his partner as well.

[ Triple H and Eighteen battle for a while, switching the advantage back and forth. Finally Eighteen gets a headlock on Triple H and drags him to her corner. She holds her hand out at Manny. Manny hesitates but soon tags. Eighteen holds Triple H up as Manny kicks him in the gut. Manny then takes advantage over Triple H. WT is back in his corner, slapping the turnbuckle and starting a Triple H chant. After about two minutes, Manny helps Triple H to his feet. Manny bounces off a far rope and comes in, but he is caught and given a thunderous spine buster. Both men slowly crawl to their corners as their partners reach out for the tag. Manny makes it first, bringing in Eighteen. Triple H dives for the tag but WT drops down, holding his nose and pretending to sneeze. The fans boo as Triple H glares at WT. WT mentions his allergies as Eighteen drags Triple H back to the center of the ring. ]

What the hell is WT doing? Triple H was almost there.

It's his allergies. It is a bit musty in here.

[ WT recovers fast and climbs back on the corner as Eighteen begins working on Triple H's lower back. She walks over and tags in Manny. Manny smiles and goes for a clothesline on Eighteen. She smiles and ducks, allowing Manny to take Triple H to the ground. Manny spends the next few minutes, beating the wore out Triple H down. Suddenly Manny locks on “The Wave of the Future”. Triple H struggles trying to find the bottom rope. Suddenly WT drop kicks Manny in the back of his head, breaking the submission. WT walks to the corner and looks out the to fans, bowing like he just did something great. Triple H gets to his feet and walks to the corner. WT turns and Triple H slaps WT across his face. WT looks furious until Manny grabs the rope and slingshots WT into the ring. Triple H rolls to the floor to catch his breath as Manny takes WT to the ground and starts pounding on him. ]

Manny has been waiting a long time for this, it's payback time.

Manny has no reason to hate WT, it's his fault he failed at No Love Loss.

[ WT manages to block one of Manny's punches and delivers a head butt. Manny staggers back as WT gets to his feet. Manny comes back in and delivers a few more rights. WT kicks him and hit's a quick DDT. On impulse he walks over to Eighteen and asks for the tag. She smiles and tags him across the face with a stiff right hand. WT staggers around and walks right into Manny's “Future Shock”. The fans cheer until the two count when WT somehow kicks out. Manny pulls at his hair and picks WT back up. WT strikes fast, managing to hit a Payne Killer on Manny. WT crawls to his corner where Triple H has returned. WT dives for the tag but it's Triple H this time who drops down from the corner and walks to the fans, signing autographs. WT turns in time to get leveled with a clothesline from Eighteen whop just tagged back in. ]

Can you believe that guy, leaving his partner high and dry.

What goes around, comes around.

[ Eighteen continues the beating on WT. WT counters one of her shots and takes the advantage. He double arm DDTs Eighteen and walks to the corner. He jumps on the top rope and waves for Eighteen to get on her feet. He jumps off for the Struck Down but he is caught in mid air by a drop kick from Manny who jumped off the top rope. WT hits the ground hard, holding his face. Manny rushes to his corner where Eighteen tags him in. The next few minutes have several tags between Eighteen and Manny as Triple H tries to start a WT chant to no avail. Manny and Eighteen even get off a few double team moves. It's scary how well they seem to be working together. Manny is back in now and lifts WT up, setting him on the top rope. WT again head butts Manny, staggering him back. WT jumps off and connects with the Struck Down! He's too tired to pin though as both men lay there. WT rolls to his stomach and slowly gets to his feet as Manny shows no signs of stirring yet. WT walks to his corner where Triple H waits for the tag. Before he can tag, Triple H walks half way down the apron, asking the referee a question. WT hit's a sudden clothesline, knocking Triple H off the apron. Behind them Manny has made the tag to Eighteen. WT turns around in time to be caught with a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. Eighteen grabs his legs and puts him in the Eighteen Points of Pain. WT screams out and tries to scramble for the ropes but Eighteen has him locked in place. WT almost finds the rope. He is inches away when Triple H grabs the rope and pulls it back out of WT's grasp. WT finally has no choice but to tap out.

WINNER at 11:29 Mr. Man & Android #18
Judges: 3 Out of 3

"Faint" plays again as Eighteen holds her hands up. Triple H heads toward the back, smiling at WT. WT is looking at him, glaring. Manny climbs in the ring and walks up to Eighteen. Eighteen smiles and holds her hand out. Manny pushes her. Eighteen sneers and kicks Manny, delivering her "Down in Flames" finisher to him. She shakes her head and rolls out of the ring, walking close enough to the edge to clap hands with the fans.

Triple H screwed his team out of their victory. I can't wait for WT to take him down a few pegs at Wrestlemania.

And that is our next stop. The time for talk is over, it's time for Wrestlemania. Good night everyone!

Triple H and Eighteen smile at each other, giving each other nods. WT and Manny stay down in the ring as the scene fades out.



MANNY: Evers/Fame & HS/Who Dat?
DK: Jobber Squad/Hurricane, Mark/Sonic, Dustin/Dibiase
JAY: Johnny/Snake & Dean/Derek
MIKE: London/Jobber, Louis/Fame, & Main Event

Copyright Extreme Wrestling Entertainment 2011