' M o n d a y N i g h t C h a o s '

| Date : 07-24-06 | Recovery Status : Original Forum Results Recoded | Theme: "Remedy" By Seether |
Venue : Memphis, TN | Main Event - EWE Championship: Ultimate Three Phase Challenge | Turnout : 24 RolePlays




Show Opening
The show begins with alot of superstars standing in the ring. The fans cheering as the superstars look around at eachother, the camera zooms to Alex Shelly, and then cuts over to Predator, and then to Slade Craven. Suddenly the chaos theme "Remedy" by seether sounds. On the stage fireworks shoot up starting from the far of the stage on either side and moving inwards synchroized. When they reach the ramp a massive burst of fireworks goes off. The fans still cheering.

Jonathan Steele: "Hello ladies and gentlemen and welcome to Monday Night Chaos! We are just moments away from the amazing three phase challenge, and Tazz I can't wait."

Tazz: "Me either Steele, this match is going to be off the chain!"

Suddenly "No Chance" sounds through the PA system, Vince McMahon slowly makes his way onto the stage wearing a black suit with a pinkish shirt and a tie. He looks down to the men in the ring who are kind of confused, holding a mic in his hand. The fans are booing towards the eWe charman.

Tazz: "The eWe chairman, but what does he want out here?"

Vince McMahon: "Ladies and gentlemen, we are just moments away from perhaps the biggest match in Monday Night Chaos history."

He looks around, the camera flicks from him to the men in the ring, who all seem to be on guard. The shot cuts to the double stacked cage hanging over the ring, then back to Vince.

Vince McMahon: "We have only ever had a match this big once, at eWe's first ever Pay-per-view, and the same thing was at stake, the biggest title on Chaos. The thing is, if you look in the ring there are a few men missing from this match, so I'd like to step back, and allow them to make their entrances."

He moves to the side of the stage, through the PA 'Your disease' sounds, the fans stand up cheering holding up signs, as the camera flicks around the arena to several groups. It cuts back to the stage as Law makes his way onto the stage, he looks around and smirks holding his arms into the air. He then looks down to the ring, the camera cuts, Stormfront stands at the front of the ring looking straight at Law, Law glares back.

Jonathan Steele: "There is the former Mid-Eastern champion, staring straight at the current Mid-Eastern champion."

Jennifer Sparks: "Ladies and gentlemen on his way to the ring, weighing in at two-hundred and twenty-six pounds, he is one half of the tag team champions, LAW!"

Law walks down the ramp and over to the steps, he continues to stare at Stormfront, as he steps onto the apron and climbs into the ring. He stands at one side of the ring, his back to the ropes, looking at all the other men in the ring.

Tazz: "Look at these men, I don't know how much longer they can go, before they have to fight."

Law's theme is cuts, he looks around. Suddenly "King of Kings" sounds in the arena, the lights slowly fading to black. Green strobe lights flashing around the arena. Triple H makes his way onto the stage carrying a bottle in his hand.

Jonathan Steele: "There he is, the King of Kings, the game, the cerebral assassin... Triple H!"

Triple H walks down the ramp looking to the fans, who are both cheering and booing, he smirks.

Jennifer Sparks: "and on his way to the ring, from Greenwich, Conneticut, weighing in at 260 pounds, Triiiiiple H!!"

A few more fans cheer as The game pours water over his head and then into his mouth, he throws the bottle into the crowd then jumps onto the apron, landing with one knee, he pulls himself to his feet, and looks around turning his back to the men in the ring. He leans back extending his arms to either side, spraying the water into the air, in a fine mist. He leans forward and spits the remainder of the water out again in the mist. He turns around and climbs into the ring, through the middle ropes, looking at the other men as the lights come up. His theme falls silent. As do the fans, in anticipation. There is a moments more silence.

Vince McMahon: "Now, before we get started, I'd like to say a few words, on behalf of the eWe."

He looks around and smirks.

Vince McMahon: "You all may notice that there is a certain former 2 time world heavyweight champion missing from the ring, and I suppose that is becuase of one reason, she realised that, all this ECW crap, it has to come to an end. It's not healthy, it just makes her look pathetic. Though, let's be fair, she didn't need any help in that department."

Tazz: "He needs to watch his mouth, ECW doesn't lay down for nobody!"

Vince McMahon: "She is doing herself, and all of us a favour tonight, by not embarassing herself, and wrestling this match... honestly, a woman, in that environement, she wouldn't last two min-"

His speach is cut off by another voice "Extreme...championship...wrestling" is heard, then suddenly "Sinner" by drowning pool plays. The fans boo, as flame burst from the stage, Andriod 18 walks out onto the ramp, she looks at Vince.

Tazz: "There she is, Android 18, I knew she'd be on her way."

She walks down the ramp, looking at the fans who are pestering her, shouting things at her like "You suck" she doesn't seem bothered by the fact the fans dislike her, she continues her path to the ring. The men in the ring look out to her, all of their eyes locked onto the only female in this match, she looks up, to the cage above and smirks.

Jennifer Sparks: "and Finally, on her way to the ring, she weighs in at one-hundred-thirty-five pounds, from Saint Cloud, Minnesota, she is Androoooooid, Eeeeeeeighteeeeen!"

As Andriod walks to the steps, she climbs them and steps to the apron, looking at the others in the ring. She looks at Alex Shelly, and then points straight at him, she laughs, climbing into the ring. The fans are booing still.

Jonathan Steele: "That's all the men and woman that entered this match, we look ready to go."

Suddenly "Slave Labour" by Fear Factory hits the PA system, and the crowd looks confused as Chris Hart emurges from the curtains wearing a eWe stripped T-Shirt, and the Tag Team Title around his waist.

Jennifer Sparks: "and now the Special guest referee?...he is one half of the eWe Tag Team Champions...Chris Hart!"

Hart continues down and enters the ring...he hands The Tag Title to Jennifer as she steps out of the ring.

Battle Royal
Entire Chaos Roster

The Bell sounds and the brawl begins.

Jonathan Steele: "And Here we go!!"

Bodies begin flying out over the ring one by one until quickly all the no showers are gone. now only the 12 rpers remain.

Tazz: "Wow that was quick...just like that we're down to twelve!"

Jonathan Steele: "Did you really think Jay would waste his time on the people that didn't roleplay?"

Tazz: "Good Point...hell now that twelve remain...now would be a good time to take our 1st commercial break, this is national television you know."


eWe Summer Slam -- Live August 27th, Only on Pay Per View!!
::->END OF BREAK<-::

We return from break, as we see the 12 superstars still duking it out. Until K~Dawg snags Marco and sends him sailing over the top rope.

Jonathan Steele: "And Marco Magic has been eliminated."

Tazz: "Like Magic...he's in the match, now he's not!..Ha!"

Jonathan Steele: "Don't ever try out for Stand up comedy"

The brawling rages on as we see HHH trying to eliminate Eighteen. Flair tries to help him out but Eighteen counters and sends both men over the top rope, HHH stays on the Apron, but Flair doesn't. HHH gets back in to have his head nearly taken off by Law. Eighteen doesn't pay no mind and walks over to grab Shelly by the hair, and proceed to toss him over the top rope to the floor.

Jonathan Steele: "And then there was Nine."

The Fighting Rages on until Justin Vincible hits K~Dawg with the Justin Time...he then goes for the cover as Chris looks at him like he's crazy.

Tazz: "What the heck is this idiot doing?...there is no pins in a Battle Royal."

Jonathan Steele: "No...but K~Dawg is the X-Core Champion...which is defended 24/7."

Tazz: "Oh..."

Chris finally realizes what JV is doing and kneels down to count a 2 before Dawg kicks out.

Jonathan Steele: "Who will be the eWe Champion?...This match continues, after this.."


eWe WrestleMania 3 (GameCube) -- Now Available!

::->END OF BREAK<-::

We Return from break and see only 8 people in the ring.

Jonathan Steele: "Welcome back everyone..and here's what you missed during the break."

During the Break~~ We see JV picking K~Dawg back up, but Dawg takes him down with Da Meat Hook. He gets up on the turnbukle and is pulled down to the floor by the returning Marco. He covers but Hart is in the ring...so he drags Hart out of the ring then cracks K~Dawg with a chair, he covers but Hart won't do a thing. Marco gets in his face and Hart knocks him out with the Big Time to the floor! ~~

Hart is now back in the ring as the final 8 are duking it out. HHH & 18, Stormfront & Predator, Law & King, Slade & JV. HHH tosses Eighteen threw the middle ropes as she hits the floor, middle rope though so is not eliminated. HHH goes to help his fellow corporate member out as they get the upper hand on Stormfront. One fatal counter though and Stormfront double clotheslines HHH and Predator over the top and to the floor!

Tazz: "And there goes The Corporation...Only 6 remain!"

Jonathan Steele: "Meaning we are only one elimination away from the 2nd Phase!"

Law and King continue to scrap, as does Slade and JV. Eighteen re-enters the ring, only to be clotheslined back down to the mat by Stormfront. JV tries to toss Slade out, but Slade hangs on to the top rope. He pulls himself up to the apron and drags JV out with him. they exchange rights until Stormfront comes over to try and help his buddy. slade ducks out of the way and Stormfront in-advertantly eliminates Justin Vincible.

Tazz: "Woa did you see that?...Stormfront eliminated his own teammate!...what happened to dominating together?!"

Jonathan Steele: "It wasn't on purpose Tazz...Anyways we now have Five!!"

The Lights flash in the rafters around the double stacked Cage as it begins to slowly lower, making the crowd go nuts.

Jonathan Steele: "The 2nd Phase, when we return!!"



Sean starts to slowly climb up the cell... the crowd goes crazy... it takes a few moments... but Sean reaches the top of the cell... BP is still motionless on the announce table...

Kenny Greenwood: This isn't looking good at all... someone is gonna get REALLY hurt here...

Sean starts to taunt the crowd as they boo him louder then ever... Sean points down and mouths "This is the best you got"... Sean flicks off the crowd and does a quick crotch chop in the direction of BP... then Sean takes flight... he flies threw the air with a huge flying elbow drop... BP rolls off the table!

Kenny Greenwood: NOBODY HOME!

Sean crashes threw the table from 20 feet in the air... BP quickly makes the cover on Sean... the ref counts... 1... 2... 3!

Kenny Greenwood: HE DID IT!

"Control" by Puddle of Mudd starts up as the crowd goes crazy... BP stands up in amazement as he is handed the EWE World Heavyweight Championship...

Jesse James: Here is your winner and NEW EWE World Heavyweight Champion... Blue Panther!

Blue Panther takes the EWE World Heavyweight title and starts to climb up the cell... he makes it to the top and starts to celebrate with the crowd... the arena goes crazy as fireworks go off... the scene slowly fades away with BP on top of the cage holding the title high above his head...

::->END OF BREAK<-::

5 Way Hardcore Cage Elimination
Slade Craven Vs LAW Vs Eighteen Vs Marc King Vs Stormfront

The Camera's return just as the Cage hits the floor...The 5 waste no time getting right back on the fight. Stormfront grabs Craven and they begin exchanging rights. Eighteen and Law are going at it as King starts pulling weapons off the wall. Eighteen gets Law Locked in the 18 Points of Pain and he begins screaming as Chris checks up on him.

Jonathan Steele: "This could be over soon for Law!!"

Slade Slams Stormfront into the cage wall and turns around into a Chair shot from King! Marc sets up a table then picks Craven up. He goes to power bomb him but Craven rolls him up. Chris doesn't see cause he's still watching Law. Finally Eighteen let's go. Slade gets up, to be low blowed by Marc. Marc Power bombs him threw the table and gets the 3 count.

Eliminated: Slade Craven

Law hits Eighteen with the Arrest Warrant, but is hit from behind by King before he can cover. Law and King begin exchanging rights as Eighteen and Stormfront take a breather. Law sets up for the Arrest Warrant, but King counters with a back body drop to the floor. King slams Law into the Cage wall then pulls a Chain off the wall. He then proceeds to choke Law with the steel chain.

Tazz: "This is getting brutal.."

King let's go and pulls a Kendo Stick off the wall. He cracks Law right between the eyes, then cracks Stormfront who he sees coming out of the corner. He drops the stick and picks Law back up hitting a suplex onto the steel steps. He gets up and is cracked between the eyes with a chair from Eighteen!!...Eighteen then walks over to Stormfront and locks in the Android's Wrath!!

Tazz: "There it is! The Android's Wrath!"

Jonathan Steele: "A Move she ripped off of Ben..The Cry Baby.."

Tazz: "Shut Up Steele...Say what you want about that idiot...but respect thy E C F'kn W!!"

Stormfront screams in agony and tries desperately to get out, but Eighteen won't let go. he tries rolling out, but Eighteen keeps it locked...finally he has no choice but to tap out.

Eliminated: Stormfront

Eighteen lays there to catch her breathe as Law and King are still not moving.

Jonathan Steele: "While the final 3 is out..now's a good time for another break!"


eWe WrestleMania 3 (DVD) -- Now Available!

::->END OF BREAK<-::

As we return from break we see Law just now starting to get up, while King and Eighteen exchange rights in the ring.

Jonathan Steele: "Welcome back everyone, One of these 3 People shall leave the new eWe Champion."

Tazz: "Correction Steele, only 1 of 2 people will leave eWe Champion...Eighteen however should she, I mean When she wins, will walk out the new ECW Champion!!"

Eighteen starts to get the upper hand on King then Law gets in and helps him in the fight, they double team the ECW chick as they both hit her with rights and lefts, they then set her up for a double Suplex, but she counters into a double DDT! She gets up and backs off waiting for them to get up. As they both get to their feet Eighteen charges, but they duck and send her out of the ring and into the caged wall!

Jonathan Steele: "Jen, I mean Eighteen has got to be feeling the effects on that one."

Tazz: "Why don't you try it Steele.. Come on 18 get back in there!!"

King and Law now turn their attention to eachother. for the 3rd or 4th time in this match they start exchanging rights. King wins with a low kick between Law's Legs...he sets up for his finisher, whatever that may be, but Law counters and nails the Arrest Warrant right onto a Steel Chair! He covers and gets the 3 count from Chris!

Eliminated: Marc King

Jonathan Steele: "And there goes King!"

Tazz: "Final Two Steele, and a true showdown...Law battling to be eWe Champion...Eighteen to be ECW Champion...bring on the Final Phase!!"

The crowd cheers as the eWe Championship begins to lower from the rafters. Also the hole to the top cage opens and a connected ladder slides down to the ring.

Double Stacked Cage, Retrieve The Title
LAW Vs Eighteen

Law begins to climb the ladder to get into the top cage, but Eighteen rushes into the ring and grabs Law's foot. She gets herself up and back suplexes Law back down into the ring, onto the very same Chair! The crowd roars with a "Holly Shit" chant as Eighteen gets to her feet. Eighteen then climbs up the ladder and reaches the inside of the top cage. She then walks over to the other ladder leading to the top of the cage and starts climbing. Law gets to his feet and races up the ladder, he reaches Eighteen as she gets half way up, and brings her down to the Caged Floor with a sit down Power Bomb!

Jonathan Steele: "My God!"

Tazz: "It's definately picking up!!"

Jonathan Steele: "You can say that again!"

Tazz: "It's definately picking up!!"

Jonathan Steele: "Oh shut up...None the less, folks don't go anywhere!...We must take our final Break, New Champion Crowned when we come back!!"


eWe Summer Slam -- Live August 27th, Only on Pay Per View!!
::->END OF BREAK<-::

The Camera's come back and we see Law nearing the top and Eighteen starting to climb the bottom.

Jonathan Steele: "Welcome back folks...sorry that we picked a bad time, cause this is what happened during the break."

During the Break~~ Eighteen and Law are fighting back and forth, Eighteen then sets up for the Annhilation, but gets too close to the hole and falls through! She somehow catches the ladder half way down, but Law seizes the opportunity and starts up the top ladder. ~~

Tazz: "Eighteen nearly fell all the way back down, but dont worry we're with ya to the end now!!"

Law gets threw and lays there for a second to catch his breath as he climbed rather fast. after a few moments he gets up and starts towards the title. He gets a finger on it before he is speared by Eighteen! She mounts him and punches him in the face several times before pulling him up by the hair, or wait...by the ears then. She again sets up for the Annhilation, but Law counters with a back body drop in which she nearly falls through again.

Jonathan Steele: "Your pal nearly had a long fall there."

Tazz: "Shut up Steele!...I don't see you ever getting in that ring...you don't have any friends in there neither.."

Jonathan Steele: "Well the guy that brought me into this business is one half the X-Tag Champs..."

Tazz: "White Tiger?"

Jonathan Steele: "You moron..."

Law picks Eighteen up by the hair, yes I got it right this time. And they begin exchanging lefts, did ya think I was gonna say rights? Suddenly Eighteen hits a neckbreaker and they both go threw the hole crashing down onto the Caged floor!

Jonathan Steele: "All the way back down!!"

Tazz: "How does it go again fans?"

The crowd roars with another "Holly Shit" chant as Law and Eighteen barely move.

Jonathan Steele: "Well since they ain't going anywhere for a couple minutes...let's seize the moment shall we?"

Who could be the 3rd person to join this great Honor? Well the next inductee is a former 2x X-Core Champion...The 1st Ever 2x International Champion...and a Former World Heavyweight Champion...won in an Elimination Chamber at Summer Slam of '04...eWe was very Intoxicated by this superstar's amazing ability...it is our pleasure to welcome to the eWe Hall of Fame...TOXIC!!

The crowd cheers for appoval in Toxic's induction as Law and Eighteen slowly start getting to their feet. Eighteen sets up a Table then retrieves a Lead Pipe off the wall. She cracks Law in the ribs as he comes over. She yet again sets up for the Annhilation, but Law has her well scouted this week as he again counters, this time with samoan drop. He picks her up and looks for the Arrest Warrant, but she to counters and hits a hard clothesline.

Jonathan Steele: "Both superstars came prepared, continuing to counter the other's finishers."

Tazz: "Yes indeed...you know they been studying eachother..."

Eighteen tries to get Law on the table but he counters and drop kicks Eighteen into the wall...He picks up the pipe and cracks her right between the eyes as she falls onto the table. Law Takes a Chair and runs up the wall, chair in hand hitting a moonsualt on Eighteen threw the table!! The Crowd nearly takes the roof off.

Jonathan Steele: "Simply Amazing"

Tazz: "The kid may not be ECW, but i'll give him props on that one."

Law gets up holding his stomache as he slowly climbs the ladder. As he nears the top Eighteen starts crawling to the ladder. He gets out as she starts climbing. he crawls over to the belt as she is nearly to the top. Just as she gets threw, Law grabs the title sealing the deal!

Jonathan Steele: "There you have it.."

Tazz: "Well son of a..."

Jennifer Sparks: "Here is your Winner...and NEW eWe Champion...LAW!!!"

"Your Disease" begins blaring as Law raises the eWe Title high above his head. Fireworks begin going off as kenfeti falls from the rafters.

Jonathan Steele: "This is great..New eWe Champ ladies and Gentlemen..this man truely...wait a minute!!"

From behind Chris Hart ambushes Law and shoves him over the edge!!


Law free falls 30 feet until crashing through Steele and Tazz's announce table!!!...the Crowd immediately boos Chris Hart who smirks down at his partner.

Jonathan Steele: "What the hell is the meaning of this?!"

Tazz: "I DON'T KNOW!!!"

EMT's rush to help the new Champ as Hart stares down. The camera's zoom in and fade on the evil grin on Hart's face...

1: LAW
2: Android 18
3: Marc King
4: Stormfront
5: Slade Craven

:: Copyright EWE Monday Night Chaos 2006 ::