The Show opens with all the EWE Superstars and Diva's out at ringside while a BIG American Flag hangs over the ring. The National Anthem is played before it shows the highlight video above.

Jesse Brooks Vs. Kyle Wilfrid

This one is pretty clear on this match. Though Wilfrid displays some offense, Brooks still gets the job done hitting the Ghetto Blast and securing the three count.

Winner via Pinfall at 3:16: Jesse Brooks
Judges: 3 out of 3

After the Match, Austin randomly shows up and Stuns Jesse...and Kurtis too...and then Wilfrid as he got up. He grabbed a mic and said the match time warped him here...he then gave a speech about 9-11...then threw a beer bash in toast to 9-11....HHH tries to interupt this to find out why Austin is there...he gets a Stunner too before Austin finally leaves.

CM Punk Vs. Dave Wilson

The Voice for the Voiceless was Voiceless this week and quickly finds himself locked in the Celtic Cross Lock.

Winner via Submission at 0:47: Dave Wilson
Judges: 3 out of 3

On the titan tron The Rock cuts a heartfelt promo in tribute to 9-11 getting the crowd electrified.

Android #18(c) Vs. Emperor Ben

18 Schools Ben...shocking the world that he got beat so easily. Whatever the event Ben tastes the bitterness of the 18 Points of Pain

Winner via Submission at 4:26: Android #18
Judges: 3 out of 3

The tron turns on to show the Queens Of Wrestling sitting beside each other as Mickie is seen having a ribbon on her shirt. She looks at the camera and speaks.

MICKIE JAMES: "Tonight. We come to you, not as The Queens. But as family. 10 Years ago, We saw the horror that was The 9/11 Attacks. But on that week, that memorial week. We learned that no matter what. We would not go down without a fight. The people of Flight 93 sacrificed their lives, saving us. Each night. I pray for the families and our solders who are overseas, FIGHTING...to keep our freedom alive."

Mickie lowers her head, but Trish begins to hold her hand. Mickie looks at her Lita pats her on the back. Mickie then turns and speaks again.

MICKIE JAMES: "So tonight. I don't come to you as Mickie James, The Queens Champion, One Third Of The Queens Of Wrestling or any of that. I come to you as Mickie James, A Human Being. To say what was said years ago. Never Give Up, Never Surrender and Never Forget....United We Stand."

Mickie begins to shed a tear as they cut to commericial.

The Rock Vs. The Miz

FINALLY...No Pun intended...ok maybe...a Good Match! This one goes back and forth for awhile with offesnse on both sides. Both men get a few near falls before Rock locks Miz in the Sharpshooter. Miz screams and fights, but doesn't tap. Instead Miz gets the ropes. The Rock takes a bit of control, before planting Miz with a spinebuster. As Rock gets set for the People's Elbow, Miz leaps up as Rock bounces off the ropes, Miz nails Rock with a quick and sudden Skull Crushing Finale! Miz makes the cover, and scores the 3!

Winner via Submission at 7:37: The Miz
Judges: 3 out of 3

New EWE Women's Champion, Amelia "The Phoenix" Pieterson is on the tron next, which the crowd cheers right away. Amelia pays her respects to 9-11 and those who lost their lives.

Rocco J. Abrams Vs. Cyrus

More of the same...good match that is anyway. It's another back and forth match with a few near falls. Rocco is ready to seal the deal with the Bitter End, when Cyrus counters locking in the Cyrus Lock! Rocco screams and fights to get free, but Cyrus has locked the Cyrus Lock!...Rocco keeps fighting though and luckily does end up finding the ropes. Things aren't great for long though, as Rocco is then hit with the Dance of Death! Cyrus makes the cover scoring the pinfall!

Winner via Pinfall at 8:26: Cyrus
Judges: 2 out of 2

Former EWE Undisputed Champion Mr. Man is up next on the tron, getting more cheers. He gives a good speech to 9-11 as well.

Dan Taylor & Sharpay Evans Vs. White Tiger & Hollie Winder

This is a good match too as it starts off with the ladies. Sharpay starts pulling the first momentum of the match getting a fear near falls over Hollie before making the tag to Taylor. This makes WT legal on his team. Taylor and WT go back and forth for awhile before Tiger tags Hollie back in. Hollie starts to build herself some momentum this time, getting a few near falls over Sharpay. As WT and Taylor get back into the match, WT hits a hard short-arm-clothesline. WT then locks Taylor in the Tiger's Snare. Taylor screams and fights to get free, but Tiger keeps it locked. Just when it seems Taylor might tap, he finally gets the ropes. As Taylor is getting up he hits WT with a low blow, that the ref barely missed. Taylor quickly gets up and hits a clothesline. Taylor gets amped up as WT staggers back up, Hollie makes a blind tag. Taylor goes for the Taylor Made, WT ducks, and as Hollie was getting in the ring, she takes the full blow of the move. Taylor looks down at her, while the ref calls for the bell.

Winners via DQ at 10:16: White Tiger & Hollie Winder
Judges: 1 out of 1

Taylor argues with the ref about his decision while the ref reminds him that it was a Mixed Tag Match. Taylor defends himself that he didn't mean to hit Hollie, but the ref assures him the decision has already been made. Meanwhile WT has taken Hollie up the ramp and is smiling back at Taylor.

Our last trip to the titan tron. This time it's Michael Jensen :O It's via satelite, but still! Jensen makes a good speech of his own, which was weird, he was definately out of character.

Mr. Man Vs. Alessandro Quagliaterre

Two former Best Friends and Tag Partners clash in this one as they put on a great Main Event to finish off the special show. Alessandro takes the early lead in this one as he starts working on various parts of Mr. Man's body before locking in a Half Boston Crab. Man manages to get the ropes before any significan damage is done though. Man battles back before hitting the Back to the Future and following it up with a quick cover for a two count. Man starts to take control for awhile before locking in the Wave of the Future! Alessandro screams for freedom and after being trapped for awhile, finds it. Mr Man tries to keep controling the match, but Alessandro locks in the Bedtime! Mr Man fights as the ref checks on him to make sure he's awake. Finally the ref does the three arm drop, on the third one Manny springs his arm back up, as the crowd cheers. Man hits three elbows then hits the Triple Verticals!...Man climbs the turnbukle and taunts before hitting The Future Splash! the Crowd blows up as Man covers for the one....two...three!!!...NO!!! Alessandro kicked out!...Mr Man is just as shocked. As he's sitting on his knees in his shocked state, it gets worse...Alessandro locks in the Sweet Dreams!!!...Mr Man fights but they are dead in the center of the ring. Mr Man still fights though for a good 2 minutes at least, but finally passes out.

Winners via Submission at 14:31: Alessandro Quagliaterre
Judges: 2 out of 3

As Alessandro is celebrating it's short lived by the sound of "It's All About Me" ringing over the PA System. The Crowd boos as the new Undisputed Champ comes out. He tells everyone that their 9-11 Tribute has been "Saved". Since they was wronged by not having EWE's "Greatest Wrestler on the entire roster" not being booked and having to "suffer" through such a "horrible" Main Event. The crowd boos that one in disagreement. He just shakes his head and tells the fans "I tell no lies" "Just like I'm going to embarrass White Tiger at Dynamic Destruction. Ally or not, I carried his ass, and I'm going to prove it". Alessandro finally cuts him off telling him "I hate to burst your bubble. But I still have a rematch clause...and I plan on using it at Dynamic Destruction" The Crowd cheers. Mr Man gets himself a mic. "Nonsense...I'm getting my rematch at Dynamic Destriction!". The Crowd blows up not knowing what to think. Finally Jensen comes back on the titan tron, via satelite still. He makes comment about how they both have a right to the shot, as does White Tiger for being the 2011 King of Xtreme and not using it at summer breakdown. He tells Derek to calm down "Alessandro will not be facing you head to head for that Championship". Derek smiles as the crowd boos. "Neither will Mr. Man" the Crowd boos more as Derek grins even wider. "For that matter neither is White Tiger." Derek shrugs, not really caring. "No, You'll be facing all three of them!" Derek's smile completely vanishes as the crowd blows up! Is Jensen going Face?! :O...."At Dynamic Destruction...for the Undisputed Championship...it'll be Derek Daniels defending against White Tiger....and Mr. Man...and Alessandro Quagliaterre....in Russian Roulette!!" The crowd blows up as Jensen smirks at Derek and winks before his feed cuts off. Derek is ready to blow a gasket while Alessandro just nods, while Mr. Man is grinning from cheek to cheek. As Derek storms his way up the ramp the show comes to a fade.


DATE: September 11th, 2011 (Sunday Night Special)

VENUE: Madison Square Garden - New York City, New York

THEME: "My Immortal" by Evanesence

BROADCAST TEAM: Jonathan Steele & Jimmy Justice



SHADIC: Obvious Segment

JAY: Everything Else