
May 13th, 2013

"Indestructible" by Disturbed

Rosemont, Illinois

Allstate Arena

23/29 RPs

SHADIC Post TeleVixen Title

Scar Misty/18

MIKE M. Queens/Experience, Steel/Alessandro


JAY Everything Else.

} "Indestructible" blares through the Allstate Arena as pyro ignites the stage. The Camera pans the jacked up crowd for a few moments, while Steele and White ring out over. {

"Just 13 days away from WrestleMania! Tonight is our final Stop Justin and the Sold out Crowd here in Rosemont Illinois is all fired up.. Welcome to Monday Night Chaos!!"

"You know it, what a show we got tonight, I can't wait to get started, and get running to WrestleMania!"

"I couldn't agree more and believe it or not, our first match is already ready."

Sonic Vs. Eric Steel
[ Eric Steel is already waiting in the ring as Sonic makes his entrance. When the bell rings Eric looks ready, but not ready enough as in a dash Sonic hits the Boost (Spear) and yes.. it's over. ]
Winner Via Pinfall: Sonic The Hedgehog
Match Time: 0:05
Judging Average: 6.62 - 0

"Here is your winner.. SONIC THE HEDGEHOG!!"

"Sonic wasn't messing around."

"He made a fool of your other brother."


"Be proud.. your sister is a Pornstar."

} Steele just bites his tounge, not wanting Justin to ruin his night. Sonic makes his way up the ramp celebrating, but is stopped dead in his tracks when he reaches the stage, leveled with a clothesline by Urich Fuly. {

"What the..."

".....That was wicked!"

} The Dark Christ just stares down at Sonic for a moment before casually walking down the ramp and around the ring. He grabs a folding chair and sits down in front of the announce table, crossing his arms in front of his chest. Steele and Justin really don't know what to think, but soon Eric Steele is gone and our next match is quick to approach us. {

Michael Burke Vs. Nero Phoenix
[Michael Burke made some claims on the ewe online chat box he had interest in the Guantlet, but not publically, and not in this match did he show he was ready either. Nero made very quick work of the guy and in the flip side showed Christy and all the other participants, he was the one ready for the Guantlet and WrestleMania. In just a couple short minutes, Nero made sure Burke had a Fall from Grace.]
Winner Via Pinfall: Nero Phoenix
Match Time: 2:15
Judging Average: 6.96 - 0

"Here is your winner... NERO PHOENIX!!"

} Nero is celebrating, but looks at The Dark Christ who is just sitting in the chair staring at him.. Nero gives him sort of a creeped out look, but shrugs it off before heading up the ramp. {

"Nero seems ready for WrestleMania."

"He sure wanted to prove tonight he's not a has-been.. but I'm not convinced quite yet."

"You never learn, do you?"

"Ptff.. I don't back down, I'm out here right after back to my normal routine.. ask Amelia.. ask Angela."

} Burke heads up the ramp, mad at himself, but not much else he can do. It's only a few more moments before Josie Wales makes her entrance. {

Mickie James(c) Vs. Josie Wales
[Josie and Mickie lock up. Josie seems to be having an off night though as she doesn't seem to be that into it. She does at one point try to hit Mickie with a Flash Kick, but Mickie backs up far enough for her to miss. When Josie gets back to her feet, Mickie is waiting, and delievers a hard Mick Kick.]
Winner Via Pinfall: Mickie James
Match Time: 1:43
Judging Average: 7.47 - 0

"Here is your winner.. and Still EWE TeleVixen Champion.. MICKIE JAMES!!"

} The Dark Christ glares at Mickie, as Mickie raises the TV Title up in the air, a voice could be heard from the stage {

Yoohoo, Mickie!!!

} Eighteen is seen on the stage, Mid Eastern Title in hand. Mickie is now fuming as she rolls out of the ring and charges up the ramp. As she gets close, Rikku is seen from out of nowhere, clocking Mickie hard. Mickie falls to the stage as Eighteen looks at the Mid Eastern Title. She spits on it and throws it down to Mickie. She says {

There you go, Double Champ. One way or another. Your Grand Plan...will go down in flames!

} Eighteen and Rikku begin to go to the back as Mickie slowly sits up, clutching both titles again as we cut to a break {


Randy Orton Vs. Christy Chaos(c)
[The champ looks ready for WrestleMania as she goes to work on the Viper. Randy puts up some fight, but not much and before he can do much about it, he's locked in the CC Trap. Orton does try to fight his way out of it, but it's not to much avail as he soon taps out.]
Winner Via Submission: Christy Chaos
Match Time: 3:05
Judging Average: 8.5 - 0

"The winner of this match... CHRISTY CHAOS!"

} "Just Like You" hits the PA System as the ref hands Christy her title. She raises it up for a moment, but looks to Dark Christ when she sees him staring at her, like those in the past.. But with her, perhaps because she's the champion, he fives a small nod. She tries her best to shrug it off as she rolls out of the ring. Soon as she gets on the ramp though, shes face to face, or rather face to chest with a masked man slightly taller than the Dark Christ. The Masked Man looks her over for a moment before walking around the ring and standing next to the Dark Christ. {

"Now there's another man out here with the Dark Christ.. what the heck are they doing?"

"Enjoying the show up close it seems, but it's certainly strange."

} The camera's cut backstage where we see Trixy standing outside an office door. The door reading "Michael Jensen". This gets a few cheers from the crowd before Jensen steps out. He seems surprised when he see's Trixy standing there. {

"Trixy, what are you here for?"

"I just wanted to get your confirmation on the hot new star your signing at WrestleMania."

} Jensen seems a bit confused. {

"Excuse me?"

"It's all over.. The VIP Room has been rented out at Soldier Field, and it's been reserved for the signing of a new Superstar, that's what we're being told."

"This is the first I've heard of this."

"But the VIP Room was rented out by Jensen, it said."

"Just Jensen is all you know?"

} Trixy nods. Jensen just shrugs a little. {

"Unless my wife arranged something and forgot to let me know about it, I have no idea. I assure you, I don't rent out the VIP rooms, I will be at WrestleMania though.. but I'll be in my luxary office."

} Jensen walks off as Trixy seems saddened by the lack of answers. {

AJ Styles Vs. Matt Sydal
[Well the first match that wasn't completely one sided.. still not that phenominal of a match though, no pun intended.. ok maybe it was. Sydal hits a few moves, better than the people before him on this card, but Styles still shows more domination and finishes him off with a Styles Clash.]
Winner Via Pinfall: AJ Styles
Match Time: 3:47
Judging Average: 4.82 - 2.63

"Here is your winner... AJ Styles!"

} AJ celebrates his victory.. The Dark Christ and the Masked Man don't seem to care much about this one, but stay there regardless. {


} Back from commercial, the masked man has now gotten a chair and is now sitting by The Dark Christ instead of standing.. meanwhile the next match is ready to go. {

Marine Vs. AJ Lee
[As the bell rings, AJ Lee skips around, so Marine does the same. The two skip around in circles for a moment, but as soon as AJ notices Marine is to, she stops and doesn't look happy about it. She shreeks and charges at Marine, but misses her, given the fact she is nearly 3 feet shorter than her, and isn't use to that. Marine looks shocked that AJ came at her like that. She runs up and kicks AJ in the shin. AJ hops around holding her Shin, and now looks even more anrgy.. especially when Marine is mocking her shin hurt hoping dance. AJ grabs her by the hair with both hands and slings her acrossed the ring. The crowd boos the mean way AJ did that to the smaller opponent, but she don't care, as she's skipping around again. She finally stops and stares at Marine as she got up, with crazed eyes. AJ quickly ran up to deliever the Shining wizard, but again the very bizare height diference throws her off as she completely misses over Marine's head. AJ gets up off the mat, only to be hit with the SS Super Marine! AJ gets up, furious, not believing that just happened, but is really shocked when she's suddenly rolled up, and the ref counts a 3!]
Winner Via Pinfall: Marine
Match Time: 4:16
Judging Average: 5.52 - 4.45

} The camera looks back over to Mallory who smiles. {

"See something you like?"

} Mallory says as she reaches over to the side with one hand.. she lets go of the sheet, but perfect timing has brought the Diva's Championship in the way, so we still don't know what her attire is or isn't. {

"Especially you Abby."

} Mallory smiles as she hugs and rubs the title. {

"Ah yes... I'll hold onto it for 13 days.. but much longer than that..."

} Mallory looks to the camera and with a wink says.. {


} The camera comes back to Johnny who is looking towards Mallory then slowly turns to the camera. {

"Oh yeah, EWE is definately PG."

} Johnny chuckles as he finishes buttoning his shirt. He looks over to Mallory. {

"I got a quick message I gotta go deliever.. gotta love being in charge, got things to do."

} Mallory chuckles. {

"Well hurry back, for another round."

} Johnny smiles and walks out of the locker room, as Mallory lays back under her sheets, before playing with her iphone.. meanwhile the camera's head back to ringside. {

Calista Leon Vs. Jessie McKay Vs. Melina Perez
[ Calista immediately begins doing a sexy pose after the bell rings.. just to rile Jessie up, who quickly charges her. They scrap around for awhile, while Melina just stands there, her mind perhaps still lost from her date with John Steel. While she continues to stand there day dreaming about that, Calista and Jessie continue to scrap as Jessie hits Calista with a snap suplex and flips over into a cover, only for a two count. Jessie gets up and clobbers an unsuspecting Melina with a clothesline. Jessie turns back to Calista, only to be hit with a running spear. Calista hits several hard shots before getting proud of herself. When Melina gets up, Calista quickly hits her with a Tornado DDT. Calista then gets up and begins doing more poses, getting some mixed reactions from the fans. ]

[ The match goes on like this for awhile. Calista and Jessie fight eachother most of the match and get near falls.. but the two also seem to be taking turns taking eachother out then going for a fall on Melina. Finally it's to the point Jessie is down and Calista hits Melina with the Candy Drop! Calista goes for the cover, but Jessie crawls over ontop of Melina too at the same time as the ref sees this and still counts the three. ]

[ There's a little confusion for a moment, but finally the ref raises both their hands, leaving them both confused and angry. ]
Winners Via Pinfall: Calista Leon & Jessie McKay
Match Time: 6:24
Judging Average: 5.88 - 5.88 - 0

"As the result of a double pinfall.. here are your co-winners... Jessie McKay and Calista Leon!"

} Jessie doesn't look please, Calista just does a sexy pose not seeming to care, winning is winning. TDC and Masked Man just continue to watch as the scene goes to a commercial. {


} As the camera's come back from commercial, we see Hardcore Stratusfaction walking down the hall heading to the curtains, but they are stopped just before they get there, by Johnny Chaos, who has a smirk on his face. {

"Hey ladies.. I know you got a match here in a second, but I just wanted to tell you Mickie, congrats on retaining the TeleVixen Championship."

} Mickie cuffs her TeleVixen Championship, already suspecious, while her Mid Eastern Championship is around her waist. Johnny chuckles. {

"Yea you caught me.. I gotta let you know about your defense at WrestleMania."

} Mickie and Trish both gasp but they don't even get a chance to respond as Johnny quickly continues. {

"Yea.. I'm thinking big.. grand.. who cares.. it's MickieMania right? So why not one more match? I can't add it to one of the matches you already have.. I got something better.. for a second year in a row.. the TeleVixen Championship will be defended in a Championship Scramble."

} The crowd cheers in the background. {

"Your 4 challengers.. will be revealed later.. for now, good luck in your match."

} Johnny pats Mickie on the shoulder who sneers about it as Johnny walks off. Mickie looks over to Trish. {

"It's okay.. it's just one more match.. The Grand Plan will not be stopped.. and I will win them all.. at MickieMania.. and to prove it.. it starts with Fortin and Triple H.. come on."

} Trish smirks as just then their music hits and the two walk into the black curtains. {

Hardcore Stratusfaction Vs. Angela Fortin & Triple H
[ Trish and Mickie make their entrance, as we already figured and wait in the ring Masked Man and Dark Christ just watching them. HHH is soon to follow, doing all his jazz with his water spitting like he's something cool. Not even scared, HHH enters the ring and does his pose on the turnbukle, all without his partner there, he's brave to do that with QOW. Fortin makes her entrance though, and that's where things get interesting, as Lita, Paige, Summer, and Melina ambush her on the ramp. The crowd just booing. HHH watches on, but then he's ambushed by Trish and Mickie. The ref doesn't really know what to do but to call for the bell to start the match officially, even with his partner not there yet. ]

"What is up with this referee? Angela's not even made it to the ring!"

"And it's not looking like she will, haha!"

"Oh shut it."

"Make me."

[ The Queen's continue a beat down, on both ends, as in the 4 on one on Fortin on the ramp, with a two on one on HHH in the ring. The Dark Christ and The Masked Man stand up though and the lights flicker before shutting of. ]

"Wait a minute..."

[ When the lights come back on.. The Dark Christ and The Masked Man are standing by Fortin. Lita steps up to swing at The Dark Christ, but the Masked Man blocks it. Lita seemingly begins to back off. Meanwhile The Dark Christ picks Fortin up and carts her over his shoulder. The Lights flicker again and go off. After a few moments the lights come back on and The Dark Christ, Masked Man, and Angela Fortin, are gone.. leaving the Queen's lost and confused.

"Where did they go?"

"I don't know, but the match didn't stop in the ring.. and Triple H is still at a two on one disadvantage, especially with Fortin now missing."

[ HHH suddenly hits Mickie with a hard elbow as the crowd cheers. He gives Trish a high knee getting more cheers. As Mickie rushes at him he plants her with a Double A Spineuster. Trish comes at him now and she feels the same fate. HHH gets up and throws his arms out stalking Mickie before kicking her in the gut and planting her with a Pedigree! ]

"He's gonna do it anyway!!"


[ HHH makes the cover and Justin may of been right.. The Queens flee to the ring. Lita quickly distracting the referee as Stephanie has shown up and tosses HHH's sledge hammer into the ring. HHH picks it up and looks at Stephanie mouthing at her "what are you doing?". Trish gets in HHH's face.. and then perfectly Lita hops off the apron and Trish drops to the mat holding her head. The ref turns to see Trish holding her head on the mat and HHH holding the sledgehammer so calls for the bell. ]
Winners Via Disqualification: Hardcore Stratusfaction
Match Time: 4:42
Judging Average: 15 - 8.37

"Here are your winners.. as a result of a Disqualification... Trish and Mickie.. Hardcore Stratusfaction!!"

"Are you kidding me?! How did The Queen's win by Disqualification.. after all the crap they pulled?!"

"Because HHH hit poor Trish with that Sledgehammer! Have a heart Steele"

"Oh bull crap.. He never touched her with it and you know it.. yet they can all jump his partner.. no DQ there though right. this was just crap!"

} The Queen's all quickly high tail it out of the ring, except Stephanie, as they don't want to be around a pissed off HHH with a sledgehammer. Stephanie stays at ringside and tries to play innocent like she didn't mean for that to happen, but he doesn't want any of it, he's just beyond angry. {

Queens of Wrestling Vs. The Experience
[ All the divas are in the ring now as the bell rings. Hollie and Summer climb out, leaving Kelsi and Paige in the ring. They start to lock up but Paige takes a step back, shaking her finger. She tells Kelsi too get out and points at Hollie. Kelsi shrugs and backs to her corner, tagging Hollie in. Hollie walks in a locks up with Hollie. They tug of war with each other before Paige manages to push Hollie back into their corner. She breaks clean as the referee backs her away. Behind his back, Summer wraps her arm around Hollie's neck and chokes her, releasing right before the referee turns. Paige picks Hollie up and gives her a suplex. She floats over and gets only a two count before Hollie escapes. She quickly pulls Hollie up and nails her with a running Samoan drop. Another two count before she pulls Hollie up. She whips her into their corner and tags in Summer. Summer climbs in and her and Paige hit a double team suplex. Paige leaves the ring as Summer picks up Hollie and rolls her to the center of the ring. She sets Hollie up in the pile driver position. She poses at Kelsi who slaps the turnbuckle and yells at Hollie to get out of the move. Paige yells at Summer to stay focused. During this Hollie starts to lift Summer out of the move but Summer double axe handles her back. This stops the counter long enough for Summer to drop her with a pile driver. She makes a cocky cover and Hollie kicks out at two. Summer grabs Hollie and yanks her to her feet. She steps back and yells at Hollie before swinging for a slap. Hollie blocks it and delivers a punch. Summer quickly nails her with a knee to her gut before taking her down to the mat and locking on an Indian Deathlock. Hollie yells out in pain and tries to scratch her way to a rope. ]

The Queens are in complete control of this match. And we are joined here by Mizore, but she has yet to put on the headset .

It's because she is sitting over there by you. Tell her to come sit over here by me.

[ Summer has released the hold, figuring Hollie has to much left to submit. She lifts Hollie to her feet and sends her into the ropes. She bounces off the far one and comes back with a clothesline. Too bad for her that Hollie had the same idea as the two of them clothesline each other. The crowd cheers as the referee starts the ten count. Hollie starts crawling to her corner. She is about to tag when Paige jumps in the ring. The referee forces her back to the corner and has his back turned as Hollie makes the tag. Summer is on her feet as Kelsi rushes in and starts delivering right hands to Summer. The referee turns and forces Kelsi back into her corner. Kelsi argues that she tagged in but the referee tells her he didn't see it. Meanwhile Summer has dragged Hollie into their corner where her and Paige are double team stomping Hollie. ]

Look at the blatant double beat down by the Queens.

Kelsi needs to get out of the ring, she wasn't tagged in.

She was to tagged in, the referee just didn't see it.

[ Finally Kelsi gets out. Summer picks Hollie up and brings her back to the center of the ring. Hollie shows a little life as she tries to kick Summer. Summer catches her foot and laughs at Hollie, taunting her. Hollie answers with an Enziguri. The crowd cheers as both girls crawl to their corners. This time the referee sees the tag. Kelsi rushes over and catches Paige with a stiff right, knocking her off the apron before she can make the tag. Kelsi pulls Summer up and sends her into the ropes. On the rebound, she delivers a back body drop. Summer tries to catch herself, but she lands wrong and grabs her ankle. She rolls to the corner and tags Paige in. Paige rushes in and does the same point too Hollie, who is leaning on the corner trying to catch her breath. Kelsi answers with a stiff right. Kelsi grabs Paige's arm and twists it around. Paige counters out of it and hits a spinning neck breaker. Paige quickly pulls Kelsi up and delivers a suplex. She follows suit twice more before trying a cover. Kelsi easily kicks out at two. Paige pulls Kelsi up who racks her in the eyes. Kelsi picks Paige up on her shoulders in a power bomb position. She walks forward to her corner and tags Hollie. She power bombs Paige and turns her diagonal to the corner. Hollie climbs up on the turnbuckle and Kelsi hooks her for a superplex. Kelsi superplexes Hollie off the corner and unto Paige. The crowd erupts as Hollie stays on her, hooking a leg. The referee counts to three but Paige barely kicks out right before the three count. ]

What the hell was that?

Apparently that was the Above Parr Licks according to paper Mizore just handed me.

[ Hollie looks surprised by this and tries to pull Paige up. Paige grabs her pants and sends Hollie to the floor. She crawls fast to her corner but Summer is walking around the announce table, stepping lightly on her foot. Paige yells at her and doesn't notice Hollie back in the ring behind her. Kelsi jumps in the ring too and rushes to Paige. She spins her around and lifts her up on her shoulders. She turns slightly and delivers the KSTFO. As soon as Paige bounces off Kelsi's knee, Hollie grabs her and drops her with the Drum Solo. The crowd erupts as Hollie drops on the pin and Kelsi rushes back to her corner. The referee drops down to count and Summer notices. She rushes for the ring but falls on her face when Mizore slides her foot out and trips her. The referee counts the three, giving the Experience the win. ]
Winners Via Pinfall: The Experience
Match Time: 6:36
Judging Average: 15.55 - 15.02

Here are your winners: Kelsi Parr and Hollie Winder: The Experience!

} Mizore leaves her seat and joins the Experience in the ring to celebrate. Summer glares at Hollie as she walks over and helps Paige up. Paige pushes her away and the two argue as they go up the ramp. ]

What a move. Apparently that was the Winning Experience according to Mizore's note.

And that was a cheap victory, they should be disqualified for Mizore's interference.

She didn't do nothing. Not her fault Summer tripped. In any event, the Experience gains some momentum going into Wrestlemania.

} The three Experience members take a few moments to show off before leaving the ring. The scene then fades to a commercial break {


Android #18 Vs. Misty Haze
[ Haze started the match off aggressively, kicking 18 in the stomach, and pulling her hair before putting her into a reverse chin lock. 18 Struggles within the hold, however, she doesn't stay within it for too long. ]

[ 18 Retaliates with a punch to Misty's face, and then Irish whips her to the ropes, and levels her with a dropkick to her face. 18 has Misty Down, and tries to work on her legs with some various leglocks, however, Misty kicked her away. ]

[ Haze gets up to her feet and grappled 18. She goes for a vertical suplex, however, 18 lands on her feet, and delivers a neckbreaker onto Misty. She pins Misty, however, it's a kickout at 2. 18 picks Misty up, however, she delivered a jawbreaker to her to escape her grasp. She runs back to the ropes and rebounds off with a springboard elbow to her face. Misty followed up with a Spiked DDT and a pin, but only recieved a 2 count as well. ]

[ Haze gets up and runs to the ropes, while 18 began to get to her feet. She attempts a clothesline, however, Android 18 countered her attack with a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. 18 finally locked in the 18 points of pain on Misty in the center of the ring, forcing her to tap out. ]
Winner Via Submission: Android #18
Match Time: 10:12
Judging Average: 8.2 - 8.05

} The camera's come to the parking lot where we see Michael Jensen about to leave when he sees another limo in the parking lot.. and a License Plate that reads "LJ IND". Michael narrows his eyes a little and slightly raises an eyebrow before walking to the back and knocking on the window. The window comes down and sure enough it's his father staring back at him with a grin. {

"Hello Son. I take it you heard about my appearence at WrestleMania?"

} Michael shakes his head a little. {

"More than that what was it I hear about a special star in the VIP Room you rented out?"

} Luthor chuckles and nods. {

"Ah yes.. But as great men once said, patience is a virtue."

} Luthor smiles before rolling the window back up. Michael smacks the window in slight anger and the car pulls off. Jensen just watches the car pull out of sight, with the anger showing on his face as the camera's went to a commercial. {


} when the camera's return from commercial "Next Go Round" by Nickeback is echoing around the arena. {

"Welcome back to Chaos and yes you're hearing "Next Go Round" by Nickelback.. the officially Theme Song for WrestleMania Nine which will be taking place in 13 days.. Starting things off.. the TeleVixen Championship."

"What business does Johnny have making Mickie defend it?"

"Besides the fact that title is always defended?"

"But she already has so many other matches."

"That's on her though.. and now two years in a row the TeleVixen Championship will be defended in a Scramble Match.. though we don't yet know who the 4 challengers will be."

"whoever they are, I hope they know they're getting a pissed off Mickie and will have no chance at winning."

"Well certainly not her only match as you pointed out, and it's not her only title defense either."

"She puts the title up against Leo Kat, and remember the stipulation.. if any of the Queen's come near ringside in this match, she will forfeit the Mid Eastern Championship to Leo Kat."

"And it's complete bullcrap too! He shouldn't be allowed to do that!"

"Yea we heard your complaints about that already.. She'll have to play by the rules and win right if she hopes to keep that title.. but again not her only match, as we will be seeing Hardcore Stratusfaction in Tag Team Action."

"When they take on the original Diva's of Destruction, Eighteen and Rikku, in a No Disqualification Tornado Tag!"

"Even I gotta admit, I don't like Trish and Mickie's Chances here."

"Oh do tell."

"Don't get it twisted, I don't care for those has beens.. but No DQ.. this is there game.. though the stip could easily call for some Queen's backup.. I didn't think of that, so never mind."

"Typical.. I personally think DOD will shut these two up, least for a night.. and battle through all of the Queen's if they must."

"That's typical of you too."

"Regardless, that brings us to the 2nd Annual Lady's Choice Ladder Match."

"And Yes.. Mickie James is in this too."

"Of course she is.. and she'll win it."

"I don't know.. if the card stays in this order, she will of already went through 3 matches by this point.. and one of which a No Disqualification Match.. there's some tough competition in there, it's anyone's game."

"Mickie Wins! Queens of Wrestling!"

"You're a broken record.. so let's just move on to the 3rd Championship match of the evening, at least in the order it stands now."

"The King of Kings Championship when Triple H Defends against Angela Fortin.. A Match that started with mutual respect..but a certain someone's wife is really destroying the trust and I'm afraid there's not going to be much trust or respect come WrestleMania."

"Let's hope that's the case.. The Game is better off.. he needs to listen to his Wife.. she's a Queen afterall, she knows what she's talking about when it comes to this Fortin girl being nothing but a waste of time."

"I have to disgree and hope for a great clean match."

"Of course you do."

"Then of course there's the Diva's Championship."

"Mallory Costas defends against Former Champion, Abby Addiction.. this all started a couple weeks ago when Mallory came out of nowhere to make her return and cash in the Lady's Choice Briefcase and become the Champion.. now Abby will get her rightful rematch."

"I still don't like the way the Queen's was played, but it was still pure genius I gotta admit.. and it makes the Lady's Choice Briefcase a 100% success rate. She got one over on Abby, and now at WrestleMania, we may see her do the same."

"Yea but at WrestleMania.. she won't be getting e beaten down Abby.. she'll have a 100% ready to rip her apart and make her pay Abby. Granted I expect this to be a good close match either way."

"I can admit that, but I still see Mallory winning."

"Entitled to your opinion, just like I know your pick in this next one. For the 7th time in EWE History.."

"The Money in the Bank.. which is also a Double Riches Ladder Match for the All American Championship."

"Yes you do know.. Mickie all the way.. the 2nd ever Miss Money in the Bank.. and we have back to back Miss Money in the Bank's!"

"There's a 50% Chance we see that Justin and it may not even be Mickie.. could be Kelsi or Misty.. but do not over look Cashmere or Aries.. this match will be crazy."

"Don't overlook that freak Urich Fuly.. That dude just sat out here and prayed last week then eliminated Kelsi to win his spot.. then tonight he just sat around watching half the show.. again like a freak.. I don't know about this guy, watch out for him."

"All very true and no clue who will win.. and same can be said about the major Headliner."

"When it'll be time for our GM to put up and shut up, as he gets in the ring with White Tiger."

"You talk as if Johnny is nothing but talk, but can't ever back it up.. listen here Jonathan.. he's not two bit idiot of General Manager who never amounted to shit in their career so he tries to tell people what to do.. no this General Manager achieved great feets here in EWE.. The Hall of fame.... 5x Heavyweight Champion.. time and time again he's made a promise... time and time again.. he's backed it up.. the man knows how to get shit done.. I don't care what you say."

"I won't argue that.. I don't always agree with his tactics.. but Johnny Chaos does got boat loads of talent and knows how to get the job done.. at the same time though.. it's White Tiger.. the 7x Heavyweight Champion.. the EWE's 1st ever Royal Rumbler Winner.. the 1st ever Sole Survivor.. the 2011 King of Xtreme.. you name it here in EWE.. the man has done it."

"Kiss his ass all you want.. I mean ya, he's good I won't deny that this won't be a cake walk at all.. but I still pick Johnny to win that match."

"And for the same.. I pick White Tiger.. but folks, that was a Headliner.. there is a difference between Headliners.. and the Main Event.."

"The EWE Undisputed Championship... defended in a Guantlet Match.. something very unpresidented here in EWE, and especially at WrestleMania."

"I've said it countless times.. Christy is fuckin insane.. but I will admit she's been showing these past few weeks she's focused and ready to make a statement in that Guantlet.. I don't doubt she will make a statement and she will go as far as she can.. but I also don't doubt, that we will crown a new Undisputed Champion."

"I hate to agree.. but I very well may have to.. I mean she's going into a big uphill battle.. the likes of John Steel who has been making his pressence felt.. Alessandro, can't say enough about him.. you even have Nero Phoenix who's in it and has been making an account to take notice.. the last straw for me though... is the fact that Eighteen has now entered... our Champion may of just bitten off more than she can chew I'm afraid."

"How dare you not even mention Mickie James in all that!"

"Look at all the other matches she has BEFORE The Guantlet though."

"doesn't matter.. you gotta believe Steele.. and you damn sure know... I believe!"

"We'll find out in 13 days.. folks be sure to check it out.. WrestleMania live, May 26th, in Chicago Illinois, and only on Pay Per View!"

} The bell tolls as Jennifer Sparks stands ready in the ring. {

"The following contest is a featured Main Event and it is set for one fall!"

} "Never Enough" by Five Finger Death Punch hits the PA System the crowd boos as John Steel walks through the curtains, wearing a cocky grin upon his face. {

"Introducing first.. from New York New York.. weighing in at 285 pounds... JOHN STEEL!!"

} Steel casually walks his way down the ramp, feeling cocky and arrogant as ever. {

"Here he comes.. this man has made quite the pressence here in EWE and hopes to win big, not only here tonight, but in the Guantlet."

"Well we'll see about that Steele, we'll see.. but tonight he's got Alessandro.. and Alessandro will be focused in this match."

"Well so will Steel.. They both pretty much called eachother out on ewe.com last week, and they want to settle it here.. Steel seemed very focused earlier on."

"Well you're biased for your family, I understand."

"I'm done arguing your stupidity."

} Steel enters the ring and awaits as his music fades. There's a few moments of silence before "Disturbia" by Rihanna echoes around the arena. Alessandro makes his way onto the stage, glaring at Steel from the stage, while he gets a nice mix of cheers and jeers from the crowd. {

"And his opponent.. from Alpine New Jersey... weighing in at 200 pounds.. ALESSANDRO QUAGLIATERRE!!"

} Alessandro continues down the ramp, not taking his focus off Steel the whole time. {

"See Steele.. Alessandro is focused too."

"Great he knows how to stare, congratulations Justin."

} Alessandro gets in the ring and the two stare at eachother as the music begins to fade out. {

John Steel Vs. Alessandro Quagliaterre
[ The bell rings and Alessandro and John Steel walk too the center of the ring. Alessandro just stares down John who is mouthing off. Finally John pulls his head back and spits in Alessandro's face. Alessandro wipes the spit away and immediately spits right back. John actually laughs as he wipes away the spit but he isn't laughing when Alessandro unloads with right hands. John soon answers back and we have a slug fest in the middle of the ring. The fans are eating it up as they fall over and roll to the floor. John grabs Alessandro and slams his head into the ring apron. He tries to do it again and Allesandro counters with an elbow shot. He slams John's head into the apron and then carries him over to the ring post. He tries to slam John's head into the post but John blocks it. He counters with an elbow and tries to slam Alessandro's head who blocks it as well. Alessandro grabs Steel's arm and slams it into the ring post. Alessandro rolls John into the ring and grabs both of his legs and straddles him on the ring post. Alessandro then locks on a figure four around the ring post. John yells out as the referee tries to force the break. ]

This move can't win him the match, what is he doing?

But the damage will be done, don't ever doubt Alessandro's intents.

[ Alessandro finally breaks the hold and rolls into the ring. He drags John to the middle of the ring where he picks up one of John's legs and drops a few elbows on it. He starts to roll John over into a half crab but John rolls through and hops to his feet. He tries for an Enziguri kick but Alessandro ducks it, causing John to fall to the mat. Alessandro follows him down and locks on a STO. John struggles a short way and manages to find the ropes. Alessandro breaks and pulls John back to his feet. Out of no where, John pulls him in and drops him with the Stay Steel Drop! The crowd is in shock as John rolls Alessandro up. Alessandro manages to kick out at two. Steel stands up, favoring the leg slightly. He tries to pull Alessandro to his feet but Alessandro grabs his belt and tosses him out to the floor. The crowd cheers as both men are now down. ]

How did Alessandro escape that? I thought for sure it was over.

Please, it's going to take a lot more then that to put Alessandro away.

[ John gets up and rolls back into the ring as Alessandro gets up. John runs in and takes Aalessandro down with a clothesline. He bounces back and delivers another one as soon as Alessandro gets up. After the third time, John picks Alessandro up and delivers a scoop slam. He picks Alessandro up and tosses him to the ropes. On the rebound he drops Alessandro with a big spear! He immediately pins but again Alessandro kicks out at two. John curses the ref before picking Alessandro back up. He picks him up with a stalling suplex, holding Alessandro up in the air as he does a bit of showboating. Alessandro comes to life and struggles enough to fall back down forward where he immediately counters with his own suplex. He floats over and straddles John, delivering several stiff right hands. He rolls off and mocks John's showboating. As he does John climbs slowly to his feet and measures Alessandro. Alessandro turns and Steel goes for a big boot but Alessandro ducks under. Alessandro spins him around and pulls him down into the Sweet Dreams. John goes into panic move as he tries everything to break free. The crowd is cheering now as they sense the end is coming. ]

It's all over now.

I don't see how he can get out of this one.

[ John stops struggling and seems to go limp. The referee is about to check on him when John lets out a yell of rage and somehow lifts Alessandro up enough to give him a weird looking power bomb, breaking the hold. Alessandro rolls out of the ring and walks around, shaking his head. John follows him out and nails him in the back of the head.The ref restarts his count as Steel grabs Alessandro and throws him face first into the ring post. John rolls back in and taunts, as Alessandro gets into the ring at 7 and comes charging back at Steel. Steel ducks, as Alessandro clobbers the ref. Alessandro shakes the cobwebs as the ref hits the mat. Steel hits Alessandro with a Steel Drop and looks for the cover, but the ref is out of it. Steel gets up frustrated. He shakes the ref trying to get him back up, and gets the ref stirring eventually. Soon as Steel turns his attention back to Alessandro though, he's smacked in the face with the Undisputed Championship by Christy Chaos! ]

What the heck is this woman doing?!

[ The crowd looks on as Christy drags Alessandro and plops him onto of Steel, leaving everyone confused. Especially now that she pulls the ref over by them to wake him up more as she climbs out of the ring and he makes the count. ]
Winner Via Pinfall: Alessandro Qualiaterre
Match Time: 12:24
Judging Average: 8.9 - 8.5

"The Winner of this match, Alessandro Quagliaterre!"

} "Disturbia" hits, but Alessandro isn't up celebrating yet as he's still shaking cobwebs. Christy is smirking as she's backing up the ramp though. {

"I don't understand what just happened there."

"Well obviously she felt a need to pay John back, overdue from a couple weeks ago against Alexis.."

"Yea, but she helped Alessandro? Since when did she like him?"

"Beats me.. but she's got a mic now."

} Looking at Christy, indeed she does have a mic now as she puts it to her lips. {

"Yes this was about pay back for John Steel.. but Alessandro, make no mistake this wasn't about helping you either.. after all the crap you two talked.. the two of you wanted to win.. straight up.. very clear.. but now.. with two birds with one stone.. you'll be known for needing little ol me's help."

} Christy smiles and puts up a innocent face as Alessandro starts to come to and make sense of what just happened. {

"13 Days boys.. the two of you become nothing more than two more Stars Struck.. along with the other 7."

} Christy drops the mic on the ramp as "Just Like You" hits over the pa system, she backs up the ramp raising up the Undisputed Championship.. getting glares from both John and Alessandro as the camera's cut to a commercial. {

"Steele, The Champ just sent a message.. even though she's an idiot for the match.. she sent a message for certain."

"That she has."


} The scene after the commercial opens up on the ring where Jennifer Sparks stands in the middle of the ring with the microphone. {

The following match is scheduled for one fall!

} "Rise of the Young Guns" hits over the house system as the crowd rises to its feet in cheers as Leon Cashmere, wearing a hoodie over his torso as he dropped down to one knee on the ramp and made a motion with his hands and stood up and yelled. {

Making his way to the ring, from Knoxville, Tennessee. Standing 6'4" and weighing 225 pounds. He is LEON CASHMERE!

Here comes a young man with everything to prove, and nothing to lose. It's a classic rookie vs. veteran match, the young lion taking on White Tiger, the EWE hall of famer, and might I say one of the most anticipated matches since Chaos has come back to your television screens!

Don't prep this match into something it's not going to be, Steele. White Tiger is going to wipe the floor with this kid, his winning streak is over, it ends tonight.

} Leon took off his hooded sweatshirt and tossed it into the crowd before he tested the ropes as the opening guitar riff of "Welcome to the Jungle" hits and the fans go ballistic as Leon smiles and leans on the ropes as the camera pans to White Tiger who walks out on stage as he has so many times before. {

And listen to this crowd!


} White Tiger poses at the top of the ramp before spinning around and telling the crowd to bring it louder as they respond to him as he begins to walk down the ramp in his traditional ring attire. He slaps hands down the ramp and then rolls into the ring perching on one knee as he looks over at Leon who awaits him in the opposite corner. {

And his opponent, already in the ring, from Rawlins, Wyoming, standing at 6'3 and weighing 229 pounds, he is an EWE Hall of Famer...WHITE TIGER!

} The EWE hall of famer went to the middle turnbuckle and posed as he took off his t-shirt as the camera bulbs flashed. He hopped down as the referee looked to both Leon and pointed at him, who nodded, then to White Tiger, he pointed at him, who nodded, and then he signaled for the bell. {

Leon Cashmere Vs. White Tiger

Here we go! Wrestlemania is already in the air as the fans on Chaos will be getting a treat tonight!

A very hot crowd tonight, I'll give them that.

[ Leon and Tiger squares off and work their way around the ring as Leon bounces off the ropes but stops in the middle of the ring and says something to White Tiger, Tiger says something back and they both nod as Leon extends his hand and White Tiger shakes it as the crowd cheers as the two competitors step back and lock up. ]

Gag me...

Oh come on! These guys have two big matches coming up at Wrestlemania, it would be a travesty if they didn't give one another all they could handle.

[ White Tiger gets the upperhand as he pulls Leon into a headlock, tight as the referee checks the hold, Tiger leverages until he's pushed in the back by Leon who sends White Tiger into the ropes, he bounces off, Leon leapfrogs him, waits for him to bounce back off the ropes and then hits him with a hip toss, White Tiger hits the ground and looks up at Leon, he bounces back up and rushes at Leon again who leapfrogs him again, he waits for White Tiger again, catching him with another hip toss, but this time White Tiger blocks it and hip tosses Leon to the ground who looks up to Tiger and nods. ]

The first ever meeting between these two studs, and as you would expect, these two are in the feeling out process.

White Tiger just literally toying with his prey before he pounces and attacks and end this crap.

[ Leon and White Tiger begin to circle up when Leon starts to clap his hands, the crowd joins in as they lock up again in the center of the ring. This time Leon gets the upper hand as he pulls the arm of White Tiger and twists it, White Tiger tries to twist out but Leon wrenches it again, White Tiger drops down to his knee, rolls over and goes behind Leon, twisting his arm back and then dropping him to the mat in a headlock, Leon twists and tries to get free until he brings his legs up to scissor them around White Tiger's neck. White Tiger kips up onto his feet as Leon dives forward as Tiger bounces off the ropes, Tiger leaps over Leon as Leon catches him with a shoulder block and looks down at Tiger, then bounces off the ropes on his own, he jumps over Tiger this time as when he comes back around he gets another arm drag from Tiger, he leaps back up and hits Tiger with an arm drag of his own, they both get to their feet at the same time and both hit one another with a dueling drop kick and then quickly got to their feet and faced off as Leon began clapping again as the crowd popped as White Tiger motioned for Leon to bring it on. ]

And this crowd is electric! A stalemate so far from these two men!

A nice bit of chain wrestling there from both men, even I can appreciate that.

[ The two grapplers quickly lock up this time and bully one another around the ring until Leon pushes White Tiger into the corner, the referee breaks the count but before he can Leon gives WT a hard knife edge chop, the crowd "WOO's" as he does this, he does it again, and again, he leans back for another before Tiger ducks it and throws Leon into the corner and chops him, quicker, sharper. He then Irish whips Leon into the opposite corner, Leon sees it coming and using the turnbuckles to leap over White Tiger and maneuvers around and flips him with a sunset flip with the pin. ]


[ White Tiger clicks his boots against Leon's head as Leon rolls off and before he can get to his feet, White Tiger grabs his legs and flips over him into a bridging pin. ]


A quick exchange of two counts and looks at the strength of Leon Cashmere!

There's a pulled muscle.

[ Leon bridges all the way up and lifts White Tiger into a power bomb but Tiger grabs a handful of Cashmere's hair and pulls him down into a face buster and then rolls away on a knee, Leon holds his face and looks up to the referee and points to his hair. ]

And Leon Cashmere claiming White Tiger got a handful of hair on that power bomb.

Hey, it's like a football player in my opinion, the hair is part of the uniform, don't like people pulling it? Cut it off, especially the mop this kid has.

[ The referee shrugs as Leon walks up to White Tiger who stands and makes the motion that Tiger pulled his hair, White Tiger shrugs it off and explains what he was doing, the conversation gets heated as Leon gets in the veterans face, White Tiger shoves him away, but instead of shoving back, Leon smacks White Tiger across the face. White Tiger chuckles and looks down at his hand that he pulls away from the cheek. ]

Cashmere just slapped the taste out of White Tiger's mouth!

[ Tiger put his hand on his hip then suddenly with his other hand smacked Leon back, which sent him to his back and retreating toward the ropes. ]

No...THAT was a slap!

[ Leon gets to his feet as White Tiger meets him half way and they begin to fire fists into one another, White Tiger has the upper hand as he shoves Leon into the ropes and whips him into the opposite ropes, follows closely behind and then finds a knee in Cashmere's gut. He goes flipping over the knee as White Tiger quickly capitalizes as he drops down and tries to lock Cashmere in the Tiger's Snare but Cashmere wiggles his way into the ropes before Tiger can get it locked in, Tiger leans forward between the ropes as Cashmere slides through and drop kicks Tiger in the back sending him onto the outside. ]

Such good scouting by Leon Cashmere there, had White Tiger locked that in, it could have been over for the rookie.

Good ring presence, I'll give him that.

[ Leon leaps over the top rope and onto the apron as he waits for White Tiger to get up and then leaps off the apron with a double knee strike to the head as White Tiger goes down as the referee starts his count. Leon grabs the dazed White Tiger and rolls him into the ring and makes the cover. ]


Kick out by White Tiger.

[ Leon looks frustrated as he picks White Tiger up and whips him into the far right corner, he ran to the opposite one and kicked himself up onto it before rushing toward the corner with a high knee, but nobody home as White Tiger rolls out of the way and captures Leon with a short armed clothesline. Leon stumbles to his feet but is brought up to a tilt-a-whirl slam and then White Tiger drops and locks Leon in a headlock. ]

Now the Hall of Famer is in control, stringing together some offense against the rookie.

Just a matter of time before it starts crumbling for Leon Cashmere; he can't hang with the big boys.

[ Leon fights his way finally to his feet and shoves White Tiger off and into the ropes but he's dizzy, so White Tiger gives him a shoulder block sending him back down to the ground and then nails him with consecutive elbow drops before dropping a Million Dollar Man style falling fist. Leon tries to fight to his feet but White Tiger drops a knee on his face which causes him to writhe in pain. ]

White Tiger in total control of this match at the moment!

Didn't expect anything less!

[ White Tiger brings Leon to his feet and hits him with another elbow and bounces off the ropes for another short arm suplex. Leon tries to quickly get back to his feet but he gets the boot put to him by White Tiger is in total control as he put the boots to Leon as Leon tried to grab the rope to help him up, he managed to get to his feet but White Tiger wrenched the arm and swung his weight over and locked Leon into an arm bar. Leon reaches for the ropes but it seems a mile away as White Tiger wrenches in the hold. ]

Such an underrated technical wrestler is White Tiger; one of the best in the business, Leon is trying for the ropes!

The damage may already be done!

[ Leon finally reaches the ropes as the referee begins his five count, Tiger lets go about three and rolls off and simply waits for Leon to get up, when he does, holding his arm, Tiger stays behind and nails Leon with a chop block, Leon goes off of his feet, taking a beating right now from the veteran. Leon gets to his feet again, White Tiger chop blocks the other leg in the center of the ring, Leon goes down as White Tiger pounces and locks Leon into a sleeper. Leon tries to fight, but soon he begins to fade. After a minute the referee raises Leon's hand once....Twice...As it falls the third, it stops, White Tiger expected it so he squeezes harder but Leon fights up to his feet, he elbows Tiger in the gut until Tiger lets go and bounces off the ropes and ducks a clothesline from White Tiger and hooks him, pulling him up onto his back and spins around and hits a Black Tornado Slam out of nowhere, the crowd pops. ]

What a counter from Leon Cashmere!

Where did that come from?

[ Tiger is dazed as Leon stalks up, and when he gets up he hooks him for the Omnislash, he turns around and tries to lift Tiger up, but Tiger spins and flips, countering and dropping Leon to his butt and locked him in a modified dragon sleeper in the center of the ring, the fans on their feet, chanting "TAP". ]


I don't think I've ever seen a counter to that move, like that.

[ Leon has nowhere to go, several times he lifts his hand to tap, until he finally arches his back and slowly, lifts himself off the ground, putting him in a very awkward, bent back position, but he doesn't inch toward the ropes, but to the turnbuckles, White Tiger looks around as if he isn't sure what's going on, slowly, Leon reaches the turnbuckles and puts one foot on the bottom one, then reaches and forces himself up on the other one, and then the top as he pushes off and flips over White Tiger and locks him in a standing Dragon Sleeper, then he dropped White Tiger with a dragon sleeper slam, the crowd was in a frenzy. ]

I'm speechless! Both of these men pulling out every stop in the book! I've never even seen some of these counters!

No way, Jonathan Steele speechless?

[ Leon, who has already took a ton of damage from Tiger rolls over to Tiger to make the cover. ]


[ Kickout by White Tiger. Leon looks to the ref for some help, but the referee holds up two fingers. Leon rolls to the ropes and grabs them, tugging his way up as White Tiger stands up as well. As they both finally get to their feet, White Tiger grabs Leon and Irish whips him into the corner, but at the last second Leon reverses it, and reverses it so hard, White Tiger hits the ropes sternum first and bounces out, Leon bounces off the ropes and aims a huge elbow at White Tiger, but Tiger ducks it and hits a PAYNE KILLER! Out of nowhere! ]

Leon thought he had it! What a counter by White Tiger!

I think he's too dazed to make a cover!

[ White Tiger crawls on his back and drapes one arm over Leon's chest and hooks his leg with the other, the referee counts. ]


[ Leon gets a shoulder up just in time as White Tiger cannot believe it. He slowly gets up and picks Leon up with him and sends Leon off the ropes, he bends down for a back drop but Leon hooks him suddenly, spins him around and... ]


Where did he find it in him?!

[ Leon wastes no time as he leaps over on White Tiger and hooks the leg, and even wraps his other leg around White Tiger's two, hooking both legs, he nods with each count. ]




[ White Tiger throws a shoulder up and Leon just sits in the middle of the ring, he looks almost scared as he holds his head in his hands and looks toward the referee as if begging him for a three count. The crowd is going absolutely bananas as Leon slaps the mat, frustrated and motions for White Tiger to get up, he motions for another Omnislash, he hooks White Tiger, but Tiger begins to fight out of it, Leon gets him up but is too tired to lift him up all the way and the two go toppling into the ropes and out onto the outside, right in front of the ramp as they both lie in a heap as the referee begins to count.... ]


[ They both make it to their feet and start exchanging rights. ]


[ WT blocks on and hits a quick snap DDT smack on the ramp. ]


[ WT gets back up, but suddenly "BOOM" by POD hits the PA System. ]


[ The crowd boos as Johnny walks out on the stage and smirks at WT.. WT talks trash for Johnny to go ahead, but Johnny stands there. ]


[ Cashmere starts to crawl toward the ring shaking his cobwebs.. WT realizes this and tries to run back too, but before either can make it. ]

Result Via Double Count Out: Draw
Match Time: 18:26
Judging Average: 8.8 - 8.8

} The bell rings as the ref turns and speaks to Jennifer. {

"The referee has informed me that both men have been counted out, this match is a draw!"

} The crowd boos not liking that of course.. Johnny's just chuckling at it though as WT looks up to him, Johnny points to the WM logo in the rafters. WT looks at it for a moment, shakes his head then charges up the ramp at Johnny. {

"White Tiger said he's not going to wait for WrestleMania!"

"He can't do this! He's the General Manager!"

} WT continues all the way up the ramp and reaches the stage.. just before he's about to tackle Johnny though.. WT is Speared by Roman Reigns! as he comes through the curtains! Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins ain't far behind. As they begin the assault as Johnny stands back and watches. {

"Are You kidding me?!"

"He's called them again!"

} WT takes a good stomping, but Cashmere is up and sees this, he looks under the ring and grabs a chair. The crowd cheers as Cashmere rushes up the ramp. He Smacks Rollins in the back with the Chair, then hits Reigns in the face. He's about to swing for Ambrose, when Johnny snags the chair from his hands. Cashmere stares at Johnny getting face to face, but Ambrose grabs Cashemere and gives him the Headlock Driver on the Stage! {

"Someone stop this!"

"Who's going to defy the General Manager?!"

} As the Shield regroups WT starts fighting back and gives it a good run, but the numbers gets right back on their side and as they got WT beat down again, Johnny gives them a nod. Shield picks WT up and lifts him up for the Triple Aided Power Bomb, only they send up off the stage througha table! {


"Holy Shit!"

} White Tiger lays in a heap of Destruction as "Special Op" hits over the Sound system. The Shield unite their fists before looking to Johnny and walking past him. Johnny walks over to the edge of the stage and looks down at the broken White Tiger. Johnny as a ever cold glare as he slowly, once again, points up to the WrestleMania logo and that's the shot we fade on, with the voices overheard. {

"I can't believe this! How will White Tiger even make it to WrestleMania! Johnny is a real piece of work!"

"Briliant! Yes he is!"

"See you At WrestleMania Folks.. I sure as hell hope we see White Tiger there.."


1: Alessandro Quagliaterre (8.9 avg)
2: Leon Cashmere/White Tiger (8.8 avg)
3: Christy Chaos/John Steel (8.5 avg)
4: Triple H (8.37 avg)
5: Android #18 (8.2 avg)

Misty Haze (8.05 avg)
Trish Stratus (8.0 avg)
Hollie Winder (7.85 avg)
Paige (7.73 avg)
Kelsi Parr (7.7 avg)