"Dragonfly" by Shaman's Harvest echoes over the PA System as the opening pyro shoots off. The camera pans around the stoked crowd before coming the Steele and Justice.

JONATHAN STEELE: We are live in the sold out DCU Center in Worcester Mass! I'm Jonathan Steele, joined by Jimmy Justice as we welcome you to Monday Night Chaos!!

JIMMY JUSTICE: It's the 130th Episode Steele, and I'm sure it's going to be a big one!

JONATHAN STEELE: You can count on that Jimmy, we have the huge Irish Street Fight between the Triple Champion Dutch Clark and the X-Division #1 contender, Nick Cha0s.

JIMMY JUSTICE: That's gonna be nuts, Dutch Clark all the way Steele.

JONATHAN STEELE: I really ain't a fan of either one of them personally, but they both have great in-ring ability. Aside from that, we have the former Undisputed Champion and current number one contender Derek Daniels taking on another former champion, the guy he last took it from actually, Abdul Q.

JIMMY JUSTICE: Actually it's Alessandro something now, but Derek will smack some sense into his ass.

JONATHAN STEELE: If you say so, but what about our Main Event? It'll be the match we coulda seen at Summer BreakDown, had White Tiger not elected to face The Rock instead. It's Undisputed Champion Mr. Man in a non-title match with the 2011 King of Xtreme White Tiger.

JIMMY JUSTICE: Mr. Man as our champion is the biggest disgrace since Kurtis Porter, White Tiger will slap this piece of trash around and show him he doesn't deserve that title.

The camera shoots over to the ring where we see both Raven and Jennifer Sparks.

JONATHAN STEELE: In any event, it's time for our opening match.

JIMMY JUSTICE: Holy shit, look, Raven DOES know where the ring is.

JENNIFER SPARKS: The following contest is scheduled for one fall! in the ring, RAVEN!!

Noone seems to care, as there's no reaction. Then "What The Hell" by Avril Lavigne cues over the PA System. Christy splits the curtains, getting plenty of boos, but she doesn't seem to care as she glares at Raven.

JENNIFER SPARKS: His opponent...from Kansas City Missouri...representing HIGH SOCIETY...CHRISTY CHAOS!!

JONATHAN STEELE: No love for Christy from the fans.

JIMMY JUSTICE: Screw these idiots, she's the Longest Reigning EWE Women's Champion, hell ANY Champion in all of EWE. A Year, Three Weeks, 6 Days, untouched by any championship in ALL of EWE. These idiots are just jealous. She reps the greatness that is High Society, that you and all the idiotic fans are jealous of.

JONATHAN STEELE: Well the reason for this particular match, Raven asked to once again face Dutch, even after getting destroyed last week. So instead, he got Dutch's fiance.

Christy rolls into the ring and still glares at Raven as the bell sounds.

Christy Chaos Vs. Raven

Raven charges at Christy, but she steps to the side. Christy bounces off the ropes and hits Raven with a side-effect as he turns around. Raven starts to try and get up, but Christy nails a quick Charismatic Crush, and that's all there is to that.

Winner via Pinfall at 0:24: Christy Chaos
Judges: 4 out of 4

JENNIFER SPARKS: The Winner of this Match...CHRISTY CHAOS!!

"What The Hell" hits again as Christy gets up and shakes her head as she looks down at Raven.

JONATHAN STEELE: Well that was quick.

JIMMY JUSTICE: Raven just got pwned, by the future Mrs. Clark.

Christy heads up the ramp, and there's an ironic, totally has to be intentional, ad on the titan tron before the commercial break.

As the cameras return, Ahsan is already in the ring. "The End" by Farhan Khan hits the PA system as Cyrus walks out through the curtains. He gets a few cheers from the internet douches and followers of the independents, but otherwise noone knows him yet.

JENNIFER SPARKS: The following contest is scheduled for one fall!...on his way to the ring, from Mexico City, Mexico...weighing in at 175 pounds...CYRUS!!

Cyrus continues his way down the ramp, keeping an eye on Ahsan.

JONATHAN STEELE: Here comes a man ready to make his debut in EWE.

JIMMY JUSTICE: Noone cares Steele.

Cyrus slides into the ring and the bell sounds.

Ahsan Ali Vs. Cyrus

This match gets very quick paced, very quick. That's all due to Cyrus, which the crowd starts to get behind because of it. The match comes to it's climax when Cyrus locks in the Cyrus Lock. Ahsan tries for freedom, to no avail.

Winner via Pinfall at 2:14: Cyrus
Judges: 4 out of 4

JENNIFER SPARKS: Here is the winner of this match...CYRUS!!

Cyrus' theme hits again as he rolls out of the ring and raises up his arms.

JONATHAN STEELE: What a good debut victory for Cyrus.


More of the crowd gets behind Cyrus with cheers as he heads up the ramp and the camera switches to a Summer BreakDown ad.


Just as the camera's return to ringside "Master of Puppets ft. Symphony" by Metallica hits the PA System as the crowd begins to boo. James Manson steps through the curtains which gets some more boos.

JENNIFER SPARKS: The following contest is scheduled for one fall!...on his way to the ring...from Toronto, Ontario, Canada...weighing in at 255 pounds....JAMES MANSON!!

Manson continues his way down the ramp and rolls into the ring. "Trouble" by Pink hits causing the crowd to pick up their boos as 18 splits the curtains. 18 has the X-Division Title around her waist, and the Tag Title draped over her shoulder.

JENNIFER SPARKS: His opponent, representing High Society...from St. Cloud Minnesota...she is the EWE X-Division Champion and one half of the EWE Tag Team Champions...ANDROID 18!!

18 continues her way down the ramp as the crowd continues to boo.

JONATHAN STEELE: The EWE X-Division Champion and Co-Tag Team Champion.

JIMMY JUSTICE: And most importantly, a member of High Society..

JONATHAN STEELE: I'd call that a low part of her resume.

JIMMY JUSTICE: Because you'e jealous.

18 gets in the ring and raises both her titles up before handing them off to the ref. As 18 and Manson look eachother over, All the while Mansons is staring at 18's chest in shock, the ref gives the titles over to the time keeper then calls for the bell.

Android #18(c) Vs. James Manson

This match is pretty back and forth with Manson getting the early advantage. He gets a fear near falls, his closest fall after hitting Trouble in Paradise. At one point 18 counters with a Tilt-A-Whirl Backbreaker, which sends the match in her favor for a while. 18 ends up locking in the 18 Points of Pain, which Manson screams and fights to get out of, before being able to get the ropes. The momentum goes back and forth for a bit, before 18 hits The Down in Flames to seal the deal.

Winners via Pinfall at 6:47: Android #18
Judges: 3 out of 5

JENNIFER SPARKS: The winner of this match...ANDROID 18!!

"Trouble" hits as The ref hands 18 her titles. She stares down at Manson shaking her head as the camera's fade to a commercial.

JENNIFER SPARKS: The Following contest is scheduled for one fall...and it is for the EWE Championship?

The crowd looks confused by that statement, then "Rockstar" by Miley Cyrus rings out through the PA Speakers. The crowd cheers and laughs when Jay Jobber comes jumping through the curtains. They laugh more when he's wearing a Hannah Montana t-shirt.

JENNIFER SPARKS: Introducing first...The "Challenger"...from Reno Nevada...weighing in at 175 pounds...JAY JOBBER!

Jay continues his way down the ramp, seeming pretty pumped.

JIMMY JUSTICE: Would Hunter PLEASE put him and his fuckin brothers in pink slips matches?!

JONATHAN STEELE: Watch it, Jimmy.

JIMMY JUSTICE: Fuck You Steele, PG my ass.

As Jay slides into the ring his music dies down. He stands there and waits as the crowd waits in anticipation. What seems like forever, finally "St. Anger" by Metalica cues over the PA System, causing the crowd to burst out in cheers. The cheers slow down a bit as the song continues. As the song picks up the pace, Ben and...uh...Toni? (shrugs) come out through the curtains, this causes the roof to nearly blow off. Ben of course has his original EWE Championship locked around his waist.

JENNIFER SPARKS: And his opponent...aqccompanied by Toni Townsend...from Sydney Austrailia...weighing in at 232 pounds...He is the EWE Champion? EMPEROR BEN!!!

Ben and Toni continue down the ramp as the fans keep cheering.

JIMMY JUSTICE: I still can't believe Ben is back...Five long years...I have goosebumps!

JONATHAN STEELE: Why does he have the EWE Championship though?

JIMMY JUSTICE: Because he never lost it...

JONATHAN STEELE: So does that mean Triple H can bring back his first EWE Championship? Or White Tiger could bring back his first World Heavyweight Championship?

JIMMY JUSTICE: Don't be rediculous...they both held the title again, and lost it, Ben hasn't been back since...and besides, they ain't as great as Ben.

Ben gets in the ring and smirks at Jay. Ben eyes the shirt Jay is wearing and we mouth Ben saying "What the F" before the camera looks at a fan in the audience with an "Asshead" T-Shirt. We come back seeing Ben raise up his EWE Championship, of course the spinner design, being that was the design when he was champ. Ben hands the title over to the ref who raises it up before giving it to the time keeper, and calling for the bell.

Emperor Ben(c) Vs. Jay Jobber

After the bell rings, Jay runs at Ben, who side steps and then grabs Jay from behind hitting a Belly-to-Back supplex. The crowd cheers as Ben taunts, Ben then grabs Jay's ankle and locks in the Emperor's Wrath! Jay wastes no time at all tapping out.

Winner via Pinfall at 0:14: Emperor Ben
Judges: 3 out of 3

JENNIFER SPARKS: Here is your winner...and still EWE Champion...EMPEROR BEN!

St. Anger hits again as the ref hands Ben his title and he raises it up.

JONATHAN STEELE: That's seriously it?

JIMMY JUSTICE: Proving both my points....that Jay is an idiot...and Ben is awesome.

The scene switches backstage to where WT is walking down the hall, getting boos from the crowd. He stops walking and sneers as Triple H walks up to him. The crowd erupts as Triple H smiles at WT.

TRIPLE H: Hey Jeff, can I talk to you for a minute. I got an idea for you.

WHITE TIGER: Because I'm real sure I care about your idea.

TRIPLE H: Well you need to start, I am your boss after all. And I think you need a manager

WHITE TIGER: A manager? I don't need a manager.

TRIPLE H: You don't? That's too bad because I had a hot little firecracker ready for you. She can parade around the floor, cheering you on. and you know most female managers end up sleeping with their wrestlers. But if you don't want her...

WT thinks a minute before jumping forward and catching Triple H's arm.

WHITE TIGER: Whoa whoa buddy. You know a manager might not be such a bad idea. I could dress her similiar to me and she could help get the crowd psyched. I'm in.

Triple H hands WT the contract. WT doesn't even read it just signs it right away. Triple H smiles as he takes the contract back.

TRIPLE H: Good deal. She will meet you by the stage before your match.

WT walks off all smiles. triple H pats the contract with a smile.

TRIPLE H: Hollie is going to be stoked.

Triple H walks off chuckling as we return to ringside.

As the camera's return to ringside "Nightmare" by Avenged Sevenfold the crowd begins to boo as Nick splits the curtains.

JENNIFER SPARKS: The Following contest is an Irish Street Fight!...introducing first...from St. Louis, Missouri...weighing in at 270 pounds...NICK CHA0S!!!

Nick continues down the ramp ignoring the crowd. As he steps into the ring the song quickly switches to "Modern Day Cowboy" by Tesla. The crowd continues to boo as Dutch splits the curtains, King of Kings Title around his waist, International Title over one shoulder, Tag Title over the other.

JENNIFER SPARKS: His opponent...representing High Society...from Laughlin Nevada....weighing in at 240 pounds...he is one half of the EWE Tag Team Champions...the EWE International Champion...and the First ever EWE King of Kings Champion....The Irish Fury, DUTCH CLARK!!!

JONATHAN STEELE: Poor Jennifer, that was a mouth full.

JIMMY JUSTICE: He can't help his awesomeness.

JONATHAN STEELE: Give it a rest, please.

Dutch continues down the ramp and rolls into the ring Dutch lays all his titles to the side before quickly decking Nick with a hard clothesline as the ref quickly calls for the bell.

Dutch Clark(c) Vs. Nick Cha0s

Dutch continues the assault to get the early lead in this match. Dutch controls the match inside the ring for awhile. Nick then starts to get in some shots and control it in the ring as well as he gets some near falls. Dutch takes Nick to the outside and they go back and forth before they trade shots all the way up the ramp and through the curtains. Back in the hall Dutch starts to take the control again as he slams Nick into the wall, then into the opposite wall, then he does a side slam to the floor. Dutch made the cover, but only got a two count. Nick starts to get control again before dropping kicking Dutch through the parking lot doors. At the climax point the two are ontop of a nice looking car, Nick sets Dutch up for the Cha0tic Nightmare, but Dutch counters, backbody dropping Nick and shattering the windshield! After a few moments, Nick crawls out of the carnage, but Dutch runs acrossed the hood, grabs Nick's head and delievers a Furious DDT off the hood onto the concrete!! Dutch covers the seemingly dead Nick Cha0s and gets the three.

Winner via Pinfall at 12:37: Dutch Clark
Judges: 2 out of 3

JENNIFER SPARKS: Here is your winner...The Irish Fury...DUTCH CLARK!

"Modern Day Cowboy" hits as Dutch gets up and the ref raises his hand. Meanwhile the commentators are stunned silent as EMT's check on Nick before eventually carting him onto a stretcher.

As the camera's return, we see Mr. Man sitting at the announce table with Steele and Jimmy.

JONATHAN STEELE: Welcome back to Chaos, as we are now being joined by the Undisputed Champion. Welcome aboard.

MR. MAN: Thank you Jonathan.

JIMMY JUSTICE: Noone cares.

MR. MAN: You'll care when I slap sh...poo out of you.

JIMMY JUSTICE: Stop trying to encourage the fuckin PG!

MR. MAN: I can do what I want....I'm Champ...not you.

Not knowing how long those two could argue, we kick over to the entrance ramp where "Disturbia" by Rihanna cues over the PA System. This gets a mixed reaction from the crowd, mainly confusion. Then Abdu...err...Alessandro Quagliaterre steps through the curtains.

JENNIFER SPARKS: The following contest is scheduled for one fall!...on his way to the ring...from Alpine New Jersey...weighing in at 240 pounds....ALESSANDRO QUATERRY!!

MR. MAN: Quagliaterre! I can't believe she just screwed my home boy's name up.

JIMMY JUSTICE: What is with ur home boi? He gone loco?

MR. MAN: He'll work it out.

Ab...err Al...ah screw it, AQ!...AQ heads his way down the ramp and rolls into the ring. He stands there for a moment before.


"Champion" by Grimspoon hits over the PA System getting a big chorus of boos from the crowd. Derek splits the curtains, and the mood doesn't get much lighter, but maybe worse. Mr Man is all serious now, watching Derek enter.

JENNIFER SPARKS: His opponent...representing High Society...from Reno Nevada...weighing in at 265 pounds...DYNAMIC, DEREK DANIELS!!

Derek continues his way down the ramp, looking at only Man and Alessandro, not caring about the fans booing him. Derek makes his way into the ring and the match quickly begins.

"Dynamic" Derek Daniels Vs. Abdul Q Alessandro Quagliaterre

The match gets under way as they go back and forth for a little bit to start things off. AQ ends up getting the early momentum as he gets a few near falls. Derek then controls some of the match, getting some near falls of his own. The match goes back and forth for awhile again until Derek nails Abdul with a Standing Missle Dropkick. Derek begins to take control again with that as he hits a Sky-High Power Bomb and gets a near fall. After awhile Alessandro traps Derek in the Dreamcatcher. Derek fights for freedom and eventually gets it. Alessandro keeps control of the match now as we get to the breaking point. Alessandro tries for the Good Night, but Derek turns out of it. Derek then kickes Alessandro in the gut to go for the Dynamic Driver, but AQ counters and starts to lock Derek in the Sweet Dreams, but Derek rolls through it, grabbing the ropes, that the ref doesn't notice, and counts the three!

Winner via Pinfall at 15:35: Derek Daniels
Judges: 3 out of 5

JENNIFER SPARKS: Here is your winner...DEREK DANIELS!!

"Champion" hits again as Derek rolls out of the ring. The ref gets out and raises his hand, while the crowd just boos.

MR. MAN: Just like Derek, having to cheat to win.

JONATHAN STEELE: I don't agree with that ending either.

JIMMY JUSTICE: You're both just jealous.

Derek backs up the ramp, looking at Mr. Man by the announce table. Derek makes a title motion around his waist as Mr. Man laughs and shakes his head.

MR. MAN: You just keep telling yourself that.

The arena was in a ruckus and as always the action with the EWE performers were off the hook, that was until the lights went out in the arena which caused everybody to go into an even more frenzy, wanting to know what was going on.

JONATHAN STEELE: What the hell is going on?

JIMMY JUSTICE: Somebody forgot to pay the electric bill.

That wasn't it though, than out of nowhere over the PA System those familiar lyrics were heard.

"Till the roof comes off, till the lights go out
Till my legs give out, can't shut my mouth.
Till the smoke clears out and my high burn out
I'ma rip this shit till my bone collapse."

The crowd went instantly wild, only one man in EWE history has ever used that as a theme song. Steele and Justice were quite as the lights came back up as "Till I Collapse" blared over the PA System, when the lights came on, former EWE Superstar Kurtis Porter happened to be standing on the ramp with a smirk on his face which made the fans instantly go even crazier.

JONATHAN STEELE: OH MY GOD! Am I seeing a ghost Jimmy? It's Kurtis Porter!

JIMMY JUSTICE: We haven't seen the guy since his last match over a year ago when he lost the EWE World Title to Dutch Clark. Is he back?

Kurtis walked down to the ring with a smirk on his face as he slapped the fans hands as they all cheered him on, Kurtis wasn't going to lie about that, it felt good hearing the reception that he got. Porter got in the middle of the ring as Jennifer smiled at Kurtis, handing him the microphone as she got out of the ring.

KURTIS PORTER: Damn EWE Universe, it's been awhile, hasn't it? Glad this place is alive and still kicking, the young cats in the back stepping up their game each week and good to see some of the familiar faces. I know this wasn't expected which was the best thing. How's it going with you guys?

They cheered Kurtis on once again, going into another frenzy seeing one of the most underated EWE Superstars of alltime.

KURTIS PORTER: Now the last time you all really saw me, it was almost a year ago at Dynamic Destruction when I lost the World Heavyweight Championship to Dutch Clark who's career seemed to sky rocket around this place. A few months later after that match, EWE caught up with me to see how I was doing and I said I was never going to wrestle around here since I had nothing left to prove since I did everything I set out to do. I am not Brett Favre, I am NOT Michael Jordan, but I do have a certain person in the back that wants to become the next breakout star around here. KID, come on out!

Kurtis pointed at the entrance ramp as he put the microphone to his side, "Fast Lane" blared over the PA system as outcome some new young kid with a smile on his face, he didn't get any reaction from the crowd since they didn't know who he was. The young kid got into the ring as he stood next to Kurtis as the theme died down.

KURTIS PORTER: Everybody, listen up. I'mma let this kid tell you who the hell he is. The floor is yours Jesse.

Kurtis handed Jesse the microphone as the spotlight now went on him as Kurtis stepped away from him, Jesse looked around at the faces that were staring at him and he was abit nervous, but he was the type of guy that'll quickly get over that. Jesse sucked it up with a smile.

JESSE BROOKS:WHAT UP EWE Universe? My name is Jesse Brooks and I'm in EWE to make a big splash around here, I'm here to show the world what I can do. You all might hate me, you might like me, but truth be told, I wanted a new start and Kurtis over here is giving me that great new start that I want.

That's all the fans really needed to hear, if this man was aligned with THEE EWE Hall of Famer, than he should be alright, right? It was hard to please the EWE Universe though. It was something that Jesse was going to need to learn.

JESSE BROOKS:I've had my own few stints in the independent circuit like one based out in New Orleans called L.W.E and than in Detroit of D.W.L. In my opinion, I did pretty aight being in there. One night after the show in Detroit, Kurtis came up to me talking about this new opportunity because he seen something special in me, told me all about EWE and how he could possibly get me a contract..and well, I couldn't pass that shit up, could I? If this place is great as he says it is, than I can't wait to kick ass and get those checks. You're going to see alot of me coming the next few weeks, shit maybe even months; I plan on breaking records, taking those titles and revolutionizing some shit around here. One small thing aswell, but I'm going to let this cat over here tell ya.

Jesse handed the microphone over back to Kurtis as he smiled. Kurtis tapped Jesse on the shoulder with a nod.

KURTIS PORTER: If you all remember that interview, I said the only way I'd return to EWE was if I became a manager since my wrestling role is done around here. Well....guess who's going to be around alot more often now and managing this kid? THAT's right, ME! I look foward again in seeing all of you. Jesse, got anything else you want to say to the EWE Universe or you good?

Jesse thought it over, shook his head "no" at first, than quickly changed his mind as Kurtis handed him the microphone.

JESSE BROOKS:I'm not the most perfect person in the world, we have our own flaws, but I can gauren-damn-tee that I will win you all over quickly. To the boys in the back, this is a direct message to all of you; Watch your backs homies, the new kid is in town to make a splash.

Jesse dropped the microphone as "Fast Lane" blared over the PA System as Kurtis and Jesse left the ring together with the EWE Universe cheering them on. Time will only tell if the partnership of Jesse Brooks and EWE is going to be a long lasting one just like his managers.

JONATHAN STEELE: There ya have it everybody. Kurtis Porter is BACK with the EWE, but managing Jesse.

JIMMY JUSTICE: I feel bad for him; getting Kurtis to manage you? Your career is already down in the tubes with that.

The camera's switch to see Alessandro backstage. Suddenly he's ambushed by the EWE Tag Team Champions, Dutch Clark & Android #18. They play the numbers game beating him down. The commentators are stunned silent at this point...They eventually toss him into an awaiting Trunk as the car then speeds off. Dutch and 18 smile dusting their hands as the camera's go to commercial.

The Camera's return from commercial, where we see Derek now sitting at the announce table.

JONATHAN STEELE: Welcome back to Chaos, as we are now joined by the former Undisputed Champion and current number one contender, Derek Daniels.

JIMMY JUSTICE: And don't you forget it Steele.

DEREK DANIELS: Thanks Jimmy.

JONATHAN STEELE: I really want to know what you're up to.

DEREK DANIELS: What's that supposed to mean?

JONATHAN STEELE: You know exactly what it means. Just before the break Mr Man's friend was just taken out, by your friends. Now here you are, getting ready to call his match.

DEREK DANIELS: So, Mr. Man can call my match, and that's fine. Now if I come out here to do the same, I gotta be up to something?

JONATHAN STEELE: It's just fishy to me.

DEREK DANIELS: That's funny, you didn't say it was fishy when Mr. Man was out here. You're a hypocrite.

Steele gives up as the camera's show Jennifer Sparks in the ring.

JENNIFER SPARKS: The Following contest is tonight's featured Main Event...and it is scheduled for One Fall!!


The crowd boos as White Tiger splits the curtains, but he doesn't seem to care anyway.WT stops and looks towards the curtains, waiting to see who Triple H hired for him. After a few more moments, she comes out, and WT can only wipe his face with his hand as he bows his head.

JENNIFER SPARKS: Introducing First...accompanied by Hollie Winder...from Rawlins Wyoming...weighing in at 229 Pounds...representing High Society...the 2011 King of Xtreme...WHITE TIGER!!

WT reluctantly continues down the ramp with Hollie right behind him, who's not reluctant at all, but rather enthused.

JIMMY JUSTICE: What the heck is this crap?

DEREK DANIELS: I dare Triple H. I DARE him to try and hire me a manager like that. He thought FCC was bad when I was on the radio?

WT slides into the ring, while Hollie stays on the outside. There's a few moments of silence before "Flashing Lights" by Kayne West kicks over the PA System. The crowd cheers as Mr. Man splits the curtains, Undisputed Championship locked around his waist.

JENNIFER SPARKS: And his opponent...from Miami Florida...weighing in at 235 Pounds...he is the EWE Undisputed Champion...The Gold Standard, MR. MAN!!

Mr. Man continues down the ramp, with the crowd cheering him on.

DEREK DANIELS: Don't get used to hearing that. I'll help you keep your reputation as a Transistional Champion come September 4th.


DEREK DANIELS: Shut up, who said I was done? Who said you could talk?

JONATHAN STEELE: Who says you are in control of this announce team?

DEREK DANIELS: Listen to the first line of my entrance...That's who....Shut up....Like I was saying, Come Summer BreakDown you're looking at the first ever Four Time EWE Undisputed Champion, and you can count on that.

Steele disagrees, but he knows better than to say anything about it as Mr Man slides into the ring. Man raises up the title, as the crowd cheers some more. As the ref hands it over to the time keeper. The ref turns back and makes sure both men are ready, then calls for the bell.

Mr. Man(c) Vs. White Tiger

And our Main Event is under way. The match is back and forth for the most part. The first person to start building momentum would be the legend himself. WT gets a few near falls and tries to lock in the Tiger's Snare a couple time, but Man gets out of it before he can. Man then hits a few big moves and starts to build momentum of his own, getting the crowd worked up. Manny looks to put it all away when he locks WT in the Wave of The Future! WT screams and fights to find the ropes, which Hollie helps push closer so he can get it. The two go back and forth again, before WT hits a fearce short-arm clothesline. WT follows this up with a Float-Over Supplex and then looks for the Payne Killer, but Manny counters that and sends WT into the corner. Manny hits WT with a superplex and makes the cover for a near fall. Manny builds momentum again, getting the crowed hyped up again. Man hits the Triple Verticals and then climbs the turnbukle. Meanwhile Hollie jumps up on the apron, and then stops as she drops down on the apron to hold her ankle. Mr Man leaps off the turnbukle and nails WT with the Future Splash!...Mr Man makes the cover, but the ref is checking on Hollie. Mr Man gets frustrated about this. Mr Man tries to get the ref's attention, but meanwhile, Derek left the announce table and grabs the Undisputed title off the time keeper's table. Derek slides it into the ring to WT, as the crowd starts to boo seeing where this is going. Sure enough as Mr. Man turns around, he's decked with The Undisputed Title, getting a chorus of boos. WT slides the title back out and makes the cover, as Derek grabs Hollie saying "I got her, do your job" The ref turns around, sees the pin, and makes the count.

Winner via Pinfall at 18:36: White Tiger
Judges: 3 out of 5


The crowd boos as "Welcome to The Jungle" hits back over the PA System. Derek sets Hollie down and she races into the ring, jumping around in excitement as she celebrates with WT, ya her ankle is so hurt isn't it?

JIMMY JUSTICE: And there you have it Steele...that's why he's the Man!

JONATHAN STEELE: It was a great match until that end.....WAIT!

Just then Derek has slid into the ring and the crowd begins to blow up in boos as him and WT begin to double team Mr. Man. They continue the assault, with nothing the champ can do about it.

JONATHAN STEELE: This is why they got rid of Alessandro! So noone will help him!

JIMMY JUSTICE: Well duh Steele, besides that retard...who would be dumb enough to get in their way?


The crowd blows up as "If Ya Smell..." by James Johnson continues over the PA System.


The Rock sprints down the ring, as the Dynamic Legends and Hollie roll out and head up the ramp. Rock shakes his head before looking down at Mr. Man. Rock puts his hand out and helps Mr. Man up as the crowd cheers. WT and Derek are on the Stage right now talking trash back towards the ring..Rock shakes Man's hand then raises up his arm, which gets big cheers from the crowd. Also, right when Rock raised Man's arm, "Flashing Lights" hit the PA speakers.

JONATHAN STEELE: Big sign of respect there!...things are heating up here...I can't wait to see what happens next week!

We still see DL trash talking on the stage, but the scene fades with Rock and Man in the ring.


DATE: August 15th, 2011

VENUE: DCU Center - Worcester, Massachusetts

THEME: "Dragonfly" by Shaman's Harvest

BROADCAST TEAM: Jonathan Steele & Jimmy Justice

RP TURNOUT: 12/17 RolePlays


MIKE: WT/HHH Segment

Kay: Obvious Segment

JAY: Everything Else