
March 26th, 2012

"Paralyzed" by Rock Kills Kid

Jonathan Steele & Jimmy Justice

Pete Maravich Center - Baton Rouge, Louisianna

11/14 RPs

Shadic- Asar/S.Jobber

???- HHH Segment

Mark- DB/J.Jobber

Mike- M.Jobber/DeadPool & Co-Wrote Ending

D/Blang- Khaos/Blitz & Dawg/Leo

Dustin M- Jobber Segment & Co-Wrote Ending

Jay- Dark Match, Rock/DJ, other segments


N/A: 0%

Kincade: 100%
Vito: 0%

Khaos: 100%
Blitz: 0%

Bryan: 100%
J. Jobber: 0%

Dawg: 100%
Leo: 0%

S. Jobber: 40%
Asar: 60%

M. Jobber: 0%
Deadpool: 100%

Rock: 100%
D. Jobber: 0%

RP or F*ck Off
Jon Moxley Vs. Brooklyn McDaniel
For those of you who missed it, The Rock gave them both a Rock Bottom and sent them on their happy way.
Winner: None
Match Time: 0:00

"Paralyzed" by Rock Kills Kid continues over the PA System while the opening pyro shoots off.

[JonathanSteele] " Time kicks Ticking, just 27 Days Away from WrestleMania! Jonathan Steele here, along side Jimmy Justice as we welcome you to Monday Night Chaos! "

[JimmyJustice] " Tonight we get to see which Chaos Superstar gets to Rape Mickie James at WrestleMania...I mean...who's gonna bring the title back to the A Show...I'd love to rape her though.. "

[JonathanSteele] "I'm sure you would Jimmy, but tonight is also about the elustrious Contract Signing. Setting up the Main Event for WrestleMania as Dutch Clark and White Tiger will sign on the dotted line here tonight! "

[JimmyJustice] " That's gonna be great but also.. "

Before Jimmy can say anything else "Officer Down" by Lloyd Banks hits over the PA System. The crowd let's out a bit of a mixed reaction, mainly boos when D-Dawg parts the curtains. D-Dawg doesn't seem to care what the fans think, just cares about the International Title on his waist.

[JonathanSteele] "Looks like we're being joined by the International Champion, but his match isn't until later.. "

[JimmyJustice] " Well wait and find out what's on his mind.. grow some patience you tool. "

D-Dawg continues down the ramp, already having a mic in his hand. D-Dawg waits in the ring as his music fades out.

[D-Dawg] "yo Im makin dis short and sweet.. See, I heard dat fool Rock out here talkin before the show even started.. "

D-Dawg removes the title from his waist and puts it on his shoulder.

[D-Dawg] "He wants his rematch at dis title..He wants to face Da Original Gangsta One mo time. Well I'm down with that...I ain't scared of you Rock...infact, while you was out here being yo normal boring self. I went to Hunter myself...and I got him to make things real interesting. "

D-Dawg smiles and nods.

[D-Dawg] "Ya, you see. This is the rubber match, we can't be doin it in a straight up singles match. Dat's boring, we done did dat shit. Nah, so here's how it's gonna be. If...I mean, WHEN I win my match here tonight...I get to pick da Stipulation for our match.. "

D-Dawg pauses for a moment.

[D-Dawg] "If you win yo match, which you won't cause yo be sad, you can't even beat Dustin Jobber..but if somehow you win, then you get to pick the stipulation.. "

The crowd cheers as D-Dawg shakes his head.

[D-Dawg] "Don't get yo hopes up people. He's not winning.. When I pick our stipulation Rock, you ain't gonna like it.. "

D-Dawg drops the mic and laughs as his theme hits again.

[JonathanSteele] "What stipulation is he talking about?"

[JimmyJustice] " I guess we'll have to wait til later, after he wins. "

D-Dawg raises up the Title as the camera fades to a commercial.

Intros: When the camera's return from break, Vito is already in the ring, awaiting Kincade. Kincade never shows up, a crew worker runs out to tell the ref something though.

Vito Moretti Vs. Christopher Kincade
[Vito warms up in the ring, until the ref tells him Kincade was in some sort of car accident. He's fine, but he won't make it to the show. Therefore awards Vito the victory and an advancement into the next round.]
Winner: Vito Moretti
Match Time: 0:00
Judges: 4/4

After The Match: Vito heads up the ramp, while the fans boo that Kincade wasn't there.

Intros: After Vito is gone. Khaos and Blitz make their entrances and we get set for our first official match.

Khaos Vs. Blitz
[Khaos throws several punches and Blitz. Blitz ducks a punch and bounces off the ropes he comes back at Khaos, firing on all cylinders. He launches himself at Khaos who shows he's just as agile as he ever has been, ducking the attack and drop kicking Blitz out of the ring. The crowd react to this, finally seeing Khaos back inside the ring.]

[Blitz gets up and slams his hands on the apron looking frustrated, he stares down Khaos, who winks before taking off his t-shirt and throwing it into the crowd. A sea of hands lift to catch the shirt as Blitz slides into the ring and ducks an attempted clothesline and bounces off the ropes again and his a Lou Thesz press, landing a sequence of right hooks to Khaos's f ace. Blitz jumps to his feet and stomps on Khaos with a grin, he grabs Khaos by the head and holds him in a headlock, he knees him in the gut twice before hitting a spinning neckbreaker. ]

[Blitz gets back up and tells the crowd to be quiet, Khaos slowly rises to his feet and meets Blitz when he turns back around with a kick to the gut, Khaos hooks the arm and attempts a suplex, Blitz counters and drops back on his feet behind Khaos, he pushes Khaos into the referee, who falls over clumsily while he finds his feet, Khaos turns around with a vicious smirk and without a hint of hesitation kicks Blitz in the groin. He falls to one knee as Khaos's smirk grows wider and motions for the end, and grabs Blitz's by his arm and hits KHAOS THEORY!]

[He calmly releases the Full Nelson Clutch and gets the referee's attention as Khaos falls onto Blitz, cockily hooking one leg. ONE…TWO…THREE!]
Winner Via Pinfall: Khaos
Match Time: 6:25
Judges: 4/4

After The Match: Khaos Celebrates, knowing he's now heading to the 2nd round.

We come back from commercial with Dustin Jobber standing by the water cooler with his two brothers.

[DustinJobber] " Man... We are so AWEOMS. I mean look at us... Drinking water... Being cool Not like our sucko brother. "

[JayJobber] " Yeah, that noobslobber is such a... Errr... Noobslobber! "

[MikeJobber] " Yeah drinking bottled water!!! "


The three Jobbers laugh as suddenly Shadic Jobber walks up. He looks none-too-thrilled.

[ShadicJobber] " You know guys... I am tired of you being around. You are all pathetic and it is a disgrace to my name. "

The Jobbers look at each other and snicker.

[MikeJobber] " Steve Austin called, he wants his look back "

[DustinJobber] " Oooh good one! "

Dustin goes for a hi-five with Mike but misses and hits Mike in the chest causing a huge coughing fit.

[DustinJobber] " Ooooh... You okay? "

[MikeJobber] " I...can't...breath. I need a cigarette "

Shadic rolls his eyes.

[ShadicJobber] " Why can't you just die! "

Shockingly, Dustin frowns and tries getting toe-to-toe with his brother.

[DustinJobber] " You know Shadic... I think we think that you think that we think that you can't HACK it here in EWE. So with that being said... Why don't you trying being a tough guy and facing us instead! "

Shadic just laughs.

[ShadicJobber] " One-on-one with you Dustin? Pfft... "

Dustin shakes his head.

[DustinJobber] " Nah... I mean you versus us at WRESTLEMANIA! We will face you at Wrestlemania, the Jobber Squad vs. Shadic Jobber since obviously you can't find a partner anyways. "

Suddenly Deadpool is seen wielding a "Will Work For Chimichangas" sign.

[DustinJobber] " Well okay... So you found one partner but there is no CHANCE anyone else would be dumb enough to team with y... "

Suddenly the Sin City Dollz walk minding their own business

[MikeJobber] " Hey sweethearts, want to go out in the parking lot and smoke. Well I'll smoke since both of you are already smoking "

[JayJobber] " And we can listen to my Miley Cyrus CD! "

Ashley Nathanson gasps, she slaps Mike Jobber the hardest she could.

[AshleyNathanson] "That is for even THINKING you have a chance with us bub!"

[MikeJobber] " Hey I like it rough. "

Mike blows a kiss to Ashley as Dustin takes a look at Brooklyn

[DustinJobber] " Hey baby... Want to go make a baby and then sell it on the black market??? "

[AshleyNathanson] " UGH! - turns around whipping her hair- "

Mike nudges Dustin with his elbow

[MikeJobber] " I like it when they play hard to get "

[DustinJobber] " Yeah I know! "

[BrooklynGlamorous] " PFFT! As if you loser, can't you find some hooker from down the street, I'm WAY too good for you....whatever you are, oh and by the way -slaps Dustin Jobber- That's for trying too hard! "

Dustin does a Flair Flop off the slap and his brothers go to help him up. Shadic turns to the Dollz.

[AshleyNathanson] "These wannabe men -hair flips- they are so sad"

[ShadicJobber] " Look, do you see what I have to put up with? You guys want to join me and the uh... Chimichanga guy against these idiots at Wrestlemania??? "

Deadpool shoots a thumbs up

Ashley and Brooklyn looked at each other, they honestly don't care about this so called war, tthey were brought into this unintentionally but they would like the Sin City Dollz to go out with a BANG. Ashley nods, Brooklyn Nods, they both agree.

[AshleyNathanson] "You're on, it would be OUR pleasure to put these whacks in their place"

[BrooklynGlamorous] ": "Is "sucko" even a word?"

[DustinJobber] " YES. "

[AshleyNathanson] ": "No one asked you bum bitch, sit your ass down"

[DustinJobber] " Fine... You want to go one on one with the ones who are the one of the ones??? Wrestlemania 8, you four suckos vs. The Jobber Squad and our MYSTERY PARTNER in a Survivor Series!!!!!!!!!!! "

[ShadicJobber] " Wait, wait, wait... "Mystery partner?"

[DustinJobber] " Yeah... We got something special lined up so either you accept or we go on strike! "

[ShadicJobber] " That doesn't make any... "

[DustinJobber] " THAT'S RIGHT! It is time for you to realize why the Jobber Squad is the greatest team... "

[JobberSquad] " FOR ALL THE TIMES!!! "

[AshleyNathanson] "In your dreams you pervert! We're out of here"

Dustin shakes his head and turns to his brothers. We see the Jobbers do a very bad group high-five and storm away leaving the other group in their wake. Shadic shakes his head.

[ShadicJobber] " I had to have been adopted... "

Intros: When the camera's return, Jay Jobber is warming up in the ring, already coming out after his little debackle backstage. Daniel Bryan soon makes his entrance before the ref calls for the bell.

Jay Jobber Vs. Daniel Bryan
[Not much competition here for Daniel Bryan. Bell sounds as Jay Jobber pokes Daniel Bryan into the eyes, making him mad. Bryan repeatedly kicks Jay Jobber in the mid section until he falls to his knees and Bryan connects with a drop kick into the mid section of Jobber. Bryan grabs Jay Jobber and throws him into the ropes and Bryan connects with a spinning heel kick, knocking out Jay. Jobber stumbles to his feet and Daniel Bryan extends his arm out and nails Jay Jobber with a clothesline. As Daniel Bryan awaits for Jay Jobber to stand up, he stands behind him. As Jobber finally gets to his feet, Daniel Bryan locks the Lebell Lock on Jay Jobber. Quickly, Jay Jobber quickly taps out.]
Winner Via Submission: Daniel Bryan
Match Time: 2:26
Judges: 3/3

After The Match: as Bryan's music hits. Bryan climbs the turnbuckle with his pointed fingers up screaming YES! YES! YES! YES! YES!

D-Dawg(c) Vs. Leo Kat
[With Kat already in the ring, D-Dawg made his entrance and sported a determined look on his face as he walked to the ring, and stood across from his opponent. At the bell, Da OG would instantly connect with a thunderous Ego Trip to the jaw - knocking Leo Kat down and out, and allowing D-Dawg to continue the assault uninterrupted. D-Dawg would obliterate Leo Kat for the moments thereafter, before putting him away finally with a Gangstafia. One.. Two.. Three, and D-Dawg picks up another win as he continues his winning ways.]
Winner Via Pinfall: D-Dawg
Match Time: 3:21
Judges: 3/3

D-Dawg gets a mic and smirks as he now has his International Title back on his shoulder.

[D-Dawg] "Just like I said..I got da job done...now at WrestleMania, when I deffend dis Title against The Rock...we gon do it real OG Style...cause at WrestleMania, it's gonna be a Street Fight! "

The crowd cheers as "Officer Down" hits again and D-Dawg raises back up the International Title.

[JimmyJustice] " Did you hear that Steele?! "

[JonathanSteele] "I did, Jimmy...The Rock and D-Dawg will be meeting in a Street Fight at WrestleMania!"

[JimmyJustice] " I can't wait! "

Gabriel Asar Vs. Shadic Jobber
[Once the bell sounded, the two were fighting tooth and nail to get the victory. Shadic went to hit Seven Chaos near the finish, but Asar slips out as he begins to point to his brain, but instead, Shadic slides out and spears down Asar, whupping him, not noticing they were counted out.]
Result Via Countout: DRAW
Match Time: 5:03
Judges: 2/4 Each plus a Draw Vote

Triple H's cell phone goes off. At first, he pays no mind to it, mostly because he's taking a siesta in his office on a brand new comfy couch to replace Jensen's old leather one that was definitely not designed for napping on. Whoever heard of a couch that you can't nap on? The phone continued to buzz and finally stopped. Triple H just laid there, completely unaware of his phone. A snore growled from him as he lay there in his office silently. The phone began to buzz again. This time, it almost seemed like it was ringing harder than before because it began to slide from his chest toward his face. A few more buzzes and it slid into his face, smacking him in the mouth. That caught his attention as he quickly shot up, ready to knock someone's teeth in. He sat there for a moment before he heard the buzzing. He picked the phone up and put it to his ear.

[TripleH] " Hello? "

(In a gruff, deep, altered voice)

[????] " Don't hang up. "

[TripleH] " What? Who is this? "

[????] " Have you enjoyed my tarot cards? "

This caught Triple H's attention.

[TripleH] " Who is this? "

[????] " Don't act like you don't know. "

[TripleH] " I don't. "

[????] " Think real hard. Look over the last few months and think of every person you have personally screwed in some way or another. "

[TripleH] " Johnny? "

[????] " Not quite. "

[TripleH] " Jensen? "

[????] " Guess again. "

[TripleH] " Who is this? "

[????] " You'll find out soon enough. "

[TripleH] " What do you want? "

[????] " Vengeance. "

[TripleH] " For what? "

[????] " I think you know plenty well. You've gotten quite the ego and the attitude lately. That arrogance of yours has given you some sort of high horse where you think you're untouchable, that you can do no wrong and that no one can say or do a thing about it. Once, you were a hero, a role model, someone people liked and looked up to. You were someone that hated those that you have become a mirror image of. You're nothing but a hypocrite, an imposter and a poser. I'm here to put an end to it and make you eat everything spoiled fruit you've sown. "

[TripleH] " These are mighty words from someone hiding in the dark who's too scared to show himself. "

[????] " Part of the process is mental torture. What would I accomplish if I just came out and showed my face? I've been watching you. It's tearing you apart. You can't eat much, don't sleep well, can't stop thinking about it. You talk a big game, but in reality, you're just a little boy in a beard prancing around like he's something he use to be. "

[TripleH] " Is there a point to this? "

[????] " Go out to the ring. "

[TripleH] " Why? "

[????] " Guess you'll have to find out. "

Triple H makes his way out to the ring, his phone still to his ear. He makes his way into the ring in front of everyone.

[JonathanSteele] " What's going on here? "

[JimmyJustice] " Looks like the boss has a phone call, why don't you mind your own business? "

[JonathanSteele] " That's kind of rude. "

[JimmyJustice] " Do you hear me complain about everything all the time? "

[JonathanSteele] " Well, yeah actually. "

[JimmyJustice] " No one asked you. "

[JonathanSteele] " You just did. "

[JimmyJustice] " Shh, the microphone is coming down. I think he has something to say. "

The microphone descends to the center of the ring. Attached to it is another tarot card. Triple H pulls it off. “Hanged Man.” Triple H puts the phone on speaker.

[TripleH] " What's this supposed to mean? "

[????] " You're a joke, Triple H. You think that you're something special, but you're just a power hungry brat who wants his way or he throws a temper tantrum and everyone is too much of a pansy to call you out on it. Not me. I'm done with it. I'm done with you. Your sentence has been decided. I'm going to end you, finish your career, and remove your existence from history. When I'm done, the name Triple H will fade away. I'm going to hang you for all to see. "

[JimmyJustice] " What in the world is going on here? "

[JonathanSteele] " It appears that Triple H has the mystery man that's been leaving him those tarot cards on the phone."

[JimmyJustice] " Really? Which part gave that away? "

[JonathanSteele] " You're not nice. "

[JimmyJustice] " You're not straight. "

[TripleH] " I think you underestimate me, pal. I'm Triple H, I'm the Game, I'm the King of Kings. I don't fall easy. "

[????] " You know what they say, the bigger they are, the harder they fall. You're ego's so huge, you'll topple over like a freshly cut tree and I'll be the lumberjack. "

[TripleH] " Why don't you come out and say that to my face? "

[????] " Patience is a virtue. I'll see you soon. "

The phone goes silent as the man on the other end hangs up. Triple H just stands there in the ring looking around.

[JonathanSteele] " Sounds to me like Triple H has his hands full."

[JimmyJustice] " Eh, whoever keeps harassing him is going to wish they'd never been born. "

[JonathanSteele] " Guess we'll find out. "

Intros: When the camera's return from commercial Mike and Deadpool both make their entrances ready for some action and the final round one match of the tournament.

Mike Jobber Vs. Deadpool

Early Moments: [The bell rings and Mike and Deadpool circle each other. Mike tries to lock up with Deadpool but Deadpool teleports away and comes up behind Mike, suplexing him. Mike climbs to his feet and goes for a clothesline but Deadpool disappears long enough for the swing to miss before reappearing in place and decking Mike. Deadpool keeps up this routine for a few moments, before grabbing Mike and disappearing with him. They reappear on the stage where Deadpool tosses Mike down and reappears in the ring. The referee starts the count as a confused Mike turns to the ring. He jogs, having to stop twice to breath, before barely getting into the ring at nine.]

[JonathanSteele] "Deadpool is way to quick for Mike Jobber. "

Midway: [Mike finally manages to catch Deadpool and tries to use some ground based moves to keep Deadpool off balance. Who'd have thought he had ground knowledge? He gets a few near falls before Deadpool starts fighting back. Deadpool picks up the rythum of the match, knowing Mike won't be able to keep up the pace. Luckily Mike catches him and starts back in on a ground game.]

[JimmyJustice] " I can't believe this damn Jobber is out wrestling Deadpool. Guess I'm a better manager then everyone thought. "

Closing Moments: [Deadpool finally manages to get the pace picked back up when he catches Mike right in the nec with a well placed drop kick. Mike falls in a heap, coughing roughly. The referee is checking on him but Deadpool pushes the referee away. this allows Mike to hauck a loogie right into Deadpool's eye. He wipes it away in disgust as Mike gets to his feet. Deadpool turns back in for Mike to hit his "Asthma Attack" finisher. He pins Deadpool and gets the three count.]
Winner Via Pinfall: Mike Jobber
Match Time: 8:07
Judges: 2/3

[JenniferSparks] " Here is your winner: Mike Jobber!! "

After The Match: Deadpool slams the mat with his fist before disappearing. Jay and Dustin rush out to congradulate their brother.


When the camera's return to ringside, Dan Taylor is standing in the ring, to many people's surprise.

[DanTaylor] "I've waited, and I waited..I'm here tonight, because I'm sick of waiting. Eighteen, I don't care if you're back there or if you send your old boyfriend to answer the question for you. The Fact is, I want an answer for my challenge, and I want it right NOW! "

Taylor waits, but nothing happens. Suddenly after a few moments A promo plays over the PA System, breaking the Code of "LiR"...which turns out as...


The crowd roars as "Real Emotion" echoes around the Arena speakers. The roars continue to burst and get louder when Rikku parts through the curtains. Rikku smiles as she has on a mini-skirt and a Rikku-A-Mania T-Shirt that she has tied up.

[JonathanSteele] " OH MY GOD! IT'S RIKKU!!! "

[JimmyJustice] " What Rock was she hiding under? "

Rikku holds up a mic as her music fades, she just has to wait for the fans to quiet down.

[Rikku] " I totally missed you guys too! "

The crowd cheers as Rikku smiles. Taylor isn't as enthused though.

[DanTaylor] "Shut Up! All of You, Shut up! "

The crowd boos.

[Rikku] " Wow Danny, who ate your jelly beans? "

[DanTaylor] "Noone ate my... "

Taylor quickly shakes his head.

[DanTaylor] "I'm sick of the run around...I'm trying to do EWE a favor...WrestleMania deserves my greatness...I tried to face Sean Lewis, he was too much of an idiot to show up from time to time. I tried to challenge Eighteen...and instead you come out. I didn't ask for you Rikku, I asked for the OTHER overrated Anime chick."

Rikku frowns.

[Rikku] " You're a meanie. "

Taylor just shakes his head.

[DanTaylor] "Good for me, now go find your friend."

[Rikku] " She's not here tonight. I got a better idea anyhow. "

[DanTaylor] "I can't wait to hear this..."

The sarcasim is very clear in his voice, but of course....

[Rikku] " Aww, thanks! "

Taylor chuckles.

[Rikku] " Anyway, why go one on one with Eighteen at WrestleMania? Been there, done that. Why not make this even better...even bigger...even more, WrestleMania-like...Picuture this.."

Rikku holds out her free hand, panting the picture.

[Rikku] " One night only..the Reunion of the Original Diva's of Destruction.."

The crowd cheers as Rikku smiles.

[Rikku] " Me and Eighteen taking on you..and a partner of your choosing."

Taylor rubs his chin before nodding slightly.

[DanTaylor] "Let me get this straight. Instead of me facing Eighteen. You want me to face her and you both...with a partner of my choosing?"

Rikku nods enthusastically.

[Rikku] " YEP! "

[DanTaylor] "I don't care if I have to do it alone...YOU'RE ON!!"

The crowd cheers.

[Rikku] " Well then...Just Leave it to Rikku, CAUSE THIS IS GONNA BE GOOD!! "

The crowd cheers once more as Real Emotion hits back over the PA System. Taylor and Rikku just smile towards eachother.

[JonathanSteele] "I can't believe what we just heard..WrestleMania continues to get bigger and bigger!"

[JimmyJustice] "No Kidding! no matter who Taylor's partner is, that match is going to be epic!!"

Intros: As the cameras return "Sexy and I know It" is playing over the PA System while Dustin Jobber dances his way down the ramp to some cheers from the crowd. As his music fades though, the lights dim and Rock's song hits, causing the crowd to blow up even more. Rock makes his way to the ring and does his usual thing before the ref calls for the bell.

The Rock Vs. Dustin Jobber
[After the bell rings, Dustin comes rushing at The Rock, but Rock just side steps and watches Dustin keep running and crash into the turnbukle. Rock shakes his head as he waits for Dustin to shake the cobwebs. Dutsin turns around to see Rock giving him the "Just Bring It" Taunt. Dustin runs at him again, Rock again side steps. Dustin stops himself from running into the turnbukle this time though. Dustin tries to leap quickly on the turnbukle, but slips and hits his face on the top of the turnbukle.]

[Rock toys with Dustin for several minutes like that. Eventually Dustin is able to get Rock in a headlock, or Rock let's him, one of the two. Either way Rock delievers a back supplex planting Dustin hard onto the match. Rock stands up and looks to the cheering fans before a smirk crosses his face. Rock Grabs Dustin and sends him hard into the corner before he delievers a few hard rights, followed by spitting on his hand before delievering one final blow. Rock pulls Dustin back before locking in the Sharpshooter! Dustin flips and flops the best he can, trying to get to ropes, which his weird flopping doesn't move him at all towards the ropes. It does however seem to do something else. With all the constant flipping and flopping, it eventually catches Rock off guard enough to release the hold. When Rock picks Dustin back up, Dustin quickly kicks him in the gut and deleievers a quick DDT! There's a loud gasp from the fans, even Dustin is surprised in himself, but makes a cover getting a super quick 1 count. Dustin hopes up saying "I WAS SO CLOSE!"]

[Dustin manages to build some momentum...a whole streak of 3 moves, which is amazing...each of them getting him a 1 count. Rock is tired of messing around though, as Rock kicks Dustin in the gut and deleviers the Layeth The SmackDown Float-Over DDT! Rock quickly kips up and the crowd cheers as he squats behind Dustin, following his every move. As Dustin turns around Rock plants him with a thunderous ROCK BOTTOM! The crowd just cheers and counts with the ref as he counts one...two...the fans say three, but the ref doesn't. The Rock gets up shaking his head. The crowd looks confused until Rock walks to Dustin's head. The crowd cheers again as they see it coming. Rock wasn't ready to end this match, unless it was The Most Electrifying Move in Sports Entertainment...THE PEOPLE'S ELBOW!! the Crowd again cheers and counts with the ref when he covers, this time getting the full three.]
Winner Via Pinfall: The Rock
Match Time: 9:14
Judges: 2/2

The Rock quickly grabs a mic, and the crowd awaits to see what he has to say.

[TheRock] "D-Dawg, you want to face The Rock in a Street Fight.. The Rock is fine with that, but The Rock can do one better.. "

The crowd waits in anticipation as Rock paces.

[TheRock] "No Countouts...No Interferences...No Excuses...Just D-Dawg, and The Rock.....IN A STEEL CAGE! "

The crowd roars as Rock smiles. Soon "Officer Down" hits the PA System though. D-Dawg heads to the ring with a mic, not happy.

[D-Dawg] "Naw Dawg..I already set the Stipulation, it's a Street Fight.. "

[TheRock] "You clearly said, if The Rock won, The Rock would choose the stipulation, and The Rock chooses a Steel Cage. "

The crowd cheers but D-Dawg shakes his head.

[D-Dawg] "I won my match first, so I say it's a Street Fight! "

Before anything else is said "The Game" hits the pa system. Before we know it, HHH is now in the ring with them, with a mic of his own.

[TripleH] "So D-Dawg won his match, and he wants a Street Fight."

[D-Dawg] "True Dat.."

HHH nods in acknowledgement before looking to Rock.

[TripleH] "The Rock also won his match however, and now he wants a Cage Match.."

[TheRock] "Bet your Candy Ass he does. "

The crowd cheers as HHH nods again.

[TripleH] "Here's the way I see it..It's the Rubber Match....it's WrestleMania...Go Big, or Go Home...I say, we do both.."

The crowd cheers Rock and D-Dawg both look confused.

[TripleH] "To put it simple.....The International Title match at WrestleMania...will be Three Stages of Hell!"

The crowd roars as HHH continues by putting up his index finger.

[TripleH] "Stage One...Your Typical Singles Match. Just to see who the better wrestler truely is..."

HHH puts up a 2nd finger.

[TripleH] "Stage Two, it gets brutal...with a Street Fight!"

The crowd cheers as Rock and D-Dawg smile towards eachother.

[TripleH] "If that isn't good enough. If both of you manage to win at least one of those first two matches...well then.."

HHH now holds up three fingers.

[TripleH] "Stage Three...It gets nasty...with a Steel Cage!"

The crowd roars as HHH drops the mic and heads out of the ring while his theme hits again. Rock and D-Dawg stare at eachother with smirks as the camera's cut to commercial.

[JonathanSteele] "ANOTHER BIG ONE!"


As we come back fro commercial we see that the ring has been cleared and a table and two chairs are now set up inside. Jonathan Steele stands in the middle of it with a microphone.

[JonathanSteele] " Ladies and gentlemen, allow me to introduce our two participants in the main event of WRESTLEMANIA!!! "

"Unbreakable" hits the loudspeaker as the crowd comes to it's feet.

[JonathanSteele] " Introducing first, he is the #1 contender after winning the Phase Three challenge... The current EWE Tag-Team and King of Kings champion... Ladies and gentlemen... "THE IRISH FURY" DUTCH CLARK!!! "

Dutch emerges from the back as the crowd comes to it's feet. He is dressed in street clothes and has his two championship belts draped over his shoulders. He raises his hands to the crowd and makes his way to the ring. He climbs the steps and enters the ring, taking a seat at the table inside. The music quickly changes to Welcome to the Jungle plays as WT parts the curtain. He is in his ring attire, almost like he is ready for a fight. He has the Undisputed Championship around his waist as he makes his way down the ramp, slapping hands with the fans.

[JonathanSteele] " And Now the current Undisputed Champion. The eWe Legend and seven time eWe champion: White Tiger!! "

WT climbs in the ring and takes the belt off. He jumps up on the turnbuckle and holds the title up with both hands as flashes go off like crazy. He makes his way to the table where he lays the title on the table and sits down in his chair, smirking at Dutch.

[JonathanSteele] " Okay guys we have made out the contract for your classic match at Wrestlemania. If you could both just sign please. "

WT takes the contract and reads it over quickly. He shakes his head and lays the contract down.

[WhiteTiger] " Sorry, this just doesn't work for me. It's so bland, so mundane. WT against Dutch Clark for the Undisputed title? It needs something....more. "

WT looks at the King of Kings championship as he says more.

[WhiteTiger] " Seriously Dutch, what are you putting on the line here. My title is on the line. My career is pretty much on the line since I said that I'd stop at seven championships. Don;t you think you need to put something up as well.

WT reaches over and taps the KoK title lightly. Dutch looks down at the tap slightly and looks up with a small smile on his face.

[DutchClark] " You know Jeff... You and I have had an interesting history here in EWE. From the battles with my mentor Jack Michaels... "

The crowd pops at the mention of Jack

[DutchClark] " ...to us nearly killing each other at the 2nd chance elimination chamber to almost killing each other again at King of Xtreme... Hell from us forming the most dominant stable in EWE history High Society... To fighting tooth and nail one more time at Phase Three. We, quite literally, have done it all. "

Dutch pauses and pushes WT's hand away.

[DutchClark] " However, there is no reason for me to put this belt up to be honest. "

The crowd boos slightly as even WT seems a little taken back by what Dutch said. Dutch suddenly raises an eyebrow.

[DutchClark] " Other than to give these people the best damn Wrestlemania Main Event in the history of EWE!!! Give me the pen Jeff and may the best man win... So me. "

WT smirks at Dutch's cockiness and the two sign the bottom of the contract. They exchange handshakes and White Tiger leans in close.

[WhiteTiger] " Good luck kid... Because you need it. "

Dutch smiles darkly and the two stare each other down.

1: Daniel Bryan
2: The Rock
3: Mike Jobber
4: Khaos
5: Deadpool

Dustin Jobber
Gabriel Asar/Shadic Jobber