
May 6th, 2013

"Indestructible" by Disturbed

St. Louis, Missouri

Scottrade Center


JON NORTH Post- Cashmere Match promo

JC Sonic Segment

MIKE M. LC BR, Alessandro/KO, Paige/Melina, Cashmere/Argento, & Nero/JTG

JAY Everything Else.

} "Indestructible" blares through the Scottrade center as pyro ignites the stage. The Camera pans the jacked up crowd for a few moments, while Steele and White ring out over. {

"Just 20 Days from WrestleMania! Welcome to St. Lous and welcome to Monday Night Chaos! I'm Jonathan Steele and always, unfortunately, I'm joined by Justin White, and what a show we have set here tonight!"

"Hold on, you can cut off that unfortunately crap.. you are very VERY honored, you mean. Get it right."

"Right, but what a night this will be.. not only will we decide the final spots in the Ladies Choice and Double Riches Ladder Matches.. but we'll see a great battle between Hollie Winder and Alexis Terry, which should be big."

"Not as big as Mickie's TeleVixen Rematch, I can't wait for that, when she takes her title back."

"Also we heard last week that right here tonight, Rikku will be In The Hood! The special guest on Cryme Tyme's Show."

"The day Cryme Tyme got their own show.. EWE died a little."

"Side stepping that, our 1st participants are set and ready for our first match."

Icarus Terry Vs. Matt Sydal
[Icarus and Sydal are both waiting and ready in the ring, but just when the ref is about to call for the bell..]

"What the Hell?"

"I know the music.. but this is Chaos, isn't it?"

"Well it certainly isn't RAW.. What The F*ck?"

[Icarus and Sydal are just as lost and confused as now the camera's pan around, until it finds them.. Seth Rollins, Dean Ambrose, and Roman Reigns emurging through the crowd. They hop the barricade and begin to circle the ring. Icarus and Sydal look at eachother and get back to back looking out at the 3 men around the ring. Reigns slides in and Icarus tries to pounce on the attack, meanwhile Ambrose and Rollins both slide in at the same time and Sydal can't do anything about two men at the same time. He tries to fight off Rollins, but then he has Ambrose after him, he tries, but Ambrose is quick to plant him with a Headlock Driver. Icarus is going toe to toe with Reigns, only to be hit from behind by Rollins. Icarus shoves Rollins back and starts giving him a few licks, and dishes out some to Ambrose. Icarus is then hit with a Spear by Reigns. They grab Icarus back up and plant him with a Triple Powerbomb in the center of the ring. Sydan gets back up and tries to give Reigns a Hurranicanna, only for Reigns to hold onto his legs and lift him back up. Allowing Sydal to be planted with a Triple Power Bomb as well.]

} "Special Op" by Jim Johnston hits again as the three stand over their destruction and each unite a fist holding their arms out. {

"What the hell just happened?"

"We just need to go to commercial... now."


Alessandro Quagliaterre Vs. Kurt Orton
[The bell rings and Kurt Orton runs in for a clothesline. Alessandro ducks it and pulls Kurt up into a Torture Rack. He pulls on Kurt, causing Kurt to yell out. The referee goes to check for the submission but Alessandro walks away, telling the referee he isn't done with him. Alessandro carries Kurt to the rope where he flips him out to the floor. Alessandro follows and walks over to a camera, telling Christy to pay attention. He picks Kurt up and rams his head into the ring apron a few times before delivering a DDT to the floor. The referee is counting but Alessandro picks Kurt up and tosses him back in the ring. Alessandro follows him in and yanks him hard to his feet. He quickly locks on the "Sweet Dreams". Of course Kurt is already out cold. The referee raises his hands twice and each time it drops. On the third time though, Alessandro breaks the hold and tosses Kurt to the mat. Alessandro rolls out of the ring and goes to some fan at ringside. He pulls a small bit of money out of his boot and pays the guy for his Christy Chaos shirt. Alessandro takes the shirt and rolls back in the ring. He slides the shirt over Kurt's face so that Christy's face can be seen over his. He then puts a single boot on Kurt's chest. The referee drops down and makes the three count.]
Winner Via Pinfall: Alessandro Quagliaterre
Match Time: 2:12
Judging Average: 3.93 - 0

"Here is your winner: Alessandro Quagliaterre"

} Alessandro leaves the ring. He looks at the camera and tells Christy that is how it is done. The scene fades as he heads toward the back. As we come backstage we see The Shield standing back with Johnny Chaos, who has a smirk on his face and something in his hand. He looks to each one as he says their name. {

"Dean.. Seth.. Roman.. Great job out there. It's time some of these people learn, to respect me.. They need to know, that when you work for me, you perform.. if not.. well.."

} Johnny chuckles and shakes his head, handing a wad of cash to Ambrose. {

"I'll be in touch if I ever need ya again boys."

} They nod and start to walk off when Johnny makes another motion and they stop. {

"Though WrestleMania is coming soon.."

} Johnny chuckles and shakes his head, as if to say nevermind. {

"Nah, I could roll into WrestleMania in a wheelchair with two broken legs and two broken arms... and still beat the ever living piss out of that has been.. it's cool."

} Johnny walks off as The Shield looks to eachother, not seeming to care before walking the other way. {

Paige Vs. Melina Perez
[All the Queens are in the ring, the referee trying to get everyone but Paige and Melina out. Trish and Mickie are pleading with Paige while Summer and Lita are trying to reason with Melina. Both Paige and Melina seem ready to fight, keeping their eyes locked on each other. Despite the pleading, they both claim they want to fight. Finally the Queens have no choice but to leave the ring. The bell rings and Melina and Paige circle each other once, the fans getting excited to finally see the Queens face off. They get face to face where Paige lightly pushes Melina. Melina falls to the mat and Paige jumps on her for a pin. The fans boo as the referee drops down and counts a reluctant three count. The fans boo as the bell rings and all the Queens get back in the ring to celebrate.]
Winner Via Pinfall: Paige
Match Time: 0:18
Judging Average: 7.13 - 0

"Here is your…..winner: Paige."

} The Queens stay in the ring to celebrate getting one over on Johnny. {


} As the camera's come back from commercial we see HHH sitting in his locker room, which causes a cheer from the fans in the background. HHH is wearing blue jeans and a green King of Kings T-Shirt, speaking of which, the King of Kings Championship is laying on the bench beside him. Those cheers do quickly become boos though, when Stephanie walks into the shot and is pacing back and forth. {

"What I'm trying to say, is that you don't need to go into this match with 'Respect' and all that garbage. Angela isn't worthy of it."

} HHH just smiles, forcefully. {

"I know exactly what you're trying to say, but I'm not a member of your little gang. I don't have the history with her, that you and the train of dick van dykes have with her. I respect her and everything she has done. I got no reason to be making anything more out of this."

} Stephanie stops pacing and looks to HHH. {

"I'll overlook what you want to call my friends, but riddle me this, if you're SO aware of our history with her.. why are you not standing up for me, YOUR WIFE."

} HHH chuckles. {

"You might be married to me, but you're still a McMahon by blood, you can handle your own business."

} Stephanie lets out a sigh of frustration, but quickly calms herself. She looks straight into HHH's face. {

"The man I married.. wouldn't be going to WrestleMania to be all buddy buddy with his opponent. The Man I married doesn't go into a match of this caliber with 'mutual respect'. The Man I married was The Cerebal Assassin.. and they called him that, for a reason."

} HHH shakes his head as he stands up. He grabs her shoulders. {

"Steph... just let it go."

} HHH grabs his title and walks out of the room as Stephanie screams out. {

Open Invite Battle Royal
[ All three "divas" are in the ring to start the match. The referee is asking for the Televixen championship from Layla who seems to be giving Jaylina a weird look. She takes the title off and folds it up when she glances over and notices Audrey skipping around much like Mickie use to. She is even wearing a Queen's of Wrestling shirt. As she starts chanting for Mickie, which the fans answer with a loud boo, Layla pushes past the referee and decks her with the championship. She hands the title to the referee as he calls for the bell and the match begins. Layla grabs Audrey's shirt and rips it off. Good thing she has on a tank top underneath. Jaylina seems to be stunned for a moment, seeing Audrey in her tank top. Layla pretends to blow her nose in the shirt before tossing it out of the ring. Audrey catches her as she comes in with a few shots to the gut. She grabs Layla and takes her to the ropes where she tries and eliminates her over the top rope. Layla hangs on and finally manages to deliver a few back elbows to get some separation. She stands up on the apron and grapples with Audrey. Audrey tries to suplex her back into the ring but Layla blocks it. Layla then goes for the suplex but about half way up, Audrey starts wiggling. However, Jaylina runs under her and pushes up, giving enough momentum for Layla to suplex Audrey to the floor and the elimination. Jaylina circles the ring, waving…her hands up and leading an actual Jaylina chant. Layla can't believe it. She rushes in for a clothesline but Jaylina ducks it. He pushes her to the ropes and goes for a clothesline but Layla ducks it and back body drops Jaylina over the rope. Jaylina manages to land on the apron. She slingshots over the rope and takes down Layla with a cross body. Jaylina jumps up and runs around the ring before leaning down and waving for Layla to get up. Layla does and Jaylina kicks her in the gut. She grabs her head for a DDT but Layla rolls out and nails her " Layout" finisher. She shakes her head in disbelief before pulling Jaylina up and sending her back over the top rope. Again Jaylina lands on the apron. Layla shakes her head as Jaylina slowly gets up. Layla rushes over and starts pushing on Jaylina who hangs onto the top rope with all her might. Layla finally backs up a step, shaking her head. Finally she smirks. She walks kind of seductively forward before leaning down slightly and showing off a bit of her cleavage. Jaylina looks stunned for a moment and that is all Layla needs. A quick Bombshell is all she needs to send Jaylina crashing to the floor, giving the Televixen champion the win. ]
Winner Via Survival: Layla
Match Time: 4:15
Judging Average: 6 - 5.6 - 5

Here is your winner and the final entrant in the Ladies Choice at Wrestlemania: Layla.!

} Layla's victory is short lived as she tastes her own championship to the back of her head by Mickie James. The fans boo as Mickie starts stomping on the down Layla. Suddenly Raven comes running out of the back. She slides in the ring and Mickie backs off. Raven shrugs and stomps on Layla herself. The crowd boos as now Raven and Mickie stomp on the champion. Suddenly the fans cheer as Hollie rushes from the back. She trades blows with Mickie and Raven, moving them both away from the prone Layla. She holds her own for a moment but the two begin to beat her into a corner. Layla is back up and pulls Mickie away. They begin fighting as Hollie fights Raven out of the corner. She grabs Ravens head and sets up for the Rim Shot. She doesn't get it off as Alexis Terry has made her way down and axe handles Hollie from behind. Alexis straddles Hollie and begins delivering hard right hands. Mickie and Layla are rolling around on the ground, trading blows. Raven is taking a moment to breath but that is short lived as Eva has now made it down to complete the set. She turns Raven around and drops her with her "Heartless Driver". Now Hollie and Alexis are fighting as Mickie and Layla continue their fight on the floor. Eva jumps on Raven and begins beating on her. This goes on for a few minutes with the fans in an uproar. They start to boo as security comes pouring from the back to break up the pandemonium. {

What a fight the Ladies Choice match is going to be. These six ladies just can't seem to wait.

And we still get to see Mickie against Layla and Hollie against Alexis later tonight. We haven't seen the last of the build up toward the Ladies Choice match.

We sure haven't. Let's take a commercial break while security tries to retain order.


} When the camera's return from commercial, the ring is set up and ready for the 2nd edition of In The Hood. Jennifer Sparks stands by the ring before calling out. {

"Ladies and Gentlemen it is now time for IN THE HOOD!"

} The crowd cheers out as Jennifer smiles. {

"So please welcome your co-hosts... Shad Gaspard and JTG... CRYME TYME!"


} "Bringin Da Hood T U" hits over the PA System, causing more cheers from the crowd as Cryme Tyme dances out onto the stage, still wearing the Rams jerseys from earlier, which just gets even more cheers, suck ups. {

"Well here they come."

"My wallet is with me this time, don't worry."

} Cryme Tyme dances on down the ramp and walks up the steps to the ring that currently has no ropes. They get their mics and stand in front of the fake grafited brick wall and "broken" TV screen in front of it. JTG puts his mic up to his lips as the music fades. {

"Yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo!"




"Yooo.. Yo St, Louie... What's Really Hood?!"

} The crowd cheers as Shad now gets on his mic. {

"Welcome St. Louis.. To The Hood!"

} The crowd cheers again. {

"Tonight we got a real special guest here with us.. Tell em Jay."

"Ight look.. Pimps Playas and Hoes... Give it up.. and gets ready for The One... The Only.. Just Leave it all up to her.. Her Maniacs be runnin Wild, cause she straight ripped off Hulk Hogan.. and Sean Lewis.."

"But she's got much better sex appeal than either of them."

"Very true dawg...Bring it on..."


} The crowd cheers as "Real Emotion" hits over the PA System. Rikku skips out onto the stage wearing a gold skirt and a matching WrestleMania Nine T-Shirt. She waves estatic to the fans and slaps some hands on her way down the ramp skipping the whole way. She just reaches the steps though, when she's struck in the back, with Mickie James baseball bat! {

"Are you kidding me?!"

"This just got interesting."

} Cryme Tyme just looks at eachother and shakes their heads in disappointment. Mickie continues the assault, but she's not alone, as Trish has come with her. The two are stomping away at Rikku. {

"Look how easily this Hall of Famer has fallen."

"Yea, with a weapon, and by complete blindside.. real amazing Justin."

} Their assault does come to end though when 18 Bursts through the curtains and races down the ramp, the crowd roars the whole time. Trish and Mickie book it, managing to get around the ring and out through the crowd. Eighteen checks on Rikku, who's fine and even already getting back up. Eighteen looks over to Shad and nods. Shad looks puzzled for a moment, then finally gets it as he tosses 18 his mic. {

"You two idiots really think you're the greatest Tag Team of all Time.. nevermind female tag team, but tag team period? Yeah I heard you running your mouth last week.. You really show that, but sneak attacking Rikku here.. Great, indeed."

} Trish and Mickie don't seem to care what 18 is saying, so 18 makes them care. {

"So if you want to run your mouth, maybe it's time you signed up to it.. The mighty Hardcore Stratusfaction.. The Original Diva's of Destruction... WrestleMania."

} The crowd cheers as Trish and Mickie chuckle. They talk amongst themselves, Trish can be seen nodding in agreement before walking to the barricase and reaching her hand out towards JTG. JTG looks at Shad who shrugs. JTG shrugs as well before tossing his Mic over to Trish. {

"You can't be serious."


} Trish and Mickie laugh again. {

"Look, we aren't scared of you two.. and to prove it.."

"You run away when I come out to even the odds."

} Trish rolls her eyes. {

"Let me finish.. See here's how much you intimidate us... Mickie here, she's already got plenty of matches to worry about.. and yet, we still accept."

} The crowd cheers.. some smarks chant "MickieMania" Eighteen just smiles and nods. {

"Then it's settled.. since you want to use that bat, then you may.. the four of us.. Tornado Tag.. No Disqualification... No Countours... NO HOLDS BARRED!"

} Before Trish or Mickie can even debate that sudden stipulation added, "Trouble" hits over the PA System. 18 and Rikku taunt to the fans, and Trish and Mickie are silenced, as their microphone has already been taken by a crew worker as well. {


Leon Cashmere Vs. Michaelangelo Argento
[ The match starts out with your basic lock up. The two try and push each other but they seem to be about evenly matched. They finally break and Michelangelo drops Cashmere with the Seeing Silver. He seems to know that isn't enough so he picks him up and spends the next few minutes powering Cashmere around. Finally after another "Seeing Silver", Michelangelo tries for the cover but Cashmere escapes at two. Michelangelo picks Cashmere up and sets him up for the Argento War Machine. Cashmere manages to get an arm loose and deliver a few elbows to his head. This staggers Michelangelo to the ropes where Cashmere manages to hurricanrana Michelangelo over the tope rope and to the floor. The crowd cheers as Cashmere uses the rope to slingshot over and take the big man off his feet. ]

What a great match. These two men are giving it their all.

Wake me up when the divas are back out here.

[ Cashmere gets back in the ring, followed shortly by Michelangelo. Michelangelo gets to his feet just to be tackled in the back of his knees by Cashmere. He would spend the next few minutes working on the legs of the big man. Soon Cashmere grabs one of Michelangelo's legs and gives the sign for the Tribulation. He tries to get it on but Michelangelo kicks him away, causing Cashmere to slam into the corner. Michelangelo gets tenderly to his feet and begins using his powers moves to wear Cashmere down. Cashmere tries to take the advantage back a few times, just to have it cut short by Michelangelo. Finally he levels Cashmere with a Trappola Argento. Cashmere tries to fight free but the hold is on to tight. ]

No where to go, seems it is over for Cashmere.

Shut up, I'm trying to get Katrina's attention. She is next to ride on the White Express.

You are aware that six foot seven guy in the ring is her boyfriend right?

[ With all his strength, Cashmere manages to pull himself forward enough to grip the top rope. The fans cheer as Michelangelo complains. He finally breaks at four and grabs Cahsmere's leg, dragging him to the center of the ring. Cashmere climbs to his feet and nails the big man with a énzigorie kick. Michelangelo stumbles back as Cashmere hit's the opposite rope and nails a roaring elbow. The crowd is cheering loud now as Cashmere backs up and waits. When Michelangelo is in position, Cashmere drops him with the "Omnislash". He quickly covers and secures the three count. ]
Winner Via Pinfall: Leon Cashmere
Match Time: 7:55
Judging Average: 8.07 - 5.53

Here is your winner: Leon Cashmere!

} Cashmere doesn't spend alot of time celebrating his victory, but instead he walks up the ramp, and just as he goes through the curtains, the camera moves up to the titan tron. {


John Steel & Christy Chaos Vs. God's Justice
[ As the match gets under way John Steel starts things out with Brad Valley. John actually looks good for a little bit, then Valley manages to make the tag to Aries. As Aries comes in, Steel smirks and looks over to tag Christy, but he does so by grabbs her cheek and trying to pull her in for a kiss, which she returns by kicking him in the midsection. Steel falls against the ropes holding his gut, but still has a smirk on his face as Christy smirks too getting into the ring. She walks over to Aries, who seems bemused by his opponent. The two have a pretty good back and forth contest though, much to Aries surprise it seems. Aries gets the better of Christy though eventually, or rather a blind tag from Brad Valley allows it, and the two begin to isolate her. ]

[ God's Justice keeps Christy isolated for awhile, but she begins battling back. After hitting Brady Valley with Whisper in the wind, she drops Aries off the apron with a quick drop kick. Soon as she gets back up she quickly hits Brad with a Side-Effect. The crowd cheers, knowing what comes next. She picks the ring corner to climb though for her Star Struck. Cause Steel quickly makes the tag and smirks at Christy as he gets in the ring, grabs Brad, and nails the Steel Drop. Steel cockily makes the cover as Christy scuffs. ]
Winners Via Pinfall: John Steel & Christy Chaos
Match Time: 8:24
Judging Average: 13.9 - 8

} John Steel heads up the ramp celebrating as Christy just stands there. After Steel is gone, and God's Justice soon gone too, Christy gets her title and a mic. {

"Well that was... interesting."

} Christy stops for a moment, and shrugs it off. {

"Anyways, I got something important to talk about.. or a match.. and you oughtta know what.. See The whole point of the match.. the challenge I made.. was to prove myself as a worthy champion.. I can't exactly do that, with nobodies in there though can I?"

} Some cheers from the crowd, Christy puts up her hand. {

"Oh, no.. that wasn't a dig at who's entered.. but rather, the fact that there's 4 spots left.. and very little time.. so random nobodies being tossed in, is a foregone conclusion. I don't want that.. no I don't.. cause when I win.. noone will take that seriously.. they won't even remember who I beat."

} Christy puts up finger quotes. {

"Oh she beat.. well there was a few good ones I remember, but I don't really remember who else."

} Christy rolls her eyes. {

"No.. I want top of the line.. To all of you in the back.. those who aren't signed up... why aren't you? I mean.."

} Christy raises up the Undisputed title to the camera as she looks to the stage. {

"Does this title not interest you? Do you not want this championship at all? Cause if not.. then why are you here?"

} Christy shakes her head and puts the title over her shoulder. {

"I'm serious.. To everyone back there, to all who's not already signed up.. Those who think that there's no way I could possibly be talking about you.. no believe me, you're The EXACT person I am talking to. You better have a pretty good reason for your name to not be on that list.. or else, I just assume, you don't have it in you. Which is fine I guess."

} Christy stops for a moment and smiles. {

"Ah but there is one person particular I know is back there.. I mean she just made a challenge to Trish and Mickie.. Why are you wasting your time with them? I mean if you want to get your hands on Mickie.. guess what, she's in the Gauntlet too. I mean I understand if you don't have it in you anymore.. You rather take it easy on them two. I understand that you finally understand that you're the past, and I am the future.. That you don't have it in you anymore.. to be on top.. So take it easy with a simple match at WrestleMania that has nothing to lose, and nothing to gain.. I understand I suppose."

} Christy paces a little as she seems to move onto someone else. {

"Just like I understand if my own husband would rather milk his injuries, instead of taking this title back from me.. I mean, to him, this still belongs to him.. but he rather sit back, and milk his injuries."

} Christy stops and winks to the camera, followed by blowing a kiss. {

"To even my first Fiance.. who I broke up with on MSN.."

} Christy chuckles and waves her free hand. {

"Different story for a different time.. he knows who he is.. If he happens to be watching right now.. what's stopping you? Don't you still technically have rights to this championship too? Didn't you leave once, with this title.. maybe not this particular design.. I remember it all too well.. you was set to face me after I took this title.. but you didn't like that.. you left, all upset you couldn't face my husband."

} Christy mimmicks a tear running down her cheek. {

"Things Change.. deal with it.. Man up and let me show you.. I could give just as much fight as he would have."

} Christy smiles and paces on. {

"And then there could even be Mr. Man watching right now... oh no, wait.. I'm trying to encourage actual Competition.. actual threats... nevermind forget him."

} Christy laughs a little. {

"The Fact is.. other than that last one.. This is the kind of caliber I want to enter this Gauntlet.. this is the threats I want.. It won't happen.. But someone step up already.. Therefore Not If.. but WHEN I win.. There's no mistaking.. no denying.. I just survived the greatest Title Defense in ALL of EWE History. So to all..."

} Just then "Trouble" by Pink hits the PA Speakers The crowd jumps up cheering as 18 walks out onto the stage with a mic. She waits a moment, staring at Christy in the ring, Christy just smirks. {

"Well well well.. look at you."

} Christy looks around, then tries to use the title as a mirror. Eighteen chuckles. {

"Cute. So are you REALLY trying to provoke me?"

} Christy smiles and shrugs "innocently". Eighteen rolls her eyes slightly. {

"You don't think I have it anymore.. that I couldn't hang.. you know what, it's like you said, my match with Trish and Mickie.. that's easy.. I can handle them.. combine their WrestleMania Records together, and I've still won more.. no I ain't worried, I can surely handle it. So you want me in that Gauntlet... Go ahead.. Count me in."

} The crowd cheers as Christy smiles and puts her mic back up, but Eighteen cuts her off. {

"Oh no.. I won't have bad luck.. I won't be a Star Struck.. Your Star will be Struck when it goes down in flames."

} "Trouble" hits as Eighteen drops her mic and walks backstage. {


} As the scene comes back from commercial, we see God's Justice in the parking lot leaving the arena, neither are happy. Especially Brad.. he bumps into a car not paying attention. In anger and frustration he kicks the headlight of the car, shattering it. Aries calms him down as the two walk off. The camera stays with the car and spans down to the front license plate that reads "JENSEN" There's a hushing "Ohh" from the crowd in the background. {

JTG Vs. Nero Phoenix
[ The bell rings and JTG and Nero circle each other in the ring. JTG makes the motion of smoking, getting a laugh from the crowd. Nero doesn't laugh, he just floors JTG with a stiff clothesline. He jumps on JTG and starts hitting right hands but JTG rolls over and gets a few shots in on his own. The two roll out to the floor where they land on their feet. JTG grabs Nero in a reverse headlock and points to the corner ring pole. He runs in but Nero pushes him off, causing JTG to slam into the pole. Nero pulls him to his feet and tosses him back into the ring. He covers but only gets a two count. Nero pulls JTG up and tries to whip him into the corner but JTG counters and sends Nero in. JTG rushes in but Nero catches him with a spine buster. He covers again but JTG kicks out at two. Nero curses and pulls JTG up and pushes him into the corner. He pulls JTG out slightly and spins him around, sending him shoulder first into the turn post. JTG backs out holding his arm. Nero grabs the arm and arm drags him down to the mat. He then locks on a modified arm bar as JTG screams out in pain. ]

Nero is looking brutal in this match.

He wants to make up for being humiliated last week.

[ JTG fights his way to his feet and delivers a few gut shots to break the hold. He grabs Nero in a headlock and pushes him back to the rope. Nero pushes JTG off and drops down in the middle of the ring so JTG can leap over him. Nero jumps up just in time as JTG rebounds off the rope. Nero tries for an arm drag but JTG blocks it into a spinning neck breaker. JTG takes this moment too catch his breath. He gets to his feet about the same time that Nero does. They exchange a few rights with Nero taking the advantage and forcing him into the corner again. Nero picks up JTG and places him on the top rope. He hits JTG a few times before climbing up on the turnbuckle with him. Nero hooks JTG for a superplex but JTG blocks it. JTG hit's a few shots of his own and somehow maneuvers Nero so he can hit "the Mug Shot" off the top rope. The fans erupt as both men are now down. After a second, JTG makes the cover but somehow Nero escapes at two. The crowd cheers again as both men stay down. ]

What a match. I can't believe Nero kicked out of that.

I can't believe Nero can't even put JTG away. He must be getting rusty.

[ JTG is up first, showing three fingers to the referee who shows him two fingers. He pulls Nero to his feet and sends him into the ropes. He delivers a back elbow, dropping Nero back down. He stomps Nero a few times before pulling Nero into a sitting position. JTG bounces off the back rope and delivers a flipping neck breaker. He pins but Nero escapes at two. JTG picks Nero up and gives him a quick scoop slam. JTG jumps to the top rope and measures Nero for a moment before jumping off with a Diving leg lariat. He pins again but yet again Nero manages to kick out. JTG slams the mat in frustration. ]

Now it is Nero that just won't stay down.

It almost seems like they both have something to prove. JTG that he isn't just a mindless thug and Nero that he isn't a washed up loser.

[ JTG pulls Nero up and signals for Da Shout Out. He hooks it but Nero counters out with a hard knee to his gut. He pushes Nero to the ropes and drops JTG with a big spear. He backs up and waves for JTG to get up. JTG does and out of nowhere hits a Box Cutter. It is his turn to wave for Nero to get up. Nero rolls for the outside of the ring but JTG grabs him and pulls him to his feet. Nero suddenly drops JTG with the Mighty Boosh! The crowd boos slightly as Nero hooks a leg and gets the three count.]
Winner Via Pinfall: Nero Phoenix
Match Time: 8:02
Judging Average: 7.26 - 7.23

: Here is your winner: Nero Pheonix!


}We open to Scottrade Center in St. Louis, MO. We now see the main area as the camera pans around the energetic crowd. Just then "It Doesn't Matter" by Tony Harnell hits over the PA system. Some were a little confused as to who it was but once the entrance video began to play along with it the crowds cheered as everyone's favorite blue hedgehog was on the way. The crowd didn't have to wait long as the curten was divided as Sonic the Hedgehog made his way on stage. The crowd's cheer grew as the site of him. Sonic took a few steps towards the ramp and threw up a gloved hand, appealing to the crowd. The crowd continued it's cheering as the blue blur soaked up this energy for a bit more then he revved up his spin dash then let it fly as he flew down the ramp. Once he made it to the ring he jumped up still in a ball as he headed up and over the top rope and landed in the ring. He stopped his momentum then stood up. He looked at the crowd with a grin on his face. Then a microphone was tossed to him which he caught with ease. He waited a little longer as he just absorbed the electicity in the crowd. Finally, he raised up the microphone as his music was cut. {

Hey eWe Universe. I'm back!. Back here in St. Louis, Mo.

}The crowd erupted at the mention of their town. {

Now I know it's been some time since the last time I was in eWe. Funny thing is, I actually made my last return last may. I guess there's just something about this month that just reminds me of this company so much that I just have to come back.

}Sonic grins. {

It's because this is the month of Wrestle Mania, the bigest show to hit any wrestling federation. The place where dreams are made and Legends are born. This is why I'm here. Why I can't stay away from this federation when it's time for Wrestle Mania. Whilte it's true I don't need it for fame or to become a legend. After all many of you allready know who I am and it has nothing to do with wrestling. No what I love about Wrestle mania is that it brings out the best in people. It's the time where it's all or nothing. Heh it's what I in a match. So you can bet you'll see me at Wrestle Mania.

}The crowds cheer at the aspects of seeing Sonic in Wrestle Mania. {

Ofcourse, that's what I'm doing here tonight. I'm here to say that I will be entering the gauntlet for the Undisputed Championship.

}This got cheers but there were others who were unsure about it. {

Yeah I know. Some here probally think I'm not big enough like some of the others in this match. But I feel like I owe you guys something since the 2011 WM when I was suposed to be in the MITB match. I would of joined this MITB match but seems I was to late to enter.

} Sonic shook his head. {

So I'm entering the guanlet match. True it's no Money in the Bank, and I know I'm going to have my work cut out for me. But rest assured I'm going in this and I'll prove that I can tango with the best of them.

} "It Doesn't Matter" by Tony Harnell as Sonic raises his hand up in victory. Then he spin jumped out of the ring and up to the ramp. After he gives a thumbs up to the crowd he heads off. {


Abby Addiction Vs. Eva De La Cruz
[ Eva comes to this match ready, in her normal wrestling attire. Abby on the other hand, true to her word, shows up still wearing the white Showgirl outfit. Abby lays the hat to the side and goes to work, quickly finding out the outfit, isn't that easy to compete in. Abby manages to hit an armdrag, but she can't really buildup too much momentum as her outfit as her off balance to stay on her usual pace. As Abby tries to get back on track, Eva rolls her into an Armdrag of her own, that she then turns into an Armbar. Eva then grabs the necklace, that Abby should of taken off, but didn't. Eva begins pulling back, choking her with it. The ref yells at her to stop and begins a count, after 4, Eva rips the necklace off and smiles, just slightly. ]

"Not looking good here for Abby."

"It's her own fault, she's an idiot.. She's completely off balance in that outfit, but no she had to be clever, she had to prove how good she is.. whatever.. she does look good in it though."

"Oh brother."

"You want to see your brother in that? Gross.. don't think John Steel would wear it though."

"HE'S NOT MY BROTHER! We even spell it different."

[ Eva begins to build up momentum after hitting Abby with a stalling suplex. She flips it over into a pin, but Abby kicks out. Eva still dominates for awhile, but it's when she goes for the Face Scrape, that Abby flips it into a Recovery for quite the counter. The crowd cheers the counter as Abby lays there for a moment. As Eva starts getting back up, Abby quickly hits a Evenflow DDT. Abby locks in a sleeper, trying to wear Eva down. ]

"Now the former Diva's Champ has gotten it back together."

"Took her long enough."

[ Abby builds up some momentum of her own for awhile. After hitting the First Step, she grabs Eva and locks in The Addiction. Eva fights it as the crowd cheers. Eva continues to fight it, not trying to give in, and soon manages to get a foot on the bottom rope, which the ref gets Abby to release the hold. Abby waits for Eva to get back up, before running and bouncing off the ropes, as she comes back, Eva quickly hits her with a heel hook. Eva smirks as she grabs Abby and locks in a Wrenching Headscissors. Eva smirks as she forces more and more pain, trying to force the former triple crown champion to tap out. Abby refuses though, and soon gets out of it. Stays back and forth, but as Eva bounces off the ropes, Abby counters with a Tilt-A-Whirl Backbreaker. Abby gets up and backs up before running and hitting Eva with the Relapse as she got up. The crowd cheered as Abby climbs the turnbukle. As Abby leaps off for the OverDose though, Eva catches her and plants her hard onto the mat with a slam. The crowd just boos as Eva smirks again, before locking the in the Shattered Dreams! ]

"Abby's in trouble now!"

"Yep, it's over."

[ Abby fights and claws her way to the ropes, getting a finger tip, before Eva drags her back acrossed the ring and locks it back in. This happens a couple more times, before Abby is finally successful on the 4th try. Eva is forced to let go, but the damage may of already been done. As Eva goes to pick Abby up though, Abby quickly locks in The Addiction again! Eva screams and fights as Abby just tightens the hold. Eva is just out of reach of the ropes, but fights to try and change that, but Abby won't let her. After being trapped for what seems like several minutes, Eva finally has no choice but to give in. ]
Winner Via Submission: Abby Addiction
Match Time: 10:17
Judging Average: 8.05 - 7.8

"Here is your winner.. Abby Addiction!!"

} "Addicted" hits as Abby let's go of the hold and gets back to her feet. Mockingly she does a quick little pose. Abby picks up the hat and does a little curtsy to Eva as she was starting to get back up, she doesn't seem very pleased. Abby finally rolls back out of the ring and heads back up the ramp. She looks back to the WrestleMania Logo and points riling the crowd up one more time before she walks back through the curtains. The camera's cut backstage where we see White Tiger trying to enter the arena, but Security Guards have stopped him. {

"What the hell is wrong with you guys? I'm part of this company you know?"

"Oh they know."

} The camera shows Johnny walking into the scene, getting boos from the crowd in the background and a slight sneer from White Tiger. {

"But Jeff.. you're not booked here tonight, so I really don't see a reason for you to be in the arena."

"Plenty of people who aren't booked are in there.."

} WT stops and makes the obvious. {

"But you don't like me."

} Johnny slaps one of the guards on the shoulder. {

"See I told you he wasn't that stupid."

} WT shakes his head and chuckles sarcastically. {

"Look.. it's cool, I got you a monitor set up right over there, see it under the tent?"

} WT looks where Johnny is pointing. {

"So you can watch.. and trust me something is about to happen that you'll want to watch."

} WT puts his hands up. {

"I don't really want to see you and Mallory's sex tapes."

"We don't actually show those on EWE TV.. but since I know you're interested I'll mail you a copy... But seriously, it's something you'll want to see."

} Johnny starts to walk away but stops. {

"Oh and you best stay out of the arena.. for if you enter, I'm going to have to strip you of facing me at WrestleMania. As much as I'd love to kick your ass.. It's the fitting punishment.. cause as General Manager, I could find someone else for me to face.. but you, I'm only allowing you to face me.. so if you enter this arena, and forfeit our match.. that little streak of yours of never missing a WrestleMania."

} Johnny snaps his fingers. WT just glares at Johnny. Johnny laughs and walks as the scene fades to a commercial. {


Hollie Winder Vs. Alexis Terry
[ The two begin circling for a moment before locking it up. They try to outpower one another before finally shoving eachother back. Hollie rushes at Alexis, only for Alexis to side step out of the way. Hollie turns back around and Alexis quickly kicks her in the gut, then hits a double underhook ddt. Alexis struts around and mocks Hollie, who gets up in anger. Hollie begins yelling at Alexis, who chuckles. Alexis walks up to Hollie and begins mouthing back. Hollie shoves Alexis. Alexis isn't amused by it, nor does she look angry, instead she shoves Hollie back. Hollie quickly kicks Alexis in the gut and nails a snap ddt. ]

"Hollie isn't here to play around."

"I'd like to play with Hollie though... and Alexis.."

"Of course you would."

"And you wouldn't? Such a homo."

[ Moving ahead it stays pretty back and forth. Hollie hits Alexis with a float-over suplex, that she flips into the cover, but only gets a two count. Hollie is soon hit with a Bridging German Suplex by Alexis, who also only gets a two count. They continue to battle though, then Alexis manages to hit Hollie with a Brainbuster. Alexis follows this up by locking in a Dragon Sleeper, a move Hollie should be familar with considering her undeniable crush. Hollie screams out as Alexis tightens the hold. ]

"Hollie may be in serious trouble here."

"She should be able to get right out of this though.. she's seen her dream husband lock in the Tiger's Snare on enough people.. and him sucking bad enough that people got out of it, she should of seen ways to get out of it."

"I've seen many superstars get put away with the Tiger's Snare, Justin."

"Maybe, but more has been Struck Down, I'm sure."

[ Hollie continues to struggle, as Alexis continues to apply the pressure. Hollie finally flips up and wraps her legs around Alexis' head. Hollie then does an inverted huranicanna and gets a near fall. Alexis slams the mat before getting up and glaring at a smiling Hollie. The two battle it out once more, until Hollie is able to hit Alexis with the Drum Solo! The crowd cheers as Hollie makes the cover and the ref counts the one..two..thre.. no.. Alexis gets her foot on the bottom rope. Hollie can't believe it and tries to discuss her disbelief with the ref. She finally gives in and grabs Alexis, setting her up for The Rim Shot, but Alexis counters, and hits The Flawless Victory! Alexis gets up with a grin on her face as she casually climbs the turnbukle. Suddenly she leaps off and hits the MGME! ]

"The Most Glamorous Moonsault Ever! It's over!"

"You may be right, we seen that same move done to our Undisputed Champion last week, but right through our announce table."

[ Alexis makes the cover and this seems to be over.. but much like Alexis had done.. as the ref's hand was coming down for the three.. Hollie lays her foot on the bottom rope. Alexis isn't as nice about it as Hollie was though, as she argues very angrily at the referee. She composes herself though and taunts Hollie to get back up. As Hollie gets back up, Alexis goes for the Glam-Go-Round, but Hollie barely dodges it. Hollie then grabs Alexis and hits THE RIM SHOT! The crowd cheers as Hollie makes the cover.. but there's no count. Hollie keeps Alexis covered for a moment, then finally gets frustrated. She looks up, only to see Paige standing on the apron, talking to the referee. Hollie gets up and starts yelling at Paige to leave, but she pretends not to hear Hollie and continues to talk to the ref. Meanwhile, the General Manager, Johnny Chaos has slid into the ring and is standing behind Hollie. The crowd boos while Hollie is completely unaware of this. She quickly becomes aware though cause Johnny spins her around and plants her with The Extreme MakeOver! ]

"What was the meaning of that?!"

"Don't be so stupid Steele.. Don't you know who Hollie's trainer was?"

"Kelsi Parr.."

"Whatever.. You know who that message was sent for, don't be such an idiot."

[ The crowd just boos as Johnny rolls out of the ring with a big smirk on his face. Paige looks at Johnny very confused as he heads up the ramp. Paige just shrugs and gets down off the apron herself. The ref finally turns back, seeing both ladies unconcious, so he begins to start a 10 count.. As he reaches 8 though, they both make it up.. Only long enough for Alexis to hit the Glam-Go-Round! The crowd boos as Alexis makes the cover, and scores the three count. ]
Winner Via Pinfall: Alexis Terry
Match Time: 11:24
Judging Average: 7.8 - 7.7

"The winner of this match.. Alexis Terry!"

} "Naughty Naughty" hits as Alexis rolls out of the ring and she joins Paige. Paige raises up Alexis' hand as the two smirk towards the ring at Hollie, who's still trying to shake the cobwebs. {

"I don't know what just transpired here, but it was an injustice."

"You'll get over it.. I have."

"You amaze me."

"Thank you, I'm a pretty amazing guy."

} The camera's cut backstage once more where we see Angela Fortin. The crowd cheers that is until Stephanie walks into the room, that turns the cheers into boos, amazing how she has that effect twice tonight. {

"Hello Angela.."

} Fortin looks up, and just throws on a fake smile. {

"Hello, hoebag."

} Stephanie rolls her eyes. {


"What can I do for you?"

} Fortin thinks and quickly puts her hands up. {

"No, nevermind.. I know how you Queen's are."

} Fortin gives Stephanie a wink and a nudge. Stephanie doesn't seem amused. {

"You are aware.. I'm married.. to your opponent at WrestleMania.. A Man."

} Fortin nods and pretends to get excited as she slaps Stephanie on the shoulder. {


} Stephanie's face fills red with Anger as she turns her head, then suddenly comes back with one bitching Stephanie McMahon famous Slap hard acrossed Angela's face. Stephanie flings her hair before walking out of the room, while Fortin holds her cheek. She casually gets up and walks out of the room following Stephanie. {

"Did you really just slap me and run away?"

} Stephanie stops in the center of crossing in the hallways and turns around. {

"I don't know, did I?"

} Fortin stops before getting to the crossing, she looks at the corner then to Stephanie, Fortin quickly puts her finger up. {

"Nice try. I walk around that corner and your little friends jump me."

} Stephanie snaps her fingers, but she's very sarcastic about it. {

"Gee I can't believe you figured that out and ruined it on me."

} Just then, those friends come from the other direction and attack Angela from behind. {

"Or was I expecting you to?"

} Stephanie shrugs her shoulders. {

"Sorry I forget."

} As they go to work on Angela like a pack of dogs, finally they hold her down and she glares at Stephanie with rage in her eyes. {

"I'm sorry, I didn't want to do this.. but My husband asked me to... You know how that is right?"

} Stephanie stops.. {

"Oh, I guess you wouldn't.. That was so tragic."

} Stephanie puts her hand over her chest. {

"My heart broke when Lita uncovered that tragedy.. it really did. I do know what it's like to do what your husband asks though.. and this is the message he wanted me to give you."

} Stephanie leans in and holds up Fortin's chin, She's still trying to fight free from the pile of Queen's holding her down. {

"Firstly you need driven in your skull.. you will NEVER be superior to the Queen's of Wrestling... of course that's from me, not him.. what he wants you to know, honestly he does... You will ALWAYS.. Fall greatly in comparison... to a Helmsley."

} Stephanie starts to get up but stops. She leans back in. {

"Oh but since you brought it up.. there is always one good way to seal a message and make sure it was sent."

} Suddenly leans in and Kisses Fortin smack on the lips. As Stephanie pulls off Fortin is spitting. Stephanie chuckles as she wipes her face. Suddenly Stephanie gives Fortin a good kick to the face. Long enough to let the Queen's leave in peace. {


} As the camera's return from break "Hardcore Country" hits over the pa system. The crowd begins to boo as Trish and Mickie part the curtains, Mickie of course carrying the Mid Eastern Championship. {

"The following contest is scheduled for one fall.. and it is for the EWE TeleVixen Championship! Introducing first.. the challenger.. accompanied to the ring, by Trish Stratus... Representing the Queens of Wrestling.. from Richmond Virginia.. she is the EWE Mid Eastern Champion.. MICKIE JAMES!"

} Trish and Mickie continue to make their way down the ramp, not getting much love from the EWE Nation. {

"Yes, here we go Steele.. A Match worth talking about.. Mickie James is about to get her title back."

"We'll just have to see about that, Justin."

"Come on, it's guaranteed... Layla already had a match tonight, she can't handle this."

"You're aware, Mickie has five matches at WrestleMania, right?"

"Well she's greater."


} Mickie climbs into the ring, and Trish joins her as Mickie raises up the Mid Eastern Championship, to the crowd's booing. Mickie gives her title to Trish when her music fades. After a couple moments of silence "Insatiable" by Jim Johnston and performed by Patsy Grime echos around the arena. The crowd let's out a mixed reaction, mainly cheers considering the opponent, as Layla walks out with one of her Flawless hoods on. She spins around and points up before dropping the hood and revealing the TeleVixen Championship around her waist. {

"Her opponent.. from Miami Florida.. She is the EWE TeleVixen Champion... LAYLA!!"

} Layla makes her way down the ramp getting a little more love from the fans, much more than Mickie and Trish got. {

"And here she comes, the two weeks reigning TeleVixen Champion, looking to have a 2nd successful defense, and erase Mickie's chances at another rematch."

"She can look, but she won't be seeing it happen."

"Just once, would you be unbiased?"

"Right after you are during a MMSW Student's match."

"I don't think you recall Derek Daniels."

"After he beat your ass.. that doesn't count."

} Steele just shakes his head, though we don't see that, cause we're looking at Layla, which is a much better view anyways. Layla does her normal pose on the ropes before removing the TeleVixen Championship and putting it on her shoulder as she glares over at Mickie and smirks a little. Layla finally hands the title to the ref and he raises it up. Trish exits the ring as the ref hands the title over to the time keeper. The ref checks on Layla and Mickie before calling for the bell. {

Layla(c) Vs. Mickie James

[ Mickie rushes at Layla right away, pouncing on her with a Thesz Press. Mickie hits a flurry of wild punches, but Layla turns Mickie over and begins a flurry of her own. Mickie soon stops it and the two start rolling around as they both try and get the better, but both are doing it at the same time. Mickie finally gets up and starts walking away, but she doesn't get far before Layla rolls her up with a School Girl Pin. Mickie quickly kicks out, and doesn't look happy about it as Layla smiles and mockingly waves. Mickie just screams out and charges at Layla again, Layla side steps and shoves Mickie hard into the corner before running up and giving her a splash. Layla hits a snapmare takeover before climbing the corner and standing on the second rope. As Mickie starts getting up Layla leaps and hits a sunset flip, scoring another near fall. ]

"Layla is looking good here Justin.."


"Not what I Mea... wait did YOU just call me a perv?"

"Yea so? Besides Mickie's letting Layla build confidence."

"Of course she is."

[ Layla continues to build a full steam of momentum, but when she shoots for the Bombshell, Mickie blocks it and rushes forward with a hard clothesline. Mickie walks around with a scary grin on her face as Layla gets up, Mickie rushes in with another hard clothesline. Mickie hits Layla with a Arm trap Neckbreaker and looks for a cover, only to get a two count before Layla kicks out. Mickie stares daggers at the referee, who assures her it was only a two count. After a Snapmare and a baseball slide to the face, Mickie goes for another cover and the same thing happens. Mickie continues to build momentum as she hits the Mick-A-Rana. She looks for another pinfall, but Layla kicks out again. Mickie now screams and gets in the ref's face yelling at him to do his job. Layla takes this time to once again roll Mickie up in a School Girl, but Mickie once again kicks out. ]

"Your pick almost blew it there."

"Almost Steele.. Almost is very key."

[ As they get back up, Mickie tries to give Layla an Armdrag, but Layla counters it into yet another pin. Mickie again kicks out and isn't happy. She gets over it though, when Layla kicks her straight in the face. Layla taunts the fans until Mickie starts getting up. Layla then connects a Spingboard reverse cross body, or Lots of Layla. She doesn't go for the cover though, she just gets up and winks at Trish before grabbing Mickie and planting the Layout! She covers Mickie and hooks the leg as the ref slides in and counts the one..two....and just before the three, he's yanked out by his feet and plopped onto the floor, courtesy of Trish Stratus. ]


"How can you condone that?"

"You don't think all three of these women are beautiful? See you really are a homo."

*sighs* "Whatever."

[ Layla gets up and looks over to Trish, who of course returns the wink. Layla chuckles and throws her arms up as she turns back to Mickie, but only for a split second as she turns back around again and suddenly dives through the ropes right ontop of Trish! The crowd roars as Layla is throwing a flurry of punches in on Trish. ]

"Hey she can't do that! She's a Hall of Famer!... Two Time even!"

"Maybe she shouldn't get involved in a match, if she doesn't want to be involved then."

[ Layla continues her flurry until the two get up and continue scrapping, the fans, especially in the front row, loving every minute of it. Trish finally shoves Layla back, but as Trish holds her chin examining herself, she's flattened with a Bombshell! which is sort of ironic in itself. Layla heads back to the ring, proud of what she's done. Mickie isn't in the same position she left her though, and we soon see why as Mickie turns around crushing Layla in the gut with a Baseball Bat! ]

"Oh come on now!"

"What are you talking about?"

"Don't be stupid, you see it!"

"I seen Mickie hit a good wrestling move, that is all."

"Oh you're so full of it."

[ Layla holds her gut, only for Mickie to swing the baseball bat like a completely different sport.. golf swinging the bat into her face and knocking her to the mat. This gets an entire arena full of jeers as Mickie tosses the bat to the outside. Mickie rolls out of the ring and rolls the ref back in as she runs over and makes the cover. The ref shakes the cobwebs and slowly counts the 1...2...3! ]
Winner Via Pinfall: Mickie James (New Champion)
Match Time: 11:21
Judging Average: 8.1 - 8

"The winner of this match.. and NEW EWE TELEVIXEN CHAMPION.. MICKIE JAMES!"

} "Hardcore Country" hits the PA System and the crowd continues to boo her. The ref brings Mickie both her titles and she smiles raising them up. {

"What robbery."

"Don't hate. This is just a prelude to WrestleMania, get used to it."

"After what we just seen, I hope she gets streaked at WrestleMania."

"Oh no, she'll be doing the streaking at WrestleMania.. not the kind I would like, but maybe she will to celebrate, just cause I asked."

"You're sick."

} Mickie lays her titles down and rolls out of the ring to get the bat. The crowd continues to boo as she gets back in the ring. Mickie begins measuring Layla up who barely begins to stir. The crowd just continues to boo, but as Mickie raises the bat, the boos turn into cheers. When Mickie tries to swing the bat it's obvious why, as he hands come down empty handed. She stares at her empty hands for a moment then quickly turns back around. Now holding the bat is Eighteen. Eighteen just smiles, slightly, as Mickie puts her hands up and backs up pleading. Mickie continues to plea until she reaches the end of the ring, she quickly makes her move and rolls out of the ring. Eighteen just chuckles as Trish and Mickie are at the end of the ramp. 18 looks down at the titles and drops the bat picking them up. Mickie starts getting angry as 18 moves her hands out towards Mickie and Trish with the titles one in each hand. 18 laughs knowing she's not going to come in and get them. 18 finally tosses the TeleVixen Title out at them, but puts the Mid Eastern over her shoulder. {

"What is she doing? That's not hers!"

} Mickie is flipping now as 18 just shoes them off, meanwhile helping Layla back to her feet. {


} Following the commercial, we go back to the ring, where we see Eric Steel, Justin Gabriel, and The Dark Christ already in the ring. We also see a interesting guy doing his Rick Roll down the ramp and up the steps as he enters the ring, doing the Rick Roll the entire time, and still doing it in the ring. {

"The following contest is tonight's featured Main Event and it is a Battle Royal to determine the final spot in the Double Riches Ladder Match at WrestleMania! In this match the opponents must be tossed over the top rope and both feet must hit the floor. When one Superstar, or Diva, is left standing.. they will be the winner and will be added to the Money in the Bank and All American Championship Double Riches Ladder Match at WrestleMania!"

} The crowd begins to cheer, and only cheers louder when "Hell Yeah" by Rev Theory hits over the sound system. The cheers just grow even more when Kelsi parts the curtains and walks out to the center of the stage. {

"On her way to the ring.. from Fountain Colorado... KELSI PARR!!"

} Kelsi starts making her way to the ring, while the others in the ring watch her, the Rick Roll guy doing his Rick Roll while he watches. {

"Well here she comes Justin.. the first Triple Crown of the Diva's Division.. and the longest reigning Diva's Champion in all of EWE History."

"Ok Jonathan, that's great and all.. but what exactly does it prove? She did all that, in the Diva's Division.. what does any of that matter, how does all these accomplishments in the women's division got to do with bidding for the Money in the Bank?"

"Need you be reminded how the current Undisputed Champion.. became the Undisputed Champion?"

} Justin says nothing as Kelsi makes her way to the ring. Her music soon fades as the ref calls for the bell. {

Open Invite Battle Royal

[ Just as soon as the bell rings, Urich Fuly.. or The Dark Christ, rolls out of the ring, under the ropes and gets down on his knees on the floor, as he seems to be praying. ]

"What the heck is that idiot doing?"

"Praying.. it seems."

"He couldn't of did that before the match in the back?"

"I don't know."

[ Noone else in the ring seems to care as they start going at it. Well Creed and Eric begin exchanging shots anyways. The Rick Rolled guy is still Rick Rolling, while Kelsi cocks an eyebrow. Justin holds his hands out towards Rick, while looking at Kelsi, as if to be gentlemenly about it. She finally shrugs and runs forward clotheslining him over the top rope as the crowd cheers. ]

ELIMINATED (Via Kelsi Parr): Rick Rolled Guy 0:09 (2.0 Avg)

"Later Rick."

"That didn't last long."

[ The Rick Rolled guy gets up looking at a smiling Kelsi who blows him a kiss. He shrugs and begins Rick Rolling his way back up the ramp. Kelsi rolls her eyes and joins in on the action going after Justin. As Creed tosses Eric out of the ring, he turns his attention to Kelsi and Justin, though Eric only landed on the apron, Kelsi tosses Justin out, and he too lands on the apron. ]

"I'm not sure they're aware that Eric and Justin wasn't eliminated."

"I'm still trying to figure out what this Bane looking dude is doing."

"Did you really just pull the picbase card?"

"The what?"


[ Sure enough Bane.. err damnit Justin. Urich is still knelt down, with his eyes closed, while the action continues in the ring. Eric even tries kicking at Urich, but it's to no avail. Eric just shrugs and leaps back into the ring, right ontop of both Kelsi and Creed. He gets up, only for Justin to leap in the ring too and crash ontop of him. The crowd cheers. All four lay there for a little bit before Justin and Eric begin duking it out and take it over to the corner, meanwhile Kelsi and Creed takes it to the oposite corner. Justin and Kelsi go to irish whip at the same time, but Creed and Eric counter, causing Kelsi and Justin to crash in the center of the ring. Eric then rushes for Creed with a clothesline, but Creed ducks and hits a reverse neckbreaker. Creed picks Eric up and dumps him over the ropes, but Eric lands on the apron again. Creed notices this though and tries to knock him off, but Eric fights back and finally shoves Creed back before thrusting a shoulder block into his gut and coming back into the ring. Eric hits Creed with a quick snap ddt as soon as he got in. As soon as Eric got up though he's hit with a Headscissors Takedown by Kelsi. As Kelsi gets up she's hit with a Discuss Forearm Smash by Justin Gabriel. ]

"Alot of action going on now."

"Unless your this guy on the outside.. seriously, what the f*ck is he doing?"

"Justin, do you need that language?"

"F*CK F*CK F*CK What?"


"Seriously though, doesn't this guy want to win?"

[ Moving on from that though, Kelsi and Creed are back up as they both send Eric and Justin over the same side of the ring and over the ropes. Both land on the apron once again though. Justin and Eric begin exchanging rights, as Kelsi and Creed are doing the same in the ring. Until Creed sends Kelsi hard into the corner. About the same time that happens, Eric knees Justin in the gut, then grabs him by the head and flings him back onto the ramp. ]

ELIMINATED (Via Eric Steel): Justin Gabriel 6:16 (6.3 Avg)

[ Eric is about to get back in the ring, when he's quickly smashed in the face by Creed, Creed hits him with great force, sending Eric out to join Gabriel. ]

ELIMINATED (Via Creed): Eric Steel 6:21 (6.65 Avg)

"And just like that, two are gone.. and two are left."

"Three.. don't forget this moron over here in front of us."

"Is he still in the match?"

"Don't ask me. He wasn't really eliminated though."

[ As Creed turns back to Kelsi, she's there waiting for him as she hits him with a hard right. She goes for a second but he grabs her arm. He swings for one himself, but she ducks and whips him, but turns it into a short-arm clothesline instead. As Creed gets back up, Kelsi is quick to hit him with a double arm DDT. She follows this up with the Sub-Parr! ]

"We ain't seen this in awhile, it's the Sub-Parr!"

"What good does a submission do, in a battle royal?"

[ Creed fights for freedom, but Kelsi won't let go.. After being trapped for awhile, Kelsi finally lets go. As she quickly clothesline him over the top rope when he gets up, he lands on the apron. She tries to knock him off, but he won't allow it. Instead she grabs him and drags him threw the ropes to plant the elevated DDT off the second rope. Kelsi smiles before picking Creed back up and setting up the K.S.T.F.O. Creed rolls off though and as Kelsi turns around he backchops her acrossed the chest before whipping her hard into the corner. Creed runs after her and hits the Begining of the End, ala The Stinger Splash. He grabs Kelsi and sets her up between his legs. Creed picks her up for a powerbomb and rushes forward to powerbomb her out to the floor, she quickly grabs the top rope though and hurranicanna's Creed right down to the floor. ]

ELIMINATED (Via Kelsi Parr): Creed 9:53 (7.3 Avg)

[ Creed sits up and quickly looks back to Kelsi who's now standing on the apron. Kelsi smiles and waves before stepping back into the ring as "Hell Yeah" hits over the sound system. She climbs the turnbukle and raises up her arms as the crowd cheers. Just then though, Urich opens his eyes and stands up. ]

"Uh oh.."

"NOW he's going to get in?!"

[ Urich enters the ring and walks up stand behind Kelsi. He circles his arms for a moment before rushing forward and shoving Kelsi with great force causing her to crash hard onto the floor. ]

ELIMINATED (Via Urich Fuly): Kelsi Parr 10:12 (8.1 Avg)

Winner Via Survival: Urich "The Dark Christ" Fuly
Match Time: 10:12
Judging Average: 8.2

} "Hell Yeah" is quickly replaced with "Ode to Freud" by Jim Johnston as the bell sounds and Urich stands there, while none of the fans know how to react. Jennifer can be seen looking at a piece of paper. {

"The winner of this match...... Urich "The Dark Christ" Fuly!!"

"What did we just witness?"

"Something briliant!"

"You was calling him an idiot the entire match."

"I never said such a thing, you have no proof."

"When the tapes are played back I will."


} Urich continues to stand there looking down at Kelsi who is barely begining to move while the referee raises his hand. Urich doesn't do nothing but look at the ref and he quickly let's go. Suddenly the music is replaced again though.. this time with the Instrumental of "Bitter Sweet Symphony" by The Verve. Everyone knows who it is as they all stand to their feet and soon Jensen walks out the stage, wearing a pretty fance suit, as usual, but more importantly, he's got a mic. Jensen signals for the music to cut as he looks to the ring. {

"Look.. Urich.. I don't blame you for what you just did, but it doesn't mean I agree with it."

} Some of the crowd cheers, but Urich doesn't seem to have any reaction to it. {

"What you just did was very wrong, and you shouldn't be going to WrestleMania.. however, you did win, no matter how flawed and how wrong, you abided by the official rules. However.. Kelsi.. it's your lucky night."

} Kelsi, who is still barely moving, musters up the energy to look at Jensen, and you can see all over her face, she thinks Jensen is high. {

"It seems a certain fellow by the name of Brad Valley, he's been suspended. I didn't really take too kindly to the damage he done to my car.. I was given no alternative than to suspend him for the damage down to my own property.. I'm not at liberty to discuss when he will return, however.. what this does mean, he won't be competing at WrestleMania.. therefore, his spot in the Double Riches Ladder Match has been revoked."

} Jensen pauses for a moment. {

"Kelsi Parr.. for officially being the runner up in this battle royal.. and just plain wronged.. I hearby award that spot.. to you."

} The crowd cheers as Kelsi manages a smile on her face, but still doesn't try to move. Urich, still doesn't seem to have any change of emotionn or reaction other than to slowly look over from Jensen to Kelsi. "Bitter Sweet Symphony" hits again as Jensen walks back through the curtains. The show fades with Urich still staring at Kelsi, it's kind of disturbing, and Kelsi gets that feeling too. {

"I don't know what to make of what has went down, but that is another week here in EWE and on Monday Night Chaos."

"Just another day at the office, Steele."

"And we will see you one more time folks.. one more Chaos before the big Dance.. one more show before WrestleMania! See you all, next week!"


1: Urich "The Dark Christ" Fuly (8.2 avg)
2: Kelsi Parr/Mickie James (8.1 avg)
3: Leon Cashmere (8.07 avg)
4: Abby Addiction (8.05 avg)
5: Aries/Layla (8 avg)

Alexis Terry/Eva De La Cruz (7.8 avg)
Hollie Winder/John Steel (7.7 avg)
Creed (7.3 avg)