
June 24th, 2013

"Indestructible" by Disturbed

Reno, Nevada

Lawlor Events Center

21/26 Roleplays

JAY Full Summary

The Show kicked off in it's normal manner, before jumping straight to the action.

D-Dawg Vs. Psychotica
Quick and to the point as this match was. Psychotica wasted little time putting D-Dawg away.
Winner via Pinfall: Psychotica
Judging: 7.73 - 0.0

Mizore(c) Vs. Baby Doll
Another no brainer, as Mizore easily retains her title and makes Baby Doll submit to her Snowbound.
Winner via Submission: Mizore
Judging: 7.9 - 0.0

John Steel Vs. Kaz
The bell rang.. Steel hit the Steel Drop.. covered, and the bell rang again.
Winner via Pinfall: John Steel
Judging: 8.25 - 0.0

White Tiger Vs. Nero Phoenix
The map idea didn't work, cause Nero never made it to the building.
Winner via Forfeit: White Tiger
Judging: 8.25 - 0.0

Back in the locker room of Charismatic Fury, Dutch Clark was staring at the monitor with his AA Title on his lap. All he could do is shake his head as he said "First D-Dawg gets slaughtered very quickly by Psychotica.. then Nero doesn't even show up to the arena at all, and these are my challengers?" Dutch laughed out "Ptff... I rather worry about the Fugates." Christy chuckled and nodded in agreement.

AJ Lee Vs. Josie Wales
Decent match here. Well pretty even at least, as even as it was, it wasn't a super long drawn out match. One quick Counter saw Josie hitting a flashkick, followed by a Peacemaker to pick up a much needed victory.
Winner via Pinfall: Josie Wales
Judging: 4.35 - 4.25

Randy Orton Vs. CM Punk
Another eh match.. Both had their share of momentum, but this was mainly Punk's game and it wasn't long before he did exactly like he said he would. Made Orton Go To Sleep
Winner via Pinfall: CM Punk
Judging: 7.3 - 5.1

The Fugate Sisters Vs. Cryme Tyme
Alot closer match than anyone expected it to be.. Everyone expected Cryme Tyme to just job like they have done since they came back, but instead this was an even match.. more than that, Cryme Tyme hit the G9 and got a pinfall victory over The Tag Team #1 Contenders!
Winners via Pinfall: Cryme Tyme
Judging: 6.83 - 6.1

As Cryme Tyme celebrated, they then pointed up to the titan tron.

Jay & Mike Jobber Vs. Dustin & Jon Jobber
A Match that had it's fair share of comical moments, as you would expect. Like Jon trying to tag in both Jay and Mike at separate times, but being told he couldn't. When Mike and Dustin rolled to the outside fighting.. well sorta fighting, they did more rolling than anything. Jay hit Jon with the Hail The Super Splash in the ring, and scores the three.
Winners via Pinfall: Jay & Mike Jobber
Judging: 14.53 - 7.73

After the match, Dustin gets in the ring and argues with Jay, and Mike is soon in and all 4 are pushing and shoving, arguing with eachother. Suddenly, Sunshine, who was at ringside the whole match, is suddenly ambushed by Trish Stratus, Summer Rae, and Audrey Marie! The crowd boos immensly.. Dustin rushes out of the ring, but gets a hard slap from Trish, knocking him to the floor. Jay, Jon, and Mike look to eachother for a moment, then nod.. They sprint out of the ring and the crowd roars as they gang up on the Queen's. The Queen's head back up the ramp not liking the odds of 4 against 3, even with Jobbers. Dustin then gets a mic and says he challenges the Suckos to a 4 on 4 tag match at Royal Flush.. Well he actually said Royal Fish, but that's besides the point. The crowd cheered this, until Stephanie came out with a mic, and then said they accept, and she'd be on the team.

Mickie James(c) Vs. Curtis Axel
Abby Addiction joined commentary for the most decent singles match up to this point. Mickie had her fair share of momentum, but so did Axel. Once Axel got rolling though, he didn't stop.. After planting Mickie with a Swinging Neckbreaker, that was it.
Winner via Pinfall: Curtis Axel
Judging: 8.13 - 7.58

As Mickie rolled out of the ring holding her head, Abby left the table and smiled at her. Meanwhile in the ring, Heyman is raising Axel's hand, when suddenly Axel is cracked from behind with a Steel Chair! We soon realize the holder of the chair, is Chaos General Manager, Johnny Chaos. Johnny strikes Axel a couple times with the chair before slamming it down. Johnny gets a ref and looks straight to Heyman, telling him two things.

1: Axel has a rematch with Mickie at Royal Flush, for the Mid Eastern Championship.

2: (to Heyman) You can ask, sure.. but If you ever come to my office DEMANDING anything, I don't care if it's a roll of toilet paper for your locker room bath room. Axel's Contract will be terminated on the spot.

Johnny finished by making sure Heyman was clear, Johnny isn't a McMahon, someone who can be pushed around and sit back and cowar into demands. Heyman and the rest of EWE had just bore witness to the difference.

Michelle McCool Vs. Hollie Winder
A Match that could be a preview of the Queen of the Ring Semi-Finals or Finals, just depending, or couldn't be a preview at all, also depending. That aside, this match was interesting. Both had their share of near falls and momentum, but Hollie took it home, after hitting the Drum Solo.
Winner via Pinfall: Hollie Winder
Judging: 8.07 - 7.7

All the brothers bemoan with each other as Sunshine gets attended to by the EMT. Dustin wraps his arms around his brothers and tells them he is sorry for everything that has happened and that just because he is getting all the womans in the world that they shouldn't be jealous. Jay cries too saying he understands since he gets a bunch of womans too and they all hug as the Jobbers rejoin back together.

Cliff Morgan Vs. Scar
Good battle here, with back and forth momentum. Cliff built up moentum and got a few near falls, but after a few counters, Scar would take control. Scar then took full momentum for a while and got some near falls of his own. Cliff would battle back though and the two stayed even for awhile, until Cliff started building up momentum again. The momentum was shot down quickly though, when Scar hit a perfect counter and nailed the Arm Trap Neckbreaker, scoring a debut victory.
Winners via Pinfall: Scar
Judging: 7.65 - 7.63

Between commercials and Main Events, Christy and Eighteen would have a face off segment in the ring, where the two had shared some interesting words. Not the typical stare off, though, cause it never broke into a fight. Justt concluded with Christy looking at Eighteen and smirking as she raised up the Undisputed Championship.

Angela Fortin(c) Vs. Alessandro Quagliaterre
This match was a true war. Both took it right to eachother.. Alessandro came out first with the momentum, very fired up and ready to rip her apart. He gets several near falls, but even locks her in a Half Boston Crab and a Tiger feint crucifix armbar. Both of which she doesn't tap but makes the ropes. When Alessandro tries to go for the Goodnight, Fortin counters with a Snapmare. Soon as he tried getting up, she hit him with a quick flash kick. The crowd cheers as now Fortin started building momentum. She gets several near falls over her own, including when she hit a Diving Crossbody, Hammerlock to back suplex, and a running headscissors takedown. All of which only got near falls though

Fortin was ready to put Alessandro away when she locked in the Taser Shockwave! Alessandro screamed out in pain, but he wouldn't give in. He fought it for a couple minutes at least, before finally getting out of it. When Fortin went to pick him up though, he locked her in the Sweet Dreams! It was now Fortin who screamed out, and desperately tried to get free. After what seemed like forever, she finally bridged up and turned it into a pin, forcing Alessandro to let go to kick out. The two battled for a bit longer, worn out, but out of nowhere, Angela hits the Death Sentence, and scores the three count.
Winners via Pinfall: Angela Fortin
Judging: 8.53 - 8.47

The ref hands Fortin her King of Kings Title and she raises it up proud of herself. White Tiger comes through the curtains and stands on the stage clapping. Fortin climbs the turnbukle and looks to Tiger as she raises the title, and that's the shot the show fades on.


1: Angela Fortin (8.53 avg)
2: Alessandro Quagliaterre (8.47 avg)
3: John Steel/White Tiger (8.25 avg)
4: Curtis Azel (8.13 avg)
5: Hollie Winder (8.07 avg)

Mizore - 7.9
Dustin Jobber/Psychotica - 7.73
Jay Jobber/Michelle McCool - 7.7
Scar - 7.65
Cliff Morgan - 7.63
Mickie James - 7.58
CM Punk - 7.3
Cryme Tyme/Mike Jobber - 6.83
Fugates - 6.1
Randy Orton - 5.1
Josie Wales - 4.35
AJ Lee - 4.25

Copyright Extreme Wrestling Entertainment 2013
