
February 13th, 2012

"Paralyzed" by Rock Kills Kid

Jonathan Steele & Jimmy Justice

United Center - Chicago, Illinois

10/20 RPs

Jay- Segments
Dustin M- Matches


N/A: 0%

Rose: 50%
Moretti: 50%

Rebel: 100%
Jericho: 0%

Lewis: 0%
Deadpool: 100%

Baltimore: 0%
Tiger: 100%

Orton: 0%
Alessandro: 100%

N/A: 0%

Luzon: 100%
Kincade: 0%

Rock: 50%
Dutch: 50%

Standard Match
Corey Cash Vs. Brandon Lee vs. Chris Michaels vs. Dave Wilson vs. Khaos vs. Oz
[All of these wrestlers apparently miss the flight to Chicago and leave the crowd angry and confused.]
Winner: Not EWE

Standard Intergender Match
Allyson Rose Vs. Vito Moretti
[Vito beats the living piss out of Rose and tosses her head first over the top rope and through a table on the outside. The ref counts her out.]
Winner at 1:15: Vito Moretti

"Paralyzed" by Rock Kills Kid continues over the PA System while the opening pyro shoots off.

[JonathanSteele] " Just 20 Days until Final Destination..We Are Live in the sold out United Center in Chicago Illinois. I'm Jonathan Steele, as always I'm joined by Jimmy Justice as we welcome you to another edition of Monday Night Chaos and the Road to WrestleMania moves on! "

[JimmyJustice] " How many times do I gotta tell you, give me the top bill. "

[JonathanSteele] " Sorry partner, but how about our card tonight? Specifically The Main Event...when the Irish Fury goes one on one, with the Great One! "

[JimmyJustice] " The Battle Of The EWE's Two most Overrated superstars right now. and Two of the biggest Spotlight Hogs in Professional Wrestling History. "

[JonathanSteele] " That's a little harsh. "

[JimmyJustice] " But true.. "

[JonathanSteele] " I disagree, but no matter. Our first match is already ready to start things off. "

Johnny Rebel Vs. Chris Jericho
[Johnny Rebel continues his slaughtering ways literally beating Jericho to his knees from the opening bell. A punt to the skull is a replay of last week’s loss for Jericho as he goes flying out of the ring and lays broken on the outside. Rebel just laughs as the ref counts him out and he begins calling out The Rock.]
Winner via Countout: Johnny Rebel
Match Time: 1:22
Judges: 4/4

After The Match: Rock came out and reminded Rebel, and everyone that he accepted his challenge, and the two will face off next week!

As the camera's return from commercial The Rock stands by HHH's office door. HHH walks out and looks at the Rock.

[TripleH] " Thanks for coming. "

[TheRock] " The Rock doesn't understand why you called him here. The Rock has a match to prepare for with the Irish Bastard. "

[TripleH] " I understand, and know all about that match, I booked it. I just wanted to ask you. What does your contract say that you are? "

[TheRock] " The Most Electrifying Man in ALL of EWE... "

The crowd cheers in the background, as HHH shakes his head.

[TripleH] " No, it says you are a Superstar, a Wrestler. "

[TheRock] " What are you getting at? "

HHH now points to the GM Emblem on his door.

[TripleH] " What does this door say that I am? "

[TheRock] " A Jabroni.. "

The crowd cheers again, as Rock Smiles.

[TripleH] " Funny, but seriously Rock, what does it say? "

[TheRock] " It says Triple H, the Biggest Jabroni of a General Manager in Monday Night Chaos History, apart from Shane McMaghon, but it's close."

The crowd cheers and laughs as HHH shakes his head.

[TripleH] " Apart from that extra crap, you got that right. You see Rock, my job, as the General Manager, is to book matches. Your job, as a Wrestler, is to compete in the matches that I book. "

[TheRock] "Like to state the obvious?"

[TripleH] " Apparently it's not THAT obvious. You and Johnny Rebel both seem to think, you have my job. So, for the record.. The match that he challenged you to, without consulting me, and the match that you accepted, once again, without consulting me, I have no choice but to decline. "

The crowd boos in the background.

[TripleH] " You may not be aware of this, but one of our titles is being held hostage on the other brand. The X-Division Champion claims that title is now exclusive to Ladies Night. I intend on bringing that title back to Chaos, and my plans with Rebel next week, he could potentially help me do that. This no longer concerns you though, so good luck with Dutch. "

HHH heads back into his office as Rock shakes his head and walks back down the hall. He stops when he comes face to face with D-Dawg. This causes commotion from the fans.

[D-Dawg] " I want a rematch Rock. I nearly beat you last time, and I want another chance to prove that I can."

The crowd cheers as Rock nods slightly.

[TheRock] " Well Darious, as much as The Rock would love to accept that challenge, just as sure as The Rock accepted the match with Rebel, because The Rock fears no challenger. The Rock was just informed that he's not the General Manager, so it's not his duty. The Rock advises you take this speech to Hunter. "

Rock walks on as D-Dawg watches him leave for a moment. D-Dawg then heads for HHH's office as the camera's fade back to ringside.

Sean "Slug" Lewis Vs. Deadpool
[Slug never shows up at the arena, AGAIN, and Deadpool stands in the ring and shrugs. He wrestles an imaginary Sean Lewis much to the crowd’s delight which culminates in an amazing seventeen Goomba Stomps to the imaginary Sean.]
Winner via Pinfall: Deadpool
Match Time: 5:59
Judges: 4/4

Jeremy Baltimore Vs. White Tiger
[White Tiger wastes no time in just jacking up Jeremy Baltimore from the opening bell. In an amazing feat, White Tiger nails a Struck Down that literally breaks Jeremy’s neck. He begins bleeding out as the match is awarded to White Tiger. Jeremy is carted off and dumped down a garbage chute with the rest of the no-showing trash.]
Winner via Pinfall: White Tiger
Match Time: 2:23
Judges: 4/4

The camera's cut backstage, where we see Johnny Chaos attempting to cheer up Allyson Rose from her match, the same way he does everyone, but hitting on her. She turns him down though as she shrugs. When he turns to walk, he's now face to face with HHH.

[JohnnyChaos] " Hunter, how's it going buddy? "

[TripleH] " I'm not your buddy, why are you here? "

Johnny pretends to be confused.

[JohnnyChaos] " I'm sorry, I thought my admition to the Hall of Fame, gives me un-federate access to any show I want. "

[TripleH] " That might be how Jensen and other hacks ran things, but I only want Active Superstars on my show. "

[JohnnyChaos] " Then why did I just see Sean Lewis a minute ago? "

[TripleH] " Sean Lewis will be dealt with next week. You have no business being here, unless your going to compete. "

[JohnnyChaos] " Me Compete, you saw Phase Three didn't you? I'll be lucky if the Doctors let me compete by Summer. "

[TripleH] " Well don't show up here again, unless you plan on it. "

Johnny shrugs.

[JohnnyChaos] " Fine, I rather hang out backstage of the other show anyway. It's much more to my appeal if ya know what I mean. Who knows, I may even add my next victim. "

Johnny takes a step, then stops turning back to HHH.

[JohnnyChaos] " Infact, since you're unjustly banning me from your show. Maybe my next target should be the OTHER General Manager. "

Johnny smirks and elbows a furious HHH in the shoulder before walking off. HHH takes a deep breath.

[TripleH] " Relax...he's not THAT stupid. "

Randy Orton Vs. Alessandro Quagliaterre(c)
[Alessandro takes Orton to the woodshed, figuratively speaking, just as he said he would. It is a humiliating match for Randy who is literally beaten within an inch of his life. AQ is almost disqualified as he refuses to release his finisher but is finally pried from Randy’s near lifeless body from a multitude of officials.]
Winner via Submission: Alessandro Quagliaterre
Match Time: 1:55
Judges: 4/4

After The Match: Alessandro makes Jack bring him his title and raise his hand, as the fans boo this. Suddenly WT's music hits, causing the fans to blow up. As WT gets to the ring with a mic, he reminds Alessandro how he ducked him in December. How he gave WT that stipulation, then purposely lost to Chris Fame because he knew he could beat Fame alot easier than he could WT. Alessandro denied it, so WT told him to prove it and grant him a match with Jack, if he wins, he challenges Alessandro at Final Destination. Alessandro grants the wish and gets out of the ring.

STANDARD MATCH (If White Tiger Wins, he faces Alessandro @ Final Destination.)
White Tiger Vs. Jack Michels
[The bell sounds as the two legends circle each other around the ring. Jack suddenly gets in close and says something to WT which causes him to raise an eyebrow. Jack suddenly rears back and locks up with WT who pushes Jack back towards the corner. Jack hits the corner and goes down to the mat, screaming about his knee. WT looks down at Jack who is literally rolling around in agony as the ref is trying to figure out what went wrong. Jack continues to yell about his knee and holds his right knee, stops, then grabs his left knee. The referee is completely confused as Jack rolls to the outside and begins to put the count on. Jack continues to hold his knee in "pain" as the count out is finished for Jack who suddenly stands up as a stretcher is brought out. He casually lays down on it and continues to grab his right knee, then his left as White Tiger chuckles in the ring. They take him to the back as the ref raises WT's hand. ]
Winner via Countout: White Tiger
Match Time: 1:01
Judges: N/A

After The Match: WT celebrates and Smirks at Alessandro, who is furious, knowing fully well Jack did that on purpose.

Charlie D. Luzon Vs. Christopher Kincade
[ In our first actual competitive match of the evening, Charlie D. styles and struts in front of the tough talking newcomer who seems none-too-impressed with Charlie’s display. He is smacks the taste out of Charlie’s mouth and smiles sadistically as Charlie seems shocked at the sudden display of violence. Charlie locks up with Kincade and is quickly overpowered to the corner. Kincade scoffs at his opponent as Charlie begins to rethink his strategy. ]

[ Charlie comes out of the corner and cartwheels past Kincade who swings around and eats a stiff dropkick to the chin. Charlie takes the advantage and puts a few boots to Kincade and then plays to the crowd. Kincade pulls himself towards the ropes as Charlie continues to pound away. Kincade absorbs the punishment and ducks a right hand and executes a go-behind. He connects with a beautiful belly-to-back suplex which folds Charlie up. Kincade gets back up himself and looks down at Charlie. ]

[ The next few minutes are all Kincade as he locks in a reverse chin lock and saps the energy out of Charlie. Charlie eventually fights back to his feet and shoots Kincade into the ropes. Kincade comes back and Charlie hit’s a drop toe hold that bounces Kincade off the mat. Charlie gets back up first and does a little dancing as Kincade holds his face. Charlie suddenly stops and waits for Kincade to get back up before hitting a quick clothesline that sends Kincade to the outside. Charlie tries to follow it up with a plancha from the ring but Kincade moves and Charlie splatters on the outside. ]

[ As the ref counts, Kincade is suddenly in his element as he pounds Charlie with a barrage of right hooks. He rolls back in, breaks the count, and comes back out to do it again. He ends up grabbing a mic cord and strangles Charlie with it as the ref continues his count. He tosses Charlie back in the ring who gasps for air. Charlie shakily tries to get to his feet as Kincade moves in for the kill. He sets up behind him and nails the KINCADE CUTTER dead in the center of the ring for the 3! ]
Winner via Pinfall: Christopher Kincade
Match Time: 11:19
Judges: 4/4

The Rock(c) Vs. Dutch Clark(c)
[ For some reason The Rock is about a minute late in getting through the curtain which almost causes the match to be awarded to Dutch. The match itself starts out fast as both have absolutely no love loss for each other. We get ourselves a brawl as Rock gets the early upperhand and drives back Dutch to the ropes. He goes for the spit punch but in a cool spot Dutch ducks and hoists him up. He plants Rock's... Rocks square on the top rope in a very uncomfortable straddle. He turns around and nails Rock with a right hook that tumbles the people's champion to the outside. ]

[ Dutch is quick to follow and he continues his assault on the floor. He Irish Whips Rock into the guardrail and backs up to attack. At the last second Rock avoids Dutch's charge and Dutch flips over the rail. As he pulls himself back up Rock squares him up with a big right hand and then drags Dutch back over the rail by the shirt. He jars Dutch with another right hand and looks to set Dutch up for a Rock Bottom on the concrete. Dutch elbows out and goes to charge Rock again but gets caught with a Spinebuster on the cold floor!!! ]

[ Rock throws the hurt Dutch back in the ring and follows him in. He gets a two count but it is obvious Dutch's back is hurting. Rock smells the blood and begins to throw boots into Dutch's spine before picking him back up. He hoists Dutch up and hits a quick Samoan Drop for another two count. Rock goes down and grabs Dutch's legs before locking in a SHARPSHOOTER. The referee checks Dutch who refuses to give up. ]

[ After nearly a full two minutes in the Sharpshooter Dutch begins to power himself up. In an amazing feat of strength, Dutch does a full push-up and kicks Rock off of him and chest first into the turnbuckle. Rock gasps for air as Dutch struggles to crawl towards the ropes. Rock is the first to recooperate and comes over to resume his attack. He throws another right but Dutch ducks and tackles Rock to the mat. He quickly gets on the mount and throws several right hands that jars Rocky. ]

[ Dutch slowly gets off of Rock and stumbles back towards the ropes. Hie pulls himself back up as Rock tries to shake the cobwebs. He comes forward and underhooks Rock for a double-arm suplex. His back is unable to support the move and Rock is able to break and sweep his legs. He looks for another Sharpshooter but Dutch grabs his foot as he steps in and manages to slide Rock to the mat. He wrenches back and puts Rock in a Leg Grapevine as Rock scrambles for the ropes. Dutch releases and the two jog for position on the ropes. Rock grabs Dutch from behind but Dutch rifles his elbow back and catches Rock in the ribs. ]

[ Rock gasps for air and doubles over. Dutch waits for Rock to get up and explodes out looking for the Furious DDT. Rock sidesteps and Dutch goes shooting into the opposite ropes. Dutch hits and comes back and gets another Spinebuster for his trouble. He is down as Rock tosses the elbow pad into the crowd and goes for a People's Elbow. He shoots off the one ropes as Dutch seems to be stirring. He comes screaming off of the opposite ropes but doesn't see that Dutch has gotten back up to his knees and has shoved himself in Rock's direction. Rock catches Dutch's back and trips going flopping under the bottom rope. ]

[ Dutch slowly pulls himself back up as Rock looks around on the floor obviously confused on how the hell he ended there. He begins to pull himself back up to the apron and Dutch sees this. Dutch rushes forward and STUNGUNS Rock off of the top rope and flying back to the steel rampway. A *Holy S**t* chant reigns out as Rock squirms in pain. Dutch slowly pulls himself up as well and looks down at what he has done. The ref begins the count as Rock tries to get up on the outside. The Rock manages to get in before the ten count but we can tell he is obviously hurt. ]

[ Dutch waits for Rock to get up and ducks a wild punch before locking in the "IRISH DREAM." Rock struggles like hell against the sleeper and tries to swing Dutch off of him. Dutch manages to hold on and slams Rock chest first into the top turnbuckle. The ref forces a break as Rock is on the buckle but Dutch quickly comes back and tries to hit a quick FURYBREAKER in the corner. Rock keeps a death grip on the rope and there is no way Dutch can drop the hold. Rock fires back an elbow to Dutch's skull which causes him to stumble forward. Rock comes exploding out of the corner and nails a stiff clothesline to the back of Dutch's head and both men go down from the impact. ]

[ The ref puts the count on as obviously both men are hurt. It reaches 9 before both men are up to their feet. Rock catches Dutch with a stiff punch and Dutch tries to retaliate. Dutch attempts a wild right hand but Rock ducks and goes for a Belly-to-Back suplex. Dutch interlocks his right foot and elbows Rock off. Dutch boots Rock in the midsection and looks for a suplex but it is blocked. Rock goes for a suplex as well but this is blocked too. Rock tries again and this time manages to get Dutch off his feet but Dutch swings the momentum down. When he does, he sweeps his foot behind Rock's knee and Small Packages Rock for the 3!!! ]
Winner via Pinfall: Dutch Clark
Match Time: 20:23
Judges: 2/3

"Modern Day Cowboy" blares over the PA System as Dutch Clark starts celebrating. It's short lived though, as he's cracked in the ribs with a sledgehammer!

[JonathanSteele] " WHAT THE HELL?! "

The crowd immediately boos as HHH stalks Dutch to get up. As he does HHH clocks him right in the skull with the sledgehammer. The crowd continues to boo, even more so when HHH decks Rock too as he was getting up to help. HHH gets a mic from Jennifer and leands down in Dutch's face.

[TripleH] " You can beat me for this title, anytime, anyplace right?...Maybe I should book the match for right now? "

There's a mixed reaction, mostly boos though, knowing Dutch isn't in good shape right now.

[JonathanSteele] " Of all the underhanded... "

[JimmyJustice] " What? He's a great Champion, he's willing to defend it right now! Despite the rules it's not supposed to be defended on broadcast Television, that shows how great of a defending Champion he is! "

[JonathanSteele] " After he blinded Dutch with a Sledgehammer, sure! "

[TripleH] " Unfortunately, I won't be a hypocrite. I'm not going to break the rules, I created with this title. So Dutch, lucky for you, you have a chance to shake this off...I'll see you at Final Destination. "

HHH drops the mic as "King of Kings" hits and he rolls out of the ring and starts up the ramp.

[JonathanSteele] " What an announcement there, even though Triple H has seemed to be all over the place this week. "

[JimmyJustice] " He's the General Manager, it's his right. But forget that, Dutch Clark and Triple H for the King of Kings Championship at Final Destination, that's huge! "

[JonathanSteele] " Very true, I can't wait for that. We'll see you next week! "

HHH stops on the stage and looks at both the fallen Dutch and Rock in the ring as the camera's fade.

1: Dutch Clark
2: The Rock
3: Alessandro Quagliaterre
4: Christopher Kincade
5: White Tiger