' M o n d a y N i g h t C h a o s '

| Date : 03-26-07 | Recovery Status : Original Forum Summary | Theme: "Click Click Boom" By Saliva |
Venue : St. Paul Minnesota | Main Event - Steel Cage Match - Alex Stone Vs Edge | Turnout : 20 RolePlays


Opening Match
Singles Match
Stealth Vs. Randy Relentless

Winner: Canceled


Match Two
Singles Match
Vamperilla Vs. Nightelf

Winner: Vamperilla


Main Event
Summer Slam 05' Rematch
Christy Chaos Vs. Doxy Rose

Winner: Canceled


Show Open
The Show Opened up when Vince came down to the ring and announced that tonight, in the Main Event…it’ll be Edge & Alex Stone to square off for the rubber match…he then went on to say that since both the last two matches ended with some sort of interference, that this time…it’ll be a STEEL CAGE!…the crowd of course roared…Vince then stated, that he’s sick of Austin harassing him, so he finally gave in and said Shane had his job back…it was then that Glass Shatters threw the PA system, making the crowd explode…Vince asked Austin what the hell he’s doing out here, he already agreed to hire Shane back…Austin stated that no-one can trust his word…so the RattleSnake produced a contract, in which Vince quickly signed in rage…now Austin started laughing…”What the hell is so funny?” says Vince…”You Stupid Sum, bitch” Responded Austin…”You of All people should know not to sign anything, without reading the fine print”….Vince was now irate and demanded to know what Austin was up to…Austin cracked a smile then told Vince that not only is Shane once again The Chaos General Manager…but under NO CIRCUMSTANCE…”weather it pisses in your kool-aid…craps in your chilli…beats you like the worthless piece of crap that you are…you can’t do anything about it…because, under no cicumstance, can Vincent Kennedy McMahon…EVER FIRE SHANE AGAIN!” Vince was pissed and started to leave…but Austin stopped him…telling him, there’s more…”How could it possibly get worse?” asked Vince…Austin smiled…”You agreed to a match”…”WHAT MATCH?!” “Read it for yourself..”…Austin handed Vince the contract and Vince started reading it out loud…”I Vincent Kennedy McMahaon…agree to put my ownership of eWe on the line…WHAT?!”….”Keep Reading, it gets better” said Austin…”agree to put my ownership of eWe on the line…in a match…against….” Vince’s eyes light up followed with that famous gulp…Austin laughed then dropped Vince with yet another Stunner! “I’ll be seeing you at WrestleMania….AND THAT’S THE BOTTOM LINE…BECAUSE YOUR NEXT CHAIRMAN SAID SO!!”…The crowd roared as Austin’s music hit and it went to the first break..

Predator Vs Triple H Results in a No Contest, when MITB Qualifier Mr. Man Attacked Predator, while HHH was ambushed by Chris Hart

After the Match Trish left the table, and once again ambushed Stephanie as they brawled all the way backstage…after the break, the ladies were found still brawling, by the re-instated General Manager Shane McMahon…he broke them up and insisted that he don’t care, the two of them are going to compete in a match at the grandest Stage of them all!

Stacie Sinnex defeated Brooke McGuire Via Pinfall

The Rock defeated Criss Dream Via Pinfall

Mike "The Power" Shockly defeatd Gaz Black & Gavin Masterson via pinfall

Chris Hart Vs Shawn Michaels ended in a double count out, simply because two gay rps, neither desserves to win..

Slade Craven defeated Gino Knoxx

DMW defeated Mexicools in a great showing

Backstage we seen Edge and Vince walking down the hall…Edge was poking fun at Vince for having to face Austin, and getting Stunned again…Vince doesn’t take jokes to well…because he took it as Edge dis-respecting him…so he told Edge @ ShowDown he’ll be teaming with Alex Stone to Face The Diva’s of Destruction…Xplosion’s Sean Lewis, and the eWe Champion Rikku…Vince walked into his office slamming the door in Edge’s face before he can respond…as frustrated as Edge was, it wasn’t over…cause he was then approached by Shane…Shane told him how he knows what he’s gonna do at WrestleMania…he’s gonna watch on the outside, while Rikku & Stone battle it out, then after one hits their finisher, he’ll sneak in and spear the other for the victory…Edge laughed and called Shane smart…Shane agreed he was smart…smart enough, to make the match…a Triple Threat ELIMINATION MATCH…now Edge was ticked…

James Ceno defeated Shawn Ashlocke, but was ambushed by Eighteen shortly after the match..

Main Event
Steel Cage Match
Alex Stone Vs. Edge

Great match…back and forth the entire way threw…both superstars had come close to having it won on a few occasions…but now Stone was climbing the wall, while Edge was laid out on the mat…Edge started crawling towards he door, as Stone was climbing back down the wall…just as Stone dropped down, Edge shoved the door open, Stone lands on the door, with a leg on each side!…Stone tries to recover from his devastating blow as Edge starts crawling out of the ring…Stone finally pulls one foot over and drops and Edge falls out, both hitting at damn near the same time!…the crowd stays silent for a moment, as does Jennifer…the referee’s review over the replay over and over (guess it ain’t only good for the NFL after all)…after viewing it many times, they finally come to the conclusion that Edge’s feet hit a split second before Alex’s…

Winner: Edge


1: James Ceno
2: Edge
3: Alex Stone
4: Slade Craven
5: Mike Shockly

1: Stacie Sinnex
2: Brooke McGuire
3: Vamperilla
4: n/a
5: n/a

:: Copyright EWE Monday Night Chaos 2007 ::