' M o n d a y N i g h t C h a o s '

| Date : 07-16-12 | Recovery Status : Original Results | Theme: "Paralyzed" By Rock Kills Kid |
Venue : Weston Field - Williamstown, Massachusetts | Main Event - Dutch Clark Vs. Mr. Man | Turnout : 24/26 RolePlays


"Paralyzed" by Rock Kills Kid hits over the PA System, sending the fans in a roar as pyro shoots off on the stage.

[JonathanSteele] "For 150 153 Episodes.. I'm Jonathan Steele, and of course I'm joined by Jimmy Justice.. Welcome One, Welcome All, to Monday Night Chaos!"

[JimmyJustice] "150 153 Episodes Steele, that's crazy."

[JonathanSteele] "It's quite the feet, no doubt about it.. Suiting the marker, we have quite the show lined up tonight."

[JimmyJustice] "It's going to be huge for sure, infact, ain't we already ready to kick it off?"

Stan Flan Vs. Hooded Figure
[Bell signals are Hooded Figure and Stan Flan lock up. Stan knees Hooded Figure in the mid section and grabs on to his neck, and connects a swinging neck breaker. Stan climbs on top of the turn buckle as he awaits for Figure to get back up to his feet. He connects a missile drop kick, following a corner splash.]

[Hooded Figure tried to fight back, but he just couldn't get back in to the match. Figure punched Stan in the face but he didn't feel anything from it. Stan Flan wasted no time and delivered a Stan’s Winning Plan; a spinning brain buster then follows up with a Starship Pain. He then Hooks the leg and picks up the win.]
Winner Via Pinfall: Stan Flan
Match Time: 2:14
Judges: 3/3

Alessandro Quagliaterre Vs. Jay Jobber
[The bell signals as there's not much going on here. Jay Jobber walks to Alessandro and attempts a kick to the leg, but he catches the leg and shrugs. Alessandro shakes his head and delivers the Sweet Dreams and picks up the easy win.]
Winner Via Submission: Alessandro Quagliaterre
Match Time: 0:11
Judges: 3/3

The Rock Vs. Adrian Quinn(c)
[ The bell rings and the match is under way. It begins fairly back and forth in the early going as they each try to take advantage. The Rock begins the match strong as he DDT's Quinn into the mat. As he attempts to carry the momentum, he throws Quinn into the ropes and connects on a spine buster. The Rock steps over the motionless body of Quinn and slowly takes off his right elbow pad. ]

[ He then throws his elbow pad into the crowd and attempts the peoples elbow. As he tries to land it, Quinn pops up to his feet and drop kicks the Peoples Champion in the head. Adrian goes for the pin, but there's a two count. Quinn wraps his arm around the Rock's head holding a sleep hold. The Rock fights it back with multiple elbows into the gut of Quinn. He picks him on his shoulders and crushes him with a massive samoan drop. ]

[ The Rock flips up to his feet as he signals for a Rock Bottom. He bends over as he waits for Quinn to turn around. The Rock goes for the Rock Bottom but Quinn wastes no time fighting back. Quinn nails the Rock with a Shining Wizard, but the Rock barely kicks out. Quinn kicks the Rock in the gut and hits a spiked DDT. ]

[ The Rock tries to fight back, but Quinn continued his momentum Adrian Quinn delivers the Greeting from Hollywood and pins the Rock for the 1, 2, 3, count. ]
Winner Via Pinfall: Adrian Quinn
Match Time: 8:12
Judges: 3/3

Quinn begins celebrating until Mickie comes out on the stage. He laughs and shakes his head when he sees her, but she makes it clear she's cashing in on her rematch at the King of Xtreme.

Johnny Chaos Vs. Eli The Kid
[ As the Bell rings Johnny quickly hits Eli with a quick clothesline before he even suspects it. The fans boo as Johnny starts to control the early going of this match and doing so in a mocking mannor, toying with him and showing absolute desrespect to Eli. Johnny's mood takes a quick change though when Eli starts to fight back, hitting several fast paced and quick moves that Johnny wasn't expecting. A Few big moves and roll ups have Johnny pissed off and rolling out of the ring. The crowd boos and calls him a pussy, but he doesn't care, he just knows he can't be counted out in extreme rules. ]

[ Johnny continues to hang out on the outside, and Eli runs and leaps over the top rope, to which the crowd cheers. While Eli is in mid-air though, Johnny pulls a chair up and whacks him right out of the sky! The crowd both boos and cheers in one big mixed up jumble. Johnny just smirks as he throws the chair into the ring then grabs Eli and rolls him in. Johnny makes the cover very cockily, but Eli manages to roll his shoulder right on the last millisecond. This doesn't please Johnny much either. ]

[ Johnny tries to manhandle Eli like the early goings, but Eli uses speed to build up some more momentum. He even takes the chair and cracks Johnny right between the eyes! The crowd roars when Eli goes for the cover, but Johnny manages to kick out, shooting down that upset. As Eli tries to hit Johnny again with the chair, Johnny quickly kicks him between the legs, making him drop the chair, and causing the fans to boo. They boo even more when he grabs Eli and plants The Extreme MakeOver on the chair! Johnny smirks as he hooks both of Eli's legs and the ref counts the one...two...three! ]
Winner Via Pinfall: Johnny Chaos
Match Time: 7:02
Judges: 2/2

Jensen was seen backstage in his office where he announced to the EWE that the 2012 King of Xtreme would be much different than any other. In previous years the King Of Xtreme Pay Per View was host to the Quarter Finals, Semi-Finals, and Finals.. But this year there would only be one match with all 8 finalists. Not much info was given about it, just it's name.. The Tower of Extreme.

Mallory Costas Vs. Luka Caesar
[ Mallory and EWE's new superstar Luka Caesar circle around the ring as the bell sounds. They both smirk at one of another as Mallory nails Luka with a nasty right hand. Luka stumbles backwards and looks shocked. He smirks and super kicks Mallory in the throat causing her to spit out in the air from the impact. The submission expert Luka Caesar locks Mallory Coastas into the Anaconda Vice. She reverses the submission by rolling over Luka into a cradle. 1... 2... Kick out by Luka. ]

[ Match nearly ended there but Luka stayed alive. The crowd are cheering loud, getting into the match. Mallory kicks Luka in his mid section and connects a massive Spiked DDT, causing him to hit the canvas hit first. Mallory climbs the turn buckle and waits for Luka to get up. As he does, she leaps into the air and hits a cross body. From the impact, Luka was able to somehow land on top of Mallory. He hooks her leg for a count of... 1... 2... Kick out. ]

[ That would have been a shocking ending right there. Caesar grabs the legs of Mallory and locks her in the... SHARP SHOOTER. As he turns her around and officially locks it in. Mallory screams from the secondary finisher applied by Luka Caesar. After moments of not tapping out, she twists her entire body over by showing no quit in her, she flips out of the hold and sends Luka flying into the turn buckle. ]

[ As Luka stands in the corner of the turn buckle, Mallory takes over the match by running to him and connects a clothesline. Luka slowly falls into Mallory and she then connects a Snap suplex. She goes for the pin, 1... 2... Another kick out by Luka. ]

[ He stays alive as both of these competitors are looking to move on in the second round in King of Xtreme. Mallory stares at the referee, wanting the three count, but she didn't get it. It looked like Mallory was going to continue the momentum and pick up the big win, but that wasn't the case. Luka Caesar fought back and locked her in The Rapture; Tazzmission with leg hooks. Mallory keeps trying to fight back... ]

[ She has no choice but to tap out and Luka has picked up the victory, advancing on to the second round. ]
Winner Via Submission: Luka Caesar
Match Time: 5:22
Judges: 3/3

"Dynamic" Derek Daniels Vs. Spider
[ The bell sounds as Derek Daniels and Spider are glaring at one of another. After tying up to get this match started, Spider quickly starts off the match, which is always a good thing when you're facing someone like Daniels. Spider drop kicked in the Derek Daniels three times in a row, showing his talent and skills. ]

[ Spider grabbed on to the head of Derek Daniels and slings him in to the ropes and extended his arm out with a devasting clothesline. Derek shakes off his head as he stands to his feet and throws a few nasty rights to the jaw of Spider, making him back in the corner of the turn buckle. ]

[ Derek Daniels runs full speed at Spider and spears him. As Spider bounces off the corner of the turn buckle, the former Undisputed Champion Derek Daniels followed up with a power slam as he begins to carry the momentum of the match. ]

[ As Daniels starts to dominate the match he attempts the Dynamic Driver but Spider reverses the finisher move applied by Derek. Spider is in pain from the beating he has been taking, he attempts a Spear and Derek quickly ducks that sends Spider crashing into the turn buckle post. Spider turns around from the impact... ]

[ And Daniels connects the Dynamic Driver; a massive flipping pile driver. One... Two.... Three. Bell rings as DDD's music hits. ]
Winner Via Pinfall: "Dynamic" Derek Daniels
Match Time: 6:38
Judges: 3/3

Dane Vs. Kelsi Parr(c)
[The bell rings and the two lock up. It's pretty even for the start, staying back and forth. Dane starts to gain control when he tackles Kelsi to the mat and begins hitting her with several shots. He controls the match for a little while until he tries to tackle her again, but misses and hits his face on the turnbukle. Kelsi now pulls in some momentum for awhile. As it begins going back and forth it seems everytime Dane had control he would start losing a battle going on in his mind, which was visibly seen with his body actions. As he did that, Kelsi would take advantage each time. The same would happen in the very end, as Dane was building momentum, he had another internal struggle, where Kelsi would capitalize and hit the K.S.T.F.O.! Kelsi made the cover and scored the three count.]
Winner Via Pinfall: Kelsi Parr
Match Time: 9:25
Judges: 3/3

After the match, Dane quickly struck Kelsi from behind. Kelsi turned over on her back from on the mat and watched as Dane looked at her with fury in his eyes. The sound of a car engine pulled both of their attentions to the stage where the 1967 Black Impala had driven through the curtains and parked on the Stage. Dane looked at it, still with rage as the driver's door opened. Sam steps out of the car, and instantly Dane has another internal battle, holding his head with his hands. He turns back to Kelsi while Sam walks down the ramp. Dane gets closer to Kelsi but has the struggle again when he looks back to Sam. After another second or two he goes back to Kelsi, he gets right up to her when Sam gets on the apron and grabs Dane's arm. Dane looks at Sam and grabs his head again with his other hand. After a few moments he let's go of his head and gives Sam a big hug. Kelsi stays where she is, watching with utter confusion. After the hug Dane, or rather, Dean gets out of the ring as him and Sam head up the ramp. They stop at the Impala where Sam goes to give Dean the keys. Dean shakes his head and motions to the car for Sam to drive. Dean walks over to the passenger side and looks to the fans as Sam gets in the driver's side. Dean looks to the fans and nods before opening the passenger door and getting in. The car backs back through the curtains while Kelsi gets to her feet and shrugs.

Edge Vs. Ax Cooper

[ What we have been waiting for, Ax Cooper vs Edge. The bell finally rings as Edge wastes no time hitting a big boot to the face of Cooper. He slings Cooper in to the ropes and Edge nails him with a spinning heel kick. The Rated R superstar is in command of this match and he's off to a phenomenal start. ]

[ Cooper shakes his head and the pain and comes out of nowhere, super kicking Edge in the throat. Edge quickly gets to his feet and throws Cooper over the top rope. As Cooper gets to his feet, Edge dives through the ropes and lands on top of Cooper with a cross body. Copeland tosses Cooper back in to the ring then repeatedly kicks a mud hole in him. ]

[ Cooper staggers back to his feet and hits Edge with a Phoenix Dragonrana. He grabs Edge and tosses him into the ropes and delivers a Standing Shiranui. Edge quickly flips to his feet and drop kicks Cooper in the head. The number one contender for the International Championship - Adam Copeland locks the Edgecator; kneeling inverted sharp shooter. ]

[ The referee asks if Cooper wants to tap. He shakes his head and screams in pain yelling NO. He tries to reverse the move, but slowly and eventually makes his way to the ropes and holds on. Edge breaks the hold and is frustrated as he then picks up Cooper and leaps in to the air connecting an Edgecution; impaler DDT. He hooks the leg as the refs counts.. 1... 2.. Kick out! ]

[ Cooper stays alive in the match as Edge looks shocked and thought he had the match won. Copeland picks up Ax and attempts a suplex, but Cooper reverses it into a suplex slam and connects. He follows up with a Cherry Tree and slowly hooks the leg... 1.. 2... And Edge barely kicks out. ]

[ What a fantastic match we have here. Both men slowly make their way up. Edge is the first man up as he awaits for Ax Cooper to turn around. Edge is standing in the corner, bending over as he signals for a Spear. As Ax turns around, Edge runs full speed at him and Ax leaps over Edge, dodging the spear. ]

[ Great reflexes and athleticism by Ax Cooper and he hits Edge with an Ax-a-Cutioner; drops to his hands and springs back with a kick to the face of Adam Copeland. Ax slowly makes his way on top of Edge and delivers the win. Outstanding match between the two. ]
Winner Via Pinfall: Ax Cooper
Match Time: 9:27
Judges: 3/3

Brooke McGuire Vs. Angela Fortin(c)
[The match kept going back and forth all night long. These divas were fighting for their lives to move on to the quarter finals. Brooke was dominating towards the end of the match but Fortin quickly turned the momentum around with a jumping swinging neck breaker. Brooke came back with a power slam of her own, but moments later, Fortin connected with a STO Takedown. That was when Josie came out and handed Fortin.. umm.. the Holy Stingball Gernade! The crowd cheers as Fortin grabs it and pushes it's button. Josie yells out "One...Two...Five!" Which Fortin starts to throw it but stops and looks puzzled. The crowd bursts out with "Three!" as Fortin then tosses the gernade and it lands by Brooke as she got up. Brooke looks at it puzzled before pops and engulfs Brooke in green smoke. Brooke waves her hands caughing. As She steps out of the smoke still trying to wave her face, Fortin quickly connects the Capital Punishment! Fortin made the cover and scored the 3 count.]
Winner Via Pinfall: Angela Fortin
Match Time: 10:04
Judges: 3/3

Charismatic Fury(c) Vs. Divalution's Shaul Guerrero & Josie Wales
[Charismatic Fury starts strong immediately keeping Josie isolated. The continue to isolate her for awhile, as they make frequent tags. After awhile Josie finally catches a break and tags Shaul, who comes in fired up. Shaul builds momentum by facing off with each of them, in seperate times, spending most the time with Christy. When Shaul seems to have it under control she tags Josie back in who tries to go for the cover, but Christy rolls her up, unexpectidly, Josie manages to kick out though. Not long after that Dutch and Shaul end up in the ring, as Christy and Josie are still in and legal. Dutch ends up sending Shaul to the outside before grabbing Josie and setting her up as Christy comes off the turnbukle and they connect the Furious Crush. Christy makes the cover, while Dutch watches for Shaul, and the ref makes the 3 count.]
Winners Via Pinfall: Charismatic Fury(Still Champions)
Match Time: 11:14
Judges: 2/2

AJ Styles(c) Vs. D-Dawg
[ What we have been waiting since Retribution; the rematch of AJ Styles vs D-Dawg. They stare at each other as AJ Styles hands the referee the International championship. Flair is trying to pump up Styles for his first title defense. ]

[ Flair exits the ring as the referee signals for the bell ringer to signal the bell. Eventually, the bell sounds as Styles and D-Dawg lock into horns. The former International Champion D-Dawg hits Styles in the throat with a clothesline that sends the champion on the canvas. Styles quickly stands up as he looks impressed by D-Dawg. He smirks as D-Dawg looks highly focused. ]

[ They lock up once again and Styles is the one who bounces back with a clothesline of his own. D-Dawg stands back up with a smirk as both of these men have had their turns of attacks. D-Dawg kicks Styles in the gut and sends him flying with a snap suplex, following with a leg drop, crushing the throat of AJ Styles. ]

[ D-Dawg climbs the top rope and just when D-Dawg gets ready to leap, Styles saw it coming and rolls out of the ring. AJ gets back in to the ring and sends D-Dawg flying from the turn buckle into the ring with a pele kick. He covers for the cover... One... Two... Kick out by D-Dawg. ]

[ Flair stands on top of the apron wanting the three count. The referee is distracted and AJ rips off the turn buckle post. Ric Flair exits the ring as the referee has no slightest clue about the turn buckle post. Styles has a smirk on his face then attempts to throw D-Dawg into the turn buckle. D-Dawg reverses and AJ Styles crashes in to the post. ]

[ Out of nowhere, D-Dawg connects the Ego Trip and this could very well do it... One... Two... Thr.... Kick out! Darius' eyes widen and looks shocked, as he thought he just won back the International title. He shakes his head and goes for the pin again. One... Two... Flair puts Styles' leg on the rope, breaking the count. ]

[ Flair turns around and tries not to look guilty. He does the famous Ric Flair walk and yells WOOOOOO as the crowd returns the favor with the chant. D-Dawg looks frustrated and slides out of the ring and pushes Flair around and says "What da hell was that for?". Coming from out of nowhere, Styles spring boards over the top rope and lands on top of Darius. ]

[ Styles throws D-Dawg back in to the ring and goes for the pin... One... Two... Kick out as Darius stays alive. AJ picks up D-Dawg by the head and puts him between his legs as Styles extends his arms out calling for the Styles Clash. He connects the finisher as it looks all and over. ]

[ AJ hooks the leg... One... Two... Thr... Kick out! Styles holds his hands over his face and thinking to himself "What does he have to do??" Unexpectedly, D-Dawg somehow fights to get up and hits AJ with another Ego Trip... ]

[ Styles reverses the Ego Trip and rolls up D-Dawg for the.. One.... Two... Three! Styles' music hits as Flair snatches the International Championship and celebrates with AJ Styles. ]
Winner Via Pinfall: AJ Styles(Still Champion)
Match Time: 17:31
Judges: 1/2 Each (Made a Deal)

D-Dawg is sitting on the mat with a depressed look on his face. Obviously he thought he had the match won, but he isn't too happy about losing his rematch clause and getting eliminated from King of Xtreme. Flair hands the International title to AJ as it sits on his right shoulder.

AJ Styles grabs the microphone from Jennifer Sparks.

[AJStyles] "Cut my music."

His music stops playing as he continues.

[AJStyles] "Darius, I'm not going to lie with you. I've been in this company for two months and you were the only superstar that came this close to beating me, and I applaud you for giving me one hell of a match."

As Darius had his head lowered, he stands up and looks at Styles confused.

[AJStyles] "A lot of people had no clue that I would watch the Extreme Wrestling Entertainment when I was back in TNA wrestling. But there were reasons why I watched Chaos every Monday night... It was because of guys like you."

AJ stares at his championship title then looks back at D-Dawg.

[AJStyles] "Believe it or not, I've always been a fan of yours. I've always supported you. When I signed my name on the dotted line, I wanted to push you to the top. I wanted you to do achieve something that you have never done yet... And that's becoming the first ever african Undisputed Champion of EWE."

D-Dawg looks shocked, mostly surprised by the credit that AJ is giving.

[AJStyles] "You see Darius, I've always had respect for you. I just wanted you to push yourself to the top, but you haven't done that yet. That is why at King of Xtreme, I am giving you my spot. I want you to make history. I want you to take home the Undisputed Championship."

AJ pauses with some loud cheers from the crowd. Flair has a smile on his face.

[AJStyles] "Does that sound PHENOMENAL? What do you say, D?"

Styles hands the microphone to D-Dawg.

[D-Dawg] "First off I got nuttin but respect for ya my homie. But as much as I would luv to get my hands on dat title again. I am even more thankful dat ya givin me da KOX spot to make history. As I am gonna do jus dat and kill whoeva comes next. I am happy ya got faith in me and was always a fan of mine. And so was I and I hope ya got a long reign as International champion here. So I wish ya da best of luck."

AJ Styles and D-Dawg shake hands as EWE goes to a commercial break.

As the camera's return from commercial, the camera's come back to ringside where Jennifer Sparks stands in the ring.

[JenniferSparks] "The following contest is tonight's Do or Die featured Main Event, Scheduled for One Fall! In this match, while one defends their illustrious Streak, the other defends their chance to gain back an EWE Contract, or never return again!"

"Flashing Lights" By Kayne West hits over the PA System. The crowd just kinda sits there until the curtains move. As Mr. Man walks out onto the stage, he now gets a rather mixed reaction, actually most of it is boos, same love he got from the backstage. There is a few groups of die hards still roaring though. Mr Man smirks slightly to the ones he can faintly hear.

[JenniferSparks] "Introducing first.. from Miami Florida.. weighing in at 235 pounds.. The One Night Only, or Returning Gold Standard.. MR. MAN!!"

Man continues down the ramp, while the fans continue to react in the same fashion.

[JonathanSteele] "I still can't believe we're seeing this.. Mr Man is about to compete in an EWE Ring, something I never thought I'd see."

[JimmyJustice] "And if our Champion were to win, we won't again after this."

[JonathanSteele] "That's where my money is."

[JimmyJustice] "Cause you haven't yet surgically removed your lips from Dutch's ass."

[JonathanSteele] "I resent that."

[JimmyJustice] "I don't care, but I will say this.. I don't know if he likes the circumstance of all the pressure, and the implications if he loses.. but I guess not even Mr. Man would miss out on the historic 150 153th 153rd Episode of Chaos."

[JonathanSteele] "Very true, but he won't have any other choice when it's time for the 200th Episode."

[JimmyJustice] "Ok, we get it."

Mr. Man slides into the ring and just smirks at the fans as he begins warming up. As his music starts to fade out he leans in the corner and waits as the fans start to get anticipated. Suddenly "Unbreakable" by Bon Jovi hits the PA System, the crowd just explodes as Dutch walks though the curtains. Undisputed Championship locked around his waist, The King of Kings & Tag Team Championships over each shoulder.

[JenniferSparks] "And his opponent.. From Laughlin, Nevada.. weighing in at 245 pounds.. Twenty Two Matches Undefeated, One Half of the EWE Tag Team Champions.. The King of Kings Champion, and the EWE Undisputed Heavyweight Champion.. The Irish Fury, DUTCK CLARK!!"

The fans continue to roar as Dutch smirks at the ovation. He continues his way down the ramp, a little difficult with all the gold he's carrying, but he does it anyway.

[JonathanSteele] "Here he is.. Look at all the Gold Jimmy! And Twenty Two Matches Undefeated, Just Three more away from Tying Derek's Record!"

[JimmyJustice] "Yea yea we know.. I'm still trying to get ahold of a surgan for you."

[JonathanSteele] "Oh, shove it."

Dutch slowly walks up the steps, not taking his eyes off Manny, and neither does Mr. Man. Dutch enters the ring and raises up the King of Kings and Tag Team Titles smiling to the crowd. He hands the titles off to the timekeeper before un-hooking the Undisputed Championship. He raises this one up too, but this time looks directly at Mr. Man. Mr. Man smirks and lips "I've had it too". Dutch nods as he brings the title back down over his shoulder. Dutch then does a finger quote with his free hand and his lips can be read retorting "had". Dutch hands his title over to the time keeper to be kept with the rest of them before turning back to Mr. Man. The two stare at eachother and crack their knuckles as the ref slides between them and calls for the bell.

Dutch Clark(c) Vs. Mr. Man
[ They continue to stare eachother down as they begin to slowly circle the ring. Mr Man finally charges at Dutch, only to be met with a hard right hand. Manny steps back holding his jaw, but no more time to react before Dutch takes him off his feet with a vicious clothesline. ]

[JonathanSteele] "Sick Impact there."

[JimmyJustice] "You sicken me, Steele."

[ Man gets back to his feet where Dutch quickly spears him back down to the mat. Dutch lays in a series of hard rights as the crowd cheers. Dutch gets up, already starting to get pumped up as he grabs Man and hits a quick snap suplex. After making the cover, Man still kicks out at one. Dutch doesn't get discouraged though, just stays pumped up sending Man into the corner. Dutch charges forward and hits a hard splash. Man slumps in the corner, but stays standing. Dutch delievers a couple hard back elbows before lifing Man up on top. Dutch hits him a couple times before lifting him up and delievering a superplex. The crowd cheers as Dutch makes the cover, but Man kicks out. ]

[JonathanSteele] "Dutch is really starting to carry this one, he's focused."

[JimmyJustice] "The Gold Standard seems to be showing some ring rust here in the early going."

[JonathanSteele] "Dutch Clark is very hot right now, so that Ring Rust could be costly for Mr. Man."

[JimmyJustice] "No wonder you kiss his ass, you're a flamming Homo."

[JonathanSteele] "Not the sense I meant, Captain Maturity."

[ Dutch lifts Man up and hits a hanging Vertical suplex, which gets him another near fall, before Man kicks out again. As Dutch sends Man into the rope, Man returns by hitting a spinning heel kick. Dutch shakes the cobwebs not expecting that shot, as Man lifts himself back up. Dutch quickly kicks him in the gut and sets him up for a Power Bomb, but Man counters with a Huranicanna getting a near fall before Dutch kicks out. ]

[JimmyJustice] "Well it looks like he's starting to shake it off."

[JonathanSteele] "Yes indeed, The Gold Standard is starting to show life."

[ Manny grabs Dutch and hits a quick snap suplex before flipping into a cover, getting another kick out. Manny grabs Dutch and locks him in a front facelock. Dutch fights and starts to get himself out of it, that's when Manny hits a Snap DDT. He makes the cover but gets another two count. As they get back up Manny whips Dutch to the ropes, but Dutch sends Manny instead. As Dutch rushes at Manny with a clothesline, Manny ducks and pulls down the top rope, sending Dutch to the floor. As Dutch tries to get himself back up, Manny quickly lunges off the top rope and crashes on Dutch with a crossbody splash. The crowd starts to cheer now. ]

[JonathanSteele] "Great move there!"

[JimmyJustice] "Do you hear the crowd? Now they're cheering him, that's awesome!"

[JonathanSteele] "They was just cheering the move.."

[JimmyJustice] "The move, that happened to be done by Mr. Man!"

[JonathanSteele] "Since when was you the big Mr. Man Fan?"

[JimmyJustice] "Since he's facing Dutch Clark.. who you firmly got your lips glued to his ass, so I gotta back Manny, just to spite you."

[JonathanSteele] "Whatever, Jimmy."

[ Manny gets up, but not all the way up as he begins hitting Dutch with a bunch of several hard rights. Manny doesn't finally stop that until he breaks the count at 7. After doing that he grabs Dutch and whips him hard into the barricade. The two begin scrapping back and forth, that Dutch starts to get the better of, being the better brawler of the two. Manny blocks a shot though, then kicks Dutch in the side before hitting a swinging neckbreaker to the floor. Man gets up in time to break the count at 8. ]

[JonathanSteele] "And this fight will continue on the outside it seems, as he has broken the count again."

[JimmyJustice] "Remind these fans what the first E in EWE, stands for baby!"

[JonathanSteele] "Entertainment, according to Mr. Man."

[JimmyJustice] "That's the last E, you idiot."

[JonathanSteele] "Both of them, according to him."

[JimmyJustice] "That's stupid, you're making it up."

[ Manny returns to Dutch who quickly hits him in the gut. Dutch lifts Manny up and slams him chest first on the barricade. The crowd gives out an oww before Dutch spurts through and hits another vicious clothesline. Dutch now breaks the count at 6 before he comes back and grabs Manny. Dutch slams Manny face first on the steps before grabbing him again and bringing him to the announce tables. ]

[JonathanSteele] "Watch out, they're coming this way!"

[JimmyJustice] "Go away! We've had enough Extreme Rules tonight, this isn't one of them!"

[JonathanSteele] "You was fine with it, when Mr Man was in control."

[JimmyJustice] "Shut up, Steele, I didn't ask you."

[ Dutch slams Mr. Man's head on the table before laying him on it. Dutch is about to climb up himself when he looks at the ref, Dutch realizes he needs to break the count first and does at 8. Dutch comes back to Mr. Man and punches him a few times as he comes off the table. Dutch grabs Manny and gives him a scoop slam onto the floor, this makes fans cheer of course. Dutch smirks before he picks Manny up and lifts him on his shoulder. He points at the announce table, which the crowd cheers before he makes a run for it. Before Dutch can slam him through it, Manny slides off his shoulder then drop kicks Dutch in the back, which along with Dutch's momentum, sends him over the table onto the floor. The crowd cheers and boos as at the same time as Manny rolls back in the ring at 7. Manny gets on the apron and waits as Dutch climbs onto the table. Manny jumps off, but Dutch grabs him and slams him hard down to the floor causing the crowd to explode. Dutch rolls off of Manny and lays next to him for a moment to catch his beath while Jimmy and Steele return to their seats. ]

[JonathanSteele] "Did you see that, Jimmy?"

[JimmyJustice] "What the hell are you talking about? They're right here in front of us, of course I did! This match is crazy!"

[ Dutch manages to get up and rolls back into the ring at a count of 7. He catches his breath for a moment as the ref counts the 8.. When the ref counts 9 though, Dutch rolls out the side. The ref telling him "oh come on, get back in here". Dutch doesn't listen and instead grabs Manny and whips him hard into the other steps! Manny hits knees first and flips over them to the floor. Dutch slides into the ring from the side, then comes right back out in front of the ramp, effectively resetting the count. As Dutch grabs Manny and starts slugging it out with him, Manny quickly kicks Dutch in the gut then plants a Snap DDT smack dab on the ramp! ]

[JimmyJustice] "Back to the Future! On the Ramp!"

[ Manny gets up as Dutch lays out on the ramp. Manny rolls into the ring easily at the 4 count and just watches Dutch. ]

[JonathanSteele] "Is this how the Streak is going to end, by count out?"

[ Dutch lays there as the ref counts the 5...6...and 7... Dutch finally stirs and pulls himself up as the ref counts the 8. Dutch slowly turns around and slowly makes it back to the ring holding his head as the ref counts the 9. As the ref is able to get the "Te" out in ten, Dutch Rolls into the ring in the nick of time, getting roars from the crowd. ]

[JonathanSteele] "Phew, that was close."

[ Mr Man smiles and nods, knowing even he wants to win this match by pinfall, not countout. He backs up and waits for Dutch to make it back to his feet, as Dutch gets most of the way up, Manny charges at him, but that's when Dutch hits him with a spinning spinebuster. The crowd just roars some more as Dutch catches his breath. As Dutch pulls himself up he's got a sly smirk returning to his face. ]

[JimmyJustice] "What's up with your boy?"

[JonathanSteele] "He's feeling it."

[JimmyJustice] "He should see a doctor then."

[JonathanSteele] "He already did."

[JimmyJustice] "No, I mean.. nevermind."

[ Mr. Man tries pulling hiself up, but it's just to be planted with a Furious DDT! the crowd roars, but Dutch holds his back with his face telling it all that he has a sharp pain, he's aggrivated his injury. Dutch continues to hold his back for a moment, and continues to hold it while he crawls over to Mr. Man. Dutch makes the cover and the ref counts the one...two...thre.. NO! Manny kicks out! ]

[JonathanSteele] "The Heart and will to get a contract, I can't disrespect that."

[JimmyJustice] "Your boy may be in serious jepordy though, he aggrivated his back injury on that move."

[ They both lay there for a moment, Manny out of exhaustion, Dutch out of pain from his back. They do both make it up though and start trading shots. Manny blocks one, then turns around behind Dutch before hitting a back suplex. Man then bounces off the ropes and hits a low drop kick to Dutch's Back right as he sat up. Dutch holds on his back in pain while Man straight kicks it a couple times. The fans start to boo Mr. Man for this, but he doesn't care. ]

[JonathanSteele] "These fans not liking how Mr Man has went after Dutch's back like a vulture."

[JimmyJustice] "That's why they will always just be fans.. It's pure instinct, wrestling 101.. You see a weakness, you strike, it doesn't matter who you are, that's the name of the game.. That's what Mr. Man is doing, he's doing his job and a good job of it."

[JonathanSteele] "I can't disagree, it's pure instict as you said, not to pass on every opportunity and weakness that occurs."

[ Manny kicks Dutch a couple more times befoe Dutch turns Mannny away by elbowing him in the gut. Dutch gets up with great pain and gives Manny a knife edge chop, to which the crowd "woo"'s. Dutch winds up for another, but Manny quickly moves out of the way then grabs Dutch and hits a quick back breaker. ]

[JonathanSteele] "And there it is again, just when Dutch tried to fight back, The Gold Standard went right back for his back."

[JimmyJustice] "He could be finding himself a new EWE Contract with this kind of strategy."

[ Manny stomps at Dutch in the back a couple times again before grabbing his legs and locking in a Modifed Texas Cloverleaf! ]

[JimmyJustice] "Just like this! This move is certainly not paradise for an injured back."

[JonathanSteele] "It isn't indeed, and Mr Man has the Wave of the Future Locked in!"

[JimmyJustice] "He said through all of 2011 he needed to change the names of his Future moves.. he never did.. oh well."

[ Dutch screams in great agony as he fights and claws his way for the ropes, but Manny stands his ground. Dutch certainly can't last in this hold too long, knowing he needs to find the ropes, and fast! On pure adrenaline he pulls himself to the ropes and is about to grab it, when Manny gets out of it and pulls him back to the center and locks it back in. Dutch yells out in pain as the camera skims shots of worried fans in the audience, particular wearing Dutch T-Shirts and such. ]

[JonathanSteele] "This could be it.."

[JimmyJustice] "Don't kid anyone Steele, The Streak is over.. he's not gonna handle much more of this with that back of his."

[ Dutch seems dead in the ring as he seems to of given up trying. He's just laying there in agony. The ref checks to make sure if he's passed out, but he hasn't, then if he will give up, but he doesn't. Finally Dutch gets new life, another burst of Adrenaline, a burst Manny didn't expect nor was ready for as Dutch quickly crawls over and grabs the bottom rope. The ref quickly breaks Manny off of Dutch and the crowd has exploded. ]

[JonathanSteele] "My god, he's still in it!"

[JimmyJustice] "But at what price? His back has got to be mush by now."

[ Manny backs up and watches Dutch crawl back to his feet. Manny quickly grabs Dutch and hits him with a Vertical Suplex. Manny hangs on before he twirls his feet and gets back up to hit a second one.. He does the same thing and completes the Triple Verticals, or as his former pic base called them, the Three Amigos. ]

[JonathanSteele] "Another smart move, as each of those Triple Vertals focused more pain on that injured back."

[JimmyJustice] "He's focused Steele.. He may of started off with ring rust, but now that he's knocked that off, he's showing he wants his job back, and impressing us all right now."

[ Manny walks over to the corner and climbs the turnbukle smirking before he calls for it. He leaps off the turnbukle and sure enough hits Dutch with The Future Splash!... or is it the Golden Splash? Or The Golden Standard Splash?.. I don't really know, once again never changed the future names, so Future Splash for now! ]

[JonathanSteele] "This streak may be over!"

[JimmyJustice] "It sure as hell is!"

[ Man crawls back on Dutch and makes the cover as the ref counts the one...two...thre...NO! another Kick out! ]

[JimmyJustice] "Are you kidding me?!"

[JonathanSteele] "The Fight, The Will.. that's why he's undefeated, that's why he's a Triple Champion!"

[ Manny sits up in disbelief shaking his head. He finally gets up and grabs Dutch pulling him up. Dutch suddenly locks Manny and hits him with a Belly-To-Belly Suplex! The crowd cheers as Dutch recoops for a moment while Mr Man is down. As Manny gets up, Dutch quickly hits the Furybreaker, causing the crowd to roar even more! ]

[JimmyJustice] "NO!"

[JonathanSteele] "YES!"

[ Dutch holds his back again but makes the cover as the ref slides in and counts the one...two...three?...NO!..KICK OUT AGAIN, JUST BARELY! ]

[JonathanSteele] "I can't believe this, Another Kick Out!"

[JimmyJustice] "This match is nuts! What's it going to take?!"

[ Dutch is starting to wonder the same as he sits there trying to catch his breath and relax his back. After a few moments of recooping, they both get back to their feet, Dutch gets up first and positions himself behind Mr. Man. Dutch moves in for the kill and locks in the Irish Dream! ]

[JonathanSteele] "The Irish Dream!"

[JimmyJustice] "But will this be it?! We've had so many false finishes in this crazy match!"

[JonathanSteele] "23! 23! 23!"

[ Man fights as Dutch continues to apply the pressure. As Dutch continues to apply the pressure it seems Man is about to fade as he's dropped down to his knees. When the ref is about to test his arm, Manny gets back to his feet and gets new wind. Manny suddenly runs up the corner, with Dutch still locked on. Manny flips into a cover and the ref quickly counts the one...two...three! ]
Winner Via Pinfall: Mr. Man
Match Time: 24:14
Judges: 3/3


[JenniferSparks] "The Winner of this match and Newly Resigned to EWE... The Gold Standard... MR MAN!!"

Man rolls off of Dutch as "Flashing Lights" hits again. He sits up on his knees, purely exhausted and almost in tears. He may not of just won the Undisputed Championship, but his performance and every lasting implication of this match, may of been just as important.

[JonathanSteele] "I can't believe it."

[JimmyJustice] "Believe it Steele, Your mighty Dutch Clark, is 22 and one... The Gold Standard has come back to EWE!"

[JonathanSteele] "It's truely remarkable though, and hard to believe."

[JimmyJustice] "I know, the guy is so inconsistant.. yet when his back is against the wall, when the entire EWE Nation has him marked out.. here he goes and does this... Cameron Hayden... Derek Daniels.. and now Dutch Clark.. Don't underestimate The Gold Standard!"

Mr. Man has finally gotten onto his feet to fully celebrate the big occasion as he climbs onto the turnbukle and gets more cheers then when he came down, alot of fans having to respect the match they just watched, and the achievement that he just achieved. Meanwhile from the curtains, Kenny Greenwood comes running out, holding a piece of paper.

[JimmyJustice] "What the heck is this idiot doing? This isn't Ladies Night."

Kenny rushes down the ramp and meets his friend in the center of the ring. The two smile at eachother before Kenny gives him a bro-hug and hands him the paper. It's clear now that the paper is Mr. Man's fresh off the press, EWE Contract after he raises it up and Kenny raises his other hand.

[JimmyJustice] "Get a room."

[JonathanSteele] "Why does any respect between two males always make you jump to crap like that? like my respect for Dutch and the career he has had."

[JimmyJustice] "Whatever."

Speaking of Dutch, he makes it back to his feet, with a little help from the ropes. Just in time Manny and Kenny turn around to see Dutch up, who steps away from the ropes. Dutch looks at him for a moment before giving him a nod and offering out his hand. Manny looks at him for a moment and smiles before nodding back and accepting the handshake.

[JonathanSteele] "See Jimmy, he has class.. that's another reason I respect him."

[JimmyJustice] "Oh wah, wah."

Manny and Kenny roll out of the ring as Dutch stays to nurse his back and retrieve his titles. As Manny and Kenny get half way up the ramp though, they meet Derek Daniels, who has his Undisputed Title draped over his shoulder. Manny and Derek stare eachother over for a moment before Mr Man and Kenny head up the ramp. Derek now walks down the ramp and stops outside the ring. Dutch finally notices Derek and sees the absolutely disgusted look on his face. There's not much more Dutch can do about it before the mia Chaos GM, HHH comes from the crowd and slides right into the ring, cracking Dutch hard in the back with his signature sledgehammer!

[JonathanSteele] "What the hell!"

[JimmyJustice] "It's our General Manager!"

Derek stands by idly, just watching this unfold, only shaking his head in further disgust. HHH retrieves a mic from Jennifer before speaking out to the EWE Fans.

[TripleH] "I know the EWE and all of you have missed me."

The crowd boos, but HHH doesn't seem to care.

[TripleH] "The good news is, I'm Back!"

This gets a few cheers, but still mainly boos.

[TripleH] "But the better news is that at the King of Xtreme.. I'm taking my King of Kings Championship.. BACK!"

This gets cheers from the fans, only for the cheers to become boos after HHH drives another Sledgehammer to Dutch's back as he tried to get back up.

[JonathanSteele] "Ok, you made your point!"

[JimmyJustice] "He's gonna get the King of Kings Title back at the King of Xtreme!"

The crowd starts to cheer when Christy rushes through the curtains darting for the ring. HHH chuckles as he casually exits the ring, just in time as Christy slides in. She watches HHH leave and shakes her head to Derek Daniels, who still stands there, watching it all, but doing nothing. She checks on Dutch as HHH heads up the ramp with a big smirk on his face.

[JonathanSteele] "I can't believe the night Dutch is having.. First the Streak.. now the assault by the returning Triple H."

[JimmyJustice] "This is good entertainment Steele, shut up."

After HHH has disappeared through the curtains Dutch tries to get up, but realizes he can't. He tries once more, but knows he's in far too much pain. He looks to Derek, who's still watching him, still disgusted, but a somewhat smirk starting to grow. Dutch then signals for Christy and whispers in her ear. She steps back with a look of pure shock before shaking her head. Dutch nods his head as Christy reluctantly respects his wishes and rolls out of the ring. She walks past Derek and heads up the ramp before disappearing through the curtains. Derek had watched her leave before looking back to Dutch.

[JonathanSteele] "where's she going?"

[JimmyJustice] "She's a worthless wife.. her husband is out here in pain, and she leaves.. what the hell?"

[JonathanSteele] "I think he told her to do something though."

[JimmyJustice] "No, she's just a bad wife."

Derek now gets a little more lively, taunting and mocking Dutch to get up. Derek gets more and more verbal about it, doing a hand motion with his free hand, instructing him to get up. Dutch knows he can't though as Derek just shakes his head. Derek finally waves his free hand out to Dutch in the "not worth it" motion before turning around and heading up the ramp. As he gets half way up the ramp though, he freezes in his tracks. He has a look of pure shock on his face. As we turn to the entrance curtains we see why, as Christy Chaos has re-emurged. In her hand, is of course the Money in the Bank briefcase. Derek tilts his head a little as Christy walks down the ramp, still somewhat reluctantly. The crowd is in pure shock and emotion watching Christy walk down the ramp with that briefcase, knowing what's about to happen with Dutch's condition.

[JonathanSteele] "Oh man.."

[JimmyJustice] "See! She's a horrible wife!"

[JonathanSteele] "It's clear Dutch asked her too Jimmy, weren't you paying any attention?!"

Christy brushes past Derek and enters the ring. Derek turns around and watches this for himself, still pretty shocked about it. Christy looks at the briefcase as the ref has gotten back in the ring. He asks her if she wants to use it as she reluctantly looks back to Dutch. Dutch nods and can vividly be seen saying "Do it.". Christy sighs and the fans watch on intently. Christy hands the briefcase to the ref and there's some cheers.

[JonathanSteele] "It's happening!"

[JimmyJustice] "I don't know what to make of this!"

The ref hands the briefcase off to the time keeper and calls for the bell.

Dutch Clark(c) Vs. Christy Chaos
[ Christy walks over to Dutch slowly and bends down. She grabs Dutch and gives him a long passionate kiss before making the cover as the ref counts the 1...2...3! ]
Winner Via Pinfall: Christy Chaos(New Champion)
Match Time: 0:17

[JenniferSparks] "Ladies and Gentlemen your new EWE Undisputed Champion... CHRISTY CHAOS!!"

[JonathanSteele] "I still can't believe it!"

[JimmyJustice] "You're right.. Dutch is having an awful night!"

"Bitter Taste" hits as the ref brings Christy her title, she quickly lays it to the side, only caring about EMTs coming down to help her husband. DDD on the other hand has completely flipped out. He shouts out "She would destroy me! If I have to face her, I quit!" He heads up the ramp still shouting out things like that as he runs into the EMT crew. He swats them out of the way as the camera can pick up him saying "Go help that pansy". Derek finally goes through the curtains as the EMTs make it down the ramp with a stretcher.

[JonathanSteele] "This is not the way I expected to end the 150 153rd Episode of Chaos.."

[JimmyJustice] "Which part, the End of the Streak... Mr Man getting an EWE Contract.. Triple H returning for the first time since WrestleMania.. or our new Undisputed Champion on the account of Money in the Bank?"

[JonathanSteele] "Our former Undisputed Champion leaving on a stretcher, it's a bad deal."

[JimmyJustice] "That it is, but he'll be back on his feet, you know that guy.. you respect him for that tenacity.. right now we need to enjoy the hell of a show we had.. The chaos Special was definately a Special!"

[JonathanSteele] "I can't deny that, I just can't stand to see my friend like this."

As The EMT's get Dutch loaded onto a stetcher outside of the ring, Christy lays his titles and now her title on his feet so she can walk freely beside him holding onto the side as she stays by his head.

[JonathanSteele] "Screw this, you take us out Jimmy."

Steele leaves the table and comes around the ring, grabbing hold of the other side of the stretcher before they started to leave. Steele and Christy walk along with the EMT's as they push Dutch up the ramp.

[JimmyJustice] "This night had it all... even though it ends in this tragedy.. it's all apart of the business folks.. I've enjoyed this show and we hope you have, until next time, I'm Jimmy Justice, see you next week!"

The camera's follow Dutch until Christy, Steele, and the EMT's have him carted through the curtains that's where the copyright info is shown and the show fades out.

1: Mr. Man (8.42 avg)
2: "Dynamic" Derek Daniels (8.12 avg)
3: Dutch Clark (8.11 avg)
4: Kelsi Parr (8.07 avg)
5: Angela Fortin (7.8 avg)
6: Christy Chaos (7.77 avg)
7: AJ Styles (7.58 avg)
8: Luka Caesar (7.47 avg)
9: Shaul Guerrero (7.43 avg)
10: Ax Cooper (7.28 avg)

D-Dawg (7.25 avg)
Adrian Quinn (7.03 avg)
Brooke McGuire (6.92 avg)


MARK: Stan/HF, Alessandro/Jay, Rock/Quinn, DDD/Spider, Mallory/Luka, Brooke/Fortin, INT Championship

JAY: Johnny/Eli, Dane/Kelsi, Tweaked Brooke/Fortin, Tag Championship, Dutch vs Man

:: Copyright Extreme Wrestling Entertainment 2012 ::