' M o n d a y N i g h t C h a o s '

| Date : 09-04-06 | Recovery Status : Original Forum Summary | Theme: "Remedy" By Seether |
Venue : Orlando, FL | Main Event - Android 18 Vs. Rikku | Turnout : 18 RolePlays


Opening Match
Standard Match
Chris Koma vs. CM Punk


Winner: n/a


Match Two
All Diva Battle Royal
Only Divas with no match - to see who's still around

Winner: Dream


Main Event
Standard Match
Lena Katina vs. Daziee Haze

Winner: Lena Katina



Opening Segment
After the song and fireworks finish "No Chance" hits and the crowd boos as The McMahons come to the ring and gloat about their screw job they pulled on Eighteen at Summer Slam.


Opening Match
Standard Match
"Captain" Jack Sparrow Vs. Jimmy Rave

A Good Close match...but the unlikely, and unknowing to the Wrestling World Johnny De...I mean "Captain" Jack Sparrow somehow manages to pull off the debut victory with his pattent Walk The Plank!

Winner: "Captain" Jack Sparrow


Match Two
Standard Match
Ciaran Michaels Vs. B.Z. "The Prototype"

The Losing Streak Continues for the X-Kid...as the 2nd match in a row the Debuter pulls the victory..

Winner: B.Z. "The Prototype"


Match Three

EWE TeleVision Championship
Standard Match
Chris Steel{c} Vs. K~Dawg

One Hell of a match....Back and Forth the whole way...Steel looked to put K~Dawg away many times...as did Dawg look to put Steel away...It was then Embassy's Jimmy Rave who tried to help his mentor retain the title...only to fail, when Rick Cage came down and evened the odds....Steel then tried to hit the Clean & Sober but K~Dawg countered...Dawg went for Da Meat Hook...but another counter...Steel went for a quick roll up...but K~Dawg rolled threw after 2 and grabbed the ropes to the crowd's approval, taking the win and the title.

Winner: K~Dawg (New Champion)

Afterwards: Dawg and Rick were celebrating with the Title...Dawg went to take the title to another corner only when he turned around he walked into someone...no way...how is he here?!...he was beaten to hell last week?!...how is this possible?!!...he stands right there in the ring...bandage on the head...ribs taped...the King of Kings himself!!...HHH stands there smiling at K~Dawg as Dawg is in shock...not fear...just shock that Trips is here after the damage he took at Summer Slam...Dawg just looks on in shock as we read Trips Lips "9-11".


Match Four
Legend Killer Match(Loser leaves eWe)
Ric Flair Vs. Randy Orton

What can I say...in a short battle...one fatal RKO kills the Legend and the Career of the Nature Boy...

Winner: Randy Orton


Kris Jaxson goes to the ring, he talks about how good he is, and how he was dominant at Summerslam. He says that he doesn't need to worry about PRedatr later and infact he will fight anyone there and then. No one comes out so he announces that he will head backstage and start a ight there. He makes his way up the ramp until "Maven" hits. Law rushes down to Jaxson on the ramp. They exchange rights until security break up the fight.


Match Five
Standard Non-Title Match
Brooke McGuire{c} Vs. Jessica Styles

Well the Champ shows why she's the Champ...not much else can be said...a fatal SnapShot and it's over.

Winner: Brooke McGuire


Match Six
Standard Match
Josh Mackenzie Vs. Nightmare

The Losing Streak also continues for Nightmare as Josh returns to action and pulls off the victory...

Winner: Josh Mackenzie


Match Seven
Standard Match
Alex Stone Vs. Jason Scott

A match not as back and forth as we woulda thought...but rather one sided as Stone cleans house.

Winner: Alex Stone


Match Eight

Non Title ShowDown
Standard Match
Predator{c} Vs. Kris Jaxson{c}

Good match, Jaxson starts off with power moves. Jaxson throws Predator out of the ring and follows him out. He controls until he misses a clothesline and his shoulder nails the ring post. Predator hits a big boot to the shoulder then whips him into the steel steps. Predator breaks the count then follows up smashing Jaxson's shoulder over the steps. They fight back into the ring Predator dominating, until he misses a splash in the corner. Jaxson hits a modified back body drop suplex and gets a near fall. Jaxson hits a running shoulder block with his good shoulder and then hangs Predator up on the ropes. Jaxson whips predator over the ropes but Preadtor nails a clothesline on his return. Predator goes for a boot but Jaxson ducks. Predator manages to stop himself hitting the referee but Jaxson slams himself into Predator and then the referee. Kris Jaxson gets from the ring and grabs his title sliding into the ring with it. He stalks Predator who is still down from the shot. As Predator gets up law slides in behind Jaxson and nails a sneaky Nightstick! Law takes Jaxson's belt and slides out of the ring. Predator covers Jaxson and the ref slowly counts the three. Law drops the International belt at ringside and walks backstage.

Winner: Predator


Match Nine
Standard Match
Christy Chaos Vs. Toxic Angel

The 4th Battle between 2 Returning Diva's...but the match didn't end how we would quite expect it...Christy Chaos had Toxic Angel down with the Charismatic Crush...but the ref was incapacitated...while Christy Tried to revive the ref...she was Chick Kicked, By Trish!!!...Trish puts TA on top of Christy and Rolls out of the ring laughing as she starts up the ramp....but Then Nicole rushes the ring and drags TA off...the ref gets up before Nicole can place Christy on TA so Nicole leaves the ring before the ref can see her...he sees both ladies down and counts them out at 10 for a double KO.

Winner: Draw


Backstage Kris Jaxson makes a challenge to Law, he says that he is sick of Law attacking him and that he will kick Law's ass in any match. He says he will do it title for title, but only on his own terms.


Match Ten

EWE Tag Team Championships
Standard Tag Match
Next Generation II(LAW & Nicole){c} Vs. Chris Hart & Alexis Johnson

Short match, Nicole and Alexis fight from the word go elimination eachother. Hart and Law go at it in the ring, Law uses a variant of submissions on Hart. Hart mounts some offence with a clothesline and then a neck breaker but the match is short and mainly dominated by LAW. Law picks up the win with a Dragon sleeper with Scissors at about the 3 minute mark.

Winners: Next Generation II (Still Champions)

Afterwards: Law gets out the ring and gets a mic and a chair. He says he accepts Jaxsons challenge and then says, this is his example. Law levels Hart with the chair and then holds it over head as the shot goes to a commercial.


Chris Jericho's Highlight Reel
The Special Guest we soon found out was Toronto's own Beauty Trish Stratus...the crowd cheered her, until she dissed them, showing her true heelness is back...They announced that the Canadian Couple was back together once again and was going on and on about the Women's Title, eWe Title, and Tag Team Titles...until it was interupted by "Fury Of The Storm" by Shadows Fall...The crowd Roars and breaks into an ECW Chant as RVD came to the ring...he offered the former Lionheart a spot in his old home...a place in ECW...but Jericho of course turned him down...and then went on to disrespect RVD and the ECW Name...RVD had enough and challenged him anytime, any place...ECW Rules...Jericho smirked and caught RVD off guard with a Cheap shot, and finished it up with the words..."Your On...See You at Dynamic Destruction, Juniour"


Main Event
Standard Match
Android 18 Vs. Rikku

And the Main Event...Chaos vs Xplosion...Old School Divas of Destruction Collide!...a Dream match to some of us...if not all of us...just too bad we couldn't see the roleplays on both parts...but for reading fun...and keeping up with a storyline that just don't seem to die...Eighteen has control until The McMahons make their way down the ramp...Vince enters the ring with a chair until his son stops him...they have a little argument in the ring...though you can't hear them it's quite obvious...ECW or not, Shane doesn't wanna see his show lose to the competition...But Vince doesn't seem to care about Chaos vs Xplosion...this is EWE vs ECW to him...in the mist Eighteen shurgs and disposes of them both!...she turn turns back to the match to get a Hyper Drive from Rikku!! and you bet cha she takes the 3!!

Winner: Rikku



1: K~Dawg
2: Chris Steel
3: Predator
4: Kris Jaxson
5: B.Z. "The Prototype"

1: Rikku
2: Lena Katina
3: Brooke McGuire
4: Dream
5: Daziee Haze

:: Copyright EWE Monday Night Chaos 2006 ::