' M o n d a y N i g h t C h a o s '

| Date : 03-27-06 | Recovery Status : Original Forum Summary | Theme: "Remedy" By Seether |
Venue : ??? | Main Event - 6 Man Tag Match | Turnout : 23 RolePlays


Opening Match
Standard Match
Jordan Rage Vs Tragedy
Winner: Jordan Rage


Match Two
Fatal 4 Way Match
Grimreaper Vs Chris Volz III Vs Chris Fury Vs Kris Jaxson
Winner: Kris Jaxson


Shane Comes out and announces that Iyari has been released from eWe so she would not be in the Battle Royal...he also informs the fans that Stacie Sinnex has been injured and cannot compete...seeing as how she was the #1 contender for the Women's Title at WrestleMania...he assures the crowd that their will still be a Women's Title Match at WresteMania...the Battle Royal is now for the new #1 contendership.


Match Three
Women's #1 Contendership
Interpromotional Diva's Battle Royal

1: Mellisa
2: Ashley Massaro
3: Naomi
4: Kiana & Julie at same time
Winner: Brooke Areneta


Match Four
Standard Match>
Sean Lewis Vs The Undertaker
Winner: Sean Lewis


Match Five
Xplosion Brand Triple Threat Debuts
The Rock Vs Jason Anderson Vs Austin Paul
Winner: The Rock


Assassin is backstage having an interview until he is cut off...when he is speared threw the Interview Set by Xplosion Superstar Edge!!!...Edge smirks down at Assassin as Security pulls him out of the arena.


Match Six
Standard Match
Randy Orton W/ Stacy Keibler Vs Snake

Snake and Orton have one hell of a match...back and forth all the way threw...so many close falls...Snake even just barely kicks out of an RKO after a delayed cover....Orton does the same with the Snake Bite...but towards the end...when Orton is calling for another RKO...Jeff Payne comes running down with a Chair...he swings for Orton...but Orton ducks...Payne gets Snake instead
Winner via DQ: Snake
Afterwards: Orton and Payne brawl up the ramp until it goes to break.


Match Seven
Mixed Tag Match
Triple H & Stephanie Vs Emperor Ben & Trish Stratus
Winners: Triple H & Stephanie
Afterwards: HHH has the trusty Sledgehammer...Ben leaves Trish all alone to take it...she is backing up in fear waving her hands begging him no...but finally HHH is hit from behind by Toxic!!...The Crowd roars as they brawl away.


Vince is walking backstage until he finds Snake laying in his office completely beat to hell...Vince don't know what to think...he turns around and finds himself face to face with Austin!!...Austin smiles and tells vince "See you at WrestleMania"


Main Event
Six Man Tag Match
Ciaran/C. Hart/LAW Vs Alexi/HBK/C. Steel

A Nice Good Battle...Law and Chris Steel is who it comes down to as HBK and Hart have brawled off threw the audience...and Alexi & Ciaran are knocked out...as Chris Steel goes for the Drunk and the Sober...Law moves out of the way then plants the Arrest Warrant for the 3 Count!
Winners: Ciaran/Chris Hart/LAW
Afterwards: Law and Steel keep fighting back up the ramp...Ciaran and Alexi are only ones in the ring as they awake...they give eachother an intense staredown until suddenly they are attacked from behind...by Dylan Styles and Blue Panther from Xplosion!!!!....They continue fighting to a commercial break.


WrestleMania 3 Contract Signing
EWE Undisputed Championship

Everything surprisingly went down to plan...no fights or anything...but the final part left a shock in the crowd...and smiles on the 3 competitors...after all 3 contracts were signed...Vince announce this match would be.....the 1st ever...TRIPLE THREAT...TRIPLE STACKED CAGE!!!!!!!!!

:: Copyright EWE Monday Night Chaos 2006 ::