L.E.E.D.S. Vs. Dave Bliston
Bliston makes very quick and easy work of this one.

WINNER at 0:37: Dave Bliston
Judges: 5 Out of 5

"Dragonfly" by Shaman's Harvest continues to play over the PA system as the opening fireworks blast off on the stage. As the camera's pan around to see the fans we hear Steele & Justice as usual.

AfterMath is only 6 Days away, good evening everyone I'm Jonathan Steele and of course I'm joined by Jimmy Justice as we get set in sold out SIU Arena in Carbondale Illinois for another edition of Monday Night Chaos!

Tonight is gonna be big Steele, we got a huge Main Event with the next stop in the retirement tour as Johnny Chaos takes on Eighteen.

That's going to be big Jimmy, there is no doubt about that...but also tonight we have....

"World's Greatest" hits the loudspeaker as the crowd begins to pop loudly.

Hold that thought, Steele.

Ladies and gentlemen... Please welcome "THE BLAST" JACK MICHAELS!!!!!

Jack steps through the curtain and the crowd pops even louder. Jack is dressed in a nice three piece gray suit and has a small smile on his face. He waves to the crowd as he makes his way to the ring. He receives a microphone from the timekeeper and he begins to speak...

Thank you ladies and gentlemen... Thank you very much. You know fifteen years ago I started a career in professional wrestling... Not because I had to but because I wanted to. I wasn't a poor kid from the streets of Las Vegas or a spoiled rich kid... No... I was just Jack Michaels. I had a decent amateur boxing career, a penchant for fighting and a desire to become the best in whatever I did. However... When I was discovered by "Mean Machine" Dustin Porter and the rest of the Mean Machine School of Wrestling I never would of imagined that I would have had the kind of career that I did. Sometimes I...

Jack is interrupted by a "THANK YOU JACK" chant which stops him in mid-sentence. He bows his head a little and continues.

Sometimes I wonder if it all was real. The greatest part was that after all this time I could still go into the Wrestlemania main event and walk away as the cham... Well... As the winner of that main event match.

Jack stops again as he looks around obviously in some thought. He shakes it away and continues on.

I proved what I needed to prove at Wrestlemania and I am damn glad I did. After being semi-retired for five years and training numerous superstars though... I realize that there might be some other things that I need to go do. I have a daughter I never get to see, a school that needs to be rebuilt and a new life for the pickings. I think it's time for Jack Michaels to finally call it quits and announce his reti...

Jack stops, clears his throat and loosens his collar.

Announce his retir...

He stops a final time and shakes his head and bows his head slowly not looking at the crowd.

I can't do this.

The crowd begins to buzz as Jack looks back up with a fire in his eyes.

I was going to come out here tonight and officially announce my retirement but I can't. It's not right... The whole damn thing just isn't right.

Jack paces the ring a bit as he talks, obviously letting out some pent up aggression.

I returned to EWE when Dutch Clark made his debut as a way to keep a eye on the legacy that was the MMSW. No...Not just the MMSW but of a generation of wrestlers and superstars that has seemingly gone the wayside. I look around the locker room and I see NOTHING of what I once helped build. What happened to the days of when wrestlers had pride in what they were doing out in this ring? What happened to the days of honor and dignity in the squared circle? But the capper... Oh god... I comeback to Wrestlemania to defend the honor of Dutch Clark and I walk away with the Undisputed title only to have some punk opportunist want to fight me immediately afterwards??? Where the hell is the honor in that huh? Where the hell is the honor in trying to take some slow sick advantage? At least Derek Daniels fought me man-to-man...Abdul Q is a cowardly bastard and so is the majority of the EWE locker room!

This gets a very mixed reaction from the crowd, some cheering and some booing. Jack looks around and shakes his head before continuing.

You can cheer or boo because frankly I don't give a damn anymore. I can't in good conscience retire knowing that this is the state I leave professional wrestling in. In the words of the late Owen Hart... Enough is enough and it's time for a change. I will re-revolutionize the EWE like I did in 2005 and it will be a blast!

The crowd pops again.

EWE is a sick shell of what it was and I challenge anyone to prove me otherwise. There is no pride... No greatness... No talent... Just emptiness and I say that it is...

Jack stops speaking as he sees Android #18 emerge from the back. She is attired in ring gear and her eyes are glued on Jack. She beelines to the ring as Jack takes his coat and vest off, apparently preparing himself for a fight. 18 slides into the ring and gets right up into Jack's face before taking the mic from his hands.

[-ANDROID #18-]
You know what Jack... I sat in the back and listened to you bitch about the current product. I heard you complain about how things are worse then what you remember. I heard you downgrade the superstars of today's EWE... And you are ABSOLUTELY RIGHT.

18 turns to look at the crowd which seems shocked by her siding with Jack.

[-ANDROID #18-]
I made a comeback to prove a point that I could still be the best EWE had to offer and guess what? I was. Instead of finding a challenge to what was I found that I was the best at what is. Jack Michaels speaks of honor and pride... Well we have it. We are better then what sits in that locker room and we are better then what you people want to cheer for. EWE should be ashamed of what it's allowed itself to become under Michael Jensen. Guys like LAW and HHH and even Johnny Chaos have at least attempted to keep the dream alive but people like Mr. Man... Abdul Q... The Jobber Squad... They spit on what we helped create. I stand with Jack and I stand with what we represent.

18 hands the microphone back to Jack and takes a place by his side as Jack goes to raise the mic back to his lips. He gets halfway there when suddenly "Welcome to the Jungle" begins to play over the loudspeaker. Emerging from the back is White Tiger in street clothes and the EWE Tag-Team title over his shoulder. He walks down to the ring eyeballing 18 and Jack and slides in before producing a mic of his own. He looks at 18, shakes his head and then turns to Jack Michaels.

No pride huh? No honor? Well let me tell you something here Michaels...When you joined EWE and decided to run the gauntlet and even pin MY shoulders to the mat... I didn't like you. I didn't like you when you came in, I didn't like you when you left and I didn't like those you helped train. I didn't like you... But I damn sure did respect you. Sitting in the back listening to you and 18 have made me realize that maybe... Just maybe... I misjudged you Michaels. Maybe I misjudged you because you seem to see what I have seen for the last several years... There is NO respect.

The crowd boos as Tiger just rolls his eyes.

You people boo like it matters to me or anyone else standing in this ring. The fact is that this whole federation is invested with scum and we are the ones who see through the façade. What I am looking at right here is an opportunity to make a difference once again and by god I am going to sit here and take that chance next to Jack Michaels.

Jack nods in respect and extends a hand to White Tiger who shakes it back. White Tiger takes a step back when suddenly "Modern Day Cowboy" hits the speaker. The crowd explodes as "The Irish Fury" Dutch Clark walks down to the ringside area. He slides into the ring, looks at White Tiger, 18 and then Jack and nods his head. He hugs Jack and without a word stands next to his mentor. Jack looks at him oddly.

Nothing to say?

Dutch smirks and leans into Jack's mic.

Not this time Jack. You said what needs to be said and whether people agree with it or not... I stand with you. This group knows what needs to be done to become truly successful and today we become the new face of EWE.

As Dutch backs away, "Champion" by Grinspoon hits over the PA systems. Everyone in the ring's eyes go to the ramp where slowly, dressed in his best suit, Derek Daniels walks out onto the stage with a microphone in his hand. The group in the ring is uneasy, but Jack who is in the back with his arms crossed has a small smirk on his face.

Cut my music.

The music cuts slowly as the crowd boos Derek as he looks around with the microphone held to his lips. The crowd still boos and Derek just plays it up with a smirk.

I'm glad to see you too..

Louder boos, but Derek finally gets to what he came out here for.

Well look what we have here in the ring. Some of the oddest assortment of superstars I think I've ever seen. On one hand you've got frick and frack in this corner, Dutch Clark and Jack Michaels. Then on the other side you have tweedledee and tweedledumb, Android 18 and White Tiger...

White Tiger just flexes his neck back and forth while Android 18 stands tall, almost daring Derek into the ring. Derek continues walking down the ramp a bit.

As you ignorant imbeciles out here in hick town USA may or may not know I went toe to toe with that man up there in the ring.

Derek points to Jack.

He trained me, he mentored me and by-GOD I took him to his absolute limit and he'll be the first one to admit that I proved to the world that I deserve the respect I craved.

Dutch walks up slowly but Jack puts a hand on his chest and says something to him which causes Dutch to tilt his head but nod. Slowly Derek climbs onto the ring apron and looks around at the crowd who cannot believe what they are seeing.

You see ladies and gentlemen... I did what I wanted to do at Wrestlemania and if it is dignity that Jack Michaels is preaching for... Then it can't be a bad idea at all. It's time to put the EWE on notice and make them learn what it is we are trying to do. And for all of you in the arena... You can all go to hell as far as I am concerned if you are against US.

Loud boos rain down from the crowd, but most are curious as to what Derek is actually doing.

Jack has my respect, and so does this group. Now if you would excuse me EWE... You are officially on notice.

Derek slides into the ring and the crowd is utterly confused. Derek on the other hand smirks and joins hands with the group and his hand is raised with the rest of them. Jack takes the microphone back one more time and leans forward.

You are looking at a group better then EWE... Better than wrestling... And better than you. You are looking at true HIGH SOCIETY!

The group all pose again as the show goes to a commercial...

The Rock Vs. D-Dawg

[ D-Dawg doesn't have much of a chance here as he's quickly hit with a Rock Bottom and pinned for the victory. ]

Judges: 5 Out of 5

Box Car Bob Vs. "Dynamic" Derek Daniels

[ Derek makes very quick work himself out of Box Car Bob. ]

Judges: 5 Out of 5

After The Match: Abdul Q hobbled into the ring on a crutch with the Undisputed Championship. Abdul Q extended his hand out to wish Derek Daniels luck, ahead of their brutal I Quit Match at Aftermath for the title. Derek Daniels didn't see Abdul Q as a friend, as he landed a cheapshot on his injured knee with a kick, sending Abdul Q to the floor.

Derek Daniels then began a relentless onslaught of the Undisputed Champion, whacking him continuously with his crutch on his injured knee, as Abdul Q screamed in pain. Derek Daniels continue to batter him all over the ring, even taking it into the crowd, the backstage area, and even the parking lot.

After several security guards contained Derek Daniels, he finally stopped. He then wished Abdul Q luck, who was by that time an unconscious bloody and bruised mess. Derek Daniels then walked off with a smile.

Chris Jericho Vs. The Miz

[ Another match that really dosn't last that long after Jericho gets Miz tapping to the Walls! ]

Judges: 5 Out of 5

Chris Fame Vs. Sean "Slug" Lewis

[ Chris Fame walks to the ring and accepts his victory, by raising up a serving of Clam chowder. ]

Judges: 5 Out of 5

Mark Cha0s Vs. Mr. Man(c)

[ Eventually we'll get to a match worth talking about, see why I didn't waste my time on proper results? None the less this is definately not one of them as Mr Man completelt pwns Mark and makes him tap out to the Wave of the Future. ]

WINNER at 2:01: MR. MAN
Judges: 5 Out of 5

The Presidents of Wrestling Vs The Jobber Squad(Dustin & Jon Jobber)

[ OMG a Match with offense from both sides. Jobbers and POW brings it, surprisingly considering who these teams are, not handlers but characters. In the end though it's Garack Obama that gets the pinfall on Jon Jobber. ]

WINNERS at 5:38: The Presidents of Wrestling
Judges: 3 Out of 5

Kyle Wilfrid Vs. Dorian Xero

[ This match is finally something to watch as it goes back and forth most of the way through with a few near falls. At around 3:23 Dorian hits the Rawkfist and gains a near fall. At about 5:12 Kyle hits a ____ and gets a near fall of his own. The match continues to go on back and forth until Wilfrid goes for the Heavy Metal at 7:11. Dorian rolls counters and gets behind Wilfrid to nail the Midas Touch! Dorian makes the cover and gets the 1...2...3! ]

Judges: 5 Out of 5

The camera's come to Jensen's office where Trixy walks up to his desk.

Hey there, Michael.

What can I do for you Trixy?

Well Sean's sorry he couldn't make it tonight, though there wasn't much he could do about it..


Anyways, he was wanting me to ask you about him having a match at AfterMath...



You know Pay Per Views is where I make most my money, right?

Yeah, of course...

Why don't you give him a message for me?

Okay, what is it?

Tell him to try showing up for a match on Monday Night Chaos...then we'll talk about a Pay Per View.

Jensen smiles and waves her off as she nods and leaves.

Slyk Slym & Mr. Jobber Vs Rorschach & Deadpool

[ This match is also pretty good as Deadpool and Rorschach get the early advantage keeping Mr Jobber isolated throughout most of the match. Infact they keep him isolated almost the whole match. When Slyk does finally get the tag all hell breaks loose as the four, well 3 keep fighting, while Jobber kinda stands in the corner about to pass out. At around 6:57 Rorschach hits Mr Jobber with The Ink Blot, while Slyk hits Deadpool with the Break Dance. They both make the cover, but Rorschach realizes he isn't legal, Deadpool is, by the time he goes to break it up, he's too late. ]

Judges: 4 Out of 4

The Camera's return to ringside where we see Jennifer Sparks.

The Following contest is tonight's featured Main Event and it is scheduled for one fall..

"Trouble" by Pink cues over the PA System as 18 steps through the curtains getting boos from the crowd after earlier's events.

First from St. Cloud Minnesota...ANDROID 18!!

18 Continues down the ramp, ignoring the fans.

Fans aren't exactly happy with her right now..

And I don't get it, High Society is the model for Extreme Wrestling Entertainment...all Legends Steele, and deserve respect..

They have to learn to give it before they can recieve it..

Eighteen rolls into the ring as her music begins to fade away. After a few moments of silence, barring the crowd, "Goin Down" by Three Days Grace hits the PA Speakers. Johnny Chaos and Drama split the curtains as the crowd continues to boo.

Her opponent...accompanied by his Wife, Drama...from Kansas City Missouri...weighing in at 232 pounds, he is One Half of the EWE Tag Team Champions...The Extreme One...JOHNNY CHAOS!!

Johnny and Drama continue down the ramp, with the Tag Team Title draped over Johnny's shoulder.

Here he is Steele, The Extreme One, A man who is flawless...Six and Zero on his Retirement tour..slaying names like Snake, Abdul, Rikku and more..

He hopes to add Eighteen to the list, but it will be no easy task..

No, it won't.

Johnny hands Drama his title before he slides into the ring. Johnny and Eighteen stare eachother over before the ref calls for the bell.

Android #18 Vs. Johnny Chaos

[ The two begin to circle for a moment then finally lock up. The match goes back and forth for awhile in the begining, until Johnny Chaos nails a Side-Effect at 3:12. Johnny begins to control the match after that hitting a EvenFlow DDT at 3:45 and getting a near fall. At 4:16 Johnny nails Eighteen with a Spear! He covers getting another near fall. He taunts Eighteen to get up so he can hit The Extreme MakeOver, but he changes his mind, wanting to make her tap, he locks in The Chaos Effect! ]

Eighteen might be in trouble here!

Not many escape The Chaos Effect!

[ Eighteen fights to stay in it and even gets close to tapping, but instead manages to find the ropes. Johnny lets go holding his hands in celebrationg thinking she tapped. After the ref informs him that she got the ropes he turns back around frustrated, only for a fireball to be launched into his face! Johnny desperately puts himself out, then charges at Eighteen in frustration, only to be hit with a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. Eighteen makes the cover and gets a near fall. Eighteen starts to control the match now as she hits a Double Arm DDT at 6:13. She makes the cover but gets another near fall. At about 6:45 she hits a Tornado DDT for another near fall. At 7:16 Eighteen locks in The 18 Points of Pain! ]

18 Points of Pain!

Now Johnny is the one in trouble!

lol nice pun..though it was better when we said it about Eighteen..


[ Johnny screams and fights and almost taps but soon find the ropes himself. 18 Gets up and pulls Johnny up by the hair, only for him to quickly nail The Extreme MakeOver! Johnny makes the cover and the ref counts the one...two...thre...KICK OUT!...Johnny can't believe it, but Eighteen has kicked out. Johnny rolls out of the ring to re-cooperate, but Eighteen soon joins him. The two fight for awhile until 8:14 when Johnny breaks the count at 8. They continue to fight and Eighteen breaks it at 8 as well at 8:30. They continue to beat the hell out of eachother outside the ring, at 8:48 Eighteen is about to get on the apron at 9, but Johnny quickly pulls her back and smirks when the ref calls for the 10! ]

RESULT at 8:50: DRAW
Judges: 2 Out of 4 Each

Ladies and Gentlemen...as a result of a double count this match has been ruled a DRAW!

The crowd boos not liking that, but Johnny doesn't seem to care, as Eighteen glares at him.

The fans don't like the match ending that way.

Well Johnny doesn't care, he did it on purpose, cause now he still hasn't lost on the tour.

Well he still hasn't beaten Eighteen either...


Johnny is about to head up the ramp, but stops, he sees someone through the curtains. Johnny and Drama head through the audience instead as Eighteen looks odd at Johnny then up the ramp.

That's all the time we have, We'll see you at AfterMath this Sunday!


DATE: May 23rd, 2011

VENUE: SIU Arena - Carbondale, Illinois

THEME: "Dragonfly" by Shaman's Harvest

BROADCAST TEAM: Jonathan Steele & Jimmy Justice



DUSTIN: Opening Segment
JAY: Everything Else