' M o n d a y N i g h t C h a o s '

| Date : 10-23-06 | Recovery Status : Original Forum Summary ("Fan Report") | Theme: "Remedy" By Seether |
Venue : Kermân, Iran | Main Event - EWE Tag Team Championships | Turnout : 36 RolePlays


Opening Match
RP or F*ck Off
Cammy Charm Vs. Maria Kanellis

Winner: Noone - Both Fired


Match Two
RP or F*ck Off
Black Archer Vs. Matt Hardy Vs. Jordan "Cloud" Strife

Winner: None - All again kicked to the curb


Match Three
Standard Match
Bone Doctor Vs. Adam Senton

Winner: Canceled


Match Four
Standard Match
Lily Vs. Nicole(PCD)

Winner: Lily


Main Event
Standard Match
Jessica Styles Vs. Candy Cane

Winner: Candy Cane


Fan Report By: Stacy Kennington

The Highlight Reel Special Guest: K~Dawg
The Show kicked off right away with the Hi-Lite Reel...Before Jericho brought his guest out, which would be K~Dawg...He first talked about his appearence on last Wednesday's Xplosion...he proceeded to announce that he is indeed the 3rd Pick for Team Chaos...Then K~Dawg would come out...Jericho would give him props on defeating nearly every team on Chaos, except of course Canadian Delight...K~Dawg thanked him, and assured him they would soon be beaten by DMW as well...K~Dawg then announced that he was cashing in on his TV Title Return match at Saturday Night's ShowDown...Jericho laughed at K~Dawg for playing in the minor leagues...K~Dawg got deffensive and before you know it they are fighting...As Jericho and Trish are getting a double assault a voice comes over the PA...Jericho looks up on the titan tron to see Xplosion's sexy All American Champion Ciaran Michaels!...They trash talked for a little bit, then Ciaran challenged him to a match...November 11th Saturday Night's ShowDown...Jericho gratiously accepted..

The Black Knight Vs. "The Godfather" Vinchenzo Savonorola
The First match of the evening...it went pretty smoothly...back and forth there for awhile...then Black Knight started taking more control which soon led to the victory.

Detroit's Most Wanted Vs. ECW
This looked like a great Tag Match...It was back and forth and showed great team work...ECW had the first offensive...but DMW soon got it going theirselves...soon it was down to K~Dawg and Sandman left in the ring, while Cage & RVD fought on the outside...Sandman tried to retrieve his Siga Pore Cane, but the ref took it from him...Sandman argued with him for a minute before turning into DA MEAT HOOK!!...Dawg got the cover and the 3!

Brooke McGuire & Christy Chaos Vs. Dream & Candice Michelle
A Match with the ladies...GIRL POWER!...ok sorry guys lol...Brooke and Dream was the most active members of the match...it was back and forth for the most part...it was the ending that got crazy..while the ref was out, not sure what happend to him...guess he passed out from being around 4 beautiful females...anyways, it was soon to be five as Trish made an appearence...While Brooke and Dream were fighting on the outside...Trish went to Chick Kick Candice...but Candice ducked out of the way, causing Trish to get Christy...Trish smiled and shrugged it off before being hit with The Go Daddy!...Candice was about to cover before she was hit with the SnapShot!...Brooke covered as Dream was a half a second too late!

Backstage we seen The members of ECW...Heyman, RVD, Sandman, Eighteen...and even Xplosion's Johnny Chaos...Heyman said this was Team ECW so far and that the final member would be known after Xplosion...him and Johnny both smiled and nodded at eachother.

Alex Stone{c} Vs. B.Z. "The Prototype"
One solid match...Back and Forth...back and forth...and guess what...BACK AND FORTH...this was a great match...I just don't know what to say...a bajillion times better then they last time they met...Stone looked to have it retained many times...just like BZ looked to have it won just as many times...Finally at the end Stone was ready to put BZ away...but BZ caught him off guard with a quick roll up to seal the deal and the victory!

Randy Orton Vs. Muhammad Hassan
Hassan won I think...I was being hit on by this idoit next to me, so I was trying to get rid of him I missed most of this match

Chris Steel Vs. Slade Craven
Another good bout for the Chaos Brand...In a close match it was Chris Steel escaping with the Victory..

The New Era Vs. Canadian Delight
Jericho & Trish's Tag Team Debut...looks like Jericho should stick to singles wrestling...he's still undefeated in Singles Action...but not here...Jericho ended up fighting a handicap match when Candice came back for redemption and battle Trish off threw the audience, they went right by me actually...The numbers game caught up to Y2J and not even the King of The World could handle the 2 on 1...New Era took home the victory..

Eighteen Vs. Assassin
A Classic rematch from last year's Final Cut...it wasn't as good as last year of course with it no being a Anachy Cell, nor for the Undisputed Title this time...but it was still good...It was a solid back and forth contest, but in the end...Assassin caught Eighteen with The Assassination causing yet another defeat!

Backstage we see The Corporation...Vince talks about the new Team at Final Cut being Cororate Evolution, an alliance between The Corporation and Extreme Evolution...as we all seen on Xplosion Nero was the first pick...he then says his 2 picks from the Coporation side will be Edge & Jason Scott...he tells them both to go out there tonight and show the world why..

CM Punk Vs. Edge
This one didn't last long at all...The Hot Rated R Superstar completely schooled The Straight Edged Superstar....during the whole match though Johnny Chaos was sitting in a chair on the stage smirking...so after the victory Edge retrieved a mic...he reminded the fans of Johnny's attack last week...and his challenge for ShowDown...Edge went on to say that he definately ACCEPTS

Shane was seen talking to Law about his partner...It seems Shane knows who it is...he told Law to tell his partner, that he is offically the 4th pick for Team Chaos.

LAW & ???{c} Vs. The Corporation's Jason Scott & Logan
Corporation came down to alot of boos...but it was the champs we wanted to see...Law then came out to his normal cheers...then we all waited patiently to see who his new partner was, which is apparently the next member of Team Chaos...after a few moments of silence, The eWe Mid Eastern Champion stepped threw the curtains...Yes it's PREDATOR!!...The match it's self was a pretty good one...Logan & Predator went off fighting up the ramp as it was left down to Law & Scott...very intresting to see these 2 men fighting...this could be a future eWe Title match...Scott & Law went back and forth, until Scott hit the champ from nowhere with the Back Cracker to seal the deal and crown new Tag Team champions!!

As Scott was celebrating with the Titles "Welcome To The Jungle" by Guns N Roses hit the PA system...The crowd roared as WT came down to the ring...him and Scott kind stared off for a little bit as the scene slowly faded away leaving everyone confused.


1: Jason Scott
2: Edge
3: B.Z. "The Prototype"
4: Alex Stone
5: The Black Knight

1: Brooke McGuire
2: Eighteen
3: Dream
4: Candy Cane
5: Lily

:: Copyright EWE Monday Night Chaos 2006 ::