' M o n d a y N i g h t C h a o s '

| Date : 07-17-06 | Recovery Status : Original Forum Summary | Theme: "Remedy" By Seether |
Venue : Little Rock, AR | Main Event - Mid Eastern Championship: Stormfront Vs. Alex Shelly| Turnout : 19 RolePlays


Opening Match
RP or F*ck Off
Testament Vs The Buzzsaw

Spirt Squad came out and destroyed both men in a beating. Vince came out chuckling with a mic he said "HA! You got beat up by Male Cheerleaders!" Vince laughs again "Oh Ya...my classic two words....YOU'RE FIRED!!!"

Winner: No Contest


Match Two
Standard Match
Marco Magic Vs Brent Steele

Marco makes quick work of this new guy...taking his 1st real match victory.
Marco Magic


Main Event
Standard Match
K~Dawg Vs Condor

K~Dawg completely dominates the match, afterwards Sinister Alliance tries to jump K~Dawg, but Rick Cage comes down swinging with a Chair!...Rick Cage takes off his ECW T-Shirt and smiles "Ya I'm no longer Wednesday Nights...The Chaotic One is now on Monday Night's Bitches!"




Show Opening
Footage is shown from earlier this week...

The Scene opens to an empty hallway, we hear men screaming in the background. The door flings open as Donald Hinson walks out.

Donald Hinson: Dammit man, I said not so rough...I won't be able to take a shit for weeks!

The camera zooms over as we see the "eWe Champion" standing in the door way.

Emperor Ben: Sorry man, I just couldn't help myself.

Don Notices the Camera.

Donald Hinson: Woa...look! We're live

Ben looks over and smirks.

Emperor Ben: Well hello ass heads of eWe....it seems I lost earlier tonight, but who cares...cause I'm leaving this shithole of a company.

Ben smirks and pats the eWe title.

Emperor Ben: And I'm taking this Ragity Title with me!...Ta Ta...ASS HEADS!

The Camera switches back live to Chaos to Vince standing in the ring a little disturbed by the footage.

Vince McMahon: Well that was a little disturbing....I'm afraid Ben is wrong...and not for what he did to Don...you see, how can he take the eWe Title with him...when..

Vince reaches into his jacket and pulls out the eWe Championship, that reads "ASS HEAD" on the name plate.

Vince McMahon: when it's right here...You fool, I don't know what championship you think you have... but you gotta be quicker than that if you want to outplay Vincent Kennedy McMahon.

Vince chuckles then looks down and sighs.

Vince McMahon: Due to this to this unfortunate situation and nonsense of Ben walking out of the company, unforunately for Mark King...The Main Event has been cancled..

The crowd boos as Vince nods.

Vince McMahon: Yes I know...The new Main Event is still a Championship match though...so later tonight we will see Alex Shelly Challenge Stormfront for the Mid Eastern Championship...but that's tonight... What about Next Week?... What about this title?

The Internet hacks and spoiler finders raise to their feet going nuts.

Vince McMahon: I see some of you have found the rumours on eWe Chat rooms....well them rumours are indeed true.

The Crowd gets even louder...some still confused though (obviously the poor people without internet)

Vince McMahon: You see this title will not remain Vacant for a month like it did from WrestleMania to AfterMath....It will be re-crowned...NEXT WEEK!... What kind of match?... What superstars desserve this opportunity?... There's the problem I really can't decide who deserves this... So I choose everyone!

Everyone cheers now.

Vince McMahon: Those of you fortunate enough to Order eWe's very 1st PPV Valentines Day Massacre... My daughter ran the company...and created quite a match...a huge match...that crowned eWe's 1st ever World Heavyweight Champion... Well we shall see this match for the 2nd time next week... Next week... For the eWe Championship... For the 1st time on Network Television.... I bring you... THE ULTIMATE THREE PHASE CHALLENGE!!!

The crowd roars as "No Chance" begins pumping threw the PA again as Vince raises up the eWe Title.

Jonathan Steele: You gotta be kidding me!!

Tazz: I know I haven't been part of eWe all that long...but I did order that PPV out of competition curiousity...and I gotta tell ya, next week it's gonna be a Rocket Buster!

Jonathan Steele: Indeed it will Tazz... Indeed it will!!


eWe American Revolution -- Encore Presentation all week long!
::->END OF BREAK<-::


Opening Match
Standard Match
Predator Vs Jordan Rage

Corporation prevails as Predator gains the easy victory.

Winner: Predator

Afterwards: Keith and Predator continue the assault, until Sandman & Eighteen come to the rescue...number game quickly changes again as HHH and the debuting Flair come in...Flair takes Sandman down with a chair as HHH takes Eighteen down with a Sledge Hammer. HHH plants a Pedigree as HHH, Steph, Flair, Predator, & Keith head backstage as people question this alliance.




Match Two
Standard Match
Lita Vs Daziee Haze

A Good Match actually...Both Diva's wanting to make a name in their eWe Debut. Just when it looked like Daziee would pull it out, Lita makes a quick counter and seals the deal with her pattent Twist of Fate!

Winner: Lita




Match Three
Standard Match
Ciaran Michaels Vs Jimmy Rave

Good battle...Rave really showed he was ready to compete in eWe...but was just not ready for the eWe Veteran and future hall of famer The X-Kid as Ciaran took the victory.

Winner: Ciaran Michaels




Match Four
ECW Rules Match
The Sandman Vs Mat Manner

Sandman completely dominated the match...The Leg Sweep with the Kendo stick took the victory...but many many shots to the head with the stick afterwards, caused EMT's to rush Manner backstage.

Winner: The Sandman




Match Five
Standard Tag Match
xXx Vs MNM

Mercury and Nitro tried every trick in the book to steal the victory, but none of it worked...none of it could stop eWe's 1st ever Tag Champions from taking the victory home with the High Time.

Winners: xXx




Match Six
Standard Tag Match
Next Generation Vs Sinister Alliance's Mr. Bigg & Justin Vincible

SA brought it...Hart and Bigg were taken out of the match early...but Justin and Law put on a great fight...in the end Law was able to nail an Arrest Warrant to seal the deal.

Winners: Next Generation



The eWe Hall of Fame...the honour only a few get to cherish for now...our next entry is a former 2x International Champion, and 3x eWe World Heavyweight Champion...he is simply known as the baddest man on the planet...eWe proudly welcomes to the Hall of Fame...SNAKE!!


Main Event
EWE Mid Eastern Championship
Stormfront{c} Vs Alex Shelly

These men truely showed why they got moved to the Main Event, and showed us one hell of a match. quick back and forth action...until the McMahons showed themselves to the ring. Shane was able to crack SF in the skull with the chair while Vince had the ref distracted. but SF somehow managed to kick out...he took Shelly down with a hard clothesline then looked at Shane pissed...Vince Low blowed him from behind...as the ref as about to call for the bell, Vince threatened him for his job to leave it, and that it was now Extreme Rules. Shane had the chair back in hand and cracked Stormfront right across the skull....They head up the ramp smiling as Shelly makes the cover...1...2...NO!...Eighteen breaks it up!!...Eighteen hits Shelly with the Annhilation and places Stormfront on top of Shelly taking the 3 count and the victory much to Vince and Shane's dismay!!

Winner: Stormfront (Still Champion)



1: Stormfront
2: Alex Shelly
3: Ciaran Michaels
4: LAW
5: Justin Vincible

1: Lita
2: Daziee Haze
3: n/a
4: n/a
5: n/a

:: Copyright EWE Monday Night Chaos 2006 ::