
March 12th, 2012

"Paralyzed" by Rock Kills Kid

Jonathan Steele & Jimmy Justice

Coors Events Center- Boulder, Colorado

13/20 RPs

???- HHH Segment

Shadic- Shadic Jobber AfterMath

Jay- Everything Else


Damien: 100%
Gabriella: 0%

Vito: 33.3%
Rebel: 66.6%

J. Jobber: 66.6%
Deadpool: 33.3%

Bryan: 100%
Orton: 0%

Tiger: 50%
Christy: 50%

Dutch: 100%
Moxley: 0%

S. Jobber: 66.6%
Charlie: 33.3%

Khaos: 0%
Rock: 100%

Dawg: 66.6%
Alessandro: 33.3%

Standard Match
Damien Grey Vs. Gabriella Serreno
Gabriella gets it done and makes very easy work out of Damien Grey, before too long he's knocked out cold with a Dream Emporium.
Winner Via Pinfall: Gabriella Serreno
Match Time: 1:12
Judges: 4/4

"Paralyzed" by Rock Kills Kid continues over the PA System while the opening pyro shoots off.

[JonathanSteele] " Final Destination in the past, The Road To WrestleMania goes Full Steam Now! I'm Jonathan Steele and I'm joined by Jimmy Justice as we are set for another exciting edition of Monday Night Chaos! "

[JimmyJustice] " Boulder Colorado is very honored to have me in their Pressence Steele. "

[JonathanSteele] " I'm sure they are, but they should all be excitted for our Main Event. The second clashing between D-Dawg and Alessandro. "

[JimmyJustice] " That's gonna be hot, no doubt, and I can't wait. "

[JonathanSteele] " Me neither Jimmy, but let's get the show on the road with our opening Contest, The 2nd Money in the Bank Qualifier! "

Intros: Vito makes his way to the ring, along with Camilla. Rebel then makes his way out, seeming like he has a chip on his shoulder after failing to take the XD Title from Mickie at Final Destination.

Vito Moretti Vs. Johnny Rebel
[As they lock up, Moretti quickly takes charge. Vito hits Rebel with a couple hard clotheslines before setting him up for the Made. Rebel counters out of it though. As Rebel tries to get some momentum back he bounces off the ropes, as he does he's tripped up, by Khaos! As Rebel Stumbles, Vito grabs him and nails the Omerta!]
Winner Via Pinfall: Vito Moretti
Match Time: 0:52
Judges: 4/4

After The Match: Vito celebrates with Camilla, while Khaos backs up the ramp with a smirk.

Intros: Jay and Deadpool both make their entrances and the crowd seems to be in love with both of them.

Jay Jobber Vs. Deadpool
[This is one amazing match. Back and forth with all kinds of momentum and getting the crowd all jazzed up, but then I'm confusing this for the main event, in actuality Jay hits like two moves, while Deadpool hits 4...one of them was Goomba Stomp!]
Winner Via Pinfall: Deadpool
Match Time: 1:17
Judges: 3/3

After The Match: Deadpool has an over the top celebration.

Intros: Orton makes his entrance, to all boos and chants of "You're a disgrace". Daniel Bryan then makes his entrance, he's booed too, but gets more cheers than Orton did.

Daniel Bryan Vs. Randy Orton
[As the bell rings, Bryan quickly hits Orton with an RKO, yes you read that correctly. Insult to injury there, and now the real inury when Daniel quickly locks in the Lebel Lock! When the ref asks if he gives up, Orton can be heard shouting "YES! YES! YES!"]
Winner Via Submission: Daniel Bryan
Match Time: 0:26
Judges: 4/4

After The Match: Bryan Celebrates and can be heard Chanting "YES!" All the way up the ramp to the back.

The camera's come backstage to Triple H's office, but he's not in there. Instead it's Stephanie. She's sitting at his desk watching the show, when Johnny Chaos barges into the room. She gives him an evil look.

[StephanieMcMahon-Helmsley] " What the hell do you want? "

[JohnnyChaos] " Do see my good buddy Triple H. "

Stephanie scoffs.

[StephanieMcMahon-Helmsley] " He's not here tonight, and you definately ain't buddies.. "

[JohnnyChaos] " Don't say such things, it takes a good friend to let you sleep with his wife. "

Stephanie glares at him with a cold glare.

[StephanieMcMahon-Helmsley] " He didn't LET you.. "

[JohnnyChaos] " No matter, if he's not here to pick on. Maybe me and you can have en Encore, eh? "

[StephanieMcMahon-Helmsley] " GET OUT OF THIS OFFICE! "

Stephanie shakes her head pointing to the door.

[StephanieMcMahon-Helmsley] " GET OUT OF THIS BUILDING!! "

Johnny laughs before heading out of the office.

[StephanieMcMahon-Helmsley] " Someone needs to deal with him.. "

Intros: Returning from break "Bitter Taste" is playing over the PA System while Christy makes her way to the ring getting a very mixed reaction. This match originally a co-main event is now way on the bottom of the card, tisk tisk. "Welcome to the Jungle" soon hits and the crowd explodes for the new Undisputed Champion who makes his way to the ring.

White Tiger(c) Vs. Christy Chaos(c)
[A Match of bitter disappoint. It coulda been grand, but instead it leaves a Bitter Taste in your mouth as the new Undisputed Champion doesn't perform to his best. Some say it's because he's out of town, but he's clearly right there in the ring you morons. None the less White Tiger falls victim to the CC Trap, making him pay for his words at Final Destination. Like a trooper, or a champion, he doesn't give in at first, but after being trapped in it for awhile, he doesn't have a choice.]
Winner Via Submission: Christy Chaos
Match Time: 3:12
Judges: 4/4

After The Match: Christy let's go of the hold and heads up the ramp.

Intros: Just after WT leaves, Moxley makes his way to the ring. Not long after Dutch Clark comes out, with a title in each hand, and the crowd fully behind him.

Dutch Clark(c) Vs. Jon Moxley
[Just as soon as the bell rings Dutch runs and plants Moxley with The Furious DDT! The Crowd looks shocked as Dutch makes the quick cover.]
Winner Via Pinfall: Dutch Clark
Match Time: 0:07
Judges: 4/4

After The Match: Dutch Clark grabs his titles and raises them up as the crowd cheers him once more and "Unbreakable" blasts again.


Intros: Shadic and Charlie are already in the ring when the camera's return from break as they both seem ready for action.

Shadic Jobber Vs. Charlie D. Luzon
[An Actual Match! NO WAY! The two do indeed give us a match as they go back and forth, and yes Shadic Jobber builds momentum too! Shadic Jobber shows a great display of Wrestling, until Charlie hits a spinning heel kick. Charlie begins to build up some of his own momentum now before locking in the Kariepractor! Shadic doesn't give in though, no matter how much Charlie locks it in. Soon Shadic is able to drag himself over and grab the bottom rope. Charlie is forced to let go, not wanting too, but he does. As Charlie goes to grab Shadic, Shadic suddenly hits up with the Seven Chaos! Shadic makes the cover, and scores the 3 count!]
Winner Via Pinfall: Shadic Jobber
Match Time: 7:15
Judges: 3/3

After The Match: As Shadic's hand was raised, Jay Jobber is seen rushing to the ring. He slides in and tries to attack, but Shadic gives Jay a huge Seven Chaos to him, knocking him out. He looks down, smirking as Ten Thousand Fists play. He walks off, leaving Jay behind.

As the camera's come back from commercial, we are focused on a scene on the titan tron. A hooded figure stepped through beads in a doorway. The room before him was a smaller room with a round table with a red cloth over it. Two chairs sat on both side of the table as they seemed to observe a crystal ball in the center. The figure stood there as it heard a voice.

[???] " Please, sit down.

The figure turned to see a woman enter the room. She was tall and slender with brown curly hair that was pulled up into a small bundle that seemed to shoot off locks of long hair, giving the woman a very sexual appeal. She wore a gown that was fitting and showed off just enough, but yet covered her where it counted. It appeared to have been hand woven from different pieces of cloth, giving it unique blend of colors. She simply sat at the other end of the table. She beckoned gently with her finger. The figure took heed and sat down across from her, removing its hood. Before her was Triple H.

[TripleH] " I just wanted to go ahead and tell you that I don't believe in all this fancy schmancy voodoo magic mumbo jumbo.

[???] " Then I can't help but wonder, why are you here?

[TripleH] " Honestly, I need some help.

[TaliyaJeneko] " Rest assured, Taliya Jeneko assist you with whatever you require.

[TripleH] " Alright, here we go. I've been receiving these, cards.

[TaliyaJeneko] " Hallmark or handmade? Cards are always nice.

[TripleH] " No, more like tarot cards.

[TaliyaJeneko] " Ah, and what exactly were you needing from me?

[TripleH] " I don't know what they mean. I figured gypsies are pros at stuff like this.

[TaliyaJeneko] " I would prefer enchanter, gypsy is such a negative word. May I see these cards?

[TripleH] " Yeah, sure.

Triple H reached into his pocket and pulled out the cards. Taliya casually took them from him.

[TripleH] " I just got that one last night. It was on my fridge.

Taliya spread the cards out and gazed at them closely.

[TaliyaJeneko] " Ah, yes. "Judgement."

[TripleH] " Do you know what these mean?

[TaliyaJeneko] " Yes, I do.

She looked to Triple H.

[TaliyaJeneko] " It's gunna require a small fee.

Should have seen that one coming. You can't trust gypsies. Triple H pulled out his wallet and opened it up.

[TripleH] " How much?

[TaliyaJeneko] " How much do you have?

[TripleH] " Looks like, $234.

[TaliyaJeneko] " $234.

[TripleH] " Thank God I had enough.

Triple H handed Taliya the money. She simply grinned as she tucked in into the V cut of her blouse.

[TaliyaJeneko] " Alright. Let's start with the most recent. "Judgement." It appears as though you have wronged somebody.

[TripleH] " Well that could be anyone. I'm the General Manager of a wrestling company. They don't exactly share my vision at times.

[TaliyaJeneko] " I see. Well whoever this person is, they are not happy wichu at all. There's a storm coming.

[TripleH] " What kind of storm?

[TaliyaJeneko] " Well, from what I can tell, it won't be good. The next card, "Temperance," means that they are holding back, waiting for the best time to strike. They want so badly to give you "Justice," but they're restraining themselves. I'm not sure the purpose behind that, but I can tell you that when they do unleash their fury, you won't want to be caught in the crosshairs.

[TripleH] " I'm gunna get shot?!

[TaliyaJeneko] " Possibility, but highly unlikely. It seems they want to deliver the justice themselves, shooting you would deny them the pleasure.

[TripleH] " Why? What could I have done so badly that someone would really want to get back at me?

[TaliyaJeneko] " It appears a big reason would be "The Tower."

[TripleH] " No, that'd be Donald Trump. I don't own any towers.

[TaliyaJeneko] " No, the meaning behind "The Tower" is arrogance. You seem to think that you're greater, that no one can touch you, and that has offended them. They believe that you think you can do as you please, no matter who gets burned in the process.

[TripleH] " I'm the GM, I can do what I want. If they don't like it, there's the door.

[TaliyaJeneko] " Ah, well that brings me to the last card. "The Fool." You my friend, are a fool..

[TripleH] " Hey, watch it.

[TaliyaJeneko] " I'm just interpreting. You have made yourself a fool. Whatever you have done, you've been marked. Someone is after you and in their opinion, you're a fool for doing what you did and releasing the beast that is on your trail.

[TripleH] " Well, this has been most helpful. Now I know to double security and lock my doors.

[TaliyaJeneko] " That won't help.

[TripleH] " What do you mean?

[TaliyaJeneko] " This is far from over.

Intros: As the camera's come back from commercial Khaos makes his entrance, not getting much love from the fans. As Rock's song hits though, the place nearly blows up. Rock makes his slow entrance as usual taking his time before getting ready to get it going.

Khaos Vs. The Rock
[Another great match as Khaos and Rock tear it up. Khaos strikes the first momentum, using his speed to quicken the pace alot faster than The Rock was ready to go. Khaos hits Rock with a crossbody off the top rope and gets a near fall. Khaos soon gets Rock into the corner where he deliveres a running big boot, followed by a springboard flash kick. As Khaos goes for the cover, it gets another near fall. Khaos' moment finally comes to a hault when Rock hits a Samoan Drop out of nowhere. Rock starts to feel it now as he tosses Khaos into a corner. Rock hits a couple hard shots, spits on his hand then delievers a harder one knocking Khaos down to the mat. Rock continues to build momentum before locking in a Sharpshooter! Khaos screams and fights, and soon is able to reach the bottom rope. The Two trade shots as Khaos gets up, Khaos is able to block one before hitting the Blow Your Mind! Khaos taunts the crowd before hitting a Standing Phoenix Splash. Khaos taunts the crowd again, this time letting him know it's time for the Khaos Theory. He awaits Rock, as Rock starts to get up, Khaos runs and bounces off the ropes. Just as he hits the ropes though, he's crached in the back with a steel chair...by JOHNNY REBEL!! the ref is horrible at his job, because he didn't see it happen. Khaos just stumbles forward holding his back, stumbles right into an awaiting ROCK BOTTOM! Rock makes the cover, and scores the three.]
Winner Via Pinfall: The Rock
Match Time: 8:37
Judges: 3/3

After The Match: Rock climbs the turbuckle to celebrate. When Khaos turns over to look up the ramp, he can see Stage smiling on the stage and mouthing "Payback's a bitch."

The camera's return from commercial to see Jennifer Sparks standing in the ring.

[JenniferSparks] " The Following contest is tonight's featured Main Event and it is scheduled for One Fall! "

"Officer Down" by Lloyd Banks hits over the PA System. The crowd gives a mixed reaction as D-Dawg comes out through the curtains, with the International Title draped over his shoulder.

[JenniferSparks] " First, from Dub C Pennsylvania! Weighing in at 222 Pounds...he is the new EWE International Champion...DA ORIGINAL GANGSTA...D-DAWG!! "

D-Dawg continues down the ramp, not caring much what the fans think.

[JonathanSteele] " The New International Champion, though I don't agree with the method of how he won it. "

[JimmyJustice] " Get over it, the fact is, he's the new champ and that overrated Rock isn't. Now he gets to face Alessandro again which will be an epic match just like last time. "

D-Dawg gets in the ring and raises up The International Title before handing it over to the time keeper. He warms up a moment as the lights dim down. "Disturbia" by Rihanna echoes around the arena, which is followed by an arena full of boos when Alessandro steps through the curtains, Jack Michaels right behind him.

[JenniferSparks] " And his opponent...accompanied by Hall of Famer, Jack Michaels...from Alpine New Jersey, weighing in at 240 pounds...ALESSANDRO QUAGLIATERRE!! "

Alessandro and Jack continue down the ramp as Alessandro has his eyes locked on D-Dawg.

[JonathanSteele] " He seems to be missing something Jimmy. "

[JimmyJustice] " Oh ya, real funny Steele. White Tiger got lucky, that's a fact, a fact proven when he tapped like the fraud that he is earlier tonight to Christy Chaos of all people. "

[JonathanSteele] " I'd like to see you tell that to Christy's face. "

[JimmyJustice] " Bring it. "

Alessandro gets in the ring and immediately, the ref calls for the bell.

D-Dawg(c) Vs. Alessandro Quagliaterre

Early Moments: [The bell rings and both men lock up. They both attempt for a suplex, but they both block it, so they both abandon the lock up. D-Dawg just rushes at Alessandro with a clothesline, but Alessandro ducks it and hits a reverse neckbreaker. From there Alessandro starts to build some momentum and control the match.]

Midway: [After being all Alessandro for a little while, D-Dawg fights back, hitting a hard HellLine out of nowhere at 3:13! He made the cover but only got a two count, but used this to take control of the match. D-Dawg took full control and got a few near falls before hitting the PowerTrip at 6:12. This also got D-Dawg a near fall. Alessandro began to fight back though at 8:01 and the match started going back and forth.]

Closing Moments: [Back and forth for awhile with D-Dawg getting alot of near falls, and Alessandro trying to make D-Dawg tap on several occasions, to no avail. Alessandro went for it all when he locks in the Goodnight at 11:12. D-Dawg begins to fade away as the ref drops his arm twice. The Third time though he keeps it up. D-Dawg elbows Alessandro in the gut a few times until he let's go. As They both get back to their feet, D-Dawg hits the Ego Whip out of nowhere. D-Dawg stalks Alessandro, before going for the Gangstafia! Alessandro counters though, and kicks D-Dawg square between the legs! D-Dawg drops to the mat holding his goods, while the ref sees this happen and calls for the bell.]
Winner Via Disqualification: D-Dawg
Match Time: 14:29
Judges: 2/3

[JenniferSparks] " The winner of this match, as a result of a Disqualification...D-Dawg.. "

Jennifer isn't happy about it, and neither are the fans as they boo.

[JonathanSteele] " What a cowards way out. "

[JimmyJustice] " Don't be such a douchebag. "

Alessandro tells Jack to bring him a mic, and he does, but not before Alessandro give D-Dawg the BEDTIME!

[JonathanSteele] " I hope he's going to explain his actions. "

[JimmyJustice] " Well shut up and let him. "

[AlessandroQuagliaterre] " I bet you guys want to know why I just costed myself that match? Who says you deserve an answer? "

The crowd boos, but Alessandro isn't finished.

[AlessandroQuagliaterre] " The fact is, I don't care about this match. I need to concerve my energy for next week. I'm not waiting for WrestleMania, no. I'm not waiting for another 2 months, no. White Tiger, I know you're back there watching, rubbing out your pains that Christy Chaos gave you. "

Alessandro mocks WT rubbing his shoulder.

[AlessandroQuagliaterre] " I'm cashing in my rematch clause. It's me and you NEXT WEEK, FOR THE UNDISPUTED CHAMPIONSHIP! "

The crowd again cheers.

[AlessandroQuagliaterre] " There is no Triple Threat for that title at WrestleMania. The Winner next week, will be the champion, and they will go onto face Dutch Clark at WrestleMania. The Loser, that is White Tiger, will NOT! "

Alessandro drops the mic as "Disturbia" hits over the PA System.

[JonathanSteele] " I can't believe what we just heard. "

[JimmyJustice] " We're gonna have a Final Destination Undisputed Title rematch....NEXT WEEK! "

Alessandro and Jack slowly head up the ramp as the show fades away.

1: Dutch Clark
2: D-Dawg/Christy Chaos
3: Alessandro Quagliaterre
4: The Rock
5: Daniel Bryan