' M o n d a y N i g h t C h a o s '

| Date : 01-08-07 | Recovery Status : Original Forum Summary ("Fan Report") | Theme: "Click Click Boom" By Saliva |
Venue : Detroit, Michigan | Main Event - Daemon Vect Vs. Rikku | Turnout : 28 RolePlays


Fan Report By: Jason Stewart

Greetings Fans...Name is Jason Stewart...and I am from Detroit...I sat front row this week at Monday Night Chaos...and this is what I gathered....The Show Started with Rage and Poison both getting the can...after they were tossed in the trash can's, they were fired as well...So let's skip to the 2nd match...that was prepared by someone else..

King of Xtreme - Round Two - Extreme Rules
Alex Stone Vs. Brutality
The match started as all matches do. Theme music rolling, superstars coming to the ring. The one difference was that Brutality was late. Just as he was about to be disqualified, Brutality walked out from the fans. He stepped over the gate, climbed into the ring with a microphone and had this to say:

"Alex Stone, I'm sorry I can't come at you, and beat your ass up and down this ring like the pansy paper competitor that you are, but sometimes a man has to know where his loyalties lie. Everyone of you pathetic bastards out here, watched me compete in this ring for the past three weeks, and so many of you wanted to see me and this fuck go at it, but fortunately for you Alex, this will be the easiest ride you're going to get in this tournament because... I quit. No-- I don't quit the eWe, because you see, there is one man on this planet that I have never been able to beat, even as hard as I tried I couldn't defeat this cunt. I tried again, and again, and again and again and yet I still never won. This superstar has a 5-0 record over me with him leading the winning side in UKW. But see, UKW was a different era of Brutality, and a different game all together. The mindset was different, and my main mistake in eWe so far has been that I've kep that mentality. But, no more. No more Brutality that jokes around, pokes fun at people, those days are over. No, in this business, you have to get serious and be twice as Brutal as everyone else out there because those same motherfuckers are going for the exact prize that you are, and that's ten minutes in the spotlight. So... Ashlocke!"

Brutality turns and points to the entrance ramp.

"I'll see your punk-bitch ass on Xplosion because I'm jumping ship. We currently hold, in the eyes of the UKW fan base, the greatest single match in the UKW, and that was our first one. You have a substantial lead Ashlocke, but all I wish for is one-last-shot. Me and you, a grudge match... for your UKW title that was never lost, and King of Xtreme. Let's decide in a foreign ring with foreign refs and no outside UKW influence who truely was the champ of the United Kingdom Wrestling organization. That is-- if you think you can do it again?"

Brutality then looked behind him at Alex Stone, chuckled, and exited the ring. Making his way up the ramp and waving farewell to all of Chaos...
Winner by default: Alex Stone

Well that was kinda lame wasn't it, dude left Stone got to advance by default...that kinda sucks...he still advanced though so whatever...after a commercial break the camera's were backstage where it showed eWe World Heavyweight Champion Johnny Chaos...who was standing by with Justin White...

Justin White: "Johnny Chaos, why are you here?"

Johnny Chaos: "That is a very good question...why is the World Champion...on the other pathetic Show?...it's simple really, let me teach you a lesson kid...if you really wanna get under your enemies skin...you gotta strike an old friend of theirs...if ya get what I mean.."

Not really sure what he meant by that, but I guess it's time for the next match...funnily enough involving his sister...

Lily Vs. Christy Chaos
This Match was meh...it was okay I guess...well actually I give it a 2.5/10...I only gave it that extra .5 to be a little nice...Christy hit the Star Struck and that sealed the deal..
Winner: Christy Chaos

King of Xtreme - Round Two - Extreme Rules
Edge Vs. Shawn Michaels
And this was a match...alot better then what had happened so far in the show, which besides the hot babe standing next to me giving me her number, has been a complete drag...but this match livened the show back up...many key points were in this match....like when HBK Had it won in the early going, but after many saves by Edge's Girlfriend Lita...the tables were turned...being Extreme Rules you knew it had to get dirty...and that it did....As HBK was tuning up the band he'd find himself getting cracked right between the eyes with that Money in the Bank Briefcase...of course HBK somehow find a way to kick out...Soon HBK would get it pumping again and Tune up the Band...but instead Lita would interupt and try to crack HBK herself with that briefcase, this time HBK would Duck and she'd get Edge instead!..She dropped the Briefcase and held her mouth to her hands in horror at what she's done...HBK dissapointed he tuned up the band for nothing, gave it to Lita instead!...he then climbing the Top Rope and gave Edge the Flying Elbow for the 3!!...I give this match a 7/10 great performance on both parts...
Winner: Shawn Michaels

The Camera's would turn to another backstage segment, this one kinda meant nothing cause all it was, was Rikku skipping down the hallway...hyping up the Main Event I guess..

Rick & Torrie Cage Vs. Gaz Black & Adrienne Lawson - Mixed Tag Match
This one was okay, we coulda seen a better match, but weather, internet, and power is some things you can't ever predict fucking shit up...so this match seen the end when Rick Cage used his new move...The FU...wonder where I seen that one before?...4/10
Winners: Rick & Torrie Cage

King of Xtreme - Round Two - Extreme Rules
Slade Craven Vs. Kaiser Way
I had to take a crap during this one...the hot babe next to me told me Craven completely dominated though...so 3/10 just cause I didn't see it...
Winner: Slade Craven

Mid Eastern Title Shot @ KOX
Chris Steel Vs. Justin Pain Vs. Jerry Crow
Originally designed to be a 4 way...but some kind of papers or something restrict Julio from wrestling in the states or some shit...Cabbage has some crazy ideas some times...so anyways, it's now a Triple Threat...and a good one at that...all 3 Men showed they want that shot...All 3 Men seemed very determined to get that shot at Predator, and hopefully end his reign...or so in their mind...we can only see...but for now, we have this match...and the ending boiled down pretty good...Jerry hits Pain with The Eye Of The Crow and is about to cover, but he sees Steel...Vince slides in with a chair and swings for Steel, Steel moves...Vince gets Crow...Steel hits Vince with the Clean and The Sober then wakes up the ref before making a cover for the 3!...I give it a 8/10
Winner: Chris Steel

Another backstage segment as we see Vect getting pshyched up..

King of Xtreme - Round Two - Extreme Rules
K~Dawg Vs. Triple H
Two back to back great matches in my book...HHH & Dawg looked to settle the score...2-2 a piece...provided it'd be 2-1 one on one in Singles Action to Dawg's favor...the score is still 2 all overall...but it was seen that both men wanted and need to win this match...cause it was sick...back and forth...Dawg had control there for awhile and then it shifted to HHH...and then it was mutual...and now it's back to Dawg...weapons are everywhere as K~Dawg tries to tear it up in front of his hometown crowd...He Even plants Da Meat Hook!!...He tries to make the cover, but delays it and HHH barely gets the shoulder up...Kay gets a burst of energy, but it is crushed when HHH slams him onto a Chair with a hard Spinebuster...He covers but Dawg also barely kicks out...Dawg whips HHH into the corner and hits a Quick bulldog...he lays HHH on a Table then climbs up...he looks For the fear factor...but HHH rolls out of the way at the last second, as Dawg crashes threw the Table...HHH keeps his balance on the top rope as he catches his breathe...HHH gives him the X-Chop before going for the you know what...but Dawg Counters then looks for The OverDawg'd...HHH counters that and this time delievers The Pedigree!!!....another great Match...I gotta give it another 8/10.
Winner: Triple H

Gino Knoxx Vs. Predator{c} - Non-Title
Here it goes...The debut of Gino Knoxx...former 2x GayWO World Champion...time to test the guy's hype...is he good...or is he not...The Longest Reigning Mid Eastern Champion did put up quite a fight...but I guess it wasn't enough...the guy had the hype for good reason, and once that Knoxxlock was locked in, that was all she wrote.. 6/10
Winner: Gino Knoxx

One Final Segment before the Main Event...and this time it was a red GTO pulling up in the Parking lot...all we could see was "XPLOSION" on the License Plate, just as the door opened the camera's went to break..

Daemon Vect Vs. Rikku
Really ain't much to say...one roleplay...none...this was a squasher...Vect was a pure Animal...he hit the Cyclone and got the 3...4/10
Winner: Daemon Vect

After the Match Vect didn't wanna stop...it took both Law and the Ref to pull him out of the ring..Rikku slowly got to her feet...but she didn't stay there long....she'd then be cracked over the head, with the World Heavyweight Championship!!...Johnny Smirks down at Rikku before picking her up and hitting her....with the Gloria?!...Finally Law notices what's going on and is trying to race to the ring...but the Ref holds him back...Johnny smirks...then so does Law...Johnny turns around and sees Sean Lewis!!...Johnny rolls out of the ring quickly and hops over the barricade like the pussy that he is...sorry I'm supposed to be impartial...no wait this is a fan report, and as a Fan, Johnny Chaos is a real Pussy right now...he don't seem to care...he just laughs knowing he accomplished his mission...he got Lewis pissed off...which may not be a good thing actually...but then "No Chance" came over the PA system...everyone booed then quited down as Vince stood on stage with a mic.

Vince McMahon: "Well well...quite a situation we have here to cap off another excitting edition of Monday Night Chaos...good job Johnny, you managed to piss off not only Sean Lewis...but Law too it seems...good thing I'm an evil genius...so I know exactly how to solve this...and it will be done Next Saturday...It's brillant because I hate Law anyways...so what I pupose...wait I'm the chairman...what I'm SAYING...Next Saturday...Saturday Night's ShowDown...we see a great Preview of both Show's KOX Main Events...unlike the last two times...when the Champs Faced...now they will team...It'll be eWe Champion Law...Teaming with World Heavyweight Champion, Johnny Chaos..."

The crowd of course roared...Law and Johnny were of course ticked about teaming...but Vince wasn't done...

Vince McMahon: "I knew you'd both hate that...trust me it gets worse...you see why you guys hate eachother...are nothing alike...and have never teamed before...that's not all...your opponents know all about teaming together...I'd say they teamed for a very minimal of 6 Months...after all that is how long they held the Tag Team Titles...Your Opponents Champs...the one night only re-union of....RIKKU AND SEAN LEWIS!!!....Boys be ready Saturday Night's ShowDown...THIS IS GONNA BE GOOD!!!"


1: Gino Knoxx
2: Triple H
3: K~Dawg
4: Chris Steel
5: Alex Stone

1: Christy Chaos
2: Lily
3: n/a
4: n/a
5: n/a

:: Copyright EWE Monday Night Chaos 2006 ::