' M o n d a y N i g h t C h a o s '

| Date : 02-19-07 | Recovery Status : Original Forum Summary | Theme: "Click Click Boom" By Saliva |
Venue : Denver, Colorado | Main Event - EWE Tag Team Championship - DX Vs. DMW | Turnout : 20 RolePlays


Opening Match
RP or F*ck Off
Lash Bishop Vs. Sledge Vs. Michael Starr

Winner: They all f*ck off


Match Two
Singles Match
Randy Orton Vs. Stealth
They get ass raped by The Spirit Squad...and then destroyed by 3 Minute Warning..

Winner: None


Main Event
Singles Match
Dave Wilson Vs. Trent Hawk
*Scene Opens* Trent Hawk: "I win" *Scene ends*

Winner: Trent Hawk


Opening Match
Singles Match
Adrienne Lawson Vs. Christy Chaos

Christy gets pwned

Winner: Adrienne Lawson

Match Two
Gauntlet Match
John Cena Vs. Matt Striker, Kurt Angle, Eric Draven & Danny Danger

Cena pwns Matt, Angle and Draven with ease, once he gets to Danger... FINALLY, Cena gets a match...A great Battle it was...but still the end result was simple...Chaingang Soldier buckled down and made it loud hitting the FU for the victory!

Winner: John Cena


Backstage we see Gaz & Adrienne celebrating her victory, before he is approached by the World Heavyweight Champion Johnny Chaos?!...they share a few words before Johnny reminds him what he said last week...that he'd like to give him the chance...No Love Lost...his hometown...Johnny & Christy re-unite one night only...to face Gaz Black & Adrienne Lawson...Gaz ain't backing down from this...he accepts..

Match Three
Tag Title Shot @ No Love Lost
Battle Royal
Open Invitational

Fat Oily Guys, Mexicools, Justin Blade, Predator, and Chris Hart all stand in the ring as the bell sounds...Fat Oily Guys grab Psicosis & Super Crazy and try to launch them over the top...but they won't go...Juventud Drop kicks them from behind sending both men over the top rope...along with Psicosis & Super Crazy!...Juvi can't believe what he's done...but he has no time to think about it as Blade dumps him over from behind...Blade gets cocky...until Pred & Hart double drop kick him right on over.

Winners: Predator & Chris Hart


Backstage we see Cena and Teddy going over Cena's big win...the crowd roars when we see Rock standing behind him...Teddy points this out so Cena turns around..."You think your good?...just because you can beat 4 nobodies?....you wanna make an impact...try going one...on one...with the Great One"..."I would go one on one with The Great One, but I heard your mom wasn't available until next Tuesday"..."Ah so you fear Rocky...its cool Rock understands...Rocky just thought you was a man that never backed down from a Challenge...I was wrong..." Rock turns to leave until Cena grabs is arm "You know what, Cocky...See ya Sunday...just remember...YOU CAN'T SEE ME!!" Cena cracks Rock with a right before entering his lockerroom with a laugh..

Match Four
EWE Women's Championship
Singles Match
Dream{c} Vs. Mystery Challenger

Dream is informed that her challenger...made the challenge...but didn't show up...Dream just laughs and shrugs it off going back to her lockerroom..

Winner: Dream (Still Champion)

Match Five
Singles Match
LAW Vs. Alex Stone

Pretty obvious, ain't it?

Winner: Alex Stone


Vince gets tired of the shit with Shane...so Vince tells him, just like Shane's pals...he only has two words for him....no not them...."YOUR FIRED!!!"

Match Six
Singles Non-Title Match
Rikku{c} Vs. Edge

Rated R!

Winner: Edge

Chris Jericho's Highlight Reel

It is announced...Danger is the newest member of D.M.W.

Main Event
EWE Tag Team Championship
Standard Tag Match
D-Generation X{c} Vs. Detroit's Most Wanted

Great match...maxed out...so it got moved to the Main Event...it was a great battle as all 4 men showed they want that gold...Half way threw of course, it became a tornado tag...noone had any idea who was legal anymore...they just kept fighting...HHH took Rick Cage out with a Pedigree...he was about to get the cover...but Dawg broke it up...they fought for awhile...until Dawg hit Da Meat Hook...he was just about to cover, before he turned into the Sweet Chin Music!!!...HBK got the cover, and the 3!

Winners: D-Generation X (Still Champions)


1: Shawn Michaels
2: K~Dawg
3: Alex Stone
4: Triple H
5: Chris Hart

1: Adrienne Lawson
2: Dream
3: Christy Chaos
4: n/a
5: n/a

:: Copyright EWE Monday Night Chaos 2007 ::