' M o n d a y N i g h t C h a o s '

| Date : 05-14-07 | Recovery Status : Original Forum Results | Theme: "Ladies & Gentlemen" By Saliva |
Venue : Cleveland, Ohio | Main Event - Rikku Vs. Johnny Chaos | Turnout : 32 RolePlays



"Ladies & Gentlemen" by Saliva echos throughout the arena as the fireworks begin shooting off and the show comes to a start..

The now familiar sound of glass shattering is heard as the fans jump to their feet, and Stone Cold Steve Austin makes his way to ringside. After doing his patented four corner salute and making sure to not walk into the table and chairs that have been set up in the middle of the ring, he is handed a microphone and begins to speak.

Steve Austin: "All right, let's get down to business."

Crowd: "What?!"

Steve Austin: "We've got a hell of a card to get through tonight so I'm going to cut right to the chase and tell you why I'm out here."

Crowd: "What?!"

Steve Austin: "In thirteen days, Rikku will defend the EWE Title against Alex Stone, and right now I want to make it official, so let's start off by bringing the challenger out here right now."

Face The Pain plays on the speakers as Alex Stone walks out to a decent reaction of mainly cheers, coupled with a few boos probably due to what he did to John Cena a week earlier. Alex gets in the ring and immeadiately sits down, putting his feet up on the desk.

Steve Austin: "Now let's bring out the champion."

Avril Lavigne's "Girlfriend" takes over and out walks the bubbly EWE Champion to an array of cheers. Upon entering the ring, Rikku gives Austin a playful bow and then sits down across from Alex who stares a hole right through her.

Steve Austin: "All right, have you both read through the contract?"

Rikku nods her head excitedly while Alex continues to stare through Rikku.

Steve Austin: "Alex, have you read through the contract?"

Alex still doesn't move a muscle.

Steve Austin: "Hey you little son of a bitch, you answer me when I speak to you son you hear me?"

Alex moves his head to look at Austin and gives him a simple nod before looking back at Rikku.

Steve Austin: "All right then, Rikku, as champion I'll let you go first."

Austin slides the contract and pen from the middle of the table. Rikku picks up the pen but then puts it back down and reaches out for the microphone. Austin hands it to her and takes a step back.

Rikku: "Alex, I just wanted to say that I hope we have a great match at Aftermath, this is what the Wrestle Mania main event should have been if it wasn't for that dirty trickster, Edge, and I can't wait to finally get to face you one on one for the EWE Title. But, with that being said, the result of our match at Aftermath will be just like it was at Wrestle Mania, with Rikku leaving with the EWE Title once again."

Rikku gives Austin the microphone back and then signs the contract. Austin slides the contract and pen over to Alex.

Steve Austin: "All right Captain Miserable, sign the damn contract."

Rikku begins to chuckle as Alex slowly looks up at Austin and then jerks suddenly out of his seat and to his feet. He squares right up to Austin who doesn't flinch for a second and they look right in each others eyes as Alex shifts his hand up and takes hold of the microphone. Austin lets go of it and Alex takes a step back.

Alex Stone: "Before I sign this contract I want to make a little addition to it. You see this cold streak I've been on as of late can be attributed one thing; the fact that for the last two months I have had nothing to lose, so garunteeing the victory was never that important. For the first four months that I was here, I had to win my matches to move up the rankings to climb the ladder of success and prove myself as the next best thing in this industry. After I won the King of Xtreme, victory didn't matter that much because I had a shot at the EWE Title in the bank and nothing could be done to take that away from me. Right now I'm in the same position, title shot at Aftermath, everything to gain and nothing to lose, I have nothing to protect right now and that's why I've been underperforming. Once I get that title belt I will be better than ever because every single match I have will be about defending that championship and making sure I never lose another match as long as I live. But as I said, right now I've got nothing to lose so I won't be going into this match with everything I've got, knowing that losing this match wouldn't put me in a worse position."

Alex pauses for a moment and hesitates before making his proposal.

Alex Stone: "That's why I need to make an additional stipulation to this match, to ensure that I come at you Rikku with everything that I've got, all guns blazing leaving nothing in my arsenal behind. At Aftermath, you're defending the EWE Title, if you lose the match, you lose the title. Well at Aftermath, I'm going to be defending my career, if I lose this match, I lose my job on Chaos!"

Suddenly the crowd begin making a lot of noise after the announcement from the challenger.

Alex Stone: "So at Aftermath, it's Rikku Vs Alex Stone, it's title Vs career, it'll either be the greatest match of my life or the worst match of my life, but I'm hoping it'll be the greatest. I want that title more than anything else in this world and I will stop at nothing to get it, I don't care if I have to kill you Rikku, I am going to win the EWE Title in thirteen days time at aftermath. I've told many a superstar that they better get ready to face the pain, but trust me Rikku, the pain I'm bringing with me next Sunday, you've never faced anything like it."

Alex throws the microphone on the mat and signs the contract before leaving the ring and heading up the ramp. Austin picks the microphone back up and looks a little confused at why Alex would put his career on the line just to try and encourage himself to win the match; after all it is a hell of a risk.

Steve Austin: "Well, if you want to put your career on the line then I'm not going to try and stop you. At Aftermath, it's Rikku Vs Alex Stone, it's title vs career, it's the biggest match in the history of the EWE, and that's the bottom line, because Stone Cold said so."

Austin calls for some beers and offers Rikku a couple of cans, but with her match with Johnny Chaos coming up she kindly declines the offer and makes her way backstage to get ready as Austin covers the ring in beer.



AFTERMATH May 27th, 2007 on Pay Per View

::->END OF BREAK<-::

Opening Match
Triple Threat Match
Trevista Vs. Scotty Blaze Vs. Rick Cage

Trevista was quickly Double Teamed by Scotty & Rick as they took him to the outside and Slammed him straight threw the barricade, where he stayed the rest of the match...Scotty and Rick got back into the ring and had a good clean back and forth match...Rick had Scotty in the corner and connected with a superlex, but Scotty kicked right out...Rick whipped Scotty into the ropes and got him up on his shoulders, but Scotty quickly rolled him up, getting the 3!

Winner: Scotty Blaze


Backstage we see Johnny talking on his cell phone...seeming to be confirming something..what is he up to?

Match Two
Singles Match
Lillie Vs. Adrienne Lawson


Winner: Lillie


GEICO - So easy, Eugene can do it

WrestleMania 4 DVD - OUT NOW!

eWe Upcoming Events

::->END OF BREAK<-::

Match Three
Singles Match
Selene Vs. Roxas Knoxx


Winner: Roxas Knoxx


The Camera's Go Backstage where it shows Danny Danger Leaving his lockerroom, patting the Mid Eastern Title..


XPLOSION X-CAP Predator is the 1st Draft Pick

SpiderMan 3 - Now in Theaters

AXE Consider yourself warned

::->END OF BREAK<-::

Match Four
EWE Mid Eastern Championship
Singles Match
Danny Danger{c} Vs. Slade Craven

Slade comes out ready to play as he takes full control for the first few minutes...he hits a few ddts and suplexes and even connects a moonsault...but on the 2nd moonsault attempt, Danger gets the knees up...He whips Slade into the ropes and connects a reverse neckbreaker on the return...Danger picks Slade back up and whips him back into the corner, connecting a Hurranicanna...He covers, but only gets a two count...he waits back, ready to connect the Xplosive...but Slade counters and hits The Craven Effect for the 3!

Winner: Slade Craven (New Champion)

Danger can't believe his ears nor eyes as he hears Slade's name announced and he's handed the title...Slade heads back celebrating, while Danger still can't believe it..


Backstage we see Brooke in her lockerroom getting ready, Christy too is in there..

Brooke McGuire: "Well, it's time for my match."

Christy Chaos: "Go get 'em."

Brooke heads out while Christy has a look on her face, like she's thinking something over...



AFTERMATH May 27th, 2007 on Pay Per View

::->END OF BREAK<-::

As the Camera's return we see Rick Cage sitting on a table, frustrated about his loss still...the camera turns as it catches Slade Craven coming down the hall, happy about his new Championship belt...Stone Cold walks right in front of him..

Steve Austin: "Congrats."

Slade Craven: "Thanks."

Austin turns around and sees Rick..

Steve Austin: "What the hell is wrong with you?"

Rick Cage: "I lost...again."

Steve Austin: "Who cares?...can't win em all."

Rick Cage: "Doesn't mean you should lose em all."

Steve Austin: "You know what I realized?"

Slade Craven: "That you're bald?"

Steve Austin: "I am?"

Rick and Slade both look at eachother, a little worried.

Steve Austin: "No I'm only kidding...but seriously...did you know that 90% of the time Rick is at Pay Per Views...is by Open Invite Battle Royals and Rumbles?"

Rick Cage: "No kidding."

Steve Austin: "Did you know, he's been #1 on the Mid Eastern Title ranks for Months, and has never once recieved a shot?"

Rick Cage: "It happens when you lose all the time.."

Steve Austin: "Vince may have been a prick...but Stone Cold...well Stone Cold can be too, if he wants...but in this particular case...at AfterMath...our new Mid Eastern Champion, Slade Craven...will be defending against...Rick Cage...And that's the Bottom Line..."

Rick Cage: "Thank You!"

Steve Austin: "Let me say my line."

Rick Cage: "Oh, sorry."

Steve Austin: "Because Stone Cold Said So!"

Austin walks off as Slade smirks and walks past Rick, who looks really happy...

Match Five
Singles Match
Brooke McGuire Vs. Vamperilla

Another good back and forth contest...but when it looked like Vamp was gonna take it, she's caught out of nowhere with The SnapShot!

Winner: Brooke McGuire

Brooke celebrates her victory as she meets Christy on the stage..



BUGER KING Have it Your Way

eWe CHAOS 3 Coming Soon to PlayStation 3

::->END OF BREAK<-::

Match Six
Singles Match
Gwen Rose Vs. Christy Chaos

Another back and forth contest between the ladies...Gwen had the 1st control of the match...as you know, how Jay always does this, 1st control order, goes by rp order...Gwen had Christy locked in the Red Rose, but Christy wouldn't give in...she was finally able to find the ropes to get her off...as they was getting up, Christy caught her with a roll up from nowhere...but Gwen still managed to barely get out...Christy hit a side effect and then climbed the ropes, signaling for the Star Struck...she shoots, but Gwen rolls out of the way..as Christy gets up holding her stomache, Gwen rolls her up from behind scoring the 3!

Winner: Gwen Rose

As Gwen Celebrated and went off backstage...Brooke came out to check on Christy...Christy shooed her off for a second before they left together..


Backstage we see Austin heading back to his office...when he's approached by Scotty Blaze..

Scotty Blaze: "Yo Steve..."

Steve Austin: "What?"

Scotty Blaze: "What's up with that man?"

Steve Austin: "What?"

Scotty Blaze: "I beat Rick tonight...I pinned him 1, 2, 3...and he's getting the title shot?"

Steve Austin: "Calm down...don't worry about that kid...Austin has his eye on you...you want in?"

Scotty Blaze: "Hell yeah I want in!"

Steve Austin: "You sure?"

Scotty Blaze: "What are you on?"

Steve Austin: "Fine...Triple Threat it is.."

Scotty Blaze: "Thanks!"

Steve Austin: "Don't mention it...now leave me alone, I got some...uh....paper work to catch up on.."

Scotty races down the hall while Austin enters his office...to take care of his "paper work".


eWe Upcoming Events

eWe SHOPZONE Coming 2020 (That was still a lie)

::->END OF BREAK<-::

Match Seven
Singles Match
John Cena Vs. Jeff Jarrett

The Match began as Cena and Jarrett locked up...Cena powered over Jarrett and sent him to the other side of the ring...this Frustrated the King of the Mountain a little, so he charged at Mr. Money in the Bank...and got caught with a side hip toss...Cena picked Jarrett back up and whipped him back into the ropes...on the return, Cena hit a spinebuster...he backed up and waited for Jarrett to get up...as he did he took him down with a shoulder block...he picked Jarrett back up and hit a Killswitch...He walks over to the head of Jarrett, and gives him the ol "You Can't See Me" before delievering the Five Knuckle Shuffle...He gives the fans the Salute as he waits for Jarrett to get up...Cena keeps stalking Jarrett, ready for the FU...but Jarrett rolls off...Jarrett goes for the Stroke, but Cena counters that and hits a fast DDT, then goes for the cover...but at 2, Drama pulls the ref out...Cena gets up, a little ticked...Drama flashes a fake Smile as Cena turns back around to Jarrett...who now offers a test of Strength...Cena goes for it, but Jarrett kicks him right between the Legs, then connecting The Stroke...but no ref...Jarrett rolls out of the ring and grabs his guitar..he waits for Cena to get up...until he sees Johnny Chaos slowly walking down the ramp...he slides in...but Drama gets in his face...they argue for a minute while Jarrett smiles and waits for Cena...Cena gets up and moves out of the way, at the same time Johnny shoves Drama right into the Guitar Shot...Cena grabs Jarrett and connects with the FU while Johnny throws the ref in to make the count...

Winner: John Cena


Xplosion Advertisement Sean Lewis Vs. White Tiger

Chaos Crack of the Week {-}out of nowhere he hits The Time Out though!...he crawls over and makes the delayed cover...as Cena BARELY Kicks Out!...Stone can't believe it at all...out of frustration he grabs a Chair and cracks Cena right between the eyes!{-}

::->END OF BREAK<-::

Match Eight
Singles Match
Alex Stone Vs. Nero Phoenix

Alex Stone started off with a quick Hard clothesline, which lead to his domination for a couple minutes...but as he was going for The Time Out, Nero countered with a reverse DDT...which scored him a two count..Nero was everywhere after that...Just when it looked Nero was gonna put him away...Stone sensed it...and kicked him hard right between the legs...getting himself booed...and disqualified..

Winner via DQ: Nero Phoenix

The crowd booed Stone as he walked up the ramp...Nero was helped to his feet, with his hands still holding his man-hood.


Backstage we see Gwen still gloating about her victory over Christy...that is until she walks past Stacie, who smiles and rubs the title right in front of her..


Fought The LAW DVD On Sale in 2020 when ShopZone is made (Still a lie)

RETRIBUTION June 3rd, 2007 (B Show PPV)

::->END OF BREAK<-::

Match Nine
Interpromotional Non-Title Singles Match
Chaos' Kurits "K~Dawg" Porter{c} Vs. Xplosion's Android 18

K~Dawg was able to score the 1st lead of the match with his quickness catching Eighteen off guard...He held the lead for a few minutes...but just like that, he was caught with a hard clothesline...putting it in Eighteen's court for the next 4 or 5 minutes...the match broke down to the end when Eighteen had K~Dawg locked in the 18 Points of Pain...K~Dawg screamed and Screamed...but soon found his way to the ropes...Eighteen picked him up and went for the Annhilation, but K~Dawg countered and hit a quick Tornado DDT...instead of Covering he backed up and signaled for Da Meat Hook...he stayed back waiting for her to get up...then something caught his eye...on the outside of the ring...was John Cena...he has that bat in his hand...inspecting it, then he notices K~Dawg is looking at him...Cena smiles and swings it, trying to psych him out...K~Dawg just trash Talks...Cena laughs and points behind him...K~Dawg turns around and is Nailed With The Annhilation for the 3!

Winner: Android 18

The Camera's show a split screen on the Titan Tron...on one side we see Rikku happily Skipping down the hall with the eWe Title...on the other side we see Johnny Chaos walking down the hall...He stops when he sees Brooke and Christy talking in the hallway...Christy gives him a cold stare...he just smirks and walks on..


eWe Upcoming Events

AFTERMATH May 27th, 2007 on Pay Per View

::->END OF BREAK<-::

As the Camera's Return "Run" by Day of Fire echoes through the PA System.

"BOOM" by POD hits the PA System which makes the fans boo as Johnny steps through the curtains and heads to the ring...as he waits his music is cut off and is soon replaced with "Girlfriend" by Avril Lavigne, which makes the crowd jump to their feet as the eWe Champion Rikku skips through the curtains and down the ramp...

Main Event
Singles Non-Title Match
Rikku{c} Vs. Johnny Chaos

Johnny charges at Rikku with a hard clothesline, but Rikku ducks out of the way and hits a DDT...she holds the control for awhile before taking him up top and hitting a hurranicanna for a two count...she whips him into the ropes and scores with a dropkick...she continues to hold the control for another 3 or 4 minutes...until she goes to bounce off the ropes...and is caught with a spear, which he stays on top and punches her in the face a few times...he waists no time locking her in the Chaos effect...she screams and tries to grab the bottom rope...but he drags her acrossed the ring...she fights her way back over, but again once she gets close...he drags her back to the middle...she fights her way back over and makes a fatal reach, 3rd times the charm as she reaches the bottom rope...the ref tells him to release...but Johnny tells him to piss off and keeps it locked...after a count of 4 and 7/8 Johnny finaly lets go of the hold..Johnny pulls her up by the hair and she shoves him back...then goes for the Hyper Drive...but he quickly counters and scores with the Extreme MakeOver!...instead of covering her taunts the booing crowd...after a little gloating, too long...he climbs the top turnbukle signaling for the Extreme Splash...but Rikku leaps up on the top rope...making him Rack himself...Rikku races up the Turnbukle...hitting...for the 1st time in eWe History...a TOP ROPE HYPER DRIVE FOR THE 3!!

Winner: Rikku

The Crowd explodes as Rikku celebrates with her eWe Title...she then notices Jarrett and Drama up on the stage with a smile...all she does is raise her eyebrow...Johnny fights his way to his feet, and grabs a chair...He's about to swing it at Rikku...but he then feels the chair yanked out of his hand...by Christy!...Christy and Brooke are looking at Johnny as all he can do is put his hands up..Christy brings the Chair back...Johnny tries to block...but she connects!...right between the eyes!...of BROOKE!...Rikku's eyes grow wide, as she quickly rolls out of the ring...Johnny and Christy smile and raise eachother's arms...that is until Jarrett and Drama chase them threw the audience...Rikku don't know what to think...but to leave...As she reaches the Curtains though...she's clocked!...LITERALLY!...A Clock...about the size of a Stop Sign...is shattered over her head...that's when Alex Stone walks threw the curtains holding the evidence...he drops it...then kicks Rikku in the gut...He grabs her by the hair...and slams her face right on the stage!..all this time he is being booed to hell...He picks her up by the hair and flings her up in the air...connecting the Time Out!...The Crowd is booing him like crazy saying "That's Enough"...Stone smirks and starts to slowly walk away...but then he stops and looks at the audience...he then yells "No it isn't!"....He Grabs Rikku back up and Power Bombs her off the Stage right into the Electrical Equipment!!!....Stone stares down at the damage as EMT's Rush to her aid...the Scene fades out on Stone's serious face...


1: John Cena
2: Kurtis "K~Dawg" Porter
3: Johnny Chaos
4: Nero Phoenix
5: Jeff Jarrett

1: Android 18
2: Rikku
3: Brooke McGuire
4: Roxas Knoxx
5: Gwen Rose

:: Copyright EWE Monday Night Chaos 2007 ::