"Dragonfly" Echoed over the PA System as the usual Pyro Show opener went on. As that ended we cut straight to the titan tron where EWE Chairman Michael Jensen was displayed from his Jensen Industry Office, once again, via satelite. Jensen announced that tonight would be the final Chaos, not forever, but Temporarly. This coming Saturday wouldn't be Ladies Night, as that was temporarly canceled as well. Cancled is a strong show, cause neither show nor especially Brand was cancled. They are just uniting for a short time. This coming Saturday would be the return of EWE Saturday Night's ShowDown, and as expected, would be run by Co-GM's Triple H and Stephanie, with Triple H in charge of the Male Division, and Stephanie the Women's Division. With that being said, Jensen went onto say, despite being billed as a Chaos Exclusive Pay Per View, he was going to go ahead and beef up Dynamic Destruction by adding a Women's and Diva's Title match. With Abby Addiction challenging Lita for the Diva's Championship, and Sharpay Evans challenging Amelia Pieterson.

Rocco J. Abrams Vs. Jay Jobber

Rocco looks like crap again this week, it's even worse for him when he's actually out wrestled by Jay Jobber, and he only hits like two actual Wrestling Moves, the rest, I don't know what they are. Then he hits his 3rd real move, The Hail The Super Splash to get the big victory.

Winner via Pinfall at 3:14: Jay Jobber

Dan Taylor finds his way into HHH's office, Taylor bitches to HHH that he wants to speak to "that bald piece of shit, for giving me a worthless opponent yet again tonight." HHH reminds him, Jensen didn't book the match, he did. HHH then tells Dan, if he has a problem with it, and he wants a "real match" then he can deal with Emperor Ben...at Dynamic Destruction.

Cyrus Vs. Dave Wilson

This match doesn't last long at all. We see a little bit of wrestling, but at one point Dave ends up on the outside of the ring, as Cyrus dives over the top rope, Wilson cracks him in mid air with a steel chair! The Ref sees this and immediately calles for the bell.

Winner via Disqualification at 2:47: Cyrus

After the match Wilson mounted a brutal assault on Cyrus. The crowd booed the entire assault, but Wilson made sure his intentions were clear, as he drove Cyrus Through a table with a power bomb!

After a commercial break, HHH is in the locker room of Jesse Brooks, who requested HHH meet him. The reason for this is because Brooks says he wants a big breakout match. HHH says "Derek Daniels and Alessandro ain't good enough" Jesse says that them are good, but he means a big Pay Per View Match. HHH nods and agrees, saying he'll take on 2x Undisputed Champion Assassin at Dynamic Destruction. Jesse smiles and eargly accepts.

Dan Taylor Vs CM Punk

Another snore fest here. We do see one interesting twist in this match though. Dan Taylor being so smug and cocky, he makes Punk tap out, to his own Anaconda Vice!

Winner via Submission at 4:38: Dan Taylor

After a Commercial Ben is caught backstage getting an interview about the announcement earlier by Triple H. This interview is interupted though when he's ambushed by Dan Taylor. Taylor hits Ben with a brutal assault until Security breaks it up. HHH walks up after the security and tells Dan his actions were un-called for, that he is susspended until further notice. Which goes to ask, will he even be allowed back for his match with Ben?

"Dynamic" Derek Daniels(c) Vs Assassin

Holy Bonkers, it's about time we had a match that wasn't ENTIRELY ONE SIDED! So yes this match had action from both sides. It was back and forth for a little while, while Assassin started to get the advantage after hitting a Bicycle Kick and getting a near fall. Derek got some momentum of his own though among that hitting a Sky-High Power Bomb, also getting a two count. Derek started to pull away, but when he went for the Dynamic Drop, Assassin blocked it with an elbow to the back of the head. Assassin then locks in the Lights Out as Derek fights for air. Derek seems to be in trouble but pushes more weight so that Assassin's shoulders are on the mat, as the ref counts two Assassin has to let go. Assassin gets up to grab Derek, only to be planted with a Dynamic Drop! Derek sits up catching his breath for a moment. He doesn't cover, but instead pulls Assassin up and hits The Dynamic Driver! The crowd boos more as Derek makes the cover and scores the three count.

Winner via Pinfall at 10:26: "Dynamic" Derek Daniels

After the match, Derek is celebrating, with a smug smirk on his face. As he turns to leave, he's decked right between the eyes with a steel chair, by Mr. Man! The crowd cheers this action which is weird, but he gets away with it. Mr Man slams the chair down and makes the title motion around his waist while looking down at Derek.

After a commercial break Cyrus is in HHH's office, fresh after getting the medical attention he needed. He's telling Triple H that he demands a rematch with Dave Wilson, and infact he wants it to be a Table Match. The crowd cheered in the background as soon as he said that. HHH nodded and agreed to make this match for Dynamic Destruction. The crowd of course cheered that too. As Cyrus was about to leave HHH stops him, and says he's gonna spice it up even more. Cyrus asks how, thats when HHH opens a drawer in his desk and removes the International Championship. HHH lays the title on the desk and winks at Cyrus, as the crowd cheers yet again. The Camera's return to ringside where Jennifer Sparks stands in the ring.

JENNIFER SPARKS: The Following contest is tonight's featured Main Event and it is set for one fall! "Fast Lane" by Bad Meets Evil hits the PA System which causes the crowd to burst out into a somewhat mixed reaction. Jesse splits the curtains and makes his way down the ramp.

JENNIFER SPARKS: First...from New Orleans Louisiana...weighing in at 200 pounds...JESSE BROOKS!

JIMMY JUSTICE: What's with the mixed reaction? I thought he was starting to win these stupid fans over?

JONATHAN STEELE: I'd say it's to do with the way he's treating Kurtis Porter.

JIMMY JUSTICE: These people need to stop licking that guys ass, he's retired, get over it. This young prospect is ready to make a name for himself, on his own.

JONATHAN STEELE: well he'll have a big test tonight to try and do that. As Jesse gets in the ring and waits there's a few moments of silence. Then suddenly "Disturbia" by Rihanna cues over the PA System, once again gaining a mixed reaction from the fans when Alessandro walks out through the curtains. Jennifer Sparks seems very nervous as she goes to introduce him.

JENNIFER SPARKS: His opponent...from Alpine New Jersey...weighing in at 240 pounds....ALESSANDRO...QUAG......LIA.....TERRE? Alessandro nods slightly as he's coming down the ramp, which let's Jennifer give out a sigh of relief before getting out of the ring.

JIMMY JUSTICE: Here comes one bad mother fucker here..

JONATHAN STEELE: You mean Disturbed.

JIMMY JUSTICE: No, that's a Band...Alessandro is one person, dumbass. Alessandro rolls into the ring as him and Jesse stare at eachother for a moment, the ref calls for the bell.

Jesse Brooks Vs. Alessandro Quagliaterre

Early Moments: Brooks and Alessandro lock up and the match gets under way. It starts off slow but begins to pick up when Brooks hits a Pele Kick. Brooks made the cover but only got a two count. Brooks did start to build momentum off that though and had control for awhile.

Midway: Brooks still had control when he hit a Super Swinging Neckbreaker and covered for another two count. When Jesse goes for the Slick, Alessandro counters by locking in a Tiger Feint Crucifix Armbar. Jesse fights for freedom and soon finds it, but it isn't long before he's locked in a half boston crab, stupid Abdul and doing all submissions just cause he wanted to win by submission haha jk.

Closing Moments: Alessandro had the control for awhile before they started going back and forth again. Alessandro went for the kill as he locked Jesse in the Good Night. Jesse fought it off but soon started to fade. As the ref did the arm drop routine, Jesse raised his hand on the third, ya ya, typical stuff here. Finally we get to the point where Jesse picks Alessandro up for the Ghetto Blast!...but instead Alessandro Locks in The 8th Avenue! Jesse is trapped in the middle of the ring and is tortured for several minutes before having to tap out.

Winner via Pinfall at 15:21: Alessandro Quagliaterre
Judges: 2 out of 3

JENNIFER SPARKS: Here is your winner...ALESSANDRO QUAGLIATERRE!!! "Disturbia" as Alessandro keeps the hold locked on.

JONATHAN STEELE: Another great Chaos Main Event...you can let go now though!

JIMMY JUSTICE: Keep it locked! Alessandro finally let's go when he sees White Tiger coming down the ramp. WT slides in the ring just as Alessandro gets up. WT swings at Alessandro with a chair, just as Mr. Man had done to Derek, but Alessandro blocks it, then kicks WT in the gut, before locking in the Sweet Dreams!

JONATHAN STEELE: Well that backfired...

JIMMY JUSTICE: What the hell? Someone get him off our King! Alessandro keeps it locked while WT has found himself trapped in a backfiring scheme. Refs and Security bombard the ring to try and break Alessandro Off as the camera's fade out.


DATE: October 3rd, 2011

VENUE: Value City Arena - Columbus, Ohio

THEME: "Dragonfly" by Shaman's Harvest

BROADCAST TEAM: Jonathan Steele & Jimmy Justice

RP TURNOUT: 7/10 Roleplays


JAY: Everything