' M o n d a y N i g h t C h a o s '

| Date : 06-19-06 | Recovery Status : Original Forum Summary | Theme: "Remedy" By Seether |
Venue : Springfield, IL | Main Event - MNM Vs DX | Turnout : 21 RolePlays


Opening Match
Standard Match
Testament Vs Mat Manner

Match don't last long at all as Mat dominates from the second the bell rings...he ends up putting him away with the Quicksilver for the 3 Count!

Winner: Mat Manner


Match Two
Standard Match
Helena Ring Vs Lily Steel

Lily also makes quick work of Helena
Lily Steel


Main Event
Standard Match
Chris Steel Vs K~Dawg

A Great Match...one well worth the Main Event of the show...K~Dawg and Steel went back and forth the whole way...until applying the Sober Lock where Steel finally gets the victory.
Chris Steel




Show Opening
The Show opens as Vince comes to the ring to announce the Poll results...but for some reason leaves out eWe...The Rest of the results are as followed...

Tag Team Titles: TLC - 21 Votes
Fulfill your Fantasy Battle Royal: Cheerleaders - 22 Votes
Women's Title: Lingere Street Fight - 24 Votes
Team Xplosion: Hayden 28 Votes, North 23 Votes, Mr Man 19 Votes
Mid Eastern Title: Extreme Rules Elimination - 26 Votes
International Title: Barbwire Ladder - 22 Votes


Opening Match
Standard Match
Emperor Ben Vs Big Guido

Emperor Ben quickly makes short work of Big Guido...He locks in the Emperor's Wrath and Guido has no choice but to tap out.

Winner: Emperor Ben

Afterwards: Ben lays out a challenge to face Sean Lewis at ShowDown...within moments he is caught off guard with a Super kick by Lewis himself!!


We drift backstage to where we see a handsome looking man, in a rather peculiar looking shirt, we drift up and its Randy Orton? In a AWO+XWX legend shirt? This is prosperous… could it? Can it? Is it?

Jonathan Steele: Did I just see what I though I saw? Randy Orton in a AWO and XWX Legend shirt? It doesn't make any sense.

Tazz: Neither do your mom's blowjobs!


Match Two
Standard Match
Assassin Vs Mr. Bigg

Yet another match that seemed to be one sided and fly by as Assassin dominated the match and took the vitory.

Winner: Assassin


The Camera's move backstage as we see Vince talking to The Sinister Alliance.

Vince McMahon: Yes you heard me right...You will be facing Nightmare...and that Match is next.

Stormfront: And if we don't?

Vince McMahon: Maybe you didn't see what happened to Austin at WrestleMania 3?...Cause you could join him...if you don't do it...well in honor of DX...I'll have two words for ya...YOU'RE FIRED!!!

Vince walks off laughing as the Sinister Alliance don't look happy.


Match Three
Extreme Rules Match
Stormfront Vs Nightmare

As you could imagine they simply won't fight eachother...they just stand there staring eachother down...until Stormfront is cracked in the back with a Steel Chair by Predator!!...Nightmare goes to attack him but his Manager Keith Johnson stop him with a Chair of his own...Nightmare is then cracked with a Chair to the skull by Shane!!...As Stormfront struggles to get up Candice Michelle cracks him over the head with her Women's title...meanwhile Backstage Justin Vincible and the rest of the Sinister Alliance is trying to get by but Security won't let them...tells them Vince's orders if they interupt they will join the un-employment line...as the Ambush continues on Stormfront and Nightmare in the ring "No Chance" hits and the crowd boos as Vince approaches the stage with a mic.

Winner: No Contest

Vince McMahon: I knew you guys wouldn't have the guts to fight eachother...I always have a back up plan...congratulations...you boys just witnessed a small taste of the birth...Of The Corporation!!!...The Sinister Alliance and ECW have now opened the gates to their own Personal Hell!!!


We move backstage once again, to our previous scene of Randy Orton? Is it really him? Well whoever he appears in the divas lockeroom, and sights Trixy, he walks like he's some kind of hot shot towards her.

???: Your looking pretty fine tonight sweetcheeks.

Trixy: Um Oh hey Randy?

???: Baby don't fight it, you know you want me, lets stop the talk and get it on.

Trixy: Well you are pretty hot, but aren't you going out with Sta…

The man stops Trixy in her tracks by going straight for some tongue to tongue action. Leading to some intense intimate moments, where clothes start to go off. The camera fades away.

Jonathan Steele: What the Hell is Randy Orton doing? Poor Stacy must be watching that, and getting heartbroken?

Tazz: Well Randy Orton isn't just known as a Legend Killer, he's a Lady Killer, and hes surely living up to this name. I'm just disappointed we couldn't see the whole show

Jonathan Steele: Well this may be Extreme, but we can't go too overboard, we'll get Eminem'd and have the FCC on our cases.

Tazz: Damn Bureaucrats


As we come back from commercial, the ring is set up like a scene from a beach. They mat is brown to look like dirt. A hammock is set up in the corner, one end tied to the ring pole another to a fake tree. Two lawn chairs are set up, each with a coconut drink next to them. Overhead “Before I Forget This” by Slipnot plays overhead. Jeff Rodgers is in mid ring. He has on shorts and an eWe sleeveless T-Shirt. He picks up the microphone as his music dies.

Jeff Rodgers: Welcome everyone to the pilot addition of Too Hot's Hot Spot. I got an overwhelming amount of applications to be on my show. It was hard to choose my first guest.

Jeff smiles. His smile fades and he shakes his head.

Jeff Rodgers: I actually barely had any. I guess these damn little kids don't remember me. Well I might just have to go to them. Anyways I did manage to find someone for my show. Tonight he squares off against Law. Representing ECW, welcome THE SANDMAN!

Jeff waits as "Enter Sandman" by Mettalica plays overhead. Sandman walks out of the back for once, kendo stick in hand. He has a cigarette in his mouth as he climbs into the ring. Jeff turns his nose up.

Jeff Rodgers: Put out the cigarette. This is my show, not a bar.

Sandman blows a puff of smoke in Jeff's face. Jeff coughs a bit while Sandman puts his cigarette out in the coconut drink. Jeff shakes his head.

Jeff Rodgers: So mister bad attitude, what brought you to the eWe?

The Sandman: If you had been paying attention to me, you'd know that. I came for the new competition. I came for the thrill of fighting a younger tougher generation.

Jeff Rodgers: Yea I should have been following you better. But with all these new guys clogging the ranks of wrestling, it is hard to keep up with every clog.

Sandman raises his stick and takes a step toward Jeff. Jeff waves his hands down in a calm down motion.

Jeff Rodgers: Calm down, hot head. Well it doesn't look like your going to get the eWe title shot. So its all about the tag titles for you. Against Law and Chris Hart. If Ben wins his way into the title match, who are you picking as your partner?

Before Sandman can answer, "Your Disease" by Saliva plays overhead. Law walks down to the ring wearing his ring attire. Sandman spins his stick and gets ready to swing. Law slides under the bottom rope.

LAW: That is a good question Jeff. Who is your partner Sandman. RVD? Johnny Chaos? It doesn't matter to me. Me and Hart will make shorter work out of you then I will tonight.

The Sandman: Funny Law, I planned to tell you the same thing. You're an example. And when ECW takes the new ECW Tag team titles from you, you will go to Heatwave where you belong. Maybe Steel will let you star in a porno with him.

LAW: Oh a gay joke, how original. What if we mess up Jeff's little set now and do this thing right now.

Sandman tosses the stick aside as Law walks forward. They get nose to nose, just staring each other down. Jeff looks back and forth and smiles.

Jeff Rodgers: What a great match we got tonight. Sandman, who Law said looked like a reject from a trailer park against Law who Sandman claimed was fruitier then Rico, Goldust, and Leonardo DeCaprio put together. What a match.

Law yells at Sandman and gives him a push. Sandman takes a step back and pushes Law. Law pushes Sandman again and Sandman pushes Law. Law pops Sandman across his face, turning him around. Sandman turns and spears Law to the ground. Jeff jumps up on the top turnbuckle as the two roll around, fighting all over the ring. The fans boo as a ton of security come to the ring and pull the two apart. They escort each back to the back, yelling at each other the whole way. Jeff smiles in the ring as the scene goes back to the announcers.

Tazz: I think Jeff instigated that. Is that what we have to look forward to in these Hot Spots?

Jonathan Steele: Jeff didn't instigate that. He just gave it a little spark to get it going. And knowing Jeff Rodgers, that is the way the Hot Spot will be held. Can't wait for Xplosion.


Match Four
ECW Rules Match
Predator Vs Rob Van Dam

The Crowd boos even more then normal as Predator makes his way down now that he represents The Corporation. Once "One of a Kind" hits the PA their is a massive amount of cheers as RVD makes his way down...eWe, ECW, wWw, hell even xWx...doesn't matter what fed he'll represent the crowd loves the guy. what can ya expect from this match...but hard hitting Extreme Action...PRedator takes the 1st advantage as he starts to take it to RVD...But soon he makes a small mistake and RVD capitalizes taking full control of the match. He hits tons of his crazy risk taking moves but doesn't get the 3 yet...he sets a Trash can up in Predator's face and goes Coast to Coast...he even tosses a Chair at Predator as he catches it nails the Van Daminator...RVD gets him set up on a Table and looks to put the match to an end...but Keith Johnson shoves him off..RVD fights him off only to be cracked with a chair by Shane!...Predator seals the deal with a Power Bomb through a Table to get the 3!

Winner: Predator


Match Five
ECW Rules Match
The Sandman Vs LAW

The Crowd roars as Law makes his way down to the ring...But they cheer yet again when Sandman comes threw the audience..this one even more Extreme...even more Brutal then the previous. The Match that Stole the show. Sandman being the Vet in this environment takes the 1st control wasting no time cracking Law over the head with his Kendo Stick...It isn't long before Law is able to Gain Control of the match. He takes Sandman to new heights Law has never been before from a few Kendo Stick shots...to a Swinging Neckbreaker off the Ring Apron onto the Steel Steps via running off a set up table. This really gets the crowd behind Law...He maintains control for awhile until missing a Moonsault threw the table on the outside from the ring Barrier, as Sandman Rolled off. Sandman picked him up and whipped him into the barrier where he flops over...they brawl threw the audience for awhile. This is when Johnny Chaos makes a surprise appearence...before he can touch Law Security swarms him...he pulls out a Ticket which still doesn't let him past them to mess with the match...but while stuck with him...Law is low blowed from behind by Drama! Sandman shakes his head...like he didn't know about the ambush...but doesn't really care...He brings Law back into the ring where he looks for the Legsweep with the Kendo Stick. before he covers he sees something that catches his eye...Ben standing on the Stage...He mouths off a couple minutes before Law gets up and hits The Arrest Warrant onto a chair and covers not even noticing Ben.

Winner: LAW

Afterwards: Law celebrates until he turns around and finds himself face to face with Ben!...Suddenly "No Chance" hits the PA..the Crowd boos as Vince walks out with a mic.

Vince McMahon: Hold on now...Don't be tearing eachother apart yet...I'm glad to see you 2 wanna fight...cause the poll is in...we have a tie!!...therefore at Extreme OverLoad...for the eWe Championship it will be Randy Orton deffending against...Emperor Ben...and Law!...in a Triple Threat Match!!!!!!

The Crowd roars as camera fades


"HEY! HEY! HEY! HEY! NOTHING YOU CAN SAY! SAY" begins to blare over the pa system, as Randy Orton accompanied by Stacy Keibler walks out to a mixed response, with a fair bit of cheers wiping out the boos, then again there must be a lot of woman in attendance. Stacy Keibler has the EWE championship title around her shoulder, as Orton does his double extended outstretched arm pose at the ramp, he then smoothly walks towards the ring, as he displays a cheeky grin towards the steel steps of which he climbs up, he holds up the top rope so that Stacy can enter. Orton then allows a moment to allow the crowd to shut the fuck up. He then grabs a mic, and gets onto business.

Randy Orton: I'll make this short and sweet, I won't deliberately try to blabber on, and attempt to make jokes, with five signature catchphrases, oh no, this isn't a Emperor Ben promo, this is your Champion speaking. Now it comes to my attention that there's some punk, some impostor in the back trying to be yours truly... Randy Orton. So I'm not gonna call you out, because I know you don't have the guts to come out, instead I'll bring you out

"Evolution" by Motorhead begins to play, as Chris Masters and Batista walk out, with a piece of rope. The rope is attached to the Randy Orton impostor, whose XWX+AWO legend t-shirt looks a bleak shadow of what it once was. Batista and Masters then throw the impostor into the ring, for Randy to get him on vantage point.

Randy Orton: Who the hell are you?

The impostor grudgingly gets up, hesitant on his response.

???: Dan... Taylor.

Randy Orton: Who?

Dan Taylor: I'm an AWO/XWX Legend, and I could eat people like you for breakfast.

Randy Orton: Legend hey? Do you know who I am?

Dan Taylor: You're Randy Orton.

Randy Orton: And do you know what I do?

Dan Taylor: Legend... Killer.

He suddenly realises what he just said, and figures out the maths, you guessed it... R...K... MOTHERFUCKING... O. Randy Orton just took a mortified XWX Legend and RKO'd his ass. Randy Orton smiles at what he's done. He then brings Batista and Masters in the ring, they all smile at their plan but then... OH MY GOD... RANDY ORTON RKO'S BOTH BATISTA AND MASTERS... WHAT THE F#%K

Randy Orton: Screw you two... you've done absolutely shit for me… as of this moment, Evolution is dead. Edge you think you're some big shot, continuously attacking me, well guess what, you're days are numbered BITCH, and oh yeah Ben, I did say the word bitch, you stupid Australian wanker, the games are over, the fun has stopped. Sunday Ben, Sunday Law, you meet your maker, Benjamin, Law, YOUR FATE IS INEVITABLE!

Randy Orton drops the mic, as a flurry of RKO'd victims lie in the ring, he looks towards Stacy, not another RKO? Don't be shitting yourselves, Stacy means everything to Randy, Stacy and Randy walk off out of the ring, like a bunch of school kids, as the scene fades to a commercial break.


Main Event
Standard Tag Match
MNM Vs D-Generation X

MNM is able to pull this one out after a good back and forth battle

Winners: MNM

Afterwards: Xplosion's Cameron Hayden and Dylan North jump MNM as Mr. Man gets Triple H...HBK helps Hunter out and the Number games get to Team Xplosion...as they clear the house MNM looks at Hunter and leaces...HHH still holding that hammer smirks...then Cracks Shawn!!!!!...The Crowd looks on in aww as HHH dismembers HBK til the show fades.



1: LAW
2: The Sandman
3: Predator
4: Rob Van Dam
5: Chris Steel

1: Lily Steel
2: n/a
3: n/a
4: n/a
5: n/a

:: Copyright EWE Monday Night Chaos 2006 ::