
February 6th, 2012

"Paralyzed" by Rock Kills Kid

Jonathan Steele & Jimmy Justice

U.S. Bank Arena - Cincinnati, Ohio

8 RPs

Dustin M- Everything


Noone: 100%

Cash: 33%
Lee: 66%

Barrett: 33%
Orton: 66%

Jericho: 33%
Wilson: 66%

Rebel: 100%
Fame: 0%

Oz: 33%
Deadpool: 66%

Lewis: 33%
Rock: 66%

Dawg: 33%
Dutch: 66%

Wade Barrett Vs. Randy Orton
[Randy basically takes Barrett to the woodshed from the opening bell and proceeds to destroy him in less than a minute. Big time RKO finishes Wade's night and humiliates him completely.]
Winner via Pinfall: Randy Orton
Match Time: 0:58
Judges: 3/3

Johnny Rebel Vs. Chris Fame
[Another speedy match as Johnny Rebel takes the former number-one contender and curb stomps him from the opening bell with a battery of blows. A quick roll-up ends this one faster than the last.]
Winner via Pinfall: Johnny Rebel
Match Time: 0:49
Judges: 3/3

We come back from commercial with a shot of Chaos General Manager Triple H talking with a road agent in the back. The crowd pops as "The Irish Fury" Dutch Clark comes walking by arm-in-arm with his wife Christy Chaos. He looks at HHH and then whispers something to Christy who kisses him on the cheek and continues on. Dutch walks up to HHH.

[DutchClark] " So this is what the supposed "KING OF KINGS" does eh? You sit around in the back pretending like you have some sort of clue what you're doing? "

HHH raises an eyebrow and looks up at Dutch.

[TripleH] " In case you didn't figure it out... I am still the Chaos General Manager. I have work to do. "

[DutchClark] " And in case you didn't figure it out I don't give a rat's ass what you think you are. You a worthless shell of what you once were and it is disgusting that the only time you decide to set foot in the ring is when you either A. want to blindside somebody or B. try to pretend you deserve the King of Kings title. You make me sick. "

HHH's eye twitches slightly as he brushes by the road agent and gets right up into Dutch's face.

[TripleH] " You know what Dutch... You think you got what it takes to play the game? "

Dutch laughs.

[DutchClark] " Hunter... You haven't been the game since Shawn Michaels took his tongue out of your ass and let you become Jensen's placeholder. You're a JOKE. "

HHH nods and cracks his neck before smiling.

[TripleH] " Okay Dutch... Since you think after taking time off to be a "HOUSE HUSBAND" makes you better than anyone else why don't you prove it next week. "

Dutch sneers and gets right up into HHH's face.

[DutchClark] " You and me? Anytime... ANYWHERE. "

[TripleH] " Oh no... You don't deserve a shot at me Dutchy... No... How about you go one on one with THE GREAT ONE??? "

Dutch raises an eyebrow and turns around as HHH points to the International Champion THE ROCK who is walking down the hall towards the entrance. He turns back around with a small smirk on his face.

[DutchClark] " The Rock? You really are a pussy... "

Dutch brushes past HHH who has started to get that small twitch in his eye again. Dutch walks straight up to The Rock.

[DutchClark] " As for you Rocky... Use every catchphrase you have because I plan on ripping out your lungs to prove my point. See you next week here on CHAOS. "

Dutch rips past The Rock who looks slightly confused. He turns to watch Dutch walk away.

[TheRock] " What, in the blue hell, was that about??? "

Sean "Slug" Lewis Vs. The Rock(c)
[The Rock seems non-too-detoured from the run-in with Dutch and catches a charging Sean Lewis with a Rock Bottom mere seconds after the opening bell. A People's Elbow later and we have a humiliating loss for the Hall-of-Famer.]
Winner via Pinfall: The Rock
Match Time: 1:03
Judges: 3/3

Chris Jericho Vs. Dave Wilson
[Hoping to keep the speed record going for EWE Chaos victories, Dave Wilson catches Jericho getting into the ring with a boot to the head that knocks Y2J back out of the ring and crashing to the floor. He is out cold as Dave just shakes his head and the ref counts him out.]
Winner via Countout: Dave Wilson
Match Time: 0:14
Judges: 3/3

Oz Vs. Deadpool
[Oh my... We get some real action at last! Pretty decent match as the Merc with the Mouth takes control early with a combination of martial arts offense which seems to take Oz off-guard. DP goes for a big crescent kick but Oz ducks and catches DP with a dropkick that turns the course of the match. Oz goes to work on DP with a series of Ricky Steamboat-esq Armdrags and then whips DP into the ropes and catches him with a vicious Tilt-a-Whirl backbreaker. He signals and goes to the top for the "Surf's Up and Down" but DP moves out of the way at the last second.]

[DP returns to his feet and catches Oz with a stiff chop that actually sends him through the ropes and out to the floor. Rather than capitalize, DP turns to the nearest camera and begins breaking the fourth-wall, talking about what he is going to do next. Oz gets back up on the apron and DP rushes forward and nails a stiff Hurricanrana back over the rope and into the ring. It only gets two much to DP's chagrin.]

[DP moves Oz towards the center of the ring and motions to the ropes for his patented "Goomba Stomp." He heads up the ropes and leaps just as Oz is getting back up. Oz fires up a leg and catches DP with the CALIFORNIA DREAMING SUPERKICK which nearly turns Deadpool into Headpool. A pin and that is all she wrote for this one.]
Winner via Pinfall: Oz
Match Time: 7:40
Judges: 3/3

D-Dawg Vs. Dutch Clark
[ Dutch stands in the ring with solid crowd support as he jaw-jacks with D-Dawg from the second he gets in the ring. D-Dawg just takes it before slapping the piss out of Dutch who stumbles back into the corner. Dutch's eyes open wide with rage and he just bum-rushes D-Dawg. He tackles him hard and begins to punch away as D-Dawg struggles to get him off. Dutch is relentless and the referee has to pull him off as D-Dawg tries to pull himself up on the ropes. Dutch rushes forward and catches D-Dawg with a quick knee to the side of the head which knocks him through the ropes and to the outside. ]

[ D-Dawg is down as Dutch looks around for something to use. He finds a microphone cable and comes back to wrap it around D-Dawg's throat but D-Dawg fires up a fist and stuns Dutch. Dutch drops the cable and tries to fire back but D-Dawg underhooks him and delivers a wicked Arm-Clutch Suplex on the concrete floor. Dutch writhes in pain as D-Dawg rolls back into the ring to stop the count. He comes back outside and begins to stomp on Dutch before tossing him back in the ring. ]

[ D-Dawg follows Dutch back in and begins to square Dutch up with boots. He lets Dutch pull himself up in the corner and plants boots into Dutch's chest which drives the air out of him. D-Dawg holds up his hands and tries playing to the crowd but they are none-too-happy with D-Dawg. D-Dawg turns back around to hit Dutch but Dutch quickly sticks a thumb right into D-Dawg's eye. D-Dawg grabs his face in pain which allows Dutch to do a go-behind and hit a big High-Angle Back Suplex which bounces D-Dawg's head, neck and shoulders off of the mat. ]

[ Dutch takes his time getting up as D-Dawg struggles on the mat. Dutch picks D-Dawg back up and locks in a side headlock. He holds it as D-Dawg tries to fight his way out of it. He manages to get to the ropes which causes Dutch to break. Dutch does and takes a step back towards the center of the ring. D-Dawg comes back towards Dutch and attempts a right hook but Dutch blocks and connects with a stiff right hand of his own. D-Dawg is stunned back into the corner and Dutch follows him in. ]

[ Dutch lowers a shoulder into D-Dawg and tries to lift him on the top-rope but D-Dawg blocks it. D-Dawg hits an elbow to Dutch's jaw which knocks him back a step. He is quick to follow and hits the "HELL LINE" out of the corner which flips Dutch inside-out. He goes for a pin but only gets two much to his shock. He looks at the ref and shakes his head but picks up Dutch again. ]

[ He begins to really work into Dutch with some punches before making a cutthroat signal. D-Dawg goes behind Dutch to lock in a modified Full Nelson looking to hit his finisher but Dutch rifles his skull back into D-Dawg's face. D-Dawg is forced to release the hold as a steady stream of blood comes down his face from his nose. He holds his nose in pain and doubles over as Dutch turns around. He quickly rushes forward and nails the "FURIOUS DDT" dead in the center of the ring. He goes for a pin but only gets a two-count as well. Dutch verbally curses and looks around in frustration. ]

[ Dutch picks D-Dawg back up and hammers him into the corner again. He backs up and charges but D-Dawg moves and Dutch hits the turnbuckle chest first. He stumbles back gasping for air as D-Dawg hits a desperation side kick to Dutch's chest. Dutch stumbles back into the ropes as D-Dawg tries to shake the cobwebs and clear the blood. He manages to Irish Whip Dutch into the opposite ropes and puts his head down to attempt a backbody drop. Dutch puts the brakes on, grabs him by the head and hits a "FURYBREAKER!" Dutch goes for the pin and gets the well-deserved three!!! ]
Winner via Pinfall: Dutch Clark
Match Time: 14:41
Judges: 2/2

After the match has ended Dutch slowly gets up to his knees and looks down at the bloodied D-Dawg with a strange look. Dutch gets handed his tag-title as the crowd cheers his victory. D-Dawg struggles to roll to his side and manages to get to the ropes. D-Dawg pulls himself up as Dutch walks up to him and sizes him up. D-Dawg shakily puts his fists up but Dutch shakes his head and extends his hand. D-Dawg eyes Dutch wearilly but takes the hand and the two shake as a sign of respect. This gets a big cheer from the crowd as EMTs help D-Dawg out of the ring and Dutch nods again at him at the fight he put up.

1: Dutch Clark
2: D-Dawg
3: Oz
4: Johnny Rebel
5: Deadpool