Nick Cha0s Vs. Dave Bliston
Simple logic, and pwnage.

Judges: 4 out of 4

"Dragonfly" by Shaman's Harvest echoes over the PA System as the opening pyro shoots off. The camera pans around the stoked crowd before coming the Steele and Justice.

JONATHAN STEELE: We are live in a sold out Target Center in Minneapolis Minnesota, I'm Jonathan Steele and as usual joined by Jimmy Justice as we welcome you to the 125th 128th Episode of Monday Night Chaos!

JIMMY JUSTICE: 125 128 Episodes, this is huge Steele!

JONATHAN STEELE: I know it is!....though We don't have time to run down the card like usual.


JONATHAN STEELE: Because our two Double Champions...International & Women's Champion Christy Chaos...as well as Undisputed & Co-Tag Team Champion Derek Daniels are already in the ring, ready for the opening match.

JIMMY JUSTICE: Lets do it then!

"Dynamic" Derek Daniels(c) Vs. Christy Chaos(c)

Christy doesn't seem on her game as Derek completely pwns her without even breaking a sweat.

Winner via Pinfall at 1:12: "Dynamic" Derek Daniels
Judges: 4 out of 4

JENNIFER SPARKS: The Winner of this Match...DEREK DANIELS!!

Dutch makes his way to the ring and has a silent arguement with Derek about how he just brutally beat his fiancee. Derek just shrugs and leaves. Then Sean Lewis comes out, the crowd cheers that, it is his hometown, so no, they blow up! Dutch gets Christy out of the ring then gets set for Lewis as the bell quickly rings.


Sean "Slug" Lewis Vs. Dutch Clark

I could go into alot of detail, but this match was just as blatant as the first. Dutch Clark wipes the floor with Sean Lewis. Even his hometown crowd turns against him screaming "You Suck!" and "Fuck You Slug" for not trying in his hometown.

Winner via Pinfall at 2:27: Dutch Clark
Judges: 3 out of 3

JENNIFER SPARKS: The Winner of this Match...DUTCH CLARK!!

"Modern Day Cowboy" hits, but rather than celebrating, Dutch grabs Christy and takes her backstage as the scene fades to a commercial.

Mr. Man(c) Vs. Kyle Wilfrid

Alot less obvious than other matches above. Wilfrid comes in ready to pull off the big upset and looks good and doing just that. Mr Man comes right back though and the two have a nice back and forth match. Just like that though, Mr. Man hits the Future Splash and it's all over.

Winner via Pinfall at 5:37: Mr. Man
Judges: 3 out of 3







High Society(Dutch & 18) Vs. The Presidents of Wrestling Vs. Rorschach & Deadpool

Back to the another blatantly obvious match. Don't even need to bother going into too many details, in the end Dutch Clark nails Garack with The Furybreaker, while Abe Lukoln is tied up with Rorschach and Deadpool with 18. None of them have the chance to break it up as Dutch gets the 3 count.

Winners via Pinfall at 3:48: High Society
Judges: 3 out of 3

As the camera's return to ringside "Words I Never Said" by Lupe Fiasco ft. Skyler Grey hits over the PA System causing the crowd to cheer when Dorian splits the curtains.

JENNIFER SPARKS: The Following contest is scheduled for one fall...introducing first...representing Bed n Breakfast...From Montreal, Quebec, Canada...weighing in at 210 pounds...DORIAN XERO!

Dorian continues his way down the ramp as the crowd continues to give him props.

JIMMY JUSTICE: Why cheer this tool? He made the mistake of his life joining the retards Bed n Breakfast.

JONATHAN STEELE: That's your oppinun, Jimmy.

JIMMY JUSTICE: An accurate one too.

Dorian rolls into the ring and starts getting warmed up as the lights dim.




"Welcome To The Jungle" by Guns N Roses continues over the PA System as the crowd boos when White Tiger walks out on the stage, Tag Title around his waist.

JENNIFER SPARKS: And his opponent...representing High Society...From Rawlins Wyoming...weighing in at 229 pounds...he is one half of the EWE Tag Team Champions....WHITE TIGER!

WT continues down the ramp, continuing to get booed, as he still doesn't care.

JIMMY JUSTICE: The Legend Steele, I can never say it enough, and now he's about to crush the low little rookie.

JONATHAN STEELE: I'm pulling for Dorian to lower this ego a little bit actually.

JIMMY JUSTICE: Of course your jealous ass is.

White Tiger rolls into the ring, he smirks at Dorian before raising up his Tag Team Title to the booing crowd. WT hands off his title to the ref who gives it to the time keeper, then calls for the bell.

White Tiger Vs. Dorian Xero

WT and Dorian circle around the ring for a moment, then finally get to it. As the match gets under way it is quick paced and back and forth for awhile. WT hits a big move, but then, so does Dorian.

JONATHAN STEELE: Quick back and forth action so far Jimmy.

JIMMY JUSTICE: It's a good match, I can't lie.

As the match continues on, Dorian finally begins to pull some momentum. He tackles WT down and hits several hard rights and lefts, getting the crowd pumped up. As WT got back up Dorian quickly hit him with the Men Rea. He went for the cover but only got a two count before WT tried to roll out of the ring, saying he had enough. Dorian doesn't think so as he leaps over and crashes on WT with The Creed! The crowd blows up on that and the two fight outside for awhile each breaking the count. Finally at about 6:34 Dorian throws WT back into the ring and hits him with The High Devine! He makes the cover and gets the one...two...thre...nope, Derek pulls the ref out.

JONATHAN STEELE: Oh what the hell?!

JIMMY JUSTICE: that's what partners are for Steele.

Dorian gets up to protest about DDD's actions as well, until he's low blowed from behind by WT! The crowd boos this but WT doesn't care he just simply grabs Dorian and nails a Short Arm Clothesline. WT continues the assualt taking full control now as he nails a Tiger Driver at 7:25. Finally at 7:47 an Airplane flies in and kills them both! no just kidding, what really happes at that time is WT locks in the Tiger's Snare!

JIMMY JUSTICE: It's over, thanks for trying kid.

JONATHAN STEELE: Come on Dorian!

Dorian screams through the pain, while WT has a big smirk on his face. Dorian won't give in though as he tries to get the ropes. Finally it's Mr. Man walking down the ramp waving a big "Vote for Manny" Flag that sparks the attention of both Derek and WT. WT lets go and tells Mr. Man to beat it. But Manny keeps waving the flag. Meanwhile, with his back turned to Dorian, Dorian gets up and grabs WT nailing The Midas Touch! The crowd cheers this while Derek has no clue and Dorian scores the three count!

Winner via Pinfall at 8:59: Dorian Xero
Judges: 2 out of 3

JENNIFER SPARKS: Here is your winner...DORIAN XERO!

Mr. Man stops and smiles in the ring to Dorian, it's not til Dorian's theme hits again that Derek realizes what just happened as he quickly turns around to see Dorian celebrating. Derek curses a little as the camera's fade to a commercial break.

Giggles echo around the arena before "Hardcore Country" by Mickie James hits over the PA System. The crowd boos, while some give cat calls, as Trish and Mickie split the curtains, Mickie with the Queen's title around her waist.

JENNIFER SPARKS: The Following contest is a tag team match scheduled for one fall and it is for a spot on the Tag Team Title Ballot at Extreme OverLoad! Introducing first...from Toronto Ontario Canada...TRISH STRATUS! and from Richmond Virginia...MICKIE JAMES!...together they are...HARDCORE STRATUSFACTION!

Trish and Mickie continue their way down the ramp to the ring, ignoring the fans. "Bedrock" by Young Money feat Lloyd Banks hits over the PA System. The Crowd cheers as Mr. Man and Abdul Q Split the curtains.

JENNIFER SPARKS: And their opponents...at a combined weight of 485 pounds...from Hells Kitchen New York, ABDUL Q!...and from Miami Florida...the EWE X-Division Champion, MR. MAN!...BED N BREAKFAST!!

Abdul and Manny continue their way down the ramp, thats when Ben comes sprinting from the curtains as if they forgot him, probably not accidental. Abdul and Man roll into the ring and they all decide who will start the match before the bell rings.


Hardcore Stratusfaction Vs. Bed n Breakfast (Abdul Q & Mr. Man)

The match gets under way as BnB quickly isolates Mickie James...after a few minutes of that...Hardcore Stratusfaction then starts isolating Mr. Man...but it's not long after that BnB isolates again, this time it's Trish...then finally Hardcore Stratusfaction Isolates Abdul...K now that I did that to make it look longer, we go to the end where Mr. Man and Mickie have took their fight to the outside, while in the ring Trish is setting Abdul up for The Stratusfaction! In Mid Air though, Abdul counters it into a very unqique variation of The BEDTIME! The crowd cheers the counter as Abdul makes the cover and scores the 3 count!

Winners via Pinfall at 6:15: Bed n Breakfast
Judges: 2 out of 2

JENNIFER SPARKS: The winners of this match...ABDUL Q & MR. MAN...BED N BREAKFAST!!

"Bedrock" cues back over the PA System as the crowd cheers. The Victory celebration is short lived however, when the pair of them is ambushed by all of High Society!



Dorian eventually comes out for the save, but it's to no avail...Sooner or later Mr. Man and White Tiger are isolated on the bottom of the ramp, that's when Dean Winchester comes out through the curtains, with a Steel Chair!


JIMMY JUSTICE: This is none of his business!

WT turns around when and as he does Dean swings for the fences, but WT quickly moved out of the way, allowing Dean to clobber Mr Man! WT heads up the ramp smiling, as the rest of High Society also laughs in the ring, with the unconcious Abdul Q. Dean looks at Mr. Man and shrugs before looking up to White Tiger. Dean Shrugs that too then looks back in the ring at Derek and mouths "Tick Tock".

The camera's backstage to the office of one, Triple H as the crowd cheers. The cheers only grow when The Rock walks into the room.

THE ROCK: Did you see all that?

TRIPLE H: Yeah, what about it?

THE ROCK: I just can't believe you let them Jabroni's run wild like that. You gotta show law and order around here, show them all who's boss.

TRIPLE H: According to Nick Cha0s, Michael Jansen is.

THE ROCK: Who in the Blue Hell...is Michael Jansen?

TRIPLE H: No clue. I oughtta slap the taste out of his mouth for not recognizing me as the new Chaos General Manager.

THE ROCK: You know damn well The Great One would if he was The General Manager.

TRIPLE H: But you're not. I'm the one in charge during JENSEN'S ABSENCE.

THE ROCK: Why did you just emphasize that?

TRIPLE H: So Nick would notice.

THE ROCK: Do you really think he even watches the show? You know good in well his Monkey Ass only sees if he won or lost.

TRIPLE H: True..

THE ROCK: Anyways The Rock just came here to let you know, The Rock looks forward to working together. We have some history in the WWE, I guess it's time we get the chance to make new history.

TRIPLE H: That's all true. Remember though, We may of both been the tip of the sword in the WWE. Here in EWE I still am, while you....you've been here a couple times, you never got anywhere.

THE ROCK: Screw them Jabronis that made a mockery of The Great One. Me and you, we have the same Agent now.

TRIPLE H: I guess it could help. My agent did make me a 4x EWE Champion and 6x Tag Team Champion....now the Chaos General Manager.

THE ROCK: Impressive. The Rock will surpass it though, you gotta believe that.

Rock throws his head back.


The crowd yells "Is Cookin!" in the background but HHH cuts him off.

TRIPLE H: No, hold it. This isn't one of your promos...this is my office...and my show...we can only end this one way.

HHH looks over to the camera.

TRIPLE H: If you're not Down with that....I've only got Two Words For Ya!

The crowd now yells "Suck It!" as Rock shakes his head.

THE ROCK: No, no, no! Those ain't the two words! The words are simply this...

Rock once again throws his head back.


The crowd roars as Rock walks out and the scene fades to another commercial.

All competitors are in the ring with White Knight standing outside of leading a “Doctor Quackerton Jr.” cheer. The Jobber Squad all take protective stances around the stuffed duck as the bell rings.

Open Invite Battle Royal

0:10: Jericho, Chaos and James all look at each other then look at the Jobber Squad and immediately rush forward. Jericho grabs Jon Jobber and almost immediately tosses him over the rope.

ELIMINATED at 0:22: JON JOBBER by Chris Jericho

On the opposite side of the ring Chaos goes to boot Jay in the gut but Jay manages to grab the boot. While Jay mocks Chaos, he catches him with a vicious Enzurguri which sends him tumbling over the top.

ELIMINATED at 0:35: JAY JOBBER by Nick Cha0s

Mickie and Dustin square off, rehashing their old feud. Dustin nails Mickie with a CHOP OF DOOM which really does nothing more then piss off Mickie. She grabs him and goes to toss Dustin but Dustin manages to SKIN THE CAT much to the shock of everyone in the audience and Dustin himself. He returns to his feet before eating a massive clothesline which sends him tumbling out of the match.

ELIMINATED at 0:52: DUSTIN JOBBER by Mickie James

Jimmy Justice relates on how much help the Jobbers really were and relates them to the French Army as Mickie begins to walk over towards Doctor Quackerton Jr. She doesn’t get far as Chaos intercepts her and starts to have a mini-match up. Jericho looks ponderous at the duck as White Knight pounds the ring apron in support of his friend. Jericho jaws off to WK and picks up the duck before Mickie accidently catches Jericho with a back elbow. Jericho turns around hurt and drops the duck. Mickie and Chaos put on a small clinic as Jericho begins to stalk the two. He nails them both with a bulldog from behind. He motions to the crowd that he is going for a Lionsault and runs towards the ropes. As he does, he steps on Doctor Quackerton Jr. and slips. As he tumbles forward, WK pulls the top rope down and Jericho goes flying out of the ring!

ELIMINATED at 3:55: CHRIS JERICHO by Doctor Quackerton Jr.

Jericho tries getting into WK but the referees are quick to shoo him to the back. Back in the ring Chaos and Mickie are really getting into it when Mickie catches Chaos with a DDT. She stands up celebrating before seeing Doctor Quackerton Jr. laying on the mat. A look of rage comes over her face as she begins stalking the duck. Like a flash, WK slides into the ring and intercepts Mickie with a running back elbow which gets a huge pop from the crowd. WK picks up Mickie and whips her into the ropes before catching her with a DEEP arm drag. Mickie goes down as WK climbs to the top rope. He watches Mickie and waits before leaping off with a Flying Cross Body which just pops the crowd like crazy. The referees grab WK as he gets up and forcefully shove him out of the ring as Chaos gets back up to his feet. He looks down at Mickie and it is academic as he tosses her over the top.

ELIMINATED at 6:50: MICKIE JAMES by Nick Cha0s

Nick holds up his hands in victory as WK cheers on his partner. Nick looks around puzzled and realizes the bell hasn’t rang yet due to the duck being in the match. He walks over, looks down at the duck, shrugs and tosses him over the top and to the floor.


Winner via Pinfall at 7:40: Nick Cha0s
Judges: 2 out of 3

WK holds up the doctor as Nick holds up his hands in the ring. Jimmy groans about a stuffed duck being on the ballot for Extreme Overload. The Jobber Squad comes down and celebrates with WK and the duck as we go to a commercial.

the camera's return from commercial as we see Jennifer Sparks standing in the ring.

JENNIFER SPARKS: The following contest is tonight's featured Main Event...and it is a Tag Team Match for the final Spot on the Extreme OverLoad Tag Title Ballot!

"Beautiful Girl" by Van Halen kick over the PA System. The crowd cheers as The Fugates make their way through the curtains.


The crowd continues to cheer the Fugates as they continue their way down the ramp.

JONATHAN STEELE: I Do believe this is the Fugates first time competing on Chaos.

JIMMY JUSTICE: And in the Main Event, what the hell?

JONATHAN STEELE: They peaked The Game's Attention maybe?

They both slide into the ring as they await the opponents. Suddenly the lights dim and a green light shines over the entrance set.


"Stand Back" by Jim Johnson hits over the PA System getting an explosion from the crowd when Hurricane leaps through the curtains right into a pose on the stage.

JENNIFER SPARKS: And the opponents...first from places undisclosed....weighing in at 215 pounds....THE HURRICANE!

Hurricane continues down the ramp as he looks at the Fugates, all while slapping hands on the way.

JIMMY JUSTICE: The biggest idiot in EWE, behind The Jobbers.


JIMMY JUSTICE: Who cares what you think?

Hurricane walks around the ring and up the steps on the opposite side where he stays as he awaits his partner. Silence falls on the arena for a moment in anticipation...then it happens


The Crowd once again Explodes as "If You Smell.." by James Johnson continues. The Rock splits the curtains getting an even bigger roar.

JENNIFER SPARKS: And his partner...from Miami Florida...weighing in at 260 Pounds...THE ROCK!!

Rock continues down the ramp as the electricity swarms the air from the crowd's excitement.

JONATHAN STEELE: Can you feel the Electricity Jimmy?!

JIMMY JUSTICE: If I say yes, and lie, would you shut up about how "Great" he is?

JONATHAN STEELE: I can't be restrained!

JIMMY JUSTICE: Then no, no I can't feel it.

Rock climbs the steps and walks acrossed the apron where he climbs the turnbukle and throws his arm in the air as usual. He gets in the ring and walks acrossed to the opposite corner to do it again, while on the turnbukle that's when Hurricane steps into the ring. As Rock gets down the four look eachother over as the ref calls for the bell.


The Fugate Sisters Vs. The Rock & The Hurricane

Good match from start to finish, The Rock gets the early advantage, and I do mean The Rock as for the longest time he doesn't even bother tagging Hurricane, while Jessica and Annie keep changing out. At 3:26 Rock locks Midnight in a Sharpshooter. She seems ready to tap, when Jessica gives Rock a quick dropkick. At 4:17 Rock hits Sunshine with a Layeth The SmackDown DDT and goes for the cover getting a two count. Finaly, haha no pun intended, at 5:01 Hurricane makes the blind tag and tags himself in, to Rock's surprise and he shows it with the look he gives Hurricane. One of those Rock looks you all know yet I can't explain.

JONATHAN STEELE: The Hurricane is finally in this match!

JIMMY JUSTICE: I liked Rock keeping the idiot out of there as to not ruin his chances, great call, too bad he couldn't succeeed for the whole match of doing that.

JONATHAN STEELE: Shame on you Jimmy.

JIMMY JUSTICE: Shame on you, not being straight.

Hurricane's response to Rock's look, is a Hurri-Pose before he goes on the attack on Sunshine with a shinning wizard, too bad though that Midnight also made a blind tag, and she clobbers Hurricane with a quick clothesline. Hurricane won't go down easy though as he nails Midnight with a OverCast! Hurricane makes the cover but only scores a two count. Hurricane keeps his momentum for a short while, but eventually The Fugates start to get control and now begin to Isolate The Hurricane. At 7:32 They nail Hurricane with The Turning of The Tides! Jessica makes the cover as the ref counts the one...two...thre...Rock breaks it up!

JONATHAN STEELE: They almost had it there!

JIMMY JUSTICE: Rock saved the so called hero...in the nick of time.

Hurricane finally makes the tag back to Rock shortly after that as Rock starts to clean house again then at 8:26 they nail Sunshine with a Hurri-Rock Bottom! That being a Hurri-chokeslam and Rock Bottom from opposite sides. The Rock makes the cover getting a one...two...thre...now Midnight breaks it up! The four way scrapping goes on, until Hurricane clotheslines Midnight over the top to the outside, but he goes with her. Meanwhile at that very moment Rock nails Sunshine with a Spinebuster. The crowd cheers as Rock walks up to her head and tosses an elbow pad into the crowd. The Rock does the motions then bounces off the ropes. He jumps over Jessica and now it's time for ..THE STRUCK DOWN! Yes, you read that right, as Rock was about to hit the ropes again, WT leaped off the turnbukle to nail Rock with the Struck Down. The Crowd boos this as WT lays Jessica ontop of Rock. WT rolls out of the ring and grabs his title he had set on the apron as he walks around to the ramp. Why did the ref allow any of this you may ask? Well on the opposite side of the ring, he's distracted by Derek Daniels. Derek sees his partner is done so he hopes down and walks around to join WT at the end of the ramp as the ref turns around and counts the 1...2...3!

Winners via Pinfall at 10:20: The Fugate Sisters
Judges: 2 out of 2


"Beautiful Girl" hits again as the ref raises Jessica's hand, and not even she knows what just happened.

JONATHAN STEELE: Can you believe what Our Damn Tag Team Champions have just done?!

JIMMY JUSTICE: Well, he shouldn't of ran his mouth, simple as that.

Midnight joins Jessica in the ring as they start to celebrate while Rock looks up at WT and Derek at the top of the stage by now, both with smiles on their faces. WT mocks Rock with a "Just Bring It" Taunt before they both laugh and the scene fades off while hearing Steele.

JONATHAN STEELE: I respect The Fugates and what they did in this match, but it shouldn't of ended like that...Damn the Dynamic Legends...Damn High Society! Damn them all to hell!


DATE: June 20th, 2011

VENUE: The Target Center - Minneapolis, Minnesota

THEME: "Dragonfly" by Shaman's Harvest

BROADCAST TEAM: Jonathan Steele & Jimmy Justice



DUSTIN: XD Battle Royal
JAY: Everything Else