' M o n d a y N i g h t C h a o s '

| Date : 10-16-06 | Recovery Status : Original Forum Summary ("Fan Report") | Theme: "Remedy" By Seether |
Venue : Barcelona, Spain | Main Event - Title For Title - LAW Vs. Kris Jaxson | Turnout : 31 RolePlays


Opening Match
4 Way RP or F*ck Off
Glen Shadows Vs. Jonathan Jigsaw Vs. Rip Impact Vs. Derek Rubis

Winner: All Fired


Match Two
Triple Threat
Cammy Charm Vs. Maria Kanellis Vs. Nicole

Winner: Canceled


Match Three
Singles Debut Match
The Black Knight Vs. Black Archer

Winner: The Black Knight


Match Four
Standard Match
Matt Hardy Vs. "The Godfather" Vinchenzo Savonorola

Winner: "The Godfather" Vinchenzo Savonorola


Match Five
Standard Match
Brett Zero "The Prototype" Vs. Jordan "Cloud" Strife

Winner: Brett Zero "The Prototype"


Main Event
TV Championship Triple Threat
Alex Stone{c} Vs. Adam Senton Vs. Bone Doctor

Winner: Alex Stone


Fan Report By: Josh Parkington

Show Open
The First segment was rocking...the very first thing you heard was a bunch of Bag Pipes...we all cheered as Piper and a handful of Xplosion superstars headed to the ring...Piper Told Shane to come out so he could get something off his chest...after a few moments of silence Shane's music hit as he walked out on the stage...They exchanged words about this whole Brand War thing...Shane challenged Piper to a match...not just a match, but a Street Fight...Piper not only accepted, but proposed a 2nd matcn for Final Cut as well...a Classic Five on Five Surivor Series Match...5 Members of Chaos against 5 Members of Xplosion...Shane laughed and then accepted...getting a huge roar from the crowd...just when Shane was about to leave...the ECW Theme hit as Heyman walked out and smiled at Shane...he went on to say how The Board of Directors was tired of the way The McMahons were screwing people left and right...so they have given Shane a new Co General Manager...none other than Heyman himself...his first act as Co General Manager, was to make the Surivor Series match a Triple Threat...Chaos Vs Xplosion Vs ECW...which drew an even bigger ovation from the crowd...Heyman went on to say these words..."By the Way Piper...my first choice for Team ECW...well he's right there in the ring with you right now"...As Piper turned around Johnny Chaos cracked the World Title over his head! Johnny proceeded to roll under the bottom rope and leap into the audience before any Xplosion stars could jump him...he went threw the crowd wrapping the title around his waist and giving the finger to shane on the ramp with one hand...and the ring of Xplosion stars with the other..

Candice Michelle{c} Vs. Lily - Non Title
I had to take a piss during this match...but when I got back the guy next to me told me Lily rolled Candice up to everyone's shock.

Christy Chaos Vs. Candy Cane
This was a pretty good match I thought...It was the debut of Chaos Diva Candy Cane, and I must say she did pretty good...she held her own with the former Women's Champ...they went back and forth for awhile until Christy countered with a solid Charismatic Crush...She then climbed up the turnbukle and sealed the deal with the Star Struck for the victory.

Chris Jericho Vs. Rob Van Dam
This one kinda sucked for us ECW Fans...we was all hoping to see Rob get some redemption from Dynamic Destruction...but that slut Trish ruined that...as she distracted the ref...Jericho cracked RVD over the head with a chair...as he tossed it out of the ring then hit the Lionsault...the ref turned around in time for the three count..

Triple X Vs. The Corporation
This was a pretty solid Tag Match...great action though Logan didn't really contribute much....mostly cause XXX took him out in the early part...so pretty much this match turned into a handicap...still Scott held his own...but eventually the numbers game got to him...just when I thought xXx was gonna take it though...Edge came in and speared them both...yeah this baffles me too, but you'll understand later in this report...for the time beign the Spears were enough for Scott to take advantage and crack Slade with the Back Cracker to seal the deal.

Here's what I was talking about...after a Commercial break Edge was seen in the Corporation Lockerroom...this was when Vince announced that Edge was officially the newest member..

Muhammad Hassan Vs. CM Punk
Another solid match here....CM Punk dominated the early going of the match...but Hassan would soon take over...this would continue for awhile...a good back and forth battle for at least 8 minutes...then Hassan's no good manager came down and saved the day as always...Osama distracted the ref when Punk easily had the 3 count...Punk got up to try and get the refs attention...but Hassan low Blowed him...he then cracked him over the head with Brass knucks...he placed them back into his tights and locked in that Camel clutch...the ref turned around and seen Punk was unconcious and called for the bell..

The Highlight Reel Special Guest: Candice Michelle
This was an intresting part of the show...forget about Jericho, the real story here was the two former Revolution X members in Candice and Trish both in the same ring....They talked about how Candice's dominate Title reign and how she's coming up on 11 months...Trish then asked her if she thinks she's a better champion then she was...Candice reminded her how long her reign was...but Trish reminded her of how many Title matches Trish has had compared to Candice...Trish then caught her on the spot and asked her when she planned to tell the fans...Candice looked a little nervous and asked her what...Trish then said that Candice planed to leave eWe After Final Cut...Candice got all deffensive and then asked her where she heard that...Trish said she's leaving cause she knows she could never beat her one on one, that's why it never happened...I'm sure you see where this is going...in possibly Candice's Final Match?...we'll see...at Final Cut it'll be Candice Michelle deffending against Trish Stratus..

Brooke McGuire{c} Vs. Dream
The first of 3 Title Matches on the broadcasted show...and it looked pretty good to me...Not something I was expecting from this match...we all figured Brooke was gonna own this girl, but it was actually a pretty good back and forth match....A Snap shot shoulda sealed the deal...but Dream somehow managed to kick out..It was then we seen a Weaver as Dream kicked Brooke smack dab in the chin...another cover for a sure victory...but Brooke too kicked out...Brooke was looking for another SnapShot when Dream countered and rolled her up barely getting the 3 count that shocked Brooke, The crowd, even Dream..

The New Era Vs. Detroit's Most Wanted
A Real solid Tag Team Match..Everyone played their part in this one...K~Dawg looked the best in the match as far as I coule tell though...It literally went back and forth for at least 7 or 8 minutes...with about a minute of New Era dominating in the end...but a fatal Meat Hook out of nowhere on Richard Jones sealed the deal and gave DMW the victory.

The Sandman{c} Vs. Predator
This match was advertised as a Singles match...but eWe Management forgot it was considered a "ECW" Title therefore this match was contested under ECW Rules...so ECW Rules it was...and it got just as Brutal as Dynamic Destruction...minus the new Xplosion superstar Ciaran Michaels...Sandman Dominated the early part of the match...but one Chair shot later, Predator started taking control...Predator would dominate for a couple minutes before Sandman started getting some good whacks in with that Siga Pore Cane...Sandman then hit the Siga Pore Sweep onto a Stop Sign...Sandman smiled evily before making the cover...literally at the very last moment Predator kicked out...I mean the refs hand was like a millimeter from the mat...That really got us fans siked up seeing such a close pinfall...Sandman didn't look so thrilled though...he set up a table and poured some lighter fluid on it...he then proceeded to light himself a cigerette...he took a couple puffs as he cracked Predator over the head with the siga pore cane...he then tossed the rest of the cigerette on the table...after a few moments the table bursts into flames...Sandman sets Predator up for a Power Bomb...but Pred counters and slingshots him into the turnbukle...Pred climbs up and hits a Top Rope Power Bomb Threw the Table!!!...We the Crowd go insane as Pred makes the cover and gets the 3 count...

Backstage we see KJ and Law looking at eachother with their belts on their shoulders....Shane walks up and seperates the two...he tells them the reason he asked them back there...and that was that he wanted to tell them something before their match...that both of them are going to be representing Team Chaos at Final Cut..

Eighteen Vs. Edge
A Real ShowDown here...Without knowing it before the night started...ECW Vs Corporation lived on threw this match...The match goes back and forth and at one point Eighteen shoulda won and ended the streak...she had the three count after an Annhilation...but that skank Lita had the ref distracted...Eighteen got fed up and dragged her in the ring by her hair...before she could do anything she turned around to be speared!!...Edge covered but Eighteen managed to kick out...Edge didn't look happy about it...The fight continued on...and Lita again distracted the ref before Chris Jericho raced in with a chair and cleaned both their clocks...he stepped out with a huge grin on his face...Trish then came out and hit Lita with a Stratusfaction off the apron...the ref turned around and counted the 10 count to the booing crowd...

After the match, as Eighteen was shaking the cob webs trying to figure out what happened...Law came out and told her to go to Vince's office and find out what the stipulation is....Eighteen reluctantly did what she was told...after everyone was gone but Edge and Lita...Edge was taken right back down with an Extreme Make-Over as the World Champion had returned...Drama hit Lita with a Dramatic Impact as Johnny grabbed a mic...he bent down in Edge's face and talked about how he ran off with that Money in The Bank Contract..but he was still gonna give him a chance to face the World Champion non title...this was when he challenged Edge to a match at Saturday Night's ShowDown

eWe Champion LAW Vs. International Champion Kris Jaxson
Amazing...that's all I can say...this match stole the show...well worth the Main Event...Shane sure knows how to Book em I'll say that...Kris Jaxson took the first advantage of the match...He took control for about 4 or 5 minutes before Law took over...Law took the control for another 4 or 5 minutes...soon it had no control and was flat out back and forth for another 5 or 6 minutes...Many times it looked Law had the match sealed...rightfully so many times it looked KJ had it won...i'm telling you this was a great solid match...Not even an Untouchable could put Law away...once again vise versa an Arrest Warrant couldn't put KJ away neither...Many close falls...many close tap outs...20 minutes of one solid back and forth match...the ending was seen when KJ was looking for another Untouchable...but Law wouldn't have it as he countered and hit another Arrest Warrant...but for good measure Law went for The Nightstick which sealed the deal and took the victory.

Afterwards KJ and Law got to their feet as Law extended his hand...KJ smiled and shook his hand...camera's flashed everywhere...but of course this moment was ruined with a steel chair to the back of both men...Cameron Hayden was the holder of that chair as he then cracked both men acrossed the skull....Hayden then smiled the booing crowd before grabbing a mic..."You boys like that?...your gonna be representing Team Chaos huh?...well good, cause I am here to announce the first pick for Team Xplosion...his Name his Cameron Hayden...and Chaos...I am Above You!!"...the Show came to a close with Hayden standing over both men..


1: LAW
2: Kris Jaxson
3: Muhammad Hassan
4: CM Punk
5: Predator

1: Eighteen
2: Brooke McGuire
3: Dream
4: Christy Chaos
5: Candy Cane

:: Copyright EWE Monday Night Chaos 2006 ::