Ashan Ali Vs. Raven
Match didn't happen, so they both get fired. umad? ujelly?

WINNER at 0:00: NONE
Judges: n/a

Rather than the normal pyro and fanfare that we have come to know from Chaos, the shows starts with Dutch Clark standing in the ring as the show opens up wearing his wrestling gear. He has his tag-title, his International title and his King-of-Kings title laying in the ring in front of him. Behind him stands Jack Michaels with a very somber look on his face as well. Dutch begins to speak.

DUTCH CLARK: You know... I joined EWE in April of 2010 with the distinct goal of becoming the best this federation had to offer. And you know what? I went out and I did it. I beat everyone that was put in front of me and did it night after night. Even when things got rough I showed my face and gave it my all 100% of the time. But lately... Something has changed. Lately the enjoyment I got being here in EWE has gone the wayside and instead I am feeling like this is a job rather then a career I strive to do. So unlike those before me... I plan on doing what is right and going out correctly. First Christy... I can't marry you tonight. I can't marry you because it just wouldn't be right to bring you down to the level I am at. Second... Can you come out? Also Trips, 18, WT... All of you guys. There is something we need to do.

With no music Christy Chaos emerges from the back. She has a puzzled look on her face and she is then flanked by Android #18, White Tiger and eventually Triple H. All of them look confused as hell as they get to the ring with Dutch and Jack. Dutch raises the mic again.

DUTCH CLARK: Guys, all of you are the ones who have been involved with the gold on my shoulders for quite some time. With me deciding to leave, I am going to do the right thing and allow you guys to carry the gold I feel so strongly about. Get me a ref... Christy, this match is for the INT title. First one to pin me gets the gold.

A ref comes sprinting out of the back as does DUSTIN JOBBER! He reaches the ring, looks at the gold and goes to hit Dutch. Dutch just takes the blow and then sneers as the bell rings.

Dutch Clark(c) Vs. Dustin Jobber

Dutch grabs Dustin by the collar and whips him over the top rope and head first through the announce table. His neck looks to be broken as the ref counts him out.

Winner via Countout at 0:11: Dutch Clark

Dutch sighs as EMTS rush to the ringside area and cart off Dustin. Dutch shakes his head and then lies down in the middle of the ring.

Dutch Clark(c) Vs. Christy Chaos

Christy shrugs and lies on Dutch for the 1...2...3!!!

Winner via Pinfall at 0:05: Christy Chaos

Dutch says something to WT and to the ref as the bell rings again.

Dutch Clark(c) Vs. White Tiger

Dutch lies down again and WT lets out a breath. He pins. 1...2...3!!!

Winner via Pinfall at 0:08: White Tiger

Dutch stands up again and says something to Triple H and the ref.

Dutch Clark(c) Vs. Triple H

Dutch lies down and Triple H seems very reluctant to pin. He looks at Jack who just turns away and HHH just puts a foot on Dutch. 1...2...3!!!!!

Winner via Pinfall at 0:20: Triple H

Dutch stands up, shakes Triple H's hand and takes the microphone again.

DUTCH CLARK: I want to say thank you to everyone in EWE and for giving me the opportunity to be your champion for as long as I was. To paraphrase Jack Michaels, it's been a blast and maybe one day I'll see you all again. Good bye.

Dutch drops the microphone and exits the ring with Jack right behind him. The crowd is in a stunned silence as we go to a commercial.

After coming back from commercial the camera pans to show CM Punk in the ring, doing that thing he does where he clasps his hands and moves them together. "Scream, Aim, Fire" by Bullet for My Valentine starts blaring and the lights start going crazy flashing on and off.

JENNIFER SPARKS: "The following contest is scheduled for one fall! Introducing the opponent, from Orlando, Florida, weighing in at 225 lbs., J...T... UNDERWOOD!"

JONATHAN STEELE: "Time to get to the action everyone after that somber message from Dutch Clark."

JIMMY JUSTICE: "Yeah, and what better way than seeing these new guys go at it?"

As Justin Underwood steps out onto the stage. Justin begins walking down to the ring as the lights start to slow down, but still keep flashing. As Justin reaches the ring, he pulls himself up onto the ring apron and grabs the top rope flipping over it and landing in the ring. Justin does some quick stretches while waiting for the match to start.

CM Punk Vs. JT Underwood

The match was a basic squash. JT Underwood completely destroyed CM Punk with his high flying offense. After a full minute and a half of destroying CM Punk, and after a pretty nice Springboard DDT, Underwood was able to finish off Punk with his version of a front flip piledriver that he quickly synched into an anklelock, or a Legacy maker as he called it. CM Punk would tap to the hold almost immediately.

Winner via Pinfall at 1:35: JT Underwood
Judges: 3 out of 3

JENNIFER SPARKS: "Here is your winner... J...T... UNDERWOOD!"

JONATHAN STEELE: "Huge win for the new comer to EWE."

JIMMY JUSTICE: "Too bad he's a tool."

With Jonathan Steel shaking his head at Jonathon instantly hating a face, JT Underwood continues his celebrating as EWE goes to a commercial.

As Chaos comes back from commercial, the camera pans to Jimmy Justice and Jonathan Steele at ringside.

JONATHAN STEELE: "Ladies and gentlemen, earlier tonight Dutch Clark started off the show and made a very personal announcement; take a look."

The camera would replay the opening segment, and if you're too much of a cunt and ask me, just go look back up, then scroll back down here. Okay? Okay!

JONATHAN STEELE: "A very sad moment in EWE, but let's take a look at what happened during our last commercial break."

On the bottom left hand corner of the screen it showed "During Commercial" and the actual screen shows Dutch Clark leaving the arena. As he was walking down the hall, every single EWE Superstar was standing in a line, clapping for the man. After hugging and shaking some hands, Dutch stops at the end of the line, seeing "Dynamic" Derek Daniels.



Rather than saying words, the two would give each other a nice man hug that lasted a bit. After some smiles, Dutch Clark eventually walks off with the camera just showing his figure get smaller and smaller before finally disappearing. Going back to ringside, it shows Jonathan and Jimmy again.

JONATHAN STEELE: "Powerful moment here."

JIMMY JUSTICE: "For once, I agree with you Steele."

Suddenly "Figaro Fist Pump" played over the p/a system, as the fans gave an unsure reaction as to who was coming out.

JONATHAN STEELE: "What the hell?"

JIMMY JUSTICE: "Is that Mark Cha0s!?"

JONATHAN STEELE: "Obviously not... you know his name has been banned by our PG filters."

JENNIFER SPARKS: "The following contest is scheduled for one fall! Introducing first, from Los Angeles, California weighing in at 245 lbs... DAN TAYLOR!"

Dan Taylor makes his way to the ring, his music would fade and the camera stayed on the entrance area. After a couple of pauses, a stage hand went to whisper something to Jennifer Sparks.

JENNIFER SPARKS: "Ladies and gentlemen, due to Dutch Clark's actions earlier tonight, Dan Taylor's opponent, Dustin Jobber, will not be able to compete tonight. Therefore, as ordered by General Manager Triple H, introducing the replacement... MR. JOBBER!"

"Eye of the Tiger" by Survivor played, and a drunken Mr. Jobber started walking from behind the curtain, wearing some street clothes, obviously unaware this match was supposed to happen, Mr. Jobber was in a drunken wave of confusion.

JIMMY JUSTICE: "This guy is such a joke."


Mr. Jobber somehow made his way to the ring, but as he went through the second rope, he tripped and stumbled in, allowing the bell to ring.

Dustin Jobber Mr. Jobber Vs. Dan Taylor

As Mr. Jobber was getting to his feet, Dan Taylor quickly caught him with a West Coast Cutter! Rolled the man to his shoulders, Dan was able to get the rather quick pin!

Winner via Pinfall at 0:05: Dan Taylor
Judges: 3 out of 3

JENNIFER SPARKS: "Here is your winner... DAN TAYLOR!"

JONATHAN STEELE: "A quick return victory here by Dan Taylor as he was able to beat Mr. Jobber."

JIMMY JUSTICE: "...it was a Jobber. Who cares?"

As Dan Taylor was in the ring celebrating, EWE went to a quick Viagra commercial. Because that's PG.

As the cameras come back to the ring, it shows Jennifer Sparks standing in the ring.

JENNIFER SPARKS: "The following Fatal Four Way is scheduled for one fall, and it is to determine the #1 Contender for the X-Division Championship at Summer BreakDown!"

The camera and graphic shows James Manson was already in the ring and his music playing. Suddenly the music changes as "Reach for the Stars" began to play, and the animated blue hedgehog began to walk down the ramp.

JENNIFER SPARKS: "Introducing the opponent... from Mobius... SONIC THE HEDGEHOG!"

JONATHAN STEELE: "Here comes Sonic who seems to be spinning his way to the ring!"

JIMMY JUSTICE: "...it's a cartoon character Steele."

JONATHAN STEELE: "So is 18, but you love her!"

JIMMY JUSTICE: "I'm telling!"

As Sonic was now in the ring the music switches to "Fast lane" by Bad Meets Evil, getting a decent reaction from the EWE Nation.

JENNIFER SPARKS: "Their opponent... being accompanied to the ring by EWE Hall of Famer Kurtis Porter... from new Orleans, Louisiana, weighing in at 200 lbs., JESSE BROOOKS!"

JONATHAN STEELE: "Here comes Jesse Brooks, who seems to be taken under the wing of Kurtis Porter."

JIMMY JUSTICE: "He'll be a failure just like Porter."

As Jesse Brooks was getting into the ring, the music once again changed to "The End" by Farhan Kahn.

JENNIFER SPARKS: "And finally, from Mexico City, Mexico, weighing in at 175 lbs., CYYYYYYRUS!"

Cyrus completely runs to the ring, getting some huge pops from the crowd.

JONATHAN STEELE: "Here comes a hugely hyped star from Mexico, who seems to be ready to make it to the EWE."

JIMMY JUSTICE: "Whatever."

Finally all four men were in the ring and each had a corner, looking at each other. However, before the bell would ring Triple H was shown on the titan-tron.

TRIPLE H: "Whoa, whoa. As much as I want to see this match, regarding the X-Division Championship match... plans have changed. The winner of this match will still fight Android #18 at Summer BreakDown, but there will be another person involved!"


JIMMY JUSTICE: "The hell is Triple H talking about?"

TRIPLE H: "Due to lack of competition, at Summer BreakDown, it will be the winner of this match versus X-Division Champion Android #18... and the International Champion Christy Chaos in a title unification triple threat match! Good luck gentlemen!"

Triple H appears off of the screen, as the ovation from the EWE Nation was huge and all four men were even more impressed. But, before they had a chance to take in the announcement, the bell would ring.

Jesse Brooks Vs. Sonic Vs. Cyrus Vs. James Manson

The match started off fast paced and high octane. After pairing up, with Cyrus going after Jesse Brooks and Sonic beating up James Manson. Finally at 1:40 Sonic is able to throw James Manson through the ropes. Seeing his spot, Cyrus ran full force at Sonic, but Sonic back dropped Cyrus over the top rope, causing the luchador to do a tope con hilo onto James Manson on the outside! Now Jesse brooks and Sonic have a very even match, until the 2:30 mark, where Jesse avoided Sonic's Spin Dash and countered with a beautiful Pele Kick! As both men were now dizzy from the moves that happened, Cyrus jumped onto the apron and hit a springboard corssbody aiming for Jesse brooks. At the last minute, however, Jesse ducked out of the way, and Cyrus hit Sonic! With Sonic now down, Jesse Brooks began to take advantage of Cyrus, stomping at him in the corner. At 3:35 Jesse kept Cyrus down with a super spinning neckbreaker, and locked on a rear chin lock. Cyrus was able to take control after a few seconds, as reversed into an arm drag. Suddenly Cyrus made his big comeback at 4:20 with multiple dropkicks, before hitting a springboard and hitting a hurricanrana on Jesse Brooks, causing the man to go through the ropes outside. As Cyrus was celebrating with the EWE Nation, James Manson came from behind with a dropkick to Cyrus' back! Placing Cyrus on his shoulder, he looked as if he was going to hit a running powerslam, but instead Cyrus was able to counter at 5:00 with a head scissors on Manson, throwing him outside. Seeing all three of his opponents on the outside James Manson to the outside! With all three opponents on the outside, Cyrus ran the ropes and came back hitting a twisting corkscrew plancha onto two of his three opponents! Jesse Brooks, who avoided the contact, would grab Cyrus by his mask and send him face first into the steel steps at 6:20. Grabbing James Manson, he threw the man into the ring and would stalk him. At 6:50, Jesse Brooks was able to hit a Ghetto blast on James Manson! but, before he could pin, Sonic came into the ring and threw Jesse Brooks out. Then, at 7:10 Sonic would stalk James Manson and hit his finisher, the Blue Blur! As he was going for the pin, Cyrus jumped onto the top rope and hit a guillotine leg drop onto the back of Sonic's head as he was in a pinning position, breaking up the pin! With Sonic now out of the equation, Cyrus waited for Manson to get up, and when he did at 7:50, Cyrus would hit a beautiful Cyrus Lock! As he held the fujiwara armbar on Manson, James Manson had no choice but to tap at 8:05!

Winner via Submission at 8:05: Cyrus
Judges: 3 out of 3

JENNIFER SPARKS: "Here is your winner... CYRUS!"

JONATHAN STEELE: "Huge win from this new-comer! He is going to Summer BreakDown to compete for both international and X-DIvision Championships!"

JIMMY JUSTICE: "Yeah, but before that, we have a little visitor!"

By visitor, Jimmy Justice meant Android #18, as she was running down the ramp. With Cyrus celebrating his victory, 18 simply sent a forearm to the back of Cyrus' head, knocking the man down.

JONATHAN STEELE: "What a cheap shot!"

JIMMY JUSTICE: "No, I think she just wants to send this new guy a message!"

Android #18 then looks at the downed Cyrus, and would put the man in-between her legs, signaling for the Down in Flames! As she was about to drop him on his stomach, Cyrus was able to battle back, sit up, and would hurricanrana 18 out of the ring and over the top rope!

JONATHAN STEELE: "What a comeback for Cyrus!"

"The End" by Farhan Kahn played again, as Cyrus just looked at Android #18, who was completely shocked at what just happened. Cyrus was on the turnbuckle, pointing down t 18 as EWE Chaos took another commercial break.

Coming back from commercial, "Trouble" by Pink was blaring over the p/a system, as the X-Division Champion Android #18 was still in the ring.

JENNIFER SPARKS: "The following contest is scheduled for one fall, introducing first, from St. Cloud, Minnesota, she is the current X-Division Champion... Android #18!"

JONATHAN STEELE: "Huge match for 18 tonight---"

JIMMY JUSTICE: "Steele, where are your manners!? Don't you forget we have a guest join us? The Hall of Famer, Emperor Ben!"

EMPEROR BEN: "Thank you Jimmy!"

JONATHAN STEELE: "Ben, wha---what are you doing out here? You're not booked tonight."

EMPEROR BEN: "I'm scouting for Summer BreakDown, Asshead."

As Emperor Ben and Jonathan Steele were squabbling, "Disturbia" by Rihanna played over the speaker system now, getting a GIANT reaction from the Newark, New Jersey crowd.

JIMMY JUSTICE: "Shows how much New jersey has to cheer for when they cheer for this guy."

EMPEROR BEN: "Agreed Jimmy."

JENNIFER SPARKS: "And introducing her opponent, from Alpine, NEW JERSEY, weighing in at 240 lbs., ALESSANDRO QUAGLIATERRE!"

Alessandro comes out to a huge ovation and gets to the ring. As he was posing on the turnbuckles, he looked down at Emperor Ben, who was at commentary.

JONATHAN STEELE: "Well, in case you didn't hear, at Summer BreakDown, Ben and Alessandro Quagliaterre will be fighting."

EMPEROR BEN: "Easiest match ever."

Android #18(c) Vs. Alessandro Quagliaterre

The bell rang and now the match would begin. After a couple of minutes of classic chain wrestling holds, at the 1:35 mark, Alessandro took control, hitting a beautiful bicycle kick on 18. keeping control, at 2:00 AQ sent 18 into the turnbuckle and ran for a stinger splash, but 18, being the veteran she is, easily ducked out of the way, causing the former Abdul Q to hit with a thud and some boos from the crowd. Android #18 took control of Alessandro now, hitting a double arm DDT! After a failed pin attempt, 18 began stomping at AQ's knee, sending her own knee into his knee. After working on the knee for a moment, at 3:20, 18 would lock on a version of the figure four leg lock, again drawing heat from the crowd. After nearly a minute in the hold, at 4:00 AQ was able to turn over, putting pressure on 18's own legs! With 18 letting go, Alessandro was going to build momentum, and as he hit a couple of clothesline, Android #18 was able to hit a gut shot on AQ before hitting a tilt-a-whirl back breaker! Seeing the opening, 18 would again focus on the knee, hitting a single-leg boston crab on Alessandro at 4:00. However, before she could fully lock it in, AQ was able to counter to a small package at 4:10, only getting a two count! Suddenly Alessandro was having another comeback, and being fueled by his home state crowd, he was able to hit some clotheslines and a back body drop! As he now grabbed 18 and placed her in position for a Good night at 5:30, Android #18 was able to push Alessandro into the turnbuckle, inadvertently bumping the referee! With the referee down, it appeared that both opponents were down. That's when Emperor Ben took off his head set and started lurking at ringside. As both competitors were getting up, 18 was able to beat Alessandro to the punch with a kick to the gut as she went for Down in Flames. Lifting AQ in position, suddenly, Alessandro was able to counter with a X-Factor type face buster! From there, at the 6:20 mark, he began to lock on his version of a gogoplata that he called Bed Time! Android #18 was tapping, but there was no referee. Finally, after moments of holding her in the move, AQ let go and started to revive the referee. When the referee was finally stirring, and Alessandro was bent down helping him up, suddenly Emperor Ben jumped onto the apron and spit water into the face of Alessandro Quagliaterre! Alessandro would now back away, allowing Android #18 to hit a school girl roll up for the win at 7:16!

Winner via Pinfall at 7:16: Android #18
Judges: 2 out of 3

As "Trouble" by Pink was playing over the p/a system and Android #18 was celebrating, Emperor Ben would get in the ring, and after a nod, 18 left the ring. Catching Alessandro Quagliaterre from behind with a German suplex, Emperor Ben would then lock on the Emperor's Wrath on Alessandro!

JONATHAN STEELE: "What the hell is this!?"

JIMMY JUSTICE: "It's great! he's sending Abdul a message for Summer BreakDown!"

JONATHAN STEELE: "Alessandro is his name! And it's completely unfair!"

As Ben grapevined his hold on Abdul, numerous officials and referees came to finally pry Ben off after nearly a minute of the hold. As the New Jersey crowd was booing Emperor Ben, Ben simply spit into Alessandro's face and walked off. With "St. Anger" now playing and referees were checking on Alessandro Quagliaterre, EWE would go to a commercial.

Coming back from commercial, the scene opens to a room. It was dark and the only thing you could see was a monitor and a man sitting in a chair watching it. On the Monitor was Sonic's debut match.

MAN: So, Sonic has joined that wrestling industry huh?

The man continues to watch as the episode of Chaos.

MAN: Hmmmm... What power, What strength. They'd all make perfect addtions.

Strokes his rather long mastache.

MAN: If I could only get one of them. To join me. Then it'd be that mutch easier to bring in the rest But who?

Coming back to the arena, we are greeted to the following...


"Welcome to the Jungle" began to play over the p/a system, as the Newark, New Jersey fans gave him some heat.

JENNIFER SPARKS: "The following contest is our tag team main event, scheduled for one fall! Introducing first, being accompanied by Hollie Winder, from Rawlins, weighing in at 229 lbs., he is the 2011 King of Xtreme, and one-half of the EWE Tag Team Champions... WHITE TIGER!"

JIMMY JUSTICE: "Here comes the 2011 King of Xtreme, and the man who beat the Undisputed Champion last week, White Tiger!"

As White Tiger was making his way to the ring, the EWE nation was heard with the following...


"Champion" by Grinspoon now played over the p/a system, again, drawing some huge heat from the EWE Nation.

JENNIFER SPARKS: "And introducing his partner, from Reno, Nevada... weighing in at 265 lbs.... "DYNAMIC" DEREK DAAAAAAAANIELS!"

As the #1 Contender made his way down the aisle, it was apparent that the New Jersey fans just did not like Derek Daniels.

JONATHAN STEELE: "Helluva ovation for Derek, right Jimmy?"

JIMMY JUSTICE: "They're just jealous!"


"If Ya Smell..." would quickly change any of the negative reaction that White Tiger and Derek Daniels were getting, as the fans completely exploded for this next guy!

JENNIFER SPARKS: "And their opponents, first... from Miami, Florida, weighing in at 260 lbs..... THEEEE ROOOOOCK!"

JONATHAN STEELE: "HUGE OVATION for the Peoples Champion, The Rock!"

JIMMY JUSTICE: "I hate to agree, but you're right!"

The Rock made his way to the ring, and was doing his signature pose on all four turnbuckles, as White Tiger and Derek Daniels were on the outside.


"Flashing Lights" by Kanye West now played over the p/a system, as the reaction stayed positive for this next superstar.

JENNIFER SPARKS: "And introducing his partner, also from Miami, Florida, weighing in at 235 lbs, he is the current EWE Undisputed Champion.... "THE GOLD STANDARD", MR. MAAAAAAAAN!"

JONATHAN STEELE: "Here comes the current reigning Undisputed Champion, Mr. Man!"

JIMMY JUSTICE: "The People's Champion teams with the paper champion!"

Mr. Man made his way down the ramp, his Undisputed Championship around his waist, and he seemed in a hurry to get to the ring. Now that all four men were in the ring, it appeared that the match was ready to begin.

Mr. Man(c) & The Rock Vs. The Dynamic Legends

It was your standard tag team match. Derek Daniels and The Rock started off, and after some technical exchanges, Derek was able to floor The Rock with a shoulder block at 1:05. Keeping The Rock down, Derek quickly tagged in White Tiger, who started taking control of the match. After keeping The Rock down with some plodding offense, at 2:30 Rocky was able to counter WT's charge with a Samoan drop and would tag in Mr. Man! Mr. Man made a bee-line for White Tiger, and started punching away at his face, obviously upset for what happened last week. However, as he was just getting his momentum going, Mr. Man had ran the ropes, looking for some offense, when Derek kicked him in his back! With Man now slumped down, White Tiger was able to hit a short-armed clothesline, getting a two count from the pin. At 3:20 WT tagged in DDD, who seemed to go off on Mr. Man. Taking control of the match with various slams and power moves, Derek started to isolate Mr. Man's neck with a chin lock. At 4:10 Mr. Man was able to counter the chin lock into an Irish whip and would catch Derek in the face with a dropkick! Quickly tagging in The Rock, there was a bit of a pop for the People's Champ. The Rock started going ape-shit on Derek Daniels... or is it ape-crap because of PG? Regardless, The Rock was being vintage Rock, as he hit a Laying the SmackDown DDT he went for a pin at 5:45 but got a two. As The Rock was going to drag Derek Daniels by the hair, Derek would pull on the front of Rock's tights, sending him face first into the middle turnbuckle. Tagging in White Tiger, the two would begin to stomp at The Rock in the corner. Keeping tagging each other about three times, it was now White Tiger and The Rock who were the legal men, in a Summer BreakDown preview. At 7:10 White Tiger would go for a suplex, but The Rock was able to counter into one of his own! However, instead of dropping WT on his back, he instead draped White Tiger gut first on the tope rope! Finally at 8:00 The Rock made the hot-tag to Mr. Man! Mr. Man completely went at White Tiger with clotheslines and dropkicks, before hitting a one-man flap jack. Keeping the momentum, Mr. Man sent what some could call a cheap shot to Derek Daniels, who was on the apron. That's when White Tiger hit a tilt-a-whirl back breaker on Mr. Man. After a long two count, White Tiger tagged in an angry Derek Daniels at 10:15. There continued his focus on Mr. Man's neck, stomping away at it and wrenching it in various submission holds. However, at 12:00 Mr. Man was able to counter a move attempt into a jaw breaker! Taking advantage, Mr. Man hit the triple vertical suplexes on Derek Daniels, before tagging in The Rock at 12:50. The Rock came in guns a blazin' on Derek Daniels, as he punched Derek in the face with multiple punches, before spitting in his own hand and slugging Derek in the face as he laid the SmackDown! White Tiger would now come into the ring and started to attack The Rock, before Mr. Man came in and clotheslined both WT and himself over the top rope at 14:00. That's when The Rock would catch a dazed Derek Daniels with a beautiful spinebuster. As it appeared The Rock was setting up for the People's Elbow and he ran the ropes, before he could drop the elbow, Hollie Winder got in the ring and stood in The Rock's way at 14:30. After the referee finally got a hold of the situation and escorted Hollie out of the ring, White Tiger smashed a steel chair right in the back of The Rock's head! Throwing the chair to the outside, WT would drape Derek Daniels' arm on The Rock's chest for the one, two and three!

Winners via Pinfall at 14:42: Dynamic Legends
Judges: 2 out of 2


As the Dynamic Legends were celebrating, well, White Tiger celebrating and Derek holding his head, Mr. Man was shown on the outside, holding his head, after the loss.

JIMMY JUSTICE: "What a win for the Dynamic Legends!"

JONATHAN STEELE: "Another cheap victory."

As they were celebrating, Mr. Man snuck back into the ring, and having his Undisputed Championship in his hand, he would waffle White Tiger right in the face with said title!

JIMMY JUSTICE: "What the!? What a cheap shot by Mr. Man!"

JONATHAN STEELE: "Payback from last week!"

As White Tiger fell form the shot, Mr. Man looked at Derek Daniels, who seemed to not budge. As Mr. Man got closer, the referee got in Mr. Man's face and distracted him long enough for Derek Daniels to give Man a big boot!

JIMMY JUSTICE: "Yeah Derek!"

Taking advantage of the situation, Derek Daniels grabbed the stunned Mr. Man onto his shoulder before dropping him with a Dynamic Driver!

JONATHAN STEELE: "What the hell!? That wasn't called for!"

Looking down at the unconscious Mr. Man, Derek got on one knee, and grabbed Mr. Man's Undisputed title, before shoving it in Mr. Man's face, mouthing something, before dropping it on Mr. Man's chest and placing a foot on him.

JONATHAN STEELE: "Derek Daniels just sent a message to Mr. Man for Summer BreakDown, but what will happen when both men go through Three Stages of Hell!?"


DATE: August 29th, 2011

VENUE: Prudential Center - Newark, New Jersey

THEME: "Dragonfly" by Shaman's Harvest

BROADCAST TEAM: Jonathan Steele & Jimmy Justice



JC: Obvious Segment

DUSTIN: Obvious Segment

MANNY: Everything Else