Singles Match
White Tiger vs. Abdul Q
Our show immediately starts with a main event worthy match. However, before Abdul Q could come to the ring, he is attacked with a belt shot from Undisputed Champion Derek Daniels! The Extreme Legends make their way to the ring and begin attacking Abdul Q. After about a minute of a beatdown on the outside, White Tiger rolls Abdul Q in and pins him!

Winner via Pinfall at 0:20: WHITE TIGER

After the match the Dynamic Legends are stomping away at the beaten Abdul Q when we hear some music playing! "Flashing Lights" plays and Mr. Man comes to the ring with a steel chair, clearing the ring from the Dynamic Legends and helping his Bed 'N Breakfast brother. The closing moments of the segment show Mr. Man doing the "belt around his waist" motion towards Derek Daniels as we head towards commercial.

King of Xtreme 2nd Chance Match
Raven vs. D-Dawg
The match was quick. Raven hit the ring, hit the Raven Effect and got the win. Simple as pie.

Winner via Pinfall at 0:15: RAVEN

Going backstage, Mr. Man is shown leaving the Bed 'N Breakfast locker room. As he turned the corner, he was grabbed by "Dynamic" Derek Daniels rams him back first into the wall. The Undisputed Champion was wicked in his attack as he laid a beat down on Mr. Man. After over a minute and a half of punishment, Daniels grabs a pipe that was backstage, and smashed it against Mr. Man's already injured back.

Coming back from commercial the cameras catch up with Chaos GM Triple H. Triple H went over the match card at King of Xtreme and announced a special match, the "King of Kings Championship." Stating that three of the four King of Xtreme winners will be involved, himself, Sean Lewis and Dutch Clark and the winner of the triple threat match becomes "King of Kings Champion."

Triple Threat Match
Ashan Ali vs. Johnny Cage vs. Chris Jericho
The match was total domination from Ashan Ali as he totally owned Chris Jericho and Johnny Cage. The match ended when Ashan hit a London Dungeon on Johnny Cage, followed by a Jawbreaker Lariat on Chris Jericho, and covered both for the three.

Winner via Pinfall at 1:23: ASHAN ALI

Singles Match
Rorschach vs. Eli the Kid
The first competitive match of the night so far. Real back and forth match as Eli and Rorschach give it their all and have a really, really good match. With 5 minutes of pure wrestling under their belt, Eli was about to hit the Kid Kick when Rorsxhach was able to move. Getting behind Eli the Kid, Rorshach would hit the Ink Blot on Eli and get the pin of three.

Winner via Pinfall at 5:30: RORSCHACH

Heading backstage, trainers and officials are shown tending to Mr. Man, whose back seems to be in pain. The questions are asked if he will make it too tonight's main event.

Steel Cage Match
Nick Cha0s vs. Android #18
The match was brutal, to say the least. Mid-way through the match, Nick Cha0s was busted open, as he was jumping off the top rope, 18 was able to grab Cha0s and send him head first into the cage. Android #18 took control of the match, focusing on the face of Nick Cha0s, by raking it against the cage and slamming her knee into the back of his head. After 5-6 minutes of this punishment, Nick Cha0s was able to come back, hitting clothesline and dropkicks on 18. After a few minutes of back and forth action, both competitors were climbing the cage. With both on the top, it seemed like only one could get it. Finally, as it seemed something had to give, White Knight showed up ring side, and threw a "Back to the Future" t-shirt in 18's face! Causing the distraction long enough, Nick Cha0s was able to hit a Cha0tic Bomb on 18 and climbed off of the cage, winning the match!

Winner via Escape at 11:02: NICK CHA0S

As a bloody Nick Cha0s was celebrating his win, Android #18 was ripping up the t-shirt and staring down White Knight and Dr. Quackerton Jr. through the cage as we headed to commercial.

Tag Team Match
High Society vs. Bed n Breakfast
"Dynamic" Derek Daniels & Dutch Clark vs. Mr. Man & Dorian Xero
The match starts off well, as a handicap match as Mr. Man wasn't able to show due to his back injure. So it starts off as Derek Daniels vs. Dorian Xero. It's a simple beat down of a match as Derek takes control of Dorian. There were several tags in and tags out between the former Style and Pride. After what was essentially a 7 minute beat down, Dorian tries getting the advantage, but the numbers game is way too much. As Derek Daniels was signalling for a Dynamic Driver, a pop was heard as a limping Mr. Man ran into the ring with a steel chair! Hitting the ring, Mr. Man smashed Derek in the gut with the chair, causing the disqualification!

Winners via Disqualification at 7:40: HIGH SOCIETY

Mr. Man was about to go crazy on Derek Daniels with the chair, when Dutch Clark got involved getting a smack to the back! As Mr. Man was sizing up Derek Daniels with a chair shot to the head, numerous officials and security guards came out to stop any damage from being done. As they let Derek out of the ring, Mr. Man was fuming, throwing the chair towards Derek and missing of course. The final scene of the show is Mr. Man and Derek Daniels staring each other down, one in the ring, one outside.


DATE: July 18th, 2011

VENUE: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

THEME: "Dragonfly" by Shaman's Harvest

BROADCAST TEAM: Jonathan Steele & Jimmy Justice



DUSTIN: Everything