
May 21st, 2012

"Paralyzed" by Rock Kills Kid

Jonathan Steele & Jimmy Justice

Stegman Coliseum - Athens, Georgia

22/22 RPs (1 Actual No Show, discounting RPOFO, then a bonus entry in the RPOFO filling the regular show's no show)

Shad- Beth/Mike
Calypso- Quinn/Kincade
Abdul- Part of DM 1 & Alessandro/Taylor Segment
Jon- Post Edge/Rock Segment
Blang- Styles/Joker & Half of Dane/Spider
Mike- Brooke/Punk & Christy/Mallory
Dustin M- Part of DM 1, Mark/DB, & Dutch/Leo
Jay- Jason/Assassin, Khaos/Rebel, Edge/Rock, 2nd Half of Dane/Spider, Other remaining Segments


N/A: 0%

Jason: 0%
Assassin: 0%

Brooke: 100%
Punk: 0%

Beth: 0%
Mike: 100%

Bryan: 0%
Mark: 0%

Khaos: 100%
Rebel: 0%

Styles: 0%
Joker: 100%

Dutch: 100%
Leo: 0%

Quinn: 0%
Kincade: 100%

Edge: 0%
Rock: 100%

Dane: 100%
Spider: 0%

Christy: 100%
Mallory: 0%

RolePlay or F*ck Off
Trent King Vs. Damien Laviathan Vs. Anthony Leonhart Vs. Jack Swagger Vs. Scott Rock Vs. Jason Phoenix
Alessandro goes to the ring to invade the match, only to find Jason Phoenix already crashed the party. Alessandro becomes disgruntled, and then walks to the back leaving Jason Phoenix confused. None the less, In what is one of the most brutal massacres in EWE history, Jason Phoenix shows up for the RPOFO match and proceeds to cripple all who oppose him. It is sad to watch as he humiliates all the competition and stands tall at the end.
Winner: Jason Phoenix
Match Time: 2:45
Judges: 4/4

Standard Match
Jason Phoenix Vs. Assassin
Jason stands on the outside resting from his other match, while Mike Smith tries to do all the work for him before the match can even begin. Assassin is confused by this, but battles the man anyway. Mike takes it to Assassin, and does plenty of Damage.. Assassin finally starts to fight back though. Just when Assassin starts to get the advantage over Mike, Jason gets into the ring and grabs Assassin, nailing the MFB. The ref shrugs before calling for the bell and making the three count.
Winner Via Pinfall: Jason Phoenix
Match Time: 0:03
Judges: 4/4

"Paralyzed" by Rock Kills Kid continues over the PA System while the opening pyro shoots off.

[JonathanSteele] "Athens Georgia is pumped and ready, but are you?! Jimmy Justice joining me here, and I'm Jonathan Steele as we are set for another episode of Monday Night Chaos!"

[JimmyJustice] "About time you got it right.."

[JonathanSteele] "You're welcome, but Jimmy, how about our card, with not one.. not even two... but a Triple Header of Main Events!"

[JimmyJustice] "That's gonna be great Steele, and it all starts when The Rated R Superstar pwns the OverRated One."

[JonathanSteele] "Certainly a good match, featuring two people the entire Wrestling World knows about, not just here in EWE, as they both made a big name for theirselves in WWE As well.. Also though, we will see Dane and Spider one more time, and perhaps the last time."

[JimmyJustice] "I sure hope so. You'd think Dean.. or Dane, whatever it is, would be sick of Spider kicking his ass.. though I do love this new Dane style, I must admit."

[JonathanSteele] "I find it disturbing, personally... But what let's not forget about the Irish Street Fight when Undisputed Champion Dutch Clark, takes on Leo Kat.."

[JimmyJustice] "Steele, that's not even one of the 3 Main Events, what the hell?"

[JonathanSteele] "I know, but it has our champion in it."

[JimmyJustice] "I don't agree with Dutch often, but I do find it hilarious that even facing The Undisputed Champion, Leo can't make the Main Event, how sad is that?"

[JonathanSteele] "You're such a dick, I swear."

[JimmyJustice] "But it's ok that Dutch said that? Oh ya, you gotta have your lips surgically removed from his ass, I forgot."

[JonathanSteele] "I'm just going to ignore that, and talk about his wife. The Other Main Event is where we see Miss Money in the Bank, taking on Miss Lady's Choice."

[JimmyJustice] "I might need some tissues for that match... and hand lotion.."

[JonathanSteele] "Oh my.. Let's just get to the first match, I need not picture that."

Brooke McGuire Vs. CM Punk
[The bell rings as CM Punk and Brooke circle. They lock up where Punk is quick to lift Brooke up for the GTS. Brooke slides free and delivers a crushing Brooke-n Dreams. Brooke puts one foot on Punk and does the best in the World pose as the referee counts the three.]
Winner Via Pinfall: Brooke McGuire
Match Time: 0:34
Judges: 4/4

Brooke stands on the second rope and points to the Retribution logo. She pats her waist before leaving the ring and heading to the back.

Beth Phoenix Vs. Mike Jobber
[The match is back and forth til Beth throws Mike out of the ring. Keeping on her promises, she Glam Slams him on the floor, through the announce table and as soon as he was in the ring, glam slammed hard as she pins him for the 3.]
Winner Via Pinfall: Beth Phoenix
Match Time: ?:??
Judges: 3/3

The camera's come backstage where we see Kincade standing around with some police officers. Kincade shakes his head at the match he just watched.

[ChristopherKincade] "That match was so pathetic.. why was it even wasting our time?"

Kincade shakes his head, that's when he notices Daniel Bryan by the entrance curtains, getting ready as his match is next. Kincade smacks his lips and shakes his head.

[ChristopherKincade] "Why the hell is that piece of trash getting another chance to go after the title."

Kincade doesn't notice when Khaos is now next to him, also looking at Daniel Bryan.

[Khaos] "He done had his shot, it's not our fault he couldn't beat Mickie."

Kincade doesn't even realize it's Khaos next to him, still looking at Bryan.

[ChristopherKincade] "Exactly.. He couldn't beat her, not our fault, he should be back of the line, waiting like I have to, when Vito got by me by a damned Miracle."

[Khaos] "And when I was screwed by Christy Chaos."

[ChristopherKincade] "I'm sorry you was screwed by Christy, it musta been horrible.. don't tell Dutch about it though.."

Khaos snickers and Kincade smirks as he turns to look, Khaos looks at that time too. It's like neither of them even realized who the other was, until now.

[ChristopherKincade] "We agree Daniel Bryan doesn't deserve the shot.."

[Khaos] "Exactly, because I do.."

[ChristopherKincade] "Like hell you do, I'm the one who deserves it."

[Khaos] "Dude, I been busting my ass, and haven't had my shot.."

[ChristopherKincade] "Neither have I.. and I been busting my ass too."

[Khaos] "You was eliminated by Vito.."

[ChristopherKincade] "By default, due to a car accident.. what about you? You was eliminated by Mike Jobber.."

[Khaos] "Thanks to Christy getting me disqualified!"

[MichaelJensen] "Guys, guys.."

They stop when Jensen walks up beside them.

[MichaelJensen] "What is the problem here?"

[ChristopherKincade] "The Problem is that you're giving Daniel Bryan a chance to get another shot at the title, when I deserve it."

Khaos nods.

[Khaos] "Ya, like he said, except he doesn't deserve it either, I do."

Jensen nods.

[MichaelJensen] "Tell you what guys, why don't you walk with me to my office, so we can settle this issue."

They nod and follow Jensen off-screen as the camera fades to commercial break.

Daniel Bryan Vs. Mark Jobber(c)
[In a disgustng display, Mark Jobber comes to the ring eating a lump of unidentified meat which causes Daniel Bryan to start to gag. Mark tries to capitalize by hitting a big fat pin out of no where but Bryan manages to quickly lock in the Yes Lock. Because Mark is just too fat and greasy, it takes Bryan like 8 minutes to properly lock it in. The good news was since Mark is so fat, he was stuck on his back like a turtle the whole time. Go team green!]
Winner Via Submission: Daniel Bryan
Match Time: 10:03
Judges: 4/4

Daniel Bryan is already doing his "YES!" Chant celebrating his victory until his music is cut off and replaced with The Instrumental of "Bitter Sweet Symphony" by The Verve. The crowd gives a mixed reaction as Jensen walks out onto the stage with a mic. Daniel Bryan looks up to him, as Jensen smiles and puts the mic to his lips, while his music fades.

[MichaelJensen] "Congratulations Daniel. You're getting another shot at the X-Division Championship.."

The crowd boos as Daniel nods cockily.

[MichaelJensen] "I'm here to make it official..At Retribution, for the X-Division Championship.. it'll be Mickie James.. Versus.. Daniel Bryan!"

The crowd boos as DB nods. Jensen smiles and puts his finger up, as the crowd quiets down a little bit.

[MichaelJensen] "Versus Khaos!"

The smile erases from Bryan's face while the crowd cheers. Jensen smiles and nods before putting his finger up again..

[MichaelJensen] "Versus Christopher Kincade!"

The crowd cheers again, while Daniel Bryan starts flipping out, Jensen can only chuckle a little bit and shake his head.. Jensen finally puts his finger up yet again, calming the crowd down again. Daniel Bryan looks on in rage, wondering who he could be adding now..

[MichaelJensen] "And it'll be... THE ULTIMATE X!!!"

The crowd explodes as Daniel Bryan just shakes his head, he clearly isn't happy about any of this. He might not of cared about the Ultimate X, but the addition of his 2 extra opponents is what he's mad about. Jensen smiles and puts the mic back up to his lips.

[MichaelJensen] "YES! YES! YES! Daniel, this is really happening, it's no trick.. I felt this match needed spiced up, instead of the same match as WrestleMania.. so Good luck."

Jensen's theme hits again as he smiles and waks backstage. Daniel Bryan stands in the ring, still seemingly pissed off.

Khaos Vs. Johnny Rebel
[A Nice back and forth match we have here. Both men kept a good balance of momentum. Rebel starts building up the control after hitting a Sidewalk Slam, that he soon follows with a hard big boot. Rebel looks to put Khaos away as he lifts him up for the Rebel Pride. Khaos counters though, shifting his weight he comes back down connecting a DDT. As Rebel starts to get back up, Khaos quickly hits a Shining Wizard. Khaos starts building momentum as he hits the Blow Your Mind! The crowd cheers this but Khaos ain't done, he soon hits the Khaos Continum! The crowd cheers as he makes the cover and scores the 3 count.]
Winner Via Pinfall: Khaos
Match Time: 5:13
Judges: 3/4

AJ Styles Vs. The Joker
[Both wrestlers are in the ring as the ref checks both of them. Joker then says he wasn't too pleased to see someone in crowd dressed as Batman, which gave Styles the early advantage as he went on the assault on Joker, pushing him in the corner and began to kick Joker over and over again in the mid section, yelling at him in process, telling Joker that he wasn't in the same league as him. Styles would bring Joker up to his feet and hit a northern lights suplex into a bridge but only to get a one count. Styles would remain on the attack, trying to wear down Joker and using his strength and quick moves to keep Joker guessing time after time until Joker would be able to dodge a flying forearm from Styles, which he followed that with a big boot to the jaw of Joker and sending the Phenomenal One to the outside where Joker would toss Styles shoulder first into the steel steps. Joker would now have total control of the match as he would look back at his nemesis, yelling at him that he was always the better person and that he didn't need him. Joker would bring the fight back inside the ring where he continued to beat down Styles with a DDT but Styles would kick out of the pin fall attempt. Once again Joker would look over to Batman who was now standing and pointing at Joker who told him to enter the ring but before these two could have their own battle, Styles would regain himself, turn Jokker around to hit him with the pele kick knocking Joker out as AJ Styles climbs to the top rope and delivers an Air Styles, hooking the leg and getting the pin fall victory.]
Winner Via Pinfall: AJ Styles
Match Time: ?:??
Judges: 4/4

After the bell is rang out of the crowd hops Batman. He gets in the ring as Styles watches Batman get in the ring. Batman stalks Joker and when gets up and Batman nails Styles with an Ego Trip! Batman removes his mask as we see it is D-Dawg. He grabs a microphone from the ring announcer as he begins to speak. [color=e56717]D-Dawg: AJ I know you can hear me. While you get that ass off the canvas listen to me. I am the International Champion for a reason and you gonna have to earn it just like everyone else. So consider this first and finally warning. You don't just demand around here you earn it.[/color]

Darius drops the mic and rolls out the ring and walks up the ramp.

Dutch Clark(c) Vs. Leo Kat
[ As per the Irish Street Fight rules, we open up with Leo Kat standing out in the parking lot with a determined look on his face. From the inside of the building comes Dutch who still sports his ace bandage over his head wound but has both hands heavily taped and has substituted blue jeans and black hiking boots for his in-ring gear. The referee motions to both men and drops his hand signaling the start of the match. Dutch rushes towards Leo and tackles him to the concrete to start the match. ]

[ Dutch unloads with several short rights as Leo struggles to cover up. Dutch picks Leo off the ground and whips him into the nearest car which sets the alarm off. Dutch rushes forward with a running knee but Leo moves to the side and Dutch wipes out the window. Dutch limps off the move only to eat a quick clothesline from Leo that takes Dutch to the ground. Leo dives on top for a pin and gets a 1... before the kick out. ]

[ Leo is showing a ton of determination as he hooks in a half-nelson and brings Dutch back up. He suddenly shifts down and drives Dutch headfirst into the hood of the car which bounces Dutch off. Dutch falls back to the ground and we can see that the blood as started seeping through the wound on his forehead. Leo stomps him a couple times and tries another cover but Dutch immediately gets a shoulder out. ]

[ Leo tries to pick Dutch up again but Dutch drives a thumb to his eye which backs Leo up. Dutch feels the blood trickling down his face and he shakes his head in anger. He rushes forward hits a diving clothesline which sends the two flipping over the car and to the other side. Dutch is still going strong as he picks Leo up and begins to work him over with a variety of punches that Leo struggles to defend against. Dutch eventually kicks him in the gut and tosses him over to the side of the parking lot where the EWE production truck sits. ]

[ Dutch opens the door to the production truck and goes inside. Suddenly several monitors, a steel chair, a boom microphone rod and a folded card table comes flying out of the truck as well. Dutch comes out a second later wielding a closed notebook computer and walks over to where Leo has gotten back up to his feet. Dutch swings the computer but Leo ducks at the last second and jars an uppercut to Dutch's jaw that drives him backwards. He follows this up with dropkick that flattens Dutch to the ground and causes him to drop the computer. ]

[ Leo looks around and picks up one of the monitors. Just as Dutch is getting back up, Leo rushes forward and slams the monitor into Dutch's shoulder which drives him backwards into the side of the truck. Dutch bounces off and lands on the ground as Leo begins to stalk him. He stops and looks like he is going to drop the heavy monitor on the fallen Dutch. Before he can, Dutch fires a boot up into Leo's gut and pushes him back with the shot. Dutch grabs the microphone rod and brings it straight up between Leo's legs! Leo screams in pain as he falls to the ground and Dutch pulls himself back to his feet. He wipes away the bit of blood on his forehead as Leo rolls in pain. He sets up the steel chair in the sitting position and puts the card table up as well. He comes over to where Leo is just getting back up and thwacks him with the rod to the back. Leo arches in pain as Dutch brings the rod between Leo's legs and underhooks him. He lifts back with the move and sends Leo flying and crashing into the chair in a modified EXPLODER SUPLEX!!! Leo is dead to the world as Dutch walks over and lays down for the 1...2.....3!!!!! ]
Winner Via Pinfall: Dutch Clark
Match Time: 7:03
Judges: 3/3

As the camera's return from break, footage lights up on the titan tron. The footage is inside Jensen's office where Jensen is sitting at his desk.

[MichaelJensen] "Well you heard from me earlier when I announced the X-Division Title match at Retribution.. With Undisputed and Tag already getting determined last week.. this just leaves one Chaos Brand title without a match thus far at Retribution."

Jensen nods, it's clear which one.

[MichaelJensen] "There's been a few people trying to lay claim that they deserve a shot at D-Dawg's International Championship. I guess the simplest solution would be to put these people in a Number One Contenders match.."

Jensen shakes his head "no".

[MichaelJensen] "But that's not good enough, if you ask me. What would happen, is I'll leave someone else who thinks they deserve it, out of the match.. So I have the perfect solution. So that noone who thinks they deserve it, can say they didn't have their chance."

Jensen smirks and nods.

[MichaelJensen] "Next week, here on Chaos.. we will be holding a Rumble Match..."

Jensen smile grows as the fans cheer in the background.

[MichaelJensen] "That's right, a Rumble Match. Anyone can enter, except for Dutch Clark.. I'm telling you that now, champ.. With that exception, anyone can enter.. and the winner.. they will face D-Dawg at Retribution for the International Championship!"

The crowd cheers again.

[MichaelJensen] "So to all who enter, I wish you the best of luck, and encourage as many of you as possible."

Jensen winks before the titan tron fades to black.

Adrian Quinn Vs. Christopher Kincade
[Quinn started out the match fresher, due to Kincade's incarceration slowing him down, and was using his speed to his advantage, hitting Chris with aireal, and speedy moves for a good three minutes straight. However, as soon as Kincade got the match to a ground and pounder, the tide began to turn, as Kincade used his strength to his advantage. He used his brute strength to whittle Adrian down, and finished Adrian off with a Kincade Cutter, grounding him for the 3 count.]
Winner Via Pinfall: Christopher Kincade
Match Time: 5:41
Judges: 4/4

Edge Vs. The Rock
[As the bell rings Rock and Edge circle the ring. Edge has a cocky smirk on his face, as Rock just stares back at him. Rock stops and signals Edge with the "Just Bring It" taunt. Edge smirks and shakes his head. Rock laughs and walks up to Edge, getting in his face. Neither says a word as they just stare off with pure heat in their eyes. Edge suddenly slaps Rock hard acrossed the face, as the crowd let's out an "ohh". Edge chuckles with an arrogant grin on his face as Rock holds his cheek. Rock holds his cheek for a moment before looking back to Edge, Edge still has his grin, but it's wiped clean when Rock decks him with a hard right hand, fully fisted. The crowd cheers, but Edge isn't too happy. Edge comes back with a right of his own, but Rock blocks it, then lays in another one, and another one, now he spits on his hand, before hitting one more even harder, taking Edge off his feet.]

[Rock walks around as the crowd cheers him. Edge slams the mat in frustation before getting up and charging at Rock. Rock just quickly hits him with an armdrag. Rock backs up with a smile and taunts Edge to come at him again. Edge again gets frustrated and charges right at Rock, Rock quickly kicks him in the gut and delievers a quick snap DDT. Rock goes for a cover, but Edge quickly kicks out.]

[Rock started to build momentum though, controling the match for awhile, until Edge hit Rock with a low blow, just out of the Ref's view. Many members of the crowd sure seen it though, as they begin to boo. Edge doesn't care as he had followed it up with a snap DDT and got up with the grin returned to his face. Edge starts to take full swing of the match after that, hitting several big moves. At one point he mocks the Rock by sniffing the air, Edge then throws his arms out in the "forget that" gesture before mounting ontop of Rock and hitting several hard rights and lefts.]

[They fight for a little longer with Edge building momentum, before he hits the Edge~O~Matic! Edge makes the cover but only gets a two count before Rock kicks out. Edge doesn't care as he brushes his hair out of his face and grins as he walks over to the corner. Edge squats down and taunts Rock to get up, starting to look very menacingly as he does it. As Rock gets up, Edge charges full speed. Rock side-steps at the last second, sending Edge to Spear the Turnbukle! As Edge staggers back out of the corner, Rock quickly hits the Layeth The SmackDown! (Float-Over DDT). Rock quickly kips up right after, to the cheers of the crowd. Rock is the one who squats now as he watches Edge.]

[As Edge gets to his feet, Rock is still squated waiting for Edge to turn around. As Edge finally turns around, Rock quickly locks his arm acrossed Edge's chest and Edge's arm behind his head. Obviously Rock is going for a Rock Bottom, but Edge quickly elbows him in the back of the head. Edge quickly kicks Rock in the gut then bounces off the ropes. As Edge returns to the bent over Rock, Rock quickly plants a spinebuster! The Rock quickly gets up and stands over Edge, staring at the cheering crowd.]

[Rock walks over to Edge's head as the crowd continues to cheer. Rock kicks Edge's arms beside him before taking off his right elbow pad. Rock then waves his arms back and forth, and unless you've never watched WWE in your life, or are just a really retarded wrestling fan, you know what's happening right now. For someone one of those two categories, it is The People's Elbow.. but it doesn't connect, cause as Rock bounces off the ropes, Edge springs up to his feet very fast, and just as quick, levels Rock with a SPEAR! The crowd roars and boos all at once, just a high impact moment like that, as Edge makes the cover and the ref quickly counts the three count.]
Winner Via Pinfall: Edge
Match Time: 8:34
Judges: 3/3

Edge rolls out of the ring and smiles as he heads up the ramp with his arms raised. He celebrates his whole way up the ramp smirking at Rock as Rock gets up. Rock shakes his head at Edge as Edge smirks and heads back through the curtaints. Suddenly static comes upon the EWE-Tron until we see blue skies and sandy beaches. Derek Daniels walks onto the scene with a drink in his hand, ice tinkling. The waves from the clear water is washing up on the background as he smirks, his cheap Hawaiian shirt open and a pair of swimming trunks on his bottom half. He lowers his sunglasses, then he looks to the camera.

["Dynamic"DerekDaniels] "Hello, from Nassau, Bahamas. You see, Rock. You may be asking yourself why I am here in the Bahamas instead of facing you this week, instead of being LIVE from wherever the hell Chaos is being filmed this week. But then again, fans should be asking you that because of the many times you've disappeared."

Derek points down to the corner where "live via satellite" pops up on the screen. Derek crosses his arms with a smirk.

["Dynamic"DerekDaniels] "Last week you were back in the back spewing your same garbage you spew to the fans every week. Saying the same shit you said two weeks ago, but then again you fit the mold of literally every EWE superstar who comes through that curtain. Same shit, different day. You've been pissing me off for a while, Rock and it all came to a head last week when I slipped through the back. I remember your little triad about trying to take down High Society. I remember you flapping your gums about taking out all the members, well; you never took out me Rocky..."

He winks.

["Dynamic"DerekDaniels] "And you'll never get the chance, Rocky."

The crowd goes into boos.

["Dynamic"DerekDaniels] "Because I refuse to face you. I have title shots to worry about, and you don't have gold around your waist because you pissed it all away and got lazy—as usual. It's just a matter of time before you're yapping your gums and the roles are reversed, therefore I'm not giving you the time of day. Instead of bragging about the titles you've won. I'll have to hear about how you got voted best face in the EWE; all four fans voted for you I'm sure. But Rock, last week, will be the ONLY chance you get at me. So keep letting the likes of Daniel Bryan beat you, I'll be soaring to the top...Where you used to be...Because it was NEVER about you Rock...Its all...About...Me..."


Dane Vs. Spider
[In one of the three Main Events of the evening, we would see the possibly the final encounter between Dane and Spider. Spider would start off electrified with energy. Numerous pin attempts would ensue, but none would be successful. Dane would find his own and manage to hit some offensive maneuvers, before Spider would begin to build up his momentum. Spider would attempt an Tangled Web! As he hoists Dane up on his shoulders. As Spider hit the move, he would go for the cover but when Spider nailed Tangled Web Dane's foot landed on the rope. The referee would notice this, and immediately reprimand the man. The crowd in the arena would light up and feel Spider's energy as he rose back up, and walked over to Dane who pulled himself up via the ropes. Spider goes for another Tangled Web but out of nowhere - Dane would hit a Backstabber. The move would stun Spider as he picks him up and nails Excercism. He then rolls Spider over for the pin fall. As the ref counted one...two...thr.. that's when Spider got his foot on the bottome rope.]

[Dane couldn't believe it, but the match continued. Dane got a little pissed as he told Spider to get up, as he did, Dane quickly clotheslined him, but they both went over the ropes and crashed to the floor. As they both got up they began to brawl on the outside.. Dane broke the count at 7 before going back to work on Spider. As Spider started getting the better of Dane though, it was then him that broke the count at 8. The count was broken 2 more times before they just took their fight up the ramp. When they was still scrapping on the stage, the ref had finally reached 10 before calling for the bell.]
Result Via Double Count Out: Draw
Match Time: 7:11
Judges: 2/5 Each, and 1 Draw.

Dane and Spider keep on fighting as they go back through the curtains with their fight, we follow them as they fight all the way through the halls and out into the parking lot. The fight doesn't stop there either as they leave the parking lot and are apparently going to take this through Athens, The camera doesn't follow past the parking lot though and just heads back to ringside. When we return, Alessandro Quagliaterre is waiting in the ring, with a microphone in hand.

[AlessandroQuagliaterre] "Before I deal with Dan Taylor. I just want to say..."

Alessandro pauses.

[AlessandroQuagliaterre] "Jason Phoenix?"

He then looks at the titantron, as if he was sending a message to the back.

[AlessandroQuagliaterre] "Who the hell do you think you are?"

The crowd chant "What?"

[AlessandroQuagliaterre] "Keep your guard up."

Alessandro imitates a boxer protecting his face

[AlessandroQuagliaterre] "For your own safety. You never know when things can go south"

He spits on the ring floor in disgust.

[AlessandroQuagliaterre] "Now Dan Taylor..."

He turns his attention to more pressing matters.

[AlessandroQuagliaterre] "You know why I'm out here; I made it pretty clear on my comments to EWE.com. So let's not beat around the bush Mr Franchise."

Alessandro then stands patiently awaiting for Dan's arrival.

[AlessandroQuagliaterre] "Come on Down.."

"Unleash Dan Taylor" by DJ Taylor blasts onto the PA system as the crowd let out a pop. Alessandro is the only one to boo as his J2LA tag team partner makes his way down the ramp and into the ring. Dan doesn't waste any time as he grabs the mic off of the Q.

[DanTaylor] "A moustache? A ring robe? That's what this is about?"

[AlessandroQuagliaterre] "Yep pretty simple really, give it back"

Alessandro waves at Dan to give him the props

[DanTaylor] "What kind of coffee have you been drinking?"

Dan raises an eyebrow.

[AlessandroQuagliaterre] "I don't drink coffee, now give the moustache and the robe back."

Dan doesn't appreciate Alessandro desperate attitude

[DanTaylor] "NO!"

[AlessandroQuagliaterre] "WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY TO ME?!?"

Alessandro becomes furious.

[DanTaylor] "Newsflash idiot, unless Jack Michaels is a woman, he can grow facial hair back. And as far as his ring robe goes, the costume crew do wonders with glitter and a bit of silk, they can make Jack Michaels another robe. I paid you money for his moustache and ring robe, that is officially my intellectual property now. You want it back so bad, file a Paypal dispute, maybe they can give you your balls back in the process too."

[AlessandroQuagliaterre] "I'm not gonna stand for this anymore"

Alessandro drops the mic in haste, and goes to swing at Dan Taylor, but Taylor ducks and pushes his tag team partner out of the way.

[DanTaylor] "What the hell is wrong with you?"

Alessandro hisses and fumes, as Dan continues to question the audacity of Alessandro

[DanTaylor] "Have you lost your mind? What do you think you're doing?"

Alessandro continues to grumble and fume.

[DanTaylor] "You want to throw everything away, because of a ring robe and moustache?"

Alessandro nods, and continues to persist for Dan to give it back.

[DanTaylor] "You can go shove it. You're not getting anything from me."

Dan Taylor then walks out of the ring annoyed, as walks swiftly up the ramp towards the back. Alessandro continues to bang on that Dan should give him Jack Michaels ring robe and moustache back, but his pleas fall on deaf ears, as we head to a commercial break.

Christy Chaos(c) Vs. Mallory Costas
[The bell rings and Mallory and Christy lock up. They have a bit of a tug a war battle with each other before Christy pushes her back into the corner. Christy breaks clean before Mallory slaps her. This lights a fire in Christy who spears Mallory to the ground and starts unloading with rights. Mallory manages to squirm free and rolls to the floor. Christy follows and Mallory runs around the side, diving back in the ring. Christy follows her in just to be caught with an elbow drop as she slides in the ring. The fans boo as Mallory picks Christy up and hit's a swinging neck breaker. She pins but Christy escapes easily at two. Mallory puts her in a reverse headlock, wrenching the neck. After checking to make sure it isn't a choke, the referee asks Christy if she wants to continue. Mallory roll slightly and puts her feet on the middle rope, getting extra leverage. The fans scream about it as the referee looks up, but not before Mallory brings her feet down. He asks her why the ropes are moving and she informs him she has no clue. The fans yell that her feet were on the rope and she tells them to shut up, getting even more boos. When the referee drops down to check on Christy, Mallory quickly gets her feet back on the ropes. Same routine happens except this time, the referee catches her moving her feet. He starts the count for her to break which she does right at four. She pulls Christy to her feet and gives her a Hair Pulling snap mare. She informs the crowd that Christy is nothing to her which gets a round of boos. Christy slowly gets to her feet but Mallory takes her down with multiple arm drags before locking on an armbar! Christy screams and struggles, making it to the bottom rope. Again Mallory holds on until four before breaking.]

[Mallory keeps the control for a few minutes, working on Christy's arm. She tries a standing armbar but Christy suddenly comes to life, hitting a few elbows to break free. She pushes Mallory back against the rope and tosses her off. When Mallory returns, Christy hits her with a shoulder block, knocking her down to the mat. Christy bounces off a far rope and Mallory rolls on her stomach. Christy jumps over her ad Mallory jumps to her feet. She leap frogs Christy and tries to arm drag her on the return but Christy counters it into a Side Effect. She pins but Mallory escapes at two. Christy jumps to her feet and hit's a standing moonsault but again is only able to secure a two count. Christy yanks Mallory to her feet and nails a Charismatic Crush. Feeling that should be enough, you pins again yet Mallory escapes at two. Christy seems part shocked part impressed as she pulls Mallory back up and whips her into the corner. Christy follows her in with a big splash, turning suddenly and chaining in a bulldog. She tries to lock on the CC Trap but Mallory seems to have this scouted. She struggles free and slides out to the floor. Christy bounces off the far rope and connects with a suicide dive. Both woman are down as the crowd gives a cheer.]

[We fast forward about two minutes where both girls have found their way back into the ring.. They begin to throw rights at each other with Christy getting the advantage again. It only last a moment as Mallory thumbs her in the eye. The referee admonishes her about it but Mallory shrugs him off and nails her Diamond Dagger. The referee is still admonishing her about the eye poke. By the time he starts the count, Christy manages to kick out. This infuriates Mallory who yells at the referee about the hesitant count and how he needs to do his job. This stall is all it takes for Christy to drag her down into the CC Trap. Mallory screams and fights for her freedom, but Christy has it locked in. Mallory struggles forever and finally manages to stretch her foot out enough to find the bottom rope. The crowd boos as Christy is forced to break the hold. She does right before dragging Mallory back to the center of the ring and trying to lock it on again. This time, Mallory rolls her up in a small package, getting a two count. Both get to their feet where Mallory tries a school girl, only getting a two count. As they both get to their feet, Mallory turns Christy away from her and locks on her Bondage Collar. This time it is Christy who manages to get to the ropes, forcing the break. Christy takes this moment to roll to the floor. Mallory gets up and slingshots herself over the rope, but Christy moves and Mallory finds nothing but concrete. The crowd oohs as Christy rolls in the ring to catch her breath.]

[After breaking the ten count once, Christy remains in the ring as Mallory climbs to her feet. She walks over to the announce table and grabs her briefcase, bringing it into the ring with her. She looks to want to hit Christy with it but the referee takes it away. As soon as he does, Christy hits a Charismatic Crush on the unexpecting Mallory. As the referee walks over to return the briefcase to Jennifer Sparks, Christy jumps to the top rope to go for her Star Struck. That is when a dull thud is heard as the Money in the Bank Briefcase nails Christy in the back of her head. No one saw Eighteen come from the crowd and grab the briefcase while the referee was sidetracked. Christy crumbles to the mat with a thud as Eighteen jumps in the ring and grabs Mallory, pulling her on the pin. Eighteen leaves the ring, kicking the briefcase under the ring and jumping back over the guard rail. The referee turns and sees the pin, dropping down and counting to three. The crowd boos as the bell rings.]
Winner Via Pinfall: Mallory Costas
Match Time: 8:57
Judges: 2/3

As Mallory gets to her feet, Eighteen has grabbed the briefcase again and slid back in the ring. Mallory sees Eighteen as Eighteen sneers at her and tells her to leave. Mallory figures this to be her best option as she does just that. Christy is getting to her feet, unaware of what just happened. She turns to Eighteen who kicks her and sends her "Down in Flames". The crowd is actually booing as Eighteen calls for a microphone from ringside.

[Android#18] "Consider this a taste of things to come at Retribution Christy. You really want to be the next Android Eighteen, you better show me your dark side. See you soon princess."

Eighteen lays the briefcase on Christy and pats it lightly as "Trouble" by Pink plays overhead. Eighteen leaves the ring to a chorus of boos. She jumps the guard rail and leaves through the fans as Dutch comes out to check on his downed wife.

1: Jason Phoenix (13.51 avg)
2: Dutck Clark (8.4 avg)
3: Mallory Costas (8.35 avg)
4: Christopher Kincade (8.3 avg)
5: Christy Chaos (8.27 avg)

Spider/Dane (8.12 avg)
Edge (8 avg)
Adrian Quinn (7.98 avg)