' M o n d a y N i g h t C h a o s '

| Date : 06-12-06 | Recovery Status : Original Forum Summary | Theme: "Remedy" By Seether |
Venue : ??? | Main Event - Extreme OverLoad EWE Title Spot #3 | Turnout : 33 RolePlays


Show Opening
The show opened with the usual pyro on the stage. It then echoed to the sounds of "No Chance" getting alot of boos from the Crowd. Vince came out and mentioned the upcoming return of the the old eWe Show, Saturday Night ShowDown...the return is on July 8th and it will be a joint spectacular event that promises a show to remember. He then mentions the Extreme OverLoad PPV coming up in just 13 days...He announced another match, a 6 Man Interpromotional Tag...Piper would choose 5 Superstars to represent Xplosion..Vince then announces Team Chaos as HHH makes his way to the ring...after a few moments silence MNM's Theme hits and the red carpet is laid out down the ramp. Team Chaos to be HHH, Mercury, and Nitro


Opening Match
Standard Match
Helena Ring Vs The Fizz

The Fizz looks good in her return. she takes control of the match for awhile. Helena then makes a precise counter and takes the match over herself. They go back and forth until Helena takes Full control. She plants Fizz with the end all, instead of covering she smirks and climbs the turnbukle, putting Fizz away with the Frog Splash.

Winner: Helena Ring


Match Two
Standard Match
K~Dawg Vs The Rock

K~Dawg looked good in his return match last week, much the same this week...he took The People's Champ to school getting the quick 3 count.

Winner: K~Dawg


The Camera's show Sinister Alliance walking the halls getting boos from the crowd. It then shows a lockerroom with the ECW Logo getting a mixed reaction from the crowd before the doors open and out steps RVD and Sandman.


Match Three
ECW Rules Tag Match
ECW's Sandman & RVD Vs Sinister Alliance's Stormfront & Mr. Bigg

ECW and SA made their way to the ring...and put on a great match...Started off in ECW's conrol RVD and Sandman took them to their world...It was when RVD was about to hit a 5 star when Stormfront shoved him off the top rope and he crashed threw a table on the outside...Sandman clotheslined Stormfront, but Mr Bigg took Sandman down with his very own Kendo Stick. SA would keep control of the match for awhile...After awhile SA would doube Power Bomb RVD threw a table...before they could cover Sandman would break it up and clean house with the Kendo Stick...that is until Nightmare stuck his nose in the match...Nightmare stared Sandman down, until Nightmare was struck from behind with a Chair by Xplosion's or more importantly ECW's newest member Johnny Chaos!!! Johnny takes Nightmare and plants The Extreme Make-Over onto a Chair...Sandman then directs Traffic as they get both Bigg and Stormfront placed on tables...Sandman points to both turnbukles as Johnny and RVD climb and hit the 5 star and Extreme Splash threw the tables!!...RVD covers getting the 3.

Winners: ECW


Backstage we see Emperor Ben getting ready for his match next, but not before he is confronted and shares an instense staredown with Law.


Match Four
Submission Match
Emperor Ben Vs Chris Steel

Ben and Steel make their way to the ring. and sell a great match Steel takes the 1sy advantage because he posted the first roleplay of course...He takes over for quite awhile until Ben catches him off guard with a german suplex. Ben looks to lock in the Emperor's Wrath, but Steel kicks him right back off. Ben hits a few big moves before Steel finds a way to get the control back in his favor. when he does he finally gets Ben locked in the Second City Strech. Ben screams but refuses to die...after awhile Steel has to release...Steel keeps control for awhile until Ben hits a hard clothesline from nowhere...Ben then quickly locks in the Emperor's Wrath!!...Steel Screams and also refuses to die...but can't get the ropes...Finally Ben stands on his calf leaving him nowhere to go forcing Steel to tap out!

Winner: Emperor Ben

Afterwards: Ben is celebrating until his celebration is ended...with a Chair across his back!!...by SEAN LEWIS!!!!....Lewis cracks him one more time, before setting up a Table and taking Ben to the top rope...crashing down through the Table with The Gloria!


Match Five
International #1 Contendership
Special Guest Referee: Kris Jaxson
Jordan Rage Vs Nightmare

Rage and Nightmare also bring us another excitting match. Nightmare takes the 1st advantage and keeps it for quite awhile, hitting hard impact moves. Finally Rage is able to get a few counters and get the ball in his court. Rage is looking to put Nightmare away when Helena distracts KJ...that leaves Mr. Bigg and Stormfront to make the attack on Rage...they put him through a Table and leave. Nightmare covers as KJ refuses to count obviously seeing the table...he goes to DQ Nightmare when Stormfront gets in his face. KJ reluctantly makes the count.

Winner: Nightmare

Afterwards: KJ gets back up and goes to deck Stormfront, but Nightmare stops him as SA jumps both KJ and Rage...it's put to an end when ECW flees the ring causing SA to go up the ramp laughing.


MNM conducts an interview and gurantees Impact on Chaos...this is when HHH, HBK, and Stephanie come into the scene...HHH says he knows they will be partners come Extreme OverLoad...but would like to put this new trio to the test next week...MNM bravely accepts.


Main Event
Extreme OverLoad EWE Title Spot #3
Open Invitational Battle Royal

All the Entries make their way to the ring and the match begins with a total of 7 entries. Lilly is the 1st to go as MNM dumps her over the top rope. MNM gets back into the action before Predator and Nightmare knock them to the outside, both manage to hang on to the ropes and stay on the apron. when they are about to get in...Xplosion's X-Tag Team Champions Cameron Hayden and Dylan North race from the crowd and pull Mercury and Nitro off the Apron causing them to be eliminated...after they get MNM laid out They announce they better hope the fans don't vote their way, because The X-Tag Champs is 2 of the 5 Choices to represent Team Xplosion...Back in the ring it's to the Final 4...PRedator charges RVD and Sandman but they double back body drop him sending him over the top rope...Nightmare stares them down realizing he's stuck with 2 ECW guys...He shrugs it off and takes them both down with a Double Clothesline...RVD gets up and goes for a Hurranicanna, but Nightmare keeps ahold and power bombs him over the top rope...while Nightmare is still leaned over the ropes Sandman grabs the Kendo Stick and cracks Nightmare in the back of the head, causing him to tumble over to the floor...claiming the Winner, The Sandman!

Winner: The Sandman

Afterwards: RVD gets back in as Johnny comes back down. They join Sandman in his celebration as the arena echos with a "ECW" chant as the camera's fade.



1: The Sandman
2: Nightmare
3: Emperor Ben
4: Stormfront
5: Chris Steel

1: Helena Ring
2: The Fizz
3: Lily Steel
4: n/a
5: n/a

:: Copyright EWE Monday Night Chaos 2006 ::