The show opens with a shot of "The Blast" Jack Michaels walking in the back when he comes across Chaos GM HHH. He smiles at the sight of his old partner but Trips puts up his hands.

TRIPLE H: Not too close buddy... I am sick.

JACK MICHAELS: Meh... You going to survive?

HHH sneezes and shrugs before he leans forward.

TRIPLE H: Listen... I need to go get some rest and there is no one available that I trust to run this show. You used to run PWF at one point right?

JACK MICHAELS: Well yeah but that was...

TRIPLE H: Good, you are guest GM for the night. Enjoy.

HHH walks off coughing up a storm.

JACK MICHAELS: ... ten years ago. On with the show?

We open up with the open credits of Chaos.

Mickey Fandango vs. Justin Anerstin
Neither one showed up so Jack decided to fire them both. Happy trails.

Ken Doane vs. Brian Kendrick
Neither one showed up but Jack was stuck eating a sandwich and didn’t get a chance to fire them.

Kyle Wilfrid vs. Slyk Slym
Jack was still eating a sandwich at this time and no firing. On the plus side, Salami and Pepperoni go very well together.

Chris Jericho vs. Shawn Michaels
Hey a real match! Well kind of a real match as Jericho basically takes Michaels and beats him within an inch of his life. He slaps on the Walls of Jericho and mercifully it is over at the 2:20 mark.

Winner via Submission at 2:20: Chris Jericho

During the commercial this airs....

The arena falls into pure darkness, as this is happening the large titantron fails and turns to static. A rather playful yet blood curdling laugh of a little girl can be heard over the intercom. By this time an earie fog has set over the ring.

DEMON GIRL: I wanna plaaaay

The fans now quiet at the phenominal happenings, watching, waiting to see what comes from this.

DEMON GIRL: I only want your soul, lets play.

The child begins to laugh now, her laughs slowly turning into cries of torture and pain.

DEMON GIRL: He's comming, he's comming for you all. He will take your souls and leave nothing, but a shell. BEWARE OF THE DEADMAN!!! BEWARE OF THE DEADMAN!!!

A deep raspy laugh erupts over the intercom now, this is followed by the stage erupting into flames. The fire then rushes down the ramp and swallows everything around the ring. A single strand of lighting falls from the rafters above hitting the squared circle revealing a once familliar T crossed out with two nails.

Johnny Cage vs. Brandon Lee
Much like the Jericho match, this was simply a one sided beat down. Brandon tries crawling from the ring like a dog but Cage nails a SHADOW KICK which blasts him over the ropes and out cold to the outside. Cage gets the count-out victory at 1:58 into the bout.

Winner via Count Out at 1:58: Johnny Cage

Luke Wilson vs. Ahsan Ali
Wow, are we seeing a familiar trend here or what? Ali dominates the actor-like named wrestler and just spins him like a top. He gets a pin after catching Wilson with a High-Angle dropkick at the 2:32 mark.

Winner via Pinfall at 2:32: Ashan Ali

Nick Cha0s vs. The White Knight
Well alright, some real wrestling! Nope... Not exactly. WK comes to the ring with his Rock em, Sock em robots much to the disdain of Nick. The crowd boos Nick as he refuses to play until WK calls him a chicken. Like Marty McFly, no one calls him chicken and the two battle to the death on the game. WK gets the upperhand but then begins to lose. In a EWE first, WK picks up the game and bashes Nick in the head with it before jumping on top for a pin! The crowd celebrates before Jack Michaels comes from the back and disqualifies WK for using the game. WK looks sad as the crowd boos the decision and Jack just shrugs.

Winner via Disqualification at 0:00: Nick Cha0s

The Dynamic Legends(c) vs. Mr. Man and Dean Winchester
The Dynamic Legends enter first with White Tiger seemingly look a little confused as Derek continues to munch on a lobster tail without the use of silverware as they come down to the ring. Mr. Man is introduced next and waits on the ramp for his partner. After several seconds, it is apparent that Dean Winchester is a no-show. To the shock of the audience and the D.L, Man says screw it and rushes the ring.

Man shoulder blocks WT through the ropes and then takes a quick sledge to the back from Derek. Man goes down as Derek laughs with the lobster tail between his teeth. He picks up Man for a Dynamic Drop but Man quickly elbows him which knocks the protruding seafood into the stands. Derek comes back but is shoved chest first into the corner. He staggers back and is quickly locked around the midsection before getting his with a wicked German Suplex. WT slides back into the ring and breaks up the count before being shoved back out by the ref.

Man continues to assault on Derek, catching him with lefts and rights to the enjoyment of the crowd. At the 4:10 mark, Derek catches Man with a thumb to the eye and makes a tag to WT. Tiger rushes the ring and hits a quick running back elbow to Man which just knocks him flat. He picks up Man and hits a TIGER DRIVER straight out of 1994. The crowd looks shocked as Tiger makes a pin. Man kicks out at two and WT is shocked. WT continues the offensive.

7:34 into the match WT plants Man in the middle of the ring with a bodyslam and scales the corner looking for the Struck Down. Man is quick back up and crotches WT on the turnbuckle. WT falls to the outside as Derek rushes into the ring but is met by a clothesline by Man. Mr. Man goes BONZO GONZO as he just punishes Derek in the corner. He goes to Irish Whip him but Derek reverses. Derek charges in but Man moves and Derek hits his ribs hard. He staggers back and Man hoists him up in a Fireman’s Carry and does an airplane spin??? The crowd cheers this throwback as when he finishes he tosses Derek over the top and to the floor. Man holds his hands up in victory before WT, the legal man, sneaks back in the ring and hooks on a TIGER SNARE at the 11:44 mark.

WT wrenches down hard on the hold but Man refuses to quit as the crowd urges him on. Almost two minutes pass before Mr. Man manages to get a foot under the bottom rope. The ref breaks the hold and Mr. Man crumbles forward, using the ropes as a sort of balance. WT charges back forward and pounces but Man moves and STUNGUNS Tiger! WT falls to the ground holding his throat as Manny points to the buckles. Slowly but surely he scales and is about to leap before the returning Derek grabs his foot. Man kicks Derek hard in the face and is about to turn back to WT who has suddenly returned to his feet. He rushes the turnbuckles and hits a HUGE BELLY-TO-BELLY SUPLEX from the top! Man bounces off the mat and through the ropes to the outside as a "HOLY S***" chant echos through the arena. Mr. Man tries his hardest to get back into the ring but he just can’t make it before the 10 count at 15:41.

Winners via Count Out at 15:41: The Dynamic Legends

After the match and after the Tag-Team champions have left, the crowd gives Manny a standing ovation for his solo efforts.







Android #18 vs. The Rock
In another fast paced match, 18 and The Rock put on an early clinic with the two of them exchanging blows with eventually Rocky getting the better end of the deal. Rocky backs up and charges but 18 moves and Rock goes sailing over the top. In a surreal moment, we get AIR ANDROID as an enraged 18 dives through the ropes and tackles Rocky to the ground.

18 goes on the offensive showing why she is a hall-of-famer. She catches Rocky with a big suplex on the outside at the 3:22 mark. She eventually rolls him back in the ring and goes for a cover. Rocky kicks out at two and 18 continues to stalk her prey.

Rocky manages a comeback at the 5:50 point when he nails a quick DDT in the center of the ring. He picks up 18 and hits a Samoan Drop before putting the boots to her. Dutch Clark emerges from the back and begins to cheer on his partner as does The Hurricane foreshadowing the Main Event for the evening. At the 7:10 mark, Rock hits a Rock Bottom prompting a People’s Elbow attempt. He runs the ropes but Dutch pulls down the top and Rock tumbles to the outside.

Dutch is about to put the boots to Rocky when Hurricane rushes over and catches him with a Shining Wizard. Dutch goes down hard but 18 rolls out and catches the green-haired hero with a clothesline to the back of the head. Rocky is back up and jacks 18 with a quick clothesline before tossing her back into the ring. Dutch is back up on his feet too and blasts Rocky with a right hook which floors him. He picks up The Rock and tosses him back into the ring as well before Hurricane jumps up and tries brawling with Dutch again.

In the ring Rock is the first back up as 18 seems to be struggling. We suddenly notice she is cooking up a fireball and goes to toss it into Rock’s face. Rock kicks it back and the flames shoot straight up into the air. He quickly ducks under and hits ANOTHER ROCK BOTTOM to get the 3 at 11:50.

Winner via Pinfall at 11:50: The Rock

Dorian Xero and The Hurricane vs. Dutch Clark and Christy Chaos
The match starts with Dutch and Hurricane still brawling on the outside of the ring following the last match. Dutch gets the upperhand and tosses Hurricane back into the ring as Christy and Dorian appear from the back. They look at each other and shrug and jog to ringside as Dutch begins to level Hurricane in the corner. Dutch mocks The Hurricane with a Superman pose before catching him with a huge liver punch which doubles over The Hurricane. At 2:20, Dutch stalks over Hurricane but sees Dorian begging to be let into the match. He smirks and lets Hurricane tag out as Dorian Xero gets into the ring.

The rookie charges quick and tackles down Dutch forcing him to cover up. Dutch tosses him off of him but Dorian is like a bull and shoves Dutch back into the corner. He follows in with a vicious clothesline which staggers Dutch but doesn’t put him down. He quickly scales to the second rope and his a short missile dropkick which does drop him. He goes for a pin but it is broken up by Christy at 4:13.

Dorian looks at Christy who shrugs and motions that they are in a match. Dorian scoffs and goes to pick Dutch back up but gets a thumb to the eye instead. Dorian covers up and Dutch grabs him by the waist line and pulls him into his corner turnbuckle. He makes a tag to Christy just as Dorian tags to Hurricane. Hurricane rushes in and shakes his head saying something about not hitting women and extends his hand. Christy looks at him, takes his hand then lays him out with a clothesline! She proceeds to put the boots to Hurricane.

At 5:59, Christy hits a floatover suplex for a two count which is broken up by Dorian. She looks at Dorian who mockingly shrugs as well before getting caught with a huge Cactus Clothesline by the re-emerging Dutch which sends them both to the outside. Christy goes towards Hurricane but is caught in an inside cradle. This gets a two count before Christy kicks out.

Christy manages to nail Hurricane with a quick forearm to the head which spins the superhero around. She goes to hit a belly-to-back suplex but Hurricane rolls out of it. Christy turns around and gets caught in a CHOKESLAM at the 7:11 point. Hurricane is back up quickly and looks around as the crowd cheers. He scales to the turnbuckle and leaps off with a flying crossbody which crashes them both hard. Hurricane bounces off and Christy lies gasping for air.

On the outside Dutch and Dorian continue to brawl with Dorian catching Dutch with Spinebuster seemingly out of nowhere. Dutch writhes in pain as Dorian picks him back up. He continues his assualt, shouldering Dutch into the timekeeper’s table. He backs up and charges Dutch but it’s a rookie mistake. Dutch lines up Dorian as he comes in and just HAMMERS him with the ring bell causing a vicious gash to open over his left eyebrow. Blood pools on the ground as Dutch laughs at the fallen BnB member and looks back towards the ring at 9:05.

Hurricane struggles up as Christy still lays motionless. He poses for the fans and begins to line up Christy for a Shining Wizard. He rushes forward but Christy manages to avoid contact. Hurricane lands on his feet, however, and spins around with a big spin kick which catches Christy in the chest. She goes down hard as Dutch gets back up on the ring apron. Hurricane sees this and rushes forward and catches Dutch with an elbow. Dutch falls off the apron before Hurricane turns around. Christy is getting back up and Hurricane gets her around the throat again. This time Christy counters with a field goal straight to the Hurri-Jewels at 12:20.

Hurricane rolls in pain on the ground as Christy tries to pull herself back up. Dutch slides back into the ring as the ref sees to Christy and rushes forward with a FURIOUS DDT just as Hurricane was getting back up. The crowd boos as Dutch looks over at Christy and motions to the ropes. He hoists up Hurricane in a hanging vertical suplex as Christy comes flying off the top with her own crossbody. Dutch falls backwards with the momentum and just SPLATTER Hurricane with this finishing move. Christy stays on top for the pin at 14:40.

Winners via Pinfall at 14:40: Dutch Clark & Christy Chaos

The show ends with Dutch and Christy getting their arms raised and the ref handing Christy her titles. Dutch gives his fiance a quick kiss on the cheek before motioning to her International title and then making a belt motion around his waist. He runs a thumb across his throat and leaves Christy in the ring in shock as the show comes to a close...


DATE: June 27th, 2011

VENUE: n/a

THEME: "Dragonfly" by Shaman's Harvest

BROADCAST TEAM: Jonathan Steele & Jimmy Justice



DUSTIN: Everything