' M o n d a y N i g h t C h a o s '

| Date : 08-07-06 | Recovery Status : Original Forum Results | Theme: "Remedy" By Seether |
Venue : Alpine, AL | Main Event - EWE Championship: LAW Vs. K~Dawg | Turnout : 18 RolePlays


Opening Match
Standard Match
Josh Mackenzie Vs Danny X

Josh makes short work of Danny, winning his eWe Debut!

Winner: Josh Mackenzie


Match Two
Standard Match
Lita Vs Dream

Though she ain't been in action for awhile, Dream still has it as she picks up the easy victory!

Winner: Dream


Main Event
Standard Match
Marcus Allred Vs Alex Stone

Both men look to make an impact in their eWe debuts, and Alex Stone does JUST THAT!

Winner: Alex Stone



Show Opening
The Show kicks off and the crowd is in a frenzy as fireworks blast and "Remedy" by Seether is pumping threw the PA. The Camera pans the crowd to check out some of the signs like, "EC F'kn W!" "AWO Blows" "UKW Reunion Bitch!!" "Don Blows Ben" and "Chaos > Xplosion"

Jonathan Steele: "Hello ladies and gentlemen and welcome to Monday Night Chaos! We are here live in Alpine Alabama as we are only 20 days away from the 2nd Biggest Pay Per View of the year, the biggest party of the Summer in Summer Slam!!"

Tazz: "That's right Steele, and I don't think anyone can wait for that!"

Suddenly the familar tune known from Maven hits the PA and the crowd hits their feet.

Tazz: "Maven is in eWe?!"

But it's not Maven...The Curtains Move and Law steps threw the curtains arousing the crowd!...He has the eWe Title wraped around his waist, and the Tag Title draped over his shoulder.

Jonathan Steele: "And here comes The Champ!"

Tazz: "His match ain't til later tonight?"

Jennifer Sparks: "Ladies and gentlemen please welcome one half of the tag team champions, and your eWe Champion! LAW!!!"

Law walks down the ramp and over to the steps, he enters the ring and is handed the mic by Jennifer.

LAW: "Thank you Jennifer, So Alpine...Your Champ has something to say."

The Crowd Roars as Law smirks.

LAW: "2 Weeks ago I won the biggest match of my career....I became the Top Dog...Your eWe Champion...Destiny has been fulfilled. Now I could talk about my match with K~Dawg Tonight, but I rather talk about Summer Slam."

Mixed Reaction from the crowd as a "ECW" chant breaks out from the ECW fans.

LAW: "That's Right, ECW's own Android #18...Last Week she tried to get a feel of my prized possesion....I'm talking about the eWe Championship...Eighteen, I beat you once, I will do it again. I don't care what kind of match...it will happen...I will walk in and out of Summer Slam your..."

All of a Suddden "Bring Me To Life" by Evanescence hits the PA system as Law turns to the entrance ramp. As expected Eighteen steps threw with that same cold stare on her face. She enters the ring and is tossed a mic as she stands straight across from Law.

Eighteen: "Will you now?...well it's cute that you can dream like that. You got lucky once kid, but lightening does not strike twice. And don't give me the Shelton Benjamin/HHH crap, HHH is pathetic...he hasn't even won a match in 4 months."

LAW: "Right, Eighteen trust me, I beat you once, I can damn well do it again. Take your choice of match, Street Fight, Extreme Rules, Cage, I don't care. I beat you once, I'll damn well do it again."

Eighteen: "Intresting that you would say such a thing. I took Ben's Move, and after being the first to defeat him in it, I took over Assassin's match. So if it's any match you think you can take me in, then shall we go to the Anarchy Cell? I mean if your too affraid I'll understand."

LAW: "ptff!!..Afraid?!...YOU'RE ON!!"

Eighteen smiles and the crowd roars as they continue to stare eachother down as it goes to the first commercial break.


eWe Summer Slam -- Live August 27th, Only on Pay Per View!!
::->END OF BREAK<-::


Opening Match
Standard Match
Lilly Steel Vs Anna Valentine


A Good Battle, both ladies go back and forth, but Ana shows her stuff and is able to pull out her 1st victory!

Winner: Ana Valentine


The Camera's shoot backstage where we see HHH standing by with Trixy.

Trixy: "Hunter, Last Week Edge made a surprise attack on you after your match with K~Dawg. This Past Wednesday, you struck back, however, Fox Sports Network wouldn't allow eWe to air that part of the show, because of the extensive violence, folks get your kids out of the room, cause USA Network has given us permission to show you just what happened this past Wednesday..."

[ The Camera's switch to the monitor as the un-aired aftermath of DDD Vs Edge is showed ]

} What was Shown {
Edge celebrates in the ring with Lita by making out... the scene then switches to a commercial break...

} what wasn't shown {
After it went to Commerical Break Edge and Lita are about to leave the ring, when Lita is tackled down by Stephanie!!...Edge just looks on like "WTF?" as he tries to pry Stephanie off, he gets this chilling feeling like someone is watching him, he turns around and sure enough he is leveled with HHH's Sledgehammer!!

Jimmy Justice: "It's the King of Kings!!!!"

Kenny Greenwood: "He's suppose to be on Chaos!!"

HHH picks up the busted open Edge and launches him out of the ring...he looks to see Lita and his wife still rolling around the ring scrapping, he laughs and focuses back on Edge. He pulls away the Padded floor revealing the Concrete...as he sets Edge up he sees Derek rolling out of the ring not knowing what's going on...HHH and DDD lock eyes as HHH plants Edge to the concrete Floor with the PEDIGREE!!!...Derek's eyes grow Wide as HHH stares hard down at Edge.

[ The scene fades out back to HHH and Trixy on Chaos. ]

Trixy: "Hunter, Can you describe the graphic footage we just seen?...too Graphic to even be aired.."

Triple H: "What did we see Trixy?...I have been on a big slump haven't I? You think I like the fact that I haven't won a match in 4 months?...every loss, build more anger...then last week, not only did I lose, yet again...but then Edge ambushes me?...The joker from Xplosion...Mr. Money in the Bank...the self proclaimed Rated R Superstar...since when do I take crap from anyone?...since when haven't I retaliated, not just that, but always stronger, always more grusome then they could of ever imagined to do to me?...That's my style Trixy...losing may not be, and I seem to have taken to that, But my retaliating tactics, will never change...I don't think I'll have to worry about The Rated PG 13 Superstar anymore..."


Match Two
Standard Match
Mr. Bigg Vs Predator


Long fought battle, and good one, but why shouldn't it of been?...Sinister Alliance vs Corporation. many moments where Bigg coulda had the match, as well as Predator, but in the end, Predator is able to take the victory!

Winner: Predator


The Camera's shoot backstage to The McMahon's Office as we see Vince and Shane.

Shane McMahon: "Well, looks like Hassan wins by forfeit..."

Vince McMahon: "Why's that?"

Shane McMahon: "Well, it seems that Hammer I hit Stormfront with to cost him the Mid Eastern Title, well it injured him..."

Vince McMahon: "Way to go son!...now that Sinister Alliance is out of our hair, we can focus on ECW.."

Shane McMahon: "There's still more members than Stormfront?..."

Vince McMahon: "Yes, but he's the leader, the heart of the group, trust me, they won't be a problem anymore with him gone.."

Shane McMahon: "Good point..."

Vince McMahon: "Now to think of how to get Eighteen out of this Title match.."

Shane McMahon: "That'll be tough, she won the damn #1 contendership shot fair and square."

Vince McMahon: "True, but we are McMahons son...the most Evil, Coniving suns of bitches there ever was...if anyone can play the system, and find a way to screw someone over, it's us...there's just no way I can have my title de-graded by the name of the worst company there ever was."

Shane McMahon: "AWO?"

Vince McMahon: "Ok, The 2nd Worst.."

Shane McMahon: "I think I got an idea..."

Vince McMahon: "ah see there...you're my son alright, so what is it?"

Shane McMahon: "Follow me..."


eWe WrestleMania 3 (GameCube) -- Now Available!

::->END OF BREAK<-::

The Camera's return as we see Steel and Rave getting ready for their match.

Chris Steel: "You ready for this?"

Jimmy Rave: "You bet I am..but Chris, I got something to ask you."

Chris Steel: "Shoot..."

Jimmy Rave: "well you've taught me alot, I'd really like to see how I compare to you now..so how bout it?...after we take care of these MNM clowns...me and you at Summer Slam, what do ya say?"

Chris Steel: "Wow...hell yeah man...hey if I still got this baby, I'll even put it on the line."

Jimmy Rave: "That'd be sweet!"

Chris Steel: "Yes it will....but for now, let's go take care of these idiots shall we?"


Match Three
Tag Team Match
The Embassy(Steel & Rave) Vs MNM (Mercury & Nitro)


Well Embassy dominates, simple as that....afterwards Chris Hart & Alexis Johnson attack MNM, announced as Embassy's newest members!

Winners: The Embassy


The Camera's shoot backstage where we see K~Dawg standing by with Trixy.

Trixy: "K~Dawg, Later Tonight, you will get your 3rd chance to climb the top of the eWe Mountain when you face Law for the eWe Championship, how are you feeling?"

K~Dawg: "Well you know what they say Trix...3rd Time's a Charm...I couldn't take Lewis on his turf..I couldn't survive the Three Phase Challenge, but i will beat Law tonight...I have lost to him twice, but again, 3rd time will be the charm. I'm Detroits Most Wanted Trix, and tonight I show why when I break The Law!!...WOOF WOOF!!"


Match Four
EWE Mid Eastern Championship
Standard Match
Ciaran Michaels{c} Vs Justin Vincible


The X-Kid Purely Dominates to retain the title, afterwards though Both men are Ambushed by the Corporation...Shane has a mic as he gets in Ciaran's face.

Winner: Ciaran Michaels (Still Champion)

$hane~O~Mac: "So you don't like that I helped you last week?...look kid, it wasn't for your pathetic ass...something had to be done about that Sinister Piece of Trash...but you ain't any better though are you?...I mean look who you last Tagged with...the same Jerk off that left me and my father Stranded without a Champion...We should take it out on you shouldn't we...maybe we will!!...See this man Predator...he'll be taking you on at Summer Slam for your precious Title...but that's if you got it I guess...You will also deffend it next week...in a Street Fight...WITH ME!!!"


We Come Backstage to the ECW Lockerroom where we see Eighteen and Sandman getting ready.

The Sandman: "Well, I guess it's time..."

Eighteen: "Go on ahead I'll be out in a sec."

Sandman heads out of the room as Eighteen gets in the zone, she is either thinking of tonights match, or Summer Slam one...but either way her thought is broken from a knock at the door...She gets up and opens the door to find 2 Police Officers.

Eighteen: "Can I help you?"

Officier: "Can you come with us to the Parking Lot please?"

Eighteen: "I have a match..."

Officier: "We recieved a tip that you are in possesion of some illegal drugs in your car..."

Eighteen: "I don't do drugs.."

Officier: "So you're a seller?"

Eighteen: "NO!..I don't have Drugs, I have a match, excuse me"

Officier: "Sorry Mam, we have to investigate.."

The Cops grab Eighteen and take her to the Parking lot...she reluctantly opens the trunk of her car, and her eyes grow huge to see many bags of Cocaine and Marijuana.

Eighteen: "This Can't be...That's not mine!"

Officier: "We're gonna have to ask you to come down town.."

Eighteen: "Someone planted that!...I have a match.."

Officier: "Sorry Mam, your gonna miss your match, you can answer some questions down town."

The Cops Cuff Eighteen and get her in the car after much struggling.

Tazz: "What the hell?!"



Cameron gets up and signals that he's going to go for the contraception... then out of the blue... well, the crowd... a big masked man slides into the ring... he runs and spears down WT who is just getting up... Cameron backs up in shock... the masked man gets up and looks at Cameron... Cameron goes to attack him, but the masked man kicks Cameron in the gut and picks him up with a gorilla press slam, and drops him hard on his stomach... Sean Lewis slides rolls Panther into the ring and slides in too... Sean gets up and sees the big man... Sean runs and goes for a clothesline, but the masked man ducks it... the masked man then grabs Sean by the throat... picks him up, and choke slams him hard to the mat... Panther is just getting up when the masked man picks him up by the hair... the masked man then nails what resembles a Electric Fire to Blue Panther... the masked man slides out of the ring and starts to walk up the ramp backwards looking down at the ring... the ref is just starting to get up as Cameron gets up and covers Blue Panther... 1... 2... 3!

Winners: Cameron Hayden & Sean Lewis

After the match the crowd starts to boo the masked man... Cameron and Sean end up outside of the ring... Panther finally gets up to his feet and has a stare down with the masked men up the ramp... finally a ringside helper gets Panther a mic...

Blue Panther: I hope you know that you just cost me... the ex EWE World Heavyweight Champion... that damn match... who the hell do you think you are?

The masked man lifts his arms up... he rips off the mask and the crowd goes crazy... it's James Ceno!

Kenny Greenwood: It's James Ceno... he's back!

Blue Panther's eyes get huge as Ceno's theme starts up and he makes his way up the ramp... the show fades away to an end as Blue Panther helps White Tiger up to his feet while still being shocked about James Ceno...

::->END OF BREAK<-::

As we return from break "Enter Sandman" by Metalica hits the PA and the crowd roars to their feet. The Camera's pan around looking for him, til he's spotted in the 2nd Balcony...He has a sigapore cane in one hand, a beer in the other, and a cigerette in his mouth. He downs the beer and bashes it over his head busting himself open. He gets down to the ring barrier and pulls out another beer from his pocket doing the same thing.

Jennifer Sparks: "The Following Contest is a Lumber Jack Match!!...on his way to the ring representing E-C-W The SANDMAN!!!"

Jonathan Steele: "Who is he fighting though?...Eighteen was just arrested."

Sandman gets in the ring and spits the cigerette out in anger as he hears "No chance" playing over the PA. The Corporation walks out to a arena full of boos...HHH, Ric Flair, Predator, and Keith Johnson all stand on the ramp, with Vince at the head of the pack...They all come down the ramp as the 4 men get their own side of the ring, and Vince enters the ring.

Vince McMahon: "How ya doing there Sandman...did you know your Partner was a Druggy?...yeah me neither. Eighteen has been arrested for the Possession of Drugs...sure she'll get out after a 24 hour lockdown...but you fans won't see her...I can't have a druggy in a title match at Summer Slam...I can't risk a Druggy being my Champion."

Crowd: "What About Snake?....What About Snake?...What About Snake?..."

Vince McMahon: "I'd love to put Snake in the match, but I can't he's retired, you guys know that....But no, I'll name a new #1 contender next week...as of this Moment...Eighteen has been susspended, INDEFINATELY!"

Mixed Reaction from the crowd as Vince smirks.

Vince McMahon: "But what about this match?....obviously Sandman can't fight Eighteen...I got a new opponent for you as well...but before I bring them out I need to take this jecket off, I'm getting hot."

Vince removes his jacket to reveal a striped eWe Ref T-Shirt...Sandman snarls that sight.

Vince McMahon: "There that's better...oh you like the shirt I see...anyways...let me introduce you to your opponent...warm up for his Mid Eastern Title match Next week..."


The Crowd boos as Shane dances out on stage, now changed to his normal wrestling attire, some black and white windbreakers, and a blue "Shane~O~Mac" T-Shirt.

Shane dances down the ramp and slides into the ring where we see Sandman very furious.

Tazz: "This is horse crap!!...Them damn McMahons always trying to screw over the great name of ECW!!"


Match Five
LumberJack Match
Guest Referee: Vince McMahon
The Sandman Vs Shane McMahon


Well this one is a no brainer...Sandman stood no chance...Corporation on the outside...vince the Ref...Shane used a Chair a couple times, but Sandman was able to kick out...he retrieved his Sigapore Cane and cracked Shane across the head as Vince calls for the bell, Shane winning by DQ...Sandman looks furious...is about ready to clean Vince's clock when he's clotheslined by HHH...HHH, Flair, Predator, and Keith give Sandman a 4 on 1 mugging before HHH beats him down with the Sledehammer, leaving Sandman a bloody mess...as EMT's check on Sandman The Corporation head up the ramp with a smile, knowing they did some damage tonight.

Winner: Shane McMahon


Scene changes to the Law's Locker Room. Nicole is in the back packing up some of Law's things as he gets ready for his match. HE walks up to Nicole and kisses her.

LAW: "I'm going to get ready near the titian tron meet me there when your done."

Nicole: "OK, Honey."

Law walks off. Nicole puts on her new "Law and Nicole...The Greatest Couple in Wrestling" Shirt. She zips up her bag and puts on a little more make up to cover up the bruises of Hart's escapade. She turns around to see Alexis Johnson and Chris Hart Appear out of no where. Nicole backs off as soon as she notices him.

Alexis Johnson: "Hi Sis! Great to see you isn't it...well guess what...I'm fulfilling that promise...the promise you made under the Leather Strap...Me and My Husband-to-be decided that we want to cash in on that promise at Summer Slam...WE decided it should be Nicole Johnson Vs. Alexis Johnson...IN A LEATHER STRAP MATCH!...They same Leather Strap that gave you that bruise right there."

She brushes off some make up on her face reveling a Strap mark. But as soon she touches her face Nicole grabs her wrist.

Chris Hart: "Feisty aren't we...just ready for a fight eh Nicole. Well you will get your fight at Summer Slam against the lovely Alexis...THE REAL wrestler in the Johnson family. Well since you are nothing but a talentless Slut turning tricks for Law over here."

Nicole lets go off Alexis. Then goes to slap Hart but Hart catches her hand. He then picks her up and hits her with the BIG TIME!

Chris Hart: "It's your turn Alexis."

Alexis picks her up and hits her with the Canadian Punk...A Back flipping DDT...Nicole is out cold. Alexis stands over here smiling.

Alexis Johnson: "Oh and by the way when I went to Shane to make the match he made it for your #1 Contender ship...looks like you have a lot to lose Nicole...Guess what...YOU HAVE JUST BEEN PUNKD BY THE CANADAIN PUNK!!!"

Hart puts his arm around Alexis as they walk away smirking. Nicole is on the floor unconscious.

Jonathan Steele: "Oh My God DID YOU SEE THAT! That's not right...Hart and Alexis have not only delivered a cheap shot Nicole but have set up a match where she could potentially lose everything."

Tazz: "Yea I know Jonathan...but I wonder what that promise is..."

Jonathan Steele: "Well knowing Chris Hart...We will soon find out. But it's going to be a STRAP MATCH AT SUMMER SLAM...And I got to wonder just what can Alexis do in ring if she can pull of that flipping DDT."

Tazz: "I don't know but this makes Summer Slam more and more THE BIGGEST PPV of the Summer."


eWe Summer Slam -- Live August 27th, Only on Pay Per View!!
::->END OF BREAK<-::

The Next Inductee is a man that went down in history as eWe's 1st ever All American Champion...he is still to this day the Longest reigning as well...he's Just Hot...and your Not...we proudly welcome to the Hall of Fame...TOO HOT JEFF RODGERS!!

The crowd cheers for appoval in Rodger's induction as "Cocky" by Kid Rock hits the PA System. The Crowd Roars as K~Dawg Seperates the curtains.

Jennifer Sparks: "The Following Contest is scheduled for One Fall...and is for the eWe championship!!!...introducing 1st, The Challenger...From Detroit Michigan, K~DAWG!!!"

Jonathan Steele: "And Here he comes.."

Tazz: "It's Detroit's Most Wanted Steele...and tonight he hopes to make 3rd Time The Charm!"

As K~Dawg enters the ring he looks nervous as Law's Song hits the PA System. The Crowd roars as Law steps threw the curtains wearing both titles..but he looks back at the curtains concerned about where Nicole is.

Jennifer Sparks: "The Opponent...he is one half of the eWe Tag Team champions...and your eWe Champion!!...LAW!!!"

Jonathan Steele: "Simply Amazing, that's all I can say."

Tazz: "He did great in the 3 Phase Challenge....I was really looking forward to seeing this man get it on again with Eighteen...but thanks to them cunt McMahons..."

Law Enters the ring and places his Tag Title on the outside...he then looks at K~Dawg as he hands the eWe Title to the ref. The Ref raises it up as the bell rings.


Main Event
Standard Match
LAW{c} Vs K~Dawg


Both men circle the ring as the crowd starts to cheer...they lock up as Law takes K~Dawg into the corner. He sets him up for a Superplex, but K~Dawg jumps over hitting a sunset Flip for a 2 count. Both men get back up as K~Dawg takes Law down with a quick snap suplex. K~Dawg springs up the ropes and crashes down with a quick moonsault...covering, again only getting a 2.

Jonathan Steele: "K~Dawg is trying to end this early.."

Tazz: "He wants that title Steele."

Dawg gets back up and climbs the turnbukle...he soars threw the air with a cross body, Law rolls threw hooking the leg, for another 2 count. Both men are back up and exchange rights, until Law hits a quick DDT! He grabs Dawg up by the hair and sets up for The Arrest Warrant, but Dawg counters with a back body drop! He Looks for Da Meat Hook, but Law also counters...he hits a quick clothesline and waits for Dawg to get back up. Then over his right shoulder he notices Rick Cage walking down to ringside, not in ECW attire.

Jonathan Steele: "What's he doing here?"

Tazz: "The better question is why ain't he wearing the prized ECW gear?"

Law shrugs him off only to turn into a Drop Kick from K~Dawg! He looks for The Dawgd! but Law once again counters...they start exchanging rights until Dawg spears him to the mat, and punches away! Dawg locks in the subbmission move of his that Jay forgot the name of as Law tries to find the ropes!

Jonathan Steele: "If Law taps here we'll have a new eWe Champion!!"

Law fights and fights and finally reaches the bottom rope, leaving K~Dawg no choice but to break the hold. Cage is on the outside seemingly cheering K~Dawg on as K~Dawg looks for a Hurranicanna, but Law Counters driving K~Dawg into the mat with a thunderous Power Bomb!...Law Covers as it was a sit down Power Bomb, but Dawg again gets the shoulder up.

Jonathan Steele: "This is a better match then I thought."

Tazz: "Yeah, glad Marco ain't in it to ruin it.."

Both Men get back to their feet as K~Dawg hits another Standing Drop Kick...He races up the turnbukle and flips back hitting Law with a Moonsault as he stands up!..another cover, and another 2 count...K~Dawg tries to race around again, but Law levels him woth a hard clothesline. As K~Dawg starts to get up, Law hits him with an Ensuveri...Law then climbs up the turnbukle and slowly walks down the top rope...maintianing his balance in the center he bounces and hits a flipping neckbreaker on K~Dawg!!

Tazz: "Wow.."

Law gets up and looks at Cage as he plants K~Dawg with The Arrest Warrant!!!...The Crowd roars as Law covers for the 1...2...3!!!

Winner: LAW (Still Champion)

Jonathan Steele: "And there you have it."

Tazz: "Law is still the Champ.."

Jennifer Sparks: "Here is your Winner...and STILL eWe Champion...LAW!!!"

Law is handed both his titles and he raises them both up as the crowd roars...Cage helps K~Dawg out of the ring and they go backstage...Law slowly goes up the ramp and freezes on the stage raising up both titles....He finally goes through the curtains.

Jonathan Steele: "What a hell of a show!"

Tazz: "No kidding! I can't wait for next week!"

Jonathan Steele: "Well folks, don't forget to tune in next week! I'm sure it will be one hell of a ride just like every other EWE show! This is Jonathan Steele along side Tazz for EWE Monday Night Chaos! GOOD........"

The arena suddenly goes pitch black as a huge crack of thunder goes off.


The lights flicker on and off as a chilling breeze blows through the arena. Some start to cheer.

Jonathan Steele: "It can't be..."

The Titantron flickers on showing a black and white overhead picture of the ring. The ref is looking around trying to figure out what the hell is going on. The lightning stops as the ref is feeling his way around in the darkness, the only light illuminating is that from the Titantron. Suddenly a figure bursts through the mat and pulls himself into the ring. People start to cheer as the familiar demon pulls himself onto the canvas.


The man positions himself in one corner, and when the timing is just right, he levels the referee with The Moonstrike.


Nightmare stands up and stands in the middle of the ring. The lightning starts to go off again as the wind picks up and rain starts to pour down on the arena. Suddenly Nightmare's dark voice booms over the loud speakers as the Titantron slowly fades to black.

Nightmare: "The Nightmare has returned..."

Jonathan Steele: "Some people are actually cheering here Tazz!"

Tazz: "I don't get it! Maybe it's one of those screwed up crowds..."

Nightmare: "I have gone, I have seen, I have suffered, for in my absence not all has gone as it should. Stormfront has lost his title and is now injured. Xplosion's Sinister Alliance is non-existant. Chaos has felt safe. That feeling is about to disappear..."

A large crack of thunder shakes the arena.

Nightmare: "Chaos will feel the terror once more, the terror that cannot be escaped from, that cannot avoided. Blood shall spill from eyes and people's very souls will bow down to me..."

Another loud crack of thunder.

Nightmare: "I will right the wrong on Chaos. I will show everyone what they've been in denial for their entire lives. What is about to be unleashed will be something that none has seen nor even dreamt before. The time of reckoning is upon us, and I will be the one to deliver it!"

Another crack of thunder.

Nightmare: "Many have already felt the terror. LAW!!!"

Crowd cheers.

Nightmare: "YOU WILL BE NEXT!!!"

The thunder and lightning start going off like crazy.

Nightmare: "WELCOME........."

Nightmare looks up at the ceiling and raises his hands in the air.

Nightmare: "TO YOUR WORST NIGHTMARE!!!!!!!"

One final crack of lightning and all stops, but the arena remains pitch black. After a few minutes the houselights come back on and slowly light up the arena. The crowd gasps as the referee is tied to a crucifix which is sticking out of the middle of the canvas. The ref is naked and covered in blood. He is unconscious and one lone crow is standing on one arm of the crucifix.

Tazz: "OH MY GOD!"

Jonathan Steele: "Somebody help that man!"

Soon some medical help flies out from the back and tends to the ref.

Jonathan Steele: "I really hate to cut out like this folks, but we are out of time!"

Show cuts out.



1: LAW
2: K~Dawg
3: Predator
4: Ciaran Michaels
5: Josh Mackenzie

1: Ana Valentine
2: Lilly Steel
3: Dream
4: n/a
5: n/a

:: Copyright EWE Monday Night Chaos 2006 ::