' M o n d a y N i g h t C h a o s '

| Date : 09-18-06 | Recovery Status : Original Forum Summary | Theme: "Remedy" By Seether |
Venue : Rome, Italy | Main Event - Candice Michelle Vs. Toxic Angel | Turnout : 24 RolePlays


Opening Match
Standard Match
Jimmy Rave Vs. B.Z. "Prototype"

Winner: B.Z. "Prototype"


Match Two
Standard Match
Lily Vs. Dream

Winner: Dream


Main Event
Triple Threat - Debuts Match
Adam Senton vs. Jordan "Cloud" Strife vs. Glen Shadows

Winner: Canceled



Opening Segment
The Scene opens as it shows clips of last weeks big 9/11 special...it shows Nicole winning by DQ thanks to Candice...it shows Trish & Lena drawing yet again leading to a Triple Threat at DD next week...It shows Eighteen being screwed by Jason Scott...and later Vince announcing him in the Corporation and as Eighteen's opponent at Dynamic Destruction...it shows the controversey of Hassan beating Tiger in the hostile New York Crowd...it Shows Rikku beating Law...and finishes with Johnny raising the World Title with ECW spray painted on it in Purple..."Remedy" by Seether begins blasting and the crowd goes nuts as the fireworks go off and the show begins.


Opening Match
Standard Match
Jessica Styles Vs. The Fizz

This one didn't last long...Jessica was able to pull off a quick and easy victory.

Winner: Jessica Styles


The Camera's would go backstage where we see Vince and Jericho Talking backstage...Jericho seems worried RVD would cost him his 1st match back after 14 months...but Vince made him feel better by letting him know that ECW has been banned from the arena.


Match Two
Standard Match
"Captain" Jack Sparrow Vs. Jason Scott

"Captain" Jack Sparrow and The New "Corporate Backbreaker" Jason Scott would be next...and it's apparent the new new Corporate side has made this man even more dominant...Sending a Message to Eighteen he flat out dominates Sparrow..

Winner: Jason Scott


Backstage Law and Kris Jaxson have another Confrontation...They trash talk a little before Law starts to walk off...KJ then grabs his shoulder..."oh by the way...McMahon forgot to tell you...This Sunday...I'm the Special Guest Referee...Good Luck"...KJ laughs and walks off leaving Law a little frustrated..


Match Three
Standard Match
Trish Stratus Vs. Christy Chaos

Trish purely Dominated poor Christy...but it wasn't a Chick Kick or a Stratusfaction that won the match...Trish instead finished it off with a SnapShot...Brooke's Finisher...she smiled and taunted the booing crowd, until Lena raced down the ramp and they rolled around scraping into a commercial break.

Winner: Trish Stratus


Backstage again we'd see Rick Cage getting ready for the Tag Title match for later this evening...he'd soon be approached by Chris Steel, who was on the way to his match...he laughs at Rick Cage and asks him why he's teaming with such a loser?...Rick Cage would deffend his partners honor and trash talk back, then challenge him for a match at Dynamic Destruction...Steel would laugh and accept before walking off to get ready for his match.


Match Four
Standard Match
Chris Steel Vs. Muhammad Hassan

A good back and forth battle...but it didn't last long...Chris Steel would be cracked with a Chair by Jeff Rodgers?!...The Ref would call for the bell and award the DQ victory to Chris Steel as Jeff smiles...now getting he did it to cost Hassan the match...Jeff would then crack Hassan right between the eyes...he'd then pick him up and deliever a Heat Wave onto the chair and taunt before the commercial break.

Winner: Chris Steel


Backstage we'd see Predator walking the halls with his title in hand...he'd smack the door "It's time" The Door Flings open but the camera's faded before we could see who it was.


Match Five
Standard Tag Match
New Era(Jason Evans & Richard Jones) Vs. The Corporation's Predator & Logan

New Era comes to the ring cocky as ever until Predators song hit the PA...they glared The Mid Eastern Champ as he walked down the ramp with a smile...suddenly an old song hits the PA...one an eWe fan would remember if they watched during the King of Xtreme Tournament...this is when he walks out...the newest member of the Corporation...LOGAN...Predator and Logan got in the ring and the match begun...a good battle...back and forth and lasted a good amount of time...As Logan hit Jason with the LBB aka The Logan Back Breaker...Predator would put Jones away with the Brink of Extinction to get the victory!...Afterwards the corporation music would play but soon be cut...The crowd looks confused until on the titian tron reads "ARE YOU READY?......FOR THE NEXT LEVEL OF XTREME!!"...The Crowd Cheers as The X-Kid Makes his Return and races down the ramp...he hops in the ring and smiles at Predator...he talks about how he just got off the msn with Jay...I mean phone with Vince...and The X-Kid is Back...He talks about how he knows He didn't truley bring it at Summer Slam nor 9/11 Last week...but he challenges Predator to make it a Triple Threat..."I know you want to prove you can really beat me when I show."...Predator thinks for a second and then accepts!..X-Kid Smiles until Logan clotheslines him and nearly takes his head off!!

Winners: The Corporation


Backstage after the break we'd hear Vince Arguing with Predator about his decission and how he don't think he should do it..Predator tells Vince his decission is final and to start trusting him.


Jericho & Trish's Highlight Reel
The Highlight Reel would be next...Jericho and Trish would taunt and diss the crowd for a few minutes before bringing out this week's Guest...which is an Xplosion Superstar...Mr Money In The Bank...The Rated R Superstar...EDGE!...Jericho and Edge would talk about some things...Jericho even asked him when he was Cashing in...all he would say is when the time is right...but all would come to a halt when "Burn In My Light" by Mercy Drive hit the PA system...Orton and Mickie would walk down the ramp in front of the booin crowd and enter the ring...Orton talked about how him and Edge has been feuding on and off for about 4 months now, and now it's time to end it...Orton challenges Edge to a match at Xplosion's Pay Per View Halloween Havoc...After Edge accepts Orton smiles and suddenly Plants Trish with the RKO!...Jericho looks pissed and charges into a Chick Kick by Mickie...before Edge can react Orton and Mickie have done rolled out and headed up the ramp as Edge would look on in anger as it went to a Commercial.


Match Six
Standard Non-Title Match
Chris Jericho Vs. Kris Jaxson{c}

after the Break the Highlight Reel Set was cleaned up...but Jericho was still in the ring...this is when Kris Jaxson's song would hit letting us know it's time for their match...They locked up and put on a clinic...back and forth the whole time...KJ would attempt the Untouchable a couple times, but Jericho would Counter...Jericho tried for a Lionsault, but KJ got the knees up...finally Jericho gets the Walls of Jericho Locked in!...KJ screams and tries to reach the ropes...as he gets close, Jericho drags him back acrossed the ring...KJ would crawl over and reach again...but as he got close, Jericho would drag him back across again...suddenly there is loud cheers in the Audience...we soon see why as RVD hops over the Barricade...He has a chair in hand as he slides in the ring...he tosses it at Jericho and he lets go of the hold to catch it...Van Daminator!!...RVD Pulled a Table from under the ring that had the ECW Logo painted on it...The Crowd cheered at that and stirred up a ECW Chant...RVD set it up and hit Jericho with the chair causing him to fall back on it...RVD climbed the turnbukle and did his finger taunt as the crowd yelled it "ROB-VAN-DAM!" RVD leaped and hit Jericho with the Five Star Threw the Table!!...Trish looks on in horror as the crowd cheers RVD...suddenly Security obviously sent by Vince, races from the back and to the ring...RVD bolts threw the audience and smiles at Jericho.

Winner: Chris Jericho (Via DQ)


Backstage we see K~Dawg getting ready for the Tag Title match...before he leaves he's approached by Alex Stone who smiles and informs him that he'll see him This Sunday...K~Dawg shakes it off and walks off..


Match Seven

EWE Tag Team Championships
Standard Tag Match
Next Generation II(LAW & Nicole){c} Vs. Detroit's Most Wanted(K~Dawg & Rick Cage)

Great Match indeed...Best Tag Deffense yet...DMW brings everything they got and almost pulls it off...but as Rick Cage Looks for the victory...he's pull out of the ring behind the refs back, by Chris Steel...he smiles at K~Dawg and takes Rick threw the audience as the crowd boos...K~Dawg now facing a Handicap still gives it his all...and almost pulls off a couple close pins...when Law looks to put K~Dawg away...he's distracted as Nicole is now drug off by Chris Hart!!....Law is ready to chase after but he'll lose the belts...K~Dawg rolls him up and gets the close 2 count...Law gets up and looks for Hart and Nicole...but they are gone...Law then grabs K~Dawg and hits the Arrest Warrant...he gets the 3 Count and is ready to go on the hunt...but he can't as he is nailed with The Untouchable on the Stage...KJ smiles and bends down...he lightly slaps the unconcious Law on the side of the cheek as the camera's go to commercial.

Winners: Next Generation II (Still Champions)


Main Event
Standard Non-Title Match
Candice Michelle{c} Vs. Toxic Angel

It was Now Time for the Main Event...Candice and TA came out and the crowd was ready for the classic battle...but it was a short match to our surprise...Candice hit the quick Go Daddy to seal the victory...she raised up her title as the crowd gave a mixed reaction...She would be abour ready to leave until she seen Trish standing on the Stage with a smile...Candice was kinda confused but shrugged and raised her title back up as the scene faded away.

Winner: Candice Michelle



1: LAW
2: K~Dawg
3: New Era
4: Predator
5: Jason Scott

1: Nicole Johnson
2: Candice Michelle
3: Dream
4: Lily
5: Trish Stratus/Jessica Styles

:: Copyright EWE Monday Night Chaos 2006 ::