Chaos opens with a nice video of the match made for Dynamic Destruction with Mr. Man, Alessandro Quagliaterre, White Tiger and EWE Undisputed Champion Derek Daniels. We see Derek being furious, the other men laughing and then we see Derek taking his frustrations out on Jesse Brooks and getting suspended by Triple H via Michael Jensen...We fade out on Derek's face in fury after being suspended and the show opens.

The theme and video rolls as we start and the fireworks go off to a packed crowd. Jimmy Justice and Jonathan Steele is sitting at ringside.

JONATHAN STEELE: "Welcome to Monday Night Chaos! What a lineup we have for you tonight's fans, our Undisputed Champion is out of action. We have Dan Taylor and a partner of his choice against White Tiger and Android 18."

JIMMY JUSTICE: "We also have The Miz in action, along with Jesse brooks and Dave Wilson. Let's get this night started!"

Kyle Wilfrid Vs. The Miz

The Miz makes quick work of Wilfrid. As Wilfrid was making his way out to the ring, The Miz attacks him from behind and slides him into the ring. The bell sounds and the match begins, Wilfrid throws a clothesline at The Miz but he catches him with the Skull Crushing Finale and rolls him over for a three count. The crowd boos Miz as he celebrates in the ring.

Winner via Pinfall at 1:43: THE MIZ
Judges: n/a

Christy Chaos Vs. Mr. Man

Mr. Man comes to the ring with a lot of expectation after being beaten last week handedly by Dan Taylor. He comes to the ring to applause and gets the crowd pumps up, then Christy Chaos' music hits and she comes out to the top of the ramp, but she isn't in wrestling gear, and she has a microphone. Mr. Man raises his arms in question. Christy reminds Mr. Man of what she said in her promo...and also that she won't be doing what they wanted to do with the International Title, so "good luck with that". Christy tells Mr Man to screw off before walking to the back. Mr Man looks to the ref confused before he raises his hand.

Winner via Walk-Out at 0:00: MR. MAN
Judges: n/a

Jesse Brooks Vs. Dave Wilson

The match of the night here. Jesse Brooks comes to the ring and he looks determined after his match up last week with Derek Daniels. He slaps some hands of the fans as he makes his way down to the ring, and then he's followed by Dave Wilson, who comes to the ring to a mixed reaction but mostly boos. This match starts out going back and forth, each man giving one another shots until Dave Wilson controls most of the match, using Jesse as his punching bag. Dave gets a few power moves in but only gets two counts. Jesse begins his comeback and nails Dave with a few shoulder blocks and a big neck breaker. Both men get to their feet, and Dave lifts Jesse up for the F-5, but Jesse counters into a flip and rolls Dave up for the quick 1-2-3, Jesse bounces out of the ring in celebration as Dave gets up furious. He chases the ref from the ring and then vents.

Winner via Pinfall at 9:18: JESSE BROOKS
Judges: n/a

After the match we watch Dave go up the ramp, where he bumps shoulders with Cyrus, Jimmy and Jonathan say Cyrus is in action next.

Cyrus Vs. Jay Jobber

This one is self explanatory, but Cyrus still shows respect to Jay by shaking his hand before the match. The match quickly gets out of hand as Cyrus flips and turns around the ring, outrunning Jay. Jay does get in a little offense with a kick to the gut and a quick, actually athletic DDT, but Cyrus hops to his feet, shaking loose the cobwebs and nails Jay with a Dance with Death.

Winner via Pinfall at 2:45: CYRUS
Judges: n/a

After the match Cyrus gets up and has his hand raised by the referee.

JENNIFER SPARKS: "And the winner of this match....Cyyyruuuusssss."

Cyrus runs over and climbs up onto the second turnbuckle as the crowd cheers for him and the camera lights flash as he holds his arms up over his head in celebration.

JONATHAN STEELE: "And yet another win for Cyrus, he's really picking up some steam in the EWE, he's never been pinned in singles action."

JIMMY JUSTICE: "He beat a Jobber for Christ sakes, Jonathan. He isn't the second coming or anything...Come on."

Cyrus goes to get on another turnbuckle, his back turned to the entrance ramp when the fans suddenly turn to see someone sprinting down the ramp. The man slides into the ring and nails Cyrus from behind and then pulls him roughly off the turnbuckle and slams him onto the mat.

JONATHAN STEELE: "What the hell! It's Dave Wilson!"

JIMMY JUSTICE: "Newcomer Dave Wilson! Now here's an athlete, Steele. But what is he doing out here?"

Cyrus tries to send a few shots into the stomach of Dave but Dave sends Cyrus into the ropes and then nails him with a big boot. Cyrus goes limp and hits the mat. The referee is trying to force Dave off but he shoves the referee down and picks Cyrus back up and lifts him up in a military press.

JONATHAN STEELE: "My God! What strength!"


He presses Cyrus up and down several times and then throws him clean over the top rope and in front of the announce table. Dave then exits the ring. He goes under the ring and pulls out a table, and sets it up. The crowd is too shocked to boo or cheer.

JONATHAN STEELE: "What is this man doing? What point is he trying to prove?!"

JIMMY JUSTICE: "He's making a statement, Steele. Cyrus is a new comer, he's good, and he hasn't been pinned. Dave is trying to make a statement."

Dave lifts the limp Cyrus onto his shoulder and screams as he gives Cyrus an F-5 through the table, smashing the limp body through the table, shattering it. The announce team and the crowd are silent as Dave gets up and stares down Cyrus as referees go to check on the luchdore as the screen fades to a commercial break.

After the commercial Triple H is seen on the titan tron with both the Tag Team Titles and the International Championship. He points out the obvious that the International Champion had retired, while the #1 Contender/Former Champion has walked out. He says that will currently vacate the International Title with plans on what to do to be revealed next week. He then makes an announcement regarding the Tag Team titles saying that, like the X-Division, the Tag Team Titles have been frozen until further notice.

We come back to ringside with the ring cleared.

JONATHAN STEELE: "Well, it's the moment we've all been waiting for, the main event. Although we've been handed grave news that Android 18 will not be coming to the ring tonight."

JIMMY JUSTICE: "Well, looks like this one will be a handicap match then."

JONATHAN STEELE: "Handicap match?"

JIMMY JUSTICE: "This is still a tag match, Jonathan. It doesn't matter that White Tigers partner can't come to the ring."

"Welcome to the Jungle" hits and one half of the tag team champion makes his way to the ring. He scowls at the fans as he walks by.

JENNIFER SPARKS: "The following match is scheduled for one fall with no time limit. Making his way to the ring first, From Rawlins, Wyoming....He is an EWE hall of famer...WHITE TIGERRR!!"

WT slides into the ring and awaits Taylor and his partner. Taylor's music hits and he comes walking down the ramp with a smirk on his face. Nobody seems to be with him.

JENNIFER SPARKS: "And his opponent...From Los Angeles, California....Dan Tayloooorrr!"

Dan Taylor & ???? Vs. White Tiger

This match is a competitive one from start to finish, but is lackluster as White Tiger slows the tempo down, followed by Dan matching the tempo. The men exchange blows a couple of times with White Tiger getting the upper hand with a Struck Down and it looks to be over, but Taylor gets a shoulder up. The two go at it some more and White Tiger keeps the upper hand and then suddenly Dan Taylor nails WT with a cheap shot to his knee. White Tiger ends up fighting back until out of nowhere SEAN LEWIS comes running down the ramp and when White Tiger bounces off the ropes, Sean Lewis grabs his foot, the tag team partner of Dan Taylor. White Tiger turns around and mouths off to Lewis only to turn around to get hit with a Taylor Made. WT goes down and Sean Lewis slides into the ring as the three-count goes down.

Winners via Pinfall at 7:00: DAN TAYLOR & SEAN LEWIS
Judges: n/a

After the match Lewis raises Dan's hand and then backs away and NAILS him with a superkick, rolls out of the ring and heads up the ramp, leaving both White Tiger and Dan Taylor out in the middle of the ring.


DATE: September 26th, 2011

VENUE: n/a

THEME: "Dragonfly" by Shaman's Harvest

BROADCAST TEAM: Jonathan Steele & Jimmy Justice



???: n/a