
April 2nd, 2012

"Paralyzed" by Rock Kills Kid

Jonathan Steele & Jimmy Justice

Humphrey Coliseum - Starkville, Mississippi

17/20 RPs

???- 1st HHH Segment

D- Kincade vs Rock

Mike- WT Vs. Christy

Jay- Dawg/Deadpool, Other HHH Segment, Ending

Dustin M- Everything Else


Grey: 45%
Rebel: 55%

James: 0%
Jay: 100%

D.Bryan: 89%
Vito: 11%

Khaos: 75%
Mike: 25%

Blitz: 0%
Dustin: 43%
Shadic: 57%
Leo: 0%

Kincade: 33%
Rock: 67%

Dawg: 62.5%
Deadpool: 37.5%

Brooke: 14%
Dutch: 86%

Tiger: 29%
Christy: 71%

"Paralyzed" by Rock Kills Kid continues over the PA System while the opening pyro shoots off.

[JonathanSteele] " 20 More Days until the grandest Grand Daddy of them all...Welcome to Mississippi and welcome to Monday Night Chaos! "

[JimmyJustice] " Another huge night here in EWE...not only do we have a 4 way for the 5th spot in the Money in the Bank...but the impressive Kincade takes on The OverRated One, The Rock! I hope he whoops his Ass! "

[JonathanSteele] "I bet you do Jimmy, but tonight we also have two very interesting Co-Main Events...The Champs in the Title for Title Main Event at WrestleMania...well tonight they are facing present and former lover's of their opponent. First off Dutch Clark taking on the old flame of the champ's, Brooke McGuire. "

[JimmyJustice] " Dutch is going to beat that bitch sensless.. or beat sense into her, she doesn't deserve to be in the Money in the Bank, she's going to get raped, and not sexualy, that's by me later tonight. "

[JonathanSteele] "I don't think we needed to know that Jimmy. "

[JimmyJustice] " whatever. "

[JonathanSteele] "That of course brings us to the other Main Event however. When the Undisputed Champion, White Tiger takes on the I guess Queen of Queens? She is the wife of the King of Kings Champion...Christy Chaos. "

[JimmyJustice] " Not an alias she would use herself, but you are right about it. She's going to repeat 3 weeks ago though as she once again makes our paper champion Tap. "

[JonathanSteele] "He's not a paper Champion, and he proved that when he defeated Alessandro in the rematch. "

[JimmyJustice] " I'm not going to debate about it. I think White Tiger doesn't deserve to have ANOTHER reign and headline ANOTHER WrestleMania, you're obviously going to kiss his ass because he loves the fans...whatever. "

[JonathanSteele] " Putting all that aside, I think we're ready for the first match. "

Damien Grey Vs. Johnny Rebel
[Damien stands around as Rebel is later found passed out in a pool of his own vomit backstage. The ref counts him out of the match. Awesome opener.]
Winner via countout: Damien Grey
Match Time: 0:10
Judges: 4/4

James Austin Vs. Jay Jobber
[James is walking towards the ring where Jay waits when he slips in Rebel's pool of vomit and cracks his skull on the concrete. Jay runs around like he just got a pair of Miley tickets in celebration.]
Winner Via Countout: Jay Jobber
Match Time: 0:10
Judges: 4/4

Daniel Bryan Vs. Vito Moretti
[Vito slips into the pile of bodies that has sprung from the vomit of Johnny Rebel. Daniel Bryan berates them all for being meat eaters, throws a Vegan cupcake at Vito and goes on to take the count out victory.]
Winner Via Countout: Daniel Bryan
Match Time: 0:10
Judges: 4/4

[JimmyJustice] " We are three matches in and killed about 4 minutes of air time... Who the hell are we, Ring of Honor??? "

Khaos Vs. Mike Jobber
[Oh my god, we got ourselves some WRASSLIN!!! Khaos starts the match out quick basically taking the Jobber to school. He hits several arm drags on Mike and just confuses the hell out of him with some good mat based wrestling. Mike scrambles for the ropes and holds on for dear life as Khaos tries to arm wringer him back to the center of the ring. Mike manages to swing and elbow back and catch Khaos in the jaw for his first offensive move of the match.]

[Mike tries to go on the offensive with a rake to the eyes and a slap to the chest but Khaos shrugs this off and hits a quick running Enzurguri for a two count. He picks up Mike and hits a chestbreaker which, for a smoker, is almost a death blow. Mike gasps for air as Khaos decides to try to end the match early and head for the ropes. As he does, the crowd goes crazy as Christy Chaos comes running out of the back with bad intentions on her mind. She rushes the ring and immediately goes after Mike which causes a DQ for Khaos.]
Winner Via Disqualification: Mike Jobber
Match Time: 2:02
Judges: 2/3

After The Match: Khaos stares down at Christy as she stomps Mike and hops down off of the apron. He whips Christy around and begins yelling at her as she caused him the match. Christy just shrugs him off but Khaos takes offense to this and shoves her from behind. Christy trips over the prone Mike and stumbles through the ropes to the outside. This prompts Dutch Clark to emerge from the back with fire in his eyes. He hits the ring and just drills Khaos with a running right hook that spins him through the ropes and to the outside. Dutch is on him like a pitbull and the officials have to come to ringside to seperate the two.

Segment: The scene cuts backstage where we see Dan Taylor talking on the cell phone. We can't hear much of what's said, but it may be certain he has found himself a partner for WrestleMania!

Blitz Vs. Dustin Jobber Vs. Shadic Jobber Vs. Leo Kat
[The match opens up with Dustin Jobber looking at Shadic Jobber flaunt the Million Dollar title at ringside. Dustin seems less-than-thrilled that Shadic is carrying it and quickly tries diving through the ropes to the outside to attack. Only problem is that Dustin falls about three feet short and slams his head into the concrete floor. Shadic just rolls his eyes and gets into the ring.]

[Shadic and Leo start off and Shadic turns on the wrestling ability. He hits a variety of suplex variants on Leo and goes for several near falls. Leo manages to get past all of them as Blitz sort of sits back and watches the show. Leo manages to get out of a Fisherman attempt and hits a leaping uppercut to Shadic's jaw. Shadic stumbles back and catches a dropkick to the back of the head from Blitz. Blitz goes for a pin but it is broken up by Leo.]

[Leo and Blitz have a mini-match while Shadic is down culminating in a vicious clothesline from Leo that knocks Blitz through the ropes and to the outside. He lands near Dustin who is just starting to stir again and Leo and Shadic go at it once more. Leo ducks a Shadic punch hits a quick neckbreaker for two. Leo stays on him and locks in a modified Fujiyama armbar.]

[Shadic struggles for the ropes as Dustin slowly pulls himself back in. He looks down at his brother and suddenly leaps up and hits the JOBBINATION fist drop! Shadic is actually hurt as Leo breaks the hold and tries for the pin. Dustin quickly pulls Leo off of Shadic and manages to hit him with an ugly, UGLY looking back suplex. It works, however, and Dustin goes for a pin.]

[Leo is out at two as Blitz starts getting back into the ring. Blitz tosses Dustin into the corner and grabs Leo as he gets back up. He hoists Leo up and hits an airplane spin straight out of 1977. Blitz tosses Leo and staggers around dazed. Dustin sees this and quickly comes forward with the SMALL PACKAGE OF DOOM!!! He gets the three!!!!!]
Winner Via Pinfall: Dustin Jobber
Match Time: 7:22
Judges: 3/4

After The Match: Post the match the Jobber Squad rushes to the ring and quickly yank the Million Dollar Belt from the ringside announcer. They hand it to the referee and tell it to award it to their brother who is still running around the ring in celebration. The referee is completely confused as this is not a sanctioned title but hands the title to Dustin! Dustin holds up the belt as the crowd goes absolutely nuts. The Jobbers carry Dustin around the ring in celebration as we go to a commercial.

Christopher Kincade Vs. The Rock
[Rock and Kincade both went after each other and began to grapple at the start but eventually Rock got the headlock in as Kincade got out of it and bounced him off the ropes hitting him with a shoulder block and driving down his elbow onto the chest of Rock. Kincade grabbed Rock by the head but was countered with a jawbreaker, Kincade went into the corner and Rock charged at him with a clothesline. Rock then put his foot into the throat of Kincade applying pressure with the referee admonishing him, telling him to break the hold as Rock did at the count of four, as Kincade held his throat. Rock wasn't going to let up though and pulled him from the corner and hit a suplex as he instantly went for the cover and hooked the leg.


[Kincade kicked out as Rock assumed the full mount and grabbed him as he began to rain down shots to the face of Kincade, as Chris was prone to the attack. Rock stood up as he waited for Kincade to stand back up and when he d he paid for it, as Rock dropped him with a vicious DDT. Rock went for a cover on a hurt Kincade.


[Chris was being resilient as Rock waited for him to stand up, out of no where though, D-Dawg popped through the crowd and jumped onto the top rope and hit the motionless Kincade with a….


[The referee calls for the bell as Kincade was knocked out. D-Dawg then turned his attention to The Rock who is face to face with him as he got up.]
Winner Via Disqualification: Christopher Kincade
Match Time: 6:07
Judges: 4/4


Rock start mouthing off to D-Dawg as you see D-Dawg smile at what he is saying. As the duo keeps talking to each other out of nowhere Rock gets dropped with a huge Belly to Belly Spin suplex. D-Dawg leaves the ring as Kincade and Rock are left laying in the middle of the ring, D-Dawg is receiving nothing but boos from the crowd and after a while of doing nothing it looks like D-Dawg is back on track and ready to make an impact. As he grabs a mic from the tech as he stops at the top of ramp. He begins the mic up and begins to speak.

D-Dawg: Ya see Rock. I aint gonna let our match jus come up at WrestleMania without sum mo issues first. We are scheduled for a 3 Stages of Hell match for MY Inernational championship. Well I know ya gonna want ta get back at me so because of dat I am gone next week. So lick ya wounds fo an extra week. Cuz I am out! See ya at WrestleMania bitch.

D-Dawg drops the microphone as he walks backstage as The Rock is shown in the middle livid at what just happened and what was said.

D-Dawg(c) Vs. Deadpool
[This match got under way and started off pretty even. The momentum shifted a couple different times as Deadpool started to take control clobbering D-Dawg with a kick to the face. Deadpool climbs the ropes and catches D-Dawg with a cross body as he got up, gaining a two count.]

[Deadpool continued to build momentum for awhile until D-Dawg fought back, nailing the HellLine! Dawg made the cover and got a near fall, but started to build his own momentum now. Dawg hit various different suplexes to build this momentum.]

[After awhile the match started getting back and forth again towards the end. Deadpool lays D-Dawg out with a Samoan Drop before climbing the turnbukle. Deadpool jumps off for the Goomba Stomp, but Dawg rolls out of the way. Dawg quickly gets up, behind Deadpool, and nails the Gangstafia! Dawg makes the cover and scores the three count!]
Winner Via Pinfall: D-Dawg
Match Time: 6:31
Judges: 2/3

After The Match: Dawg celebrates, but as he waits for the ref to hand him his title, he can't, because Rock has it. Rock enters the ring, Smiling at D-Dawg, with the International Title. After what happened earlier, Dawg is expecting something bad to brew. Instead Rock shoves the title hard into D-Dawg's chest. The Rock just smiles and points to his head before pointing up at the WrestleMania logo, while still locking eyes with D-Dawg, right in his face. The two continue to stare off as the scene fades.

Brooke McGuire Vs. Dutch Clark(c)
[Fair auspuicious start to this match as Dutch seems very conflicted at the beginning of this match. He seems apologetic to Brooke for what he must do out there and she nods in sympathy. However, when Dutch goes to extend a hand in friendship, Brooke pulls him in and rolls him up for a quick pin attempt. Dutch is out fast and Brooke gives him a look as in "I'm here to play." Dutch smiles darkly and nods at her.]

[The two lock up and it is Dutch in the early going. He utilizes his strength to drive her back into the corner and follows it up with a running clothesline. This gets two and he picks her back up with a floatover suplex for another two. He fires Brooke into the ropes and misses a clothesline only to eat a stiff boot to the head when he turns back around. Brooke goes on the offensive at about four minutes in and hits a modified spinning neckbreaker for two.]

[Brooke begins working the mat against Dutch, locking in a reverse chin lock and trying to sap some of the strength out of him. Dutch fights his way back to his feet and shoots Brooke into the ropes. On the way back he snags her and locks in an IRISH DREAM. Brooke is fighting like crazy and quickly locks a hand on the top rope causing the break. Dutch backs up and fires a clothesline to Brooke which knocks her over the top and to the outside.]

[Dutch is quick to follow and he picks Brooke up on the floor. He goes to whip her into the guard rail but Brooke manages to put the breaks on. Dutch tries charging her but Brooke drops down with a drop-toe-hold that sends Dutch into the rail! Dutch's brow splits open and Brooke struggles to roll the now bloodied Dutch into the ring.]

[Dutch slowly stands up and looks around awful dazed as Brooke scales the turnbuckle. She leaps off and hits a beautiful dropkick to Dutch's chin which floors him. Brooke gets a two count but Dutch is back out. Brooke signals she is going to try to finish it and picks Dutch up to his feet.]

[Dutch is still dazed but getting back up seems to jar something and he throws a right hook at Brooke that catches her square. Brooke backs into the ropes but comes rushing back and leaps at Dutch. Dutch catches her and hoists her up but Brooke escapes and wraps her legs around Dutch's head. We get an amazing spot where Brooke attempts a Hurricanrana but Dutch sets her up and hits just a vicious Jack Michaels-Esq Piledriver in the center of the ring. Brooke is nearly dead to the world as Dutch picks her back up and nails a FURYBREAKER for the three!!!]
Winner Via Pinfall: Dutch Clark
Match Time: 11:57
Judges: 2/2

The door to Triple H's office opens. A crew hand sticks his head in.

[CrewHand] " Five minutes, Mr. Helmsley. "

[TripleH] " I'll be there in a minute. "

The crew hand disappears as he closes the door. Triple H gets up. He holds the tarot cards in his hands. He stares at them for a moment before shoving them into the shredder.

[TripleH] " Bring it. "

Triple H walks to the door and opens it. Stuck to the door, pinned with a knife is another tarot card. Triple H's face turns red with rage. He rips the knife out of the door and throws it down the hallway as he looks at the card. "Death." Triple H studies it for a minute, almost as though he wants to make sure he has every last bit of it absorbed into his brain. Triple H crumbles it up in his hand and puts a hole in the door. He pulls his hand out of it and throws the card to the floor.

[TripleH] " No more games. Someone's getting hurt. "

As the camera's return from Commercial. "The Game" Anthology Disc 3 Special Version, hits the PA Speakers. The Fans all boo as HHH makes his way out to the ring. HHH has a mic ready when he enters the ring and tells the music to cut out.

[TripleH] " I'm done. I'm here to get to the bottom of this Tarot Card crap.. I want to know who's responsible for this...and I want to know NOW! "

HHH waits, but nothing happens.

[TripleH] " I SAID NOW! "

There's a few more moments of silence, annoying HHH. Suddenly "Goin Down" by Three Days Grace hits the PA System. This causes a stir from the crowd. Boos mostly, but still some cheers, just to see him. And by him, that would be Johnny Chaos. Johnny smirks as he makes his way down the ramp.

[JonathanSteele] "Are you kidding me? It's been Johnny Chaos this whole time?! "

[JimmyJustice] " This is awesome! "

Johnny gets into the ring, and also has a mic as his music fades.

[TripleH] " It was you? Screwing my wife, wasn't good enough? "

Johnny laughs and shakes his head.

[JohnnyChaos] " As fun as that is, it's not me. Don't you remember? You got another one the same night I was banned from the arena. "

[TripleH] " Then why are you out here? "

[JohnnyChaos] " Because I know who it is. "

[TripleH] " And you're about to tell me who it is.. "

Johnny laughs and shakes his head.

[JohnnyChaos] " That deppends. You gotta give a little to get a little. "

[TripleH] " What are you talking about? "

[JohnnyChaos] " It sucks not knowing, doesn't it? "

[TripleH] " Of course it does, so what? "

[JohnnyChaos] " Kinda like my opponent for WrestleMania. "

HHH smiles and nods.

[TripleH] " So you want me to tell you who your opponent is? In exchange you'll tell me who's responsible for this Tarot Card crap. "

[JohnnyChaos] " Not only that, I'll help you take care of him. He's not exactly one of my friends either. "

HHH nods.

[TripleH] " Well Johnny, I would say I'll Never tell you, but it's like his promos say...NEVER...SAY NEVER! "

Johnny chuckles.

[JohnnyChaos] " So my opponent is the one behind the Never Say Never promos. Who is it though? "

[TripleH] " You'll find out, when everyone else does. "

[JohnnyChaos] " Suite yourself then. "

Johnny shrugs before heading out of the ring. HHH just shakes his head as Johnny smiles and heads up the ramp. Johnny stops on the stage and turns around. HHH gives him a "what?" kind of look. Suddenly "Back in Black" by ACDC hits the PA System. The crowd all jumps to see who it is..The music keeps playing while lights flash on and off over the entrance stage. HHH motions them to come on, but noone ever comes through the curtains. Instead there's a huge roar from the crowd as this mystery person comes through the audience. As they jump the barricade and slide into the ring, it's clear that it's DEAN WINCHESTER!! HHH uses his experience to know why the fans to his right are louder, as he turns though, Dean quickly spears him down and starts hitting several hard rights and lefts.


[JimmyJustice] " This just went from awesome, to lame! "

Dean continues to punch the hell out of HHH. Dean finally picks HHH up and plants Him with the Exercisim! the crowd just roars. Dean glances and shakes his head at a laughing Johnny Chaos on the stage, before Johnny walks through the curtains, still laughing. Dean looks back down to HHH. He points to HHH, then himself with the same finger. Then with the same finger, points up to the WrestleMania Logo, which causes the crowd to burst into a roar.


[JimmyJustice] " Please Decline! "


White Tiger(c) Vs. Christy Chaos(c)

Early Moments: [The match starts off with WT and Christy locking up in the middle of the ring. WT waists no time in using his strength to push Christy around. He controls the first part of the match before Christy manages to counter a body slam into a small package. WT kicks out but Christy begins using high flying moves to keep WT off balance. WT tries to leave the ring to break her momentum, but she just flips over the rope taking him down on the floor. They battle back and forth on the floor, each taking a turn in breaking the count before the match spills back into the ring. Christy tries for a bulldog but WT manages to catch her and hit's a nasty looking back breaker.]

Midway: [WT keeps Christy on the mat, trying to weaken up Christy's back for the Snare. He keeps trying to roll her into the Snare but she always manages to squirm free. WT gets her to her feet and hit's a…Furybreaker! WT points to the back smirking but the momentary pause allows Christy to kick out at two. WT picks up Christy and puts her on the second rope. She squirms free and hits a few back elbows to knock WT back. She stands up on the top rope and nails her own "Struck Down" on WT. The crowd goes crazy as Christy pins but somehow WT kicks out at two. Christy rolls WT into the CC Trap. Things are starting to look like two weeks ago as WT fights for his life. Finally he gets his bottom foot on the rope, forcing a break. Christy argues with the ref as WT rolls out of the ring to catch his breath.]

Closing Moments: [WT has since got back in the ring and is going back and forth with Christy, each taking turns keeping the momentum in their favor. WT twice manages to lock Christy into the Tiger Snare just to have her get to the ropes. Once more Christy gets the CC Trap but WT manages to break free. Christy whips WT to the corner but WT walks up the ropes. He turns and nails a "Struck Down" on Christy. She barely escapes at the three count. WT pleas his case but to no avail as Christy rolls WT up from behind and gets a two count. Christy swings at WT but he ducks and lifts her up to deliver a Payne Killer. She sqquirms loose and counters into the Charismatic Crush! For good measure she rushes to the corner and jumps off with a Star Struck. She rolls WT up and scores the three count.]
Winner Via Pinfall: Christy Chaos
Match Time: 8:53
Judges: 2/2

[JonathanSteele] "Christy has beat him again! "

[JimmyJustice] " I told you she would! "

[JonathanSteele] "What a match that was though! "

"Bitter Taste" hits as Christy climbs the turnbukle to celebrate. Soon Dutch comes down to join his wife. As WT rolls out of the ring holding the back of his head, the ref comes around the ring and hands him his title. Dutch hugs Christy then raises her hand. WT backs up the ramp shaking his head as they celebrate. This is the shot the show fades on, after some comments from Steele and Jimmy during this.

[JonathanSteele] "Charismatic Fury riding high tonight! Will they be just as successful at WrestleMania?! "

[JimmyJustice] " Like I said, I agree with Alessandro, White Tiger is a Paper Champion...At WrestleMania his reign will finally come to an end! "

[JonathanSteele] "What about Christy, will she be successful?"

[JimmyJustice] " She's my 2nd choice. My real choice in that is definately Kincade, by far.. "

[JonathanSteele] "Well we'll find out in 20 Days if that's correct...until then, See you Next Week!"

1: Christy Chaos
2: Dutch Clark
3: Christopher Kincade/White Tiger
4: Brooke McGuire
5: Dustin Jobber/Mike Jobber/D-Dawg

Daniel Bryan/Deadpool/Shadic Jobber