' M o n d a y N i g h t C h a o s '

| Date : 01-01-07 | Recovery Status : Original Forum Summary | Theme: "Click Click Boom" By Saliva |
Venue : Juneau, Alaska | Main Event - EWE Championship - LAW Vs. Chris Steel | Turnout : 27 RolePlays


Opening Match
Singles Match
Rage Vs. Jerry Crow

Winner: Jerry Crow


Match Two
Singles Match
Brooke McGuire Vs. Candy Cane

Winner: Canceled


Main Event
Singles Match
Poison Vs. Gaz Black

Winner: Gaz Black



Show Opening
Finally, after 3 Long months...The Tour is over...eWe Has returned to good Ol American Soil...Still unfamilar territory...but hey, when has The fans of Alaska ever gotten to enjoy a live Wrestling Show?...i'd say none, for eWe At least....So here we are...back in America...Kicking off 2007 Baby!...but that's not the only thing we're kicking off....Only the biggest Tournament in eWe History...hell wrestling History...this is damn sure bigger than WWE's King of The Ring, that was crap...what did they get?...a big shiney trophy, big fuckin whoop...No this baby is the real deal, won Last Year By THE FRANCHISE...yes you heard me Taylor, care to prove me wrong soon?...go for it...This is the Fuckin King of Xtreme Tournament...32 Superstars & Diva's enter...16 from Chaos...16 from Xplosion...but in the end, on January 28th, only one will leave that night, with a one way ticket to the Main Event of WrestleMania 4!!...that's right fuckers...it's official...the most brutal...sick...and crazy journey is offically begining...the Road to the biggest Event of the year....Right here tonight, it starts...THE ROAD TO WRESTLEMANIA 4!!!!!!!

Opening Match
King of Xtreme - Round One
Extreme Rules Match
Alex Stone Vs. Rick Cage

Good Battle...back and forth...Stone had control for the most part though after he puts Cage away with a Power Pomb from The turnbukle threw a table on the outside..

Winner: Alex Stone


Match Two
King of Xtreme - Round One
Extreme Rules Match
Edge Vs. *Mystery Entry*

The Mystery Entry comes to the ring and trips on the bottom rope getting in...the crowd kinda laughs at him as he gets pissed and removes his mask, revealing Donald Hinson!..The Crowd boos as he looks focused sticking his Bucked teeth at Edge...Lita hopes on the apron and gets Don's attention...she starts to slide her hand over her top...she BARELY shows off a very tiny bit of her right breast as Don blows his load and hits the mat holding his dick...Edge can barely stand up he's laughing so hard...but after Don gets up the fun and games are over after Edge nails him with a hard Spear for the 3..

Winner: Edge

Edge starts making out with Lita...they start to leave until Stone comes down and hits Edge With The Time Out!...He looks at Edge as he heads back up the ramp..


Match Three
King of Xtreme - Round One
Extreme Rules Match
Shawn Michaels Vs. Brutality

This match has been completely back and forth, atm Brutality has HBK set up on the top turnbukle as he sets up a Table...he grabs HBK off and powerbombs him straight threw it as the Crowd Boos...Vince McMahon walks out with a smile on his face as Brutality gives him a weird look and covers...at 2 HBK barely gets the shoulder up as Brutality gets pissed...he grabs HBK up and sends him crashing into the Turnbukle...HBK wobbles over towards the middle of the ropes Brutality charges, HBK falls down pulling the top rope causing Brute to hit the floor, HBK hops up and hops over the top rope crashing on top of Brutatility!...HBK grabs Brute and whips him hard into the steps as the Crowd Cheers...HBK rolls him back in then slides in with a Chair...he waits and cracks the Big Man right between the eyes...he just teters...HBK swings again...nothing...he bounces off the ropes and does his normal jumping clothesline, but this time with the chair...this knocks him down!...HBK climbs up and hits the flying elblow before he starts Tuning up the Band...Mid Way threw he catches Vince sliding in with a chair and kicks the Chair into his face!...Brute Grabs HBK and goes for the Chokeslam but HBK rolls him up and barely gets the 3!

Winner: Shawn Michaels

HBK rolls out with a smile as Brutality is shocked and pissed at the same time...


Match Four
King of Xtreme - Round One
Extreme Rules Match
Slade Craven Vs. The Black Knight

Have you ever had crab Cakes?...WTF Are Crab Cakes?!

Winner: Slade Craven

Match Five
King of Xtreme - Round One
Extreme Rules Match
Jason Scott Vs. Kaiser Way

Seriously wtf are they?...it's not like Cakes made out of pubes is it?...anyways, Kaiser Farts, that's all she wrote..

Winner: Kaiser Way


No Chance hits the PA as Vince smiles...he then retrieves a mic..

Vince McMahon: "I know, it sucks...You wanna Advance...I just wanna see them Damn D-Generates Lose...but I can solve one of our problems...it turns out Toxic Angel Left eWe...and it also turns out Dream was attacked by an unknown person...she won't be able to compete for a couple weeks...so we have a open spot in the tournament...you look the best so far tonight of the ones that lost...so congrats...and good luck next week against The Time Keeper.."

Brutality nods his head and walks off as Vince smiles...he turns around and jumps 10 feet when he sees his picture on the wall...cause it's been changed...it has a bubble on it...one of those talking bubbles...in it...of course...says "I LOVE COCKS"...Vince gets pissed and tears it off the wall...

Match Six
King of Xtreme - Round One
Extreme Rules Match
K~Dawg Vs. Julio Diaz

Another good match here we had...Pretty quick paced too with 2 speed wrestlers....Eventually they would of course wear their selves down a little, so of course they was tired...Julio Cracks K~Dawg with a Shining Wizzard before taunting the crowd...he grabs Dawg and looks for the Mexican Lawn Mower, but Dawg Counters and Drops him With Da Meat Hook!...K~Dawg Lays Julio onto a table before he climbs the turnbukle and smiles before tuning into Fear Factor...he watches for a couple minutes and starts getting sick when they start eating Pig Brains...so he turns the TV off then Connects the Move named Fear Factor Threw The Table and picks up the 3 Count!

Winner: K~Dawg


Backstage we see a new face walking the halls...some of the old AWO Fans(there is some? :o) cheer recognizing him as Gino Knoxx...he is stopped by Predator.

Predator: "Hey wait a minute...you look.."

Gino Knoxx: "Familar?...name's Gino Knoxx..2x AWO World Champ...I'm on Chaos now."

Predator: "Actually, I was gonna say you look funny..."

Gino Knoxx: "If I'm so funny looking, then why don't you be my debut match next week?... non title of course..."

Predator: "See you next week funny looking former AWO guy..."

Predator walks off as Gino shrugs and walks the other way..

Match Seven
King of Xtreme - Round One
Extreme Rules Match
Triple H Vs. Justin Pain

As the match begins Justin offers a Test of Strength...HHH laughs and goes for it...Justin Shows Great strength, until HHH sends him acrossed the ring...Justin gets pissed and charges HHH with a clothesline...He takes control for a small amount of time before he grabs a chair and enters the ring...he waits Trips to turn around and runs forward...only to be planted dead center of the ring with a hard Spinebuster...He does his Arm Pose that makes the crowd cheers, then as Justin gets up he gets the good ol X-Chop followed by The Pedigree for the 3!

Winner: Triple H

Trips is in the ring celebrating, until he is cracked in the back with a Steel Chair, By Vince!...The Crowd Boos as Vince starts cursing and ranting for HHH to get back up...he cracks HHH right between the eyes before Telling him to Suck It....He sees HBK sprinting down the ramp so he vacates the ring and goes through the audience...


Backstage we see Rikku skipping happlily down the hall, that is until she is stopped by eWe Champion Law..

Rikku: "Hey Champ!"

LAW: "Hey, good luck against Predator.."

Rikku: "You too!...wait you're not facing Predator, I am..."

LAW: "You mean against Steel then?"

Rikku: "Umm...Yeah that's it!!"

LAW: "Before Vince tries to give me some other Corporate idiot at KOX...as Champ...I wanna make your match with Predator for the #1 contendership at King of Xtreme.."

Rikku: "You can do that?"

LAW: "I'm not sure, I am the Champ...for now at least...so I just did..."

Rikku: "Otay...in that case...beat Steel and I'll see you at King of Xtreme!...I can't wait til that pretty belt is mine!"

LAW: "What makes you think I'll let you win?"

Rikku: "Cause I remember 9-11...good luck!"

Rikku skips off as Law shakes his head...


Match Eight
#1 Contendership
Standard Non-Title Match
Rikku Vs. Predator{c}

Rikku and Pred put on a good show...one of the most talked about matches on the card...on paper it kinda looked funny, okay that was a corny joke I'm sorry...anyways it was a good one...It went Back and forth, but in the end...it was a good ol Hyper Drive that sealed the deal.

Winner: Rikku

Rikku happily skips around until the camera's go backstage...


Backstage we see DX sitting in their lockerroom, HHH is still holding his head...Shane enters the room..

$hane~O~Mac: "Wow, hows the head?"

Triple H: "How the hell do you think my head is?...let me crack you with a chair.."

$hane~O~Mac: "For a Billionaire, My Dad can be pretty Cheap.."

Shawn Michaels: "Ya think?"

$hane~O~Mac: "I got an idea though...I don't think he'll be having the last laugh tonight.."

Shane smiles as DX looks intriged...


The Camera's Return to Ring side as the crowd gets pumped up.

Tazz: "Wait, why am I talking?"

Jonathan Steele: "Cause Jay's doing full results on this match I guess.."

Tazz: "Why, did he smoke something?"

Jonathan Steele: "It is the Main Event...and the eWe Title..Plus Jay has an idea for an ending that wouldn't have been as cool summarized.."

Tazz: "Don't Spoil it numb nuts..."

"No Chance" hits the PA System and the Crowd boos as Chris Steel steps threw the curtains, along with The Chairman Mr. Vincent Kennedy McMahon!

Jennifer Sparks: "The Following Contest Is Scheduled for One fall, and is for the eWe Championship!...introduciing First, The Challenger....Accompanied by Mr McMahon?....from Chicago Illinois...Chris Steel!!!"

Jonathan Steele: "What the hell is Vince coming out here for?"

Tazz: "I don't know...he's Vince...he can do what he wants...Ha, I just realized something...You and Chris Related?"

Jonathan Steele: "Shut up..."

Chris and Vince Continue down the ramp and step into the Ring...Vince takes Jennifer's Mic then tells the Ref to leave..

Vince McMahon: "Now then, there's a reason I'm out here...and why I just told the Ref to bugger off...Here Chris Hold this for a second.."

Vince hands Chris the mic as he removes his Jacket, revealing a ref shirt that makes the crowd explode in boos...Vince laughs as he drops the coat on the outside and takes the mic back..

Vince McMahon: "Now that I am the referee...expect the eWe Championship to finally once and for all, come to The Corporation!"

The Crowd boos as Vince hands the mic back to Jennifer...the Boos quickly turn to cheers when Law's Music echos through out the arena and the man himself steps threw..

Jennifer Sparks: "And now...from a place unknown...weighing in at 230 pounds...he is the eWe Champion...LAW!!!"

The Crowd continues to cheer as Law Smirks and heads down the ramp...he slides into the ring and reluctantly hands the title to Vince as he raises it up.

Main Event
EWE Championship
Special Guest Referee: Vince McMahon
LAW{c} Vs. Chris Steel

Law and Steel start circling the ring before finally locking up...Law seems to be overpowering Steel, he's about to send him across the ring....but Vince kicks him right behing the knee, so Steel sends Law acrossed the ring instead..Law gets up frustrated he takes Steel Down with a HARD Clothesline...He locks in a Headlock and Vince tells him it's illegal..

Jonathan Steele: "What the hell...that's a perfectly legal move.."

Tazz: "He's the boss Steele...he's changing the rules how he sees fit I guess.."

Law Shakes Vince off and whips Steel into the Corner...Law goes to set Steel on the turnbukle, but Steel gives him a very Obious Low Blow...Vince just smiles and waves it off...Steel then locks Law in a headlock..

Jonathan Steele: "I thought that was illegal.."

Tazz: "Since when was a headlock an illegal move?"

Jonathan Steele: "Since a few minutes ago when Law had it on Steel and Vince said it was.."


As the Camera's return from Break we see Law laying on the mat and Steel playing to the booing Crowd..

~ ~ During The Break: It shows Law fighting out of the Headlock and then going for a Clothesline...but Steel ducked and Vince leveled him with a clothesline of his own. ~ ~

Tazz: "Steel's been doing pretty good...he's had control all through the break..."

Jonathan Steele: "Yeah when the man Steel is now kissing the ass of... is the referee.."

Steel picks Law up and Whips him into the Corner...he sets him up on the Turnbukle, but Law knocks him off and jumps off hitting a missle Drop Kick...Law gets up and scares Vince back as he grabs Steel and hits The Nightstick!!...The Crowd Cheers as Law Covers...instead of Counting Vince takes his cell phone out of his pocket and starts "talking".

Jonathan Steele: "Oh Come On!..Law has it won.."

Tazz: "What? He's got a phone call, he's a very important man..."

Jonathan Steele: "Phone call my ass.."

Law gets up and starts slowly walking towards Vince...Vince notices this and reminds him who he is and what he can do...Law seems to pay no mind...he grabs the Cell Phone and tosses it into The Audience...Vince looks like he's about to piss himself...until Steel Rolls Law up from behind...Vince hops down and counts a very quick count yet Law barely kicks out..

Jonathan Steele: "What the hell was that.."

Law gets up very ticked off as he cracks Steel with a HARD Clothesline...he then looks at Vince he rolls out of the ring...Law turns his attention back To Steel as he sets up For The Arrest Warrant...but instead Law is cracked right between the eyes with a Chair By Vince!!

Jonathan Steele: "Oh Come On!!...Not like this!!"

Steel makes the cover as Vince cockily counts...1...2...The lights go out!

Jonathan Steele: "What the.."

Tazz: "Someone forget to pay the electric bill?"

The room stays black with the exception of green lights flashing around...then...


The Crowd Roars as the DX Theme continues to play...even more when the lights come back on...Vince and Steel continue to look around...not noticing they are right behind them...They get that feeling and slowly turn around...Steel is laid with some Sweet Chin Music as Vince takes The Pedigree!!...They get on the turnbukles and taunt the crowd as Law crawls over and makes the cover on Steel...this is when we see Shane sprinting down...WEARING THE STRIPES!

Jonathan Steele: "Here he comes!"

Tazz: "Are you Kidding me?!"

Jonathan Steele: "Nope!...the screw job is a no go...Thank You DX! thank you Shane!!"

Shane slides in and DX does cross chops to every one as he counts the 1...2...3!!

Jennifer Sparks: "Your Winner and STILL the eWe Champion...LAW!!!"

Law's Music hits and the Crowd cheers as Shane hands him the title and raises his hand...DX applauds and shakes his hand before HHH whispers in all of the ears...all 4 Line up...with Law and shane on the outsides...Law straps the eWe Title around his waste....then the 4 do the 4 Signature Cross Chops as the Green X shoots off behind them...after the 4th X the song changes to "Break It Down" as the 4 continue to play the crowd and the show fades..


1: LAW
2: Chris Steel
3: Edge
4: Shawn Michaels
5: Brutality

1: Rikku
2: Dream
3: n/a
4: n/a
5: n/a

:: Copyright EWE Monday Night Chaos 2007 ::