
April 29th, 2013

"Indestructible" by Disturbed

Lawrence, Kansas

Allen Fieldhouse


JON NORTH Post-Cashmere/Sydal Segment

JC Raven Segment

SHADIC Post- TeleVixen Title and Following Segment

JOHN C Segment Prior to Steel/Tiger & Post-Main Event

MIKE M. Nero/Misty & Mickie/Icarus

JAY Everything Else.

} "Indestructible" blares throughout the Allen Fieldhouse as the opening pyro lights up the Chaos Stage. {

"Lawrence Kansas is excited as should you be! I'm Jonathan Steele.. joining me is Justin White as we welcome you all to the 154th edition of MONDAY NIGHT CHAOS!!"

"Tonight's going to be hot as balls!"


"Forget it.. We got 5 Money in the Bank Spots up for grabs.. 2 Lady's Choice Spots... not to mention, of course, the TeleVixen Championship."

"All of which will be great I'm sure.. as will the battles of John Steel vs White Tiger.. and Alexis Terry vs the Undisputed Champion, Christy Chaos."

"Steel will take care of the has-been for certain.. but the only good part about that other match, is imagining they are naked while you watch it."

"On that note.. let's just get to the first match."

"What'd I say?"

Leo Kat Vs. D-Dawg
[Not much to be said.. D-Dawg wasn't on his game much like against White Tiger a couple weeks ago. It doesn't help matters that D-Dawg even seems to pull a muscle in the middle of the match. Leo takes full control though and sets out to make a statement as he takes care of D-Dawg and puts him away with the Speed Drop..]
Winner Via Pinfall: Leo Kat
Match Time: 3:32
Judging Average: 5.98 - 0


} As the camera's come back from commercial, we are struck with a promo. {






"What the F[bee] was that?"

"I don't know.."

Leon Cashmere Vs. Matt Sydal
[As the bell rings the two quickly lock up. Cashmere quickly whips Sydal strong into the corner though, then bounces off the ropes and plants a hard elbow. Without hesitation, Leon follows this up by locking in the Tribulation. Sydal screams out in pain, but doesn't have anything else he can do but give in.]
Winner Via Submission: Leon Cashmere
Match Time: 0:54
Judging Average: 8.29 - 0.0

} As Matt Sydal rolls out of the ring and was being checked out by the referee, Leon Cashmere stands up and flips the hair from his eyes over his shoulders and calls for a microphone. {

} "An impressive debut from Leon Cashmere, but it looks like now, he wants a microphone."

"Great, so I guess we get to hear more about his daddy issues I guess."

"Drop it."

} The ring announcer tossed Cashmere a microphone and he caught it, he sat in the middle of the ring, he didn't stand. His knees were pulled up and spread as he rested one arm on it, and propped the arm he was holding the microphone up with his other knee. {

"When the Lamb opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth living creature say, "Come and See!" I looked and there before me was a pale horse! Its rider was named Death, and Hades was following close behind him..."

} The crowd was still as the sound of his breath could be heard through the microphone. {

"Revelation chapter six, verses seven and eight. The term revelation itself means a surprising and previously unknown fact, especially one made in a dramatic way...Or the making known of a secret or the unknown...Is this dramatic enough for you?"

} He opened his palm and looked down at Matt Sydal who was still being checked out by the referee, the crowd cheered, as they were impressed with him. {

"No longer do you have to put up with the same old faces in the EWE, no longer do you have to deal with mediocrity, because Leon Cashmere...Has arrived!"

} The crowd popped again. {

"I am the forgotten future of professional wrestling, and now that I have this microphone in my hand, I can do with it things no man or woman in that back can do."

} He pointed towards the curtain. {

"I am here to tell you people whatever I say I'm going to do, I do it because there DAMN sure isn't anyone in that locker room that can stop me. I sat on my ass watching Chaos make its return to television, and I knew without a shadow of doubt I belonged on that television screen...And here I am, so believe me when I say...I will be taking home the Money in the Bank Briefcase, and believe me when I say...You're looking at the FUTURE ALL AMERICAN CHAMPION!"

} He dropped the microphone and propped himself up on one knee and leveled both his arms out to his side and thrust out his chest and yelled as he pounded his chest a couple of times before he leaped on the turnbuckle. {

"Strong, strong words from this newcomer in the EWE, we don't know if he can back up this talk, but what we do know is he will be in the Money in the Bank ladder match."

"I'm not sure this kid knows what he's getting himself into..."


Layla(c) Vs. Paige
[Layla is the first one on the assault when the match gets under way. Layla has the first bit of momentum as she hits moves such as a Snapmare takeover and sunset flip. Layla continued to control the match for the most part, but Paige was able to hit a few moves and get a little momentum of her own. Paige even attempted to go for the Knight Light but her leg is grabbed from the outside by Leo Kat? As Paige tries to shake her leg free, Layla takes the chance and decks Paige with the Bombshell! Layla makes the cover and scores the 3 count.]
Winner Via Pinfall: Layla
Match Time: 5:26
Judging Average: 7.26 - 3.91

} As soon as the match was over, Leo is seen rushing in, making Layla leave quickly. He begins to stomp on Paige a few times, screaming at her for what Mickie did to him. As he goes to finish off Paige, a blonde woman is seen coming from the stage and rushes in the ring. Leo quickly sees this and asks for Security to come get her, thinking she was a fan. Instead, the woman gives Leo a roundhouse kick, knocking down Leo, forcing him to roll out. {

WAIT! Isn't that woman, Summer Rae!?

I think it is! Her and Paige have had a feud in another place. But, why would Summer help her!?

} Paige finally comes to and sees Summer, she pushes her away, mouthing What the f**k to her. Summer tries to explain but Paige exits the ring to go see Mickie as Summer follows, cutting to a break {


} Mickie is seen in the locker room, relaxing for a moment as she sees Paige bursting in. Mickie stands and looks at her {

What the hell Paige? Doors cost money!

You know very well why I'm here. What business did Summer Rae have being out there?!

You needed help. She helped you. That's what Queens do when one of our own is in trouble. You know this!

} What stood out most to Paige was Mickie stating that the Queens help each other during perilous times. {

Wait, hold on a bloody minute. What do you mean by her helping me is what Queens do? You aren't suggesting that she's a member, are you?

Yea. Remember what we said about us bringing in Rookie Queens? That you were going to be trained by Lita? Well, you just met Trish's Rookie and way it looks, you two know each other well

} Indeed Paige knows Summer Rae very well as the Anti-Diva has crossed paths many times with the former First Lady of NXT. Most of the time their paths crossed, Paige and Summer were always fighting because of the distrust and hatred that the two held for each other. According to Paige's reaction, she still harbors that same hatred and distrust towards Summer {

What?! She's a rookie too?! You know that I bloody well can't stand her! Are you a bleeding moron?!

} Mickie's face begins to show one of pure anger as she gets close to Paige She then says {

You dare call me a idiot!? Remember who brought you in Paige! When a Queen chose you, you represented the future! Same goes with Summer! How DARE YOU PAIGE!!!

} Mickie sighs as she backs away, knowing her anger has made and break people she has known for ages. Mickie then says {

Just for that, you're being punished. You're still in The Queens, cause you have royalty, the future in front of you. Your punishment...Say Hello To your new Tag Team Partner!

} The camera turns to show Summer as she pats Paige on the shoulder {

Paige, I would be honored to be your partner.

} Paige turns her head and looks at Summer with a cold glare. Though she doesn't answer Summer at all, the Anti-Diva's face tells the story. That story is that she doesn't trust Summer as far as she can throw her. {

Don't touch me!

} Paige returns her glare to Mickie who holds an evil-looking smirk on her face {

Have fun

} Mickie's smirk never leaves her face as Paige shakes her head, turns around, and leaves the locker room with Summer Rae in tow {

Hollie Winder Vs. Natalia Vs. Andi D'Costa
[It's an interesting match with it's fair share of near falls for Andi and Hollie. Hollie and Andi tend to keep Natalia at bay most the match, as Andi and Hollie mainly fight eachother. Andi is working in on Natalia though, before hitting her with the Cashed Out. Andi is unable to cover Natalia before Hollie hits Andi with the Drum Solo! Hollie quickly makes the cover on Natlia and scores the 3 count.]
Winner Via Pinfall: Hollie Winder
Match Time: 6:47
Judging Average: 6.71 - 4.73 - 0


Hollie Winder Vs. Angela Fortin
[Pretty basic Tag Match here as God's Justice isolates the smaller JTG. Pretty interesting really, two guys who barely met are working pretty well together. Eventually Shad gets in though and swings momentum back in CT's direction. After Cryme Tyme isolates Brad for awhile now, Brad soon fights back, Aries makes the blind tag while Cryme Tyme sets Brad up for the G9, Brad counters then clotheslines Shad over the top rope. JTG is behind Brad, waiting, but Aries grabs JTG and spins him around before picking him up and planting him with the Purity. Aries makes the cover and scores the three count.]
Winners Via Pinfall: God's Justice
Match Time: 7:21
Judging Average: 14.25 - 6.2


Raven Vs. Josie Wales
[Raven is quickly on the assault when the bell rings, wanting to avenge her loss from the last time they met. She quickly hits Josie with a Ninja right off the bat. Raven picks Josie up and hits a snap suplex that she flips over into a cover. This gets her a two count. Back to their feet again before Raven hits a springboard clothesline and a throwback. After securing another two count Raven then hits a Overcastle. As Raven tries to lock in the Thief in the Night, Josie quickly counters with a Flash Kick.]

[Josie begins to fight back now and begins to fight back with a few moves of her own. After hitting a Spinning Back Suplex, she goes for the cover, but Raven kicks out. After hitting a Samoan drop she goes for the High Noon Driver, but Raven counters it, and quickly hits a Ninja Strike.. and just like that, she makes the cover and gets the pinfall.]
Winner Via Pinfall: Raven
Match Time: 7:48
Judging Average: 6 - 5.9

} The camera's come backstage to the Queen's Locker room where we see Trish Stratus and Mickie James. {

"The Grand Plan is all laid into place, all I have to do is beat Icarus here tonight."

"Trust me, you got that."

"Of course I do, there's not even a doubt."

"Nope, not when you're a Queen.. and one half of the Greatest Female Tag Team in all of EWE History.. heck maybe even the greatest Tag Team period."

} Mickie smiles. {

"No argument there. How can anyone argure.. remind me, how many all female Tag Team Champions have there been in EWE?"

} Trish smirks and nods. {

"Exactly.. Just us.. we're the greatest.. and as Queen's, we're even greater in singles competition, which is why you'll take care of Icarus, without a problem."

} The two laugh as the scene fades to commercial. {


} We begin back stage as we see Kenny Greenwood with a cameraman. Just then he catches Raven as she's heading back to her locker room. He goes up to her with all intentions of interviewing her. Raven, notices and moves to go past him but he starts anyways. {

"So Raven, you've managed to get your pay back to Josie Whales this week. So what are your thoughts?"

} Kenny held the microphone out to Raven but she only crossed her arms. {

"I thought when I told Trixy that i didn't want to be interviewed I thought that I was clear that it meant everyone one of you."

"Well I'm not Trixy..."

"That's right, your a poor excuse of a man who was replaced on the Chaos Commentator crew by a person who thinks he's a man whore. Eventually, the Shadow Division will target the poor excuse for staff here. But first the wrestlers here need to be dealt with."

"It sounds like you and God's Justice have a lot in common."

} Raven raised an eyebrow at that. She almost let out a laugh. {

"Those two? Please. One's a self righteous man who thinks he's some god. The other is a brainiac who believes his intelligence is a reason for him to be superior to everyone else. Their time will come just like the others."

} Kenny returned his microphone and was about to say something else when Raven brought down her arms. {

"No more questions."

} With that something slid out of Raven's sleeve. It looked to be black, small, and sharp. Then with fast reflexes, Raven threw the object but that was it as the camera went out for it was hit by the object. {

Kendra Steel Vs. Kristy Jensen
[The two circle for a moment, but Kristy rushes at Kendra, almost with a pit of rage, when she quickly lays Kendra with a quick clothesline. When Kendra gets back up, Kristy quickly hits her with a Des Press. Kendra doesn't let Kristy take full control yet however, as she hits Kristy with a low kick, and then a hair pull toss. Kendra soon follows this up with a Running Elbow Smash, but she doesn't take full control yet either. The Two continue to go back and forth for a little bit, until Kristy then finally starts taking control, again powered by rage and anger. Kristy soon hits the Cybernetics, that she then follows up by locking in the Cyborg Wrench! Kendra fights it for as long as she can, refusing to give in. Mandi cheers her on from ringside, which eventually drives Kendra to pull herself to the bottom rope.]

[When Kristy tries to lift Kendra up, Kendra quickly hits a Spinning Kick. Kendra starts to pull in some momentum as she begins to battle back. After hitting a Firemans Carry Slam, she grabs Kristy and locks in the Kendra Special! Kristy fights to stay awake and won't tap, but Kendra continues to apply the pressure. There's a couple times when we think Kristy might pass out, but she manaes to get the ropes eventually. The two go back and forth for a bit, until Kristy builds up a little bit of momentum again, after hitting the Cyber Kick.. she measures Kendra up for the Cyborg Rush. As Kendra gets up though, she quickly ducks out of the way, then nails Kristy with the Big Apple Drop! She makes the cover and scores the 3.]
Winner Via Pinfall: Kendra Steel
Match Time: 8:03
Judging Average: 7.28 - 7.03


Nero Phoenix Vs. Misty Haze
[The bell rings and Nero and Misty circle each other once ducks it. As Nero turns, Misty spits out purple mist. Luckily for Nero, he managed to get his hands before locking up. They lock up and somehow Misty manages to push Nero back into a corner. She breaks clean, backing up with a smirk. Nero rushes out and goes for a clothesline but Misty up to protect his eyes from the mist. He grabs her arm and tries to force her into the Kimera lock but she counters with an arm drag. When Nero gets up she tries to lock on her burn out but Nero struggles free and rolls out to the floor, getting booed by the crowd. Misty bounces off the far rope and jumps over the top rope. Nero moves and she crashes down on the ring barrier. Nero grabs her and tosses her back in the ring where a quick cover only gets him a two count.]

Misty with a big miss there.

Would you say she burned out on that attempt?

[Nero hooked a front headlock on Misty, trying to wear her down. Misty rolls around enough to get to her feet and break the hold. She tries to send Nero into the ropes but he reverses and sends her in. On the rebound, Nero drops her with a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. The following pin only scores him a two count. He picks her up and pushes her back a few steps. He goes for a super kick but she catches his foot. She tosses it down and drops Nero with a DDT. She tries her own pin but Nero escapes at two. Misty pulls him to his feet and runs to the ropes, spring boarding off into a cross body. Nero catches her and slams her hard down to the mat. He bounces off the far rope and drops an elbow into her chest. He pins but somehow Misty kicks out at two. Nero gives the referee a stern look before picking Misty back up. He body slams her again and heads for the top turnbuckle. He shows off before leaping off for his Fall From Grace. At the last second, Misty rolls away causing Nero to fall hard to the mat. The fans cheer as now both stars are down and the referee begins his ten count.]

I don't think Nero expected this much of a challenge from Misty.

It's for a spot in Money in the Bank. Did he really think it was going to be a cake walk?

[Misty is first to her feet followed shortly by Nero. Misty drops him with a quick dropkick. Both get right back up when Misty gets him again. Both up again and a third dropkick has Nero reeling. Misty grabs him and hits a snap suplex. She pins but somehow Nero kicks out. Misty yanks Nero to his feet and drops him with her Saltline. She pins but again Nero kicks out at two. She picks him up and slams him before headed to the top rope. Nero jumps up and hit's the top rope, causing Misty to rack herself. Nero hopes up on the turnbuckle with her and delivers a superplex. He floats over into the cover but for some reason, releases the pin at two. He stands up and shows off a moment, motioning the title around his waist. He picks Misty up and hooks her for his Mighty Boosh! He says "Money in the Bank here I come" with a smile when suddenly Misty rolls him up with a small package. The referee drops down and counts the three before Nero can kick out. The referee calls for the bell as Misty rolls out of the ring and Nero sits up, a shocked look on his face.]
Winner Via Pinfall: Misty Haze
Match Time: 9:11
Judging Average: 7.53 - 7.47

Here is your winner Misty Haze!

} "Because I got High" blares overhead as the stunned fans begin to cheer. Nero argues with the referee to no avail as Misty celebrates, heading up the ramp. Backstage just before his match John Steel is walking around stretching his legs out. As he does he passes the catering area and sees none other then Melina Perez decked out to the nines. She may not have a match this week but she's there. On standby just in case she's needed. John smirks too himself as he approaches her he runs his hands thru his hair making sure he's looking good. Melina looks at the food with a bit of disdain she then sees John and slightly smiles. {

"What do you want?"

"Just walking around and saw you so had to come by just to say hi."

} Melina rolls her eyes a bit and smirks with her hands on her sexy hips now. {

" Yeah, well I guess I can't blame you for wanting to talk to me again. You're sure you're not a stalker?"

} John laughs a bit as he grabs her hand. Melina's first instinct is to pull away but for some odd reason she just let's him hold her hand. {

"I assure you I am not. Look I know we just meet and have talked a little here and there but I just want you to know I got your back."

} Melina cocks her head slightly at an angle starring at John with her big beautiful brown eyes shaking her head slightly. {

" Uhmmm...you do know I am with the Queens of Wrestling right?"

" I am aware of that but just thought you should know you got extra back-up."

} Melina looks at her nails on her free hand and smacks her lips. {

"Yeah, I guess...well, since you're not bad looking it'll work, but don't get any funny ideas about this!"

} She says rather loudly and a few stagehands turn in their directions and she shoots them a cold glare. John turns and sees who Melina is starring daggers at and smiles as he turns back to her; still holding her hand. Melina now straightens herself pulling her hand away slowly and then smiles at John. {

"Wouldn't dream of getting any funny ideas. Well I gotta go and do my thing in the ring. Maybe we can do dinner tonight; but first here's my number text me or call me your answer or whenever you need anything."

} John smiles at Melina with a huge smile and then quickly leans in stealing a kiss off her cheek and slightly tapping his hand on her hip as he walks off leaving Melina in slight shock. {


John Steel Vs. White Tiger
[The two stare eachother down for a moment, both seemingly with cocky grins upon their faces, for different reasons. As John is typically cocky in the sense he's the new blood of EWE, who's better than the old washed up, in his mind and words. WT on the other hand, he's just smirking, cause he feels he's about to "teach this young punk a lesson". If Egos had weight, the ring would of collapsed already. Regardless, neither one wants to budge first, cockily telling the other to "come on". John finally goes after WT with a clothesline, but WT side steps out of the way. John tries again, but WT ducks out of the way. John gets a bit annoyed as he grabs WT and goes for a suplex, but WT blocks it and hits a quick hip toss. WT smirks and backs up waving his hands at John as he gets up. John gets a bit annoyed and walks right up to WT, suddenly spitting in WT's face. WT just laughs as he wipes it away. John then slaps WT hard acrossed the face, WT continues to laugh holding his cheek. WT then goes for a straight hard right, John blocks it and quickly kicks WT in the gut, before decking a DDT.]

[The crowd boos as John as he gets up, but he doesn't seem to care, he's just all smiles. He starts to build up momentum on WT when he hits a shoulder tackle and a stalling suplex. John soon locks in a Boston Crab as he now wants to make the legend tap out. WT doesn't give in though as he crawls his way to the ropes. He gets a finger tip on the bottom rope, before John drags him back acrossed the ring. This happens a couple more times before WT final gets the bottom rope. John doesn't seem to care, as he sets WT up for the Final Ascention, WT quickly counters though and elbows Steel in the face. Steel throws a punch at WT, but WT blocks it and goes to whip Steel, but holds on and delievers a short-arm-clothesline. WT now begins to control the pace and tempo of the match hitting a few moves such as a Tilt-A-Whirl Bodyslam and a FloatOver Suplex. Eventually WT even locks in the Tiger's Snare! Steel fights it the best he can trying not to give in, as WT keeps applying the pressure. Steel finally does manage to get the ropes though, breaking the hold.]

[The Match stays fairly even for awhile, both getting their fair share of moves in. Steel begins to build momentum again though, which came after hitting a blatant low blow, that the ref never seen somehow. Steel has things well in hand when he nails WT with the Broken. The crowd boos as Steel smiles and taunts WT to get up. Steel stops though when he sees Christy Chaos standing on the stage. She smiles, something clearly on her mind. John begins talking trash, until Christy casually points up to the titan tron. An Image of Kendra Steel and Mandi Lust pops up on the tron, which just gets John to flip and cuss Christy out, who laughs and winks before walking back through the curtains. It's as if she knew she had waited long enough, because WT is now on the turnbukle, thus when John turns back around.. wham.. he's hit with the Struck Down! The crowd cheers as WT makes the cover and scores the three count.]
Winner Via Pinfall: White Tiger
Match Time: 11:24
Judging Average: 8.1 - 7.8


} We return to ringside where Jennifer Sparks stands in the ring, microphone in hand. The bell rings once as she lifts up her microphone. {

The following contest is set for one fall and is for a spot in Money in the Bank at Wrestlemania.

} "Rock Star Poser" plays overhead to a mixed reaction. Icarus Terry parts the curtains, heading for the ring. He points at the Wrestlemania logo and says something about the briefcase belonging to him. {

Introducing first from Baltimore Maryland. Icarus Taylor!

} He gets in the ring where he backs into a corner and looks toward the entrance ramp. The music changes to "Hardcore Country". this causes the mixed reaction from the crowd to become more solidly boos. Mickie James comes out from the back, followed by Trish Stratus. Mickie holds up the Mid Eastern championship for the fans to see. {

And his opponent. Representing the Queens of Wrestling she is the Mid Eastern champion. From Richmond Virginia, Mickie James!

} Mickie and Trish make it to the ring where they both show off together. Trish takes the Mid Eastern title and exit's the ring. Mickie turns to Icarus as the bell rings. {

Mickie James(c) Vs. Icarus Terry
[ The two quickly tie up where Icarus pushes Mickie back into the corner. He lifts her up on the turnbuckle and gives her a few hard shots to the rib cage. He climbs up with her and hooks her for a cradle suplex but Mickie hooks the ropes with her foot to stop it. She hit's a few shots of her own and looks tot ry for a superplex to the floor. Icarus blocks it and pulls free. Mickie takes this opportunity to give him a poke in his eye, causing him to step down and back off. Mickie jumps off, taking Icarus down with a Thesz press, nailing several shots to his head. She stands up and poses, ready to hit a Mick Kick. Icarus climbs up but manages to duck the kick. He grabs Mickie from behind and drops her with an atomic drop. She stumbles forward and Icarus dropkicks her back, sending her to the mat. He waits for her to get up before dropping her back down with a running back elbow shot. Mickie rolls out of the ring but Icarus manages too reach over and catch her hair. He pulls Mickie up n the apron before suplexing her back in. Icarus poses to the fans, getting them to cheer before he locks on the Centipede! Mickie struggles for the ropes that are just outside of her reach. ]

Mickie just can't seem to get out of the gates tonight.

She is just toying with him, making it interesting for the fans.

[ Mickie reaches out as far as she can but is still just fingertips away. Trish waits for the referee to look away a second before pushing the rope forward enough for Mickie to grab it. The referee notices Mickie has the ropes and causes Icarus to break the hold. Icarus releases and Mickie rolls to the floor, this time moving enough away. Icarus runs at the far rope and leaps off at Mickie for a flying cross body. Trish pulls Mickie out of the way, causing Icarus to eat floor. The referee admonishes Trish, who shrugs. Mickie gets back in the ring and orders the referee to count. He gets to about six before Icarus manages to roll into the ring. Mickie pulls him up and drops him with a DDT. She jumps up on the top rope and delivers a leg drop off the top turnbuckle. She pins but Icarus escapes at two. Mickie pulls him up and sets him up for the "Long Kiss Goodnight" passing up the beforehand kiss. Mickie pulls him back up and sets him up for the Mickie-DT. Icarus rolls out of it in time and plants Mickie with a stiff DDT. He immediately pops up and jumps to the top rope, posing for a second before leaping off for his Galaxizn move. This time, Trish pulls Mickie out of harms way just in time. The referee goes to the corner and points at Trish and immediately points to the back, telling her she has been ejected from ringside. The fans cheer as Mickie rolls into the ring and starts to argue with the referee.

He can't do that to the Queens!

Looks like he just did and about time too. Let's see if Mickie can do this on her own.

[ As Mickie argues, Icarus gets to his feet. He school boys Mickie but he can only manage a two count. Both get up and Mickie rushes in but Icarus rolls her into a small package. Mickie kicks out at two. Both are up again and Icarus catches her and rolls her into an inside cradle. Mickie again escapes at two. As both of them get up, Mickie kicks Icarus in the gut and again sets up for the Mickie-DT but Icarus grabs her and nails a bridging suplex, getting another two count. Mickie seems really dazed now as she gets to her feet and walks into a spine buster. Again he jumps on the top rope and delivers the "Galaxian". The crowd cheers as he pins Mickie. At the two count, Mickie puts her foot on the bottom rope. Icarus gets up, holding his hand up figuring that he won. The referee informs him that it was only a two count. During this time, Mickie has got back to her feet. She dropkicks Icarus in his knee, sending him to the mat. She grabs his legs and forces him into the Sharpshooter. The fan boo as Icarus yells out and struggles to break free. Mickie has it in just a way that he is turned away to the ropes. Icarus plants his hands and starts to force himself up. Mickie realizes her grip is going so she reaches out and grabs the middle rope, adding pressure and forcing Icarus back down. The referee notices the ropes moving and questions Mickie on it. She shrugs. As the referee drops back down to check on Icarus, Mickie grabs the rope again. Icarus struggles but he is quickly loosing energy. The referee raises his arm up once and it drops limp. He raises it again and it falls limp again. The third time and Icarus manages to hold it slightly above the mat. He shakes it, getting the crowd cheering. He plants it and starts to force himself up. The referee notices Mickie's hand and pushes it off the rope allowing Icarus to flip her over and lock on his own Sharpshooter. The fans erupt as Mickie screams out in pain. ]

What is up with this referee? You can't treat the Queens like this..

About time a referee takes control. The Queens have run amok long enough.

[ Mickie realizes that she is right by the rope and grabs hold. Icarus is forced to release the hold, allowing Mickie to roll to the floor. The fans have started booing as Lita has come running to the ring. She jumps on the apron and starts yelling at the referee about his actions during the match. The referee orders her to the back. Meanwhile on the floor, Mickie has grabbed hold of the Mid Eastern championship. She carries it close to her chest, out of view of Icarus. Icarus reaches through the ropes to grab her and she nails him with the title. The fans boo as Mickie drops the title and rolls into the ring. Lita drops down and puts her hands up, walking backwards up the ramp. In the ring, Mickie locks on the Sharpshooter again. The referee turns and drops down, checking on Icarus. The referee notices he is out cold but does the three arm raises anyways. On the third drop, the referee calls for the bell as the fans boo. ]
Winner Via Submission: Mickie James
Match Time: 16:17
Judging Average: 7.9 - 7.85

Here is your winner: Mickie James!

} The fans boo as Mickie rolls out of the ring and picks up her Mid Eastern championship. She meets up with Lita and the two go up the ramp celebrating. The referee finally revives Icarus who glares at the departing Queens. {

} The camera's come backstage, to the locker room of the Undisputed Champion, Christy Chaos.. Currenty in there, is of course Christy Chaos.. as well as her CWA student, Diva's Champion, Abby Addiction.. another CWA Student in Kelly.. and her neice, Alyssa Carter. Alyssa, Christy and Abby are sitting on the sofa, with Alyssa in the middle, while Kelly sits in a chair next to them. Christy gets up though and grabs her championship. {

"Well I gotta go get ready, my match is coming up, you sure you're ok to watch her?"

"Yea, it's fine."

"We can handle it, just worry about your match."

"Kick butt."

} Christy smiles. {

"Yea, I'll try to do that."

} Christy pats Alyssa on the head before heading out of the room. Abby soon gets up too as she heads back to the bathroom. Kelly smiles over to Alyssa, who sticks her tounge out. Kelly just laughs, but her mood quickly shifts like a light switch, as someone else has entered the room unnannounced. Alyssa looks over and sees who it is, jumping off the catch she runs over and hugs their leg. {


} Johnny puts an arm over his daughter, as he looks over to a sneering Kelly. {

"Can I help you?"

"Do I need a reason to be here?"

"I'd think so."

} Johnny chuckles and looks down at Alyssa. {

"Go sit down, ok."

} Alyssa nods and goes back to sit down. Johnny then looks over to Kelly. {

"First off, as General Manager, I don't see how I am restricted from any room in this arena.. secondly.. I think I have a right to see my own daughter when I found out she was here.. don't you?"

"Not when you've completely side stepped all of your responsibilities with her."

} Johnny chuckles and shakes his head. {

"Yea, cause I should take advice from a nobody interviewer.. who did a little commentating.. tried her luck in the ring.. couldn't hack it.. and now has faded off backstage, without even a real job with EWE, only here for her friends."

} Kelly rolls her eyes as Johnny smirks. Right about then Abby has come back from the bathroom, and indeed heard that last bit. {

"A Homless bum could tell you what a bad father you are, though."

} Johnny chuckles and nods. {

"Do you really want to push me? Kelly, I can't do anything about her, she's not even contracted, yet she has Jensen's permission to be here, trust me, I checked. But you..."

} Abby chuckles herself. {

"Oh and what are you going to do, finally give me an opponent to defend my title against at WrestleMania? That's what I been waiting for, til now I have heard nothing of it.. quite frankly there's noone you could put me in the ring with that I won't be ready to face.. I have beaten everyone I've ever gotten in the ring with."

"Well, all but one."

} Abby rolls her eyes and shakes her head. Johnny smiles and nods slightly. {

"Here's the deal, you want to know your opponent at WrestleMania.. who will be facing you for the Diva's Championship at the biggest show on earth? Then head on out to the ring.. I guarantee you, it'll all become crystal clear."

} Abby grabs her Diva's Championship and walks past Johnny, making sure to bump him intentionally on the way. Johnny laughs a little and shakes his head. As Abby has left the room Johnny leans down and looks at Alyssa. {

"Daddy's got business to take care of, be good for this woman okay? Maybe her babysitting skills can make up where her ring skills lack."

} Johnny chuckles as Kelly again rolls her eyes. {

"I'm always a good girl, Daddy.. DUH!"

} Kelly smiles a little, as does even Johnny. He pats her head, the exact same way Christy did before he walks out of the room. Johnny walks the halls a little bit and stops at a door, he now has a big grin on his face. The camera pans back to see the logo of the "Queens of Wrestling". This instantly forces the crowd into boos as Johnny chuckles and knocks on the door, while the scene fades to a commercial. {


} "Addicted" by Saving Abel is playing over the Sound System when the camera's return, but Abby is already in the ring and with a mic as her music fades out. {

"Well Johnny.. here I am.. in the ring just like you asked."

} Without hesitation Johnny walks out onto the stage, without his music, but still a grin on his face and a mic in his hand. {

"Good for you, Abby.. you do know how to listen, don't you?"

"Just cut the crap.. Who's my opponent at WrestleMania?"

} Johnny says nothing else as "Harcore Country" hits over the PA System. The Crowd roars into a frenzy of boos as Mickie James walks out through the curtains. She smirks over at Johnny, who smirks back as Mickie heads down the ramp. {

"This is great!"

"How many matches is she going to have at WrestleMania? Jeeze!"

"Don't hate, Steele.. This is WELL deserved."

} Mickie slides into the ring. Her music soon cuts as she gets a mic. {

"Don't jump the gun here Abby.. we don't know if it's me.. though it should be, who else deserves it right? Seriously though.. our General Manager up there.. he promised the Queen's, that if we took you down here tonight.. that our reward would be personally responisble for the crowning of a new Diva's Champion at WrestleMania... So it's nothing Personal, well maybe it is.."

"Yea, I'd like to see you try."

} Just then Abby decks Mickie with the mic, as the crowd cheers. Mickie falls back a bit, while Trish and Lita quickly rush down the ramp. Abby hits Mickie with a few shots before hitting Trish as she climbs in, then Lita. Melina, Paige, and Summer soon sprint down the ramp too and slide in.. Abby is severely outnumbered and is soon on the receiving end of a brutal beatdown. {

"What is the meaning of this?! Why is our General Manager orchanstrating this?!"

"Because he can Steele, because he can.. Maybe she shouldn't of ran her mouth to the GM, if she didn't want to pay the consequences."

} The Queen's continue the assualt.. after already taking heavy damage, Paige hits Abby with the Knight Light.. This is followed up with a Lita-Sault... And not done yet, as she's finished off with a Double Dose (Double Chick Kick) from Trish and Mickie. The crowd just boos immensly as The Queen's head up the ramp. Soon as they reach the stage though, a huge line of security guards comes out and circles the Queen's.. leaving everyone confused, especially the Queen's. Johnny smirks and brings his mic back up. {

"I know what you Ladies are thinking.. why are these guards out here.. Simply put.. I don't want you guy's stopping what is about to happen. See I made two promises here tonight.. and they are both about to come true.. First off, I did tell you guys that with your help, a new Diva's Champion would be crowned.. but I never said the new champion would be crowned at WrestleMania."

} Johnny smiles evily as he then points over to Abby in the ring. {

"I also promised her that we'd reveal her opponent at WrestleMania... but I also never said, her opponent would be the challenger."

} Hushed silence over the crowd, wondering what the fuck is going on, and what he is talking about. {

"So without further ado... Please welcome back...."

} Johnny points his free hand to the curtains.. there's a moment of silence before.. "Smack You" by Kimberly Cole hits over the PA System. {

"Wait.. I know this song!"

} The song plays for a few moments.. some of the crowd already in commotion.. others still no clue what's going on. Finally the curtains move, and the awaited person parts the curtains, with something in their hand. {


"Oh my....The First Ever Miss Lady's Choice... what the.. I don't..."

"My partner doesn't even know what to say! HAHA! Talk about coming in at the last minute to cash in before it expires... if that's what we're witnessing right now."

"That's my assesment.. based on what Johnny just said.. and I can't believe this!"

} The Crowd has erupted of course. Most don't know whether to cheer or boo, but it's still a massive erpution none the less. The Queen's have erupted in a complete different mannor.. at least Mickie most of all. Mallory, as mentioned, had an item in her hand, and it was of course the bright pink, Lady's Choice Briefcase, she also had a referee with her. She blew a kiss over to Johnny, who smirked, before she then gave a wink over to Mickie, which just got her more riled up. The guards did good at their job though. Mallory strutted her way down the ramp and into the ring, where she smiles a big grin as she hands the briefcase over to the referee. The Ref hands the briefcase over to the time keeper before picking up Abby's Title and raising it up. He hands the title over to the time keeper as well and calls for the bell. {

Abby Addiction(c) Vs. Mallory Costas
[Mallory smiles broadly as she makes the cover on Abby. The ref slides down and makes the count for the 1...2...3... NO!.. Abby barely rolls the shoulder at the last millisecond. Mallory shakes her head, saying "I don't think so". She pulls Abby up, and plants her with a Diamond Dagger! The crowd just watches on as she makes the cover again.. and this time... gets the 3!]
Winner Via Pinfall: Mallory Costas (New Champion)
Match Time: 0:21
Judging Average: N/A

"Here is your winner... and NEW EWE DIVA'S CHAMPION... MALLORY COSTAS!!!"

} "Smack You" hits again as the ref hands Mallory her Diva's Championship. She climbs the turnbukle and raises it up, as the crowd still doesn't quite know how to respond. Johnny claps on the stage though, while Mickie is livid. {

"I can't believe this.. I really can't.. We have a new Diva's Champion!"

"I know! I should be pissed that the Queen's was duped.. and in a way I am.. but this is still so briliant!"

} Mallory continues to celebrate her new victory as the camera's go to a commercial. {


} Backstage we see Johnny Chaos sitting in his office, big grin on his face.. until his door comes flying open with great force. {

"What the hell is the big idea?! Manipulating us like that to do your slut's Dirty Work!"

"Easy on the language there, Mickie.. you know this show is PG, right?"

"Oh please, don't come at me with those stupid jokes.. I want an explanation.. now!"

} Johnny chuckles. {

"Mickie, Mickie, Mickie.. I don't need to explain jack to you, dear. You and your little band of merry whores may of ran Ladies Night.. but news flash.. this is Monday Night CHAOS.. Emphasis on the Chaos.. This is my show."

} Mickie opens her mouth to speak, but Johnny has pulled up a piece of paper and shushes her with his hand. {

"I see here you want your rematch for the TeleVixen Title next week."

"Yea, and you have no right to.."

"Believe me, I have every right to deny you if I please.. but I'll tell you what.. I'll book the match.. but I want your friends to know what you're forcing them into, to satisfy your own needs.. See there's a couple of your friends also signed up on this card.. So if you want your title shot.. fine.. but only if Melina and Paige go head to head.. next week."

"That's not fair."

} Johnny chuckles and nods. {

"I'm rarely fair, Mickie. Futhermore, I don't like the way you just come in here and talked to me like that. You want that Title match next week.. I will grant it.. not only for your friends to compete against eachother.. but also.. just because you are in Lady's Choice.. Money in the Bank.. and my sister's gauntlet match.. does not mean you will avoid defending the Mid Eastern Championship at WrestleMania. I don't care what all you got going on.. you will defend it against the rightful Number One Contender, Leo Kat."

"How the hell is he a righ..."

} Johnny puts his finger up. {

"You really don't want to interupt me. It's simple really.. you and your friends screwed him over to begin with. I can't lie, I kinda like the guy.. Maybe it's just because we both hate the same person.. but that's enough for me.. Truth be told I often wonder if Dutch only originally started dating my sister, because he knew how much I hated him."

} Johnny shrugs. {

"Different story for a different time.. Mickie, you will defend that title against Leo.. and not only that.. just to show you.. this isn't Ladies Night.. this is CHAOS.. My show.. I am warning you now.. if a single member of the Queens of Wrestling.. yes that includes Trish.. if any of them are seen anywhere near ringside during that match.. you will automatically foreit the Mid Eastern Championship to Leo Kat."

} Mickie snarls. {

"Yeah, you can leave now.. unless you want to forfeit the Championship now."

} Mickie storms out of the office in Rage as Johnny chuckles. About then, Mallory walks out of the private bathroom, before sitting on his desk. {

"Did I miss anything?"

"Nothing important."

} The two laugh a little as the camera's kick back to rinside. {

} The camera's return from break where we come to the announcer's table, all while we can hear "Next Go Round" by Nickelback cuing over the sound system. {

"Welcome back to Monday Night Chaos ladies and gentlemen.. and what you're hearing right now is of course.. Next Go Round by Nickelback and it is the official theme song of EWE WrestleMania Nine."

"WrestleMania is going to be a huge event, as it usually is.. and Justin.. our card is already starting to shape up pretty nicely."

"I don't agree with you often, but you're right about this.. this event is looking really good already."

"Just like earlier tonight, we heard it announced from Johnny himself.. despite all she has going on, Mickie James will still be defending the Mid Eastern Championship..."

"When Leo Kat steps back up to the plate, for a rematch from our return episode of Chaos back on April 8th.. this time however, Johnny Chaos has added the stipulation that if a single member of Queens of Wrestling, even Trish Stratus.. gets anywhere near ringside.. Mickie will automatically forfeit the Mid Eastern Championship to Leo Kat."

"I think it's crap too.. He's discriminating on the great Queen's of Wrestling.. I like Johnny, but this isn't a cool decision.. I mean why not Trish? She's Mickie's Manager!"

"He didn't take too kindly to the way Mickie spoke to him.. and besides Trish helped Mickie beat Leo the first time, let's see if she can do it on her own now."

"Well she will, just you watch."

"Then there's the 2nd annual Lady's Choice Ladder Match.."

"Five of the six spots are already filled.. and we just seen not too long ago, how important winning this match can really be."

"No doubt about it.. Strike at any moment, when least expected.. just like we seen earlier tonight. Of all these ladies in it, and no matter who gets the final spot next week.. we both know who I'm going for."

"Of course.. it's hard to pick one really though.. So I won't even predict it.. I can likely see any of them taking it, giving the right determination and desire.. that's just how unpredictable they are."

"And the way you said it, is very predictable, Jonathan Stale strikes again."

"Going to ignore that.. and move onto the King of Kings Championship.."

"The 2009 King of Xtreme.. and current King of Kings Champion, puts it up against last year's King of Xtreme, and the first ever Female King of Xtreme Mind you, Angela Fortin."

"Yea let's keep bringing that up Steele, cause it's SOOOO important."

"Ah, but if it was a Queen of Wrestling, that's exactly what you'd do."

"Well Mickie James is the first ever Female Mid Eastern Champion."

"Exactly my point."

"Don't get smart with me, you're not good at it. As far as this match goes, I'm for the Game all the way.. cause of Fortin's hatrid for the truly greatest team ever assembled in this company... and HHH's wife is one of them."

"Right, well that aside.. I like both.. and think it will be a great match."

"Typical Stale.. Typical."

"Moving on again.. we will have our 7th Money in the Bank match at WrestleMania.. this time however.. the Vacant All American Championship has been added to the stakes."

"The Field all crammed up tonight, with, like Lady's Choice, only one spot left next week."

"And notice we have two chicks in it.. we may be seeing the 2nd ever Miss Money in the Bank.. and for a 2nd year in a row."

"You only say that cause of who one of them is."

"Just get used to it already Steele.. jeez."

"Whatever, what I like about this though, as mentioned, the addition of the All American Championship.. it's a whole new element and mindset.. which do you go for? Do you go for the richer prize, a Contract for a Undisputed Title Shot at anytime, up until WrestleMania 10.. with the possability you can still lose.. or do you just take the All American and become a 2nd Tier Champion already, without question."

"It's a good question I admit.. but I think I'd go for the Money In The Bank.. cause you can use that to your advantage and become the top person in EWE, in the blink of an eye. We ain't all Ash's incarnation of Edge Steele, with the failed cash in at WrestleMania 4."

"Not cool with the OOC Justin."

"Yea, whatever."

"A Match we just found out about tonight.. In one crazy shocking turn of events.. Johnny Chaos did promise Abby would find out tonight who her opponent was for the Diva's Championship at WrestleMania, but never once.. did he say her opponent would be the challenger."

"It was shocking indeed.. and now just like that, Abby Addiction is now the challenger at WrestleMania for a title she walked into this building with, expecting not to compete tonight."

"That was briliant, I gotta admit.. I didn't like the way the Queen's got set up.. but it was still cool, seeing Abby get what she deserves, and now at WrestleMania, Mallory gets to prove it was no fluke. that she didn't need the Queen's to weaken Abby for her, when she beats her again."

"I'm not doubting Mallory, but that remains to be seen Justin.. Abby was in no position to be facing Mallory after what the Queen's had done.. so I'm interested to see how this one goes, for real now."

"We may see a good one, Stale.. we'll see."

"Well I know one we'll be looking forward to.. Last week the GM indirectly made the challenge.. and that challenge has now been accepted."

"When Two Legends Collide.. Formerly Tag Team Champions together as The Extreme Legends.. infact they won those titles two years ago at the very same Pay Pew View, WrestleMania 7.. Johnny Chaos and White Tiger.. have much history.. and have faced a good handful of times.. but now, they will do it again."

"This may be the final time we have to see White Tiger not only here every week in EWE.. but maybe even at WrestleMania too.. Our Great GM promised to put an end to White Tiger once and for all.. and if there's one thing you gotta admit about Johnny, Steele.. He's pretty damn good at keeping his promises."

"That might be true, but he's always had questionable tactics, at best, in order to do that. Not to mention even when he fails to get the job done, he manipulates it, goes back and twists the words he originally said, just so he can be right.. And that Manipulative, caniving, womanizing bastard is our General Manager."

"Well.. I wonder who I'll be calling next week's show with.. cause it surely won't be you now."

"Please.. much like Nero Phoenix, my contract is signed with Jensen.. not Johnny.. so let him try."

"I guess we should just get to the last one."

"Fair enough.. There's only one match left to talk about right now..And it is perhaps the most interesting Main Event in EWE WrestleMania History.. or even EWE Pay Per View History for that matter."

"Never before has the Undisputed, or any Heavyweight Championship in EWE, been defended in a gauntlet Match.. We've seen Three Phase Challenges.. we've seen Tournaments.. we've seen all these other ways with this many people entering, to crown a new champion.. but not to be defended.. and unlike the couple Tag gauntlets.. the Champion is entering 1st, not last."

"Yeah Christy thinks she's going to blow the world away and make this huge historic moment where she runs the gauntlet to retain the title.. and never gets forgotten.. which she's right, she won't be forgotten.. but that's cause noone will forget when a champion tried to be so brave and stupid, only to be eliminated the 2nd or 3rd person into the gauntlet."

"I don't know if you're right Justin.. but it is true, her odds of actually retaining is very, very unlikely.. especially the more we see who the entries are.. I mean so far we know we got this new guy John Steel.. who looked very good against White Tiger.. I mean he stood toe to toe with the Legend.. and a simple mistake cost him."

"One he shouldn't of made.. but forget that Steele.. talk about Mickie James.. deny that she's not turning some heads."

"I won't deny that.. but how much will she really have left in the tank? She's in two different ladder matches.. not to mention defending her Mid Eastern Championship.. I don't know Justin, but I guess we'll see on that.. but what we need to talk about.. is the two former Heavyweight Champions who have thrown their name into the run.. well Nero Phoenix made the insinuation that's what he's doing anyways."

"Well he better.. since he's not going to be in Money in the Bank."

"Don't know that Justin, he could still get in next week, ya never know."

"Yeah well.. he should just cut his losses on that, worry about playing spoiler to Christy's plan.. afterall, he may have beef with her brother.. but he's had a couple run-ins with her as well.. she even beat his deciple to qualify for the Money in the Bank at WrestleMania 7.. granted, Desario still made it in, when another person dropped out."

"All true.. but the real factor I'm sure on Christy's mind.. is Alessandro Quagliaterre... Not to discredit these other entries.. not just because Alessandro is a two time Undisputed Champion.. but simply because Alessandro seems to always get the better of Christy.. other than the semi-finals of the 2011 King of Xtreme Tournament.. and the Undisputed Title match at Ignition, where Alessandro wasn't anywhere near 100%.. other than that, he has constantly handed her defeat, after defeat,. that's weighing heavy on her mind."

"That's true and all Steele.. but if she focuss too much on that.. worries too much on trying to make sure she beats Alessandro.. one of these other entries will eliminate her."

"Well we won't know until it happens.. and it happens on May 26th.. it'll be live from Soldier Field in Chicago Illinois.. and ONLY on Pay Per View!"

} The music fades as we cut over to Jennifer Sparks in the ring. {

"Ladies and Gentlemen it is now time for our Main Event, scheduled for one fall!"

} The crowd cheers for a moment. "Naughty Naughty" By Porcelain Black hits over the PA system.. quickly shifting the crowd into boos when Alexis parts the curtains. {

"Introducing first.. from Newcastle, England.. ALEXIS TERRY!"

"Did I get dropped back to Ladies Night?"

"Why would you say that?"

"Why is a all female match main eventing Chaos?"

"It's happened before.. and a Women's Title match even has, long.. LONG before there was a Ladies Night."

"Ptff.. whatever.. I'll just enjoy the view then."

} Alexis is bemused by the fan's reactions to her as she makes her way down the ramp. {

"Well here she comes.. Former GIW Undisputed Champion.. ready to take on the EWE Undisputed Champion."

"You say that like it matters.. I don't recall us ever caring to mention Dan Taylor was a former AWO World Champion."

"Well that was AWO, nobody cares... GIW was actually respectable."

"Ok I'll give you that, least on AWO."

"Regardless of what she's done there though.. She's already out for impact here in EWE. Qualifying for Lady's Choice right off the bat.. and a victory tonight, could be very huge."

"Only because of what the opponent has posession of.. not because of who they are.. but that's just my opinion."

"Yep, exactly right, just your opinion."

} Alexis walks up the steps and enters the ring. As she leans in the corner she has a very faint grin on her face as she watches up the ramp for her opponent. As her music fades out there's silence for a few moments before "Just Like You" by Three Days Grace kicks over the sound system. The crowd jumps to their feet when Christy walks through the curtains, wearing white Wrestling tights, but also still wearing the Cena "Rise Above Hate" t-shirt, which this actually turns some of the cheers into boos. Of course she's also got the Undisputed title in her hands, as she raises it above her head. {

"And her opponent.. Residing from Laughlin Nevada.. she is the EWE Undisputed Champion... CHRISTY CHAOS!!"

} Christy continues her way down the ramp, with a big grin on her face. {

"Perhaps an appropriate t-shirt.. cause perhaps, the most controversal champion in EWE History.. but that could be argued."

"Well I'm for that if we're talking about the way she became Champion.. even though Alessandro did it even worse, but at least Alessandro proved himselt worthy of the title, maybe not when he lost it on his 1st defense.. but when he won it again.. defeated this very same person to do it actually. Not to mention to go on with that 2nd reign, and set the current record."

"Well that's what Christy hopes to achieve at WrestleMania.. that's the whole point of the match, to prove herself worthy as champion.. She wants to prove she deserves it, and that's the whole reason she came up with the match. Whether or not she will be successful or not, remains to be seen."

"Well I said how I feel about it.. I don't care how hard she tries.. Steele I'm betting you a full month's salary.. we crown a new Undisputed Champion at WrestleMania."

"The odds are just too far against Christy for me to even consider taking that bet, Justin, sorry."


} Christy rolls into the ring and raises the title up once more, getting her now mixed reactions, mainly cheers though still. She puts the title down before taking the shirt off!!! darn she's wearing a top.. which by the way matches her pants. She tosses the shirt into the crowd.. and.. well it comes back? No.. it doesn't, oddly.. maybe cause this one was worn by Christy.. pervs.. who knows. Christy hands the title over to the time keeper before turning back and looking at Alexis. The ref looks to both before calling for the bell. {

Christy Chaos(c) Vs. Alexis Terry
[The two begin circling as they smirk at eachother. After a few moments of circling they finally lock up. Christy goes for a suplex, but Alexis blocks it, going for one herself. Christy blocks it as well and sends Alexis into the corner. Christy rushes forward, but Alexis steps out of the way. Christy stops herself as she gets to the corner, grabbing the ropes to stop the impact. All for not though, as Alexis quickly grabs her and hits a German Suplex. Alexis sits back up and taunts a little before hitting Christy with a Shinning Wizard as she started to get back up. She makes the cover, but Christy kicks out.]

"Near fall there."

"Yea, but the fact Alexis is already taking control over our so called champion, what's that tell you?"

"I'm not sure yet."


[Alexis hits a few more moves and builds up a little more momentum, while meanwhile Paige is watching on from the stage.. Alexis gets to taunting again. This becomes to be too much, as Christy grabs her from behind and hits an Inverted DDT..Christy followed it up with a cover, but Alexis quickly kicked out. It's what the champ needed though as she started swinging momentum into her favor, after hitting a Russian Legsweep and a Standing Moonsault, she got a near fall, but that was it.]

"The Champion is starting to gain some control here."

"Yea, whatever.. it's nothing Steele."

[Justin may be arrogant, and biased, but he's right. As The momentum doesn't last long before the two are going back and forth again. When Alexis is tossed into the ropes though, and Christy is setting up for who knows what, possibly a tilt-a-whirl slam.. not sure as Alexis grabs the ropes and rolls out of the ring. Alexis has her back turned to Christy as she taunts the booing fans. When Alexis turns back around though, Christy has ran and dove over the top rope, crashing ontop of Alexis with a suicide dive, which causes the crowd to burst into cheers.]

"A Former Undisputed Champion should know better than that. Turning her back on her opponent."

"Well that's cause she don't see our champion as a true champion, so she has no need to take her serious."

"That's how you feel Justin.. and, are you an idiot?"

"Are you straight?"

[The two begin to fight on the outside for awhile, Christy breaking the count every now and then. Alexis soon sends Christy hard into the steps though, before breaking the count at 7. Alexis thinks of staying in and getting the count out, but has other plans. She gets out of the ring and grabs Christy. She smashes Christy's head onto the announce table. As she drops Christy she clears off the table. When Alexis whips Christy ontop of the table, Steele and White stand up and move to the sides, still with their headsets on. Alexis punches Christy a few times then rolls into the ring, which breaks the count. The ref is at 8 when Alexis climbs up on the turnbukle. The fans all start getting on their feet, knowing something big is about to happen. The ref has to reset his count when Alexis leaps off the turnbukle and crashes onto Christy and the announce table with the MOST GLAMOROUS MOONSAULT EVER!!!]

"Holy Shit! That was awesome!"

"Now who's predictable Justin?"

"Shut up, you know that was nuts!"

"I'll agree there, and now both Ladies are out."

[Alexis, obviously, is the first one who begins to stir, and she makes it into the ring at a count of 4. She gets back to her feet and smiles cockily as she begins to taunt, while the ref continues to count. When the ref reaches 7, Christy begins crawling towards the ring.. As he reaches 8, she just now made it by the ring apron. As he says 9, she's trying to get in, but falls. As he's about to say 10, she makes a lunge and rolls into the ring, right in the nick of time.. causing more cheers from the crowd.]

"Just in time."


[Alexis doesn't seem to care, as she just walks over and makes the cover on Christy anyways, which she manages to kick out just in time. Alexis now begins to taunt Christy to get up. As Christy slowly makes it to her feet, Alexis goes for the Glam-Go-Round, but Christy quickly ducks out of the way. Alexis gets up and turns back, only to be kicked in the gut and planted with a Charismatic Crush! No cover is attempted however, as Christy takes this time to restore herself. After a few moments of that though, Christy then climbs the turnbukle, getting cheers from the crowd. Alexis had rolled over on her back after the Charismatic Crush, so this just makes Christy smile. Christy leaps off with the STAR STRUCK, but right at the last moment, Alexis counters with a makeshift FLAWLESS VICTORY!]


"No kidding."

[Alexis sits up, with a big grin on her face. She casually makes her way over ontop of Christy and hooks the leg. The ref slides in and makes the count for the one...two...thre.. no, Christy barely gets her foot on the bottom rope. Alexis brushes her hand through her hair, with a little bit of frustration on her face that she's not trying to show. She gets up and taunts for Christy to get up again. But this time, John Steel slides into the ring and hits Alexis with a chair!]

"What the hell?!"

[The crowd boos, mainly cause now the great match they been watching is ruined.. As Chriisty got up at that same time, John quickly hit her with the chair as well! The ref has no choice but to call for the bell, which the fans of course boo.]
Result Via Double Disqualification: Draw
Match Time: 19:44
Judging Average: 8.37 each

"What is the meaning of this?!"

"Don't ask me Steele, ask your brother."

"My what?!"

"Sorry, I just assumed."

"Not the time! Trust me, he's not!"

} The fans continue to boo as John now gets a mic and stands in the ring, with both ladies out. {

" I bet you morons are wondering why I'd attack two such beautiful women with this here chair?"

} The crowd boos him as he walks over to the referee and pulls the Undisputed title from him. He then walks over to Christy looking at the title and then looking at her as he squats down a bit. {

"See, this Christy? This is what this is all about. I gotta admit something to you right here and now. I wouldn't normally lay a finger on you this way. No, infact I'd be after you for a whole different reason but you have what I want. No, actually you have alot more of what I want. "

} The crowd does a few oohhhss as they get what John is talking about. He smiles an arrogant smile and then lays the titles down and picks Christy up kissing her and then delivering a Steel drop as he then lays the title across her chest and pats it. {

"Was it good for you as it was good for me? Enjoy your title reign because at WrestleMania IX I am taking it from you and you can try and paint a different picture but in the end the picture show stops with a Steel Drop!"

} The crowd boos John whom seems to relish this. By this time Alexis is moving around and he sees her on all fours and walks behind her checking her ass out and nods in approval. Alexis is disoriented and has little to no idea what the hell is going on. John helps her up and points at Christy Alexis eyes him and pulls away as he shrugs. She sees Christy on the mat and goes to her and as she does John chop blocks her leg and then picks her up placing her head between his legs and delivers a Steel Drop. As he sees Alexis on the mat he stares at her entire body as the crowd boos him and starts to toss their drinks into the ring. John then kisses Alexis smack on the lips and gets up. {

"Alexis, you may be one of the most beautiful women in the world but you are not gonna get in my way at taking what is rightfully mine by birth right. I was made for this business and this is my world not yours. You have a great list of accomplishments and I'd be a fool not to take you seriously, so when you wake-up I am sure even you can appreciate what I did here tonight and if you enter that open Invitational there will plenty more from where that came from. I hope you enjoyed where your head was because I sure as hell did."

} John drops the mic and stands in the middle of the ring as the crowd showers him with bottles, popcorn tubs, and so on as we fade out. {


1: Alexis Terry/Christy Chaos (8.37 avg)
2: Leon Cashmere (8.29 avg)
3: White Tiger (8.1 avg)
4: Mickie James (7.9 avg)
5: Icarus Terry (7.85 avg)

John Steel (7.8 avg)
Misty Haze (7.53 avg)
Nero Phoenix (7.47 avg)