
April 9th, 2012

"Paralyzed" by Rock Kills Kid

Jonathan Steele & Jimmy Justice

Philips Arena - Atlanta, Georgia

16/22 RPs

D- DM Triple Threat & Mike/Bryan

Mike- Brooke/Vito & MITB

Dustin M- Kincade/Dustin & Khaos/Dutch

Jay- Mark/Scott, Jay/Rebel, & Segments


Ziggler: 67%
Trent: 0%
Olson: 33%

Mark: 60%
Scott: 40%

Jay: 50%
Rebel: 50%

Blitz: 0%
Khaos: 67%
Shadic: 33%
Leo: 0%

Brooke: 100%
Vito: 0%

Bryan: 100%
Mike: 0%

Kincade: 100%
Dustin: 0%

Khaos: 0%
Dutch: 100%

Triple Threat Match
Jon Moxley Vs. Brooklyn McDaniel
The opening match which saw Dolph Ziggler, Trent King, and Ken Olsen do battle. All three men would start off and get their own moments to shine. However, Ken Olsen would fall victim to injury midway through the bout after a failed attempt at a Missle Dropkick. The little man would retreat to the outside and stay there as Ziggler and King continued on. The two men would duke it out back and forth until the tide would turn after a failed Zig-Zag would put momentum in King's favor. After Trent moved out of the way, he would swiftly turn back around and picks him up in a Fireman’s Carry and nails the Flatliner! One.. Two.. Three! King wins his debut match.
Winner Via Pinfall: Trent King
Match Time: 2:00
Judges: 4/4

Standard Match
Mark Jobber Vs. Scott Rock
Mark and Scott both look ready to have impressive EWE Debuts, well a re-debut in the case of Scott Rock. Though Scott usually uses strength to his advantage, it's a little tough this time, when his opponent weighs 500 pounds. He tries though, and even manages an impressive Suplex or two. Scott even manages a double underhook backbreaker on the large man. Scott Rock finally tries to lift him up for the Black Out...and he impressively does get him up...only for Mark to shift his weight though. Scott loses his footing and falls back as Mark crushes ontop of him and scores the three count.
Winner Via Pinfall: Mark Jobber
Match Time: 2:16
Judges: 4/4

"Paralyzed" by Rock Kills Kid continues over the PA System while the opening pyro shoots off.

[JonathanSteele] " We are just 13 days away from WrestleMania Welcome to Atlanta Georgia and Welcome to Monday Night Chaos! I'm Jonathan Steele and of course I'm joined by Jimmy Justice. "

[JimmyJustice] " Top Bill Damnit, Top Bill! How many times I gotta say it?! "

[JonathanSteele] "My mistake, but what do you think of tonight's card? "

[JimmyJustice] " Fuck you.. "

[JonathanSteele] "Seriously though.."

[JimmyJustice] " Seriously though, go screw yourself. "

[JonathanSteele] "Right, well on with the show then I guess. "

Jay Jobber Vs. Johnny Rebel
[Rebel never shows up...so Jay runs around the ring impersonating Daniel Bryan again, screaming "YES!" over a couple dozen times.]
Winner: Jay Jobber
Match Time: 0:00
Judges: 4/4

After The Match: Jay runs up the ramp still screaming it before we get ready for the next match.

Vito is already in the ring, stretching against the ropes too get ready for the match. "Beverly Hills" by Weezer plays overhead as Brooke walks out of the back. She stops on the stage and looks around.

[JenniferSparks] " The next match is set for one fall. Already in the ring from Palermo, Sicily: Vito! "

The fans boo as he holds his hands up.

[JenniferSparks] " And his opponent, from Hollywood California, Brooke McGuire! "

Brooke has made it to the ramp and climbed inside. She walks to the center of the ring where Vito awaits.

Brooke McGuire Vs. Vito Moretti
[Vito chuckles over having to fight a woman. He leans forward and taps his cheek, giving her first shot. Brooke takes first shot, nailing the Brooke-N Dreams. She rolls him up and gets the three.]
Winner Via Pinfall: Brooke McGuire
Match Time: 0:37
Judges: 4/4

Brooke rolls out of the ring and up the ramp as Vito slowly sits up, in shock over what just happened. The fans laugh as he slams his fist in anger and storms off toward the back.

The scene switches backstage where Triple H is seen walking down the hall until he reaches his office, there's a note stuck to it. I'm sure HHH is sick of things like these by now, and it shows with his big sigh as he pulls it off and reads it.

[TripleH] " You have a long night ahead of you, with only one way to end it...just say Yes. "

HHH crumples up the paper and turns to a crew worker next to him.

[TripleH] " Tell Daniel Bryan I want to see him in my office. "

The crew worker nods and walks off. HHH shakes his head and walks into the room. He stands there stunned as he sees DX Gear and green spray pain COVERING the entire room. Rage boils on his face.

Christopher Kincade Vs. Dustin Jobber
[We begin with Dustin Jobber looking awful disappointed that he isn’t facing Brian Christopher and wondering who Kincade is. Kincade, none-too-thrilled, blasts Dustin with a short right uppercut and basically begins to destroy him. This goes on for a good few minutes until Dustin manages to low blow Kincade and then hit a horrible looking, but effective, Double-Arm DDT in the middle of the ring.]

[Dustin goes on a mild offensive actually hitting several stiff stomps and even locking in a modified Camel Clutch before Kincade manages a comeback. This comes when Dustin decides to go upstairs but is quickly caught and Superplexed back into the center of the ring.]

[The finale of the match occurs as Kincade sets Dustin up for a Kincade Cutter but Dustin manages a poke to the eye. Kincade stumbles back as Dustin charges forward. Kincade ducks and pulls down the top rope just as Dustin runs into it. Dustin manages to put the brakes on from going over the top but Kincade snaps the rope back up and it catches Dustin in the jaw. Dustin is stunned and Kincade hits the KINCADE CUTTER for the THREE!!!!!]
Winner Via Pinfall: Christopher Kincade
Match Time: 7:01
Judges: 3/3

After The Match: Kincade shakes his head at the disgrace of Dustin Jobber before heading up the ramp.

The camera's return to HHH's office where alot of the Mess has been cleaned up by crew workers. There's still plenty of damage left though.

[TripleH] " Come on, this is taking too long...Why ain't everyone here, where's Bill and Tom?"

[CrewWorker] " They're working in the other office. "

HHH stops, looking at him with a confused look.

[TripleH] " What other office? "

[CrewWorker] " I'm not at liberty to say. "

[TripleH] " What's that supposed to mean, is it Stephanie? "

[CrewWorker] " I ain't allowed to discuss who they are with anyone, including you. "

[TripleH] " Get the hell out of here then. "

He nods and walks out of the room as HHH picks up the TV remote and turns on the TV. Except it doesn't turn on the TV. It turns on the stereo system that blares ACDC's "Highway to Hell" at Full Blast. HHH tries to shut it back off, but the remote won't do it. He runs over to the Stereo, only to see the Buttons have all been concealed. There is clear rage on his face, but he walks over to his closet and opens it before pulling out a sledgehammer. HHH takes the hammer to the Stereo and shatters it. As the room is now silent again HHH notices a piece of paper in the stereo, whoever it is, knew he would do that. HHH lays his hammer down and pulls out the paper.

[TripleH] " You know how to end this. "

HHH crumbles the paper and tosses it before looking at another Crew Worker.

[TripleH] " Find out who's in that other office. They are behind this. "

The worker nods and leaves as HHH rubs his forehead, trying to collect his thoughts, about that time Daniel Bryan knocks at the open door.

[DanielBryan] " You wanted to see me? "

HHH looks up and shakes his head.

[TripleH] " Not anymore. "

Daniel shrugs.

[DanielBryan] " Ok.. "

Daniel Bryan walks out of the room as HHH begins pacing.

The scene returns to ringside where Khaos is just climbing into the ring. Shadic Jobber is in one corner, looking determined to win it. Leo is in another corner, eyeing Shadic. Blitz is looking between the three, looking to be formulating a plan in his head. Once Khaos is in, the referee calls for the bell.

Blitz Vs. Khaos Vs. Shadic Jobber Vs. Leo Kat
[Leo dives on Shadic, delivering stiff blows catching him off guard. Blitz and Khaos lock up with Blitz pushing Khaos back into a corner. The ref causes them to break about the time Shadic pushes Leo off. Leo dives in and Shadic catches him with a titl-a-whirl power slam. He pins but Blitz breaks it up. Shadic stands up in time for Blitz to deliver a quick DDT to him. He walks over and hits Khaos in the back of the head. He then works together with Leo to double clothesline Khaos to the floor. They turn in time for Shadic to deliver a double clothesline, taking both of them down. He picks Leo up and power slams him. He picks Blitz up and power slams him as well. Shadic should go for the pin but he is distracted by Dustin Jobber. He has come down the ramp, waving a Blitz shirt over his head and cheering for Blitz. While Shadic yells at his brother, he is almost rolled up form behind by Leo. He kicks out at two and immediately dives over to break Khaos’ pinfall on Leo.]

[The match goes back and forth a while longer before Khaos seems to find his fire. He manages to suplex Leo over the top rope and hard to the floor. He then rushes into the ring and takes down Shadic with a flying clothesline. He waves Blitz in and ducks Blitz’s clothesline attempt. He nails the Khaos driver on Blitz and pins but somehow Shadic manages to pull him off the pin. Both get back to their feet where they begin switching blows. Shadic head butts Khaos and groans when he sees Jay Jobber rushing to the ring, waving a Leo shirt over his head. Shadic turns in time to get hit by a missile dropkick by Leo. Leo pins Shadic who somehow seems to kick out at two. Leo locks on a headlock and tries to keep Shadic ground. Khaos climbs to the top rope and jumps off for his Khaos Continuum on Blitz but Blitz pulls his knees up in time. He wants to pin but Khaos was smart enough to roll to the floor. He gives Jay a WTF look as Jay cheers for him to jump back in the ring. Blitz tries for a suicide dive to Khaos, but Khaos moves out of the way as Blitz crashes hard to the floor.]

[Shadic has climbed back to his feet and broken loose of the head lock. On the floor. Khaos uses some cords on the ground to tie Blitz’s foot to the guard rail. With him now out of the equation, he dives in the ring about the time Shadic nails the Seven Chaos on Leo. He dives on Shadic’s back but Shadic flips him over, causing him to crash land on Leo. Shadic picks him up and tosses him over the ropes. He pins Leo but Leo kicks out at two. This angers Shadic who yanks Leo back to his feet. Leo starts to fire back with rights but Shadic gives him a sharp knee lift to squash that comeback. Shadic catches Leo quickly with a Shadic Stunna. He looks up to see Mike Jobber has now come out, waving a Khaos shirt. The Jobber’s are now arguing on the floor over who should win the match. Shadic walks over and yells at his brothers to get lost. Meanwhile Khaos has slowly slid into the ring and is pinning Leo. The referee counts one as Shadic turns. He tries to break it but Mike Jobber has grabbed his foot. By the time he knocks his brother loose, the referee has counted three, awarding Khaos with the win.]
Winner Via Pinfall: Khaos
Match Time: 8:57
Judges: 4/4

The Jobber’s rush up the ramp, all chanting YES as Shadic yells at the referee about having his foot held. The referee tells him he didn’t see it. Shadic rolls out of the ring and rushes up the ramp, going after his brothers who have already gone through the curtain. Khaos celebrates happily as the banner for MITB shows up on the eWe tron, his face now in place. He motions pulling down the briefcase before leaving the ring and heading for the back.

Daniel Bryan Vs. Mike Jobber
[In a match that would send one of two men to WrestleMania – Daniel Bryan and Mike Jobber went to battle to Queen’s X-Division champion, Mickie James for the X-Division title at the pay-per-view. Bryan andJobber carried themselves through a terrific matchup - showcasing both men's skills and inciting the crowd's cheers and jeers at every new move.Jobber had the most outstanding support from the Canadian crowd - but Shannon Bryan himself had his own legion of followers cheering him on. They swayed back and forth, cheering on Bryan, before countering with cheers for Jobber - echoing the back and forth competition in the matchup. The crowd had to gasp for a moment however, as it appeared Jobber had injured himself midway through the match. While the situation appeared a bit serious, the Japanese superstar continued - and traded grapples and holds with the Prince of Punk for moments afterwards. After countering each other's signatures moves - the crowd's emotion was apparent as each side cheered and gasped at each change of pace. While Jobber looked to be in control, Shannon Bryan played opossum, and rolled out of the way of Mike's knee. Charging towards the ropes, Bryan was able to catch Jobber as he turned around flying knees and then locking the Lebell Lock(no pun intended). Mike scrambles for the ropes but to no luck as he has no choice but to tap out! ]
Winner Via Submission: Daniel Bryan
Match Time: 8:22
Judges: 3/3

Back to HHH's office we go, he's on the phone.

[TripleH] " So you left after Abby and Natalya's match?...so you're really not here anymore?...It's nothing, just they talked about tending to another person's office...I don't know they won't tell me, like they ain't even worried about their job.."

HHH finally notices the camera.

[TripleH] " Hey I'll call you back Steph....You too.."

HHH hangs up and nods to the camera as he stands up and gets in front of his desk.

[TripleH] " I don't know who's been playing games with me all night, and right now, I don't care.. I got business to take care of. My wife announced three matches on ShowDown...well I only need to announce one, and it's the Main Event.."

HHH smirks and nods.

[TripleH] " See, it'll be a Six Person Tag Team Match.... On one hand you have the International Champion, D-Dawg...teaming up with the Tag Team Champions...Dutch Clark and Christy Chaos.."

Fairly mixed but mostly cheers from the crowd in the background.

[TripleH] " Their opponents....well Brooke McGuire.."

All Cheers..

[TripleH] " The Rock.."

More cheers.

[TripleH] " and The Undisputed Champion, White Tiger.."

And more cheers.

[TripleH] " See, the only match I even need to mention, and now you're tuning in.."

HHH smirks and is about to sit down, when Johnny Chaos comes in his office.

[TripleH] " What the hell do you want..wait...are you the one who's been doing this?"

Johnny laughs and shakes his head.

[JohnnyChaos] " Don't insult me.. You'd know when it was me.. "

[TripleH] " Whatever, what do you want?"

[JohnnyChaos] " You know what I want.. "

[TripleH] " Not happening.. "

[JohnnyChaos] " Stop with the Games.. Just tell me who it is, or I may have to give your wife a second dose...don't test me.. "

[TripleH] " I thought you was doing your thing with Mallory now? "

[JohnnyChaos] " I'm not a single person kind of guy, you know this...besides, Stephanie is business, no emotional attachment what so ever... so don't push me. "

[TripleH] " You know what, you have just pushed me. I'll tell you on ShowDown.. "

[JohnnyChaos] " I'm supposed to just trust that? "

[TripleH] " You have no other choice. I'll tell you next week and only under one condition.. "

[JohnnyChaos] " Which is? "

[TripleH] " You have a match.."

[JohnnyChaos] " With who? "

[TripleH] " Well you want me to help you out...you must first do the same for me... Take out the piece of trash who stalked me, that you helped make his return... A rematch from Last year's WrestleMania...and I mean to a Tee... A no Disqualification Match...with Dean Winchester.."

Johnny smirks and nods.

[JohnnyChaos] " I can do that.. "

[TripleH] " Good, now Get.."

Before HHH can say it, the wall comes crashing in, HHH and Johnny quickly hit the floor out of instinct. We see it's a Wrecking ball that crashed through the wall. HHH stands up and looks at it as it dangles to a stop. He pulls off yet another piece of paper.

[TripleH] " You and me..WrestleMania... Make it happen."

HHH balls up the paper, still not pleased as Johnny laughs and walks out.


The crowd again cheers, already seeing this once tonight on Ladies Night. Jennifer Sparks waits in the ring though as the first bell sounds.

[JenniferSparks] "The following contest is tonight's featured Main Event and is scheduled for one fall!"

The crowd cheers as Anthem For The Underdog hits the speakers. The crowd continues to cheer as Khaos parts through the curtains.

[JenniferSparks] "Introducing first...from Dallas Texas...weighing in at 221 Pounds... KHAOS!!"

Khaos continues down the ramp as the fans cheer him on.

[JonathanSteele] "Here he comes, he's already succededed in claiming the final spot for Money in the Bank, now can he get a really big win over the King of Kings Champion?"

[JimmyJustice] "I'd say no.. He's done had one match tonight, like you said. And ontop of that fatigue, he's gotta face a man who has yet to lose since his return? I don't think so."

[JonathanSteele] "I guess we'll soon find out Jimmy."

Khaos enters the ring and warms up as his music fades out. As the lights Dim "Unbreakable" hits and the crowd jumps right back to their feet as Dutch parts the curtains. King of Kings Title on his waist, Tag Title over his shoulder.

[JenniferSparks] "His opponent...from Reno Nevada... weighing in at 240 pounds... He is one half of the EWE Tag Team Champions... and The EWE King of Kings Champion... The Irish Fury, DUTCH CLARK!!"

The crowd roars as Dutch continues his way down the ramp.

[JonathanSteele] "Dutch Clark has been hot, as you said Jimmy, he has yet to lose since he's been back. 11-0 so far in 2012, very impressive indeed."

[JimmyJustice] "We know you're in love with the guy Steele, but I do feel he has this one, just cause Khaos already competed once already, and just cause he's better."

[JonathanSteele] "You're selling Khaos way too short in my opinion."

Dutch slides into the ring and shows off both his titles before handing them off to the time keeper.

Khaos Vs. Dutch Clark(c)
[ The second the bell rings Dutch explodes into Khaos, nearly knocking his head from his neck with a barrage of right hooks. Khaos tries to step away but Dutch launches him into the corner and continues to pound the hell out of him. Khaos drops to the mat and Dutch starts throwing boots at the newcomer until he falls out of the ring. Rather than give up, Dutch backs up and dives through the ropes to the outside and continues the assault. ]

[ Dutch ends up throwing Khaos into the guard rail and clotheslines him over as the crowd goes nuts. Dutch rolls back in the ring to break the count and then continues back to the outside. Khaos is just getting to his feet as Dutch meets him at the rail. When he does, Khaos rakes the eyes causing Dutch to stumble back. In a breathtaking spot, Khaos propels himself off of the guardrail and catches Dutch in the chest with a dropkick. Dutch flies back and slams into the steel steps as Khaos pulls himself back up. He tosses Dutch back into the ring and soon follows in. ]

[ Khaos goes on the offensive, stomping at Dutch and then locking in a rear chinlock. He struggles to sap the strength out of Dutch who is still jarred from the move earlier. Khaos works the chinlock and quickly launches his weight up and hitting a modified Bulldog. He goes for a pin but gets only a short two. Khaos pulls Dutch back up and throws him into the corner. He follows it up and hits a monkeyflip out of it that jars Dutch. He goes for another pin but again only gets two. ]

[ Khaos hits a quick bodyslam and heads towards the ropes. He scales up and sizes up Dutch with a flying splash. Dutch gets the knees up at the last second and Khaos bounces off. Khaos gasps for air as Dutch pulls himself back up on the ropes. Khaos gets up at the same time and tries to throw a clothesline at Dutch. Dutch ducks under and as Khaos comes back he nails him with a huge Spinning Spinebuster. Khaos is down as Dutch goes for a pin. He gets two but is now back on the offensive. ]

[ Dutch boots Khaos in the gut as he is restanding and double underhooks him. He tries lifting him up in a suplex but Khaos deadweights and fights the move. Dutch tries again but again Khaos deadweights and Dutch drops him back down. Dutch does this a third time and as Khaos deadweights he drops him chest first on the top rope. He allows the momentum to bounce Khaos back up with the ropes and nails a Double Underhook Slingshot Suplex! Khaos squirms in pain as Dutch holds his back which obviously had a lot taken out of it by that move. Dutch eventually makes his way over and makes the pin but Khaos gets out at two. ]

[ Dutch picks Khaos back up and signals he is going to end it. He knees him in the gut and bounces off the ropes looking for a FURIOUS DDT but when he goes to hit it Khaos shoots up with a shoulder tackle and wipes Dutch out. Khaos and Dutch gasp for air as they lay on the mat and both stir at the same time. They get to their feet and Dutch throws a wild haymaker at Khaos which is ducked. He picks up Dutch looking for a back suplex but amazingly Dutch FLIPS out of it and lands behind Khaos. He quickly grabs Khaos and locks in THE IRISH DREAM. Khaos struggles against the sleeper and desperately reaches for the ropes as the crowd is going nuts. Dutch whips him back and Khaos grabs a hold of the referee. As he holds him, he rifles a foot up and catches Dutch square in the groin. Dutch yells out in pain and releases the hold as Khaos slumps into the ropes gasping for air. ]

[ Dutch rolls on the mat in pain as Khaos looks around for a way to finish off Dutch. He picks Dutch up and shoves him into the corner signaling that he is going to go for the Khaos Continuum. He sets Dutch on the top rope and begins to scale as well. He reaches the top but Dutch fires a punch and Khaos falls into a straddle on the top turnbuckle. He gasps in pain as Dutch instinctively underhooks him from the front. He stands up UNDERCLUTCH SUPLEXES HIM FROM THE TOP ROPE INTO THE RING!!!!! The crowd is in a frenzy as both men appear to be dead. After several seconds pass, Dutch begins crawling slowly and drapes an arm over Khaos for the one, two, t… NO! Khaos kicks out!!! ]

[ Dutch stares at the referee in disbelief as he slowly begins pulling himself back to his feet. Khaos is truly spent, however, and hasn’t moved from the mat. Dutch walks over and picks him up, jawing about ending the match. As he does, Khaos dips down and small packages Dutch! He gets a two before Dutch is able to get out. Dutch is back up as is Khaos and the two meet again in the center of the ring. ]

[ Dutch uncorks a right hook and knocks Khaos back into the ropes. He comes forward with a clothesline but Khaos moves to the right. Dutch bounces chest first off the ropes and then eats a Khaos Superkick to the jaw. Dutch is stunned but stays on his feet as Khaos rushes to the turnbuckles again. He begins to climb but Dutch is right behind him. He hammers Khaos in the back as he was on the second rope. Dutch jumps up and NAILS A FURYBREAKER AS KHAOS WAS FALLING DOWN!!!!!!!!!! Khaos is dead to the world as Dutch puts an arm over him for the THREE!!! ]
Winner Via Pinfall: Dutch Clark
Match Time: 11:41
Judges: 3/3

[JenniferSparks] "The winner of this match...DUTCH CLARK!!"

"Unbreakable" hits as Dutch grabs his titles and raises them up and the crowd cheers.

[JonathanSteele] "Make that 12-0! What a match, and what a roll he is on!"

[JimmyJustice] "I have to admit, it's very impressive. He's gonna be cut down sooner or later though."

[JonathanSteele] "Either way, he's on fire."

Dutch Continues to celebrate, until he turns to see White Tiger in the ring with him. The two stare at eachother and smirk. As it seems the show is fading out...it goes to the titan tron instead where we see Dean Winchester, the crowd cheers.

[DeanWinchester] "Show's not over yet folks. Don't leave the Arena...don't change the Channel.."

Dean points at the camera.

[DeanWinchester] "I'll see you in a minute.."

The crowd cheers as Dean winks before walking off camera.

As the camera's return from commercial, the fans wait in anticipation. Suddenly "Back in Black" by ACDC hits the PA system and the crowd jumps to their feet and roars. After a few moments the all too familar Black Impala pulls through the curtains and onto the Stage. The crowd cheers more as Dean sticks his head out of the driver's window with a smile. He drives the car down the ramp and parks it at the end before turning off the engine and getting out. Dean grabs a microphone off the dashboard before sliding into the ring. He milks the fans for a few more moments as his music fades out.

[DeanWinchester] "It's great to be here too."

The crowd cheers again as Dean smiles.

[DeanWinchester] "I'm not going to drag this out. I came out here for a reason... So Hunter...."

Dean slides into a Bob Parker impersonation.

[DeanWinchester] "Come on Down!...You're the next contestant on the Dean Winchester Ass Kicked Show!"

The crowd laughs as Dean smiles.. Nothing else happens though.

[DeanWinchester] "Come on Hunter, I know you're pissed about your office. Yea Hunter, that was all me.."

Nothing happens, still.

[DeanWinchester] "Dude, don't be.."

Finally HHH's theme hits the pa speakers and this causes some cheers from the crowd. There's boos too, but mostly cheers because of the implications. HHH makes his way down to the ring with a mic in his hand. HHH casually enters the ring, seeming to have his cool well kept.

[DeanWinchester] "Did you get my notes?"

Some of the crowd laughs as HHH shakes his head.

[TripleH] "Very cute.. Look Dean, I know what you want, and you're not going to get it."

[DeanWinchester] "Why's that? Other than the fact that you're scared of me."

HHH chuckles and shakes his head.

[TripleH] "I ain't scared of you Dean. It's just princibles. I run this show... not You."

The crowd boos as Dean just shakes his head.

[TripleH] "I book matches Dean... Last I checked, you do not. So until you can find someone else who books matches, consider your little challenge, declined."

The crowd boos as HHH drops the mic and heads out of the ring. Dean just shakes his head while some of the crowd is chanting that HHH is a pussy. HHH gets around Dean's car before the lights dim and suddenly, the titan tron comes to life.

Did you watch the Video?

watch the damn video first.

No I'm telling you...WATCH THE VIDEO!

So, have you watched it yet?

I hope you did...but here we go moving on.

The Instrumental of "Bitter Sweet Symphony" by The Verve continues over the PA System as the entire arena jumps to their feet. HHH stands on the ramp, staring in shock at the titan tron. Dean has a slight smirk on his face.

[JonathanSteele] "You've got to be kidding me!."

[JimmyJustice] "THE EWE CHAIRMAN IS HERE!!!!!!!!!!!"

The curtains move and out he comes...Michael Jensen walks out onto the stage, nicely suited up in a brand new suit and has a mic in his hand.

[JonathanSteele] "He hasn't been in an EWE Arena since June! I can't believe this!"

[JimmyJustice] "You're telling me!"

Jensen milks it for a moment before slowly putting the mic up to his lips after his song fades.

[MichaelJensen] "After 10 months.. Jensen Industries is finally taken care of, so now I must redeem myself as the EWE Chairman."

the crowd cheers as Jensen smirks.

[MichaelJensen] "First order of business, I have an announce..."

Jensen stops as he looks down to HHH. Jensen nods and holds up two fingers with his free hand.

[MichaelJensen] "Make that two announcements, to make."

HHH glares as Jensen smirks.

[MichaelJensen] "First off the Money in the Bank.. It's special here in EWE, because it always changes it's gimmick every single year. This year... it's going to be the EWE Exlusive...Barbed Wire Ladder Match."

the crowd cheers as Jensen nods.

[MichaelJensen] "That out of the way, I can get straight to the other one. Hunter, I couldn't help but overhear you say, someone else who books matches... Last I checked, I do have that authority, don't I?"

The crowd cheers as Dean smiles, and HHH doesn't.

[MichaelJensen] "The question is, why would I? Well it's simple, first off, Hunter...I don't like how you have just hired back someone I would never of hired back. That's your words about this Never Say Never guy...Johnny's opponent at WrestleMania. I don't know who it is, but the fact you would purposely go against me like that, bothers me."

HHH shrugs, further showing Jensen, he doesn't care. Jensen just nods.

[MichaelJensen] "Then there's the fact me and Dean have never, ever, seen eye to eye...have we Dean?"

Dean shakes his head, knowing this to be a fact. Jensen nods.

[MichaelJensen] "I'm turning over a new leaf. I want to let bygones be bygones Dean. I figure what better way to prove that, than to give you what you want."

Dean smiles and HHH gives him a "no way" kind of look. Jensen just smiles and continues.

[MichaelJensen] "So at WrestleMania...it's going to be Dean Winchester....one on one....with Triple H.."

The crowd roars as HHH flips out.

[MichaelJensen] "Good Luck fellas."

Dean gives Jensen a nod as "Bitter Sweet Symphony" hits again as he heads back through the curtains.

[JonathanSteele] "I can't believe this...The Chairman has returned...and he booked the match Triple H didn't want...he's facing Dean Winchester at WrestleMania!"

[JimmyJustice] "I love the close of the road to WrestleMania, I'm telling you...it's always awesome!"

[JonathanSteele] "And there's still one more Jimmy...we still have ShowDown!"

[JimmyJustice] "I can't wait!"

[JonathanSteele] "See you there folks!"

1: Khaos
2: Dutch Clark
3: Christopher Kincade
4: Daniel Bryan
5: Mike Jobber

Shadic Jobber
Dustin Jobber
Trent King