' e W e C h a o s '

| Date : 7-10-04 | Recovery Status : Recovered with WayBack Machine| Theme: "Step Up" By Drowning Pool | Venue : Denver, Colorado|
Main Event - 4 Way{#1 con. Heavyweight Title} | Turnout : n/a |


:: Chaos Show Open ::

:: The EWE Promo rolls across the screen. Then it shows a clip of Vince announcing Tag Tourney. Then The Chaos Promo plays before the camera pans off the Titian Tron. "Step Up" by Drowning Pool is blasting in the PA System as Fans are going nuts and Fireworks blast. The Camera pans the crowd as King and JR's voices are heard. ::

:: Jim Ross :: - We are here live in a sold out arena in Denver Colorado!!..What a show weve got planned tonight folks!!!!

:: The King :: - That's Right JR!!..tonight marks the begining of the Tag Title Tournament!!!

:: The Camera then zooms in on King and JR's table. ::

:: EWE Chaos ::

:: Jim Ross :: - Well King...Tonight We also have the main event that will decide who will go on to Double Assault to meet Triple H!

:: The King :: - What about Nyla Dupre making her Debut!!!

:: Jim Ross :: - That's right Tonight is definately a Slobber Knocker!!

:: Suddenly "No Chance" hits the PA system as Vinced heads down the ramp. He has a mic in one hand that the same briefcase from Retribution in the other. ::

:: Vince Mcmahon :: - ok now I know you all know why I am out here and what is in this briefcase....Because tonight...is the start of a very special tournament...This should be an explosive night....and tonight...begins it all!!...The Tag Tournament starts.....NOW!!! ::

:: Opening Match - Dook Shaz & Kris Jaxson vs Matt Hardy and Onidaga{Tag Tourney} ::

:: As Soon as that "Easier to Run" by Linkin Park hits as Onidaga walks out on the ramp. He gets in the ring and as he does...."Live for the Moment" by Monstermagnet hits as Matt Hardy comes out. Matt heads down the ramp and slides in the ring as "Getchu Twisted" by Krazy Bone and Kris Jaxson walks out followed by Dook Shaz and his manager The Calivier. They get in the ring as the bell sounds. Shaz and Matt starts the match. Shaz takes him down with a a suplex. Shaz completely dominates Matt until he tags in Kris. Kris comes in and starts after Matt. Kris has control for awhile until Matt tags Onidaga. After awhile of beating the shit out of eachother Onidaga tags in Matt and he fights with Dook Shaz on the outside. But while they are fighting Kris puts Matt away with the Jax-Attack!! ::

:: Winners Via Pinfall: Dook Shaz/Kris Jaxson::
:: Match Time - 5:21 ::

:: Sean & SMT vs Jeff & Jenny Rodgers {Tag Tourney} ::

:: "Fade to Black" by Metallica hits as Sean and SMT heads through the Curtains. They continue down the ramp and wait as "Dirty Deeds done Dirt Cheap" by AC/DC as Jeff and Jenny Rodgers head through the curtains along with Brooke and down to the ring. Jeff really takes it to SMT throughout the match. Jeff then tags in Jenny and she starts on SMT. He takes her down and tags Jenny as they set up a Double Team. Jeff breaks it up. As Jeff and SMT start fighting. The Ref loses track who is legal and who isn't. But it doesn't matter cause SMT hits a Crucifix Powerbomb on Jeff as Sean hits the Punk-O Matic on Jenny and they both cover getting the 3 and the right to advance! ::

:: Winners Via Pinfall: Sean & SMT ::
:: Match Time - 4:43 ::

:: Venom/Red Light vs ICP{Tag Tourney} ::

:: Both teams head to the ring and have a close competition match. So close that the match ends in a no contest from a Double Countout. Vince comes out and says since both teams were counted out...Neither team advances! ::

:: Winners Via Countout: DRAW
:: Match Time - 7:12 ::

:: Assassin/AJ Styles vs The Ministry{Tag Tourney} ::

:: Assassin and AJ heads to the ring as they wait for Taker and his follower. Suddenly all the lights in the arena goes out and the arena fills with purple smoke as gongs are heard. The Guy in White walks through and down the ramp leading 8 men with Torches. They line up 4 on each side of the ramp as the guy in white stands at the bottom. Then "Graveyard Sympathy" hits as Taker walks through the curtains and past the flamming Torches. He gets in the ring and the bell rings. Ministry completely dominates the match..But in the middle of the match Steiner is seen on the Titian Tron looking for Midajah...Taker instructs the guy in White to head back there. So this leaves Taker in a 2 on 1 match. Taker does pretty well and Takes them both out when a Chokeslam!..He then gives Styles a Tombstone. As he sets Assassin up for one ICP runs down and disstracts the ref as Abyss attacks Taker from behind with a chair...Assassin gets up and Delievers the Assassination on Taker to the Chair!!...Abyss gets out and takes the Chair as him and ICP leave Assassin picks up the victory! ::

:: Winners Via Pinfall: Assassin & AJ Styles::
:: Match Time - 5:36 ::

:: Torrie/Sable vs Trish/Eighteen{Tag Tourney} ::

:: Sable and Torrie come out as they wait on Their opponents..Then "Rock N Roll" by Lil Kim hits as Trish comes out with STACY's title on her waist. Then "Faint" by Linkin Park hits as Eighteen comes down with her World Title. The ref sets both the titles over on a little table on the side as the bell rings. Trish is taking it to Sable until she sees Stacy coming down after her title. Trish rushes to tag Eighteen then flys out of the ring and pounces on Stacy!....Eighteen quikly Takes down Torrie and locks in the 18 Points of Pain on Sable...Sable taps as Eighteen rushes off and helps Trish to fight off stacy. ::

:: Winners Via Tapout: Trish & Eighteen::
:: Match Time - 3:47 ::

:: Natural Born Thrillers vs Jake Young/Scotty{Tag Tourney} ::

:: As Jake Young and Scotty get to the ring. The Ref informs them that Kid Cha0s has been released and Mark hasn't showed up at the arena yet so he rings the bell and Lilian announces them winners. ::

:: Winners Via Forfeit: Jake Young & Scotty::
:: Match Time - 0:00 ::

:: Genetic Evolution vs Evolution{Tag Tourney} ::

:: Steiner and Batista head to the ring with Chyna at side. Then "Evolution" by Motorhead hits as All four members of Evolution head down the ramp. HHH accompanied by Stephanie and Orton by Stacy. The match is as good as they come. Back and forth they go. As Batista sets Orton up for the Batista Bomb Stacy hops on the ramp and distracts him. She messes with him before Chyna pulls her off the apron. When Batista turns around WHAM!!..RKO!...Orton covers...1...2...Steiner breaks it up!...Later on it's Steiner and HHH legal men. Orton and Batista brawling on the outside. As Batista nearly takes Orton's head off with a clothesline HHH plants Steiner with a Pedigree!! He covers and gets the 3 before Batista can get in the ring. As HHH celebrates. He is hit from behind by Ciaran Michaels!!...Micheals is out for revenge for White Tiger!...He gives HHH the X-Effect and walks off up the ramp. ::

:: Winners Via Pinfall: Evolution(HHH/Orton)::
:: Match Time - 13:32 ::

:: Chyna vs Nyla Dupre ::

:: Chyna and Nyla go back and forth for awhile. Nyla making her EWE Debut!!...She shows what she's got and takes out Chyna with The ThrillSeeker for the Victory!! ::

:: Winner Via Pinfall: Nyla Dupre::
:: Match Time - 4:46 ::

:: Main Event - Emperor Ben vs Jake Young vs Randy Orton vs Chris Jericho ::

:: The scenes open up from the last commercial break for the night.. We here the finishin' stages of Jericho's entrance as he is enterin' the ring also Jake Young has already entered... Jericho poses as Emperor Ben's music also hits the and he makes his way down to the ring with nothin' but boo's.. Last of all Randy Orton makes his way down to the ring.. with Triple H and Stephanie behind him.. They make there way over to the annonce's table as the bell ring... Emperor Ben ties up with Jake Young as Jericho goes chasin' at Orton and dropkickin' him off the apron before he can enter.. Ben is workin' on Young in the corner as he delievers furious chops to the chest of Jake Young.. Ben taunts and costs him as now Jake is the one delieverin' chops to Ben.. He then goes to irish whip him but Ben reserve's and Young goes hard onto the turnbuckle.. Ben delievers an intense Belly 2 Belly surplex.. while on the orton.. Orton has ramed Jericho's face into the steel.. While in the ring.. Ben has covered Young but Orton stops it and begins to hammer away on Ben.. He picks Ben up and goes to irish whip him but Ben reserves and Orton comes back with a forearm.. Ben goes down as Jericho has made his way back up and catches Orton with the missle dropkick.. and then both Ben and Young jump on to stop the count at 2.. Now Ben hammers away at Jericho along with Young and turn both irish whip Jericho to the corner.. Jericho bounces of the turnbuckle and charges back at Young with a double clothesline.. Jericho then yells at the crowd "come on".. and goes for the lionsault on Young but Young moves outta the way as Jericho lands on his feet.. Young goes for a clothesline as Jericho ducks.. Jericho grabs both of Young's legs and tries to lock in the Walls Of Jericho and ends up doing so... Orton goes to break it up but Ben toedrops Orton down and locks in the Emperors Doom (ankle lock).. Both men scream as Jericho breaks it up to stop as Ben rolls outta the ring and so does Young.. Jericho then picks up Orton and nails a german surplex pin.. they count 1...2... Ben cuts off Jericho's feet movin' him after from the pin.. Ben nails the Emperors Wish on Orton and pins.. 1...2... kickout! Jericho kicks out.. Ben picks up Jericho but Jericho shoves Ben into the ref.. Ben clotheslines Jericho down as Orton comes in with a chair.. Ben ducks the chair shot and locks in the Emperors Doom (Ankle Lock) once again on Orton.. HHH leaves the annonce table as Orton is tappin out.. HHH enters the ring and breaks up the Emperors Doom and Pedigree's Ben.. He lays Orton over Ben as revives the ref as the ref makes it over.. he counts.. 1...2... kickout! Ben kicked out.. HHH loses it.. and goes crazy.. As Orton rolls to the outside.. Jake Young enters as Ben signals the end is near and sets up Jake Young for the Emperors Doom and connects.. he falls on Jake Young... 1.......2.......3! Ben's music plays as HHH looks concerned.. Ben's hand is raised.. as HHH comes from behind with his title as HHH and Orton double team Ben.. HHH takes Ben outside the table and Pedigree's him though it.. HHH picks up his world title and raises it over Emperor Ben as EWE goes off the air ::

:: Winner Via Pinfall: Emperor Ben ::
:: Match Time - 15:28 ::

:: Copyright EWE Chaos 2004 ::