' M o n d a y N i g h t C h a o s '

| Date : 05-08-06 | Recovery Status : Original Forum Summary | Theme: "Remedy" By Seether |
Venue : ??? | Main Event - Steel Cage Match: Triple H Vs Emperor Ben | Turnout : 13 RolePlays


Opening Match
Ladder Match (eWe Contracts in the balance)
Hell on Fire Vs Chris Fury
Chris Fury


Match Two
Standard Match
Condor Vs Mr. Extreme


Opening Match
Standard Match
Justin Vincible Vs Ciaran Michaels
Winner: Ciaran Michaels


Match Two
Standard Match
Rhysus Vs Nightmare
Winner: Nightmare


Trixy conducts an interview with Ciaran and congradulates him on his victory...then she asks him about the attack on him a couple weeks ago that kept him from the International Title Match...if he knew who it was...before he could answer laughing was heard before Nightmare appeared on screen...He explained how he has no patience to wait to make an impact...but to make one himself...then admitted to the attack...and Challenged Ciaran to a Steet Fight at AfterMath...who gladly accepted.


Match Three
Tables Match
Shawn Michaels Vs Chris Hart
Winner: Shawn Michaels


Chris Hart does a promo in the ring and states that he would have no chance in the Chamber...he would then go backstage as then Red Thunder's song would be heard...he was come out and say he however would dominate!...(Key Note...not 2 different people...it'd be like if Mankind didn't think he could do the Chamber...but Cactus Jack could...split personality.)


Match Four
Standard Match
Stormfront Vs Mr. Bigg
Winner: Stormfront

Afterwards: Stormfront is then Ambushed by Rhysus who claims he will not lose again...that the other time was a fluke...and wants to prove it in Stormfront's own match as of last week...an Xtreme Rules Match at AfterMath!!


Match Five
Diva's Tag Match
Candice Michelle & Dream Vs Helena & The Fizz
Winners: Candice and Dream after Helena didn't even show up in the match.


A promo airs...that announces the return of the Former Mid Eastern Champion!!! (2022 Adlib: Chris Steel)


Match Six
Street Fight
Marc Trust Vs Randy Orton
Winner: Randy Orton


Match Seven
2 on 3 Handicap Match
Law & Predator Vs Kris Jaxson, Jordan Rage, & Snake

The INT Champ didn't even join the match...instead sat on the stage and smoked some as he watched his challengers for next Sunday be forced as partners....Law and Predator's connection wouldn't work neither...and soon both teams was beating eachother up...until Rage and Law is taken out of the ring then KJ hits Predator with the Untouchable

Winners: KJ, Rage, & Snake


Everything went down smoothly...surprisingly no fight broke out...but harsh words were exchanged between Assassin and Scott Rock....Vince made reference that this being non eWe Sactioned match...eWe is not lieable nor responsible for what may or may not occur.


Main Event
Steel Cage Match
Triple H Vs Emperor Ben

A Long brutal match as you would expect...back and forth the whole way...both men are very worn down as they both start climbing the cage....once to the top they would exchange rights and lefts until they both drag eachother down hard into the mat!!...after laying there awhile they both finally start showing some motion...HHH starts crawling towards the door...the refs get it open just as HHH is about to go threw Ben stops him...but while the door is open Stephanie slides HHH's Sledgehammer into the ring....They exchange rights once again until HHH kicks Ben below the belt and plants a DDT...he then picks the Sledge Hammer up and stalks Ben....Ben gets up and is about to turn around...but ducks right away as HHH hits the Cage...Ben then Rolls HHH up, pulling the tights to take the Victory.

Winner: Emperor Ben

Afterwards: Ben starts celebrating as the Cage begins to rise....HHH is about to get up as Ben has that Sledge Hammer...he fake swings at Steph, getting her to get back out of the ring...he then cracks HHH across the skull busting him wide open...Ben then drops the hammer and smiles down at the fallen HHH...he don't smile long as that face is crashed into with some Sweet Chin Music!!...The Crowd roars as HBK looks at Ben on the ground...he then checks on Hunter...but is soon planted with an RKO!!...which is causing the crowd to boo heavily...Orton leaves the ring with that same Cocky smile as HHH, Ben, and HBK are all laid out in the ring...ORton continues backwards up the ramp then turns around...into a Steel Chair by Marc Trust!!...Trust drops the chair and curses at the fallen Orton...Trust is quickly ambushed by Red Thunder!!...Thunder hits the Thunderstruck off the side of the Ramp!!..He stares up at the confused crowd as the camera's fade.



1: Emperor Ben
2: Triple H
3: Ciaran Michaels
4: Stormfront
5: Kris Jaxson

1: Candice Michelle
2: The Fizz
3: Dream
4: Helena Ring
5: n/a

:: Copyright EWE Monday Night Chaos 2006 ::