' e W e C h a o s '

| Date : 02-05-05 | Recovery Status : Recovered with WayBack Machine| Theme: "Almost Over" By Limp Bizkit | Venue : San Jose, California|
Main Event - The Domination vs White Tiger & Sean Lewis | Turnout : n/a |


:: Chaos Show Open ::

:: The Camera Shows the Hype Video...Then "Almost Over" by Limp Bizkit hits the PA System!!..The Camera Pans the Crowd As JR and Kings Voices are heard. ::

:: Jim Ross :: - Welcome to San Jose California!! only 6 Days after Royal Rumble!!

:: The King :: - It was Great JR!!

:: Jim Ross :: - You are sure Right King...

:: JR is cutt off as "St. Anger" by Metalica hits the PA System....The crowd boos as The Essence of Perfection...Emperor Ben....Trish Stratus....Tyson Tomko...and Blade makes their way to the ring. Ben and Trish have nice Jewlry on...Blade is smiling ear to ear about something. ::

:: Blade :: - Hello...I have some great news...I stand here today...as your new!...EWE COMMISIONER!!!

:: Emperor Ben :: - That's right but even bigger news...The Essence Of Perfection....me and Trish...are now for the 2nd time...EWE's GOLDEN COUPLE!!...Nothing can stop us...And in just 2 weeks you will all witness the greatest Wedding ever in History!...Because u can't get any greater then The Essence of Perfection...

:: The Crowd boos and continues to boo as Ben is cutt off as "The Game" By Motorhead hits the PA. The booing doesn't stop as HHH walks down the ramp and gets in the ring. ::

:: Triple H :: - Ben...Your a lucky son of a bitch!...Or should I say White Tiger is...I should be going to WrestleMania to become the World Heavyweight Champion!..But Instead..I WAS SCREWED!!!....You Owe me a Title Shot!!...if DDD would have stuck his nose out of my business I'd already be on my way to WrestleMania...so I refuse to leave this ring until I am given a Title Shot!!

:: The Crowd Roars as "Gimme The Mic" By Limp Bizkit Nails the PA Chaos walks down with a mic and enters the ring. ::

:: Johnny Chaos :: - So let me get this straight...you were screwed?...I'll admit I didn't want DDD there...I didn't want to risk his career...but don't know about being screwed cause he had a number...he was legal...I don't know about this Triple H....look I got an idea...I have a deal...tonight you Have a match with The Undertaker.

:: The Crowd goes wild...Johnny waits for them to calm down before continuing ::

:: Johnny Chaos :: - If you can manage to not lose to Taker tonight...Then you will take Ben on at No Love Lost!!!...Good Luck.

:: The Crowd is still going wild...Ben is about to flip a wig as we go to a Commercial Break. ::

:: Opening Match - "Punk Angel" Gothika vs Torrie Wilson ::

:: "Tainted Love" by Marilyn Manson as the ever so Sexy Gothika makes her way to the ring. "Need a Little Time" hits as Torrie makes her way down to the ring. Gothika places Torrie on the turnbuckle and executes a front-layout suplerplex. Earl Hebner checks Torrie Wilson's boots and knee pads. (the bell rings) Gothika picks Torrie Wilson up and side suplexes him to the mat. "Punk Angel" Gothika knee drops Torrie. Now "Punk Angel" Gothika standing. Gothika with a falling splash on Torrie Wilson. "Punk Angel" Gothika moves back to his feet. Gothika grabs Torrie Wilson and applies an arm wrench. "Punk Angel" Gothika thrust kicks Torrie in the head. Torrie Wilson gets hit with the Pure Domination!! Earl Hebner counts the pin. ...1 ...2 ...3!! ::

Winner Via Pinfall: Gothika

:: Chris Jericho vs. Jason Silver ::

:: Only Afraid Of Myself hits and the crowd Cheers as Jason Silver heads to the ring. 5-4-3-2-1! BREAK THE WALLS DOWN! Jerichos music plays as he walks down the isle and steps into the ring Jericho gets nailed with a charging axhandle bodyblock from Jason Silver. Jericho drops Jason Silver with a Gorilla Press Slam on the mat. (ring, ring, ring) Jason Silver bounces Chris Jericho off the ropes and clotheslines him. Jason Silver fist drops Jericho on the mat. Jason Silver stands up. Jason Silver executes a corkscrew legdrop on Y2J. Jason Silver stands up. Y2J gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Jason Silver. Now Jason Silver standing. Jason Silver puts Y2J in an arm grapevine submission. Y2J stands up. Jericho uses a cradle suplex on Jason Silver. Chris Jericho stands up. Jericho slingshot elbow drops Jason Silver. Jason Silver moves back to his feet. Jason Silver is reaching for the ropes after Y2J grabs him in a half Boston Crab. Referee Earl Hebner is checking for a tap out. ... ... Y2J breaks the hold. Y2J and Jason Silver go to the floor Earl Hebner starts the count (.1) Jason Silver nails Jericho with a huge slingshot sommersault splash. Jason Silver chants start. Jason Silver climbs to his feet. Jason Silver takes Chris Jericho into the ring. Chris Jericho is back on his feet. Chris Jericho chops Jason Silver. Jason Silver executes a huge gutbuster on Jericho. Jericho moves back to his feet. Y2J hits Jason Silver with a rolling elbow smash to the face. Jericho rolls onto Jason Silver connecting with a knee. Jason Silver climbs to his feet. Jason Silver executes the airplane spin and throws Jericho onto the mat. Jason Silver executes a leg hammerlock on Chris Jericho. Earl Hebner is checking for a tap out. ... (AHHHH!) ... ... ... (AHHHH!) Chris Jericho escapes. Jason Silver sends Jericho to ringside. Earl Hebner starts the count (.1) Jason Silver swings a Steel chair and hits Jericho. Jericho is bleeding as a result. (..2) Jason Silver with an Aztecan suplex on Chris Jericho sends him to the floor. Jason Silver moves back to his feet. (...3) Jason Silver stomps Y2J. Y2J gets back to his feet. (....4) Chris Jericho runs and tackles Jason Silver. Chris Jericho punches him in the head. Jason Silver gets up. (.....5) Jason Silver and Jericho move back into the ring. Jason Silver grabs Jericho's head and hites him in the face. Jericho gets taken down with an armdrag takedown. Jericho moves back to his feet. Jericho get whipped into the corner and Jason Silver follows himin with an avalanche. Jericho is t-bone suplexed by Jason Silver. Jason Silver dives head first into Chris Jericho. Jason Silver chants start. Jason Silver gets back to his feet. Chris Jericho punches Jason Silver repeatedly. Jericho executes a spinning back suplex on Jason Silver. Y2J gets up. Now Jason Silver standing. Jericho grabs Jason's Feet and Locks in the Walls of Jericho!!! ... ... Jericho tightens the hold. ... ... ... Jericho tightens the hold. ... ... Jericho tightens the hold. ... Jason Silver taps out. ::

Winner Via Submission: Chris Jericho

:: Triple H is WHAT?!!! ::

:: The Scene opens backstage as we see Flair rushing out of Evolution's Lockerroom. ::

:: Ric Flair :: - Where the heck is Everyone?!!...I need help in here!!!

:: The Camera and EMT's follow Flair into Evolution's lockerroom and we see HHH laid out on the floor. ::

:: Jim Ross :: - Oh My God King I can't Believe This!!!

:: The King :: - Me Neither!! Someone attacked HHH!! We need to get to the bottom of this!!!

:: Jim Ross :: - But how King?!!...so many people hate Triple H...Anyone could have done it!!

:: Emt's try to help HHH out and JR and King still going nuts as we fade into a commercial break. ::

:: Toxic Angel vs. Rikku ::

:: After the Break JR and King are talking about what happened before the break. ::

:: Jim Ross :: - Folks at this time we are unsure of Triple H's Condition...But his match with The Undertaker has been Cancled.

:: "Getting away with murder" by Papa Roach hits as Toxic Angel makes her way down with the Women's Title on her Waist...She takes it off and then tosses it to the outside. "Real Emotion" hits the PA System and the Crowd Cheers as Rikku makes her way to the ring. Rikku gets nailed with a charging axhandle bodyblock from Toxic Angel. Rikku drops Toxic Angel with a Gorilla Press Slam on the mat. (ring, ring, ring) Toxic Angel uppercuts Rikku. Toxic Angel gets hit with a back heel kick. Toxic Angel is back on his feet. Toxic Angel rakes his fingers across Rikku's back. Rikku executes a ropeflip hiptoss on Toxic Angel. Rikku puts Toxic Angel in an arm grapevine submission. Rikku applies an arm wrench to Toxic Angel. Toxic Angel moves back to his feet. Toxic Angel hits Rikku with the double arm DDT into the mat. Toxic Angel gets back to his feet. Toxic Angel executes a leg hammerlock on Rikku. Earl Hebner asks Rikku if he quits. ... Toxic Angel tightens the hold. ... (AHHHH!) Rikku escapes. Toxic Angel rolls onto Rikku connecting with a knee. Rikku hits Toxic Angel with an earringer. Toxic Angel double underhook faceslams Rikku hard to the Rikku. Rikku gets hit with the shooting star press from Toxic Angel. Referee Earl Hebner makes the count. ...1 Rikku escapes. Rikku is back on his feet. Rikku executes a spinning back suplex on Toxic Angel. Rikku is back on his feet. Rikku sends Toxic Angel to ringside. Earl Hebner starts the count (.1) Rikku hits the handspring moonsault on Toxic Angel. (..2) Rikku swings a Steel chair and hits Toxic Angel. Toxic Angel is bleeding as a result. Toxic Angel gets up. (...3) Rikku gets taken down with a corkscrew armdrag. Now Rikku standing. (....4) Rikku grabs Toxic Angel's head and hites him in the face. (.....5) Rikku and Toxic Angel move back into the ring. Rikku uses a snap mare takeover on Toxic Angel. Toxic Angel is back on his feet. Toxic Angel pins Rikku against the ropes and chokes him with his forearm. Toxic Angel neck snaps Rikku. Toxic Angel runs and tackles Rikku. Toxic Angel punches him in the head. Toxic Angel puts Rikku in an arm grapevine submission. Now Rikku standing. Toxic Angel gets hit with a running powerslam by Rikku Rikku chants start. Rikku is back on his feet. Rikku drags Toxic Angel to the floor. Earl Hebner starts the count (.1) Rikku leg drops the throat of Toxic Angel. Rikku measures Toxic Angel up and drops a closed fist. Rikku and Toxic Angel move back into the ring. Rikku knees Toxic Angel and rolls back to his feet. Rikku chants start. Rikku slingshot elbow drops Toxic Angel. Rikku executes the Supper DDT on Toxic Angel! Rikku pins her with a backward bridge. Earl Hebner counts. ...1 ...2 ...3!! ::

Winner Via Pinfall: Rikku

:: Mark Cha0s, Ash, and Ciaran Michaels vs Simply Untouchable ::

:: The Cameras open when Johnny Chaos walks out with a mic. ::

:: Johnny Chaos :: - I know we have a huge 6 man tag next...I have decided to spice this match up...it is now being a 6 man Tag PINK SLIP MATCH!!!...The losers ARE FIRED!!!

:: With that everyone comes out and the match gets under way...it's a huge brawl it never is a tag match as it gets out of control from the beginning...it is ended when Mark nails the Chaos Cutter on Lance Mikes!!!...Mark Covers and gets the 1...2....3!!!! ::

Winners Via Pinfall: Mark Cha0s, Ash, and Ciaran Michaels

:: With that Ciaran grabs a mic and starts singing...."Nah Nah Nah Nah...Nah Nah Nah Nah...Hey Hey Hey....GOODBYE!!"....Then on the Titian Tron it is seen....THE FEAR WILL RETURN!!!! ::

:: Snake vs. Muhammad Hassan ::

:: Hassan's song hits and the crowd boos as Hassan makes his way down with Khosrow Daivari at his side. "One 2 shot" by Eminem hits as Snake and his Conpadre Jose head down to the ring. Snake gets nailed with a charging axhandle bodyblock from Muhammad Hassan. Snake executes a pumphandle suplex on Hassan. (ring, ring, ring) Muhammad Hassan hiptosses Snake. Snake stands up. Snake delivers a kick to the head of Hassan. Hassan climbs to his feet. Hassan hits Snake with an earringer. Hassan with an illegal chokehold on Snake. Snake gets tiger suplexed by Muhammad Hassan. Muhammad Hassan stands up. Hassan knees Snake and rolls back to his feet. Snake moves back to his feet. Muhammad Hassan short clothslines Snake. Hassan executes a corkscrew legdrop on Snake. Muhammad Hassan fist drops Snake on the mat. Hassan gets up. Snake picks Hassan up and side suplexes him to the mat. Muhammad Hassan gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Snake. Snake slaps Muhammad Hassan. Snake short clothslines Muhammad Hassan. Snake with a huge super fisherman buster, driving Muhammad Hassan into the mat. Snake hits Muhammad Hassan with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle. Snake is up again. Snake runs in and leg drops Hassan. Muhammad Hassan goes tackle Snake but accidently gets the ref instead. Muhammad Hassan sucks chants start in the crowd. Hassan uses a legsweep faceslam to bring Snake down. As Snake gets up he kicks Hassan and nails the Snake Bite!!...He Covers but Hebner is out...Snake looks over at Hebner and tries to revive him...but in the process Snake is ambushed by The English Bad Ass and Ice Cool!!!...The Crowd Boos as the Ambush...Jose tries to help Snake out but he is nailed with a chair from Khosrow Daivari. The 2 guys get out as Hassan hits Snake with the Modified STO...He covers just as Earl Hebner gets up and counts the pin. ...1 ...2 ...3!! ::

Winner Via Pinfall: Muhammad Hassan

:: The Crowd Boos as the 4 men(Hassan, Daivari, English Bad Ass, and Ice Cool) head back up the ramp celebrating their actions. ::

:: An Interview with the Great One ::

:: The scene opens with The Rock standing by his locker room with Terri standing by. ::

:: Terri :: - Rock, did you request to have the night off?

:: The Rock :: - Your damn right The Rock asked for the night off! You see Terri, tonight The Rock has someone to please, and it isn't your business who that is and where it is going to happen. The Rock isn't going to wrestle tonight but that doesn't mean he can't show up for his millions... AND MILLIONS... of The Rock's fans.

:: Terri :: - Well how do you feel about the Royal Rumble?

:: The Rock :: - How does The Rock feel? Well The Rock feels pretty damn good Terri. For his third match The Rock thinks he did pretty well against the rest of the EWE superstars. Hell, I will even admit that they have some talent. White Tiger got lucky, he will hear from me again.

:: Terri :: - If your going to wait a while, what do you have planned next?

:: The Rock :: - The Rock knows exactly what is next. In case you weren't watching, at The Rumble, The Rock was attacked and chokeslammed by The Undertaker. Oh, this is fine but there is one problem. One small problem! Undertaker, you were eliminated and you had no reason to bring your candy ass into that ring so you could chokeslam The Rock!

:: Terri :: - But Undertaker didn't attack just you...

:: The Rock :: - The Rock knows this but what wasn't visible from the outside of the ring was the fact that Undertaker wasn't looking to attack the other men, they just got in his way. He knew who he wanted to attack and he did it. He knew who he wanted to attack. Emperor Ben is lucky because without Undertaker doing what he did, The Rock would be in the WrestleMania main event!

:: Terri :: - You seemed a little frustrated with Triple H as well. Did you have anything to do with the attack on Triple H earlier this evening?

:: The Rock :: - Did Rock have anything to do with the attack? Oh hell no! If The Rock really wanted to kick someone's ass, he'd challenge them. I would make my way down to that ring and tell Triple H that I know what is going on, The Rock would tell him to get his ass down to the ring and fight like a man. No more mind games!

:: Terri :: - Is that a challenge?

:: The Rock :: - No... not yet! The Rock has bigger fish to fry tonight!

:: The Rock then walks away. He continues down the hall and is turning a corner when he walks into a 6'10"...and 328 Pounder...THE DEADMAN THE UNDERTAKER...Rock just looks up as they stare at eachother for a few seconds...all turns to hell when Rock is nailed from behind...by...WHAT?!!...TRIPLE H?!!! HE'S HURT!!!....or we thought... ::

:: Jim Ross :: - I thought HHH was hurt!!!...and why are him and Undertaker working together?!!!...I'm missing something here!!!

:: Undertaker and HHH begin the Double Attack on The People's Champ. They eventually drag him into the Parking Lot where HHH slams his face on the hood of Rock's own Limo!...Taker Grabs him by the throat and Chokeslams Rock threw the Windshield!! ::

:: Jim Ross :: - Come on!!...This is getting out of hand!!!

:: Undertaker then picks Rock up and places him on his shoulder as he walks onto the Roof. He sets Rock up...and...TOMBSTONE ON THE ROOF!!! ::

:: Jim Ross :: - That is uncalled for!!!...Rock may never wrestle Again thanks to these jerks!!!

:: Taker and HHH smile at the damage they caused before they walk back into the arena and it fades to a Commercial. ::

:: Tyler Banks vs Slade Craven ::

:: Tyler Banks comes to the ring. "Numb" by Linkin Park hits and crowd cheers as Slade makes his way out to the ring. Tyler Banks checks out the ring. Slade Craven places Tyler Banks on the turnbuckle and executes a front-layout suplerplex. (ding, ding, ding) Slade Craven gets hit with a dragon scerw from Tyler Banks. Tyler Banks stands up. Slade Craven gets up. Tyler Banks hits him with a back fist. Craven punches Tyler Banks in the gut. Tyler Banks short lariats Slade Craven. Tyler Banks fist drops Slade Craven on the mat. Tyler Banks gets up. Tyler Banks executes a corkscrew legdrop on Slade Craven. Now Slade Craven standing. Tyler Banks is speared by Craven. Tyler Banks gets back to his feet. Slade Craven drives a forearm into Tyler Banks. Tyler Banks bites Slade Craven's arm out of desparation. Tyler Banks kicks Slade Craven in the groin. Slade executes a huge gutbuster on Tyler Banks. Tyler Banks climbs to his feet. Tyler Banks delivers a spinning backbreak to Craven. Craven gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Tyler Banks. Tyler Banks hits the fallaway slam on Slade Craven. Tyler Banks gets hit with a back heel kick. Now Tyler Banks standing. Slade chops Tyler Banks. Tyler Banks gets thrown into the turnbuckle. Slade Craven comes over and smashes Tyler Banks's head into it. Slade Craven nails Tyler Banks with a belly-to-back suplex. Craven climbs to his feet. Tyler Banks climbs to his feet. Tyler Banks with a headscissors takeover on Craven. Tyler Banks stands up. Now Craven standing. Tyler Banks uppercuts Craven. Tyler Banks with an illegal chokehold on Craven. Slade gets hit with the shooting star press from Tyler Banks. The ref starts the count. ...1 Slade Craven kicks out. Slade Craven climbs to his feet. Tyler Banks executes a headlock takedown. Craven gets hit with the shooting star press from Tyler Banks. Earl Hebner counts. ...1 ...2 Slade kicks out. Now Slade standing. Craven hits a spinning leg lariat on Tyler Banks sending him to the mat. Tyler Banks gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Slade. Slade Craven applies an arm wrench to Tyler Banks. Tyler Banks climbs to his feet. Tyler Banks goes for a side suplex but Slade Craven dodges the attack. Tyler Banks bounces Craven off the ropes and hits him with a jumping clothesline. Tyler Banks hits the handspring moonsault on Craven. Tyler Banks climbs to his feet. Tyler Banks climbs to the top of the turnbuckle and executes the diving headbutt on Craven. Tyler Banks is back on his feet. Craven suplexes Tyler Banks. Tyler Banks gets back to his feet. Tyler Banks gets tiger suplexed by Craven. Slade gets up. Slade Craven uses a legsweep faceslam to bring Tyler Banks down. As Tyler gets back up he gets nailed with the Cliq Kick!! as Hebner counts. ...1 ...2 ...3!! ::

Winner Via Pinfall: Slade Craven

:: WrestleMania Recall ::

:: As we come back from a Commercial Break. HHH enters Chaos's office. ::

:: Johnny Chaos :: - What are you doing here?

:: Triple H :: - Waiting for you to sign my match at No Love Lost.

:: Johnny Chaos :: - The match never happened...you and Taker beat the shit out of one of my superstars instead.

:: Triple H :: - So?...You never said I had to win...all you said was if I don't lose I will face Ben at No Love Lost.

:: Johnny Chaos :: - Dam You Triple H I bet you think your so smart?!

:: Triple H :: - Of course...Gotta do whatever it takes to get that title.

:: Johnny gets a smile as he signs the match to a contract. ::

:: Johnny Chaos :: - There I hope you're happy

:: Triple H :: - I'm getting a shot at my title...why wouldn't I be?

:: Johnny Chaos :: - Because Evolution is banned from Ringside...if One member interferes...every member including yourself...IS FIRED!!

:: You can see the frusttration on HHH as he leaves the office...The Camera's then shoot to the Arena in time for a WrestleMania Recall!!! ::

:: EWE Announcer :: - And Now....another WrestleMania Recall...counting down to the greatest spectacular in EWE History!!

:: The Camera's Cutt To The Elimination Chamber that took Place at WrestleMania 1 ::

:: WT goes for the Struck Down but Jericho counters with a superplex!!!...Jericho gets back up and goes for the Walls of Jericho on WT!!!...WT starts screaming!!....He desperately trys to reach the ropes...He gets VERY CLOSE within an inch of reach until Jericho pulls him to the other side of the ring...WT continues to fight out of it in extreme agony...he once again gets real close to the ropes and Jericho once again pulls him across the ring. WT still won't give up...he starts pulling Jericho back across the ring a 3rd time...Jericho then applys full pressure by sitting all the way down in the middle of the ring..WT screams more...after being stuck in the middle for a couple of minutes WT finally taps!!..::

:: EWE Announcer :: - WrestleMania 2 coming to you live April 3rd!!

:: As We Return to the Arena "One" By Creed can be heard as the Camera's Show the WM 2 Promo. ::

:: EWE WRESTLEMANIA 2!!!...APRIL 3RD 2005....ARE YOU READY?!!!!! ::

:: Mike Hunt(C) vs Batista - X-Division Title ::

:: Numb/Encore by Linkin Park/Jay Z hits as Mike makes his way to the ring with his new X-Division Title around his waist. "Evolution" by Motorhead and the crowd boos as Evolution's Animal Batista who is accompanied by Ric Flair heads to the ring. Mike Hunt places Batista on the turnbuckle and executes a front-layout suplerplex. Batista executes a pumphandle suplex on Mike Hunt. (the bell rings) Mike Hunt nails Batista with a belly-to-back suplex. Mike Hunt moves back to his feet. Batista short lariats Mike Hunt. Now Mike Hunt standing. Batista gets thrown into the turnbuckle. Mike Hunt comes over and smashes Batista's head into it. Batista goes for a rolling clothesline but Mike Hunt dodges the attack. Batista lifts Mike Hunt up and drops him on his knee. Batista sucks chants start in the crowd. Batista with a falling splash on Mike Hunt. Batista stands up. Batista follows Mike Hunt to the floor. Mike Hunt executes a swinging neckbreaker on Batista. Mike Hunt slingshot elbow drops Batista. Batista moves back to his feet. Mike Hunt takes Batista into the ring. Mike Hunt delivers a spinning backbreak to Batista. Batista gets back into the match with a jumping neck snap on Mike Hunt. Mike Hunt neck snaps Batista. Batista uses a closed fist on Mike Hunt. Batista tackles Mike Hunt. Now Mike Hunt standing. Mike Hunt nails Batista with an inverted DDT. Mike Hunt moves back to his feet. Batista climbs to his feet. Batista executes a jawbreakeron Mike Hunt. Batista stands up. Mike Hunt gets up. Batista executes a ropeflip hiptoss on Mike Hunt. Mike Hunt gets back to his feet. Batista executes a huge gutbuster on Mike Hunt. Mike Hunt climbs to his feet. Batista does a cartwheel and kicks Mike Hunt in the face. Mike Hunt moves back to his feet. Mike Hunt uses a running lariat to take Batista down. Mike Hunt follows Batista to the floor. Batista pulls Mike Hunt's hair. Batista gives Mike Hunt a reverse neckbreaker. Batista stomps Mike Hunt. Mike Hunt executes a spinning back suplex on Batista. Mike Hunt climbs to his feet. Batista stands up. Mike Hunt takes Batista into the ring. Batista gets hit with a running powerslam by Mike Hunt Mike Hunt moves back to his feet. Now Batista standing. Batista uses a lariat on Mike Hunt. Batista executes a corkscrew legdrop on Mike Hunt. Batista climbs to his feet. Mike Hunt mule kicks Batista. Mike Hunt chokes Batista. Batista gets back to his feet. Mike Hunt hits Batista with the double arm DDT into the mat. Mike Hunt climbs to his feet. Mike Hunt with a falling splash on Batista. Mike Hunt gets back to his feet. Batista gets back to his feet. They Hook back up...Batista Tries to Power Bomb Hunt threw a Table...But Hunt counters and Delievers the Equalizer threw it!!...Hunt pins and gets the 3!! ::

Winner Via Pinfall: Mike Hunt

:: Hunt Celebrates and starts up the ramp...he is then joined by his buddy Mark Cha0s...Mark raises his hand in the air...suddenly he nails a Chaos Cutter on Hunt!!...Then we notice a short Mark is wearing...."EVOLUTION!!!!" Mark and Batista Beat the hell out of Hunt before they head backstage. ::

:: NO LOVE LOST!!! ::

:: The Cameras Return from break and to JR and King. ::

:: Jim Ross :: - We are moments away from the Main Event...but before we get to that...we got some things to talk about.

:: The King :: - That's Right JR!!...Emperor Ben and Trish are getting married in only 15 days!!!

:: "Broken" by Seether and Amy Lee hits the PA System and the crowd cheers as whatever JR and King talks about comes up on the titan Tron. ::

:: Jim Ross :: - That's Right King...in 15 Days...Emperor Ben and Trish Stratus...Our World and Women's Champions...will tie the Knot

:: The King :: - That's Right JR!!...The Essence of Perfection!! WOOHOO!!

:: Jim Ross :: - The Event it will happen at...In 15 Days is called No Love Lost...and at that Pay Per View...we heard it tonight...Emperor Ben despite the wedding...will be deffending the World Heavyweight Championship vs Triple H!

:: The King :: - That's right JR!!...The GAME!!...and The Emperor!!!...2 of our biggest Wrestlers...for the #1 Prize in this business!!!

:: Jim Ross :: - That's Right King...But I heard it a little while ago...The Rock wants him....The Rock needs to Face him...Despite his Injury The Undertaker will go One On One With The Great One at No Love Lost!!

:: The King :: - That's Right JR!!...And We also got the message that it will be a Buried Alive Match!!!

:: Jim Ross :: - What a huge match That's going to be...wait Johnny is telling me something...NO WAY!!...After the Brutal Attack to The Rock...I can't believe Rock will even be at No Love Lost...But Next Week it's Amazing that Rock WILL BE HERE!!!...AND IN ACTION!!!...Live Next Week on Chaos it will Be The Rock Teaming up with Emperor Ben...to take on the Deadly Alliance of The DeadMan The Undertaker...and Evolution's Own...Triple H!!!

:: The King :: - WHAT A MATCH!!

:: Jim Ross :: - Your Dam Right King!!...It's Gonna be a Slobber Knocker!!!

:: Main Event - The Domination vs Sean Lewis & White Tiger ::

:: Suddenly REACH OUT AND TOUCH FATE! is heard as "Personal Jesus" by Marilyn Manson hits the PA and The Dook Shaz and "Hardcore" Brandon James makes their way down with the trusted Cavalier close by. Sean's music hits and the crowd roars as Sean Lewis heads down the ramp and waits until "Welcome 2 The Jungle" by Guns N Roses hits the crowd is still on their feet as WT joins Sean and they head to the ring. HBJ executes a pumphandle suplex on White Tiger. White Tiger drops HBJ with a Gorilla Press Slam on the mat. (the bell rings) "Hardcore" Brandon James executes the guillotine choke on White Tiger. HBJ is back on his feet. White Tiger brings in Sean Lewis for Sean Lewis and White Tiger. White Tiger sets "Hardcore" Brandon James up DDTs him into the mat. They lockup. Sean sends "Hardcore" Brandon James to the corner of the ring. Sean gets hit with a diving elbow smash from "Hardcore" Brandon James. "Hardcore" Brandon James climbs to his feet. "Hardcore" Brandon James tags The Dook Shaz. Dook Shaz sets Sean up DDTs him into the mat. "Hardcore" Brandon James hits a frog splash on Sean. Shaz executes the guillotine choke on Sean Lewis. Shaz gets up. Dook Shaz knees Sean and rolls back to his feet. Dook Shaz grabs Sean Lewis and applies an arm wrench. Now Sean Lewis standing. Sean Lewis trys for a top-rope German suplex but The Dook Shaz avoids it. Sean Lewis drags The Dook Shaz to the floor. Earl Hebner starts the count (.1) (..2) Dook Shaz bends over as Sean elbows him in the midsection. (...3) Sean Lewis hits a flying karate chop right to The Dook Shaz's neck. (....4) Shaz pins Sean Lewis against the ropes and chokes him with his forearm. (.....5) They fight into the aisle. Sean Lewis and Dook Shaz move back to ringside. Sean takes Dook Shaz into the ring. The Dook Shaz gets caught with an elbowsmash to the face. The Dook Shaz tags "Hardcore" Brandon James. HBJ holds his mouth after recieving an elbow smash to the face. Sean Lewis executes a ropeflip hiptoss on "Hardcore" Brandon James. "Hardcore" Brandon James stands up. HBJ legsweeps Sean Lewis. "Hardcore" Brandon James executes a corkscrew legdrop on Sean. Now HBJ standing. Sean is up again. Sean whips HBJ into the corner and follows up with a huge splash. HBJ gets up. Sean gets bounced off of the ropes and hit with a backdrop diver by HBJ. Now "Hardcore" Brandon James standing. Sean gets knock to the ground while "Hardcore" Brandon James locks him in the chinlock deathlock submission. Earl Hebner is checking for a tap out. ... Sean trys to escape. ... Sean is fighting the hold. "Hardcore" Brandon James breaks the hold. "Hardcore" Brandon James drags Sean Lewis to the floor. Earl Hebner starts the count (.1) (..2) HBJ kicks Sean on the floor. (...3) HBJ grabs Sean and applies an arm wrench. Sean stands up. (....4) A flying bodypress by Sean Lewis takes "Hardcore" Brandon James to the floor with authority. Sean Lewis stands up. HBJ is back on his feet. (.....5) Sean Lewis and "Hardcore" Brandon James move back into the ring. A side kick by Sean turns the match around by knocking "Hardcore" Brandon James to the mat. Now Sean standing. Sean covers HBJ. Earl Hebner counts the pin. ...1 HBJ escapes. HBJ climbs to his feet. Sean makes the tag to White Tiger. White Tiger piledrives "Hardcore" Brandon James. White Tiger suplexes "Hardcore" Brandon James. White Tiger gets back to his feet. White Tiger gouges HBJ's eyes out. White Tiger pokes HBJ in the eye with his thumb. HBJ lifts White Tiger into a vertical suplex. "Hardcore" Brandon James is back on his feet. "Hardcore" Brandon James sends White Tiger to ringside. Earl Hebner starts the count (.1) White Tiger does a handspring and hits "Hardcore" Brandon James with a bodyblock, what a move! White Tiger moves back to his feet. (..2) (...3) White Tiger hits HBJ with an elbowdrop. White Tiger climbs to his feet. (....4) HBJ executes the jumping sidekick on White Tiger. (.....5) "Hardcore" Brandon James and White Tiger move back into the ring. HBJ hits White Tiger with an elbowdrop. Now White Tiger standing. White Tiger hits "Hardcore" Brandon James with a baba chop. White Tiger brings in Sean for Sean Lewis and White Tiger. White Tiger executes a split legged moonsault on to "Hardcore" Brandon James. Sean hits HBJ with the Asia moonsault bodyblock. Sean Lewis attempts to kick HBJ, but "Hardcore" Brandon James catches his leg. Sean flips around and kicks HBJ. Sean moves back to his feet. HBJ gets up. Sean Lewis springboards off of the rope and splashes onto "Hardcore" Brandon James. "Hardcore" Brandon James stands up. An elbow submission by Sean Lewis brings "Hardcore" Brandon James down to the mat. The referee is checking the situation. ... "Hardcore" Brandon James is fighting the hold. ... Sean Lewis tightens the hold. ... ... "Hardcore" Brandon James trys to escape. "Hardcore" Brandon James escapes. Sean Lewis drags HBJ to the floor. Earl Hebner starts the count (.1) Sean chokes HBJ with a microphone cable. Sean climbs to the top turnbuckle and executes a somersault legdrop on "Hardcore" Brandon James. Sean hits "Hardcore" Brandon James with an elbowdrop. Sean Lewis gets up. Sean Lewis takes HBJ into the ring. HBJ gets kneed in the stomach by Sean Lewis when Sean jumped off the top rope. Sean Lewis climbs to his feet. Dook Comes in and tries to Clothesline Sean but Sean ducks and Dook gets the Ref!!!....Sean Tosses Dook out...as Sean Turns around HBJ Rolls him up!!...But no Ref!!! HBJ Revives the ref...he gets him to wake up...as he turns around he recieves a Punk~O~Matic from Sean Lewis!!! Sean covers HBJ. Earl Hebner counts. ...1 ...2 ...3 ::

Winners Via Pinfall: Sean Lewis & White Tiger

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