
February 20th, 2012

"Paralyzed" by Rock Kills Kid

Jonathan Steele & Jimmy Justice

Wells Fargo Arena - Des Moines, Iowa

19/25 RPs

???- 1st Segment

Jay- Johnny & HHH/Rock Segments

Scar- Kincade/Mathews
D- Dawg/Christy

Dustin M- All Other Matches and Segments


N/A: 0%

M. Jobber: 57%
Black: 43%

Rebel: 86%
Wilson: 14%

Orton: 17%
Rock: 83%

Khaos: 33.3%
Vito: 66.6%

D. Jobber: 75%
Luzon: 25%

H.S.: 33%
Winder/Fortin: 50%
LayCool: 17%

Kincade 100%
Mathews: 0%

Dawg: 17%
Christy: 83%

Rp or F*ck Off Match
Corey Cash Vs. Brandon Lee Vs. Wade Barrett Vs Chris Jericho Vs Sean Lewis
[As the final countdown for their contracts to be thrown in the shredder counts down, Brandon Lee comes sprinting out of the back and rolls into the ring. He looks out as Sean Lewis emerges from the back too but is clobbered from behind by White Tiger and thrown into the back. The ref has no choice but to count out everyone and award Brandon Lee his contract with EWE.]
Winner: Brandon Lee

"Paralyzed" by Rock Kills Kid continues over the PA System while the opening pyro shoots off.

[JonathanSteele] " Just under 2 weeks away from Final Destination! We are live in Des Moines Iowa. Jimmy Justice and Jonathan Steele here as we welcome you to another exciting edition of Monday Night Chaos! "

[JimmyJustice] " About time you wised up. "

[JonathanSteele] " Well we got one hell of a show in store. "

[JimmyJustice] " This will be the best show since Chaos returned, I bet you. "

[JonathanSteele] " I certainly Agree... "

The camera's cut to the titan tron showing footage of the GM's Office. Triple H sits back in his chair with his feet up on Jensen's old desk. Surprisingly enough, no one had ever really been in this office since the bald headed one had skedaddled. Triple H was plenty proud of himself. Things were running quite smoothly in the company and he was quickly taking over what use to be one of Jensen's empires. As Triple H relaxed comfortably, the door opened as his wife and co-General Manager walked in, sorting through the mail.

[TripleH] " Hey babe. "

Stephanie gave the slightest nod to acknowledge her husband as she sat down at a much smaller desk that almost looked like it had been made out of cheap cardboard and aluminum on the other side of Triple H's desk. The chair she sat on almost buckled under her weight as it appeared to have uneven legs, but she didn't even seem to notice. She was too enveloped in a letter she was reading carefully, almost like a suspense novel that had her hooked.

[TripleH] " What are you reading? "

Stephanie looked up to Triple H.

[StephanieMcMahon-Helmsley] " This letter says that I have to appear in court because of running a stop light last Thursday. "

[TripleH] " And? "

[StephanieMcMahon-Helmsley] " I didn't have my car last Thursday. "

[TripleH] " Then where was it? "

Stephanie glanced the letter over once more before turning to Triple H.

[StephanieMcMahon-Helmsley] " You had it. "

[TripleH] " I don't think so. "

[StephanieMcMahon-Helmsley] " I do. You said you had a craving for Lo Mein and went out to get some. I remember that. "

Triple H realized he'd been caught, but that wasn't going to stop him.

[TripleH] " Oh no."

[StephanieMcMahon-Helmsley] " What? "

[TripleH] " Don't you remember? I left the car to use a payphone and then someone stole it. "

[StephanieMcMahon-Helmsley] " I don't remember that. "

[TripleH] " Well it happened. "

[StephanieMcMahon-Helmsley] " Payphones don't even exist still, do they? "

[TripleH] " Um, well, this one did. "

[StephanieMcMahon-Helmsley] " Why would you stop to use the payphone when you have a cell phone? "

[TripleH] " I, uh, forgot it. "

[StephanieMcMahon-Helmsley] " No you didn't, because I called you while you were out to pick up milk. "

[TripleH] " I meant I forgot…to charge it. It died. I remember now. "

[StephanieMcMahon-Helmsley] " No you didn't. I called you when you were on your way back. "

[TripleH] " You couldn't have. "

[StephanieMcMahon-Helmsley] " I heard you slurping noodles in the background. "

Triple H paused.

[TripleH] " I remember now. It was aliens."

[StephanieMcMahon-Helmsley] " Oh give me a break. What happened is, you were too indulged in your noodles to pay attention and you ended up running a stoplight. Why don't you just admit it? "

[TripleH] " Because that's just what the aliens want you to believe. "

[StephanieMcMahon-Helmsley] " Oh my gosh! "

Stephanie quickly stands up and marches to the door. Before stepping out, she turns back to Triple H.

[StephanieMcMahon-Helmsley] " You're a lousy liar. I'm not paying that, you are. You're also gunna explain that it was your fault and clear up my driving record. "

[TripleH] " What's that going to help? You're already a terrible driver. "

Stephanie gasps, before glaring at Triple H and slamming the door behind her.

[TripleH] " Such a drama queen. "

Triple H glances down at the mail and sees one self addressed to him. He picks it up and looks at it. No return address. Triple H just shrugs it off, halfway figuring it to be a love letter from one of his so called "stalkers" and opened it up. Inside was a card. Triple H turned it around. It was a tarot card. A man in goofy looking jester clothes with a sack tied to a stick slung over his shoulder was all that was on it. Underneath it read "The Fool."

Mike Jobber Vs. KC Black
[As KC Black is getting ready to fight, Mike rushes him and burns his cigarette into KC's eye. The ref misses this as KC rolls around on the mat screaming like a little girl. Mike sits on him and we got a winner.]
Winner via Pinfall: Mike Jobber
Match Time: 1:03
Judges: 4/4


Johnny Rebel Vs. Dave Wilson
[Rebel goes for the quick victory once again this week by attacking Dave as soon as he gets in the ring. It doesn't quite work this time as Dave manages to duck under the big boot and get behind Johnny. Johnny, however, proves he can grapple too and quickly reverses into a HANG MAN! Dave begins tapping of mercy as the bell rings!]
Winner via Submission: Johnny Rebel
Match Time: 0:49
Judges: 4/4

We get a shot of the Chaos GM HHH sitting in his office in the back as the phone rings.

[TripleH] " Hello? "

[VoiceontheLine] " Do you like playing games Mr. Helmsley? "

[TripleH] " Cute play on my nickname. Who is thi... "

[VoiceontheLine] " Well I take that as a yes. Prepare yourself because tonight we are going to have some fun. "

[TripleH] " What is that supposed to mean exac... "


HHH stares at the phone and replaces it in the cradle as he looks around puzzled. He goes to swivel around in his chair when suddenly a light unhooks from the ceiling and comes SMASHING down next to him. HHH barely moves as he looks are the broken glass.

[TripleH] " What the hell...? "

He stands up and begins to walk around the desk when suddenly another light comes crashing down, then another, then another. HHH dives out of his office as everything begins to shatter down inside it. HHH just stares in disbelief as we go to commercial.

Randy Orton Vs. The Rock(c)
[This is almost all Rock from the moment the bell rings as Randy goes for a shock RKO but Rock moves out of the way. Orton crashes down hard as Rock puts the boots to him and nails a big Samoan drop. Randy gets out at two and manages to fight his way back up to his feet. He catches Rock with a stiff right hand but Rock ducks a second one and hits a ROCK BOTTOM! A quick pinfall and we are done!]
Winner via Pinfall: The Rock
Match Time: 1:44
Judges: 3/3

The camera's cut back to the parking lot, where we see Johnny Chaos walking up to the doors. The Crowd gives a mixed reaction, while he has a big smirk on his face. He stops when he sees a line of security guards blocking the door.

[JohnnyChaos] " Can you boys get out of my way? "

[HeadSecurityGuard] " I'm afraid we can't do that. "

[JohnnyChaos] " Excuse me? "

[HeadSecurityGuard] " You've been banned from the arena this evening, and our orders are specifically to keep you out. "

[JohnnyChaos] " What did I ever do? "

[HeadSecurityGuard] " We're just following orders, sir. "

[JohnnyChaos] " Fine, give him a message for me. "

[HeadSecurityGuard] " What's that? "

Johnny gets closer and into the guard's face.

[JohnnyChaos] " Tell I him I didn't even try Saturday. It was a bluff, messing with his mind. But since he wants to keep me from this show, I'm not going to bluff this time. "

[HeadSecurityGuard] " Excuse me? "

[JohnnyChaos] " I am going to try this time, and succeed, I guarantee it. "

Johnny walks back to his car while the scene cuts back to ringside.

Khaos Vs. Vito Moretti
[ Vito is the early aggressor here using his strength advantage to power Khaos back into the corner and lay in some shoulder blocks. He whips him to the opposite corner and follows up with another driving shoulder block which doubles over Khaos to the canvas. He is only able to get two and locks in a reverse chin lock. Khaos slowly fights his way to his feet and manages to elbow Vito off. He shoots off the opposite ropes but is caught with a vicious clothesline that gets another two count for Vito. ]

[ Vito picks Khaos back up and attempts to slam him but Khaos slips out and drives a knee into the base of Vito's spine. Vito stumbles into the ropes and Khaos hits him with a dropkick on the way back that sends him tumbling through the ropes to the outside. Khaos fakes a dive and Vito stumbles back into the ring. Khaos catches him coming in with a quick leg drop and gets a two count. ]

[ Khaos begins to put the boots to Vito and underhooks him for a suplex. Vito is too strong and blocks it with a quick jab to Khao's gut. Khaos breaks and Vito comes sprinting forward. Khaos moves and catches Vito with a droptoe hold which sends him crashing facefirst to the canvas. Vito is up quick holding his nose as Khaos shoots off the opposite ropes. Vito manages to catch him with a powerslam which gets another quick two count. ]

[ Vito shakes the cobwebs and looks to send Khaos into the opposite ropes. Like earlier in the match he charges in with a driving shoulder block but this time Khaos moves. Vito goes shoulder first into the post and Khaos is quick to get behind him. He schoolboys Vito and gets the three count! ]
Winner via Pinfall: Khaos
Match Time: 4:34
Judges: 4/4

We come back with HHH walking down the hallway, obviously still shaken up by what has occured in his office. He stops by the coffee machine in the hall where a EWE tech is have a cup.

[TripleH] " I don't know what kind of shotty work you guys are doing but my office has been destroyed! WILL YOU GO FIX IT?!?!?! "

The Tech quickly scurries off as Hunter shakes his head goes to have a cup of coffee himself. Suddenly, the coffee canister rips open sending hot coffee all over Hunter. HHH shields his face but yells out from the scalding coffee. We see a figure dart around the corner as HHH yells.


Dustin Jobber Vs. Charlie D. Luzon
[ Charlie D' and Dustin have an impromptu dance-off to start the match with the fans actually getting behind Dustin as he busts out a Running Man and a Sprinkler from 1982. Charlie has had enough and quickly rushes Dustin and nails him with a jumping leg lariat which knocks him through the ropes. Charlie follows with a plancha over the top rope which splatters the former X-Division champion on the outside. ]

[ Charlie is quick to roll Dustin back in the ring but amazingly only gets a two-count. Charlie sees the opportunity and tries to lock in a "KaireePractor" but Dustin gets a death grip on the bottom rope and Charlie has to break. Charlie backs away as Dustin slowly gets up. Charlie tries to lock up with Dustin again but Dustin is in the ropes and the ref stands between them. As he is pushing Charlie back, Dustin jams a thumb into Charlie's eye which stuns him and gets a pop from the crowd. ]

[ Dustin follows up his impromptu offense with a point out to the crowd which causes the ref to turn his head. When he does, Dustin reaches into his pants and produces a set of brass knuckles. He swings for Charlie's head but Charlie ducks and catches Dustin with a textbook Belly-to-Back suplex. The knucks go flying out of Dustin's hand and land next to the announce table. ]

[ Charlie picks up Dustin and whips him into the corner turnbuckle and looks to follow it up with a clothesline. Dustin takes the shot and slumps into the corner as Charlie plays it up. Dustin gasps for air as Charlie grabs Dustin to inflict more punishment. As he does, Dustin grabs the top rope for dear life and the ref tries to break them up. As this is happening, Dustin fires back a mule kick to Charlie's groin and gets three points! Charlie screams in agony and drops to the mat as Dustin signals he is going to finish it. He bounces off the ropes and looks to hit the "Jobbination" but Charlie rolls and Dustin punches nothing but mat. ]

[ Charlie rolls to the outside as Dustin grabs his hand in pain. Charlie is still cradling his injured member and starts pulling himself up on the announce table outside the ring. As he does, Jimmy Justice squares Charlie up and just COLDCLOCKS him with the brass knuckles. The crowd actually pops for this which gets a horribly puzzled look from Justice who rolls Charlie back into the ring. Dustin looks down at Jimmy, shoots him a thumbs up and nails the unconscious Charlie with the JOBBINATION! The pin is academic as is the resigned look on Jimmy's face as Dustin tries to do a partyboy with him to celebrate. ]
Winner via Pinfall: Dustin Jobber
Match Time: 5:02
Judges: 3/3


Hardcore Stratusfaction Vs. Hollie Winder & Angela Fortin Vs. Lay-Cool
[ All hell breaks out early in this one as we get a six-way brawl right from the opening bell. The referee struggles to get order as we get a cool spot with Trish tackling Michelle through the ropes to the outside at the same time as Hollie doing a Cactus Clothesline to Layla on the opposite ropes. This leaves Angela and Mickie in the middle of the ring and we have our official start of the match. Angela takes the early advantage with a quick snap mare into a necksnap. She locks in a chinlock and begins to drain the energy out of Mickie. ]

[ We get a couple minute rest as all four girls eventually up to the apron again. We get a neat spot as Angela kicks Mickie back into the ropes, catches her in the head with another kick and pivots a shot right into Trish's mush. Trish goes down as Angela turns back to Mickie who quickly boots Angela and hits a Mickie-DT. She goes for a cover but suddenly is slapped on the leg by Michelle who comes in the ring. Mickie jaws with Michelle but the ref is quick to push her out of the ring. Michelle looks to make the pin herself but is cradled for a close two count. ]

[ Michelle goes on the offensive as Angela is hurting from the DDT. She picks up Angela and hits just a crisp side belly-to-belly suplex which gets another two count. Hollie starts pounding the turnbuckle from the outside as Michelle whips Angela into the ropes. Hollie gets a blind tag and scales the ropes. Angela ducks a wild clothesline as Michelle turns around and eats a High Crossbody for two. ]

[ Hollie keeps up the attack and picks Michelle back up. She drives her into the corner with a forearm and comes back with a big Monkey Flip. Michelle scurries to her partner who tags in and charges Hollie. Hollie ducks the charge and Layla ends up colliding with Mickie on the apron. Mickie goes flying into the guardrail and Layla staggers back. Hollie rolls her up for a two count which is broken up by Michelle. Hollie is quick to get back up and kicks Michelle before she can leave the ring. She grabs Michelle by the back of the hair and tosses her over the top rope. She turns around into the waiting Layla who kicks her and just plants her with a DDT. ]

[ Layla looks around and decides to scale the ropes as Hollie is still down. She makes it to the top just as Hollie gets back up. She sees Layla and rushes the ropes, causing Layla to crotch herself. Hollie tags her with a couple of forearms as Trish sneaks up and touches her leg for a legal tag. Hollie doesn't seem to notice as she hits a FRANKENSTEINER off of the top rope to Layla. Layla is all but dead as Trish quickly gets into the ring and throws Hollie to the outside. She lays down on Layla as the ref counts 3!!! Trish stands up with the elimination of Layla and Michelle just as Hollie gets back into the ring. ]

[ She fires a couple shots into Trish's head and looks to shoot her into the ropes. Trish puts the brakes on as Mickie sneaks back into the ring. Mickie clocks Hollie from behind which shoves her into a stiff Chick Kick from Trish! Trish dives on top for the cover as Mickie spears Angela as she tries to get back into the ring. Trish gets the 3!!! ]
Winners via Pinfall: Hardcore Stratusfaction
Match Time: 8:32
Judges: 2/3

Christopher Kincade Vs. Paul Mathews
[ The match started off with Matthews getting in an early headlock on his opponent. He brings Kincade down to one knee, however, Kincade fights out of it with some elbows to his torso. Kincade Irish whipped his opponent to the turnbuckle, before delivering a hard clothesline to him. Kincade lifted his opponent up, and followed up on his attack with a thunderous snap powerslam and a quick pinfall. ]

[ 1
Kickout at 2 and a half

[ Kincade spits out insults at his opponent, and picked him up by his hair, only to be met with a rake to the eyes. Matthews followed up with a quick jab at the torso, followed by a DDT. Matthews applied a leg lock to Christopher, as he yells out in pain. Matthews kept the hold applied, but delivered a kick to the side of his head, making him stop the hold. ]

[ The Exiled Enigma gets to his feet, and tosses himself and Matthews out of the ring, where they begin to brawl, trading punches. ]

[ 1

[ Matthews started to get an upper hand, as the two were at the middle of the ramp, however, Kincade pulled out a desperation move, with a kick to his testicles. The referee continued to count, and was at seven, as Kincade makes his way back into the ring. ]

[ 8

[ The ending bell sounded, as Kincade raised his arms up in victory, while absorbing the jeers from the crowd, before exiting through the crowds while security kept them away from the preformer. ]
Winner via Countout: Christopher Kincade
Match Time: 6:03
Judges: 3/5

The scene cuts backstage where HHH is seen storming the halls, heading for his office. Right as he approaches his office though, there's someone standing in front of the door, who this person is causes an eruption from the fans in the background.

[TripleH] " I don't have time for this. "

HHH makes a motion for the door, but Rock steps in the way.

[TheRock] " You better damn well make time for The Great One. "

the crowd cheers.

[TripleH] " Rock, I've had a crazy enough night already, I don't need to deal with this. "

HHH again tries to motion past Rock, but he doesn't allow it.

[TheRock] " Do you really think The Rock cares about the night you've had? "

[TripleH] " Ro.. "


The crowd erupts in the background, while HHH shakes his head.

[TheRock] " The Rock could give a monkey's left testicle about the night you had. What about the night The Rock had last week? The Rock remembers everything that happened last week, oh ya The Rock remembers it all, which is surprising The Rock can remember anything after being cracked in the skull with a Sledgehammer. "

The crowd boos as Rock looks at HHH with serious eyes.

[TripleH] " What do you want, Rock? "

[TheRock] " Pay back.. "

The crowd cheers.

[TheRock] " Oh and you better believe that The Rock is going to get it, the way Rock sees it, you got three options. "

HHH shakes his head, but indulges The Rock.

[TripleH] " Which are? "

[TheRock] " First of all, you could pay for what you did to the Rock, by next week, right here on Chaos. You book the match The Rock wants, the match Johnny Rebel wants, above all else, the match the people want.. "

the crowd cheers.

[TheRock] " Next Week, The Rock, versus Johnny Rebel.. "

HHH nods.

[TheRock] " Option Two.. "

The Rock holds up two fingers.

[TheRock] " You pay yourself, first hand, by next week, right here on Chaos...you go ONE...ON ONE...WITH THE GREAT ONE! "

The crowd roars in the background, liking that option too. HHH just nods again.

[TripleH] " And option three? "

[TheRock] " Well if you refuse to book one of those matches. The Rock will make you pay in another way. Oh ya, forget fines, forget suspentions. The Rock will whoop your Candy Ass, right here, Right now! "

The crowd cheers as Rock gets in HHH's face. HHH just smirks a little.

[TripleH] " Fine Rock, you win. Next Week on Chaos, The Rock goes one on one... "

Rock smiles as does HHH.

[TripleH] " With Johnny Rebel.. "

HHH walks into his office as Rock laughs and shakes his head.

[TheRock] " Pussy.. "

Rock turns to leave, and right there is Johnny Rebel with his arms crossed. the two stare eachother down while the fans cheer.

D-Dawg Vs. Christy Chaos
[ The bell rings as D-Dawg gets hit with a flying forearm right to the face. Chaos stomps D-Dawg's head. D-Dawg gets back into the match with a jumping neck snap on Chaos. He then jabs her. In return Christy nails D with a tiger suplex. He rolls around in pain for a few then back on his feet. Christy uses a snap mare takeover on D-Dawg. She then gets on the top rope and hits a flying sitdown splash on him. D-Dawg finally gets back up only to get hit with a back heel kick. He then reserves an attempt at an irish whip as bounces Chaos off the ropes and hits her with a backdrop. He then picks her up and locks her in an abdominal stretch. The referee is checking the situation. He then gets Christy with a powerful choke lift. D-Dawg and Chaos head to the floor. Chaos nails D-Dawg with a running superman punch in the head. He then legsweeps Christy Chaos. As she gets up she goes right for D-Dawg's eyes and rakes them. Chaos throws him into the ring and then hits him with a diving clothesline. D-Dawg gets hit with the moonsault from Christy. ]

[ 1
D-Dawg kicks out.

[ D-Dawg executes a headlock takedown as soon as Christy stands up. D-Dawg rolls onto Chaos connecting with a knee. Christy Chaos bounces D-Dawg off the ropes and clotheslines him. Christy Chaos nails D-Dawg with a belly-to-back suplex. He then gets hit an arm drag. He then get Christy with a huge super fisherman buster. D-Dawg takes Chaos up to the entrance ramp and starts to fight there. D-Dawg executes a jawbreaker on Christy. Christy gets hit with a diving elbow smash from D-Dawg. Chaos punches D-Dawg in the head. Christy uppercuts D-Dawg. D-Dawg grabs Christy and hits her with a European uppercut. Chaos executes a huge gut buster on D-Dawg. D-Dawg stands up. He then executes a swinging bulldog on Christy Chaos driving Christy Chaos's face into the steel. After nailing the bulldog, he rolls onto Christy Chaos connecting with a knee. D-Dawg with a high crossbody on Chaos. Christy Chaos gets hit with a diving elbow smash from D-Dawg. Chaos with a jumping DDT on D-Dawg. D-Dawg tries for a dropkick but Chaos avoids it. Chaos goes for another clothesline but he ducks it and executes the cradle DDT. D-Dawg covers Christy Chaos hooking the leg. ]

[ 1
Chaos kicks out.

[ D-Dawg tries for a vertical suplex but Chaos avoids it. D-Dawg executes a leg hammerlock on Christy. D-Dawg goes for a fisherman buster but Chaos dodges the attack. D-Dawg gets bounced off of the ropes and hit with a backdrop diver by Chaos. Chaos chants start. Chaos puts D-Dawg in an arm grapevine submission. Christy Chaos kicks D-Dawg in the back of the leg. Chaos short lariats D-Dawg. Christy executes a flying knee drop right to the gut of D-Dawg. D-Dawg hits Chaos with a rolling elbow smash to the face. D-Dawg covers Christy Chaos. ]

[ 1
Christy Chaos escapes.

[ D-Dawg nails a uppercut on Christy Chaos. D-Dawg grabs Christy Chaos and hits him with a European uppercut. Chaos gets hit with a diving elbow smash from D-Dawg. Christy Chaos legsweeps D-Dawg as soon as he gets back on his feet. Chaos hits a tiger driver on D-Dawg. Chaos executes a flying knee drop right to the gut of D-Dawg. Chaos puts D-Dawg in an arm grapevine submission. Chaos kicks D-Dawg to the ringside area. Christy goes off the top and hits a flying sitdown splash on D-Dawg. D-Dawg gets hit with the shooting star press from Christy. ]

[ 1
D-Dawg escapes.

[ D-Dawg rushes Christy and grabs her head and DDT's her with a sickening thud on the ring arpon. D-Dawg locks Christy in the kneebar. The referee is checking the situation. D-Dawg breaks the hold as Christy getting to the ropes. As D-Dawg is arguing with the ref, Christy gets up and walks over to D-Dawg and she nails a headlock takedown. Christy is feeling the win getting closer but then D-Dawg executes out of nowhere a EGO TRIP. D-Dawg covers Chaos as the crowd counts with referee. ]

[ 1
3-No Chaos has her foot on the ropes.

[ D-Dawg can't believe it as he gets on the top rope and goes to hit Chaos with a high crossbody. Christy hits a headbutt to D-Dawg's groin in mid flight. Chaos hits a dragon suplex on D-Dawg. Christy Chaos chants start. Chaos is trying to put D-Dawg away with a choke sleeper. Christy breaks the hold after he throws her to the ropes. D-Dawg ducks his head before Christy gets there and sees this and nails him with a DDT. Chaos kicks D-Dawg in the head. Christy Chaos goes off the top and hits a flying sitdown splash on D-Dawg. D-Dawg grabs Christy by the arm and breaks it over his shoulder. Christy Chaos bounces D-Dawg off the ropes and clotheslines him. Christy executes a flying knee drop right to the gut of D-Dawg. D-Dawg lifts Chaos into the air and delivers a spine buster. Chaos delivers a kick to the head of D-Dawg. D-Dawg moves back to his feet. D-Dawg hits Christy Chaos with an earringer. D-Dawg pulls Christy Chaos's hair. D-Dawg legsweeps Chaos. Christy Chaos gets hit with a diving elbow smash from D-Dawg. D-Dawg stands up. Chaos climbs to his feet. Christy does a cartwheel and kicks D-Dawg in the face. Christy Chaos stomps D-Dawg. ]

[ D-Dawg leaps up, swings around Chaos and DDT's him onto the grass. D-Dawg hits Christy with an elbowdrop. Christy Chaos leg lariats D-Dawg, sending him to the ground. D-Dawg gets back to his feet. Chaos uses Charismatic Crush on D-Dawg outta nowhere. Christy Chaos climbs the turnbuckle and hits D-Dawg with the Star Struck. ]

[ 1

Winner via Pinfall: Christy Chaos
Match Time: 16:43
Judges: 2/2

HHH is seen leaving the building as the show is coming to a close. He is about to get into the door of his car when suddenly IT EXPLODES!!! Hunter is thrown back with the blast and lands hard and hurt. As the flames billow we see a familiar face coming walking into the scene. "The Irish Fury" Dutch Clark smiles sadistically as he stands over the fallen GM.

[DutchClark] " Fun game isn't it Hunter? I mean... You got to love when everything you do can lead to you getting hurt right? But hey, it's your world. I am just playing by your rules CHAMP. "

[TripleH] " (Mumbling) I'll kill you, you son-of-a... "

Dutch leans down and puts a hand to his ear.

[DutchClark] " I'm sorry... I couldn't hear you over the roar of the flames. You see, unlike most of the guys you have intimidated in the past, I'm not afraid of getting attacked from behind by some crazed PUSSY with a hammer. Oh no... I can take a pounding and keep coming back. You see Hunter... You dicked with the wrong guy and now... Now I am making it personal. And as you lie down there trying to figure out what you're going to do to kick my ass know that I've already thought about that too. "

Dutch reaches into his pocket and produces a form.

[DutchClark] " You see, the EWE board wasn't too key on their General Manager attacking one of their highest paid superstars so they decided to send me this paper. Basically Law... You remember him right? ... Has signed a document stating, and I quote, "under no circumstance shall a hand be laid on either Mr. Clark or Mr. Helmsley between now and Final Destination." Read it when you aren't squirming in pain eh? "

Dutch tosses the letter unto HHH's chest and squats down close.

[DutchClark] " I warned you about messing with me Hunter and playtime is just about over. I haven't touched you all night but I damn sure have got you thinking don't I? Heh... Game over Trips, I'll see you at Final Destination. "

Dutch chuckles as HHH begins to push himself up and glares at Dutch with fire literally in his eyes as the show comes to a close...

1: Christy Chaos
2: D-Dawg
3: Christopher Kincade
4: Paul Mathews
5: Hollie Winder