Chris Jericho vs. Eli Hogan
Neither competitor bothered to show up so Jack Michaels decided to name a second chance match next week on Chaos to fill the vacant spot.

White Tiger vs. Travis Messer
The EWE legend literally wipes the floor with the new Messer and pinning him with a Struck Down with little difficulty.

Winner via Pinfall at 1:03: WHITE TIGER

Derek Daniels vs. Deadpool
Another absolute squash as Deadpool is too busy talking to his imaginary air friends to see Derek grab him and nail a Dynamic Driver.

Winner via Pinfall at 1:19: DEREK DANIELS

Abdul Q vs. Kyle Wilfrid
Abdul takes the wannabe hippie rocker from pillar to post before putting him to sleep.

Winner via Submission at 1:09: ABDUL Q

The Hurricane vs. The Undertaker
The Deadman is actually CHOKESLAMMED by The Hurricane mere moments after the opening bell before being hit with a Shining Wizard that knocks his eyeballs straight.

Winner via Pinfall at 1:22: THE HURRICANE

Android #18 vs. Johnny Cage
Mortal Kombat it is not as 18 humiliates the shaded pit fighter. 18 Points of Pain is enough for a FLAWLESS VICTORY.

Winner via Submission at 1:10: ANDROID #18

D-Dawg vs. Dr. Quackerton Jr.
The ref counts both men out as neither in the arena but suddenly D-Dawg appears claiming he didn’t know the time of the show. Jack Michaels emerges from the back and tells D-Dawg for showing he will be involved in the second chance match next week.

Winner via Disqualification at 0:00: NONE

Nick Cha0s vs. Jon Jobber
A somewhat unique match as Jon Jobber comes to the ring preaching from the bible. Nick comes out only to be hit with the bible and put to a quick splash pin attempt. He kicks out quickly and proceeds to do the impossible by POWERSLAMMING the portly Jon Jobber. Amazingly, Jon uses the power of the lord to kick out but he quickly calls on his minions to do his dirty work. Sadly none emerge and Nick catches him with a massive running clothesline that sends him in spin and eventually to a pin.

Winner via Pinfall at 2:27: NICK CHA0S

After the match ends we see Jack Michaels standing at the top of the ramp assessing the impressive outing by Nick.

Christy Chaos vs. Jay Jobber
More or less an exact copy of the last match except for a attempted attack with a Miley Cyrus CD. Second verse, same as the first and a pin fall for Christy Chaos.

Winner via Pinfall at 0:58: CHRISTY CHAOS

Dorian Xero vs. Ashan Ali
A pretty brutal battle between these two. Dorian controls the pace early using a variety of weardown holds that seem to befuddle Ali. Ali battle back with a spinning back elbow and an eventual toss from the ring. The two brawl on the outside before coming back in and Dorian catching Ali with a punch during an attempted DDT. Dorian ends up pulling a page from the Mr. Perfect playbook and hits a Perfect Plex for the win.

Winner via Pinfall at 7:58: DORIAN XERO

Dutch Clark vs. Raven
In what was the shocking main event of the evening, EWE newcomer Raven took on the 2010 King of Xtreme Dutch Clark. From the early going Raven took the fight to Dutch, catching the High Society member with a suicide dive before he could even get into the ring. Raven took the fight to Dutch immediately afterwards, tossing him into the ring and putting the boots to him in the corner. In the first highspot in the ring, Raven tosses Dutch into the ropes and catches him coming back with a big clothesline which gets a near fall at 2:27.

This seems to be a wake up call for Dutch as Raven picks him up for more punishment. Raven begins to hit him with right hands but Dutch utilizes his brawling ability and drives back Raven in a rush. He pounds him into the ropes and then whips him off. He shoots off the opposite ropes and just spears the air out of Raven before throwing more and more right hands. The ref pulls him off for a break but Dutch rushes forward with a La Magistral pin attempt which gets a two count at 4:19.

Dutch looks a little shocked at Raven and is even more shocked when Raven catches him with an eye rake. Dutch holds his face in pain as Raven kicks him in the midsection. He hooks Dutch and nails an EVENFLOW DDT which shocks the hell out of the crowd. Raven is still hurt and slow to make a cover which allows Dutch to barely roll a shoulder out at 5:23.

Raven gets a small grin on his face as he picks up Dutch and whips him into the ropes. Dutch comes back and eats a back elbow that drops him to the mat. Raven follows it up with a quick knee drop and makes another pin. Dutch kicks out again and Raven continues his offensive.

Raven drive Dutch back into the corner and picks him up in a tree of woe. Raven backs up and rushes forward but in a cringing moment Dutch raises both fists and catches the running Raven square in the groin at 8:29.

Dutch unhooks his legs and continues to control the pace on the hurt Raven as he picks him up by the hair and tosses him to the outside. He follows him and chokes him out with a microphone wire. Raven fights it before Dutch hits a vertical suplex on the floor. Dutch stands up with a cocky smirk on his face and rolls into the ring breaking the count as he plays to the booing crowd. During this Raven begins to crawl under the ring. Dutch goes back out and grabs him by the boot to pull him out. When he does Raven unloads a rush of fire solvent into Dutch`s eyes at 9:50.

Dutch grabs his face in pain as Raven tosses him back into the ring. He hits a inverted atomic drop which sends the blinded Dutch to the mat. Uncharacteristically Raven begins to scale the corner turnbuckle. Dutch manages to get back to his feet and stumbles into the ropes. This causes Raven to lose his footing and fall towards the ropes. In what could only be called an EWE showstopper, Raven stunguns himself, shoots into the air and gets caught by a running Dutch Clark with a modified jumping FURYBREAKER!!! A holy **** chant breaks out as Dutch makes the cover for the 3!

Winner via Pinfall at 11:53: DUTCH CLARK

After the match an obviously hurt and shocked Dutch just stares at Raven as Christy and Eighteen come from the back. They escort Dutch out as he raises his title. Raven stands slowly and is given an ovation for his showing in the ring which seems to fall on deaf ears as he walks to the back holding his neck. Jack Michaels emerges once again to see Raven and offers him the second spot in the second chance match on Chaos. The show ends.


DATE: July 11th, 2011

VENUE: Green Bay, Wisconsin

THEME: "Dragonfly" by Shaman's Harvest

BROADCAST TEAM: Jonathan Steele & Jimmy Justice



DUSTIN: Everything